HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1976 04 05 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY CENTER CENTENNIAL AT MAIN April 5, 1976 I. CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order by Mayor Edgar. II, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Councilman Sharp. III. INVOCATION Given by Mayor Edgar. IV. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Edgar, Sharp, Schuster, Welsh, Saltarelli Absent: Councilmen: None Others Present: William Bopf, City Administrator R. Kenneth Fleagle, Assistant City Administrator- Community Development James G. Rourke, City Attorney Ruth C. Poe, City Clerk Mayor Edgar announced that due to the illness of Patricia Sutcliff, the presentation will be awarded to her at a future meeting. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE VI. PUBLIC CONCERiqS Greg Jones, representing Tustin Manor residents, inquired about the ~ 9~dfi~i~n submitted to the City Council a month ago concerning a ~.. ~Isignal light at the corner of Bryan Street and Newport Blvd. Mayor Edgar replied that the signal will be coordinated with widening of the Newport Blvd. !bug is not scheduled for the 76-77 calendar year at the present time, but feels confident that it will be one of the first signals that will be added. Mr. Jones stated Laguna B~ach solved the problem by having boxes of little red flags near the crosswalks which enabled the citizens'to grab one of these flags and wave at the oncoming cars as they cross the street. Mayor Edgar added he would request the Traffic Commission to find some interim solution until funds are available for the signal. VII. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - March 15 Regular Meeting March 25 Regular Adjourned Meeting 2. RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS in amount of $79,138.19 and CONFIRMATION OF PAYROLL LISTING in amount of $53,426.83. 3.CSO HOLLIS - SPECIAL MERIT INCREASE ApproVal as ~ecommended by Staffz? .- 4.OPERATION OF SUMMER RECREATION & AQUATIC PROGRAM - Tustin High School. Approval as recommended by Parks & Recreation Director. 5. RED HILL-MITCHELL-WALNUT ANNEXATION NO. 92 SYCAMORE-NEWPORT ANNEXATION NO. 94 Receipt of Planning Commission reports and recommendations as contained in Resolution 1501 and 1502, and authorize initiation of proceedings for subject annexations. ' Moved by Sharp~ seconded by Welsh that all items on the Consent Calendar be approved. Carried unanimously. City Council Minutes 4/5/76 Page 2. VIII. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 678-A An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY, DESIGNATED "WALNUT-NEWPORT-MITCHELL ANNEXATION NO. 93" TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA Moved by Sal~arelli, seconded by Edgar that Ordinance No. 678-A have 7firs~ ~eading by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Shrp, seconded by Saltarelli that Ordinance No. 678-A be passed a~d adopted. Carried unanimously. IX. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION None. X. OLD BUSINESS 1. EXTENSION OF REFUSE SERVICE In reply to Mayor Edgar's request for the number of apartments and condominium units in Tustin, Dr. Fleagle replied we have a list of all apartmentsa~d condominiums in the City. The City requires specific guidelines for conversion to condominiums which means there are very few apartments if any, in the City now which could be converted to ~O~.dominiums under the ordinance Council has adopted. The gain to the City of apartments to condominium conversion is the upgrading'of the property, improved homeowner occupancy with significant increases in their value, and reduction of maintenance problems. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Schuster to receive and file report. Carried unanimously. 2. BEACH BUS Moved by Welsh, seconded by Schuster to refer the report back to the Parks & REcreation Commission for their input, and report back to the City Council at their next meeting. Carried unanimously. 3. ORANGE COUNTY LEAGUE OPTIONS Moved bySaltarelli, seconded by Welsh authorizing Mayor Edgar to vote in favor of recommendation #3 at the League meeting on Thursday.evening. Carried unanimously. 4. APPEAL OF DON WILLIAMS TO PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF VARIANCE 76-1 Moved by Edgar, seconded by Schuster to grant a continuation of 60 days to Williams contingent upon the safety of the sign. Staff will make a formal direction to Williams that he is expectedto present data that will enabie the City to make such an inspection. The Planning CommisSion should rapidly consumate whatever comments that have been given them in terms of the Sign Ordinance in order for Council to address these Specific issues. Carried by roll call: Ayes: Schuster, Sharp, Edgar, 'Saltareili~ Noes; Welsh.. Absent: None. NEW BUSINESS 1. RESIGNATION OF MARCO GUPTON FROM TRAFFIC COMMISSION The Council accepted this resignation and Mayor Edgar appointed Councilman Schuster and Welsh to interview candidates and make a recommendation to the Council for a new Traffic Commissioner. 