HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 TREE TRIMMING SVC 05-01-95AGENDA - - · NO. 11 . 5-1-95 Inter Corn _)ATE: MAY 1, 1995 TO' FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/FIELD SERVICES DIVISION RENEWAL OF CONTRACT FOR TREE TRIMMING SERVICES RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council, at their meeting of May 1, 1995, renew the contract for tree trimming services with West Coast Arborists in the amount of $198,666.00 as provided for in Section A, Article VII of the Agreement for Contract Tree Trimming. BACKGROUND: Contract was awarded on February 16, 1993, to West Coast Arborists for $198,666.00. They have successfully completed the initial one year contract and on June 30, 1995, will have cOmpleted a one year extension at the same initial cost of $198,666.00 for the trimming of 5,094 trees at $39.00 per tree. FISCAL IMPACT: The annual amount has been budgeted in the 1994-95 Public Works Budget and will be submitted as an on-going operational cost for the uPComing 1995/96 budget. .. DISCUSSION: West Coast Arborist has submitted in writing their wish to 'renew this Contract with no increase in price. Extending this agreement would insure the City. the continuance of what has proven to be top quality service. Tim D. Serlet Director of Public Works / City Engineer TDS/RER/ccm Robert E. Ruhl Manager Field Services Attachments (3) West Coast Arborists, Inc. 2200 E. Via Burton Street, Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 991-1900 - (800) 521-3714 - Fax (714) 956-3745 April 3, 1995 City of Tustin 1472 Service Road Tustin, CA 92680 Re: Renewal of Tree Mainlemnce Agreement Dear Bob, West Coast Arborists, Inc. wishes to exercise the renewal option, found in article VII, of our Tree Maintenance Agreement with the City of Tustin. We feel that the Agreement has been a su~ful venture for both the City and West Coast Arborists, Inc. This letter shall serve as notice of our desire to extend the texm of the Agreement for one more year with no increase in price. Extending the Agreement at this time would insure the City the continuance of the top quality service and communication levels to which'you have become actmstomed. All of us at West Coast Arborists, Inc. are pleased with the success of our venture with the City of Tustin and look forward to it's continued growth and success during the upcoming year. 15p~~kE. Mahoney [~ A Professional Tree Maintenance Organization AGENDA CONSENT CALENDAR NO. 12 1-17-94 I n t e r- C o rn ~ATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: JANUARY 17, 1994 ]]-30-94P03:59 RCVD WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/FIELD SERVICES DIVISION RENEWAL OF CONTRACT FOR TREE TRIMMING SERVICES APPROVED STAFF RECOMMENDATION , RECOMMENDATIONS: .It is recommended that the City Council, at their meeting of January 17, 1994, renew the contract for contract tree trimming with West Coast Arborists in the amount of $198,666.00 including two (2) minor changes as.recommended by staff. BACKGROUND; Contract was awarded on February 16, 1993, to West Coast Arborists for $198,666 00. They have successfully completed the initial one year contract. FISCAL IMPACT: ' The annual contract amount has been budgeted in the 1993-94 Public Works Budget and will be submitted as an on-going operational cost for the upcoming 1994-95 budget. DISCUSSION: It is recommended that two (2) changes be made in the contract as follows: 1.- The completion time is presently listed as sixty (60) working days. It would be in the best interest of the City to call for a twelve (12) month completion period. '2. Currently, the contract is running on a calendar year schedule, January to December. It would be in the best interest of the City, for budget facilitation, to change the schedule to reflect the fiscal year, July to June period. This current renewal would reflect a contract period from February 16, 1994 through June 30, 1995. Robert S. Ledendecker' Director of Public Works/City Engineer RSL: RER: ccg: contren Robert E. Manager Field Services CIT____!Y OF ~TUSTIN QRANGE cOUNTY ~CAL~FORNIA · . CONTRACT ~ .SPECIFICATIONS .FOR '~ CONTRACT TREE ~RIMMiNG · ' Februar~ ~_~ 1994_ - June ~ ~-~ Field Services Division City of Tustin 15222 Del Amo AvenUe Tustin. CA q~on ..o CONTENTS' · . SCOPE 'OF':WORK · .. .o - · .. -. ., . '-. .. '.:. ..' '.-.: . o SECTION A CITY OF TUSTIN ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA CONTRACT AGREEMENT · CONTRACT TREE TRIMMING February 16, 1994 ~' Juhe-30, 1995 Thls agreement, made and concluded, in triplicate this day of · , 19 , between th~ ~it~ of Tustin,- California, hereinafter called City,. and '. hereinaft, er' called Contractor. ':5 ARTICLE I. Witnesseth, that for 'and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mehtioned, to be' made and performed by the-City~ and under the conditions 'expresSed in the. two bonds, bearing date with these-presents and hereunto annexed, the Contractor agreed with said City, at his own proper cost and expense, to do all the work and furnisq~ all the materials such as are mentioned in the specifications to be furnished by said City .'necessary to. trim all trees in good 'workmanlike 'and substantial mann.er and to the 'satisfaction of the ..... . . ---=, in 'accordance. with' the. specifications entitled: Speclf'~cations and Contract Documents for.' con_.tract tree tr~_'.Lng and specifications are hereby sPectfical.ly. re~ .e~._.ed .to .and by such re.ferences made a part _her_eof.' Said ~pe¢.'.m~xcatmons _a~.,e on'file in the office of the F~eld ServiCes ~anag...er of the .City .of Tus~in,' California. Agreement..;..and also for all '~o~- ,a ~ ....... ,U:]- ----. nature of the-work 'aforesaid,' 'or from the action of .the elements, or f~m any unforeseen difficulties or obstructions which-may .arise . or encountered"in the '. prosecution · of the work until its acceptance by thth% City,-and for all 'risks of every 'description connected .with · '.work; also for all expenses incurred consequence of "the suspension or discont.inuance ' of ;-work :'-'.and - for well .and faithfully completing the Work, and the whole .thereof;.. in the - .m~mnaer and 'acc°rdin~.- .to .-the specifications, an~ ' the requ/rements of' the .Field .Services .Manager under, them. · · . . · ARTICLE III'. City hereby promises and agrees.]with cont/ractor to · employ and does .hereby employ Contractor' to -' provide'..the materials and to do 'the work according to the terms and 'conditions' herein contained and referred to, for the prices'-aforesaid, and hereby contracts to pay the same at the-time, in-the manner-and upon the conditions, above set forth; and the said 'parties ':for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators ~. successors' '.and assigns do hereby agree to the full performance of-the covenants herein contained. ARTICLE IV. 1. The CITY OF TUSTIN has obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations the general prevailing rate of pRr diem wages and the general prevailing rate for legal holiday and'overtime work in the locality in .which the work is to be performed for each craft or type of work needed to execute this contract and maintains copies thereof in the office of the Field Services Manager. The Contractor agrees that n6t less than said prevailing rates shall be paid to workers employed on ~his public works contract ~s required by Labor Code Sections .1771 and-1774 of the State of Cal.ifornia. 