HomeMy WebLinkAbout13 STREET WIDENING 06-05-95AGENDA Inter-Com NO. 13 6-5-95 DATE: 3UNE 5, 1995 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGF. R PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMF. NT/ENGINEERING DMSION ADOPTION OF THE RELOCATION PLAN FOR THE EL CAMINO REAL STREET WIDENING PROJF_~T RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the.City Council adopt the Relocation Plan for thc El Camino Real Street Widening. Project governing thc amount of relocation assistance to be provided to existing tenants at 1921 and 1951 E1 Camino Real. FISCAL ~ACT Pursuant to the guidelines established by thc California Health and Safety Code Section 33411 and 33411.1, Section 72620 et seq. of the Government, and Tire25, Chapter 6 of the California Code of Regulations, the City is required to pay specific relocation expenses and benefits to tenants of City-owned property who are displaced due. to a public project. At the regular Council meeting of February 21, 1995, the Council authorized a. supplemental budget appropriation of $200,000 from the unappropriated reserve of the Measure M turnback to be utilized for the relocation benefit payments to the existing tenants. The prior appropriation is still adequate to complete the relocation of the existing tenants. BACKGROUND On June 1, 1994, the City acquired the property located at 1921 and 1951 E1 Camino Real to pm.vide right-of-way for the future widening of E1 Camino Real between Red Hill Avenue and Browning Avenue. Subsequently, the attached Relocation Plan was prepared in accordance with the California Code of Regulations to insure that proper rdocafion assistance would be offered to each existing tenant being displaced by thc project. The attached plan was submitted to thc State of California Department of Housing and Community Development for review and was made available for a thirty day period for public comment. The response to comments from the Department of Housing and Community Development have'been included in the report. No comments were received from the public during the thirty day review period. With adoption of the Relocation Plan, thc City will be able to issue the tenants a ninety 'day written notice to vacate the premises and pay each tenant the required relocation assistance as they relocate. The amount of relocation assistance provided to each tenant will vary with income, family'size, and availability of comparable housing. Tim D Serlct Director of Public Works/ City Engineer lNG:. RESPONSE TO COMMENTS TO THE RELOCATION PLAN FOR THE EL CAMINO REAL STREET WIDENING PROJECT "- :' in aCcOrdance with California Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Guidelines '' the Relocation'Plan for the E1 Camino Real Street Widening Project (Plan) was submitted .for ...' ".:.:.i'i~i.:.:.:..'- review to theDepartm, ent of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and Project residents ..~:-~..~ ~r'-'. :.. r.. Were .nOtified of the availability of the Plan for review and comments. As no public co .rnments -:"" ':~.. :'.~ ':'Were received, the following responses are limited to comments made by Mr. Edward C. Goebel, "'.. Staff Counsel for the Legal Affairs Division of HCD (See ATTACHMENT). · 'Comment 1 - Replacement Housing Needs . . Whereas specific occupancy standards for replhcement housing needs are not set forth in Government Code section 7260 (i) (2) or 25 CCR section 6008 (c) (1), occupancy standards were based on those, described in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Public Housing Agency Administrative Practices Handbook for the Section 8' Existing Housing'Programs 7420.7. Under these guidelines local jurisdictions are given the authority to use living space as sleeping.area for up to two persons. Comment 2 - Last Resort Alternatives . In the event the City chooses to rehabilitate or construct Last Resort Housing a last resort housing plan will be prepare in accordance with requisite State guidelines. All displaced households will be apprised of all their relocation 'assistance options. Comment 3 - Eviction Comme. nt accept as noted. comment 4- Exhibit C See Comment 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA.~BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY PETE WILSON, P.O. BOX 952052 SACRAMENTO, CA 9,4252-2052 (916) 323-7288 FAX (916) 323-2815 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ~ LEGAL AFFAIRS DIVISION f ~ 1800 THIRD STREET, SUITE 440 :February 16, 1995 !ruskIN PUBLIC WORK$~Epj-. Katie Pitcher Administrative Assistant II City of Tustin 300 centennial Way Tustin, California 92680 Dear Ms. Pitcher: Thank you for submitting the Relocation Plan for the E1 Camino Street Widening Project. As you know, we are authorized to review relocation plans by the California Code of Regulations (CCR) section 6038(e) (1). As the lead agency' in the State of California, (California Gov. Code ch. 16, §7268), the Department of Housing and Community Development has.adopted guidelines for the uniform administration of relocation assistance. The purpose of these guidelines is to assist public entities in the development of regulations and procedures implementing chapter 16~of the Government Code. There are several key areas that the guidelines seek to address to ensure that uniform, fair, ahd equitable treatment is afforded persons displaced from their homes, businesses, or farms as a result of actions by a public entity. The City of Tustin relocation plan adequately addresses many of these areas. In our opinion, however, the following recommended changes would bring the plan into compliance With the guidelines. The guidelines, 25 CCR section 6000, et seq., are referred to in the following review by the short hand notation "CCR". Our review follows. The following comments are applicable to the relocation plan submitted by your agency: 1. Page 8, Replacement Housing Needs--The adequacy standard commonly used at the state and federal level does not permit the use of common living areas, except in studio apartments, to be used for sleeping purposes, for purposes of providing comparable replacing housing units. Requiring families to use common living areas for sleeping purposes does not comport with modern notions, of what are commonly considered adequate living accommodations. See Government Code section 7260(i)(2) and 25 CCR section 6008(c) (1). Katie Pitcher February 16, 1995 Page 2 2. Page 18, Last Resort Alternatives--If the City chooses to rehabilitate or construct last resort housing., a last resort houSing plan must be prepared and submitted for review. See 25 CCR sections 6124 and 6126. Even if last resort housing is developed, the displaced household still has the option of receiving the relocation payments for which the household is eligible. See 25 .CCR section '6136. 3. Page 20, Eviction--Contrary to assertions made in the relocation plan, the law is clear that eviction in no way affects the eligibility of evicted persons for relocationbenefits. See 25 CCR section 6058. Residential Case Profile 4. Exhibit C--Unless the bedrooms in the replacement hoUsing units are extra large in size, it appears that your replacement housing plan contemplates use of com~on living areas for sleeping purposes. As noted above, requiring displaCed persons to live in common living areas is contrary to commonly accepted standards of adequate housing accommodations. See Comment 1, supra. We hoPe that our comments are helpful to you. Except for the provisions noted above, this is'an excellent relocation plan which provides a solid basis on which to undertake the project. If you have any questions or require additional information, contact the undersigned at (916) 323-7280. Edward M.' Goebe! · Staff Counsel cc: Juan M. Acosta, Chief Counsel/Deputy Director RELOCATION PLAN FOR THE EL CAHINO REAL STREET WIDENING PROJECT ~REPARED FOR THE CITY OF TUSTIN 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 JANUARY 1995 By Pacific Relocation Consultants 100 West Broadway, Suite 300 Long Beach, California 90802 (310) 590-8564 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION- PROJECT OVERVIEW ............... . ................ 1 II. PROJECT AREA DESCRIPTION ..................................... 2 A. REGIONAL LOCATION .............................. . ....... 2 B. PROJECT SITE .......................... ' ................... 2 C. PROJECT PHOTOGRAPHS .... ' ................................ 3 D. GENERAL DEMOGRAPHIC & HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS ......... 4 III. ASSESSMENT OF RELOCATION NEEDS ........ · ........ ~ ............. 5 A. METHODOLOGY ............................................ 5 B. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ................................... 5 C. FIELD SURVEY DATA ........................................ 5 IV. REPLACEMENT HOUSING RESOURCES .............................. 9 A. METHODOLOGY ........................................... 9 B. RELATED ISSUES'. ...................................... ]. 10 V. THE RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM .......................... 10 A. PROGRAM ASSURANCES, STANDARDS AND OBJECTIVES .......... 10 B. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION ....... · ................ · ............ ! 1 C. RELOCATION ADVISORY ASSISTANCE ............... ~ ........ 12 D. RELOCATION BENEFIT CATEGORIES .......................... 13 1. Residential Moving Expense Payments ........................ 13 2. Rental Assistance - Payments To Residential Tenants Who Rerent ..... 15 3. Down Payment Assistance Payment - Payments To Residential Tenants of at Least 90 Days Who Purchase ... 16 4. Payments To Non-Tenured Residential Tenants .................. 16 5. Summary ............................................ 16 E. GENERAL INFORMATION ON PAYMENT OF RELOCATION BENEFITS . 16 F. LAST RESORT HOUSING PAYMENTS .......................... 18 1. Tenants ............................................. 18 2. Alternatives to Last' Resort Housing .......................... 18 G. RELOCATION TAX CONSEQUENCES .......................... 19 H. APPEALS POLICY ...... - ................................... 19 I. EVICTION POLICY ......................................... 20 J. PROJECTED DATES OF DISPLACEMENT ........................ 20 K. ESTIMATED-RELOCATION COST ............................. 