HomeMy WebLinkAbout15 800 MHZ COMM SYS 05-15-95AGENDA
MAY .12, 1995
NO. 15
That the City Council:
1. Approve the joint powers agreement.
2. Appoint a member of the City Council as its
representative on the joint powers Board of Directors.
3. Appoint Captain Fred Wakefield as the City's alternate
The City of Tustin's share of the 800 MHz system is 1.93 percent.
This includes equipment to be installed in vehicles, portable
radios and the City's share of the "backbone" system (radio towers,
generators, and other related system infrastructure). The City's
share of the backbone system is $457,582. The City's cost for
Police Department field equipment (vehicles and portable radios) is
$658,839. The 800MHz system will also include public works
departments. The City's cost for public works equipment (currently
estimated to be $156,686) and an implementation schedule for public
works communications equipment will be prepared at a later date.
The first priority is law enforcement communications.
'Prior to finalizing the order for field equipment, staff will
further review the City's requirements to ensure the needed amount
of equipment is purchased. The City's costs will be funded through
a combination of capital projects fund monies and asset forfeiture
funds. Any financing options to be provided through the joint
powers authority will also be explored.
To date, the City has expended $173,266 for dispatch center
hardware and software in anticipation of the 800 MHz system. The
new dispatch equipment is fully capable of being converted to the
800 MHz frequency.
Joint Powers Agreement - 800MHz Communications System
May 12, 1995
Page two
A complete financing plan for the City's share of backbone and
field systems will be prepared for the City Council's review in
fiscal year 1995-96.
For nearly ten years, the County and cities have been studying and
designing a new communications system to serve law enforcement and
public works departments. The existing system is over twenty years
old. It is inadequate, cannot be expanded, and does not facilitate
joint communications between agencies. The 800 MHz system will be
state of the art and meet the needs of law enforcement and public
works well into the future. The City of Tustin, as most other
agencies, is at a point where its existing communications system
must be replaced.
The County, with the support of.the cities, has selected Motorola
as the vendor to provide the seventy million dollar 800 MHz system.
Attached is a summary of why the new system is needed and how it
will function.
Each city and the County will be members of. the joint powers
authority. The purpose of the authority is to establish a
mechanism to finance acquisition of the communications system.
There are two circumstances which make essential the timely
formation of the authority. First, the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) requires that Phase I construction of the new
communications system be completed by October, 1995. If this
deadline is not met, the FCC has indicated it will reallocate the
800 MHz channels to other counties. Second, the County's
bankruptcy has rendered infeasible financing options that otherwise
would have been utilized.
The proposed joint powers agreement is not without shortcomings.
Tustin and other agencies have some problems with the agreement in
its present form. However, because timing is so critical, the
County and cities have agreed that the prudent course of action
would be to adopt the agreement in its present form and then amend
it as needed and agreed upon by the member agencies after formation
of the authority. Also attached are the joint powers agreement.
Joint Powers Agreement - 800MHz Communications System
May 12, 1995
Page three
Because of the significant policy issues to be considered by the
authority, it is recommended that a member of the City Council be
appointed to the Board of Directors. The recommended alternate,
Captain Wakefield, is a member of the 800 MHz system Technical
Liaison Committee and has considerable background in the technical
aspects of the system.
The joint powers agreement deals solely with financing of the
communications system. At this point, the Sheriff's Department and
County General Services Agency are discussing how the day-to-day
operations of the backbone system will be handled. There has been
some discussion about the role of cities (which consist of 72% of
the system) in the operation of the system. There are many
outstanding policy and administrative issues that need resolution
which is why the joint powers agreement does not deal with
operational matters. The joint powers agreement can be amended at
a later date if a consensus can be achieved between the affected
As the City Council is aware, over the past several years the City
has allocated $724,448 to a County trust account to cover the
City's share of the backbone system. Tustin, along with thirteen
other cities, made the contributions in anticipation of a financing
arrangement that would have been beneficial to cities and the
County. These funds are now frozen due to the County's bankruptcy.
The cities are in a position of having to negotiate release of the
funds, including the percentage share, subject to approval of the
federal bankruptcy court. Negotiations are expected to start soon.
800mhz. wah
What is the 800/Vt[Hz Countywide Coordinated Communications System (800 MHz
The proposed 800 MHz system is an 81-channel radio communications system enabling
mutual cross-communications among 100 City and County Law, Public Works, and Fire
operations. It will be the largest multi-user, multi-owned radio system in the world.
The 800 MHz system, consisting of 61 new channels, will replace the existing 18-channel
460 MHz Law system and the various Public Works systems in Orange County. Twenty
additional channels from an existing County/City Fire Trunked System will be integrated
into the 800 MHz system. The 800 MHz system components include a backbone system
of 22 transmitting/receiving sites, dispatch consoles, and field equipment (portable and
mobile radios).
2. Why is the 800 MHz System needed now?
The existing law enforcement communications system has been in service for 23 years and
is deteriorating. The frequency of repair is increasing; parts are difficult, and in some
cases impossible, to obtain. If the 800 MHz system' fails to go forward, individual
agencies will be forced to replace existing base station equipment, consoles, mobiles and
portables. The replacement equipment'Mll be limited to operation on the 18 or so existing
460 MHz channels, since there are no additional 460 MHz channels available.
Maintenance costs will escalate.
Some of the larger cities and the Sheriff-Coroner Department are currently experiencing
traffic overloading. The number of available 460 MHz channels is insufficient to support
traffic demands today and will most certainly be inadequate for the future. Coverage
requirements are also limited as there are currently only 10 transmitting/receiving sites as
compared to the 22 proposed in the new system.
With law enforcement on 460 MHz channels, fire services in the 800 MHz band, and
public works scattered throughout the spectrum, there is virtually no interoperability
between the various Public Safety entities in Orange County. Should 'some 'Orange
County law enforcement agencies be forced to relocate to other bands due to crowding,
the lack ofinteroperability will be exacerbated. Failure to implement the 800 MHz system
will continue this problem far into the future for alI Public Safety entities in Orange
The history of law enforcement in Orange County has proven that the ability to
communicate between all law enforcement agencies in the County dramatically improves
the delivery of services to the public. Fragmentation of communications will most likely
result in increased staffing requirements for those agencies cut off from the common
communications shared by others in the County.
