HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRESENTATION 06-19-95PRESENTATION 6-19-95 DATE: JUNE 14, 1995 Inter-Com TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: /~ ~(~)TIM D. SERLET, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTItO~ PRESENTATION ON "TItE CORRIDOR: MAJOR INVESTMENT STUDY" On April 11, 1994, the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Board of Directors adopted a 28-mile long, six-mile wide area within Orange County as thc county's priority transportation corridor based on future population and employment projections, among other factors. This Corridor will be studied for the next 20 months to determine what future. transportation improvements, if any, would be appropriate. The Corridor study area, which stretches from Fullerton through the cities of Anaheim, Santa Aha, Orange and Costa Mesa to Irvine, includes many key activity and employment centers and has the highest densities of both population and employment within Orange County. Today, 51% of all Orange County trips either begin or end in the Corridor. By 2015, transportation needs are anticipated to increase as population is projected to grow by approximately 23 % and employment growth will continue to increase so that almost 53 % of Orange County jobs will be located in the Corridor. This study is about preserving mobility in Orange County for many years to come. While Measure M is currently funding freeway improvements to relieve today's congestion, OCTA must continue to plan for tomorrow. Because OCWA may seek federal funding for future transportation improvements, it must follow the Federal Highway Administration/Federal Transit Administration (FHWA/FTA) guidelines for development of transportation projects. The Major Investment Study is a part of the FHWA/FTA guidelines and will ensure a full range of transportation options-not just rail--are studied while opening the door to potentially obtain future federal funds. Initially, OCTA will study a range of options which range from "Do Nothing" and Transportation Systems Management (TSM) improvements to more capital intensive projects such as carpool/I-IOV lanes, enhanced bus service, or urban rail transit. Attachment: OCTA Hand-outs JdN 13'~5 1G:J5 FR OCTA 7TH FL ADMIN 714 560 5795 TO' 98320825 P.03/15 HOW THE CORRIDOR STUDY BEGAN i::~.~ 1990: Measure M targets $340 million for high capacity transit improvements :.-. :~.'.:. .,~ i. ii:" 1991: OCTA develops a master plan ~.; for a possible 87.mile urban and · : commuter rail network "1993: OCTA narrows this to a 28-mile Priority Corridor (Fullerton/Irvine) 1993: Federal guidelines change to require study of bus/rail/traffic management improvements (not just: rail) if federal money is sought 1994: OCTA votes to pursue the federal MIS study process so. federal/ state funds are poss:ble and all options considered Board 2 JUN 12'95 16:35 FR OCTA 77 ~L ADMIN 714 560 5795 98320825 . P.04/15 }'.,'*4 ~.. ~ . -,., ~.. ~.' TH IMPORTANC OF TH PRIORITY CORRIDOR Full.ton Tran~t~t~n InHne T~n..~porta~ Center ~...-..-.:;,Corridor Board 3 JUN 13'95 1~:3~ FR OCTA 7TH FL ADMIN 714 560 5795 TO 98328825 P.05/15 ... :.~.'. .'.. . . . , THE CORRIDOR · STUDY PROCESS Define corridor for study Identify key planning issues Gather public recommendations Develop broad range of transportation alternatives "initial Set") 1993/94 1994 1994 1994/95 ~ You are' here! OCTA Board considers alternatives for extensive stud~ (the "Final Set") 1995 Analyze alternatives. 1995196 Select a preferred alternative and decide whether to pursue federal funding 1996 Board 4 JUN 13'95 16:37 FR OCTA 7T' CL ADMIN 714 560 5795 ' 98320825 P.06/15 , ~ THE SELECTION OF ALTERNATIVES ' Criteria:. How many people will ride it and how often? How much will it cost to build and operate? ~ What, will it cost to use? Will it affect my neighborhood? Type of System: ~ Rail and bus, with the majority interested in rail Route: ~ No single route dominated Existing transportation routes like freeways, major streets, and rail right-of-way were often recommended Board 5 JUN lj'95 1~:39 FR OCTA 9TH FL ADMIN 914 560 5995 TO 98320825 , · P.07/15 [~.,:. !