2. AWARD OF BID - WISHING WELL STRUCTURE AND RELATED WORK Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh to award the contract to the D. W. Contracting Co., Laguna Beach. Carried by r~.!l dall, all Councilmen voting aye. Mayor Edgar encouraged the community to contribute to the Bicentennial Foundation if they have not already done so. City Council Minutes 4/5/76 Page 3. 3. SUMMARY FROM PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING WITH CITY COUNCIL Councilman Saltarelli requested the "Summary of Action on the top of page 2 which reads: "The Commission is to continue its role and responsibility for beautification and landscaping center islands," to read: "Responsibility for advising the Council on matters of beautification of landscaping of center islands." Moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli to receive report. Carried unanimously. 4.. CITY OF TUSTIN V. SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION CO. ET AL Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Schuster that the Mayor be granted the authority contingent upon Council's concurrence to formally send a letter granting authority provided we have some assurance that it will not delay the project. Carried unanimously. 5. SPHERE OF INFLUENCE-IRVINE RANCH WATER DISTRICT Moved by Welsh, seconded by Schuster that staff be authorized to provide input to LAFCO relative to the IRWD'S proposed Sphere of Influence to protect the interest of the City now and in the future. Carried unanimously. 6. ENDERLE CENTER Mr. Bopf reported to Council that Mr. Enderle was requesting an alternative to binding which is (1) a cash escrow, or (2) a letter of credit. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded bY Edgar to defer the matter to the City. Attorney for his interpretation of the applicable State laws. Carried unanimously. 7. EL CAMINO REAL DESIGN STUDY Council expressed a concern that they were not provided with as much detailed material as the March 22 presentation covered. In reply to Council's concern about the interest of the business community for the project, Mr. Bopf replied it might be well for a conunittee of businessmen be formed from that area that could work closely with the staff and consultant to review the plans as they go and incorporate their ideas. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Welsh that Phase I, Task I-A and I-C of the Scope of Services and Work Program were inadequate in the community ~nterviews, and that'interviews will be conducted with selected business and civic groups who have a legitimate interest ih the central area to summarize goals and objectives. This phase has no~ been adequately carried out and it shall be incorporated in Phase II along with the authority of the City Council to direct attention toward forming a Citizens Advisory Committee of that area. Carried unanimously. XII. OTHER BUSINESS 1. CITY TREASURER'S RESIGNATION Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar to accept the resignation of Ruth C. Poe as.City Treasurer, and that Dan Blanksnship be appointed to this position. Carried unanimously. 2. DELINQUENCY CONTROL INSTITUTE Council agreed to remain with the existing Council Policy 20-2 regarding solicitation of funds for the training course. 3. DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN Mr. Bopf announced the Deferred Compensation item has been deferred to the next Council meeting at which time a report will be presented incorporating some additional inquiries. City CoUncil Minutes 4/5/76 Page 4. Mayor Edgar signed an agreement with the Museum granting the loan of an original Columbus Tustin picture. The museum will maintain it in as good of care as they possibly can and might improve it through restoration. Mr. Bopf announced that we are again experiencing severe difficulty in obtaining enough petition circulators in various annexation areas. Mr. Ray_Kemp has been ~ery helpful in the past~ and Councilman Saltarelli volunteered Art Cecala as a possiblity for additional help. Mr. Rourke advised Council that the hearing started today on the application of the Orange County Airport for a variance from the noise standards set by the State, and that it will be continued for the next few days. The action brought by the City of Santa Ana against LAFCO relative to Annexation 71B has been set for a hearing on Wednesday, April 14, and hopefully a determination can be made at that time. Councilman Sharp inquired as to what action will be taken now that the Little League season Will be starting}on the crosswalk that on Prospect near Irvine that was painted out last year. Bob Ledendecker replied he has been in contact with the Little League representative and the matter will be brought to the attention of the Traffic Commission Tuesday, April 13 for their recommndati~hs, and forwarded on to Council at the next meeting. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar that the City Council give a proclamation honoring any cormmissioner who completed term of duty subsequent to January 1, 1976. A plaque with the City Seal might be appropriated. Commissioners of all three Commissions--!PlanninS, Parks & Recreation, and Traffic are included. Motion carried. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh no accept the recommendation of -- Parks & Recreation Commission regarding the refurbishing and replacement of advertising benches. Carried unanimously. Mayor Edgar read the following statement re the clarification on his position on removing Mr. Sucher from the Planning Commission: "There have been some comments about the motion which I made at the last Council meeting about the termination of Mr. Sucher's term as Planning Commissioner. It is common knowledge that the Commissions serve at the pleasure of the Council and no defense of action is needed. However, in the interest of clarification of the action, I would like to present my personal motivation for the motion. In my judgment, the manner in which Mr. Sucher performed as a Planning Commissioner was not to my liking. This does not mean that he was not energetic and hardworking. Neither does it mean that I had any objections to his voting position. The Council should not expect a particular vote on any issue. In fact, any specific advice I could have given with the intention of changing his manner could have easily been interpreted as improper influence. I have spent a great number of years on Tustin Commissions and have often desired having some kind of scorecard on performance more refined than reappointment or termination. Yet I am still baffled by the challenge of creating such a system because I feel it would inhibit performance more than it would benefit such performance. At the present time, since no acceptable answer exists to create such standards, the commission appointments are still only controlled by the subjective judgment of the Council. It should be pointed out that such judgments, under different times and cir- cumstances, can change for the better as well as for the worse as far as any individual is concerned. It can be acknowledged that any decision of this kind may not have all of the facts available and subsequent analysis with more complete data could change the conclusions." City Council ]Minutes 4/5/76 Page 5'- In answer to MAYOR Edgar's question, Ken Fleagle reported the Highway Element of the General Plan was completed in draft form today and has been submitted to the Parks and Recreation Cormnission for their input. After their review it will go to the Planning Com- mission for their review and then a public hearing will be noticed. Staff was able to accomplish most of the background work with the part-time student from Cal Poly who has donated his free labor. Mayor Edgar also stated he would like to have a status report of the General Plan Elements. Ken Fleagle reported the County has issued a contract with a consultant firm to rewrite the County Zoning Ordinance. They have appointed a technical advisory committee to that County consultant and he has been designated as a representative to the County for review of their Zoning Ordinance. Hopefully we will be able to use the County revised zoning ordinance as a framework and apply Tustin standards, which will save the City considerable amount of dollars required either in hiring an additional man or hiring a consultant in order to get the job done. It may take us a little longer to get the job done but at a considerable saving. The first meeting of this committee is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. Mayor Edgar stated he was concerned about the safety hazard at 17th and Prospect--namely cars coming out of the shopping center and trying to make a left hand turn onto 17th Street. He stated he had a letter from a friend who spent many hours counting the cars and found many hazardous conditions. Mayor Edgar requested the Traffic Commission to review this matter and send their recommendations to Council. Mary Kelly expressed her thanks for the City's participation in support of the Wishing Well. She added there is addit~gha~ support for this project from citizens in the community~who would like to donate toward the monumen~which is a great credit toward the celebration of the Bicentennial. XIII. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Edgar adjourned the meeting to the next regular scheduled meeting on April 19, 1976.