JM:skb 4/18,n95
800 MHz Countywide Coordinated Communications System
Page 2
A number of cities and counties outside of Orange County have either implemented or are
in the process of implementing 800 MHz systems similar to that proposed for Orange
County. Interoperability with these outside agencies will be an&her casualty associated
with the'failure to proceed with the 800 MHz system.
3. Who.was involved with acquiring thisSystem after the vendor selection process?
After the County Board of Supervisors approved the selection of Motorola as the
contractor in january 1994, several committees were formed consisting of City/County
personnel including City Managers, Police Chiefs, Fire Chiefs, Law/Public Works/Fire
operational personnel, and County staff (see attached). The committees were:
Implementation Steering Committee to oversee the 800 MHz' system implementation;
Negotiating Committee to negotiate a contract with Motorola; a Governance Task Force
to develop an operational plan for the ongoing oversight of the 800 MHz system; a
Technical Liaison Committee of agency operational personnel to oversee the system
design; and a Finance Committee to determine financing options. The balance of work
done in 1994 also consisted of design changes in the system to accommodate the merger
of the proposed Law/Public Works and existing Fire 800 MHz systems.
What,are the implica¢ions of postponing the 800 MHz system?
The County has been licensed to use 61 channels in the 800 MHz band for a new
Law/Public Works System by the FCC. The approved FCC plan calls for initial
implementation of the 800 MHz system in October, 1995, and full implementation of the
system by mid-1997. If the County does not commit to going forward with this system,
the FCC will award the channels to other counties and cities.
These 800 MHz frequencies can be used only for Public Safety and cannot be sold, but
any other Southern California Public Safety agency on the waiting list can apply for them
if not used. A large waiting list exists for these channels, and those agencies are already
inquiring if' Orange County will be releasing any channels. No other substitute 800
channels would ever be available to Orange County in the future because all other 800
band channels have been allocated to nine other Southern California counties and their
What will the system cost?
A contract has been negotiated with Motorola for $70,500,000 (including taxes) for the
acquisition and implementation of the 800 MHz System over an extended period.
Included in these costs is $37,000,000 'for the backbone portion which must be installed
before any field equipment is purchased. An additional $11,500,000 in capital projects is
required by the County over the next three years to build or expand the 22 sites essential
to the backbone system. The system costs will be financed over a ten year period.
94/800M! Iz.405
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800 MHz Countywide Coordinated Communications System
Page 3
Who will pay for the 800 MHz system?
The cost of the 800 MHz system will be borne proportionately by the Cities and the
County based on an agreed-upon cost allocation method. The Cities and the County will
share in the cost of the backbone system. The County and Cities are individually paying
for the consoles and field equipment for their respective agencies.
What are the next steps required to move forward?
Authorization by the County Board of Supervisors has been received to proceed with the
800 MHz System and to enter into a contract with Motorola. This contract will be
assigned to the 800 MHz Joint Powers Authority upon its formation. A joint City/County
Finance Committee will continue to review financing options and prepare a financing plan.
JM:skb 4/18/95
I n trod uction
Despite Chapter 9 uncertainty, Orange County and its Cities must address their public safety
communications crisis.
The current public safety communications system was installed in 1973 and is outdated
and ineffective.
- The system was designed for 2,000 radios serving 1.5 million people.
- Orange County and its Cities currently operate 6,000 radios serving 2.8 million
- When completed, the proposed system will support over I0,000 radios.
· Consequently, Orange County citizens face unnecessary safety risks from a'potential
communications failure during crisis situations.
Five years ago, the FCC agreed to open a new radio communications band (800 MHz)
which has provided the County and its Cities with the opportunity to modernize their
public safety communications system.
- Historically, the FCC made new radio bands available in 1970 (460 MHz) and
1990 (800 MHz); it is unlikely that a new band will be made available in the
next 20 years.
· To take full advantage of this opportunity, the County and its Cities must act immediately
or risk the loss of the channels to neighboring counties.
· The costs of the proposed system are manageable and shared by the Cities and the County.
The Current Situation
Current System Overview
· 460 MHz system
· 18 channels allocated in 1970
· Put in service in 1973
· Designed to serve 1.5 million citizens and be in service 12 years
Reflects system uscd by I,,aw Enforcement and Public Works Departments. Fire Services already usc a 20-chmmcl.
800 MHz system. ' '
95t800MI lz.067
SM:skb 4/18!95
Shortfalls of Current System
· System often overloaded and inaccessible to public safety officers
: Average of 330 radios per channel vs. norm of approximately 100 radios per channel
· Numerous radio coverage "dead spots" and "holes" throughout Orange County
· Incompatible with neighboring counties' communications systems and Orange County
Fire Services
· Unable to utilize state public safety initiatives such as Cai Id. and NCIC 2000
· Replacement parts expensive and critical parts no longer manufactured
The Proposed System
The Cause for Immediacy
· In 1987, Orange County developed a plan for improving its communications system.
· In 1990, Orange County negotiated with neighboring counties for the new 800 MHz.
· Of the 93 channels Orange County requested, it received 61.
· The FCC requires that Phase I construction of the new communications system be
completed by October 1995 or the channels can be reallocated to other counties.
- Orange County has already received one extension from the FCC and is
unlikely to receive another.
- The County would likely not have the opportunity to acquire new channels
for an additional 20 years.
Ail of~he neighboring counties have virtually completed the installation of their 800 MHz
systems, and Riverside and San Bernardino have each requested an additional 31 channels.
· In the cases of both the LA MTA and Deland County (Florida), the FCC rescinded '
previously awarded channels for failure to meet specified deadlines.
~'~ As per FCC Regulation 6 90.361
SM:skb 4/18/95 2
This Joint Powers Agreement For The Orange County 800
Megahertz Communications System ("Agreement") is made this
day of , 1995 by and among the foll6wing public entities
(collectively, the "members"); the signatory cities listed on the
signature pages of this Agreement (collectively, the "Cities") and
the COUNTY OF ORANGE (the "County").
A. In accordance with the terms of certain agreemehts by and
among the County and the Cities, the CountY Currently operates a
coordinated law enforcement/public works/fire radio communications
system (the "Existing CCCS").