21 .LIST OF TABLES Table 1' Table 2: Table 3: Table 4: Table 5' Table 6: Table 7: Table 8: Table 9: City of Tustin Summary Facts- 1990 Census ................. Page 5 Income Levels Among Project Site Residents ................ Page 7 Occupied Housing Units by Bedroom Size ..... , ............. Page 7 # of Overcrowded Units by Bedroom Size ...... ' ............. Page 8 Replacement Housing Needs ..... : ...................... Page 9 Matrix of Available Rental Housing .' ...................... Page 10 Fixed Moving Payment Schedule ......................... Page 15 Computation of Monthly Housing Need ..................... Page 16 Schedule of Estimated Relocation Costs ..................... page 22 LIST OF EXHIBITS 1990 Data Census ......................... . ..................... A HUD Annual Income Limitations ' ' B Residential Case Profile ......................................... C Residential Informational Brochure (English) ........................... D Residential Informational Brochure (Spanish) ' E Appeals Process .......................... · ..................... F !. INTRODUCTION - PROJECT OVERVIEW The City of Tustin intends to pUrsue plans for the street widening of E1 Camino Real between Red Hill and Browning Avenues in the central area of the City. In anticipation of the proposed project that is currently under design, the City acquired the project site on June 1, 1994. The implementation of the proposed project will require the demolition of the two existing residential structures on the project site and cause the displacement of nine (9) residential tenant households. In preparation for this occurrence, interviews were conducted with all potential displacees and a resource study undertaken to ascertain the availability of adequate replacement housing units. This plan will profile the project area population, describe the results of the resource survey and detail the City's relocation assistance program and appeals procedUre. This plan has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the California Health Government Code, Section 7260 et. sep. and the State Relocation Guidelines, Title 25, California Code of Regulations, Section 6000, et. seq. Before any displacement activities take place the City of Tustin will engage in the requisite reviews and approval of this plan including: 1) submission of the plan to the Department of Housing and Community Development for review and comment, 2) distribution of a general notice to all project site occupants of the plan's availability for review for a period of thirty days, 3) an invitation to interested parties to submit written or oral comments to the plan, 4) review of the plan for compatibility with the City's General Plan and Housing Element and 5) after completion of all other reviews, adoption of the relocation plan by the Tustin City Council. I!. PRO~ECT AREA DESCRIPTION A. REGIONAL LOCATION The City of Tustin is located in central Orange County, surrounded by the cities of Santa Aaa, Orange .and Irvine. The Santa Aaa Freeway (I-5) runs through the City north to south and connects with the Costa Mesa Freeway (I-55) which provides access to the eastern and western portions of the county. B. PROJECT.SITE The Project site is lOcated in central Tustin. The Project consists of two (2) parcels located on E1 Camino Real at the northwest comer of Browning Avenue and parallel to Interstate 5 (Santa Aaa Freeway). Current use of the site is a single story, ten (10) unit apartment building. (See following pages for a Project Map and Photographs) 8 · · C. PRO~ECT PHOTOGRAPHS PROJECT SITE AND EL CAMINO REAL INTERSECTION OF BROWNING AVENUE AND EL CAMINO REAL PROJECT SITE INDIVIDUAL UNIT D. GENERAL DEMOGRAPHIC & HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS According to 1990 census data (See Exhibit "A") the population of Tustin was 50,689 (1993 estimate from the California Department of Finance Population Research Unit was 57,500). The eengus reported the ethnic mix of the City to be 52.5% White, 21% Hispanic, 10% Asian, 6% Black, .5% Native American and. 10% Other. Three thousand three hundred-fifteen (3,315) persons (6.5%) were reported to be below the area's median income. ~, The housing mix and vacancy rates reported in the 1990 Census are below in Table 1: Housing Summary Total Housing Units Number (#) Percent {%) · - 19,300 1OO.O0% Owner-Occupied 7,504 38.90 % Renter-Occ0pied 10,828 56.10% Vacant 968 5.00% Median Home Value $254,500 * * * Median Rent Per Month $701 · * * Source: California Department of Finance I!!. A$$ESSblEI T OF RELOCATION NEEDS . A. METHODOLOGY To obtain information necessary for the completion of the plan, a door-to-door survey was conducted among the 10 residential units in the project site. One (1) unit was 'found vacant (10%) and nine (9) units were occupied (90%). Of the occupied units, all households were interviewed. The survey was conducted during the first week of December 1994. B. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS The project site is made up of lower income Hispanic families renting small, one (1) bedroom units within a single apartment building. The project population includes twenty-two (22) adults and twenty-eight (28) children, nineteen (19) of whom are currently attending local public schools. All households are exclusively Spanish 'speaking. The population generally consists of younger families most with working adults. The majority of the dwelling units were found to be overcrowded and will require replacement units larger than the existing units. Most of those surveyed expressed a desire to remain in Tustin, hoping to improve their living standards if the' project goes forward. C. FIELD SURVEY DATA Demograohics The survey identified a total of fifty residential displacees residing in the project site. Twenty-two (22) are adults and twenty-eight (28) are children, nineteen (19) of which are school age. Ethnic Mix The ethnic mix of the potential displacees project site is 100 percent Hispanic. Spanish is the primary language of all project site occupants. Income Based on reported income information, 89 percent of the project households would be considered "very low" income as defined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Table 2 shows the income of project site households according to HUD criteria (see Exhibit "B"). Very Low is defined as 50% of median income corrected for family size; Low is 80%, and Moderate is above 80%. Count Very Low Low Moderate Unknown 8 0 I 0 % 89% 0% 11% O% Disabled/Elderly Households Their are no disabled or elderly (sixty-two (62) years of age or older) heads-of-households in the project. Housing Profii_e Of the ten rental units, nine (9) are currently occupied and one is vacant. Table 3 'shows the number of occupied units by bedroom size. One Bedrooms 8 Two Bedrooms 1 TOTAL 9 OccupanCy/Overcrowding The average occupancy in the project is 5.44 persons per unit. As indicated in Table 4, seven, of the nine occupied units are overcrowded according to HUD standards and will require replacement housing units larger than the existing units. .. ~::::~:~:::~:~:...~:.:~....:~:...:!~::::~:¢~!..::.:~:::::::.:~:~:.:~:::::~:~:::::~:~:~:.:~:~:~:::~:~:.:~:~:~:::::~:~:~:.::~:~:::~:~:~:~:~....:::~:.:~:::~:.:~:~:~:.:~:~:::::~:~:...~ :::~::~:~:;:~:~:::.:~:~:~:~:~:.:~:~:~:~:~:~:.::.~:!:~:~:~:~:?:~:?:::::::?::::::::!.~:::~.::~::~:?~:!~:::!:?~...:~::::~:...:.:~!~...::..::: # BedroOms . # Units .# Overcrowded ,, 1 Bedroom 8 6 2 Bedrooms I 1 TOTALS 9 7 Relocation Issues Those who would be displaced by the Project are limited to Residential Tenants. Below is a summary of field observations concerning relocation issues generally raised for this category of relocation. Residential Tenants There are nine (9) tenant households residing at the Project site, which is now owned by the City. No households were identified as currently receiving Section 8 Housing assistance. No heads of household or their spouses were identified as disabled or elderly (over sixty-two (62) years of age). All households were of Latino descent and are primarily Spanish speaking. Bilingual Spanish relocation staff will be used to assist these households. Nineteen (19) of the potential displacees (39%) are children attending nearby schools. All families with school aged children expre~ed a desire to fred replacement housing that will allow their children to remain enrolled in their current school. Special attention will be given to' identify replacement housing resources within the boundaries of the schools attended by the children living in the Project site. Most employed household members work within a ten-mile radius of the Project site and have sufficient transportation resources to accommodate changes caused by relocation. Replacement Housing Needs Table 5 illustrates the replacement housing needs for the residential tenants. An occupancy standard of two persons per bedroom, plus two persons per common living site was used to determine the required bedroom size for residential tenant replacement units, which consist of rental apartments. Bedroom Size 1 Bd 2 Bd 3 Bd 4 Bd Total Units Needed 2 4 2 1 9 Temporary Housin~ It is not expected that temporary housing resources will be necessary to meet Project needs. There is a substantial supply of comparable replacement dwellings as the City has some flexibility with its displacement schedule. Should, for any reason, temporary .moves become necessary, the City will apProve the provision of such accommodations. Temporary housing units will be inspected before a move is allowed and will be expected to meet normal standards for decent, safe and sanitary housing. Any displacee required to move temporarily will retain eligibility for all normal relocation benefits. Relocation staff will .provide ongoing assistance until an appropriate opportunities are found for all households displaced to temporary housing. IV. REPLACEFIENT HOUSING RESOURCES I . A. METHODOLOGY Apartment availability was researched using the following resources: Survey of classified rental listings in the Orange County Register and the Los Angeles. Times, Orange County Edition Telephone and field contact with real estate and property management companies serving the Tustin Windshield surveys of residential areas in Tustin adjacent to the Project site Permanent Replacement Housing Resources Replacement Rental Housing The survey of replacement rental housing identified a total of thirty-two (32) one, two, and three-bedroom units. Table 6 compares, by bedroom size, the number of units found with the number needed in each size categorY.. # Bedrooms # Units # Units Identified Rent Range Average Rent Needed I Bedroom '2 8 $500 - $625 $553 2 Bedroom 4 15 $725 - $850 $773 3 Bedroom 2 6 $895 - $1150 $1,022 4Bedroom 1 3 $1075 - $1350 $1,208 TOTALS N/A 32 N/A N/A B. RELATED ISSUES Concurrent Residential Displacement ~ The City of Tustin does not anticipate any concurrent residential displacement at the time of this Project. Neither the City, nor any adjacent municipality is in the midst of any project that would compete for required housing units. V. THE RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM A. PROGRAM ASSURANCES, 'STANDARDS AND OBJECTIVES The relocation program to be implemented by the City will conform with the standards and provisions of California Health and Safety Code Sections 33411 and 33411.1, Section 7260 et. 