2. The Contractor shall, as a penalty to the CITY OF TUSTIN, forfeit twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for each calendar day or portion thereof for e_ac.h worker paid (either by. C0n.t~_actor or any subcontractor under uontractor) less than the prevailing rate set f.0rth herein on the work provided for in this contract, all in · ,.accordance with Sections 1774 and 1775 of the Labor Code of the State of California. 3. Section 1773.8 of the Labor Code of the State of California, regarding the payment of travel and sUbsistence payments, is applicable to this contract, o i . 4. Section 1777.5 of. _.the Labor Code of the State of .California, regarding the employment of apprentice, s, is applicable to this contract if. the prime contract involves Thirty ThOusand- Dollars ($30,000.00) or more, or twenty..(20) w0rktngdays or morel 5. In performance Of this contract, not more than eight ..(8) hours shall constitute a day's work. -'The Contractor'shall conform to .A~icle .3, Chapter 1, Part 7 (Sections 1810 et Seq.) of the Labo~ Code of the State .of .California, 'and shall .forfeit to the City as 'a penalty, the sum of twenty-five ($25,00)' for each worker employed in the .execution of'this 'contract by Contractor or .any subcontractor for each' caiendar day during which'-any worker is required or permit'ted to labor more than eight (8) hours 'in .any one ca.lendar, day and forty (40..)ihours in. any one Week in 'vin~-*~ --' -* said Article. -con · · ---- ..... ~ tractor .shall keep an-accurate record' showing 'the name and actual hours worked each-calendar daY and each calendar week by each worker 'employed by Contractor in connection with the public work.. 6. Contractor agrees to keep accurate P~yroll records sh6wing the name., aadress "social ' str.-- ..... " ' - ~ecurit~. number, Work clas~'ification, _~_~a~.gn= =~.e anu overt.i~.e .hours' worked each-day and ..week. and the ==uual per-~l~ wage~ paid tO each 3ourneyman, apprentice or worker employed by him in connection With the public work, and agrees to insist that each of' his subcontractors do the-sam~. Contractor further agrees that his payroll records and those of his subcontractors shall be available to the employee or his representative, the.. Division of Labor -Standards' Enforcement, and the Division of Apprenticeship Standards, and shall comply with all of the provisions of Labor Code Section 1776, et seq., in general. 7. Contractor is also aware of the provisions of S'ection 3700 of the Labor Code which requires every employer to be insured against liability for Worker" s Compensation or undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code and will comply with such Drovisions before comm~n~.~n~ ~ho ~_~ ...... ARTICLE V. The Contractor shall indemnify 'and save harmless the City of Tustin and all officers and employees thereof from all claims, ~,suits, or actions of every name, kind and 'description, brought for, or on account of, injuries to or death-of any person including, but not limited to, workmen and the public, or damage to property resulting from the construction of the work or by or in consequence of any negligence regarding the work, use of improper materials or equipment in construction of the work, neglect or refusal of Contractor to faithfully perform the work and all of Contractor,s obligations under-the contract; .or. by or on account of' any act or omissioh by the Contractor -or. his agents or a subcontractor or his agents or a third party during the progress of the Work or at any time before its completion and final acceptance, or which might arise in connection with the agreed upon work or is caused by or happening in connection with the progress, of said work. ,. The defense in.indemnification by COntractor shall include all costs and expenditures including attorney,s fees incurred by the City of Tustin or i~s employees, officers or agents with respect to such claim or suit and Contractor will, if requested by City of Tustin, defend any litigation arising out of such claims at the sole cost and expense of Contractor. In addition to any remedy author~--~ =-- .......... . ., .. .,.,,.,=u. ~,.,v .~.uw: SO m%l~_.ll of the ~z .~= ~o~e alscre=lon of the City of Tustin may be retained:by the City until disposition has been made of such claims for damages as .aforesaid. ARTICLE VI. The Contractor shall, take out and maintain durih'g the life of the Contract. comprehensive .a~tomobile and general liability .insurance that provides protection from claims which may' arise from operations or performance under this 'contract. The amount of insurance :shall not be-less than the follow-ing: Single limit coverage applying to' bodily, and personal injury. liability and property damage: '$2,000,000. oo The following endorsements must be indicated on all cert. ificates of insurance: -. 1. Th.e City-of Tus-tin, its .elective and appointive.beards, o_.fflcers_ a.gents and .employees are 'named as additional · nsureds In the policy ,as to the 'work 'being performed under the contract'; 2. The coverage is primary and no other insurance carried by the City of Tustin will be called upon to contribute to a loss under, this coverage; 3.. The policy covers blanket contractual liability; 4. The policy, limits or liability are provided on an occurrence basis; 5. The policy covers broad form property damaqe liability; . 6. The policy covers personal injury as well as bod~]v 7. The policy covers explosion, collapse and underground hazards; . 8. The polic~ covers prOdUcts and completed operations; 9. The Policy covers use of non-owned automobiles; and 10. The coverage shall not be canceled nor materially a~tered unless thir~.'y (30) days, written notice is first given to .the City of Tustin~ ' .'. . · · . Contractor shall furnis'h the Ci~yofTustin with satisfactory proof of insurance coverage as required. ' ARTICLE VIii Prior to one hunted tw " _t~..e_~nd _of the initia~ term · ~ty (120) days before · ~c~lon c, Contractor shall =~,?;~th~ %~ntr~%, as prescribed in ~*~= C~ty ~nwrltlng of its intent-to extend.the term of the contract for %n 'additiona~ term of one.(1)~ year. to commence on the first.(lst) day followin~ the last day of the lnitial term.and on the Same'terms and conditions as prescribed fort he mutual term, or upon different terms which Contractor shall specify in s~ch writingu City shall, within thirty (30) days of receipt of .such advice, notify Contractor in writing of .its acceptance 'or rejection of such extension. The same provisions shall be applicable to each'succeeding .one .(1) year term for a total- of three (3) such terms. · . In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the year and date first above written. THE CITY OF TUSTIN (Seal~ · : BY: ' .Mayor of the C~ .C. ONTRACT AND BoND APPROVED: ! · :ATTEST: · · . C1 Tustin City At.torney Date APPROVED AS. TO CONTENT: 'Field Services Manager · ·Date CONTaA. ~R 'Firm'Name: _ (Seal)' BY: . " · · . · · TITLE: · : ' -' · :~-': . · . . .. . · . -~:: ::-.. '.. --: .. .,.'}. · ......;'. · . .. PERSON .(S.) .. . . .. . · ~ . Bond No. Amount Premium CITY OF TUSTIN -- PUBLIC CONTRACT FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND · . KNOW. ALL MEN.BY THESE P~ESENTS: That .- · Under the laws of' the State of corpora authorized to transact surety business in ~alifornla, as, and hereinafte~ re~erred - ' , and d?ly to as, "Surety,,, are held .and firmly '..~6und unto 'the City iof Tustin hereinafter referred to as' the "City-· in the sum of $ which Principal and surety ~ for' payment of administrators, successors and assigns,. jointly and severally as follows: their heirs, THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS THAT: · WHEREAS, Principal has entered into a contract dated f~ollowin- ........ " _19___, 'with City t~ ~- - · ' u~crlDea in said ---~ wur~, wnlc~ is more particularly . contract for the' construction of: '- Contract Tree "Trimming " Janu.a~y. 1, 1993 --December 31 1993 -'~ : · · - W~ _w~2~, all of suc~h work is to be perform6d in ..... with the specifications described, . . said contract; and referred to and -incorporated in .. · . WHEREAS, Principal. shall commence .and complete such work 'as v Provided in 'Said contract; and NOW, 'THEREFORE,.. if Principal shall faithfully -perform agreements contained in the- aforesaid con~ract, then · this obligation .shall be null-and void. ... · . . all _PRovID .~,.-.HOWEVER, if Prin~iPa:i shall not £aithfuliy o' a_~gr,,e, em~en..ts contained in the .hereinabov ~--_'~ .. perf rm all un~ga~ons, then this e ~~~d contra' . obligation shall re~' ~, ~ ~..~ c~ .~uld and effect. ' a_: ~, ~u~-zorce =h ge, mo~lzxcation of the -contract doTY_,.- ~o~ time_,, alteration or Performed thereUnder s~_~, :~ __ ~umen_~_s or_ of ~.the Work to be fnd and it does hereb · Y. Y_a?zect Its. obligation on. -" Y .waive notice of a v ~ _~ .... th!s n= su~ ~u~nge, 'extension time, alteration or modification of the contract documents or of abe work to be performed there.under; and PROVIDED FURTHER, that in case suit is brought Upon this bond by the City or any other person who may bring an action on this bond, a reasonable attorney,s fee, to be fixed by th~ Court, shall be paid by Principal and Surety. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Principal and Surety have caused these presents to be duly ~igned and sealed this ., 19_____.. day of · ... NOTE: Attach proper acknowledgements for both 'Surety & Pr. incipal (Seal) APPROVED 'AS TO FORM: o . ~ity ;kttorney BY: ! · BY: .- (NAME) .Attorney-in-Fact Address of .surety: · · :Date -- Field..Services Manager .. -. ... , _ · · · ..BY '..-'. --- " -'-. ':: .... BY :'?'?': ..... ' ":' ' ~" 7'"i. '.. -'-": ?' ... :~. :~..' "'i ":: ' -. · · · .,,. · ... · · . · . Bond No. Amount CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC CONTRACT LABOR AND MATERIALS PAYMENT BOND · .. KNOW ALL.MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That .... , as and hereinafter referred t~ collectively as "Principal,,, and a corporation organized and existing under the laws'.of the Stat-~-~ · , and duly-authorized to transact surety business in the State of California, as and hereinafter referred to a.s, "Surety',, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Tustin -.h..ereinafter referred to.as the "City", in the sum of $ for payment of which Principal and surety bind themselves, their · heirs, administrators , successors and assigns, jointly and severally as follows: THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS 'THAT: WHEREAS, Principal' has entered into a contract dated · '19____, .with the City to do .and pe~.form the. following, generally-descrl~bed work· whi~ is more partmcularly described in said contract for the 'construction of: . . ~Contract Tree i~ .-Februaz,f 16,. ~ -- June ~30. ~ " ':WHEREAS, Principal shall '~ommence and complete" the work -as provided in. said' contract; .and .. NOW THEREFORE, .if 'Principal sh~l pay the contractor, his .subcontractor, and all Persons. renting equipment or furnishing labOr or .materials to them for. such' .improvements, for' the full-.cost . of'-such improvements then this obli~tion shall 'be null and void. - . ~n:rac:or ..an~ all t~ersons-renting equi ment or 'f .... Y "or materials Go . - . .P: .urnishing.labor · . · them.for such./m rovements fo such work . .. .: .... .. P .r th.e..-full cost of · · , then th~-s obligation shall .remain in' :full force and effect and such cOntractor, s~bcontractor and 'persons shall have direct right of .ac. tion against' the 'Principal and surety.under .this obligation, su~3ect to priority of city. · PROVIDED FURTHER, HOWEVER., that Surety stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or modification of the Contract documents or of the Work' to be performed thereunder shall in any way affect its obligation, on this bond and it. does' hereby wai.ve notice of any -such change, extension of' time, · alteration or modification of the contract documents or of the work to be performed thereunder; and PROVIDED FURTHER, that in case suit is brought upon this bond by the-City or any other person who may bring an action on this bond, a reasonable attorney,s fee, to be fixed by the' Court shall be paid by Principal and Surety. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Principal and Surety have caused these presents to be duly signed and sealed this day of ..... , 19_____.. ' .. NOTE: Attach proper. acknowledgements for both Surety & Principal (Seal) BY: BY: Attorney-in-Fact .. APPROVED AS TO FORM: Address of Surety: City:Attorney '(sea~)".. BY · (N..m~) .. Address -o~ Principal: APpao~ AS TO 'CONTENT: .Date -- Field .Services Manager . . COMPENSATION .INSURANCF. C~ERTIFICATE Pursuant to Section 1861 of the State Labor Code, each contractor to whom a public works contract has been awarded shall, sign the following certificate and shall submit same to the City Drior to performing any work on %he contract: · I am awa~e of the provision~ of Section 3700 of the Labor Code · which.reads as. follows: .. .. "Every employer except the State shall secure the payment of compensation in one or more of the 'following ways: . · . (a) By being insured against liability' to pay compensation in one or more insurers duly uthorlzed to write compensation, insurance in a ' ' ',~is State. .~ :. (b) .By. securing ~rom 'the Director of Industria .. certificate of cons~-~ ~ --~-._ . . . 1 Relations a furnishing proof sa~s .~u ~=-z-~nsure,_ w~lcn may b?' given upon .. . . factory to the Direct Relations of ability to S-?~ ~ ........... or of Industrial at may become due to his empl. Oyee.. Y Y ompensation BY: .' .. . TITLE':' . ~. - . -COMPENSATION /NSURANCR CERTiFiCATE __ TO: CITY OF TUSTIN CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE AND DESIGNATION OF NAMED ADDITIONAL INSURED NO Iff ODIFICA TION$ OR ADDITIONS MA Y.BE. AtADE TO Tills FORA[ CITY OF TUST~ P.O. Box 3539 Tustin, CA 92681-3539 PRO]ECl': CO--CT TREE TRnvlM~G February 16, 1994- June 30, 1995 · Compm~'Lct~r B ~~.,~-c · [! OYI~ER · o $ .$ ~'l'~Y " $ $ DATE SECTION B . LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIE_S O_~F T_~HE _CONTRACTOR _ 1. WORKER'S ~COMPENSATION_ iNSURANCE _ Pursuant to the requirements of 'Section 1'860 'of the Labor Code (Chapter 1000,-Statutes of 1965), a_nd main. t.ain,, during t~e life of C~o,n.tracto.r shall take out unls contract, workmen, s compensation Insurance for all his employees employed at the site of improvement, and if an w' shall require subcontrac .Y. ~rk 1.s sublet, Contrac com~en-~:-- · tor similarly ~ .... : _, . . tot . ~ =x~ of the latter,s ~C_0ntr_actor indemnifies City for ....... _ employees. ~rom ~ailure o~ -~ ..... £_= _ ~r uamage resultin · ~ ~=~ uonurac~or or an,, -,-~ ..... g. to it out or maintain such insurance. = ~uw.uon=rac=or to take' Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of the · --contract comprehensive automobile and general liability insurance · that provides protection from claims which may arise'. from '.operations or performance ~d? th.i~s, contract. The amount.of the insurance shall not ~ess t~an the following: Single limit coverage applying to bodily and .personal injury _liability and. property damage: $2,000,000. "Contractor shall'provide City with a certificate of on City's form which evidences 'the required)i~surance. Refer to sample certifi--~-- ,. · · · . = uon.