HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 C.D.B.G. REPORT 09-18-95NO. 3 9-18-95 ATE: SEPTEMBER 18, 1995 Inter-Com TO:~ WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT GRANTEE PERFORMANCE REPORT RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Grantee Performance Report for FisCal Year 1994-95. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with this action. The attached report is an accounting of the expenditure of federal CDBG monies. BACKGROUND The Housing and Community Act of 1974, as amended, created the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program to return federal funds to local communities for the purpose of developing viable urban communities by providing adequate housing and a suitable living environment, and by expanding economic opportunities, specifically for low and moderate income persons. Grants are awarded to communities to carry out a wide range of community development activities directed toward neighborhood revitalization, economic development, and the provision of improved community facilities and services. Per CDBG regulations, the Grantee Performance Report (GPR) is an annual .reporting document required to be submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The GPR is designed to provide information on how a grantee, such as the City of Tustin, actually used its entitlement funds during its most recently completed program year by providing a concise description of each activity for which funds were budgeted and expended during the reporting period, as well as providing information on activity accomplishments. The GPR is also used by grantees to inform citizens on the use of CDBG funds during the program year. Finally, the information provided in the GPR is compiled by HUD and used in. its Annual Report to Congress. City Council Report CDBG GPR for FY 1994-95 September 18, 1995 Page 2 In accordance with federal rules, the availability of the GPR was noticed in the local newspaper and posted at various City Hall locations.~ To date, no comments have been received pertaining to. the GPR or the City's use of CDBG funds. ANALYSIS The 1994-95 Funding Year was Tustin's first as a community entitled to receive a grant award directly from HUD. Because we were new to the program, some of the projects funded, especially construction work, are not fully underway and monies have not been entirely expended. However, funds allocated to public service activities, such as the meal program at the Tustin Area Senior Center and the "branch" Boys and Girls Club at Heideman School, were fully expended during the year. Details of all expenditures are contained in the report. Further, the Community Development Department is in the process of developing a strategy to reprogram previously allocated funds to projects which have evolved as priorities for the City Council. Such reallocations should help the City expend funds at a faster rate. CONCLUSION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the GPR, as Presented, for submittal to HUD. p4~ia- Ra~k~n" ' A~sociat~ Planner PR: kd\ccrepor t \gpr95. pr ~t~e n Aslistant City Manae r~n Attachment: 1994-95 GPR 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 RESOLUTION NO. 95-83 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE GRANTEE PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM WHEREAS, under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, Federal assistance may be provided for the support of community development activities which are directed toward certain specific objectives as set forth in the Act as the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program; and WHEREAS, a requirement of participation in the CDBG program is the annual submission of an annual Grantee Performance Report to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); and WHEREAS, in accordance with federal law, copies of the Report were made available to citizens in sufficient time to allow comment on the document prior to submission to HUD; and WHEREAS, notice of the availability of the Report was published in the Tustin News on August 31, 1995 and posted at various locations at City Hall; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the City Council on September 18th to receive public comment on the Grantee Performance Report to respond to questions on the specific use of funds. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Tustin resolves as follows: Section 1: The City of Tustin's Grantee Performance Report for Fiscal Year 1994-95 is hereby adopted by the City Council. Section 2: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and shall file a copy of said application with the minutes of this City Council meeting. