HomeMy WebLinkAbout20 CONT. CABLEVISION 05-01-95i ATE: MAY 1, 1995 Inter-Corn NO. 20 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM' A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION FRDERAl` COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION SOCIAl, CONTRACT WITH CONTINENTAl, CABLEVISION, INC. RECOMMENDATION Receive and file. FISCAL IMPA CT Undetermined at this time. ,: BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has negotiated a social contract with Continental Cablevision, Inc. A social contract is an alternative form of regulation that has been used with telephone and electric utilities, but this will be the first time it has been used to regulate the cable television industry. · The contract was negotiated in accordance with the Federal Communications Commission's authority to consider and adopted social contracts as alternatives to other regulatory approaches applicable to cable television rates. The proposed contract will be' considered for approval after the Commission evaluates the input received during the public comment period. The Cable Services Bureau has established May 22, 1995 as the deadline for filing comments on the proposed contract and June 6, 1995 as the deadline for filing reply comments. The proposed contract is approximately forty pages in length and is designed to assure fair and reasonable rates for Continental's cable service customers, improve Continental's cable service by substantially upgrading the channel capacity and technical reliability of its United States Cable Systems, and reduce the administrative burden and costs of regulation for local governments, the FCC, and Continental. The contract resolves and terminates all of Continental's approximately 350 rate cases without any finding by the FCC of wrong-doing on Continental's part. Continental has agreed to make in-kind refunds to affected customers totaling apprOximately $9.5 million and invest $1.35 billion to rebuild and upgrade all of its domestic cable system during the six Year term of the contract. As none of the rate cases involve Tustin customers, Continental does not anticipate any Tustin customer being entitled to refunds. Additionally, the regulated basic service tier wil l con form to FCC rules and will be reduced by 15 % in order to provide a lifeline service in all communities. The lifeline service is a low cost service that includes all changes currently carried on Continental's basic broadcast service tier. A draft copy of the contract, along with information in a question/answer format provided by Continental Cablevision is attached for your review. Ms, Cheryl Smith, General Manager of Continental Cablevision for this area, will be in attendance at the Council meeting to provide information and respond to questions. Tim D. Serlet Director of Public Works/City Engineer TDS:ccg:soeialct Attachments: Continental CableviSion Question & Answer Draft Contract ~JO04 1~ P. G9'~16 What is a Social Contract az~d what aJ~ Re principaJ benef-rts? - Social Contracts ~re a fairly common eJtemative form of recjulaZion especially for telephone and electric utilities, but this agreement is the first, the FCC ha~ negotiated for'the cable television industry. This ~:d~l Contract will provide Iong-tem~ rate.st_~__~lity, incr~ prog~m~ choices, improved technology, greater system reliabirRy and reduced regulatory burdens and costs for local governments, the FCC arid Continental. The Contract resolves and terminaze~ all of Continentai% rate cases before .the FCZ:; and provides for res~ution of complex cost of service ~. S~ly it resolves 14B pending basi~ s~ tier and cable programming service tier cost of service cases and 229 cable programming service tier benchmark cases. As part of this resolution, Obntlnental will make In-kind ~s to affected subscribers totaling approximately $9.5 ml31ion. The Contract covers all systems, regu~ aJ~d unregulated, and limits future increases to ad]usl~ents allowed by FCC regulations. Long term mm st~_ hii'Ry will be achieved, but in a manner that gresthj reduces the heav~ admin~ burdens and high costs of regulation. Most importantly, having resolved all pending cost of service cases, continental has agreed not to file any in the futura. · The Conuact prOVides for substantial cable system imProvements, tnclucrmg inc~easecl channel capacEy and system reliabaity. FmaJly, it permits and encourages the addition of new cable programming services for subsmlbem. What is the effect of the contract on regulated basic service rotes? · Regulated baslo service tier rates tn all cases, whether benchmaxk or cost of servi~ will.conform to the FCC's benchmad( roles and then will be reduced by 15% in order to provide a "Ffl'er~ie ~' In all commUnities. In .the flJture basio service tier rderme ~ may only be Increased by inflation and externals and them is e-limitation on adding new product to this tier so the price will remain stable ove~ time. 04125/95 07:03 ~-~4--1c3c3'3 11:~ '~'916 521 6699 HYATT SACS'T0 o ~d~ 005 SOCIAL CONTIRACT_Q & _A . What is the effect on regulated cable programming Service tier Continenta/justified its regulated cable programming servk~ rates by filing either a cost of service case or a benchmark case. Current ~ of service rates have been upheld but are limited in the future by, the FCC's rules for inflation, extemaJ Cost adjustments a~d the 'Going Forward' procjmmming addition rules. Where rates were set a .c~ording to. the Commission's benchma_r~cs~, they must fully co_nform to thosp benchmarks and in the future wfll be limited by existing FCC reguf~tfons. ~ ls ~he effect on unregulated rates? The existing prices in unre~_ulated_franchise areas are c~pped ~nd may not be Increased In the future by an amount greater than that perm~ by ~ rules in regulated areas. SpecificaJ[y, Continental ms, y only adjust rotes by inflation, extemais (prog~m~ fees, franchise costs, cable related ~xes and feeS), and the FCC's 'Going Forward' rules relating to channel additions. . What is the 'iifeEne service'? The lifeline service is a Iow cost service which includes all channels currently carded on Continentals be~c broadcast servic~ tier. It wiU be priced a/15% below the FCC's benchma~c price in regulated communities axed at 15% below current prices in unregui~tecl communities.- ConUnentaJ will be permitted to offset basic service tier revenue reductions on its cable programming service tiers. After this conversion. Continental will not add any additionaJ programming to the lifeline basic tier further protecting this price. Who ~n'll benefit from the rfleline service? Customers who want clear reception of all broadcast channels and a more limited selection of chan~ va'Il .be amacted to this level of service. People on f0cecl incomes or who want only the off-alr broa~ service · will benefit from this Iow cost offering. o Will the lifeline service be offered in unregulated communities? Even where rates are unregulated the Contract provides that ConfinentaJ will offer its lifeline basic service at 15% below the current price with the offset added to the cable programming service rate. " 2 04125/95 07:03 ~-1c3c35 11: ~ ~"916 .321 6699 BYATT SACRAKENTO FROVl C~ '?. OrlBL. ~TKN. REG. OF TO SOCIAL CONTRACT O & A [~1] 006 When must rates be restru~ur~? Rates which reflect the 15% lifeline Service reducti°n must be in place no later than January 1, 199~. Other rotes, including the benchmark Cable Programming Se~ Tier rates must also conform by that date. . 