~ract documents. The following endorsements mu~t be indicated on the certificate: . a. The City. of Tustin,. its eiective and appointive-boards, .officers, agents and employees are named -as 'add/tion~l Lnsureds 'in the pOlicy as to the work'being performe4 under the ~on.tract;.. b~ C~ d~ e~ fe g. 2e-c~_verage is priz~ an~ ....... ' e city o~ ~st~--~.~ ~'-~ ,,u.o_un. er ~nsurance cart..ied pon to The policy covers blanket contractual liability; The policy limits of liability are provided.on occurrence basis; ' · . The policy covers broad form property damage liability; The policy covers personal injury, as well as bodily injury liability; The policy covers explosion, col]anse ~ ,,~= he The policy covers products and completed operations; i. The policy covers use of non-owned automobiles; and j. The coverage shall not be canceled nor materially altered unless thirty (30) days written notice is first given to the City of Tustin. · 3. LEGA_____~L QBLIGATiON S~ald Contractor, at his own cost, expense, and risk shall aefend any and all actions, suits 6r other legal proceedings which may be brought or instituted against the City of its principals oh any such claim or demand arising out 'of Contractor, s performance or his subcontractor, s. performance under this contract., and .pay or satisfy and' judgement, that may be rendered against the City or its principals 'in any such action, .suit or legal proceedings or result thereof. Nothing herein qontained shall' be construed as limiting in 'any way to the extent to which the Contractor may be held responsible for paymen.t for damages to p.ersons or property resultin from th operation or an o e g is . Y p. rations of any subcontractor under him. 4. ASSIGNMENT .OF_ .CONTRACT Contractor shall under no circumstan~.a~si~ this. contract.' to another .party 'without the 'express consent of the City CoUnCil. . . ':If'..~'e contractor should neglect to prosecute 'the .wOrk. properly 'or fail to-perform'any provis~ons of this Contract, the. City., after written .notice to 'the Contractor, may without prejudice to..~any other remedy .it may."have, make :.good such ~fici.e~..¢ies an 'may deduct the cost".thereo_f· from the. payment'. L en_o.r...~h...e~_eaf.ter due the .Contractor, ~_pro..vide~, however, that- . · =ne ~leld '~ervioes-Manager of' sa~d~.C£ty shall approve .m~ch" action .and certify the amount thereof 'to be charged .to 'the. Contra. ctor. - . .. .. -.- · .. -. . . . . . · . materials and .equipment and' performing .. e..work, as' provided this contract is att he express-consent of .the city Council. :. · In the.'event that' any of the provisions of this con~act are violated by the Contractor, the City may terminate the contract by serving written notice upon the '.Contractor 'of its intention, to terminate such Contract and.' 'unless adequate response is made by the Contractor/within ten (10) 'days, the contract shall cease and terminate.i In the event of any such termination for the' reason above mentioned, the City. may take over the work and prosecute the same to completion.by contract or othel-wise for the account and .at the expense of the Contractor, and the Contractor and his sureties shall be liable to the City for any excess cost occasioned in the event . of any such termination, for other causes, authorized by law or other provisions of this contract. $' .PERFORMANCE AN__~D PAYMENT BONDS The Contractor shall secure the City of Tustln for f.a.ithful performance of his dut~ ...... .' the ~ aha payment of lawful obligations under this' contract by means of a ~e.rfo .finance Bond in the amo,,-~. '~ -- ...... Faithful materials Payment Bond i- ~-%_~_~._~-=,_u~u_u_ano a Labor and - ~,= amuun~ oz ~75,000 whereby the City of Tustin shall be made beneficiary thereof and all costs and premiums shall be paid by said Contractor.-' Said bonds will be furnished on a year to year basis and shall be issued by a surety company rated Grade. A or better and Class IX or ~./. better by the latest edition of Best's Key Rating Guide~ 8. LAWS T~O B~E OBSERVED · _T.h._.e_~C.°ntrac. t~r' shall keep himself fully 'informed o.f ,all =x&s~lng eno future State and National Laws and all Munlclpal Ordinances and regulations of the City of Tustin~ which in any manner affect those engaged' or e~..ploye~ in the work, and of all such or'ers and decrees of bodies or -tribunals having any' ]~.urisdiction or authority lme~ observe a~d com~ '~ijj~_~ne_~_s?n,e' He shal.1 .at all · .,--., ---, ~-u ~n.a. ll cause all h. ls agents and employees to observe and comply with all .future laws, ordinances_ ~, ... __ su_ch existing and b ' . · r-~latlon,, order o . ' · Y . himself or ~ ~,,~_ ._.. r ~ecree wheth _ . hls - conslsten~ 1-s d~s--'' ......... . Y discrepancy or .-' ~___. ~_~ _. .... ~ull ~O any ~U-~ ~=~uAuumon, order or decree' ~- -'-'5~- =.~A .AU_W, or~lnance, report 'the s~m-~ *~--'-.~ "-~-~".= uon=r, actor shall fo --- ~ ~.= =~.uy ~nglneer in writing, rthwith . . . Attention is directed to the Labor Code which provides that no'.'. disc.rimination shall be made..in the emplo ent. public works because 'of ~ '--' .... ym of persons upon persons and everv'--~--~-~- ~ ~=~" color or reli=ion ~_~,__ , .~-.z _~u-ura~or .oz public w~ --~---~, - such ~=~xun as sum3ect-' to all the' --~ .*~u~anlng thi~ violation of the. chapter, Pe~. alties imposed for a . · 0. _ 'The Contractor shall procure all permits and licenses .charges and fees, and' give a . . . , pay all lncidental to the due and lawful P ecutxon of the contract. · ~. PATENTS The Contractor shall assume ali responsibilities arising from the use of patented materials, equipment, devices or processes used on or incorporated in the work. 12. PUBLIC C_ONVENIENCE AN_~D SAFETY The Contractor shall so conduct his operation as' to cause the least possible obstruction and inconvenience to public traffic. · The Contractor shall furnish, erect and maintain such fences, barriers, lights, warning devices and signs in compliance with the current "Manual of T~affic Controls, Warning Signs, Lights i, n,~d~ ~d.eI~i~ces~3or..use _i.~. Performance .of 'Work Upon Hi'h ' . ,, -~o,~=u my =ne St . . g wa s ransportation, or-as ~=a~e, ~o~f=_C_a_l_l~,fornla, Dep_artment Yof ~ ~= u==mea necessary by the City Engineer to give adequate warning to the public at all times that the road or street is obstructed and of any abnormal Conditions to be e.ncountered as a result thereof. 1....3.". RESPONSIBILITY FO_~R DAMAGE The Cit.~ of Tustin, the City Council, or the Field Service~ Manager shall not be answerable or accountable, ~n any .manner, for anY loss or damage that may happen to the work or any part thereof.; or for any material or equipment used 'in 'Performing the work; or for injury or damage to any person or persons, _either. workmen or this public'; ~for. damage to adjoinina proper=y zrom any cause whatsoever aurlng the progress-of work or 'at any time before final acceptance. The .contractor shall' indemnify and save harmless the City of Tustin, the City Council, and the Field ' any.suit.s,.i, claims or actions brought .by Services Manager-from. any person or Persons for or-on account of. any injt~ries or damage, sustained in' or ;~rising from the work o~ in consequence thereof. The City 'may reta'in as much of .'the .money due to 'the COntractor as shall be considered necessary, until.disposition has been made of such'. 14. ~ ~ERSONAT_. LIABILITY Neither. the City council, the Field Services · other officer or author~-~ ---:-~ - Manager nor any or _ agent shall 'be personally responsible for 'any liability contract. ' . . arising under this s~_~ ........ u=-oz ~lc~s~e ~u provide a si~ed k to be ~d~~en. 16. P~AILING WAGES _ a. The CITY'OF. TUSTIN has obtained from ~e Director of Industrial Relations ~e general prevailing rate of per diem wages and .the general prevailing 'rate for legal holiday and overtime work in the locality in which the. work is to be performed for each craft or type of work be Co do e. fo needed to execute this contract, provided said Director has made such prevailing wage determination for this type of work. The Contractor agrees that not less than said prevailing rates shall be paid to ~orkers ~mployed on this public works contract as required by labor Code Sections 1771 and 1774 of the State of California. The'Contractor shall, as a penalty to the CITY OF TUSTIN, .forfeit twenty-fiv~ dollars ($25.00) for each calendar day or portion thereof .for each worker paid (either by Contractor or any subcontractor under Contractor) less than the prevailing rate set forth herein on the work provided for in this contract, all in accordance with Sections 1774 and 1775 of theLabor Code of the State of California. 'Section. 1773.8 of the Labor. Code 6f the State of California, regarding the payment of travel and subsistence payments, is applicable to this contract. Section 1777.5 of the Labor Code of the State of California, regarding the employment of a ~ · · pprentlces, applicable to this contract if the prime contract involves thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00) or more, or .t~enty (20) working d~¥s or more, or' if contracts 'or subcontractors not bidding for work through the general or prime Contractor are two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) or more, or 'five (5) working days or more. · In performance.~f thi~ contract, not more than eight hours .shall constitute a day's work. 'The CoNtractor shall conform to Article 3, Chapter 1,.Part 7 (Sections 1817 et seq.) of .the ..~~ Code' '~f the 'State Of ..California, and shall forfeit'to the .City as a penalty, the sum 'of twenty·five dollars ($25.00) or any subcontractor for each ---~~t---m~Y-L_c~,ntr~c,.=°.r any. Worker is required or ·permitted t6·labor·m6~e than. eight (8) hours-'in.any one calendar day and forty (40) .hours .in any one week in violation of '~aid ~Article. 'Contractor.shall keep.'an-ac~mrate record showing .the .name and actual hours Worked each Calendar-day. and 'each -oar w?ek by. Worker employed by the Contester · n connection wirer he public Work. s~e ~ontractor agrees to keep accurate payroil records owing the name; address, social sec~rity'number, work classification, straight time and overtime hours worked each day and week and the actual per. diemwages paid in each journeyman, apprentice or worker employed.byhimin connection with the public work, and agrees 'to insist that each of his subcontractors do .the same. The Contractor further agrees that his payroll records and those of his representative, and Division of labor Standards Enforcement, and the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and shall comply with all of the'provisions of Labor Code Section 1776, e_~t s_D_q in general. SECTION C SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONTRACT TREE TRIMMING February 16, .1994 - June 30, 1995 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES The contractor shall provid~ the following services and meet the following specifications: A. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS 1. Lowest responsible, responsive bidder oft he bid/proposal selected, who complies with all the requirements prescribed. 2. ~. Bidder must hold' a State of California Contractor,s License (C-27) at time of bid submittal. 3. Bidder must have satisfactorily completed at least five 4~ ~¥ "'J...'-'~-'-,,~J Pro3ects mn the last rive (5) years. Each ' pro3ec= shall be of comparable size t~ ~ ............ ~ ~ tv ru~z~ca~lon requ~rea). Bid.der must have .full t~me, permanently employed' staff tra!ned in the tree maintenance industry. ' Contractor must Submit t~.o t~..e Field ..Services Manager a Quality Control Plan at ~ne t.Lme of bld s~bmtssion. The Quality Control .Plan shall'provide contractor management with an.effe.ctive-and efficient means of id. entifyi~g and correcting problems .throughout the enti~e 'scope- of 'operations. This wall include the staffing '. of arborist, certified through the International Society ~f. Arboriculture-(ISA) 'for the entire length of the 'contract as Site 'SuperVisor (certi. ficattOn required)..' COnduCed. '~e n~e(s) ~d ~[~~~ o~ ~e ~dividua~' (s) r~pons-~le . for ' ~o~g ~e '~ali~ ~n~ol ~pe~ions ~d ~~t-of ~e~ a~ori~ shall listed. . · · The provisions for recording the results of inspections and for recording corrective actions must be included. 6. Contractor must submit to the. Field Services Manager current OSHA certification of all aerial devices to be used during this project a the time of bid submission. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS (Continued) 7. Contractor must submit to the Field Services Manager, for approval, their current Safety Manual meeting SB 198 requirements for injury and illness prevention, at the time of bid submission. B; PRUNING STANDARDS ARD S.PECIFICATIONS 1. All work shall c6nform to the attached 1988 Pruning Standards of the Western. Chapter ISA and these specifications. In all cases the City's representative shall have complete and sole discretion conformance and acce~t~:~: .... o in determinin~ Contractor Trimm~~ Q~uy or trees ..trimmed by - ~u r-r ee s ' ' ' ' ~ :.:.* representa · re3 ected b . · , tlv~ shall be excluded from payment,the *. Clty s 2. Contractor shall raise lower limbs on the s~reet,s~de and -to the sidewalk side, where practical, to a minimum height of 13'6'. from the top of the curb, without detracting from the natural shape of the tree. Contractor Shall trim to clear'Street lights within five (5) feet. . ~- Contractor shall comply with Standards of CAL *OSHA and the am.erican National Standard I. nstitute, Z133 1--1988, Safety. Requirements. ' . . 4. Contractor shall provide and post no par~ing signs 48 ho.uts in advance of the work. · .'5.. The ContraCtor shal1 .endeavor 'to-maintain .good public ':' 'relations at all times. .The work shall be conducted in a manner which will ca .... "~ - ' . . · ' ~ v~le leasT. OS and annoyance to ~ ....... P sible interference competen~ em~.~_~ pu~_£1c. 'Work shall .be ~x==s anu supervised by an performed.by- supervisor in tree tr~--: ~- - . . · 'experienced · . .. ~ng .o_pera=xons. .T~_e. contractor. · shall be responsible for n°tlfylng.the'resident~ at each W . ® . . po_ns~ble to see that prlvate '~~~°~dSvh~cl -ork locations are not endangered or damaged .during 'the course of work.- Sign. stands, delineators .and/or cones shall' b~ used .to identify work site for vehicular and pedestrian ~afety. i 6. The-contractor shall, exerci?e Pr .e~aution$ as necessarv when wor~.'ng adjacent to aerial utilities. In the even% that aerial Utility wire? present a -hazard'. to 'the contractor, s PersoD~el is to immediately or others near the. work s~te, work cease and the a · · · company notified. - ....... Pproprlate. utility wor~ snell then commence in accordance with instructions from the utility-company. 7. No hooks, gaffs, spurs or climbers will be Used by anyone pXoytd such urees, snell be removed at ground 'leve~. growing on the PRUNING STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS (Continued) 8. Final pruning cuts shall be made without leaving stubs. Cuts shall be made in manner to promote fast callous growth. C. D. · Brush and debris shall be removed da£1y, sidewalk"swept, parkway raked out and gutter cleaned. 10. Unless otherwise approved, trees are to be trimmed block by block, subject to the instructions of the Field Services Manager or his authorized representative. 