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 95-37 Page 2 PASSED and ADOPTED.by the City Council of Tustin this 18th day of September, 1995. JIM POTTS Mayor Pamela Stoker, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ~ ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) SS CERTIFICATION FOR RESOLUTION NO. 95-83 PAMELA STOKER, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City COuncil of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 95-83 was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 18th day of September, 1995. COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER:ABSENT: PAMELA STOKER City Clerk PR: kd\95-83, res Cover Page Grantee Performance Report Community Development Block Grant Program U.S. Department of Housing mid Urban Development 'Office of Community Planning and Development OMB Approval No. 2506-0077 (exp.3/31/94) Public ReF, G~ing Bede· tor this coliec~o,'~ of into,-~,ation is · stin-,ated to average 0.5 hours pm msponse, including ~e time lot reviewing instruction s, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of inlormation. Se~d cornrrmnts regarding this burden eslimate or any other aspect of this collection of inlormation, including suggestions Ich- reducing this burden, Io Ihe Reports Manage·eel Officef, Office o! Information Policies and Systems, U.S. ' · Project (2506-0077~,D~pamnent of Houmng ~nd Urban Development, Washsngton, D.C. 20410*3600 and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction · , . W&shin~lon. D.C. 20503. Do not send this completed form to either of these eddm~==s- See HUD Har)dbook 6510.2,' "Entitlement Gr~mtee Perfor~anci Report Instructions" for guidance 6n completing this- report · City of Tusttn " 300 Centennial Way Tusttn, CA 92680 Attn: Community Development Dept. Paula Rankin 1. R..e~.ff tmt~ Prog*ram Yea~'ef~d~ I Z ~ Nuwber;. · · (~e~: '" /30/1995 Is-94-MC_06_0583 4. Name & A~m Christine A. Shtngleton Assistant City Manager, Dir. of Comm. Dev. City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92680 6. Name & Te4el:~m Numbe~ d pe~*~ofl to con~c:l Id3oM dmcloeums required by the HUD l~ocm Ac, t M 1989: aula R-Ankin , (714) 573-3118 (714) 573-~1~ 7. Have these Con-,'~unity Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds been used: a. to meet the community development peogram objec~es specified in Ihs final statement for this program year? H no, explain, in a narrative attachment, how: (1) the uses did not relate to program objectives; and (2) fulure activities or program objectives might change as a result of It~ year's experiences. b. exclusively to either benefit low-and-moderate (low/mod) income persons, ,,id in ~ prevention or elimination of slums or blight, E~ Yes or meet community development needs having · particular urgency? If no. explain in · nan'alive &ttachmenL No c. such that the grantee has complied wi~, m' will comply with. its certification to expend not less th&n 70'9'. of its CDBG funds, ~ Yes during Om specified pedod, on activities which benefit lowlmod income persons? If no, explain in a narrative attachment. No  Yes No 8. Were citizen CC,T.T, ents about this report and/or the CDBG program received? If yes, attach · nan'alive summery; 9. Indicate how the Grantee Performance Report was made available'to the public: a. By printed notice: (name & date of publicabon) I b. By public hearing: (place & date) Tustin News - 8/31/95 I Tustin council City I c. Other: (exPlain) - 9/18/95  :~Yes No · 10. - The follov,~r,g forms must be completed and.attached: · . ·.' Activity Summa~, form HUD-,1949.2 '- d. One-Fo~r-O~ Repla~t.Summa;7,.foh:n. HUD-4949.4 · b. · A~ivity Summary, fom~ HUD~I949.2A ' ': ' ' : e. Reha~tati~ A['iivilies, ~ HUD-4~49.5' ': : .." '. ¢:..J:ina~l .Su?m-mry, fo.rn~'t~lUD-4949.3 . '" :. '" f. Displac~ne~ .Su~ry, Imm HUD -4949:6' ' '.. ' i i~ .' ' ' ' ' ' " · . I he·by certify' that: This report contains all required items identified above; Federal ~_~_~.'_ t~nce mede available under the Community Developmeni Block Grant Program (CDBG) has not been utilized to reduce substantially the amount of local financial st43po~ for community developrnent aclivilJes below the level of such support prior to the start of the most recently corrgdeted CDBG program year; all the information stated ha·in, as well as any infOrma§on provided in the accompaniment herewith, is true and accurate. Warning: HUD will prosecute talse c~aims and statements. Convicliofl may result in csiminaJ and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001.1010.1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729. 