10. What are the restrictions on' rates prospectively?. , As noted previously, in ail cases rate increases are iimRecl to those allowed by the FCC rules. Specifi~ly, Continental may taY, e inflation and 'Going Forward' chan~ addition Incr~ and must adjust u.p and down in accordance with the rules governing program, fees, franchase- related cos~, cable-rela~ed fc~..s and taxes. Continental ha~ also agrcx:x:i to forego its right to file a cost of service justirmation to support any future rate increases in franchises covered by this Contract.. · How ~vil[ equipment and Installation rates be se.t? .... Continental ~n'l! be permitted to average broad categories of equipment, such as addressable and non-addressaJ31e corlverters and remote, s, and various installation rates on a state or region-wide basis. This will minimize fluctuations in price; inclucrmg spikes In costs when system. upgrades occur and new converters are introclucecL That tn turn will facilitate acceptance of new products and services. It also reduces regulatory costs since only one accounting form, rather than hundreds, w~ll ~.ccd to be prepared. It also more accurately reflects the fact that Continental Orders equipment and me'retains Its inventory and repair facilities on a regional basis, rather than franchise by f~anchlse. It also helps to avoid consumer confusion and ciaJrns of unfair rate discrimination when customem compe~e rates for equipment end installation in nearby communities. Starting In 1996, Continental will file regional or ~t~'wide Form 1205's with the FCC for review. Continental must give sLrbsc, n'bers 30 days notice of any changes In equipment and instaJl~tion' prices and must issue refunds if.the FCC later determines a lower rate is required. 04/25/95 07: 04 ~'916 321 6699 H~'ATT SACP, AKEN'TO ll:E~ i~ C , ~CtBL. ~-T~. R~EI~. ~ TO ; 1~ [~007 P. 1 $OCIAL_.CONTRACT Q & A 11. VVhaz kinds of refunds will consumers receive? Under the Soc~aJ Contract. C, on~ will provide an in-kind refund to elig~le subscn'bers under the following scenarios: a) For basic service tier cost of service ~. ContinentaJ will provide an in-kind refund with s minimum retail vaJue of $5.00 to approximately 509,000 subscribers, unless a franchise authority decides to opt out of the plan. b) For cable programming service tiei' cost of service cases, Conttnenta] will provide an in-kind refund with a minimum retaj'l value of at least $4.50 to ap'proximately 818.000 subsora3ers. c) For pre-May 15, 1994. cable programming service tier benchmark c~ases, Continental. will provide an in-kind refund with a minimum ret~'l value of $2.00 (o approximately 231,000 subscq73ers who quaJify for the refund. d) For post-MaY' 15, 1.994 cable ~mlng service tier benchmaJt< ~, Continental vaqi provide an in-kind refund equal to $8.00 to appm~ate~ 351,000 of its subsc~'bers who quaJ'[fy for the refund The ~ has determined which franchise areas are entitled to the various refund amounts. In all sittrati~s descn~3ed above, Continental will give subscribers at least three tn-ldnd refund options and at least 180 days to use the option of their choice. 12. What' is the 'opt out' provision and how does it work? Local franchise authorities have a right to opt'out of the $5.00 cost of service refund requirement for basio service rates. However, .if a, c~y chooses to opt'out, it may not use the FCC's agreed upon refund as evidence of any liability on Continentals ~ Rather, refund liabirrty, If any, can only be established through a rate proceeding which w'l[ be subject to appe~l. 4 SOCIAl.. CONTRACT Q & A -- ~4~} 008 . 13. What is the Migrated Product Tier? The Social Con,ct allows-Continental to create one Migrated 'Procl~ T'~r. The Migrated Product Tter ~ consist initially of a maximum of four ~xisting services migrated from' cable programming service tiers. Because the Migrated Product Tier at the outset will cx~sist of exf~ng sen~ices, Continental v~'li not be required to re-market the tier to existing ...',subscribers. Continental will be-allowed to add new services, with no limit on the number, to this tier. Are there any limitations on the .channels which can be placed on the Migrated Product Tier, or the Migrated Product Tiers rates? Continental systems are limited to movfng fOUr existing ~ programming servfces to the Migrated Product Tier. Further. the rate for these migrated services will not change; they will be set at the'same level as the rates set by the Soc~aJ Contract for Con~tal's cable programming service tiers.' However; the ~ rate for the Migrated Product Tier may increase when new sendces a~e added. The rate for the add'~al channels ~anql be i-whited to' $.20 per channel, plus license fees. Continental also is prohibited from requlring the subscription to any tier, other than ~e basic tier, as a oond?don for subscrroing to the.Mkjrated Product 'i-~-, and may not require the purchase of the'Migrated Product.'l"~.r as a condition for subscn'bing to a cable progr~ming service tier. Unffi January 1. 1997, rate increases for services on the Migr~ed Product Tier will be r~nited to inflation and e0aemal cost Increases on the' 4 migrated channels. No increase Is allowed on ~ new channels during that period. Beginning in 1997~ .Continental may convert the Migrated Product Tier into an New Product 'i-~r, to be treated like any other New. Product T~_.r under the FCC'$ regulations. However. Continental may not require purohase of any tier other than basi~ as a precondition of purchasing the converted Migrated Product Tier, even ff them are ~ological limitations to me.etir~ this requirement_ oo 5 . ~.UU~ P. 1~/16 .SOCIAL_CONTRACT Q & A 15. 16. How will the Social Contract be enforced? The FCC's and the local franchise authorities' ability to review Contlnental's raze adjustments for'regulated services is not affected .by this agreement. The FCC wgl continue to exercise jur'.~-diction over any valid compla'mts concerning Continental'$ cable programming service rote increases reflecting.inflation, channel changes, programming cost -changes, and regulatory fee in~. Local franchise autho~e~ continue to monitor' and approVe any changes in basic service rates. Continental, like any other cable operator, will be required tb justify any regulated rate increases. In addition, Contingnt~J will file annual progress reports with.the FCC · outlining its compliance w~th the capital inv~ent requirements of the ag~,.~--ment, ff for some reason Continental were to raj[ behind In its I:momised investment schedule, the FCC could seek further refunds. The FCC also hss the right to inspect Continentals records and conduct interviews to verify compl' ,~nce. May other syn. ems which Continental acquir~ in the future be brought. into the Social Contract? Cable syste~ that Continental acquires after April 3, 1995 may be brought into the Social Contract only after the acquisition has closed and both the Commission and Continental have agreed on an amendment to include such systems unde% the Soc~l Contrac~ - 17. When does the Social contract take effect and for how long will i~ last? The Social Contract will take effect when the Commission Issue~ an order approving it and will continue in effect through December 31, 2000. There is a thirty (30) day initial comment period which will close on May -- 3. '1995 and reply comments must be filed no lair than May 18, 1995. -lB. Whst options are avagable to Continental If there is a change in law? If du6ng the term of the Social Contract, any change in ~aws or regulations would provide a material f~vorable financial Impact on the company, Continental may petition the FCC to terminate the contract. The FCC must act exped'~~, and cannot unreasonably refuse to 'gra~t the petition. .. l PUBLIC NOTIC :~,.".,,,,.