11. Contractor shall maintain at least, one (1) English speaking foreman, on-site, at all times. 12. When trimming fungus, disease or fire blight infected limbs or'fronds, all pruning tools shall be cleaned after each cut with alcohol or bleach. ~. 13. Topping shall not be done without prior approval of the City. SCHEDULE OF WORK ANDHOURS OF OPERATION 1. The Contractor will be required to commence work within fifteen '(15) working .days of award of contr'act. The Contractor, prior to Monday of each week, shall submit to and'gain approval of city for the work Schedulefbr. the following week,--indicating the order and location 'of ~ work, in form and detail acceptable to City· -~ · The general hours of. operations 'shall be 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 P.m.'with respect to any=hipping, cuttingor other operations generating harsh or unusual noise. The days' of operations shall be Monday through Friday, however, the Contractor may. elect to work Saturday,~ but must' obtain prior approval of the City. ~0 work shal~ .be performed on Sundav. __ · In addition, the Contractor, field Leadman or foremen shall meet with the City's representative on Monday between 8:30 a%m. and 9:00 a.m. fo~ the purpose 'of' reviewing, the week's work, receiving special instructions, and to discuss any'problems encountered on the'job.' (714) 573-3350. CLEANUP 1. The Contractor Shall clean all job sites when work is completed, including the raking of leave, twigs, etc. from the lawn and parkway and the sweeping of streets.. 2. Each day's scheduled work shall be completed and cleaned up and ~nder no circumstances ~hall an~ ~rush~ leaves, debris or equiDment be .left on the street o~verniqht. CLEAN UP (Continued) E. 3. The Field Services Manager, or .his' authorized representative, shall be the sole judge as t~ the adeq6acy of the clean up. EXAMINATION OF. SITE WORK This'signed agreement will be considered prima facie evidence that the Contractor ha~ carefully examined the site of work, the proposal ~nd this agreement, and ' satisfied s to the conditions to De encountered as'tothe~aracter, quality and quantities of work to be performed and as to the requirements of this agreement. The trees are in v~rious locations throughout the City. For exact locations contact the Field Services Manager at (714) 573=3350. DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS 1. All tree branches produced as a result of the Contract°r,s operations .Under -this contract will be reduced, reused, recycled, and/or transformed. Weiqht slips will. be required as proof of final disposal. - 2. Reducing wil~-include, but .not be limited to' chiPPing~' . grinding, and/or shredding Operations. Disposal is to be at a' recycling yard for use in a tub grinding and mulching program, such' as the program at Golden Coast Sawdust Products., .7975 Irvine Blvd., Irvine, CA. . - th_~.~_=~f_ gr.oun~, or s_hredded tree material as mulch. -If · = ~on=rac=or nas.'a, location outside th ' ' e .Clty of Tustin, O~~e~n.SUch .mulch may be applied, he is to provide to the ~lca=~ng.locat~on and' amOunt of material that w~ll 4. Recycling wall include, but not be limited to, chipped, ground or shredded'tree material'used to. produce compost utilizing either a low or high technical'methodology. 5.' Transformation will include, but'not be l~ited to, fire wood that is too la~_~e to_b? Chipped, ground or shredded for use as mulch. ~z woo~ ~s to be kept for firewood by the contractor, the Contractor must provide to the Field Services Manager proof of such an operation. 6. No bUlk loading of green waste material shall be permitted at any time during this contract. Green waste is to be removed from .the job site, only after it has been chipped or shredded on the job site. Ge J. INSPECTION The Field Services Manager, or his designated representative, shall at all times have access to the work 'and shall be furnished with every reasonable facility for ascertaining full knowledge respecting the progress, workmanship and character of materials and equipment used and employed in the work.- ~he inspection of the w~rk shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his obligation to fulfill the contract and/or complete the project as prescribed. Defective work shall be made good notwithstanding the' fact that such defective work may have been previously overlooked by the Field Services Manager or his designated representative and accepted for Payment. SIGNS ~ The Contra.ctor shall equip each vehicle use'd in !the City with signs tha~. read, "Tree Maintenance Services Provided by the Ci.ty of Tustin. ,, BROCHURES 1. Contractor will provide brochures"'that are acceptable to the Field Services Manager that describe the'tree trimming process and are readily accessible to the citizens of Tustin. 2' -Publi~ notice e_ Tree.._Tr~ming . Program will 'be " supplied by the n~rac~or with final.approval 'by the.City ;. Manager or his representative. HILLING o. Billing is to be by address, tree species and appropriate data acceptable to the Field Services Manager. This can. be supplied on computer disk along with hard copie~. ' PICTURES Contractor is to supply representative pictures of' "Before and After- trimming that are' suitable for reproduction. SAFETY 1. The Contractor shall conform to all City of Tustin Traffic Safety requirements and operating rules at all times while this contract is in effect. The City will provide the Contractor with a Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (Watch Manual) which' will be used as a reference. 2.' The Contractor will be responsible'for supplying, and using all safety equipment necessary to close or delineate traffic lanes to through traffic. This is to'include a high visibility Arrow Board or Arrow Boards. Ail traffic safety equipment must be approved for use, by the City, prior to use. SAFETY (Continued) .. . 3. A traffic control plan will be submitted.'to the Field Services Manager ten (10) days prior to starting this contract. The City o.%?ustin_ .reserves .the. right to adidst quantities to this contract. .'z'nese ad3ustments will be determined by the City relative to the needs of the' Cit~ of Tustin. Manager o SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONT.RACT TREE TRIMMING February 16, 1994 - June 30, 1995 EXHIBIT B 'TERM.OF PERFORMANCE The term of this contract shall be from February 16, 1994 to June 30, 1995. Any extensions of this contract shall be for a term commencing on July I and ending on June 30. CONTRACTOR-. BY: TITLE: ,, . /Pruning Sfcmdc rds NowAvc ilCUble T he following is'a COndensed G} The presence of any structural version of the Pruning Standards weakness~ disease Conditions, de- ' for Shade Trees 'reCOmmended cayed trunk or branches, split crotches by the National Arborists Association~ or branches should be reported, in . ' In troducUon writing to a SUpervisor and/or the Prunir~g is to I~e performed by tree own,i-. · workers who are lamillar with the The pruning classes are defined hazards of this work inClUding trim- the following: as ming, rr~intenance, repairing or re:- ' Class I-.-Fine Pruning moral and equipment Used in such Fin~ Pruning shall consist of the operations. The t/se of-climbing spurs or.irons is not 'approved ir~ pruning removal of dead, dyir~g, diseased' . o. peraUons on live trees.' fering, obJectionabl, ~ ....... inter. .-. v~o,uctlng aha The following spectficationsa ' ' - Weak. branches as well as-selective 1) In reducing lhe size, not more all P.