HomeMy WebLinkAbout22 AB 2766 07-03-95=,GEF IDA
JULY 3, 1995
It is recommended that City Council:
Ratify the annual rePort and authorize the use of City AB 2766
funds to off-set costs associated with the.implementation of
various programs designed to reduce vehicle emissions within
the City of Tustin.
Authorize the City Manager to approve additional AB 2766
expenditures, consistent with Air QUality Management District
guidance, throughout the 1995/96. program year as needed.
AB 2766 funds 'are made available to local governments for use in
offsetting state mandated vehicle emissions reduction programs.
The use of these funds towards this purpose reduces General Fund
responsibility to fund these programs. While some of the programs
described in this report will result in impacts to the General
Fund, they have previously been brought to Council for evaluation
and approval. No additional fiscal impact will occur from the
implementation of the AB 2766 .Program.
On September 30, 1990, the State Legislature authorized the South
Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) to impose an
additional motor 'vehicle registration fee of two dollars ($2) per
vehicle to finance the implementation of transportation measures
embodied in the Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) and provisions
of the California Clean Air Act. AB 2766 legislation requires the
SCAQMD.to distribute forty cents ($.40) of every dollar collected
back to participating cities and counties within the District based
on Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) registration numbers. About
$60,000 in AB 2766 funds are received annually by the City of
City Council Report
Project Funding for AB 2766 Program
July 3, 1995
Page 2
AB 2766 funds must be used solely to reduce pollution from motor
vehicles and for related planning, monitoring, enforcement, and
· technical studies necessary for the implementation of State and
Regional clean air goals within the City of Tustin. Attachment "A"
is a copy of a pamphlet prepared by the South Coast Air Quality
Management District developed to.guide local government use of AB
2766 funds.
In past years, the City of Tustin has utilized these funds to
offset the costs assooiated with a number of air emission reducing
programs including the conversion of a City vehicle to propane
(mechanical difficulties associated with the conversion has
resulted in the program being discontinued), partial funding 9f the
cost of including an Air Quality discussion as part of the recent
amendment of the City's General Plan, for use as a cash match for
grants associated with the Tustin commuter rail station, and to
off-set costs associated with development of previous Air
Quality/Rideshare programs and staff costs associated with AQMD
Last year Council authorized a comprehensive programatical approach
to spending the City's AB 2766 funds on an annual basis, thereby
relieving Council of the task of approving each proposal in a
piecemeal fashion. Proposed program allocations for each fiscal
year were to be brought to Council annually for Council
concurrence. Attachment "B" provides a summary of the AB 2766
trust .fund revenue and expenditure account activity and estimates
for the past 2 1/2 years.
This year staff is requesting that $85,150 in AB 2766 funds .be
allocated for Fiscal' Year 1995-1996 to implement various air
emission improvement related programs for the City. This year's
programs are identified below:
Personnel Costs
Commuter Rail Station
Regulation XV/SOAR Program
ETC Training Courses
$ 2,650
$ soo
A detailed summary of each of the above proposed programs is
provided below:
a ·
PERSONNEL COSTS - The City's SOAR Program is currently
administered by a staff person who has other duties but
City Council Report
Project FUnding for AB 2766 Program
July 3, 1995
Page 3
also serves the role as the City's Employee
Transportation Coordinator (ETC). The City is required
to perform quarterly evaluations of employee efforts and
an annual comprehensive report to the Air Quality
Management District. Under AB2766 guidelines, a Portion
of the ETC's salary can be funded by the Trust.
Approximately 25% of the ETC's salary and benefits are to
be funded with AB 2766 funds which represents $17,000 for
Fiscal Year 1995/96.
Development Department has submitted a Commuter Rail
Grant proposal for design, engineering and planning of
the Tustin Commuter Rail Station. The Transit CaPital
Improvement Grant (TCI) application requests Proposition
116 State Rail Bond monies for design, planning and site
acquisition costs. The grant requires local
jurisdictions to provide a 50% funding match for the
total cost of this program. AB 2766 funds have been
previously identified by the City Council to be used as
a portion of the citY's matching Contribution
requirement. All other matching funds are being provided
by other grants, Transportation Demand Management funds,
General Fund Capital Improvement Program funds, Measure
"M" funds~ and other sources. The implementation and
maintenance of the rail station would require additional
state and federal grant monies and potential future use
of AB 2766 funds. The City has proposed that $340,000 in
AB 2766 funds be allocated for the commuter rail station
project costs. Last year, $25,000 in AB 2766 funds were
encumbered for this purpose. Future commuter rail fund
allocations have been projected over the life of the
Project (through FY 1997-98) with '1995-96 costs
estimated at $65,000 as shown in Attachment B.
REGULATION XV PROGRAMS - Southern California Air Quality
Management District (SCAQMD) requirements, under
Regulation XV, currently mandates employers with 100 or
more employees to provide a Rideshare incentive program.
The City's Save Our Air Rideshare (SOAR) Program provides
employees with air quality education, ride sharing
incentives, carpool matching services, and participates
in numerous state-wide Air Quality promotions (California
Rideshare Week, Clean Air Week etc...).