< .~: ; ~.~. .~..~. ...~ ~.. .:.7. 7;' ~.. :4. .. ., THE LIKELY STUDY ALTERNATIVES ARE... Using the public's input, demo- graphics, transit ridership and travel pattern information, 10 alternatives have been developed. These are shown on the following boards. Please review them and complete the Comment Form before leaving. This summer, the OCTA Board will consider six of these 10 for further study. The'~~,.-- i ~~~'dor Board 6 JUN 18'~5 IG:J8 FR OCTA 7' :L ADHIN 714 560 57~5 ~8820825 P.08/15 L NO BUILD ALTERNATIVE (YEAR 2015) HOV Lanes Programmed Arterial Improvements Metrolink Toll Road m HOV Connectors Transltway Ramps Metrolink Station Park and Ride Lot Existing Transit Center The/~--r e~Corrido Board 7 JUN 13'95 16:39 FR OCTA 7TH FL ADMIN 714 560 5795 TO 98320825 P.09/15 The ~Corridor TSM ALTERNATIVE Freeway Bus Volumes* IIIIII Iii111 10 to 2o 5to10 Arterial Bus Volumes* Arterial Improvements Activity Centers Harbor Blvd. Smart Street Note:. This altemat~e includes d programmed and funded improvements as desotbed in the No Build AltematNe. * Number of buses;hour (2-v~y ~k hour Board 8 JUN 13'95 1G:39 FR OCTA ?T' CL ADMIN 714 5G0 5795 98328825 P.10/15 ENH~CED BUS ~TE~TIVE I I IIi Freew~ Bus Volumes* lo to o6 Stol0 itoa0 ~~al Bus Volumes* ~~al Improveme~ ~~ ~t~ Centers New Transit Cen~ (Loc, utJon to be determined) Harbor Blvd. smart Street Note: This akenh,-ti~ includes ail progrd~d and funded improvements as clescrk)~l in the Nc) Build ARernative. * N~r of ~ur (2~ ~k hour Board 9 JUN 13'95 16:40 FR OCTA 7TH FL ADMIH 714 560 5795 TO 98320825 · P.11Yl5 mm FREEWAY/ROADWAY ALTERNAT 'E Direct HOV/Bus Connector Proposed Freeway Improvements* Illlllllll Proposed Roadway Improvements Hote: This alternative includes all programmed and funded improvements as ~d in the No Build Alternative. · Operational aspects of the freew~~y segments (i.e. mixed flow lane vs. HOV lanes) to be determined The..-~~Corridor Board 10 JUN 13'95 16:41 FR OCTA 7" ~L ADMIN 714 560 5795 98320825 P.12×15 LLER FIXED GUIDEV~AY ALTERNATIVE #11#3 Harbor Blvd. - Main St. - San Diego Creek Alignment Segments -,,,,,,,, Alignment .Options (Candidate routing options between main alignment segments.) Note:. Map does not sho~ other elements such as feeder bus lines and TSM improvements. Note: This alternative includes all programmed and funded improvements as descn~oed in the No Build Alternative. ! // ./ Board 11 JUN 13'95 16:42 FR OCTA 7TH FL ADMIN 714 560 5795 TO 98320825 P.13×15 FIXED GUIDEWAY ALTERNATIVE # 2 Harbor Blvd. - Bristol St. - San Diego Creek Alignment Segments (per level 2 screening) ,,,,,,,,,, Alignment Options (Candidate routing options between main alignment segments.) Note.. Map does not show otl~r elements such ~s feeder bus lines and TSM improvements. Note: This alternative inclucle~ all programmed and funded liniments ~ described in the No Bul]d Alternative. The:~~~Com'dor Board 12 JUN 13'95 16:43 FR OCTA 7~ CL ADMIN 714 560 5795 9832.0825 FIXED GUIDEWAY ALTERNATIVE #4 Harbor Blvd.. Main St. - University Dr'rye Alignment Segments (per level 2 screening) ,,,,,,,,,, Alignment Options (Candidate routing options between main alignment segments.) Not~. ~ ~ ~ ~ o~ ~ such as feeder bus Eries and TSM improvements. Note: This aKemative includes all programmed and funded improvements as described in the No Build Alternative. TUST~ #. The~~~Corridor / · Board 13 The'~~. Corridor B o a rd 14 JUN 1~'~5 1G:44 FR OCTA ?~ ~L ADMIN 714 5G0 5?95 98820825 . FIXED GUIDEWAY ALTERNATIVE #6 Harbor Blvd. - Sunflower- San Diego Creek Alignment.Segments (per level 2 screening) ,,,,,,,,,, Alignment Options (Candidate routing options between main alignment segments.) Note: Map does ~ot show other elements such as feeder bus lines and T~M improveme~ts. Note: This altem~ includes all I)rogrammecl and funded improvements as described in the Ho Build Alternative. Board 15 P.15/15 · TOTAL PAGE.O15 ~