'seq. of the Government Code, and Title 25, Chapter 6 of the California Code of Regulations. Pursuant to applicable guidelines, program objectives will be as follows: l'o To fully inform eligible Project site occupants of the nature of and procedures for obtaining relocation assistance and benefits. . To determine the needs of each residential displace, eligible for assistance. , To provide an adequate number ofreferrals to comparable, decent, safe and sanitary housing units within a reasonable time prior to displacement and assure that no residential tenant will be required to move without a minimum of 90 days written notice to vacate. . To provide current and continuously updated information concerning replacement housing opportunities. 10 . 6~ . . 10. To provide whatever assistance .is required to ensure 'that the relocation process does not result in different or separate treatment on account of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital stares or other arbitrary circumstances. To supply information concerning federal and state h(~using programs and · other governmental programs providing assistance to displaced persons. To assist each eligible person to complete applications for payments and benefits. To make relocation benefit, payments in accordance with' State guidelines, including the-proVisions of the Last Resort Housing sections Where applicable. To inform all persons subject to displacement of the City's policies with regard to eviction and property management. To establish and maintain a formal grievance procedure for use by displaced persons seeking administrative review of City decisions with respect to relocation assistance. 'B. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION The City has encouraged citizen participation in the preparation of this Relocation Plan. Prior to the final determination of the Project community comments will be solicited. Consistent with obligations under Section 6012 (Citizen Participation) of the California Administrative Code, Title 25, Chapter 6 the City will provide: Full and timely access to all documents relevant to the Relocation Assistance Program; AND Technical assistance 'necessary to interpret elements of the relocation Plan and other pertinent materials. 11 Copies of this Relocation Plan shall be submitted for review to the Department of Housing and Community Development thirty (30) days prior to final approval by the City Council. ao Interested parties will be invited to submit written or oral comments and objections, and such written comments shall be attached to the Relocation Plan when it is forwarded to the City Council for final approval. b. A general notice concerning the availability of this Relocation Plan shall be distributed to all occupants of the Project site. This Plan will be.available fOr'review by interested citizen groups, state and county agencies, and by the general public. C. Upon receipt of public comments, the Plan will be reviewed to ensure that'it is compatible with the City's General Plan and Housing Element. de Upon completion of all reviews, the Relocation Plan will be presented for adoption before the City Council. Community meetings have been conducted and interested parties were welcome to attend these meetings. Affected persons have been encouraged to freely express their concerns, make suggestions.and request information. C. RELOCATION ADVISORY ASSISTANCE A critical element of the relocation assistance program is to provide all project site residents with technical and advisory assistance. The following specific activities will be undertaken: . Each project site household will be personally re-interviewed to gather appropriate information to determine needs and preferences regarding furore replacement housing needs. Inquiries made of residential occupants by relocation personnel will cover the following areas: family size, ethnic background, age and health considerations, employment status, family income, transportation needs, and location preferences related to replacement housing. See Exhibit "C" for the Residential Case Profile. . Printed "Information Brochures" in English and Spanish (Exhibits "D" and "E") will be provided to all displaced persons. Signed acknowledgements will be obtained to verify receipt of this material. 12 . e . Appropriate replacement housing referrals will be made to permanent and temporary displacees on a timely basis. Field surveys will be conducted to identify available housing resources. Every effort will be made to find comparable or adequate replacement housing units that are reasonably accessible to currently utilized medical facilities, places of. employment, shopping areas and public transportation. Transportation will be provided, if necessary, to any displaced occupant to inspect replacement sites within the local area. Specific assistance may also be provided to'senior citizens in finding housing near friends, relatives, medical facilities and convenient transportation. Special assistance in the form of referrals to' governmental and social service agencies will be made, if needed. Referral agencies may include: · Social Security Administration · The Orange County Housing Authority · Employment Development Department · Orange County Department of Social Services e The relocation assistance office is located at 100 W. Broadway, Suite 300, Long Beach, CA 90802. Staff.is .available at (800) 400-7356, Monday throUgh Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M, For scheduled meetings with occupants of the project site, the City of Tustin's offices will be made available at 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92680. D. RELOCATION BENEFIT CATEGORIES Relocation benefits will be provided in accordance with the California Relocation Assistance Law (Government Code, Section 7260 et. seq). Benefits will be paid to eligible displaced persons in the Project site upon SUbmission of required claim forms and documentation in accordance with City approved procedures. The City will provide benefits for each relocation category as State guidelines apply to the circumstances of the Project site. Categories within the Project are as follows: 1. Residential Moving Expense Payments All displaced residential tenants will be eligible to receive a payment for moving expenses except as noted. Moving expense payments will be made based upon a fixed schedule or according to the cost of professional services. I3 Fixed Payment - A fixed payment for moving expenses shall be based upon the number of rooms containing furniture or other personal property to be moved. Table 7 shows the current fixed moving allowance schedule. Unfurnished Dwelling One room Two roOms $450.00 $600.00 Three rooms $750.00 Four rooms $850.00' Five rooms $1,050.00 Six rooms $1,250.00 Seven rooms $1,450.00 Eight rooms $1,600.00 each additional room $150.00 Furnished Dwelling First Room $300.00 each additional room $50.00 b) Actual Cost (Professional Move) - The displacee may elect to have a licensed, professiOnal mover perform the move; if so, the City will pay for the actual cost of the move up to 50 miles and all reasonable charges for packing, unpacking, and insurance. This payment will be made to the mover of as reimbursement to the displacee. 14 2. Rental Assist_artec - Payments To Residential Tenants Who Rerent Residential tenants who have established their residency within the Project site for a minimum of 90 days prior to the initiation of negotiations and who choose to rent again, will be eligible for both Rental Assistance and Moving EXpense Payments. Except in the case of Last Resort situations (see Part F, this section), Rental Assistance Payments will be limited to a maximum of $5,250.00 based upon the monthly housing need OVer a forty-eight (48) month period. Table 8 displays the 'method for computing monthly housing need and renta! assistance. or $445 I 25% of the Gross Household InCome 2. Ability to Pay 3. lesser of lines 1 or 2 $445 Subtracted From: 4. Actual'New Rent $550 Actual New Rent including Utility Allowance or 5. Comparable Rent $575 . lesser of lines 4 or 5 $550 $105 $5,040 Determined by Relocation Representative and including Utility Allowance Subtract line 3 from line 6 Multiple line 7 by 48 months Gross income means the total annual income of an individual less the following: 1) a deduction of $500 for each dependent in the excess of three; 2) a deduction of 10% of total income for the household of an elderly or disabled individual;' 3) a deduction for extraordinary recurring medical expenses defined to mean medical expenses in the excess of 3% of the total income, when not compensated for or covered by insurance or other sources; 4) a deduction of reasonable mounts paid for the care of children or sick or incapacitated fami. 'ly members when determined to be necessary to the employment of the head of household or spouse, except that the amount shall not exceed the amount of income received by the person who would not otherwise be able to seek employment in the absence of such care. 15 3. Down Payment Assistance Payment - Payments To Residential Tenants of at Least 90 Days Who Purchase Residential tenants who are otherwise eligible to receive the Rental Assistance Payment described abOVe may opt to apply the amount that they would otherwise qualify for in the form of a Rental Assistance Payment toward the purchase of a new home. In cases where the computed rental assistance eligibility is less than $5,250.00. the City, on a case-by-case basis, of its own discretion may elect to provide a full $5,250.00 payment. 