~'~.,,,:F FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1919 U STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 News media information 202/418-0500 Recorded listing of releases and texts 2~ FCC 95-137 Apdl 3, 1995 SOCIAL'CONTRACT FOR CONTINENTAL CABLEViSlON, INC. AVAILABLE FOR COMMENT THE CONfM/SSION SEEKS COMA4~N'T ON A PROPOSED SOCIAL CONTRACT WTI/-I CONTINENT~ CABLEVISION THAT RF~OLVF. S RATE CASES, ASSURES RATE STABIIATY, AND PROVIDES INCREASED INVESTM~.NT 'IN CABLE TV INFRASTRUCTURE; REFUNDS oF UP TO APPROXIMATELY $9.5 MILLION TO BE PROVIDED TO AFFECTED sUBSCRIBERS Continental Cabievision, Inc. ("Continental") and the Federal Communications Commission ("Commission') have negotiated a social contract. The Commission is considering the proposed Contract pursuant to its authority to regulate cable services under Tide VI of the Communications Act and thc Commission's February 22.~ 1994 decision that it would consider social contracts as an alternative form of regulation for cable oPerators..Thc proposed Contract will be considered for approval.after evaluating public comment on the proposed agreement. This notice and the proposed Contract arc being mailed to e. ach Person who has filed a rate complaint with reSPect to one of Contincntal's systems, and to all franchising authorities that have granted a cable franchise to Continental. This notice contains a stinmmry description of thc Contract. The terms of the proposed Contract will be controlling and interested Persons should read the proposed Contract in its entirety.. Copies of the proposed Contract can.be obtained in the manner described below. · The proposed Contract is designed to (I) assure fair and reasonable rates for Continental's cable service customers; (2) improve Contincntal's cable service by substantially upgrading the channel .capacity.and .technical reliability .of its united States cable systems; and (3) reduce the admi~tivc'burdcn and 'costs of regulation for local governments, the commission, and c°ntinental. The proposed'six-year Contract covers both basic and cable programming service tiers in all of Continental's cable franchises, including those that are currently um'egulated because no franchising authority has been certified to regulate basic rates, or because, no complaint has been filed against the cable programming services tier. Franchise areas where 'the franchise authority has not certified to regulate rates contain approximately 1.8 million subscribers to Continental's basic service tiers and approximately 1.3 million subscribers to Contincn~al's cable programming services tiers. Overag, Continental serves approximately 3 million subscribers. Under the 1992 Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act, a basic service tier is the tier of programming that contains local broadcast stations. Cable programming services tiers are all other cable services, except those sold on a per-channel or per program basis. Specifically, the proposed Contract provides for investment of at least $1.35 billion to rebuild and upgrade all of Continental's domestic cable systems from 1995-2000, including deployment of fiber optic technology, increased channel capacity and improved system reliab:.lity and picture quality. , The proposed Contract provides for the resolution and termination of Continental's 148 pending basic service and cable programming services cases where Continental had justified its rates using cost of service fflings ("cost of service cases") and 229 pending cable programming services cases where it had used the Commission's benchmark formula to justify rates ('benchmark cases'). As part of the resolution of these cases, Continental will make in-kind refunds to affected customers totalling approximately $9.5 million and conform all of its basic service benchmark and cost of service rates to 15% below the Corr!mission's benchmark formula as described below. In unregulated franchise areas, basic rates will be reduced 15 % below the current rates. · In settlement of Continental's cost of service cases: Continental will provide each of its approximately 509,000 subscribers to basic service tiers with an in-kind refund with a minimum retail value of $5.00. These refunds will have a minimum aggregate retail value of approximately .$2,545,000. Continental will provide each of its approximately 818,000 subscribers to cable programming services tiers with an in-kind refund with a minimum retail value of $4.50. These refunds will have a minimum aggregate retail value of approximately $3,681,000. · In settlement of Continental's benchmark cable programming services caseS: For pre-May 15, 1994 cabl/:, programming services benchmark cases Continental will 'provide each of'the approximately 231~000 subscribers, who the Commission has determined qualify for a refund, with an in-kind refund having a minimum retail value of $2.00. These refunds will have a minimum aggregate retail value 0f $462,000. For post-May 15. 1994 cable programming services.-benchmark cases currently pending before the Commission~ Continental will provide each of the approximately 351.000 subscribers, who the Commission has determined qualify for a refund, with an im.t'-ind refund having a minimum retail value of 5;8.00. The.~ reftmds will 'trove a minimnm aggregate retail value of approximately 5;2,808,000. The resolution of pending rate cases is w:'hout any finding by the Commission of any wrongdoing by Continental.' Basic service tier benchmark ~ currently pending before ~ authorities will be resolved by Continental and the franchise authority pursuant to Commission rules. Francl~se authorities will have the ability m opt out of the basic service tier cost of service refunds specified by the proposed Contract and to resolve with Continental any amounts owed to customers pursa,ant to Commission rules. To opt out of the proposed Contract provisions, franchise authorities must provide written notice to the Commi~ion of its decision to do so no later than forty-five (45) days following the publication date of this notice. Continental will forego its right to use cost of service justificatiOns to support any future rate increases in any f-canchis~ covered by this proposed Contract during the period that the Contract remains in effect. ,' ., Continental will-reduce its existing basic service tier rates in all franchises, creating- a 'lifeline basic' tier. To accomplish thi_~, Continental will reduce its basic service tier rates for all reguhted franchises, including franchises where benchmark and cost of service cases have been filed, to .15 % below the Commission's benchmark rate formula. Continental will reduce its basic service tier rates for all unregulated franchises w 15 % below their current rate levels. Continental will be Pemaitted to offset each of the 15 % reductions by increasing the rate for its cable programming services-tier.' After thi_~ conversion, which will be implemented no later than January 1, 1996, Continental will not add any additional progranmaing to its lifeline basic tiers.for the term of the proposed Contract. except as specifically required by franchise authorities or as required by law. Cable programming services tier rates for franchises for which Continental justified its rates under cost of service principles will be set at current rates. By January 1, 1996, the cable programming services rates for all Continental franchises that established their rates pursuant to the Commission's benchmark formula will comply with the Commission's benchmark rules. Cable programming services tiers rates that are currently unregulated will be set at current levels. In each case, Continental will be perminecl to adjust its cable programming services rates to offset the 15 % reductions in its basic service tier and to allow for external cost increases, inflation and channel additions Permitted