HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1976 02 17 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY CENTER CENTENNIAL AT MAIN February 17, 1976 CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order at 7:30 by Mayor Saltarelli. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Mayor Saltarelli. III. INVOCATION Given by Councilman Edgar. IV. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Saltarelli, Welsh, Edgar, Sharp Absent: .Councilman: Sutcliff Others Present: William Bopf, City Administrator R. Kenneth Fleagle, Assistant City Administrator- Con~nunity Development james Rourke, City Attorney FlOrence Kortmeyer, Deputy City Clerk V. PUBLIC HEARING 1. PROPOSED STREET NAME CHANGE - PEPPA TREE CIRCLE Report presented by Mr. Bopf. Hearing opened at 7:34. There being no one present with comments or objections the hearing was declared closed. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Edgar that the name of Peppa Tree Circle be changed to Pepper Tree Circle and the City Attorney be directed to draft the necessary resolution for the next regular meeting. Motion carried unanimously. VI. PUBLIC CONCERNS 1. PRESENTATION OF CHARTER - TUSTIN FIRE EXPLORERS Chief Holms introduced Post Advisor Mr. Bob Poore and Explorer Post Chief Donald Howard. Mr. Poore presented the Exploring Charter to the Council and introduced members. 2. PRESENTATION - GREEN SURVIVAL Mr. Jerry Stewart, President of Orange County Chapter, California Association of Nurserymen presented the History of Green Survival programs. He stated a committee has been formed and have approached local civic groups with the goal of having Tustin as the first City in the West designated Green Survival City. Mr. Ruben Kvidt presented and read a resolution authorizing the Tustin Area U.S. Bicentennial Foundation to apply for recognition of the City of Tustin as a Green Survival City. Mr. Kvidt requested that Council adopt this Resolution, Mayor Saltarelli requested the following addition to the Resolution: "Whereas, in creating capital improvements the City of Tustin takes great pains to preserve existing trees as~ell as to put in new; and" Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar that Resolution 76~21, authorizing the Tustin Bicentennial Committee to apply for Recognition of the City of Tustin as a Green Survival City, with the above addition, be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Saltarelli, Welsh, Edgar, Sharp. Noes: None. Absent: Sutcliff Staff to bring this matter to the Parks & Recreation Commission for their perusal. Staff to assist and be sure all statistics are available to the Commission. City Council Minutes 2/17/76 Page 2o 2. SIGN REVIEW Mr. Tom Kelly, businessman on E1 Camino Real asked that the City review the Sign Ordinance. Me stated he felt the City has an obligation to try to help the business community and serve the people more. Dr. Fleagle stated that the Chamber of Commerce has appointed a committee to review signing and that invitations are being sent to members of the Business Community and to Momeowners Associations. VII. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February 2 Regular Meeting February 9 Special Meeting 2. RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS in amount of $477,046.89 and CONFIRMATION OF PAYROLL LISTING in amount of $55,077.09 3. RESOLUTION NO. 76-16 A Resolution of the City Council, City of Tustin, California, RELATIVE TO REGULATING VEHICULAR TRAFFIC AND PARKING ON CERTAIN PRIVATELY OWNED PROPERTY. Adoption as recommended by staff. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 76-17 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin URGING THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO GIVE SERIOUS CONSIDERATION TO ONTARIO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AS THE SOLUTION TO THE FUTURE AIR TRANSPORTATION NEEDS IN ORANGE COUNTY. Adoption as requested by the Council. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 76-18 A Resolution of the City Council of the Cityof Tustin, California, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TENNIS COURTS AT A. G. CURRIE SCHOOL AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. Adoption as recommended by City Engineer. 6. RESOLUTION NO. 76-19 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, ENDORSING AND URGING ESTABLISHMENT OF A TUSTIN CAMPUS OF SADDLEBACK COLLEGE. Adoption as requested by the City Council. 7. RESOLUTION NO. 76-20 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, APPROVING FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 8912. Approval as recommended by Community Development Director. 8. FINAL ACCEPTANCE AND EXONERATION OF IMPROVEMENT BONDS - TRACT NO. 8584. ApprOval as recommended by City Engineer. 9. REVISED CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEM Approval of purchase of kiln as recommended by City Administrator and Parks & Recreation Director. Mayor Saltarelli requested that items 5 and 9 be removed. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli that with the exception of items 5 and 9 the COnsent Calendar be approved. Carried unanimously. City Council Minutes 2/17/76 Page 3. Item 5 - Resolution 76-18 Mayor Saltarelli questioned Alternate B - (2 courts) and stated he would not be in favor of building only 2 courts. Councilman Edgar concurred and stated he was also against alternate as an economic ~sis. It was determined that the decision could be made at timeof awarding bids. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar that Resolution 76-18 be approved as submitted. Carried unanimously. Item 9 - Revised Capital Outlay Plan In answer to questioning byMayor Saltarelli, Mr. Biery stated that there are 2 locations in mind for the Kiln - the Old City Hall Building and the Old Tastee Freeze Building, and that this is an electric kiln. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh that this item be approved. Carried unanimously. VIII. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 676 An Ordinance of the City Council, City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO THE LICENSING OF BICYCLES. Moved by Edgar, seconded. by Welsh that Ordinance No. 676 have first reading by title. Carried unanimously. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar that Ordinance No. 676 be introduced. In answer to questioning, Mr. Rourke stated that he believed this amendment to the bike ordinance is as required by State Legislation and he would double check this before the second reading of the ordinance. Above motion carried by roll call~ Ayes: Saltarelli, Welsh, Edgar, Sharp. Noes: None. Absent: Sutcliff. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 677 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY TO THE PUBLIC AND INSTITUTIONAL DISTRICT, CERTAIN OTHER PROPERTY TO THE MOBILEHOME PARK DISTRICT, AND CERTAIN OTHER PROPERTY TO THE COMMERCIAL GENERAL DISTRICT, FOR THE PURPOSE OF BRINGING THESE PROPERTIES INTO CONFORMANCE WITH THE TUSTIN GENERAL PLAN. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh that Ordinanc~ 677 have first reading by title. Carried unanimously. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh that Ordinance No. 677 be introduced. Dr. Fleagle stated that all property owners had been notified of these zone changes and there had been no objections or inquiries except the ~!~ State who voiced their concern about the action relative to plans for disposition. Above motion carried by roll call. Ayes: Saltarelli, Welsh, Sharp, Edgar. Noes: None. Absent: Sutcliff. IX. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 674 An Ordinance of the City Council, City of Tustin, California, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 611 (IRVINE/TUSTIN INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX) ON APPLICATION OF THE IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. City Council Minutes 2/17/76 Page 4. In answer to questioning, Dr. Fleagle stated that The At Grade Crossing is an addition to the grade separations for both Jamboree and Myford. The City has given up nothing and gained an additional access. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Sharp that Ordinance 674 have second reading by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar that Ordinance No. 674 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll Call. Ayes: Saltarelli, Welsh, Edgar, Sharp. Noes: None. Absent: Sutcliff. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 675 An Ordinanceof the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING CHAPTER 19, SEC. 19.9 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE REGARDING THE BONDING IN CONSTRUCTION OF SWIMMING AND OTHER POOLS. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Sharp that Ordinance No. 675 have second reading by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Sharp that Ordinance No. 675 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Sattarelti, Welsh, Edgar, Sharp. Noes: None. Absent: Sutcliff. X. OLD BUSINESS 1. MINI-COG - ICC Councilman Sharp reported on his concept of Mini-Cog and stated that it is his feeling that the Council should pursue the Mini-Cog approach and make every attempt to weld that into a fairly strong organization. Councilman Sharp asked that the Council authorize him to go to the next ICC meeting, February 25, and vote for the reorganization of the scope and mission of ICC as well as the change of name to Mini-Cog. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli that Councilman Sharp be authorized to represent the Counciland vote on those issues that achieve the g0al of Streamlining and havinga viable organization that will do some good. Councilman Sharp reminded the Council that they have the yearly option of staying with this organization or dropping out. Above motion carried. 