B. The County and the Cities have determined that current
law enforcement/public works/fire radio communication requirements
indicate that the Existing CCCS must be replaced with an 800
Megahertz coordinated law enforcement/public works/fire radio
communications system (the "800 MHz CCCS"). The County and Cities
have also determined that the public need for the 800 MHz CCCS is
800 MHz J?A 3/23/95
C. Cities and County have further determined that the most
appropriate and expeditious method to achieve their goals with
respect to the purchase, financing, administration, technical
operation and related matters of the 800 MHz CCCS is the creation
.of a joint power entity.
D. Each member is a public agency as d~fined by Government
Code Section 6500 et. seq. and 'is authorized and empowered to
contract for the joint exercise of powers common to each member.
E. The members now wish to jointly exercise their powers to
provide for financing, purchase, maintenance support, technical
operation, implementation, training of and for an 800 MHz CCCS and
'related and incidental services, including but not limited to,
creation, development, ownership and operation of programs,
facilities, and funds therefor through the establishment of the
"Orange County 800 MHz CCCS" (the"Authority-).
F. The members hereby acknowledge that operation and control
of the 800 MHz CCCS is licensed by the Federal Communications
Commission ("FCC") to the County and shall remain with the County
at all times.
NOW, THEREFORE, the members agree as follows:
800 MHz OPA 3123/95
1. Authority Created. The Authority .is formed by this
Agreement pursuant to the provisions of Article 1, Chapter 5,
Division 7, Title 1 (commencing with. Section ~500) of the Govern-
ment Code of the State of California. The AuthoritY shall be a
public entity separate from the parties hereto and, except as
otherwise provided herein, its debts, liabilities and obligations
shall not be the debts, liabilities and obligations of its members.
2. Purpose of the Agreement: Common Powers to be Exercised.
Each member individually has the statutory ability to provide law
enforcement/public works/fire radio communications services and
related and incidental services as well as providing facilities and
personnel for such services. The purpose of this Agreement is to
jointly exercise in a coordinated fashion the foregoing common
powers in the manner set forth herein.
3. Effective Date of FormatiOn. The Authority shall be
formed as of , 1995, or such later date as agreed to
in writing by all the members (the "Effective Date"), provided that
the Authority has met the insurance requirements set forth in
Article VI,' Paragraph 4(d) below.
800 MHz JPA 3/23/95
4. ~Q~--r~. Pursuant to and ~the extent required by
Government Code Section 6509, the Authority shall be restricted in
the exercise of .its powers in the same manner as is a general law
city~ The Authority shall have the power to do any of the
following in its own name:
(a) To exercise the common powers df its.members in the
selection, purchase and financing of the 800 MHz
CCCS. The Authority shall also have the power to
authorize and implement any and all necessary
and/or appropriate support for the 800 MHz CCCS.
(b) To deposit and hold funds for the 800 MHz CCCS.
(c) To establish a Collateralization of revenue inter-
cept option for assuring financing of th% 800 MHz
(d) To establish a cost allocation method for equitably
allocating 800 MHz CCCS costs and expenses to all
City/County members participating in the system.
(e) To establish a payment schedule that assures up-
front capitalization, by City members and County
payments at end of system implementation..
(f) To establish a master agreement/sublease agreement
that individually includes each member's equipment,
financial commitment, and payment plan with respect
to the 800 MHz CCCS.
800 aMz JPA 3/23/95
(g) To establish financing mechanisms for the 800 MHz
(h) To coordinate and negotiate with the County regard-
ing the County's acquisition 'and construction of
radio transmission sites (towers and buildings) for
the 800 MHz CCCS.
(i) To accept assignment by the C6unty of contract(s)
of purchase for the 800 MHz CCCS between the County
and Motorola and establish a mechanism to pay all
Motorola invoices for the 800 MHz CCCS as due and
to establish an appropriate mechanism for the
inventory and distribution of inventory for the 800
(j) TO make and enter into contracts including con-
tracts with its members.
(k) To purchase, acquire, lease, sublease, hold and
dispose of equipment.
(1) To incur debts, liabilities, or obligations, pro-
vided that all bonded indebtedness, or other long
term debt financing, and all long term lease or
sublease obligations incurred in connection with
the issuance of certificates of participation or
otherwise shall require the prior consent of~ the
members as set out in Article IV hereof.
(m) To sue and be sued in its own name.
800 MHz JPA 3/23/95
(n) To negotiate, enter into and use (subject to the
provisions of Article IV hereof) any and all fi-
nancing mechanisms available including, but not
limited 'to, pledges and granting of security inter-
ests in and to real and personal property of the
(o) To support the operation, main%enance, repair, and
management of new or existing facilities or por-
tions of facilities, essential to the development
and implementation of the 800 MHz CCCS.
(P) To purchase insurance or to self insure and to
contract for risk management services.
(q) To exercise such additional pOwers as otherwise
permitted under the Joint Exercise of PoWers
statutes (Articles 1 through 4, commencing with
Section 6500, of Chapter 5, Division 7, Title 1 of
the Government Code, as amended) and which are
necessary or appropriate to the accomplishment of
the purposes of this Agreement.
5. Prohibition Against TaxeR. In no event shall the
Authority have the power to implement, levy or institute any tax or
800 MHz JPA 3/23/95
1. Membership. The members of the Authority shall be the
original parties hereto which have not withdrawn from the Authori-
ty, and such other cities and .public entities as may join the
Authority with the approval of the members after execution of this
Agreement. New members may join on the terms and conditions set
out in Article VII hereof~
2. Designation of Directors. Before the Effective Date,
each member by resolution of its governing body shall designate and
select one representative to act as its.director on the Authority
. .
Board of Directors (the "Board"), except the County Who ~hall have
two (2) representatives to act as its directors: (i) the elected
Sheriff (or his selected representative) and (ii) one other
representative selected by the Board of Supervisors. Except for
the Sheriff who shall be a permanent director of the Board, each
director shall hold office from the first meeting of the Board
after' selection by the member's governing body for a term of four
(4) years or for a lesser term as determined under Paragraph 4(a)
of Article II, or until the selection of a successor by the
appointing body. Each member shall also select an alternate to act
in each director's absence. Except for the Sheriff's alternate who
shall be selected by the Sheriff, each alternate shall be selected
by the governing board of the member. Except for the Sheriff who
800 MHz JPA 3/23/95
shall be a p rmanent director of the Board, each director and
e - ~
alternate shall serve at the pleasure of his or her selecting body
and may be removed at any time, with or without cause, at the sole
discretion of that appointing body. Any vacancy shall be filled in
the same manner as the original selection of a director and/or
alternate. No.director or alternate will receive compensation
from the Authority for his or her services. With approval of the
Board, a director 'or alternate may be reimbursed for reasonable
expenses incurred in the conduct of the business of the.Authority.