3802) ' Typed Name & Title of Authorized C)f~ial RelxeSentat~ve: Signature: Date: Christine A. Shingleton Assistant City Manager X This fo,~ may be reproduced on local office copiers. Previous editions are obsolete. Retain this record for 3 years. Ior~n HUD-4949.1 (O6/24/93) Page( i )of(21) refHandbook6510.2 · 0 m o. 0 · ~ o · ~ 0 A~ 0 ~)~ 0 0'~ 0 ~ ~ ~> 0 o~ c Jo o' ~ oo Attachment for HUD-4949.2a Narrative for Limited Clientele, Direct Benefit Activities (without records or presumptive benefit) Removal of Architectural Barriers Tustin Area Senior Center - ADA Compliance 300 South "C".Stree~ The City of Tustin does not maintain records on the number of persons using improvements that provide accessibility to handicapped persons. According to HUD regulations, such persons are assumed to have low or moderate incomes. Further, this project location is a senior center; seniors are another group presumed to be low or moderate income. Frontier Park - ADA Compliance 1400 Mitchell Avenue No records of those utilizing assessable improvements are maintained by the City of Tustin. Handicapped persons are presumed to be low or moderate income. PR: kd\cdbg\GPR, att page (14) of (21) ummary u.s. Department of Housing and Urban Development Grantee Performance Report o,~¢e of Community Planning and Development Community Development Block Grant Program oma Public ReporUng Burden lot this collection of intin'nation is astern·led to a var·ge 12 hours per response, including the lime fo~ reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data ..... needed, end cornpletmg and rewew~ng the coilect,:)n of mlormation. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or an), other aspect of this collection el inlormation, including suggestions to~ reducing this burden, to the Reports Managemenl Officer, Office of Intormation Policies and Syslems, U.S. Department el Housing and Urban Develipmen t, Washington. D.C. 20410-3600 and Io Ihe Office of Managemen!and Budget, P&oerwork Reduction Project 506-0077), Washinglon, D.C. 20503. Do not send lhi$ completed Imm Io eilher of these addressees. 1. Name o~ G~antee City of Tustin -06-0583 4. Section 108 Guaran!_~=d L_~_n Funds (Principal Amount) 1. Unoxpendad CDBG funds at end el previous reporbng period (Balance from I~ior program years). 2. Entitlement Grant from to,w, HUD-7082 -0- $ 3. Surplus Urban Renewal Funds 4 9 4,000 $ 5. Program Income received by: a. Revolving Funds $ -0- $ -O- b. Other (Identify below. If more space is needed use an attachment) Total PTOgrlrl1113C,~T,~ (Sum of _c~_.,_.,mns · and b) $ 0-- 6. Prior Period Adjus~-r,,ents (il _,~_!umn is · negative amount, enclose in Ixackets) 8. Total expenditures reported on Activity Surr.~,a~. Iorn'~ HUD-4949.2 & 4949.2A Part U: Summary of CDBG Expenditur~ 9. TotaJ expended for Planning & Administration, term HUD-4949.2 10. Amount subject lo Low/Mod Benefit Calcula~on (line 8 minus line g) 20,400 57,151 11. CDBG tunds used lot Section 108 phnc~paJ & interest 12. Total expenditures (line 8 plus line 11) 77,551 13: ~x~_n~ b~ (line 7 minus kne 12)) -. - 416,449 Pert #!: 14. TotaJ Low/Mod credit for multi-unit housing expenditures from k,,-i~ HUD-4949.2A ' $ -- 0--' 15. Total from ·11 other ·ctiWties qt,=_!ilTing as liw/iT, o<,, exper,._,,i~ums from kxms HU D.4 949.2 and 4949.2A 56,782 16. Total (line 14 plus line 15) $ 56,782 17. Percent benefit to liw/m(x:l persons (line 16 divided by line 10 this reporting period} 99 % This Ion'n may be reproduced on local office copiers. Previous editions are obsolete. Retain this record for 3 years, page ( 1 ~ of ( 21) Iorm HUD-4945.3 (06/24/93) ret Handbook 6510.2 F~rt IV: Low/Mod Benefit for Mufti-Year Certification. (Complete only if certification period includes ~ior years) Program years (PY) covered in certification PY Py py 18. Cumulative net expenditures subjecl lo program benefit calculation · 19. Cumulative expenditures benefiting Iow/mod persons 20. Percent benefil to Iow/mod persons (line 19 divided by line 18) Part V: For Public Service (PS) Activitie~ Only: Publi~ Service Cap Calculation 21. TolaJ PS expenditures from colurfln h, form HUD-4949.2A 22. TotaJ PS unliquidated obligations from column r. form HUD-494g.2A 23. ' Sum of line 21 and line 22 24. TotaJ PS unliquiclated obligations reported at the end of the ~evious reporting period 25. Net obligations lot public services (line 23 minus line 24) 26. Amount of Program Income received in the preceding program year 27. Entitlement Grant Amount (from line 2) 28. Sum of line 26 and line 27 29. Percent funds obligated Ior Public Service Acti¥ilies (line 25 ~vided by line 28) Par~ VI: Planning and Program Administration Cap Calculation 30. Amount subject lo planning and aclministrative cap (grant amount Imm line 2 plus line 5c) 31. Amount expended tot Planning & Administration(Imm line 9 above) 32. Percent funds expended (line 3 ldivtOed by line 30) $ ' 38,152 $ 35,948 $ 74,100 $ -0- $ 74,100 $ -0- $ 494,000 $ 494,000 15 % $ 494,000 $ 20,400 4 Instructions Name of Grantee: Enter the grantee's name as shown on Ihe approved Grant Agreement (form