4. payments To Non-Tenured Residential Tenant.q Except as discussed at Section 'V ( Part F) herein, ("Last Resort Housing Payments"), residential tenants who have occupied the property from which they are to be displaced for less than ninety (90) days prior to the initiation of negotiations will receive only the Residential Moving Payment. 5. Summary In all instances, specific eligibility requirements and detailed .compensation plans will be explained and worked out on. an individual basis. In the course of personal interviews and follow-up visits, each displacee will be counseled as to available options and the consequences of any choice with respect to financial assistance. E. GENERAL INFORMATION ON PAYMENT OF RELOCATION BENEFITS Relocation benefit payments must be made in a timely and orderly manner. Claims and supporting documentation for relocation benefits must be filed with the City within eighteen (18) months from: The date the claimant moves from the acquired property_; -or- The date on which final payment for the acquisition of real property is made, whichever is later. 16 The procedure for the preparation and filing of claims and the processing and delivery of payments will be as follows: Claimant(s) will provide all necessary documentation to substantiate eligibility for assistance. ,, 3. Assistance mounts will be determined and required claim forms prepared by relocation staff in consultation with claimant(s). original signed claims supported by appropriate docUmentation and a Relocation staff recommendation will be submitted to the 'Director of Public Works. 4. The Director will review and approve claims for payment. . City warrants will be prepared and issued to Relocation staff for distribution. 1 Payments will be delivered personally by Relocation staff unless circumstances dictate otherwise. When payments cannot be personally delivered, they Will be sent by certified mail. . Receipts' of payment will be obtained by Relocation staff and maintained in the case file. Note: a) b) c) Unless otherwise instructed by the City, Relocation staff Will not deliver final payments until the Project site premises of the claimant(s) have been completely vacated. . . Before issuance of final payments actual residency at new quarters must be verified. The City will provide advance payments to assist displacees in securing replacement housing units. Requests for advance payments will be expeditiously processed to help avoid the loss of desirable and appropriate replacement housing. 17 F. LAST RESORT HOUSING PAYMENTS 1. Tenants If the Rental Assistance Payment amount (calculated pursUant to California Government Code Section 7264) necessary to compensate for increased housing costs for a period of forty-eight (48) months exceeds the statutory maximum of $5,250, the City will be obliged to prOvide additional assistance. This assistance may take the form of cash payments or the provision of actual, affordable replacement housing. Cash payments will be paid in installments or in a lump sum at the discretion of the City. Last Resort recipients may request a lump sum payment of the entire balance of assistance due for the purpose of purchasing a replacement home. Any such payment will be deposited directly into an escrow account' with provisions to allow the City to recover its funds should escrow fail to close. Residential tenants who have not resided in the dwelling unit from which they are to be displaced for at least ninety (90) days prior to the initiation of negotiations, and who, therefore, do not qualify for a Rental/Downpayment Assistance or Replacement Housing Payment may Otherwise qualify for Last Resort Housing benefits under this. part if comparable decent, safe and sanitary replacement housing cannot be identified and made available. For purposes of qualification, the City must determine that such a claimant did not occupy property solely with the intention of claiming relocation assistance. 2. Alternatives to Last Resort Housing As mentioned above, the City may consider means other than cash supplements to provide Last Resort Housing assistance to displacees. One option is the rehabilitation of an existing dwelling so that it meets decent, safe and sanitary requirements and is obtainable at an affordable rent; another is the construction of new housing. Since there isthe availability of comparable replacement.housing is sufficient for the residential occupants to be displaced, the City has not prepared a plan to finance or build last resort .housing at this time. 18 1 i G. RELOCATION TAX CONSEQUENCES In general, relocation payments are not considered income for tax purposes. Benefit payments are made subject to the provisions of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations and Chapter 16 of the California Government Code. H. APPEALS POLICY The City's .grievance pOlicy Will follow the standards'described in Article 5 Section 6150 et seq. of the State Guidelines. 'Briefly stated, displacees will have the right to ask for review when they believe themselves aggrieved by a determination as to eligibility, the amount .of payment, the failure to provide comparable replacement housing referrals or the City's property management practices. Requests for appeal must be submitted .to the Director of Redevelopment. Details concerning the entire Appeals Process are outlined in Exhibit "F". A copy of the appeal process is available upon request. I9 I. EVICTION POLICY Under State guidelines, eviction is permissible only as a last resort. Relocation records must be documented to reflect the specific circumstances surrounding the eviction. Eviction shall be undertaken only for one or more of the following reasons: Failure t° pay rent, except in those cases where the failure to pay is due to the lessor's failure to keep the premises in habitable condition, is the result of harassment or retaliatory action or' is the result of discontinuation or substantial, interruption of services. 2. Performance of a dangerous, illegal act in the unit. . Material breach of the rental agreement and failure to correct breach within 30 days of notice. . Maintenance of a nuisance and failure to abate within a reasonable time following notice. . Refusal to accept one of a reasonable 'number of offers of replacement dwellings. . The eviction is required by State or local law and cannot be prevented by reasonable efforts on the part of the public entity. Those who r~main in the project site will be obliged to honor the terms_ and conditions of rental agreements provided by the City. Failure to abide by the terms of the rental agreement may result in eviction. Under these circumstances, the City shall have no responsibility to provide relocation assistance. J. PROJECTED DATES OF DISPLACEMENT Ninety-day notices to permanent displacees will be issued on or about March 15, 1995. It is anticipated that permanent displacements will be completed on or before June 30, 1995. 20 K. ESTIMATED RELOCATION COST The City of Tustin will employ Measure M Turnback Funds (an Orange County gas tax designated for transportation related projects) for the relocation requirements of this Project. The total budget estimates for relocation assistance payments for this Project is: One hundred ninety-nine thousand-fifty dollars ($199,050.00). If the Project goes forward and additional funds are needed to meet relocation assistance obligations unforeseen in the budget preparation process, the City will provide the additional, necessary funds. The City expects to .encounter Last Resort Housing situations and has prepared its budget accordingly. TYPE OF'PAYMENT TYPE OF DISPLACEE COST Physical Move RESIDENTIAL TENANT $7,050.00 3Rms@ $ 750x8 = $ 6,000 5Rms@ $1,050x. 1 = $ 1,050 Rental Assistance RESIDENTIAL TENANT $192,000.00 $ 5,250 x 9 = $47,250 Last Resort Payments x 9 = $144,750 r , 21 EXHIBIT "A" 1 990'CENSUS INFORMATION Tustin ORANGB COUNTY · Demographics & ' Socio-economic Characteristics POPULATION 1970 1980 ..... 32,31'7 1990 .... 50,689 1993 (cstimatc)°~ 57,500 SEX Male 25,535 Female ....... 25,154 RACE & HISPANIC ORIGIN race: White . . . 37,127 Black, .. Native American ..... 2'/4 Asian s.061 Pacific lslandcr~ 199 Other = .. ';,133 Hispanic origin: Total 10,508 Mexican ,7,800 Puerto Ri:an .... --293 Cuban .. 147 Other Hispanic_ .. : ~-,268 AGE Under $ yc~ ~ = 4,383 ~-~7 yca~ = 7,755 18-~ yca~ . ~ ~,742 65 & ~cr ~,809 Median age .. 29.2 yca~ HOUSEHO~S Total .. . - 18,332 With persons under 18 .6,745 Ay:rage persons pez household_ 2.66 Family households ........... - - 12.317 .A%cragc persons Par family '4.16 INCOM~ & POVERTY Per nplta income, 1980 Per capita income., 1989 Median household income., 1989 , Mcdian family income, 1989 Persons in Poverty, 1989 F.D UCATI ONAL ATTA]~M~qT High school ~raduatcs With bachelor's dcL~recs. I.A~OR &' EMI~LO~ · Total civilhn labor force. Emplcrycd persons 16 years and aver by occupation: Mk. rr~ & profcuionals. Technicians, sale. s, & admin, support_ . Scrvicc occupations_ ParmlnL fisbtng& forestry. Prccislon production, craft & rcpalr__' Operators, fabricators, & laborers ~ Self-employed persons , - $9,352 .318,120 . $38,433 , ,. $42,8,40 .. 26,817 7,951 ,,. 10,035 '4,018 ..239 ~,!~70 %019 General Information Address: 300 Ccntcnnial Way $r2680 Telephone: 714.573-3000 F. Icvatiom 130 ft. Land Area (sq. miles): 11.3 Population density, (pcrsons per sq. mile): 4,4L5.8 Incorporated: September 21,1927 Type of government: - General law ¥oters & Goyernment Officials REGISTERED ¥OTERS · Total, October, 1993 ..22,958 Democrats .... 7,374 Republicans ..... 12,251 U.S. Congressional District(s): 46th & 47th Mayor:. :: ~ Iim Ports MgrlAdmstr: .. - William A. Huston Clerk: Mary P- Wynu Treasurer:_ . .Ronald Nault Attorney: James G. Rourkc Public Lil rary Name & Address: Served by County Library N/A Director: Tel=phone: Number yolumcs owned, 19ifil ,.. N/A Number branches/stations N/A Public Safety POLICE Chi¢fi Sworn officers, 1992. Total crimes, 1992_ Total violent c~mcs, 199_2 Chief: l~rcfil~htc~. 'Housing & Const. ruction W. Douglas Franks ,. 3,427 184 NIA N~A . HOUSD~G UNITS, 1.