by the Commission's Going-Forward rules. Under the Going Forward rules, Continental is permitted, subject to limits prescribed in those roles, to add new services and to reflect the cost of those new services by an amount not to exceed $.20 per added channel, plus the actual license fees for the added channels. Continental will be permitted to conduct a second round of channel additions from 1998-2000 under the same terms. Continental will be .permitted to average broad categories of equipment and various installation costs for all its systems on a state-wide or region-wide basis. Continental will be permitted on each system to move not more than four existing services on cable programming services tier(s) to a single Migzated Product Tier, provided the Migrated Product Tier is offered without requiring customers to purchase any tier other than the basic service tier. The rates of the Migrated Product Tier will be regulated in accordance with price 'limits contained in the proposed Contract until January 1, 1997, at. which point Continental systems may elect to convert their Migrated Product Tic, s into New Product Tiers, as defined by the Going Forward roles, provided that the tier continues to be offered without requiring customers to purchase any tier other than-the basic service tier. The rates for the New Product Tiers are regulated by market forces. The Commi~ion will treat thix prig as a non-restricted p~ing. 47 C.F.R.- §§ 1.1206, 1.1200(a). Parties wishing to comment on the.proposed Contract should do so by filing with the Secretary no later than May 3, 1995 an original and four copies of their comments. Replies may be fried no later than May 18, 1995. All such pleadings should reference the file number noted above. All comments will be available to any of the .parties upon request. Franchise authorities that wish to.opt out of the basic service tier cost of service refunds specified by the Contract, must provide written notice to the Commi~ion of its decision to do so by May 18, 1995. Ail such notifications should referenced.the file number noted above. The contract is available for reference in the Cable Services Bureau's public reference room, Room 333 at 2033 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Copies are available from the Commission's copy contractor, International Transcription Services, at Room 246, 1919 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., 20554, telephone number (202) 857-1433. The contract is also available' via Imemet at ftp~fec, gov. For further ixfformation, contact JoAnn Lucanilc; Jerome Fowllces. or Lenworth Smith, Jr. (202) 416-0800. Media contacts: Audrey Spivack (202) 41.8-O500 and Morgan Broman (202) 416-0852. -FCC- TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO. I. BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY ................. 1 II. DEFINITIONS ..................... 5 III. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE SOCIAL CONTRACT ...... 6 A. Customer Refunds ............. ~ .... 6 1. Cost-of-Service Franchises .......... 6 a. BST Cost-of-Service Cases ........ 6 b. CPST Cost-of-Service Cases . . .... . . 7 2. Benchmark Franchises .. ............ 8 a. .BST Benchmark Cases' . . . . . ....... 8 · b. CPST Benchmark Cases ........ - . 8 · B. Creation of a Low-Cost, Lifeline Basic Service Tier and Rate Stability Plan ........... 9 1. Creation of a Low-Cost, Lifeline Basic Service Tier ................. 9 2. Rate Stability Plan ............. 10 a. Benchmark Franchises .......... 10 I). BST Rate .............. 10 2). CPST Rate ............. 1D b. Cost-of-Se.rvice Franchises ........ 11 1). BST Rate .. ............. 11 2). CPST Rate - - -. .......... 11 c. Unre~lated.Franchises .. ........ 11 1). BST Rate ...... ~' . .... 11 2).. CPST Rate .......... 12 C. De Se Fe Go I o Je Ko Lo do Limina~ions on Rate Increases . Equipment and Installation Rates for Ail Systems . . . BST Rates . · · · 2. CPST Rates ........ · · · 3. Equipment and InstallatiOn Rates · 4. Waiver of Right to File Cost-of-Service Cases for Future Rate Increases Resolution of Existing Rate Cases ........ · 15 Infrastructure Upgrade Commitment ......... 18 1. Infrastructure Upgrade: Financial . - - . 18 2. Infrastructul~ Upgrade: Technical . ..... 19 3. Infrastructure Upgrade: Non-Discrimination . 20 4. Infrastructure Upgrade: Failure to Meet Investment Target ...... ........ 20 Migrated Product Tiers and New Product Tiers - - 21 1. Migrated Product Tiers . . . · - . 21 2. New Product Tiers ...... ...... . '22 Franchises Subject to Effective or Price- Constraining Competition ..... ........ 23 Acquired Systems ......... L~cal Franchising Authority Ri.h ........ 23 the Cos - _ - g t to Opt Out of t of Service Refund Settlement ....... 23 1. Right to Opt Out ........ 2. Effect of 'Optin~ Out ..... ....... 24 Reporting Requirements . . · ' ' - - . 24 .o Modification and Termination ' 25 All Necessary Waivers and Preemptions Deemed Granted . 13 13 - . 13 . 14 - 14 25 M. Ter~ ................... N. Service of Contract and Public Notice on Interested Parties ............ O. Public Notice ..... P. Entire Agreement ....... 26 . 26 26 27 Q. Severability ................. 27 SOCIAL CO~I~RACT FOR CONTINENTAL CABLEVISION, INC. I. BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY. The "Social Contract" set out in this document (the "Contract") relates to services ~nd equipment offered by Continental Cablevision, Inc. ("Continental") and its subsidiaries actually or potentially subject to regulation under the terms of the applicable provisions of Title VI of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended ("Act"). The Commission believes that this Contract will advance the public interest by: (1) assu~ing fair and reasonable rates for Continental's cable service customers; (2) improving Continental's cable service by substantially upgrading the channel capacity and technical reliability of its United States cable systems; and (3) reducing the administrative burden and costs of regulation for local governments, the' Federal Communications Commission ("Commission"), and Continental. The Contract has been negotiated by Continental and the Commission in accordance with the Commission's authority to consider and adopt "social contracts" as an alternative to other regulatory, approaches applicable to cable television rates, ~ee gost-of-serVice Order, 9 FCC.Rcd. 4527, ¶¶ 295-304 (1994), and its authority to regulate Continental's cable services under the Act. ., This Contract covers all of Continental's cable systems owned as of the Publication Date, including those franchises that are unregulated either because no Local Franchise Authority DRAFT ("LFA") has certified and/or no complaint has been filed. Those unregulated franchises serve approximately 60% or 1.8 million of Continental's basic service tier ("BST") subscribers and approximately 46% or 1.3 million of Continental's cable programming service tier ("CPST") subscribers. Thus, the Contract will provide rate stability and other benefits for Continental customers regardless of their regulatory status. The principal terms of the Contract are: · The resolution of 148 cost-of-service cases and 229 benchmark cases. ~he 148 coSt-of-service cases consist of 73 BST and 75 CPST cases filed between September 1, 1993 and the Publication Date. The 229 CPST benchmark cases consist of 129 Form 393 cases and 100 Form 1200 cases filed between September 1, 1993 and the Publication Date.) · As part of the resolution of these cost-of-service and benchmark cases, Continental will make in-kind Refunds to its affected customers totalling approximately $9.5 million. The rates for BST cost-of-service cases resolved pursuant