3. P~rincipal Officc. The principal office of the Authority
shall be the Orange County Chief Executive Officer's headquarters
or as may be otherwise designated by the Authority. from time
to time.
(a) The first and organizational meeting of the
Authority shall be held at its principal office on the Effective
Date. At that meeting, the Board may determine whether to adopt a
rotation system of two (2) and four (4) year terms to provide for
increased continuity on the Board and shall classify themselves-
into any groups selected.
(b) The Board shall meet at the principal office of the
Authority or at such other place as may be designated by
the Board. The time and place of the regular meetings of
800 MHZ JPA 3/23/95
the Board shall be determined by resolution 'adopted by
the Board, and a copy of such 'resolution shall be
furnished to each party hereto; provided that the Board
shall have at least one regular meeting during each
fiscal year. All Board meetings, including regular,
adjourned and special meetings, shall be called, noticed
and held in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act,
Section 54950, et seq. of the Government Code (the "Brown
Act") as it may be amended from time to time.
5. _Ouo~m: Votinq. A 'majority of the total number 'of
directors shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of the
transaction of business relating to the Authority. Each director,
or alternate in' the absence of any voting director, 0shall be
entitled to one vote except for the two representatives for the
County, each of whom shall be entitled to six (6) votes so that the
County as a whole shall have tWelve (12) votes. Unless otherwise
provided herein, a'vote of a majority of the votes cast by those
present and qualified to vote shall be sufficient'for the adoption
of any motion, resolution or order and to take any other action
deemed appropriate to carry forward the objectives of the Authori-
6. Executive Committee. At its first meeting, the Board
shall elect from among its members an Executive Committee of seven
(7) members, two of which shall be the same representatives for the
800 MHz JPA 3/23/95 9.
County described above in Paragraph 2 of this Article II, and shall
designate the functions to be performed by the Executive Committee,
as allowed by law. Notwithstanding the weighted' vote granted to
the County's representatives under Article II, Paragraph 5 above,
for purposes of voting on Executive Committee matters only, each
member of the Executive Committee shall be entitled to one vote.
7. D~~. At its first meeting, the Board shall elect
from among its members a chair and vice-chair and thereafter at the
first meeting in each succeeding fiscal year the Board shall elect
or re-elect a chair and vice-chair. In the event that the chair or
vice-chair ceases to be a director, the resulting vacancy shall be
filled in the same manner at the next regular meeting of the Board
held after such vacancy occurs. In the absence or inability of the
chair to act, the vice-chair shall act as chair. The chair, or in
his or her absence the vice-chair, shall preside at and cOnduct all
meetings of the Board. The Board shall appoint a secretary to the
Authority who may be a member of the Board or an employee of a
member. The chair, vice-chair and secretary each shall hold office
for a period of one (1) year.
8. ~l~t~.~. The secretary of the Authority shall provide
notice of, prepare and post agendas for' and keep~ minutes of
regular, adjourned regular, special meetings ~of the Board and
meetings of the Executive Committee and shall cause a copy of such
minutes to be forwarded to each director. The secretary will
800 MHz JPA 3/23/95
otherwise %~erform the duties necessary to ensure compliance with
the Brown Act and other applicable rules or regulations.
9. ~l~. The Board may adopt from time to time such
bylaws, rules and regulations for the conduct of its affairs that
are not in conflict with this Agreement, as it may deem necessary.
10. Fiscal Yea~. The Authority's fiscal year shall commence
on July 1 of'each year, or in the year of its formation, the
Effective Date, to and including the following June 30.
11.. Assent of Members. The assent or approval of a member in
any matter requiring the approval of the governing body of the
member shall ~be evidenced by a certified copy of the res61ution of
the governing body filed with the Authority.'
12. Committees. The Board may establish standing or ad hoc
committees or subcommittees composed of Board members, staff and/or
the public to make recommendations on specific matters.
13. Additional Officers and Employees; Contract Services.
(a) Pursuant to' Government Code Sections 6505.5 and
6505.6, the Board shall appoint an officer or employee of the
Board, an officer or employee of a member public agency or a
certified public accountant to hold the offices of treasurer and
auditor for the Authority. Such person or persons'shall possess the
800 MHz JPA 3/23/95 11.
-~ _
powers of and shall perform the treasurer and auditor functions for
the Authority required by Government Code Sections 6505, 6505.5,
and 6505.6, including any subsequent amendments thereto. Pursuant
to Government Code Section 6505.1, the secretary and the auditor
and treasurer shall have charge of certain property of the
Authority. The treasurer and auditor shall assure that there shall
be strict accountability of all funds and r.epotting of all receipts
and disbursements of the.Authority. The treasurer, auditor and
secretary shall be .required to file an official bond with the Board
in an amount which shall be established by the"Board. Should the
existing bond or bonds of any such officer be extended to cover the
obligations provided herein, said bond shall be the official bond
required herein. The premiums on any such bonds attributable to
the coverage required herein shall be appropriate expenses of' the
(b) The Board shall appoint general counsel and special
counsel to the Authority to serve as necessary.
(c) The Board may contract with a member to provide
necessary administrative services to the Authority as appropriate.
Any administrative duties also may rotate from year to year.