~90 Total Single fam~'ly units, Owner ~'cupicd units. ]~¢ntcr occupied units ... ]~cdian v~l ua-. single fatally home Median rent NEW pR/TATELY OWNED HOUSING uNn~ AIJI=HORXZED BY BUXLDLNG PERMIT 1991_ 1992 10,828 Municipal Finance Total_ Tlx¢s Special benefits assessment ....... Liccnscs& permits ...... Pines & forfeitures .... Rcvcnuc from use of money & property. , Intergovernmental .. Current scrvlcc charge Other revenues :; Other financing sources EXPENDITURES Total . .. General [ovcrnmcnt. Public safety Transportatiou: ~ : - Community development Health_ 16.246,821 ,. 296,942 1,783,445 , 3,770.3~I ... ?,021.327 ~ -- 3,727,272 -0 ... $32.561,890 3,145,540 12,406,900 7,619,864 3,524,030 0 Culture &Lcisurc 2,043,132 Public utilities ..... 3,$22,424 Other ,_- 0 School System SCHOOL DISTR.ICT Tustin Unified Superintendent: ' David Andrews Address: 300 South C St. Tclcphonc: Oradc plan: P. nrollmcnt _ H.i~h school graduatcs~ Full time teachers, 1992 Pupil/tcacbcr ratio, 1992 Average teacher salary, Per pupil expenditure, 1992 District avcralc CA~ reading scores 1992, I~adc 8: ' score_ pcrccntilc District avcragc SAT scores 1993, I~radc 12: vczbsl _ __450 math ~-~32 ~ SCHOOL DISTRICTS FORTR1S ~ S~nta Aaa Unified 714-730-7301 11,~.fl -733 ... 481.~ EXHIBIT "B" 'H.U.'D. ANNUAL INCOME LIMITATIONS I . H.U.D. ANNUAL INCOME LllqiTATIOIq$ The following figures are approved by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (H.U.D.) for use in the County of Orange to define and determine housing eligibility by income level. Family Size Median . Moderate Lower Very Low Annual Income Annual Income Annual Income Annual Income 1 person 41,150 49,400 27,950 20,600 - 2 persons 47,050 56,450 31,900 23,500 3 persons' 52,900 63,500 35,900 26,450 4 persons 58,800 70,550 39,900 29,400 5 persons 63,500 76,200 43,100 31,750 6 persons ' 68,200 81,850 46,300 34,1 O0 7 persons 72,900 87,500 49,.500 36,450 8 -persons 77,600 93,150 52,650 38,800 Figures are per the Department of Housing and Community Development, Division of Housing Policy Development, Orange County, June 1994. EXHIBIT "C" RESIDENTIAL CASE 'PROFILE ! l 1 1 PACIFIC I~EI~D~.ATION CONSULTANTS - RESIDENTIAL LISTING REPORT By LD on 0'i/03/95 ar. 2:2~pm Project: Tust£n, General/Misc. Projects (TUS-1), All residential cmses Page Case Type Adults/ Family Bedrooad Monthly Utili~£es Paid b~: Case ID DvellSng Type Children Ethnic. Income Hfldcp Elderly How/Need Furnished Paymen~ Gas/Electr/Wa~er TUS-001-01921-001 Tenant TUS-00Z-01921-002 Tenant Apar~men~ .TUS.001-01921-003 Tenant Apar~Mn~ TUS*001-01921o004 Tenant TUS-001-01921-005 Tenant TU$-001-01921-005 Tenant TUS*001-01921o007 Tenant TU$o001-01921o008 Tenant TUS*001o01921o009 Tenant Apar~men~ 2/3 Hlopan$c 1662.69 No No 1/2 No 425.00 Tenant/Tenant/Owner o/1 Not avai o.o° Ho Ho o/o Ho 0.oo // 2/0 H£opanic 1440.00 Yea No 1/1 Ho 2/3 Hispanic 123S.80 NO · No' 1/2 No 2/6 Htap&nic' 1072.5~ Ho Ho 1/3 Ho Hispanic 1402.14 Ho No 4/3 Hispanic 4203.33 No No 1/3 1/3 Hispanic 1505.36 No No 1/2 2/2 H£span~c 1092.00 No No 1/2 4S0,00 Tenant/Tenant/Owner 450.00 Tenant/Tenan~/C~ner 425.00 Tenant/Tenan~/Ovner No 425.00 Tenant/?enan~/Owner No 450.00 Tenan~/Tenanc/Ovmer No 495.00 Tenan~/Ten&n~/O~ner No 495.00 Tenan~/Tenan~/Ovner TUS-001-01921-010 Tenant -$/$ Hispanic 3031.14 No No 2/4 No 650.00 Tenanc/Tenant/Ovner Apartment BUSZN~SS: 0 cases AVERAGE: 2.20/2.60 1664.50 1.00/2.00 426.50 R.T. SIDENTIAL: 10 cases (10 tenants, 0 homeowners) TOTAL: 10 cases, 22 adults, 28 children, S0 resident£al d~splacees, 10 bedroons now, 20 bedrooms needed. EXHIBIT RESIDENTIAL INFORMATIONAL BROCHURE (.English) CITY OF TUSTIN INFORiqATIONAL STATE]qENT FOR FAiqlLIES AND iNDMDUALS !. GENERAL INFORMATION The City of Tustin has employed the consulting firm of Pacific Relocation Consultants, to administer its relocation program. Representatives from Pacific Relocation Consultants will assist all displacees in finding suitable dwelling units as well as determining relocation benefits. Spanish speaking representatives are available. SI NECESiTA ESTA INFORMACION EN ESPANOL, POR FAVOR LLAME A SU REPRESENTANTE A (310) 590-8564. Please read this information as it will be helpful to you in determining your eligibility and the amount of your relocation benefits. A map of the Project site is included at the end of this brochure. We suggest you save this informational brochure for reference. The building in which you now live 'is in an area to be improved by the City. As the development Schedule proceeds, it may be necessary for you to move from your dwelling. You will be notified in a timely manner as to the date on which you are to move. However, if you desire to move sooner than required, you must contact your representative With Pacific Relocation Consultants to obtain written approval from the City for an early move. You may otherwise jeOpardize your entitlement to relocation benefits if you do not follow this procedure. The name and telephone number of your relocation representative is: Pacific Relocation Consultants 100 West Broadway, Suite 300 Long Beach, California 90802 (310) 590-8564 Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. II. ASSISTANCE IN LOCATING A REPLACEMENT DWELLIN(' The City through its representatives will assist you in locating a comparable replacement dwelling by providing referral lists to appropriate and available housing units. However, you are urged to actively seek such housing yourself. Upon finding a suitable dwelling unit, please notify your relocation representative and provide your proposed new address. Pacific Relocation Consultants will carry out an inspection and advise you as to whether the dwelling unit meets standard housing requirements. If not, they will assist you in finding suitable housing. A standard houSing unit provides adequate space for its occupants proper weatherproofing and sound heating, electrical and plumbing systems. All replacement housing units must pass inspection before relocation assistance payments can be authorized. !11. MOVING Every household that must move as a result of displacement by the City will receive a payment to assist in carrying out its move. A choice of two types of moving payments is available, as follows: 1. -Fixed Movinq Payment You may be eligible for a Fixed Moving Payment based upon the number of rooms you occupy and whether or not you own your own furniture. The payment is based upon a schedule approved'by the City'of Tustin, and ranges from $450 (for one furnished room) to $1,600.00 (for eight rooms of furniture). Your relocation representative will inform you of the amount you are eligible to receive. Exception: A person who has minimal personal possessions and is in occupancy of a room shared by two or more unrelated persons, or a person whose residential move is performed by the City at no expense to that person, is °nly entitled to a maximum fixed payment of $50.00. If you choose the fixed moving payment, you must receive prior City approval. Additionally, you will be responsible for arranging your move, and the City will assume no liability for the loss or damage of personal property connected with your move. 2. Actual Movinq Expense (Professional Move) If you wish to engage the services of a licensed mover and have the City pay the bill, you may claim the ACTUAL cost of moving your personal property up to 50 miles from the city limits. There is no dollar limit. Your relocation representative will inform you of the number of competitive moving bids (if any) which may be required, and assist you in developing a scope of services for City approval. 3. Self-Moving Payment You may elect to take a self-move by submitting a claim for moving and related expenses that, 1) does not exceed the value of the Iow bid, and ~) is an amount acceptable to the City. TABLE I: Fixed 'Moving Schedule - Unfurnished Dwelling One room $450.00 Two rooms ' ~- $600.00 Three rooms $750.00 .. Four rooms $850.00 Five rooms $1,050.00 Six rooms $1,250.00 Seven rooms $1,450.00 Eight rooms $1,600.00 each additional room $150.00 TABLE I1: Fixed Moving Schedule - Furnished Dwelling First Room $300.00 each additional room $50.00 IV. REPLACEMENT HOUSING PAYMENT - TENANTS AND CERTAIN OTHERS You may be eligible 'for a payment of up to $5,250.00 to assist you in renting or purchasing a comparable, standard replacement dwelling. You must, however, either be a tenant who has lived in your present dwelling for a least 90 days prior to the City's first offer to purchase or an owner-occupant who has lived in the dwelling for between 90 and 180 days prior to the City's first offer to purchase the property. . Rental Assistance If you qualify, and wish to rent when you move, .your rental assistance benefits will, generally, be based upon the difference between the rent you now pay and the rent you must pay for a comparable, standard .dwelling. Additionally, income information may be utilized in calculating the amount of the payment. You will be required to provide your relocation representative with monthly household income verification prior to the establishment of your eligibility for this payment. The total rental assistance payment may not exceed $5,250.00. OR . Downpayment Assistance If you wish to purchase a home when you move, you may be eligible for a payment of up to $5,250.00 to assist you in the purchase of a replacement dwelling. Your Pacific Relocation Consultant representative will clarify procedures necessary to apply for this payment. V. REPLACEMENT HOUSING PAYMENT - HOMEOWNERS If you owned and occupied a dwelling purchased by the City for at least 180 days prior to the first offer to purchase, you may be eligible to receive a payment of up to $22,500.00 to assist you in purchasing a comparable replacement unit. This payment may cover the following expenses. . Purchase Price Differential - An amount equal to the difference between the price paid by the City for the unit you occupy and the price you must pay for a comparable, standard replacement unit. There are two methods used to determine the.differential payment: 1) the "schedule" method and, 2) the "one-to-one comparison" method. Your relocation representative will explain both methods to you in detail. . Mortgage Interest Differential - The amount by which the total debt service costs increase as a result of the need to replace existing financing arrangements. . Incidental EXpenses -'Those one time costs incidental to purchasing a replacement unit, such as escrow fees, recording fees, and credit report fees. Recurring expenses such as prepaid taxes