to this Contract will be reduced as necessary from their current levels, which Continental submitted under cost-of-service principles, to le~els calculated pursuant to Commission Form 1200. Future BST increases for these franchises will be based solely on inflation , DRAFT and external cost'increases, as permitted by 47 C.F.R. § 76.922(d), including all-subsequent clarifications and amendments. LFAs will have the abixity to "opt out" of BST cost-of- service Refunds and elect to resolve any amounts owed to customers with Continental pursuant to-Commission rules. Also, BSTbenchmark cases currently pending before LFAs will be resolved by Continental and the LFAs pursuant to Commission rules. Continental will c6nvert its existing BSTs in all franchises into "Lifeline Basic" tiers so that customers who.only can afford or who only wan~ the most basic local programming may purchase it for a low monthly fee.' To accomplish this, Continental will reduce its BST rates for all re~qulated franchises to 15% below the rates required byCommission Form 1200 and'will reduce its BST rates for all unrequlated franchises to 15% below Current Rates. Continental will forego its right to use cost-of- service justifications to support, any future rate increases in any franchises covered by this Contract during the period that the Contract remains in effect. On a going-forward basis., Continental's..BST and CPST rates for all subscribers will be limited by the Commission's rules for inflation and external cost , DRAFT adjustments and by the "Going-Forward" rules. In order to fund the six-year capital spending program required as part of this Contract, Continental will be permitted to conduct a second round of "Going-Forward" channel additions over the three-year period from'1998-2000. Continental will be permitted to migrate up to four existing CPST services on each system to a single "Migrated Product Tier" ("MPT"), provided the tier is offered without a buy-through requirement of any tier other than the BST.,' Initially, the MPT will be capped at current CPST levels for the migrated channels on the tier, and increases will be based on inflation and external costs, pursuant to Commission rules. However, there will be no limitation on the number of new channels that Continental may add to this tier at the price of $.20 per channel Plus license fees. After January 1, 1997, Continental may convert the MPT into a New Product Tier ("NPT"), provided the tier is offered without a buy-through requirement of any tier other than the BST. Continental agrees to spend at least $1.35 billion from 1995 through 2000 to rebuild and upgrade its domestic cable facilities. This represents an annual investment .. that is 120% of Continental's average annual capital expenditures from 1990 through 1994. DRAFT · This Contract or any settlement contained herein does not constitute an admission by Continental of any violation of, or failure to conform to, any law, rule, or policy.~ II. DEFINITIONS. For the purposes of this Contract, the following definitions will apply: (a) "Current Rates" means those Continental system rates that are in effect as of the Publication Date, or rates that will become e~fective after the Publication Date . and for. which notice was given to subscriberD on or before March 1, 1995. (b) "Effective Date" means the date on which the Commission issues an order approving this Contract.. (c) "Eligible Subscribers- means those subscribers 'who the Commission has determined qualify for a Refund in continental franchises where there is a pending CPST benchmark'case. (d) "Going-Forward rules" means the Commission's rules adopted in the Sixth'Order on Reconsideration, 76 R.R.2d (P&F) 859 (1994), including all subsequent clarifications and amendments. (e) "Lifeline Basic" means a Continental BST that has had its rates reduced 15% pursuant to section III.B. below. , DRAFT (f) "Migrated Product Tier" or "MPT" means a tier consisting of up to four services moved from a system's existing CPST(s) and to which other services may be added (as described in section III.F. below). (g) "Publication Date" means the date on which this Contract was placed on public notice by the Commission. (h) "Refund" means an in-kind service off~ring in lieu of a cash amount. Such Refunds may include premium services, pay-per-view services, additional outlet and ~VCR installations, ~iewing guides, and other services or items having an established retail value. III. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE SOCIAL CONTRACT. A. Customer Refunds. Pursuant to the settlement of Continental's.existing benchmark and cost-of-Service cases as described in this section, Continental will provide customer Refunds, which in the aggregate 'total approximately $9.5 million, as set forth below. The Refunds required pursuant to this section are listed in Exhibits 1-5. 1. CoSt-of-Service Franchises. a. BST Cost-of-Service Cases. 1). In settlement of Continental's pre- and post-May 15, 1994 BST cost-of-service cases on file as of the Publication Date, Continental will provide each of its approximately 509,000 cost-of-service subscribers with an in-kind DRAFT Refund with a minimum retail value of $5.00. This Refund has a total consolidated retail value of approximately $2,545,000. Continental will ensure that all of.these cost-o.f-~ervice Subscribers have at least three in-kind Refund options and at least 180 days to use the option{s) of their choice. Within 30 .days of the Effective Date, Continental will submit to the Commission for its approval a-list of proposed in-kind Refund options. 2). Where an LFA elects to "opt out" of BST cost-of-service settlements ~nder section III.I. below, the consolidated Refund value shall be reduced by the prodhct of the number of subscribers in the BST cost,of-service franchises for which LFAs have "opted-out" times the per subscriber Refund amount. b. CPST Cost-of~Service Cases. In settlement of Continental's pre- and post-May 15, 1994 CPST cost-of-service cases on file with the Commission as of ~he Publication Date, Continental will provide each of its approximately 818,000 cost-of-service.subscribers with an in-kind Refund with a minimum retail value of at least $4.50 This Refund has a total consolidated retail value of approximately $3,681,000. Continental will ensure that all of these cost-of- service subscribers have at least three in-kind Refund options and at least 180 days to use the.option(s) of their'choice. Within 30 days of the Effective Date, Continental will submit to DRAFT the Commission for its approval a list of proposed in-kind Refund options. 2. Benchmark Franchises.~ a. BST Bencb~rk Cases. Continental will resolve any pending BST benchmark rate matters, including any possible refUnds, with the affected LFAs, pursuant to Commission rules. Nothing in this Contract, including Continental's commitment to reduce BST rates to a level 15% below the applicable Form 1200 rate, shall empower LFAs to order refUnds beyond any tha~ would be required pursuant to commission rules. b. CPST Benchmark Cases. 1). In settlement of 'Continental's pre-May 15, 1994 CPST benchmark cases on file with the Commission as of the Publication Date, Continental will provide each of approximately 231,000 Eligible Subscribers with an in-kind Refund with a minimum retail value of $2..00. This Refund has a total consolfdated retail Value of $462,000. continental will ensure that these Eligible subscribers have at least three in-kind Refund options and 'at least 180 days to use the option(s) of ' their choice. Within 30 days of the Effective Date, Continental will submit to the Commission for its approval a list of proposed in-kind Refund options. .. 