800 MHz JPa 3/23/95
1. Transfer.~ Assigmment or Lease of County Assets an~]
Liabilities. As of the Effective Date, the County
shall transfer, assign, or lease to the Authority such tangible and
intangible assets and liabilities, if any, and shall receive such
monetary credit, if any, for such transfer and assignment (the
"Asset Transfer"), as are more particularly set forth in Exhibit
"A" attached hereto and incorporated herein·
2. Authority Ass~mption of Liability. In further
consideration for the Asset Transfer, the Authority shall assume
responsibility for any and all loss, litigation, liability, injury,
damage, claim, demand, and tort or workers compensation incidents
that occur on or after the Effective Date. The County shall retain
responsibility and liability for any and all such incidents that
occur prior to the Effective Date and shall retain all risk
management reserves that have been set aside for such prior
General Budget. Within sixty (60) days after the first
meeting of the Board, a general budget for the first fiscal year
800 MHz JPa 3/23/95 13.
shall be.adopted by the vote of a majorft~'of the.votes cast at a
meeting of the Board. The initial budget and each succeeding
budge~ shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (a)
the general administrative expenses, debt, loan and financing costs
and expenses, operating expenses and necessary reserves of the
Authority to be incurred during the period covered by the budget;
and (b) the allocation of costs among the members of the Authority
in the amounts necessary to cover the budget items set out in l(a)
above.. Thereafter, at or prior to the last meeting of the Board
for each fiscal year, a general budget shall be adopted for the
ensuing fiscal year or years by a vote of at least a majority of
the votes cast at a meeting of the Board. An annual year end
written budget performance report shall be presented by the
treasurer and/or'auditor (selected under Article II, Paragraph 13,
of this Agreement) to the Board.
2. Expenditures for the Approved Budget. Ail expenditures
within the designations and limitations of the approved general
budget shall be made on the authorization of the Board for general
budget expenditures without further action. No expenditures in
excess of those budgeted shall be made without the approval of a
majority of the votes cast at a meeting of the Board'.
3. Contributions. Attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and
incorporated herein is a list of all of the members of the
Authority with their respective percentage interest contribution
responsibility for the Authority's annual budget. Also set forth
800 MHz JPA 3/23/95
in Exhibit "B" is the formula used by the Authority to determine
each member's percentage contribution.
(a) Ra~man~a
(1) ~_U~gg. As part of its annual budget process,
the Authority shall determine, prepare and send bills to members
for amounts owing from its members. The Authority may also from
time to time determine, prepare and send bill~.to members for any
Other amount due from the members to the Authority, including, but
not limited to, amounts due the 'Authority under any lease or
sublease between the Authority and a member or members. Such
amounts are. due and payable within sixty (60) days of receipt of a
billing therefor.
(2) Proposition 172 Funds._ The County receives
certain monies pursuant to the provisions of Proposition 172 (Govt.
Code Sec. 30051 et seq.) ~("Prop. 172 Funds") for some of the
Authority's members, including the County. In the event that a
member receiving Prop. 172 Funds fails to timely pay any bill it
receives from the Authority including, but not limited to any bill
pursuant t° Paragraph 3(a)(1) above or any bill for amounts due the
Authority under any lease or sublease between the Authority and
said member, then said defaulting member hereby directs and
instructs the County to pay to the Authority such Prop. 172 Funds
held by the County on its behalf, if any, in an amount up to and
including the amount of said bill or said lease or sublease
payment, as applicable. In the event the defaulting member is the
County, the Authority shall make demand on the County and the
County shall pay to the Authority such Prop. 172 Funds held by the
County in an amount up to and including the amount of said bill or
800 MHZ JPA 3/23/95 15.
said lease or sublease payment as applicable. Each member agrees
to promptly execute and deliver to the Authority such additional
documentation in reasonable form as may be necessary or appropriate
to further carry out and implement the intent and goals of this
Paragraph 3(~a)(2).
(b) Failure to Pat. In the event'any member fails to
timely make any payment due under this Agreement or under any lease
or sublease entered into with the Authority, Said member shall be
in default under this Agreement if said failure continues uncured
for thirty (30) days after receiving written notice frOm the
Authority-specifying said unpaid amount. In the event a member is
in default under this Agreement (the "defaulted member") said
defaulted member's right to vote under this Agreement'shall be
suspended until said default is cured or remediated. Notwithstand-
ing the foregoing, a defaulted member shall remain liable for all
of its obligations under this Agreement and any such lease or
sublease and to the Authority, including, but not limited to its
proportional share of any indebtedness of the Authority. Nothing
in this paragraph shall be construed as the Authority's exclusive
remedy for the remediation of defaults by its members and the
Authority reserves the'right to pursue any and all available rights
and remedies at law or in equity.
4. A_D_Droval of Bonded Indebtedness. Prior to any Authority
resolution authorizing the issuance of any bonded indebtedness,
each member shall approve any bonded indebtedness to be incurred by
the Authority. Any withdrawing member under Article VII shall
800 MHZ JPA 3/23/95 16.
remain responsible for payment (as provided in said Article VII) of
its proportional share of any bonded indebtedness it has approved.
As used herein, "bonded indebtedness" does not include short-term
tax anticipation notes with a one-year (or shorter) term which the
Authority may authorize by a majority vote of all of the directors
of the Board.
1. Accounting Procedures. Full books and accounts shall be
maintained for the Authority in accordance with practices estab-
lished by, or consistent with, those utilized by the Controller of
the State of California for like public entities. In particular,
the Authority's auditor and treasurer shall comply stri'ctly with
requirements governing joint powers agencies, Article 1, Chapter 5,
Division 7, Title 1 of the Government Code of the State of
California (commencing with Section 6500).
2. Audit. The records and accounts of the Authority shall
be audited annually by an independent certified public accountant
and copies of the audited financial reports, with the opinion of
the independent certified public accountant, shall be filed with
the County Auditor, the State Controller and each member within
four (4) months of the end of the fiscal year under examination.
800 MHZ JPa 3/23/95 17 .
1. Project Facilities and Propertk. On and after the
Effective Date, all real and personal property, including but not
limited to, facilities constructed, installed, acquired or leased
by the Authority, apparatus and equipment, ~ersonnel and other
records and any and all reserve funds shall be held in the name of
the Authority for the benefit of the members of the Authority in
accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
2. Disposition of Assets Upon Terminatio~.~. The Authority
may vote to terminate this Agreement, or termination will occur if
only one member is left in the Authority. In this regard, if a
majority of the total number of votes of the members vote to
terminate the Authority, a similar vote shall then be taken to
determine the party (which may be a non-member) "'t0 oversee the
disposition and winding up of the business, assets and liabilities
of the Authority. If termination occurs, all surplus money and
property of the Authority shall be conveyed or distributed to each
member in proportion to all funds provided to the Authority by that
member on behalf of that member during its membership. Each member
shall execute any instruments of conveyance necessary to effectuate
such 'distribution or transfer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
Authority may not terminate or dissolve without providing for the
transfer, assignment, satisfaction or other disposition of all of
its obligations under any leases or subleases entered into in
connection with financing the 800 MHz CCCS.