and insurance premiums are not compensable. To qualify for this payment you must purchase and occupy a comparable, standard replacement unit within one year from the later of the following: The date you receive final payment for the displacement dwelling, or, in the case of condemnation, the date the full amount of estimated just compensation is deposited in court. The date the City fulfills its obligation to make available at least three comparable replacement dwellings, A displaced homeowner who has oWned and Occupied the displacement dwelling for at least 90 days but not more than 180 days immediately prior to the initiation of negotiations for the.acquisition of the dwelling may be eligible for a payment of up to $5,250.00. · 1. Rental Assistance Option If you are a homeowner (Owner-occupant) and choose to rent rather than purchase, you may be eligible for a rental assistance payment of up to $5,250.00~ The payment will be based on the difference between the fair market rent of the unit you occupy and the rent you must pay for a comparable, standard replacement dwelling. If you qualify and receive a rental assistance payment, as described above, and later decide to.purchase a replacement dwelling, you. may apply for the difference between $22,500.00 and the payment you received, if you purchase and occupy a replacement dwelling within twelve (12) months from the later of either: 1) the date you moved from the acquired dwelling, or, 2) either the date you received final payment for the displacement dwelling, or, in the case of condemnation, the date the full amount of estimated just compensation was deposited into court. VI. .L. AST RESORT HOUSING PAYMENT~ A tenant or homeowner-occupant who requires more than $5,250.00 or $22,500.00 to, either, rent or purchase a comparable, standard replacement housing unit may be eligible to receive a Last Resort Housing payment in excess of the maximum rental assistance or replacement housing payments previously mentioned in this document. Residential tenants who do not meet the 90-day residency test may otherwise qualify for rentaI assistance as Last Resort claimants if their ability-to-pay is not sufficient to pay for comparable, decent, safe and sanitary housing. For qualification purposes, the City must determine that a less than 90-day occupant did not occUpy property solely for the purpose of obtaining relocation assistance. The Last Resort Housing payment is based on the difference between the lesser of: 1) old rent or 25% of household gross monthly income compared with the lesser of 2) actual new rent or the rent at a comparable replacement dwelling. Any resulting difference is multiplied by a term of 48 months in order to determine the total rental assistance eligibility. In the event of eligibility for a Last Resort rental assistance payment, the first $5,250.00 will be paid in a lump sum. Thereafter, disbursement of payments will be made annually, monthly or in other intervals acceptable to the displaced person. If you choose to purchase rather than rent a comparable, standard replacement dwelling, the entire amount of your Last Resort eligibility will be applied toward the Downpayment of the replacement dwelling. VII. FILING OF RELOCATION CLAIMS Ali claims for relocation benefits must be filed within eighteen (18) months from the date you move. Additionally, if you request a Replacement Housing Payment for ' Homeowners, you must purchase and occupy the new dwelling within twelve (12) months from the later of the following: . The date you receive final payment for the displacement dwelling, or in the case of condemnation, the date the full amount of estimated just compensation is deposited in court. The date the City fulfills its obligation to make available at least three comparable replacement dwellings. VIII. RENTAL AGREEMENT As a result of the City's action to purchase the property where you live, you may become a tenant of the City. You will be asked to sign a rental agreement that will specify the monthly rent to be paid, when rent payments are due, where they are to be paid and other pertinent information. Except for the causes of eviction set forth below, no person lawfully occupying property the City of Tustin purchases is required to move without having been provided with at least 90 days written notice from the City. Eviction is undertaken only for one or more of the following reasons: . . . . . o Failure to pay rent; Use of the premises for illegal purposes and/or maintaining a nuisance; Committing a material violation of the rental agreement; Refusal to accept one of a reasonable number of offers of accommodations meeting City/State relocation standards; Continued refusal to admit or cooperate with the City-of Tustin or its staff, representatives of Pacific Relocation Consultants, or members of the City staff; Situations requiring eviction under State or local law. IX. APPEAL PROCEDURES - GRIEVANCE Any person aggrieved by a determination as to eligibility for a relocation payment, or the amount of a payment, may have his/her claim reviewed Or reconsidered in accordance with the established appeals procedure. Complete details on appeal procedures are available upon request from the City. . ~ . X. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE Those responsible for providing you with relocation assistance hope to assist you in every way possible to minimize the hardships involved in relocating to a new home. Your cooperation will be helpful and greatly appreciated. If you have any 'questions at all, any time during the process, please do not hesitate to contact your relocation representative at (310) 590-8564. · .. _ 1 EXHIBIT "E" RESIDENTIAL INFORblATIONAL BROCHURE (Spanish) LA CiUDAD DE TUSTIN FOLLETO DE INFORMACI6N RESIDENCIAL El edificio en que usted vive esta ubicado en una area que sera mejorada por la Ciudad de Tustino A medida que el horario de rehabilitaci6n prosiga, ser,~ necesario que usted se mude de su vivienda. Se le notificara de manera oportuna la fecha en la cual usted deberfa mudarse. Esta informaciOn le resultara t3til para determinar su elegibilidad y la cantidad de sus beneficios para cambiarse de residencia. Le sugerimos que guarde este folleto para referencia futura. La cuidad ha contratado los servicios de la compa~i'a Pacific Relocation Consultants, una empresa profesional muy calificada para ayudar a aquellas personas que han sido desalojadas debido a este proyecto. La empresa esta a su disposici6n para explicarle el programa y los beneficios descritos en este folleto. Usted puede obtener su ayuda Ilamando al tel~fono (310) 590-8564. Puede Ilamar por cobrar si es necesario. POR FAVOR NO SE MUDE ANTES DE TIEMPO. ESTE NO ES UN AVISO PARA DESOCUPAR SU VlVlENDA. Si usted desea mudarse antes de Io requerido, deberi'a ponerse en contacto con la empresa Pacific Relocation Consultants para que no pierda ninguno de sus beneficios. Este es..~nicamente un foileto de informaci6n general y no tiene la intenci6n de proporcionar una descripci~)n detallada ni de la ley ni de los reglamentos relacionados con la ayuda para cambiarse de residencia la cuidad. Hay dos programas para ayudar a las personas y a las familias que deben de cambiarse de residencia debido a proyectos propuestos de adquisici~)n por parte de la cuidad. Estos son: 1. El Programa de Ayuda y Asesoramiento para Cambiarse de Residencia el cual le ayudara a encontrar una propiedad en substituci6n que sea adecuada; y e El Programa de Pagos para cambiarse de Residencia el cual le reembolsara por los costos relacionados con el cambio de residencia. Ambos programas est~n descritos brevemente en este folleto para que usted pueda conocer los beneficios a los que puede tener derecho y la manera de obtenerlos. La empresa Pacific Relocation Consultants esta a su disposici6n para explicarle los programas y para ayudarlo. Usted puede obtener su ayuda escribiendo o Ilamando por tel6fono a: Pacific Relocation Consultants 100 West Broadway, Suite 300 Long Beach, California 90802 (310) 590-8564 AYUDA Y ASESORAMIENTO PARA CAMBIARSE DE RESIDENCIA Cuando una agencia publica ofrece comprar una propiedad ocupada, la cuidad tiene obligaci~)n de ayudar a los desplazados a encontrar una vivienda en substituci6n que sea decente, segura e higi~nica; de un tama~o adecuado; dentro de sus posibilidades de pago; ¥en una a~rea apropiada. Con este prop~)sito se le proporcionara listas de referencia a viviendas disponibleso Los representantes de la cuidad tambi~n le prepararan los reclamos de pago. PROGRAMA DE PAGOS PARA CAMBIARSE DE RESIDENClA El Programa de Pagos para Cambiarse de Residencia ayuda a pagar sus gastos cuando usted es desalojado de su residencia debido a un proyecto de la cuidad. Este programa. . incluye diferentes clases de pagos. Estos son: 1. Gastos de Mudanza Todos los due~os e inquilinos que son desalojados debido a un proyecto recibir,~n pagos para la mudanza de .sus propiedades personales. Cada persona que es desalojada tiene la alternativa de recibir un Pago Fijo por la Mudanza o un Pago por la Mudanza Real, en la que una compaRi'a profesional proporciona el transporte. 2. Pagos de Compensaci0n o de la Diferencia para la Compra de una Vivienda en SubstituciOn Los due~os-ocupantes de casa pueden calificar para recibir un pago pot encima de Io que les pago la cuidad en comprar su casa. i Los dueRos-ocupantes pueden tambi6n calificar para pagos para aigunos de los gastos incidentales que tengan al comprar su nueva residencia. Tambi~n pueden calificar para un pago que cubra el costo del aumento en los intereses, si hubiera alguno, que tuvieran que pagar para financiar una residencia en subStituci(Sn. . Pagos de CompensaciOn o de la Diferencia para la Renta de una Vivienda en Substituci~)n Los inquilinos ¥ los due~os-ocupantes que no puedan rentar una viVienda adecuada a un precio igual en el mercado al de la propiedad comprada, pueden calificar para recibir pagos para ayudarlos a pagar rentas mas altas. 4. Pagos de Entrada Los inquilinos ¥ los dueRos "por corto tiempo" pueden calificar para un pago de entrada para ayudarlos a comprar una vivienda en substituci0n. NOTA: Los pagos de reubicaci~)n no son considerados como ingresos en cuanto a los reglamentos gubermentales. Estos pagos tampoco deben afectar los beneficios AFDC u otras formas de asistencia publica. GASTOS DE MUDANZA Hay dos clases de pagos; un Pago Fijo por la Mudanza o el reembolso por los Gastos del Costo Real de la Mudanza. 