2. PARK NAME FOR PROSPECT-BENETA PARK Council discussed the fact that this will be a central park and a youth sport center and not a neighborhood park. As such it is not objectionable to name the park after the founder of the City and as it is adjacent tothe Columbus Tustin School the location identity is there. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh that this park sitebe named Columbus Tustin Park. Mrs. M. Byrd spoke in favor of naming the Park Prospect Park after the street. Mr. Tom Kelly suggested that a future park be named after Spanish heritage. Mrs. Mary Kelly suggested the name Esperanza meaning Hope. Mrs. Agnes Bacon stated that the City of Tustin does not have a Spanish heritage~ Above motion to approve name "Columbus Tustin Park" carried by roll call. Ayes: Saltarelli, Welsh, Edgar, Sharp. Noes: None. Absent: Sutcliff. City Council Minutes 2/17/76 Page 5. Mr. Sharp suggested that in the future perhaps a greater cross section of the community could be involved in naming parks. 3. ANNEXATION 71-B Moved by Sharp, seconded by Edgar that recommendation of the Planning Commission as contained in Resolution 1485 be accepted and findings affirmedl In answer to questioning by Councilman Edgar, Dr. Fleagle stated that base is currently zoned in the County in the M - Industrial Zone. In the Tustin Area General Plan it is designed Public and Institutional and the Planning Commission will hold a hearing February 23 for pre- zoning to the P&I District. This District specifically authorizes Military Installation. Above motion carried unanimously. XI. NEW BUSINESS 1. CHRISTMAS/AWARDS BANQUET Mr. Bopf stated that at a previous Council meeting there was discussion relative to an awards banquet. A Committee has been formed and tentative date and place set. Now asking for Council support and that during budget consideration some funds be set aside for awards and perhaps some banquet expense. Councilman Edgar requested to see some comparison as to what other cities do. No action taken. ! XII. OTHER BUSINESS 1. APPLICATION OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE FOR A NOISE VARIANCE AT ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT. Report presented by City Attorney. Matter deferred for study. 2. STATUS REPORT - NEWPORT AVE~ UTILITY UNDERGROUND DISTRICT. Report presented by City Engineer. No action necessary. 3.RESOLUTION FROM YORBA LINDA - In opposition to the proposed Chino Hills Airport. Staff to draft Resolution for next Council meeting in support of expanding Ontario Airport and in opposition to proposed Chino Hills Airport. 4. MITCHELL-HEATHERFIELD ANNEXATION Mr. Bopf reported that two of the petition circulators in this annexation have 30 names~Q~date. 5. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Bopf requested an'executive session to discuss personnel matters. 6. BUS BENCHES Mr. Rourke reported that all reasonable steps in contacting the bench owners had been taken and the City can make use of the benches if desired. Mr. Welsh stated that he had contacted the shop teacher again for painting the benches and has a commitment from a civic organization for money to cover paint, brushes, etc. Mr. Welsh asked for Council direction. Council discussed need for ~nches at bus stops, downtown area including consideration of downtown study group plan, and need in City parks. City Council Minutes 2/17/76 Page 6. M6ved by Sattarelli, seCond~dSy Edgarthat~-~atter be referred to the Parks & Recreation Commission for consideration. Carried. 7. STUDY SESSIONS (1) Study Executive session on negotia'tions. (2) Study Session to discuss PADS for the coming fiscal year. Council set Monday, February 23 at 3:30 in Council Conference Room for Executive Session followed by Study Session. 8. YOUTH APPOINTMENT TO PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Councilman Edgar stated he would have a recommendation at next Council meeting. 9.ANNEXATION SCHEDULE Mr. Bopf explained that 2 areas have been submitted to LAFCO for a November Election and 2 more will be submitted with either a March or June election date in mind. Mr. Edgar said he would like to see a rough presentation of how we should present these annexations particularly on commitment to the different areas. 10. DOWNTOWN STUDY TEAM Mr. Sharp stated he would like tosee a preliminary report from this team. Dr. Fleagle said there have been 2 meetings with the property owners and businessmen of area and a status report should be ready in the near future. They are within the time framework. Dr. Fleagle stated he has written requesting these bi-weekly reports. 11. OLD CITY HALL SITE Dr. Fleagle reported that an appraisal is underway. I2. WISHING WELL PLANS Mr. Ledendecker reported that Mr. Reed, architect has stated that plans will be in by February 25. XIII. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Saltarelli declared this meeting adjourned to an executive session immediately following, then to an Executive Session at 3:30 Monday, February 23, followed immediately by a Study Session relative to PADS and then to next regular meeting March 1, 1976. CI~