800 HNz JPA 3/2]/95
3. LiabilitieS'.' Except as otherwise provided herein, the
debts, liabilities and obligations of the Authority shall be the
debts, liabilities or obligations of the Authority alone and not of
the parties of this Agreement.
4. Indemnification and Insurance.
(a) From and after the Effective 'Date, the ~Authority
shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless each of the members and
their respective officers, employees, agents and representatives
with respect to any loss, damage, injury, claim, demand, litigation
or liability and all expenses and costs relating thereto(including
attorneys' fees) arising out of or in any way related to the
performance of services by the Authority pursuant to this Agree-
ment. 0
(b) From and after the Effective Date, the Authority
shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless each of the members and
their respective officers, employees, agents and representatives
with respect to any loss, damage, injury, claim, demand, litigation
or liability and all expenses and costs relating thereto (including
attorneys' fees) arising out of or in any way. related to any
contract or agreement assumed by or otherwise transferred to the
(c)' From and after the Effective Date, the Authority
shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless each member and their
respective officers, employees, agents and representatives with
respect to~any loss, damage, injury, claim, demand, litigation or
800 MRZ JPA 3/23/95 19.
liability and all expenses and costs relating thereto (including
attorneys, fees) arising out of or in any way related to any asset
transferred to and accepted by the Authority, including but not
limited 'to real property, personal property, equipment and
(d) From and after the Effective 'Date, the Authority
shall maintain during the term of this Agreement, workers compensa-
tion insurance as required by law and, in addition, general
comprehensive liability insurance in the minimum limit of
$5,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence and annual
aggregate. Each of the Authority members shall be named as an
additional insured on the general comprehensive liability policy.
Alternatively, the Authority may self-insure. Prior to the
Effective Date, the Authority shall provide the County with
certificates of insurance or proof of self insurance evidencing the
coverage referred to in this Paragraph 4(d). Such insurance is a
condition precedent to performance under this Agreement, and until
the Authority obtains insurance as provided for in this Paragraph
4(d), performance under this Agreement is excused and no member
shall have any right against any other member in equity or law.
(e) Notwithstanding Article 'VI, Paragraph ~4, the m~mbers
agree that no immunity available to the members under state or
federal law or regulation shall be waived with respect to any third
party claim.
800 MHz JPA 3/23/95
FCC Licenses~ Lease of 800-~4~z CCCS and
Operation By County.
(a) Lease of 800 MHz CCCS. Ownership of the 800 MHz
CCCS shall remain in Authority as specified in
Article VI, Paragraph 1. Authority shall lease the
800 MHz CCCS to County and provide access to the
800 MHz CCCS as is necessary for County to perform
its obligations hereof (the "Lease").
(b) Responsibility of County.
With respect to the 800 MHz CCCS, County shall:
(1) manage and perform the day-to-day administra-
tive and technical operations of the 800 MHz
CCCS, including but not limited to, operating
and maintaining the 800 MHz CCCS and assuring
compliance with the Communications ACt of
1934, as 'amended (the "Communications Act")
and all state or local rules, regulations and
policies of other governmental agencies.with
authority over the County and/or the 800 MHz
CCCS, as such laws, rules, regulations and
policies are in effect from time to time;
(2) fulfill all duties and obligations of an FCC
(3) exercise all reasonable efforts to keep· in
full force and effect its FCC licenses and not
take any action, or permit any action to be
taken, that would effect a transfer of control
of such FCC licenses;
800 MHz JPA 3123/95
(4) '~epare [,at the Authority's expense,] and
file with the FCC appropriate license renewal
applications and such other reports, documents
and filings (including but not limited to any
requests for extension of time) as may be
necessary from time to time to keep the FCC
licenses in full force a~d effect for opera-
tion of the 800 MHz CCCS;
(5) take all reasonable measures to ensure that
the 800 MHz CCCS is operated in a safe manner
and maintain such facilities and equipment at
a level of efficiency and quality equal to, or
in excess of, industry standards, government
regulations and sound business pracfice;
(6) hire and supervise such employees as are
necessary for the fulfillment of its responsi-
bilities hereof;
(7) refrain from taking any action, or agreeing to
take any action, that would, jeopardize or
hinder the provision of Services over the 800
(8) not enter into any agreement or arrangement
with a third party that conflicts with '
Authority's rights hereof;
(9) not pledge, create, or suffer any lien, mort-
gage or otherwise encumber the 800 MHz CCCS,
nor permit any such encumbrances to attach to
the 800 MHz CCCS; and
800 M~z JPA 3/23/95 22.
800 ~z ~p~ 3~23~95
(10) keep Authority fully informed on a timel~
basis of material events relating to the 800
MHz CCCS, including without limitation, main- .
tenance, quality control and outage reports;
FCC orders; and directives and correspondence
with suppliers of the 800 MHz CCCS and compo-
nents thereof.
(c) Responsibility of Authorit~
With respect to the 800 MHz'CCCS, Authority shall:
(1) fully cooperate with County'and provide [at no
charge to County] such assistance as may be
reasonably required, to enable County to
fulfill its obligations 'hereof. In particu-.
lar, Authority shall cooperate with the County
in furnishing any information which may be
requested by the FCC in connection with the
operation of the 800 MHz CCCS;
(2) be responsible for the payment to County of
all expenses incurred internally by County in
the performance of its management obligations
hereof, including but not limited to, reim-
bursement for the reasonable costs of opera-
tion, repair and maintenance of the 800 MHz
CCCS, the expenses of filing applications and
reports with the FCC and other government
agencies and the payment of charges by third
parties for services and equipment relating to
the 800 MHz CCCS. Authority shall remit
800 MHz JPA 3/23/95
payment to County or to such third parties, as
the case may be, within thirty (30) days of
the presentation of invoices by the County;
(3) take reasonable measures to ensure that all of
the 800'MHz CCCS equipment is in good operat-
ing condition and repair at all times;
(4) take reasonable measures ~o protect the physi-
cal security of the 800 MHz..CCCS;
(5) not enter into any agreement or arrangement
with a third party that conflicts with
County's rights hereof;
(6) pay all excise, sales; use, property or other
similar taxes and fees that may be levied by a
governmental authority on the 800 MHz CCCS or
on the services rendered to Authority via the
800 MHz CCCS; and
(7) fully info'rm County on a timely basis of the
service capacity and industry standard quality
requirements with respect to the 800 MHz CCC$.