HUD-7082) for the most recently completed 'program year. Grant Number: Enter I~e' grant number assigned by HUD to the Community Development Block Grant for I~ most recently completed program year. Period Covered: Enter the beginning date and ending date for the most recently completed program year. Iorm HUD-494g.3 (06/24/93) page (16) of (21) refHandbook6510.2 .. Rehabilitation Activities u.s. Department o! Housing & Urban Development Grantee Performance Report O~ce of Community Panning and Development Community Development Block Grant Program Public Repotting OMB Approval No. 2506-O077(exp. 3/31/94) Burden for this collection of information is · slimaled to average 5.0 hours pe~ response, im::tuding Ihe time Ior reviewing instructions, searching existi~ data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the colleclion of information. Send comments regarding this burden eslimate or an). other ·~pect of this collection of information including suggestions for reducing this burden to the Reporls Management Officer, Office of Infom~ation Policies and Sy~en.~, U.S. Department of Hou~ng artd Urba~ Development. Wa.~hinglon, O.C. 20410-3600; a~d to the Office of Manageme~l m.~d Budget. Papem~xt< Re<~ctio~ Project (2506.0077) Washington, D.C. 20503. Do not rend this completed fora3 to either of I~ese acldre~,ees Instructions Name of Cfi'al'Itel: Enter the gra~lee's name as shown on the approved Gra~t Agreement (form HUD-7082) Ior the mo~lrece~ffy completed program year. Grant Number: Enter the grant number a~signed by HUD to the Community Developmanl Block Grant Ior the most rece~ffy<x)mpteled program year. Period Covered: Enter the beginning date a~d e~ding date for the most recently compleled I~Ogram yea,-. City of Tustin. B-94-MC-O6-O583/Fmm 7/~/94 To 6/30/95 2. ~affing number of Staff-Years (FTE staff years lo tenths) ~. Cu,~nt Pr~ram Year I:_~-~_ndituree. Activily cleivery co~ f;--~ COBG lunds · Staff c~et~: A~x)unl expended for staff-years in 2 above b. O~her direct oo~te (not included in line 4) 4. Cu,~n; PrG~rem Year E~F~,'~dituma. Fora, projects (both open and completed), e~ter amount expended during the program Year (a.H)+c below) a. CDBG funds expended b. Other public (Federal, State, Local} funds expended c. Private funds expended 5. r"~Gjecta/Unita Rehabilita~ed/C~-.~;~ed · Number of projects commil~ed (multi-unit only) b. Number of units · . Obligations. Arnounl obligaled (a + b 4 c below) for projects./unils comrratted in Sa and 5b a. CDBG lunds obligated b. Other public (Federal, Stale, Local) funds obligated ~. Pdvate funds obligated 7. r~- m./Unit~ Reha bi~itated/Cemp leted · Nun'~er ot projects completed (multi-unit b. Number of units cc.T, pieted a.. CDBG lunds expended ., b. Othm' public (Federal. Slate, I.~al) funds expended c. Private funds expended $ unitJ IS Unih $ S $ $ S S $ $ $ $ $ $ t~o~cts Units $ S $ $ ~c~cts Units Individuals may copy this form on office copiers as needed. Previous Editions are Obsolete. Retain this record for 3 years. form HUD-4945.S (06/24/93) rel. Handbook6510.2 18) of( 21 ) E RECONCILIATION OF LINE(S) OF CREDIT (LOC) AND CASH BALANCES TO UNEXPENDED BALANCE OF CDBG FUNDS SHOWN ON GRP UNEXPENDED BALANCE SHOWN ON GPR (line 13 of HUD 4949.3) $ 416,449 RECONCILIATION: (For the items listed below, use amounts recorded as of close-of-business on the last day of this GPR reporting period). ADD: LOC balance(s) Cash on Hand: Grantee Program Account Subrecipients Program Accounts Revolving Fund Cash Balances Section 108 Cash Balances SUBTRACT: Grantee CDBG Program Liabilities (include any reimbursements due to the Grantee from program funds) Subrecipient CDBG Program Liabilities (same instructions as above) TOTAL RECONCILING BALANCE: UNRECONCILED DIFFERENCE (between Total Reconciling Balance and Unexpended Balance): (Explain below) $ 442,252 ( 25,803 ) * ( 0 ). $ 416,449 $ 0 When grantees or subrecipients operate their programs on a reimbursement basis, any amounts due to the grantees or subrecipients should be included in the Program Liabilities. page (20) of (21) CALCULATION OF BALANCE OF UNPROGRAMMED FUNDS Amount of funds available during the reporting period (from line 7 of HUD-4949.e) $ 494,000 Add: Income expected but ._ not yet realized** SUBTOTAL $. 494,000 Less: Total budgeted amount on HUD-4949.2/2a UNPROGRAMMED BALANCE ($ 494,000 ) $ 0 This amount should reflect any income considered as a resource in the final statement (and any amendments) for the period covered by this report, as well as that identified in prior final statements (including any amendments), that was expected to be received as of the end of the reporting period but had not yet been received, e.g., program income or Section 108 proceeds not yet received from an approved 108 loan. PR: kd\cdbg\gpr95, att page (21) of (21)