2). In settlement of Continental's post-May 15, 1994 CPST benchmark cases on file with the Commission as of DRAFT the Publication Date, Continental will provide each of approximately 351,000 Eligible Subscribers with an in-kind Refund equal to $8.00. This Refund has a total consolidated retail value of approximately $2,808,000. Continental will ensure that these Eligible Subscribers-have at least three in-kind Refund Options and at least 180 days.to use the option(s) of their choice. Within 30 days of the Effective Date, Continental~will submit to the Commission 'for its approval a list of proposed in- kind Refund options. o · B. Creation of a Low-Cost, Lifeline Basic Service Tier and Rate Stability Plan. o No later than January 1, 1996, Continental shall lower all of its BST rates. The rate reductions shall be implemented as set forth below: 1, Creation of a Low-Cost, Lifeline Basic Service Tier. In order to provide its customers with the option to purchase a iow-cost basic service tier, Continental will create a Lifeline Basic tier by reducing the rates for its BSTs 15% as set forth in the next section. This conversion to Lifeline Basic service will be implemented no later than January 1, 1996. After this conversion, Continental will not add any additional programming to the Lifeline Basic tier for the term of this Contract, except, with prior notice to the Commission, as specifically required by LFAs or as required by law. DRAFT 2. Rate Stability Plan. a. Benchmark Franchises. 1). BST Rate. By January 1, 1996, the BST rate for all Continental franchises that establ£shed their BST rate Pursuant t? the Commission's benchmark formula will be reduced 15% below the FOrm 1200 level, as of the Publication Date, and then adjusted at Continental's option, pursuant to Commission rules, for any previously unrecovered inflation and external costs that have accrued through the most recently completed'calendar quarter prior to such Lifeline Basic rate. reduction. 2). CPST Rate. --. By January 1, 1996, the CPST rate for all Continental franchises that established their rates pursuant to the benchmark formula will be set in accordance with Commission Form 1200, as of the Publication Date, and then adjusted at Continental's option for: (a) any channels added pursuant to the Commission's' Going-Forward rules; (b) an. amount which yields the total. revenues foregone by the 15% Lifeline Basic rate reduction; and (c) pursuant to Commission rules, any previously unrecovered inflation and external costs that have .accrued through the most recently completed calendar quarter prior to such Lifeline Basic rate reduction. .. 10 'DRAFT b. Cost-of-Service Franchises. 1). BST Rate. By January 1, 1996, the BST rate for all Continental franchises that filed a BST cost-of-service justification will be reduced 15% below the level that would be allowable ~ased on the Form 1200, as of the Publication Date, and then adjusted at Continental's option, pursuant to Commission rules, for any previously unrecovered inflation and external .costs that have accrued through the most recently completed calendar quarter prior to such Lifeline BasicYrate r~duction. 2). CPST Rate. By January 1, 1996, the CPST rate for all Continental franchises that filed a CPST cost-of-service justification will be maintained at the Current Rate, and then adjusted at Continental's optio~ for: (a) any channels added pursuant to the .Commission's Going-Forward rules; (b) an amount which yields the total revenues foregone by the 15% Lifeline Basic rate reduction; and (c) pursuant to Commission rules, any previously unrecovered inflation and external costs that have accrued through the most recently completed calendar quarter prior to such Lifeline Basic rate reduction. c. Unregulated Franchises. 1). BST Rate. .- i. By January 1, 1996, the BST rate for all.franchises that are unregulated as of the Publication ' DRAFT Date will be reduced 15% below the Current Rate, and then adjusted at Continental's option, pursuant to Commission rules, for any previously unrecovered inflation and external costs that have accrued through the most recently completed calendar quarter prior to such Lifeline Basic rate reduction. ii. Since approximately 60% of Continental's BST customers are in unregulated franchises, this provision will assure rate stability and provide other benefits· for approximately 1.8 million Continental customers whose rates are unregulated as of the Publication Date. iii. The order approving the Contract shall affirmatively find that rates set pursuant to this paragraph are reasonable under the Act and the Commission's rules. 2). CPST Rate. i. By January 1, 1996, the CPST rate for all franchises that are unregulated as of the Publication Date will-be maintained at the Current Rate, and then adjusted at Continental's option for: (a) any channels added pursuant to the Commission's Going-Forwardrules;.(b) an amount which yields the total revenues foregone by the 15% Lifeline Basic rate reduction; and (c) pursuant to Commission rules, any previously unrecovered inflation and external costs that have accrued through the most recently completed calendar quarter prior to such Lifeline Basic rate reduction. 12 DRAFT ii. Since approximately 46% of Continental's CPST customers are in unregulated franchises, this provision will assure rate stability and provide.other benefits · for approximately 1.3 million Continental customers whose rates are unregulated as of the Publication Date. iii. The order approving the Contract shall affirmatively find that rates 'set pursuant to this paragraph are reasonable under the Act and the Commission, s rules. d. Equipment and Installation Rates for All Systems. In order t° reduce accounting and regulatory costs, minimize fluctuatiOns in consumer equipment prices, and eliminate large increases in such prices as system upgrades occur pursuant to the terms of section III.E., Continental will be permitted to average broad categories of equipment -- such as addressable and non- addressable converters, and remotes -- and various installation costs for all its systems on a state-wide or region-wide basis. For purposes of this Contract, "region-wide- refers to Continental's five operating regions, described in Exhibit. 6 to this Contract, and any reasonable modifications tO Such regions. C. Limitations on Rate Increases. 1. BST Rates. .. After a Continental franchise's rates are restructured as required under the "Rate Stability Plan" described in the ]3 , DRAFT previous section, future BST rate increases will be governed by. the Commission's rules regarding the pass through of external cost increases and inflation. 2. CPST Rates. After a Continental franchise's rates are restructured as required under the "Rate Stability Plan" as described in the previous section, future. CPST rate increases will be governed by the Commission's rules regarding the pass through of external cost increases and inflation and by the Going-Forward rules, except as modified herein. S~ecifiCally, Continental will be entitled to conduct a second'round of channel additions'over'the three-year period from 1998 through 2000 in accordance with the existing Going-Forward rules. 3. Equipment ~d Installation Rates. Beginning on January 1, 1996, Continental will file annual updates to its Form 1205 equipment and installation rates with the commission. The Commission shall review each updated Form 1205. continental may begin charging revised equipment and installation rates to customers based upon the updated Form 1205 upon thirty (30) days notice. These revised equipment and installation rates wilI be subject t° refund if the Commission later concludes that lower state-wide or region-wide rates are called for by the Form 1205 and applicable rules... ~ DRAFT 4. Waiver of Right to File Cost-of-Service Cases for Future Rate Increase~o Upon the Effective Date of the Contract, Continental agrees not to file cost-of-service-based rate justifications for any future, rate increases in any franchise covered by this Contract during the period that the Contract remains in effect. D. Resolution of Existing Rate Cases.. 