(d) Miscellaneous
(1) Term of Lease of 800 MHz CCCS. The Lease
shall commence on the Effective Date of this
Agreement as defined in Article.I,.Paragraph 3
and shall continue, subject to the termination
provisions of Article VI, Paragraph (5)(d)(2),
for a period of [5] years (the "Initial
Term"). The Lease shall continue thereafter
on a year-by-year basis upon terms to be
800 ~z ~ 3~3795
agreed upon by Au~ority and County and sub-
ject to each party's right to terminate the
Lease Under Article VI, Paragraph. (5)(d)(2).
.(2) Termination. The Lease may be terminated by
Authority or County at any time upon the non-
performance by the other party of any materia1
term, covenant or conditi6n of this Agreement
that is not cured within thirty (30) days
after the receipt "by such party of written
notice of its breach, provided, however, that
the Lease shall- continue in effect for a
period up to twelve (12) months at the elec-
tion of the County if continued access to the
800 MHz CCCS is required to maintain the
provision of the law enforcement/public
works/fire radio communications services
contemplated under this Agreement. Addition-
ally, One year after the Effective Date of
this Agreement, as defined in Article I,
Paragraph 3, either Authority or County, at
its sole discretion and notwithstanding the
[five-year] Initial Term of this Lease, may
terminate this Lease upon twelve (12) months
prior written notice to the other party.
(3) Party Cooperation in Acquiring FCC Approvaljs.
If any further action is necessary or desir-
able to comply with the requirements of the
FCC,-Authority and County will take all such
necessary action including, without limita-
tion, the execution and delivery of such -
further instruments and documents or amend-
ments to this Agreement as may reasonably be
acceptable to the FCC.
(4) Modification of 800 MHz CCCS. Authority may
initiate modifications t6 the 800 MHz CCCS
from time tO time [,at the Authority,s ex-
pense], subject to the County's express writ-
ten approval of any proposed modifications.
If prior FCC or other Cegulatory approval of
such modifications is required, the County
shall (,. at the Authority's expense,] prepare
an appropriate application, sign and file it
with the. FCC. No such modification shall be
implemented prior to the grant of FCC consent.
6. Member Owned Equipment. The. Authority acknowledges that
any equipment purchased by a member in conjunction with or relating
to the 800 MHz CCCS which is owned by said member free and clear of
any claim, lien or interest of the Authority's shall be an asset of
said member and not of the Authority's.
1. Member Withdrawal. No member may withdraw its .participa-
tion in the Authority for three (3) years from the Effective Date,
800 MHZ JPA 3/23/95 26.
or three (3) years from the date on which it initially be~es a
member. After that three (3) year period, any withdrawing member
may give twelve (12) months prior written notice to the Authority
and its members together with such other notices, if any, as are
required by laws then in effect, of its election to withdraw as of
the end of that twelve (12) month notice period. Notwithstanding
any written notice by a member to withdraw fro~ the Authority, said
election to withdraw shall be'effective at the end of the twelve
(12) month notice period if, and only if, the withdrawing member
has prepaid in full to the Authority an amount equal to its entire
proportional amount of (i) the principal and interest of any debt,
obligation, liability, loan or finanCing of the Authority.and (ii)
five (5) years of estimated generai administrative and operating
expenses for the Authority.
2. Addition of New Members. Any non-member may join the
Authority upon consent of a majority of the total number of votes
of the directors of the Board and the agreement to such terms and
conditions as may be determined by the Board. A new member may be
required to transfer to the Authority its CCCS facilities and
assets, if any, or to reimburse the Authority for a proportionate
share of facilities which the new member will utilize. As a
condition of membership, a proposed new member may also be required
to accept responsibility for a proportion of the debts, obliga-
tions, and liabilities of the Authority, to the extent agreed upon
by the Authority and the new member at the time of membership. The
Authority Board may determine to waive all or part of such
800 MHz JPA 3/23/95 27.
- ~ contribution requirements in return for an offsetting transfer of
the.new member's facilities and assets to the Authority.
3. ' ' ' ' ' ' . Any withdrawing
member may negotiate with the Authority for return or repurchase of
any and all stations and equipment serving that member's jurisdic-
tion, however,~the Auth'ority shall be under nb obligation or duty
to deliver or sell said stations and equipment. In no event,
however, shall any withdrawing member have any claim to or right,
title and interest in any federal, state or local license held by
the Authority, including, but not limited to any FCC license. In
addition, a withdrawal of a member from the Authority shall not act
as a release of any obligation of such withdrawing member under any
lease or sublease between the Authority and such member'
The Cities and County shall designate a transition team to
implement the transfer of assets and liabilities hereunder, to
prepare for the Authority's organizational meeting, and to direct
the transition of administrative services from the County to the
800 }1Hz JPa 3/23/95 28.
1. Initial Notice. Upon the Effective Date of this
Agreement, the Authority shall timely file with the Orange County
Clerk and the Office of the Secretary of State the information
required by Government Code Sections 6503.5 arid 53051.
2. Additional Notices. Upon. any amendments to this
Agreement, the AuthOrity shall prepare and timely file with the
Orange' County Clerk and the'Office of the Secretary of State the
information required by Government Code Sections 6503.5 and 53051.
3. NotiCe' to M~mbers. Notice to members shall be deemed
given when mailed to them, first class, postage prepaid, or faxed
to the address/or fax number set out by their signatures.
4. Amendment. This Agreement may not be amended or modified
except by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the total number of votes
of all members. This Agreement represents the sole and entire
agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements,
negotiations ~and discussions between the parties hereto and/or
their respective counsel with respect..to the subject matter of this
5. ~LLILG~. The headings in this Agreement are~ for
convenience only and are not to be construed as modifying or
e_~xplaining the language in the section referred to.
800 MHZ JPA 3/23/95 29.
6. Severahility. Should any part, term, or provision of
this Agreement be determined by a court to be illegal or unenforce-
able, the remaining portions or provisions of this Agreement shall
nevertheless be carried into effect.
NO Continuing Waiv_e~. No waiver of any term of condition
of this Agreement shall be considered a continuing waiver' thereof.