~nln,- cl ..... -' ., . pply to thinning to lessen wind resistance, than 1/3 of ~'he total ~/~.not~ '~"~""~ .excep. t .where other-- Class II --- Medium Pruning .? .' ^). -.All cuts shall be made ~1o-- - --' Medium prunln,, .-~.-, ..... reduced . _ . area should u'unl~ withoul ,.,,,m,._, .... . .~[o~e ;t~m,-,~,-,-, _ .u .~ ',,- consts[ of th ...... at aslngle O~Dem,^ be collar so that c~'-~ jmo the_ branch 'feri~;."'_uj.°e?,dytng, dl~,inte~.: pra.cuca~, avoid cuttin'a-~ ,,,.,~.~. __ . ,.,~,~,u can readi u,,,...., :~; uolectlonabl _ *- suckers, o ...-,..,~ · '_, ,'.' ~--~ normal con~fl ..... I., ..,~,~ . on th., ..._,_.: . e weak branche_~ .,, . · .... shall be made ,;,~'~;",--"-"*'~' ~.,man cuts W;i~'.",~_~,? J[,runy, s as 'well,ILs ~h,.:= . ,~] .in reducing ore,-,,--, '~,~ ~n t b ' .--, -'~-~-~.' .,?,n oc~aslo~ '-' ~'- given to t .e~.essa~ oprecutbran ranch uptoonel ' I, appeara symmetrical . .oo heavy to handl ches re . ~ In diamete - nc,. To is · . e to preve main.within r may. si P. to be hi or peeilng.the k..~.- ntsplltUng It i ..... th_e maJn leaf area ,:.,.__: '. des reduced In --..-,-- - g.her and . . ,-,./?,move the weau ..... ' - Addltlo,-.- ,- ~2" ,-move IL' . '~,'~..,?~ Iorm: ... .strableo! ,,,~, ur mast de... cat] '"~ ~ me..stju~:lard s . ' '~J When cuttln ' b ' ' Dt !~.~_~o. rrubbingbmnch~ --._ on~..AII girdling ~...,_,,~..pec. l..fi should h n,g .ack trees· one · , · ;',,~.,~unent of' . ...... eye · --o roo,~ ..v~om to the ave in mind t · ~ll~o ', ~.,,~,~;; ~ °'- ~' . ~ o3,-° .:- ,a° "' · v~l ~1 ,,, .,, ..... n certain f.,.-- ass Ill .-- Co ..... ·... limbs .h,,tt ~._ _ ~ JUSt enOtmh .~ ~pen. Wounds i ' H~..... C~ - . . ...... .... . u oa.rk: "; ~ud(;;;~ ~ . u-.--~ .- . .- '~. t'rl.fRIn .~'~" ~.~ relTI -° that ca .., Coarse ~ g - - wan - . oved to getthe 6fl or allow furious I,~----,-- rr~ disease re,--..-, _, ~l~U ~ shall consL~ ,~ ,~._ ?t_ed without ad,,-,,--- - e~. ;.. . -- .-,~,~u... ....,,:.m ~T. oead, ;,_, -m. eun/l htt :,?,u.g ~oo -much- : .E) .On.trees · . - ~oro . . g . o. the trun - t - _ ~ to be d weak t)ranch _ bviously, to o _ . k ~f the tree or th .ools .am'to ~. .... -- . Iseased _._ _ . es, two Inchesl-.- .... P f large b,~,~,,~- · . e · ~ u~nf..ected With ,.. ur greater.. - .. . ,.,,,~xnexer _: -:. ;-..,~.~. . . . _a~ph~_ol at 70 r~,-,..~.:.',~, meth~, . .... . . .~. 5) For under~.l,~, ..... . ° ' -o o ~ "[&Il Eter~ ~:~t~_t~,.'~._'_°r°.xs°l.utio-'' · - '"~,~_W _-: .c,_t~g aac~ ge ~glve~ to.symmaa~; ~ sr, outd '- :... -.? . c;u d,ot .... ' -'";'""~'~. _~. ~"~ mspecte~- <"- · .... ~ ~;~;ordrcm,.~,..,- _- . .umt.ttmVWlll-_.__ . _ SF-~TEMB~_~ ~., . · . ..re~.uc~ion Of-to~s ;--. - ' - ~. '- - · .' - .:. - ~'-"'~ · ' ' ' - -' ' - -"., ~- · ': .' '...t~ ""J~;-.'T"- '""-~"="~'-~- .- . . ~" '~ -"" "":: ~,"'; -':: ~t,-"~"~- · ' . . - . . · - -. .. · -'- ' - sides. Underbranches or individual limbs. This practice is Io be under.- taken Only in Cases of utility line interference or where certain Portions of the roots or root 'sYstems have been severed or severely damaged, or When there Is unusual and rapld tree growth. where It is necessary to reduce the top sides or Under branches or Ior specific toplary training or dwar~r~. Additions to IK6 standard cations: . speclfl- · o SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONTRACT TREE TRIMMING February 16, 1994 - June 30, 1995 EXHIBIT C SCHEDULE OF COMPENSATION The undersigned certifies that he/she has read ' related to this bid ro ' all documents ,... _ P posal and understands cona~tlons related . ._. . all terms and co,~~ ...... thereto, and in conformity with ~=- ~ · .~un~, hereby ~~^~- ~- ~ ...... ~.. une ~erms and = ~w~o=o uo une ul=y oz TUS=ln the following: AS DESCRIBED IN THIS CONTRACT: . . · 5,064 TREES IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT THE CITY OF TUSTIN UNIT PRICE $39.00 EXTENDED PRICE , $198,666.00 CONTRACTOR: BY: TITLE: PRUNING STANDARDs PURpOSe: Trees .~nd 0"-- ~ ·.. . ?"~'~ ~"d'~'~---~°°~-~ P~"~ ~s o -.. '. - ~s led to.'pr~'~Y_m~_'ntenance .nvp "¢ ~n SOecfffc . · ~ctura~ ~ '9 Pract~r~ .f aCtlces. ~_~ _ ..and g t~, -ne rUnct~...~c_~rese~e. ~-~{.or thes b~aut~; ~n ~ error: ~o .:~ presented~ ~ ..~~ or brUnln C~t~flcaUon C~e Prese~a:~on o un~qu& fn ~ wor~In g for c~ - ~t~e · f ~r . - fo~ a - g .gU~del~ t~ft~ .. e has - ee ' ' ' ~iGa~S. . ''~ TO~ S' ' .... . . - a.:. ~'~Inning-~ . ~ ~. ~[~?_ up. a -trea ' L_~e -enopg~ ** ___1ts ~nc' ~~ n~,~.[t~~ 'tree,s ,;~S~tn9 lnvl,,,~· H~s,.'O~".~e- ~1nnt,' en~' -"~--" '-'-',u .~ .a~' ,~~' ' "~'~rO~ .. ""~s' "'' ' ' . hO~entn' - .' ..... ' . . .. . .. ShOUld ''. 9abr~ - ' - . . - - R~' ~'at,le~t~n . .or l~der, -- :'... .- ' - . . t- .'~Ql~ : 'L.. ~. --- . .~ . .... ' · ,.- · ~."~" I ":~ ' - '-. ' :.. ~ .... du~C-- , u~ - -~ :' · .. '., 'u~ · s~ ~l~.su . , ~1 ". ~ . '.... ~...' · ..--. sttuati- - .~.~ . · Ya~a~e.-. g:~:~s .... -' . .., . OhS, bp '.' · ~d' . .. d_~p .- .... ~Uld~ ... ' - · ' - ~s -~e ~, . ~-ght s ....... : · . . · .-. ~bs ~le -~ · S,eat~-- ,--._.~~s .:, · . .. ... · or~,~du ' --'- .. al..fom. .... -.:-.~.. - .: . ~,-. ' ' - ~ .on1 -'.--' -- .. ,... ~!s.:alt~ - - - .: - .~'~.~s ~' -... ed, - . -. . . -....,..:.:P. ~.. 88 C i' ' Fo When removing a live branch, prunin~ cuts-should be made in branch tissue' just outside the branch bark ridge and collar,'which are trunk tissue. (Figure 1). If no collar is visible, the angle of the cut should approximate the angle formed by t~e brandh bark ridge and the trunk. (Figure..'Z) When removing a dead branch~ the final' cut should b; made outside . '. the col.lar of. live callus tissue. If the collar has grown out along the branch .stub, only the dead stub should be removed, the live'~ollar .should remain intact, and uninjured. (Figure 3) final cut should be made just beyond~ · : . bark _r~dge. of the §ranch' '~ 1(with°ut Violating) the br · ~ ,u, muu oy :lie branch bark ridge and an-~magtnary ' l ibe Perpendlcul~r to the trunk or branch cut. {~igure 4)' - . . A goal 'of strqctural pruning is to maintain i the ~tze, of lateral, branches, to less than three-foqrths the diameter 'of the parent branch or' trunk. If the branch is"codotatnant or close to the .size of the parent 'branch, thin 'the branch, s foliage by 15~:'to: 25%, parttcular, ly near the 'terminal. Thin-.th& parent br.anch lesS; if at a11. This. ~flll allow. "'t~he parent branch to grow at.a faster rate; will reduce- the weight of the lateral .branch, slow Its total .g~owth, and'devblop a str.~hger branch-attachment, If 'this does not-appear, aPpropriate, the branch ma~ need to be sho~ened to: a large 1.atera1 .or. be'compleEe'ly removed; (Figure 5) - ': . ..- . ?,n 'large-growing trees -~xc--'*'-- ' - ': - '" '. ' ' cnat' are. more'than on'e~th~P~'_wn°..ri-b.rancht_ng .c6~1t lets,' b~anches . ·cne alalaeter of ' ' -sp. aced along .the-trunk 'at .1---~ -~ - - ~e;trunk shbuld be · ' is' not *possible ~ ...... . _. ?.o~ ,o ~ncnesapar:~ on c~-+*-- - .... .uccause or the res ' ~,~c,-.. zr ~nl~ should have-'the . - . P. ent size of'the . ,_-_,~ ..... tr. fol~age thinned .1 -_._. l~ee,_sdch branches -~,~.,.na. ms anti/or be ,hot.ten,....(Fi~ret°6~5~. p~rticularl, ri&ar their . · · Pruning ctits should be.clean and smooth-~h, the bark at'~e ~ge. 'of'.the .~ut firmly attachC~d.to t. he ~xl, ' - arge or :heavy-cUt branches, shouid b~ low ' '" ' ' clear to,prevent fnJu 't ' . _ered. on ropes or .thrown · . '- ry .o personnel, the t..ree,.-.or'other ~rOp~rty' . .Wound dressings and trna Paints ha~e not' been-~h~'w~ to be efl~ect~ve ~n preventing or reducing decay. They are ther. efore n~t're~omm~nded for routine use when Pruning. .- . .