1. Ail CPST benchmark and BST and CPST cost-of- service cases currently pending, before the Commission are resolved and finally terminated as part of the adoption of this I° Contract. 2. All BST cost-Of-service cases currentl~ pending before an LFA are resolved and fully 'terminated as part of the adoption of this Contract, subject to the right of LFAs to "opt out" of BST cost-of-service Refund settlements under the terms of section III.I. below. 3. Continental accepts the jurisdiction of the Commission over it and the subject matter of these rate settlements for purposes of this Contract and the order approving this Contract. 4. The Commission has reviewed Continental's CPST benchmark and BST and CPST coSt-of-service filings. In light of this review, the covenants and representations contained in this Contract, and in express reliance thereon, and i~ order to conserve Commission resources, avoid litigation costs, and 15 DRAFT achieve the other benefits to the public contained in'the Contract, the Commission agrees to resolve and terminate all cases involving Continental currently pending before it and all pending BST cost-of-service cases currently pending before LFAs, subject to the right of LFAs to "opt out" of the BST cost-of- service Refund settlement under the terms of section III.I below. 5. This settlement is without a finding by the Commission of any wrongdoing by Continental. Further, the Commission agrees that it will not institute, on its own motion, any proceedings against Continental based upon the information obtained during the consideration of the Contract. In addition, in the absence of additional facts, the Commission agrees that any allegations and other circumstances involved in consideration of this Contract or settlement of the pending rate cases will not be.used against Continental with respect to any future proceedings at the Commission. Nor may they be used against Continental.as evidence of any refund liability due subscribers in any proceeding conducted by any LFA that elects to opt out of the BST coSt-of-service Refund settlement pursuant to section · III.I. below. 6. Similarly, neither the Contract, nor any settlement contained herein, constitutes an admission by Continental of any violation of, or failure to conform to, any ., law, rule, or policy. 16 DRAFT 7. In consideration for the Commission's agreement to enter into this Contract and resolve and terminate pending benchmark and cost-of-service cases in accordance with the terms of this Contract, Continental hereby agrees to the terms, conditions, and procedures contained in the Contract, which Continental and the Commission believe will facilitate a fair and expeditious resolution of these.cases in a manner that serves the public interest. 8. Continental waives any rights it may have to judicial review, appeal, or rights otherwise to challenge or contest the validity of any order adopting this Contract, or to use this Contract as evidence in any such proceeding. Continental agrees that the provisions of this Contract shall be incorporated by reference in the order formally approving this Contract Continental and the Commission agree that they will each actively defend any order adopting the provisions of the · Contract against any appeal' of or other legal challenge to such an order by any third party. Continental and the Commission each agree that they will reasonably cooperate withthe other in any such defense of the Contract. 9. Continental agrees that any violation of this Contract or the order approving this Contract shall Constitute a violation of a Commission order, entitling the Commission to .. exercise any rights and remedies attendant to the enforcement of a COmmission order. 17 DRAFT 10. The Commission and Continental further agree that the effectiveness of this Contract is expressly contingent upon resolution and termination of Continental's CPST benchmark and BST and CPST cost-of-service proceedings (except as LFAs may elect to oPt out of the BST cost-of-service Refund settlement · . under section III.I. below), issuance of an order approving the Contract, and Continental's compliance with the terms, conditions, and procedures set forth in the Contract. If this Contract is not approved by the commission and accepted by Continental, or if the Contra~t is otherwise rendered invalid, in whole or in part, by final order of any court of competent jurisdiction, the Contract or such part may not be used in any fashion in any legal proceeding. 11. If the Commission, or the United States on behalf of the Commission, brings an action in any United States District Court to enforce the terms of the order approving the terms of this Contract, Continental agrees, subject to the terms of the previous paragraph, that it will not contest the validity of the order, and will consent to a judgment inCorporating the terms of this Contract. E. Infrastructure Upgrade Co---~tment. '1. Infrastructure Upgrade: 'Financial. Continental commits to invest at least $1.35 billion from ., January 1, 1995 through December 31, 2000, to substantially upgrade all of its cable systems nationwide so as to meet the DRAFT technical upgrade commitment specified in the next paragraph. Continental will make an annual investment for rebuilds and upgrades of' its'United States cable systems, which is at least 120% of its average aggregate annual capital expenditures from- 1990 through 1994. Accelerated expenditures will be credited toward future years during the Contract period. Ail of the $1.35 billion will be dedicated to Continental cable systems within the United States. 2. Infrastructure Up~rade: Technical. The investment commitment described in the previous · paragraph will be used to upgrade and rebuild Continental's U.S. cable systems so that, by December 31, 2000, the following minimum conditions will be met: · For each Continental cable system less than 550 MHz, channel capacity will increase by a minimum of 20% of. its capacity, measured in MHz. · Ail Continental subscribers will be served by a system with a capacity of at least 550 MHz; · At least 50% of Continental subscribers Will be ser~ed bY a system with a capacity of at least '750 Systems serving at least 85% of Continental subscribers will utilize fiber optic t~chnology to transport signals from the system headend to neighborhood nodes; 19 · Ail Continental systems will utilize addressability or other suitable technology to make interactive services available to subscribers and to enhance the ability of consumers to make service choices. Continental will use its best efforts to deploy new technology in a manner that is not disruptive to consumers; and · System reliability and picture quality will be improved thrOugh %he replacement 'of active components (amplifiers) with passive conductors (fiber). 