The goal of the SOAR Program is to encourage employees
when traveling to and from the work site to choose
alternative transportation methods i.e. carpool, walk,
City Council Report
Project Funding for AB 2766 Program
July 3, 1995
Page 4
public transpOrtation, and bicycles. Ultimately, the
goal of SCAQMD is to reach a 1.5 average vehicle
ridership (AVR) in Southern California. Currently, with
the implementation of the modified work schedule, the
City's-AVR is estimated to be around 1.4. Staff has
proposed ' $2,650 for implementation of the City's
Regulation XV program as follows.
1. Tracking Cards, Photo Cards
Certificates required to record
and report employee participation.
2. Program Signage (Smog Alerts)
3. Rideshare Fair (Public AWareness)
4. Program Incentives
(A menu of incentives is
required under Reg XV)
- Cash Prize $800
- T-Shirts 300
- Coupons 250
- Bus Passes 100
- Shoes 300
TOTAL $1,750
TOTAL $2,650
ETC TRAINING - Staff ETC training is required by the Air
Quality Management District to ensure that the ETC
continues to be informed of amendments implementation
strategies which will assist the City in complying with
Regulation XV requirements. Staff requests $500 for FY
1995-96 to fund these required costs.
Staff recommends that the City Council approVe the above proposed
AB 2766 Program to off-set costs associated with development of Air
Quality related programs and reduce vehicle emissions within the
City of Tustin. In addition, it is recommended the City Council
authorize the City Manager to approve additional AB 2766
expenditures, consistent with Air Quality Management District
guidance, throughout the 1995/96 program year as needed.
City CounCil Report
Project Funding for AB 2766 Program
July 3, 1995
Page 5
Staff will submit an AB 2766 proposed program budget for City
Council approval on an annual basis.
Dana Og~v
Senior P~anner
DO: do\c c repo r t \A82766- 4. mem
Christine Shin~eton
Assistant City ~fanager
Attachment A: Guide for Use of AB 2766 Funds
Attachment B: Project AB 2766 Fund Budget
_ Local. Government Use of AB 2766 Funds
South Coast
Air Quality
ff,,~~~r'.u,r, cha~ of Iisht-, medium-, and heavv-dutv, facton,-built, alternative fuel vehicles.
,,~~Zff-~_,'!~. e.'~/~ior, advantases of these facton,:built ~,'ehicles'are superior emissions reductions
~'"'~~/;;affd'n':factory warranty. Several ]993 factory-built, iow emission vehicles certified by the
California Air Resources Board are availabl~ for purchase.
.. · Joint asreements with auto manufacturers to test prototype, factory-built, medium- and
heavy-duty alternative fuel engines in l~.ublic or private fleets.
· Retrofit of city or county fleets to low emission vehicles using alternative fuels if sustain-
able emissions reductions can be demonstrated.
· Installation of alternative fuel refueling sites. By combining various public and. private
"' agency efforts, access is provided to more fleet vehicles, and perhaps t° the general pub-
. . lic, ~he.r_e practical.. . .~
- · Operation of publi.c/prjvate shuttle services using low-polluting alternative fuels.
· Improvements to existing databases, transportation Control measures and indirect
.. source control programs.
· Demonstration.projects using Intelligent Veh'icle Highway Systems as a"way to increase
operational efficiency. ; ..
~e.s~e, ction, coordination, and construction of commuter rail stations. Selection and
'~~~~ ~.~,i~'~;~he'station should include access. .." · · ' '
--- · Construction of. dvernight par'king lots for trucks. 'Two or more cities could combine
- - · ' ... their efforts. The assessment of the demand for truck parking during off-peak hours
should be planned jointly..
· .
· Street improvements, traffic intersection mobility enhancements, traffic surveillance pro-
.. .. grams and traffic signal synckroni~tion. Traffi~ signal synchronization and street im--
.. provements should be a combined effort, so that mobility is achieved along the main ar-
-- _ terials within adjacent cities~ The links bet~,een main arterials and the in~ner'city could
- also be improved.
~. ' --o Rail consolidation to'r~d~ce grade crossing delavs..Joint vowers authorities among cit-
-.' '- les may be needed to accomplish this... - ' '
- · Improve airport .access. Combined efforts will be needed among neighboring cities.
· Redu, ction in ihe riumber and length of~npaved streets, to reduce particulate emissions.
" ", -'° Cgnstructi,°n of multi-modal transfer facilities amon~ neighboring dries. ' . _
· -Expansion of pubhc awareness related to air qu~'Iity, transportation, and land us~'plan: _
.- ' ._ rting. Create a public education'and marketing plan with measurable performance ob-
-- .'._ . jectives. - -- ... -:_.._ - .~_ '.. ._ .. .~ ._ -
.., .. · Analysis of the effectiveness of available transp-o~ation control measures in reducing
.. -- hide emissions. ;" - .- ,. -- ~ _
· . -
~-' We'hope that fi-ds ~uiline of suggested uses for-' abou-t other uses of th~se funds, please c~ll t~'~' A QMD
"your--AB'2766'funds is h~lpfld. If you have questions" Intergovernmental Affairi; office at (714) 396-32321
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