-.... On 'large-growing tree. s, 6~XCept-.whorl_br~chin .. ~ that' are.. more than one, - sp. aced alon .third. the d g .conifers b - . . g .the tru lameter o .. · ranches . ~s not ' oss' nk at -least 18 f the;trunk s' · P ~ble. because inches art. hould be . - .should have- _ . of the pres ._ap _ · on center; -- their folia . ent size or- - . If :ht~ :.e. rminals and/or be shorg~e,,t~h~inne,djl.$: to ZS~: ' the tree.,_ sUc.h bran.ches · ' -~"~- trlgure 6) , particularly near thei~ Pruning c~ts-should be.clean'and smooth '..' ' ' ' - 'of' the .ut ftmly attached.to the Wood. 'wt~h the bark at'~he ~dge Large or :heavy c~t branches, shouid b~. 1°Wered -on ropes or-thrown clear to..prevent ' - .t.nJur~ to-personnel, the t..ree,.-.Or'other propb.rty. - Wound dressings and tre'e Paints have not' been' ~h~'w~ to .b~. efl~ect~ve tn Preventing or redu~tng decaY- They are ther. efore not for routine.use ~hen PrUning. ' ' . .'.. - recommended When removing a live branch, prunin~ cuts-should be made in branch tissue just outside the branch bark ridge and collar,'which are trunk tissue. (Figure 1). If no collar is visible, the angle of the cut ShOuld approximate the angle formed the trunk'. {Figure..'2) by th'e branch bark ridge and · When removing a dead branch~ the final' cu the col.lar of. live_?allus tissue. If ,~_t s?.ould be made o-,~--~ - the branch stub, only the a~ _~ ~ _~,~u co~/ar ha --~,ue . . . ~au ~CUu SNOUIrl ~ ._' S gi~owll OUt ~- Should remain intact, and uninjured. ~ ~ removed tk~ ,-- ~..,v~,g (Figure 3) ' "~ ,~ve COllar ~en reducing.the lent ' · " ~ m .f~nal cut sho-~- ~- g_h of a branch o bark rid,~ *~"~',~ ue mace just k~ .... ~; ,r..t.he height ol~ , ~b~sect the -,~- -~ranch be~e cu* ,~ ?out v~olatinnl +~ ~ th~ l i~ ' ~.,u,.c. ro~ed ,~ - ~- ~ne cut . a, ~,c uran~ ne perpendicular to th~~,.branFh bark rid sh°uld, a~pro~imately . ' "~ ~, ~,~ or brach ~,, g~k~d ~ '~maglnar~ ' " ~-~- tr~gure 4)' A goal of strqctural Pruning is to maintain the branches, to less th~ three-foqrths ~e dieter 'of the ~ranch or' trunk. 'It ~e brach '" ' Size-of lateral Parent 'branch . ~s .cod~tnant Parent near th~ ..~-~) ~ln the branChmmS ~_... o~ clos~ tO ~e - -. "~ ~nal. . ." ,u.m~ageb . . Slzeuf ~ ~ ,~¢_~.. t~e Parent bra-~ ~- ent br~ less , · Part,laxly a st~bger br~ .attacker. If 'this d~ not. the brach m~ need to ~ shO~ened'~.a large 1 ~~h, ~d 'develop ~ov~, (Figure S} . .. . . appear. ~P~P~ate, ateral ot be'co~leEeiy · 1. When removing a branch~ .the final 'cut should be just ~.utside the branch bark ridge and collar. ' FIGURE. Z. In removtng a ii~)~thou~ a. branch col 1-ar~~ ~ ~gle -of ~e ftnal cut bark ridge shOuld ~P~x~mate ~e ~gle the.br~ bark. rldge fo~ ~ 'the 1~. ?. ~gle AB should e~ual. ~gle ! . FIGURE 3. When removing a dead branch, cut o~tside"the callus tissue that has begun to form around'the branch. c FIGURE. 5. A tree wfth l~mbs tending to be equal- '. s.~zed, or codominant, L~mbs 'earked 8 are .greater than 3/4 the Stze of the' parent. 11mb A. .Thfn the follage of - branch B more than 'branch A to slo~ ~ts growth and der&lop branch 'attaChment~ a Stronger FIGURE 4. In removing the end of a limb to a large lateral branch, the final cut ~s made along a l~ne that bisects the-angle between the branch bar/~ rldge and a l~ne perpend~cul'ar to the limb being removed. Angle AB ~s equal ~o Angle BC. ' FIGURE' 6. Nador' b~anches shOUld be ~el ' spaced-both along and around the stem... · .' o 11.- TYPES OF PRUNING--MATURE TREES A. ~LEAN.r NG .o D. Crown cleaning or cleaning out is the ~:emoval' of dead, dying', diseased, crowded, weakly attached, and low-vigor branches and uatersprouts from a tree cro~n. · · CROWN THINNING c.. C~ROW~ REDUCtX0N . · . -- . . · · Crown reduction 'is Used to-reduce, t~e het'g.h.t, and/~r spread '~0~ .a-t~ee. ' · Thinning cuts ' ' . tntegt;Ity and .na~u~a~tfeo'frmfLC~taV~em~tatntng the .s~uL-tUral it ~-il need 'to be pruned~ - in delaYlng the"ttme ~hen again; 'llie lat6ral to uh' ' . " 'trUnk .~s cut should, be' at' least one,half ' ' · . ~ch..a_. branch or - .being ma.d~. -. . .. the diameter..or.:the cut ' . ... · .. .. · · crown restoration can improve the structure and'~ppearance Of trees · that have been 'tbppetl or severely pruned using headi · - to three sprouts on main.branch stubs s '" __ ..n.g .c. uts... One a more natura1 appearin cro ' hould be to be' thin . · ned to a lateral, .bt 6v ~c.t~ed v. tgorou~_sprouts ma need in order to ensure adeqqate a~tachment 'for the Size of 'the'~prout. em .,~ued,. to-control lengthYgrowth 'Restoration may require several prunings ov6r a number of.Years. Crown thinning includes crow'n cleaning and the. selective removal' of branches to increase light penetration and air movement into the crown. ~ncreased light'and air stimulates and maintains interior foliage, which in turn im ro' reduces the ' . . P yes branch ta l imbsJ T ~,,w]-n-d-~s,a~ 1 effect of the crnu,'P,e.r~a~n,d str_ength..lllinn~n, trunk J~-'.?Z'"_'.!"? ~ne crgwn can~ emnl~=.~ZZ".,uuu ?ne weight of h~,::::'''~ · ~"~ ur~ncnes as w6ll as imn~,~'~_one structural beau~,"~' _t~e t.re~ by. increasing light penetration. .When thinning the crown "~ ~'= ~,e growth of -1-~-- ~'~ · - '~ ~"~ oeneath or mature trees, seldom should more than one-third, 6f the live foltage be removed. At least One_half of the follage should be · in the.'lo~er two-th~rds of t . on branches tha: arise · f~.~.__,a limb,'an effort s~^,h.~e=t~r_ees'. Like~se, ~,~. ,~.__ . -~,-a,¢nes and lg-,,~ -~- ..~,,u ne-mane t '~ ',:'~., :~a_~nl1111g late' Trees and ~--~-'~-'-: ~,e same dtstrtbut o o .~aln .inn_er:lateral · r.als · ~-m~.e~; so prUnea -.~, . i I1 Of follan~ -~^-_ '*- _' "",~ nave .st~ --~-=' .-,u,g ~ne branch. throughout .the tree or.-along a..br~nch.. --~o ,,,urn evenly:distributed - Iba effect khown' as' "lion's-taili.ng, results from :prUn'~ng.OU~. the inside lateral branches. 'Lion'~-.tafling, by removing all-the inner foliage, displ.~es the ~etght :to th~ ends of' the branches'and-m.ay"re~Olt in · sunbur, n~d -6ranEhes, Uater~routs~ ~eakened'lJranfh. St..ructbre and 1 breakage. · . · · 4 · 4 t Crown raising remOves the lower b Clearance for buildings, VeL. . ranches of a ~ · . important that a t~ee h ....n~CJes, pedestria.~Cr~e In:order'to provide · ~v~ a: least one-h~"~ ~d v~stas well-formed, tapered StrUCture and .... ~ ur ~ts'foliage It.is that orig~nate in the lo,er two-thi~ds of its C~own t on branches ~ithin the tree. to unifnr~.. ~, _. O. ensure a ..... '~ u~striOUte Stress · l~hen Pruning for Vie,. it is PreferrabIe to develop ,windows,.through ' the fO~age of the tree, rather than to Sevevel~ raise or reduce .~he crown. . - ' m. sJz " Each oF the Pruning Yechn~ques (Sectio can .b~ done to d~ffe -,,, n~a ..... -~er the--.- ~ uerail o---~-''"' Pruning (Section help E ;;~,~.~e~-prUne~ ~.I~. large bran~h'o~r~~nt. ~e r~oval of 'err ~thtn +K- -~ u]~etev/ t~-- -,uucure Or th-_WP ~tersn~..~_ · .but. ' tabl]sh the a__._ cro~, suck .... ~C~tonal ,,.a~_. : ~Ignati.-~. '. -=gree n~ ...... ,,--s 1/2" ,. _ r"-u~lV _ "~ ~ne .:,. · . -t m~-~nln9 desired" ' or 2" branc~ bs~h m? be ' ' : - . "~,:r, ~11 ' · . A. Cli~1ng and Pr~nf' . for thd r ng practi - . . P UBing cuts ces Should not 8 ' . ' ' - ~u re the - Cli .... ' · tree except , ~n9 spurs · ~e bra, che, ar~L~rfS_.ShOUld not ~- .... . ' --ne spurs shoula ~[e th~ thmw_lt~ "~ r~ved one. +~_~ ?S~Ce.a,=.~ ng.a tree, Unless -- ~le c tmA~, r~..1 such cases~" C. Spurs m~ be Used to ~each an f~Ured-cliO-er ~nd ~n r~ov~ng a t~e. · ~ea in. . D. ' . ' ~P~ injury to thin ' ' ' ' ~ .avo ' . barked ' ~ .}dsd b~ ]nstal~ln ~'-~ ~ecnniao. _.... g a trees f~ loading o - ' ~. - ?~.a~so be Used t* __~e t~e to car ,, ~.l~bs should one Cl~mber s line. block in th '- ~ hear · - ~ ,-eaUce in.~ 'v ._r~ ~ne load. . _ury ~u.a. crotch from