1. Pago Fijo por la Mudanza El pago fijo es determinado por el m3mero de cuartos en la vivienda del desplazado y si la vivienda fue amueblada por el due~o o el inquilino. Viviendas Amuebladas Por El Duer3o Primer cuarto $300.00 cada cuarto extra $50.00 Viviendas Amuebladas Por El Inquilino Un cuarto $450.00 Dos cuartos $600.00 Tres cuartos $750.00 Cuatro cuartos $850.00 Cinco cuartos $1,050.00 Seis cuartos $1,250.00 Siete cuartos $1,450.00 Ocho cuartos · - $1,600.00 ,, cada cuarto extra · $150.00 Si usted escoge el Pago Fijo por la Mudanza, tiene la responsabilidad de hacer sus propios arreglos para mudarse. 2. Gastos por el Costo Real de la Mudanza Si usted no selecciona el m~.todo de pagos segOn el "Numero de Cuartos", entonces se le puede pagar los gastos razonables por el costo real de la mudanza. Usted debe recibir una autorizaci6n previa antes de mudarse y contar con recibos pagados y detallados de la compa~[a de mudanza que usted contrato. Si usted escoge el m~todo de "Costo Real", usted no obtendr,5 el pago de $200.00 por los trastornos ocasionados que se menciono anteriormente. 3. Pago para el Auto-Cambio El desplazado puede ser reembolsado al presentar recibos para los gastos actuales de la mudanza si no exceden al presupuesto de una empresa comercial de mudanzas. PAGOS DE COMPENSACION O DE LA DIFERENCIA Ciertos due~os o inquilinos de propiedades residenciales pueden calificar para pagos de compensaci6n o de la diferencia para viviendas adem~s de los gastos de mudanza. Hay dos clases de pagos: 1, Un pago de compensaciOn o de la diferencia para comprar una vivienda en substituci6n se otorga a los dueRos de casa elegibles que compran una vivienda en substituci0n que sea decente, segura e higi~nica. El pago es la diferencia, si existiera alguna, entre el precio pagado por .la cuidad para la vivienda y, o el precio de venta de una residencia comprable o el precio que usted pag6 actuaimente para comprar una residencia en substituci~n, el que sea menos. . Un pago de compensaci5n de la diferencia para rentar una residencia se otorga a los due~os de casa o inquilinos que rentan casa, una unidad doble o departamento en substituciOn que sea decente, segura e higi~nica. El pago ser,~ igual a la diferencia, si existiera alguna, entre el costo para rentar una vivienda en substituciOn que sea funcionalmente comprable a su vivienda anterior y la renta de su residencia anterior. POR FAVOR OBSERVE: La cuidad requiere a certificar que la vivienda que usted compre o rente, y ocupe, sea decente, segura e higi~,nica para que usted pueda calificar para los pagos de compensaci6n o de la diferencia. A petici~n suya, el representante de la. empresa inspeccionara cualquier vivienda que usted desee comprar o rentar para determinar si califica'como una vivienda decente, segura e higi~nica. DUEI~O-OCUPANTE POR 180 DiAS CONSECUTIVOS O MAS ANTES DE EMPEZAR LAS NEGOCIACIONES~ QUE COMPRA UNA VIVIENDA EN SUSTITUCI~N.' Si usted es due~o-ocupante desalojado de una vivienda, usted puede recibir pagos adicionales por hasta, 'pero que no excedan $22,500.00. Estos pagos deben incluir: (1) el costo adicional para comprar una vivienda en substituciOn; (2).para compensar al dueRo por la perdida de un financiamiento favorable en sus escrituras existentes; y (3) para reembolsar al dueRo por algunos de los gastos incidentales relacionados con la compra de una vivienda en substituciOn. 4 Usted es elegible para tales pagos si usted era (1) un ocupante a la hora que la cuidad de hizo el primer contacto y (2) un ocupante por cuando menos 180 dias consecutivos inmediatamente antes de la iniciaci6n de las negociaciones para la compra del terreno y {3) la propiedad fue comprada pot la cuidad y (4) usted compra, y ocupa una vivienda decente, segura e higi~nica dentro de un aRo despu~s de recibir el pago final por su propiedad de la cuidad o dentro de un a~o de la fecha.en la cual se muda, Io que ocurra mas tarde. El Pago de CompenSaci(Sn o de la Diferencia para una Vivienda en Substituci(~n es la cantidad que cuando se agrega a ia cantidad en que la cuidad compro la propiedad es igual al costo real que usted esta requerido a pagar por una vivienda decente, segura e higi~.nica, o a la cantidad determinada por la cuidad de como necesaria para comprar una vivienda en substituci(~n que sea comprable, la que sea menos. Los representantes de la empresa le informaran sobre la cantidad necesaria para comprar una vivienda en substituci(Sn que sea comprable, si usted se mudara inmediatamente. Si el porcentaje de interns es mas alto para el pr~stamo de su vivienda en substituci(Sn que Io era para el pr~.stamo de la vivienda que compro la cuidad, usted puede ser elegible para un pago para compensar 'por este aumento. Si usted compra una vivienda para substituir la vivienda que compro la cuidad, usted puede ser elegible para ser reembolsado por algunos de los gastos incidentales de la compra real en los cuales usted incurri(5, si estos son normalmente pagados por,el comprador. Este tipo de costos podrfan incluir honorarios legales, preparaci(~n de los documentos de traspaso, honorarios del notario, encuestas, preparaci(Sn de los dibujos ¥ pianos, gastos de registro, honorarios de la evaluaciOn de FHA o VA de un prestamista, certificaci(~n de la solidez de una estructura, y horarios de la solicitud. Adem,Ss, el pago podrfa incluir el costo de un reporte de cr~dito, una porciOn de los horarios del agente de "escrow", los impuestos del Estado sobre la transferencia de las bienes rafces, ¥ los impuestos sobre la venta o transferencia. Algunos de los ejemplos de los costos que generalmente no sert'an elegibles'para reembolso incluir[an los gastos del servicio de deudas o del origen del pr~.stamo, ¥ el prorrateo de los impuestos sobre la propiedad. Bajo ninguna circunstancia puede la combinaci(Sn de los pagos de compensaciOn o de la diferencia de la vivienda comprada, los pagos de compensaciOn o de la diferencia por los intereses, y los pagos incidentales, exceder la'cantidad de $22,500.00. DUE~O-OCUPANTE POR 180 DIAS CONSECUTIVOS QUE RENTA UNA VIVIENDA EN SUSTITUCION Si usted es un due~o-ocupante elegible para un pago de vivienda en substituci(~n, como descrito en la secci(Sn anterior, y usted elige rentar una vivienda en substituci(Sn, usted puede ser elegible para un pago de compensaci(Sn o de la diferencia de la renta que no exceda $5,250.00. Este pago es determinado restando una cantidad igual a 48 veces la renta econ(Smica de la vivienda adquirida por la cuidad, de la cantidad neceSaria para rentar una vivienda en substituci~)n comprable por los pr6ximos cuatro a~os. Esta cantidad, sin embargo, no puede exceder la cantidad del pago por el costo adicional para comprar.una vivienda en substituci6n como fue explicado anteriormente. DUEI~O-OCUPANTE POR MENOS DE 180 DiAS (PERO NO MENOS DE 90 DIAS} ANTES DE EMPEZAR LA NEGOCIACIONES, QUE COMPRA UNA VlVlENDA EN SUSTITUCION Si usted es un due~o-ocupante desalojado que ha sido propietario y ha ocupado la vivienda por menos de 180 dias consecutivos pero no menos de 90 dfas consecutivos antes de empezar las neg°ciaciones, usted puede recibir un pago que no exceda $5,250.00 para permitirle hacer un pago de entrada sobre la compra de una vivienda en substituciOn y para reembolsarlo por algunos de los gastos reales incidentales. El dueRo-ocupante debe (1) ser un ocupante a la iniciaciOn de las negociaciones; (2) ser un ocupante por menos de 180 di'as pero no menos de 90 dias inmediatamente antes de la iniciaci~)n de las negociaciones para ia compra del terreno, (3) la propiedad debe ser adquirida por la cuidad, (4) el due~o-ocupante debe comprar y ocupar una vivienda decente, segura e higi~nica dentro de un ano despu~s de que reciba el pago final por la propiedad por parte de la cuidad o dentro de un aRo de ta fecha en que se mude, Io que ocurra despu~s. La cantidad total del pago de entrada, como determinado por ia cuidad como la cantidad requerida como un pago de entrada para una propiedad comprable si dicha propiedad fue financiada como un pr~stamo convencional. Consulte al representante de la empresa con respecto a la determinaci5n de esta cantidad. La cantidad del pago de entrada deber,~ ser determinada por la cuidad como la cantidad requerida como un pago de entrada para una propiedad comprable si dicha propiedad fue financiada como un pr~stamo convencional. Consulte al representante de la empresa con respecto a la determinaci6n de esta cantidad. En ning~n caso pueden los pagos combinados de ia cuidad exceder $5,250.00. La Cantidad total del pago de entrada debe ser aplicada al precio de la compra como el pago de entrada de la misma y los gastos incidentales elegibles. DUEI~O-OCUPANTE POR MENOS DE 180 DfAS (PERO NO MENOS DE 90 DIAS} QUF RENTA UNA VlVlENDA EN SUSTITUCl0N Si usted es due~o-ocupante desalojado y. es un ocupante a la iniciaciOn de las negociaciones y ha sido un ocupante por cuando menos 90 dfas consecutivos pero menos de 180 dias inmediatamente antes de la fecha de la iniciaciOn de las negociaciones y su propiedad es adquirida por la cuidad, y usted renta y ocupa una vivienda en substituciOn que sea decente, segura e higi~nica dentro de un a~o despu~.s de que la propiedad es adquirida o despu~s de que usted se mude (!o que ocurra despu~s), usted ser,~ elegible para un pago de una vivienda de renta en substituci6n que no exceda $5,250.00. INQUILINO-OCUPANTE POR NO MENOS DE 90 DiAS ANTES DE EMPEZAR LAS NEGOClAClONES, QUE RENTA UNA VlVlENDA EN SUSTITUCI01u Si usted es un inquilino desalojado y renta una vivienda en substituci6n, puede ser elegible para recibir un pago de ia diferencia~de renta de hasta $5,250.00. El pago ser~ ~basado en la diferencia entre la renta que usted pag6 y la renta que usted debe de pagar para una vivienda en substituciOn que sea comprable. Esta diferencia se multiplica luego por 48 meses, como estipulado por ley. Sin embargo, si la cantidad de renta que usted ha estado pagando excede el 25 por ciento de sus ingresos mensuales en bruto, su pago ser~ basado en la diferencia entre su habilidad de pagar (25 por ciento de los ingresos mensuales en bruto) y, o la renta de una vivienda en substituciOn que sea comprable, o la renta actual de su nueva vivienda, el que sea menos. BENEFICIOS "LAST RESORT" Un inquilino quien necesita mas de $5,250.00 para poder