8. SuccesSors. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of
and be binding upon any successors or assigns of the members. No
member may assign any right or obligation hereunder without the
written consent of a majority of all of the directors of the Board.
9. NO Third Party Beneficial. The members agree that
except as provided in Article IX, Paragraph 8 above, the provisions
of this Agreement are not intended to directly benefit, and shall
not be enforceable by, any person or entity not a party to this
10. Reporti~q. The Authority shall at all times remain in
compliance with the requirements of the Political Reform Act
(Government Code Section 81000 et seq.) and 'the Conflict of
.Interest Code (Government. COde. Section 83300.et s~q.).. .......
800 MMz OPA 3123/95
IN WITNESS THEREOF, the pafta]~es hereto have caused this
Agreement to ~be executed and attested by their duty authorized
officers as of the date first above written.
COUNTY OF ORANGE, a political
subdivision of the State
of California
By ,.
Chairman of its Board of
Clerk of the ~oard of Supervisors
County of Orange, California
P.O. BOX 22014
SANTA ANA, CA 92702-2014
FAX: (714) 834-3018
; £ .'
800 MHZ JPA 3123/95 3 1 .
Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of
at a regular meeting thereof, held
on the day of
~, 1995.
City Clerk
Backbone equipment purchased from Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc., by
the 800 MHz CCCS Joint Powers Authority to support the coordinated system. Equipment
purchased by individual .COunty and City agencies/departments to support field operations
and dispatch operations is not included in leaseback to County.
Radio sites constructed for the purpose ofsupporting 800 MHz CCCS.
Page 1 of 2
pa~e 2
Portion of Loma Ridge facility, tower structure, radio equipment and property that supports
the 800 MHz CCCS project.
Portion of existing remote sites supporting 800 M3tz Coordinated Communications System
including buildings, towers, and generators at the following sites:
· Ol/nda
· Santiago
· Sierra
· Signal
· Bolero
· San Clemente (lease site)
3. Portion of digital microwave system supporting 800 MHz CCCS.
Portion of 800 MYtz Fire Services backbone that will be integrated with new 800 N~-Iz.
Current radio infrastructure equipment that will be used to support 800 M}Lz radio
Page 2 of 2
Exhibit B
Buena Park
Costa Mesa
· Dana Point
Fountain Valley
Garden Grove
Huntington Beach
Laguna Beach
Laguna Hills
Laguna Niguel
Lake Forest
La Habra
'La Paima
Los Alamitos
· Mission Viejo
. Newport Beach
San Clemente
San Juan Capistrano
Santa Aha
Seal Beach
Villa Park
Yorba Linda
City Total
County of Orange Total
(a) Percentage Inlerest Conlnbulion is calculaled based upon each members' equipmenl
purchases divided by total equipment purchases.
Page ! of 4
- ~
Anaheim City Manager 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. 714/254-5100
P. O. Box 3222
Anaheim, CA 92803
Brea City Manager 1 Civic Center Circle' 714/990-7600
Brea, CA 92621-5758
Buena Park City Manager 6650 Beach Blvd. 714/562-3500
P. O. Box 5009
Buena Park, CA 90622-5009
Costa Mesa City Manager 77 Fair Drive 714/754-5223
P. O. Box 1200
_ Costa Mesa, CA 92628-1200
CyPress City Manager 5275 Orange Avenue 714/229-6700
P. O. Box 609
Cypress, CA 90630
Dana Point City Manager 33282 Golden Lantern 714/248-9890
Dana Point, CA 92629
Fountain Valley City Manager 10200 Slater Avenue 714/965-4400
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Fullerton City Manager 303 W. Commonwealth 714/738-6300
Fullerton, CA 92632
Garden Grove City Manager 11391 Acacia Parkway 714/741-5000
P. O. Box 3070
Garden Grove, CA 92642
HUntington Beach City Administrator 2000 Main Street 714/536-5511
P. O: Box 190
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
Irvine City Manager I Civic Center Plaza 714/724-6000
P. O. Box 19575
Irvine, CA 92713
Laguna Beach City Manager 505 Fores~ Avenue 714/497-3311
Lasuna Beach, CA 92651
Laguna Hills ' City Manager 25201 Paseo de Alicia, Suite 150 714/707-2600
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Laguna Niguel City Manager 27801 La Paz Road 714/362-4300
Lasuna Niguel, CA 92656
La Habra City Manager 201' E. La Habra Blvd. 310/905-9700
P. O. Box 337
La Habra, CA 90633-0337
I'1 t. R E V
I o!'3
Page 2 of 4
Lake Forest
La Palma
Los Alamitos
Mission Viejo
Newport Beach
San Clemente
San Juan Capistrano '
Santa Aha
Seal Beach
Villa Park
Yorba Linda
Page 2 of 3
skb 3:20'95
City Manager
City Manager
City Manager
City Manager
City Manager
City Manager
City Administrator
City Manager
City Manager
City Manager
City Manager
City Manager
City Manager
City Manager
City Manager
City Manager
23778 Mercury Road
Lake Forest, CA 92630
7822 Walker Street
La Pa]ma, CA 90623
3191 Katella Ay. enue
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
25909 Pala, Suite 150
Mission Vieio, CA 92691
3300 Newport Blvd.
Newport Beach, CA 92663
P. O. Box 1768
Beach. CA 92658-8915
300 East Chapman
P. O. Box 449
e, CA 92666
401 East Chapman
Placentia, CA 92670 ,
100 Avenida Presidio
San Clemente, CA 92672
32400 Paseo Adelanto
San Juan Ca i~ano, CA 92675
20 Civic Center Plaza
Santa Aha, CA 92701
P. O. Box 1988 M30
Santa Aha, CA 92702
211 Eighth Street
Seal Beach, CA 90740
7800 Kate[la Avenue
Stanton, CA 90680
300 Centennial Way
P. O. Box 3539
Tustin, CA 92681
17855 Santiago Blvd.
Villa Park CA 92667-4187
8200 Westminster
Westminster, CA 92683
4845 Casa Loma Avenue
P. O. Box 87014
Yorba Lind& CA 92686-8714
Page 3 of -"
County of Orange
Board of Supervisors
Hall of Administration
10 Civic Center PlaTa
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Page 3 of 3
skb 7~:20'95
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