rentar una vivienda comprable, puede calificar para un pago adicionat de ayuda en renta. La cantidad que sobrepasa el m~ximo pago de $5,250.00 se llama beneficio de Last. Resort. SegGn circunstancias individuales, es posible, por medio del beneficio Last Resort, calificar para un pago de ayuda en renta cuando el desplazado no cumpla con el requisito de residencia de noventa dias. -El pago de beneficios de Last Resort se har,~ atrav6s de un plazo anual o en una cantidad junta cuando el reclamante desea utilizar sus beneficios para ayudar en la compra de una casa. Consulte con su representante de reubicacion para mas informaciOn sobre el programa de beneficios de Last Resort. APELACIONES Si usted se considera perjudicado por una determinaci(~n con respecto a su eleg~bilidad, la cantidad del pago, o la falla de la cuidad para proporcionarle ayuda, usted puede pedir que su reclamo sea revisado o reconsiderado de acuerdo con el procedimiento de apelaciones establecido por ia cuidad. Detalles completos sobre los procedimientos de apelaci(~n est~n disponibles a peticiOn suya por parte de la cuidad. EVICCION A. Bajo los reglamentos estatales, el proceso de evicci6n es permitido solamente como el ultimo recurso.' B. Se puede intentar ia evicci6n de uno solamente bajo una de las siguientes circunstancias: 1) 2) El no pagar renta excepto en casos donde este es debido a la falta del due~o de no mantener los prediosen una condici0n habitable, o cuando los servicios b~sic0s han sido discontinuados o interrumpidos por un largo plazo. · .. La perpetraciOn de' un hecho peligroso o ilegal en los predios. 3) La falta de mantener los t~rminos del acuerdo de renta entre 30 dfas de haber sido notificado 4) La continuaci(~n de un estorbo despu(~s de haber sido notificado. 5) Despu~s de haber recibido una cantidad razonable de referencias a viviendas de reemplazo 6) Cuando ia evicciGn es requerida por leyes estatales o locales y no puede ser evitada por medio de esfuerzos de la entidad publica. PRESENTACI6N DE UN RECLAMO Todos los reclamos para los pagos para cambiarse de residencia deben ser presentados dentro de dieciocho (18) mesas de la fecha en la Cual usted recibe el pago final por su propiedad, o ia fecha en la cual se mudo,~ Io que ocurra despu~s. INFORMACl6N ADICIONAL Si usted tiene algunas preguntas que no ban sido contestadas de manera adecuada en este folleto de informaci0n, por favor p6ngase en contacto con el representante de la empresa Pacific Relocation Consultants. ,.(3t ® -L .EXHIBIT "F" APPEALS PROCESS APPEALS PROCEDURES AND ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW Ao Bo NOTIFICAT. ION OF CLAIMANT In the event the City Manager of the City or his designee, denies the eligibility of a person who has made a claim for a relocation payment under the Rules and Regulations for relocation assistance, or disapproves the full amount claimed, or refuses to consider the claim or its merits on account of an untimely filing or any Other ground, the City Manager of the City or his designee, shall, by written notice, inform'the person of its determination, the reasons therefore, and the applicable procedures for obtaining review of the determination. If known to be necessary or requested the notification shall be in a language other than English. -Relocation Plan Review: Any person or organization directly affected by a relocation plan may petition the State Department-of Housing and Community Development to review the final relocation plans as adopted in compliance with applicable law and regulation or the review the implementation of a complaint with the relocation plan. RIGHT OF REVIEW Any person aggrieved by a determination as to eligibility for, or the amount of, a payment under the Rules and Regulations, the failure to provide non-economic technical assistance, the failure to provide comparable or adequate replacement housing or temporary housing, or the City's property management practice, may' have his claim reviewed in accordance with the procedures set forth below. Any person or class of persons may seek review of any schedule with respect to payment under the Rules and Regulations. The procedures for review are as follows: 1. Request For Further Written Information Any person or class of persons may request that the City provide full written explanation of its determination and the basis thereof if they believe the City's prior explanation to be inadequate. The written response shall be provided within three weeks from receipt of such request. Such request must be submitted to the City within eighteen (18) months of the later of either the date the person moved from the property OR the date final compensation for such property was received. . . Review by 'City Designee Any person or class of persons who has a right to seek review as provided in Section B may request in writing that the City's authorized designee review the matter with the person or persons making this request. Such designee may be the person who made the initial decision. After an interview with the person who made the decision, the relocatee may 'then request an administrative review with the person other than the person who made the initial decision. Any such person or class of. persons, upon request to the City, shall be afforded the opportunity to make an informal oral presentation and to discuss the subject claim or claims with the City's 'designee. The City's designee shall notify such person or persons in writing of his decision after reviewing and' considering all reasonably available evidence. Said notification shall be made within fifteen (15) days following the date on'which the matter was reviewed with the person or persons making the request for review. Such request for review must be made within eighteen (18) months of the later of either the date the grievant moved from the property or the date final compensation for such property was received. Review by Relocation Appeals Board After review of the matter by the City's designee and receipt of its decision, or in the event such person or class of persons has not received notification of the City designee's decision within 60 days after filing the initial request for review, the person or class of persons may file a complaint in writing with the Relocation Appeai-s Board established by the City. The complaint must be filed within six (6) months of the date on which the aggrieved person or class of persons received (or should have received) notification of the City's decision. The Relocation Appeals Board will promptly hear all such complaints pursuant to rules and regulations adopted by the Relocation Appeals Board, and shall determine if the City has complied with applicable provisions of the State Guidelines, Tustin's Relocation Rules and Regulations, and, where applicable, federal regulations. The Relocation Appeals Board shall, after a public hearing on the matter, transmit its findings, and recommendations to the City Council.. The Board shall consider every aggrieved person's complaint regardless of form, and shall, if necessary provide assistance to the claimant in · preparing the written claim. When a claimant seeks review, the City shall inform him that he/she has the right to be represented by an attorney, to present his case by oral or documentary evidence, to submit rebuttal · evidence, to conduct such cross-examination as may be required for a full and true disclosure of facts, and to seek judicial review once he/she has exhausted administrative appeal. A. Scope of Review The Board shall review and reconsider the initial determinations of the claimant's case in light of: 1) All material upon which the City based its original determination including all applicable rules and regulations, except no evidence shall be relied upon where a claimant has been improperly denied an opportunity to controvert the evidence or cross-examine the witness. 2) The reasons given by the claimant for requesting review and reconsideration of the claim. 3) Any additional written or relevant documentary material submitted by the claimant. 4) Any further information that the City in its discretion, obtains by request, investigation, or research, to ensure fair and full review of the claim. B. Determination of Review by Board 1) The determination on review by the Board shall include, but is not limited to: a). The' Board's decision on reconsideration of the claim, b) The factual and legal basis upon which the decision rests, including any pertinent explanation or rationale. c) A statement to the claimant of the right to further administrative appeal. 2) The determination shall be in writing with a copy provided to the claimant. C. C. Time Limits 1) The public entity shall issue its determination of review as soon as possible but no later that 6 weeks from receipt of the last material submitted for consideration by the claimant of the date of the hearing, whichever is later. 2) In the case of complaints dismissed for untimeliness or for any other reason not based on the merits of the claim, the City shall furnish a written statement to the claimant stating the reason for the dismissal of the claim as soon as possible but not later that two weeks from receipt of the last material submitted by the claimant or the date of the hearing, whichever is later. 4. Review by City Council After a public hearing by the Relocation Appeals Boa[d, and receipt of its findings: and recommendations, the City Council shall conduct a hearing on the complaint, and shall give such person or class of persons at least fifteen (15) days written notice prior to hearing the matter. The final determination on review by the City Council shall include, but is not limited to: a, the City Council's decision on reconsideration of the claim or claims, and b. the factual and legal basis upon which its decision is based, including any pertinent explanation or rationale. The aggrieved person or class of persons shall be notified in writing of the decision of the City Council within five (5) days after such decision, which decision shall be final. REVIEW OF FILES Except for confidential material, and except to the extent specifically prohibited by law, the City shall allow the aggrieved person or. persons to inspect all files and records bearing on the claim or complaint. The City may, however, impose reasonable conditions on such right to inspect its files and records.