3. Infrastructure Upgrade: Non-Discrimination. Continental will distribute its system upgrade efforts so as not to discriminate among subscribers based on socio-economlc status. DRAFT 4. Infrastructure Upcjrade: Failure to Meet Investment Target. If, at the end of.any calendar year, Continental has failed to invest at least 85% of the annual amount committed to infrastructure upgrades, taking into consideration accelerated payments from previous years as described in paragraph 1 of this section, Continental will be required to make an in-kind Refund .o equal to the amount by which.that year's capital expenditure falls short of its required annual investment. Any Refund 20 DRAFT applicable to a given year may be stayed, at.Continental's option, for one year to allow Continental to meet its upgrade investment commitment by the end of the following year. If by the end of the following year Continental has met. its investment 'commitment for the previous year, then no Refunds shall be due. Refunds shall be structured so as to compensate those customers who have not benefitted from the technical upgrade requirements set out in paragraph 2 of this section. F. Migrated Product'Tiers and New Product Tiers. 1. Migrated Product Tiers. a. .On.each of its systems, ContinentaL'may move a maximum of four CPST services to a single "Migrated Product Tier" ("MPT"). Because the MPT will initially consist of services subscribers have already asked to receive, Continental will not be required to re-market the MPT to existing subscribers. These migrated channels may also be offered on an ~ ~a carte basis. Continental may not require the subscription to any tier, other than the BST,' as a condition for subscribing to an MPT, and may not require subscription to an MPT as a condition for subscribing to a CPST. b. Initially, Continental will set the rate for a franchise's MPT at the same level, on a per channel basis, that ~ The purchase of the BST will continue to be required pursuant to Commission rules. See Act, § 623(b) (8) (A); ~ate Order, 8 FCC Rcd. at ¶ 165. .DRAFT is set for that franchise's CPSTs under section III.B.2. above. There will be no limitation on the number of .new services Continental may add to an MPT. Continental may increase the price of an MPT to reflect new services added to the MPT by an amount not to exceed $.20 per added channel, plus th~ actual license fee(s) for the added channel(s). c. Because customers will be able to subscribe- to CPST(s) and an MPT on a stand-alone basis, the Commission will regulate MPT prices as of January 1, 1997 in the same manner in which the Commission currently regulates NPT prices. Prior to January 1, 1997, previously unrecovered inflation and ~xternal cost increases will be permitted on the migrated services in the manner permitted by the Commission's rules for CPSTs. 2. Mew Product Tiers. On or after January 1, 1997, Continental may convert the MPT in each system into an NPT, as defined in 47 C.F.R. § 76.987, including subsequent clarifications or amendments. These NPTs will be treated as all other NPTs under the ~Commission's rules, provided the tier is offered without a buy-through requirement of any tier other than the BST. Also, nothing in the Contract shall be construed to prevent Continental from creating other NPTs and/or offering ~ la carte channels pursuant to Commission rules. · G. Franchises Subject to Effective or Price-Constraining Co~petition. DRAFT The rate regulation terms of this Contract shall not apply to those Continental.franchises that the Commission has found to be: (1) subject to effective competition under the Act; or (2) price constrained by competition. However, Continental's upgrade commitments set out in section III.E. continue to apply to such franchises. H. Acquired Systems. Cable systems acquired by Continental after the Publication' Date may be incorporated into this Contract only after the acquisition has closed and t~e Commission and Continental have agreed on an amendment to include such systems under this Contract. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Continental Will not be permitted to create an MPT pursuant to this Social Contract for acquired systems if NPTs already'exist in those systems as a result, of ~ ~a garte packaging by the prior owner(s) of such systems. I. Local Franchising Authority Right to Opt Out of the Cost-of-Service Refund Settlement. 1. ~igbt to o~t Out. LFAs with pending BST cost-of-service cases will have the opportunity to "opt out" of the BST cost-of-service Refund settlement provisions of this Contract and resolv~ any amounts owed to customers in such franchises with Continental pursuant to .. Commission rules. To opt out of such provisions, an LFA must provide written notice to the Commission of its decision to do so 23 · DRAFT no later than forty-five (45) days following the Publication Date. 2. Effect of Opting Out. a. In any franchise area where the LFA has opted out, Continental shall not be required to provide any Refunds to BST customers, as provided for in section III.A.l.a. Additionally, an LFA may not use the facts or circumstances of this Contract, including any Refunds agreed upon by Continental or Continental's agreement to reduce rates and to create a Lifeline Basic tier, as evidence in any rate Proceeding of any refund liability due BST subscribers. b. In any franchise Where the LFA opts out under this section, Continental retains the right to pursue any and all legal remedies regarding the decisions of the LFA, including appeals to the Commission and/or to appropriate state, local, and/or federal courts. J. Reporting Requirements. 1. No later than ninety (90) days following the end of each calendar year that the Contract is in effect, Continental will provide an annual progress report to the Commission outlining the amount of capital investment Continental has made in compliance with section III.E.1.; the number of subscribers affected by such capital investment; system reliability and service improvements resulting from' upgrades completed during the 14 previous calendar year; and Continental's projected expenditures and upgrades for the following year. 2. The Commission shall have the right to inspect the books and records of Continental to verify compliance with the terms of this Contract and to interview corporate employees. K. Modification and Termination. 1. The COntract may not be terminated or modified without the mutual agreement of Continental and the Commission. The Commission's consent to any such modification shall be · demonstrated by an order issued by the Cable Services Bureau or, at the CommisSion's option, by the commission itself.' 2. If the laws or regulations applicable to any services offered in any Continental franchise change during the term of the Contract in a manner that Would provide a material favorable financial impact on Continental, then at any time after such change has occurred, Continental may petition the Commission to terminate this Contract. The Commission shall act expeditiously on such Petition, and grant of the petition will not be unreasonably withheld. L. All Necessary wa~vers and Preemptions Deemed Granted. In addition to the specific waivers of the Commission's rules identified in the Contract, the order approving the Contract shall affirmatively state that any and all waivers of the Commission's rules, and any modifications to Commission forms, necessary to effectuate the terms of the Contract are ° DRAFT deemed to be granted. The Commission will not assert in any proceeding that Continental's compliance with the terms of the Contract violates any Commission rule or order, and, in any proceeding before the Commission brought by a third party, a showing by Continental that it ~as complied with the terms of the Contract shall constitute a defense to any claim that Continental's actions in meeting the terms of the Contract constitute a violation of any applicable Commission rule or order. M. Term. This Contract shall become effective when the Commission issues an order approving the Contract and shall continue in effect through December 31, 2000, subject to section III.K. above regarding modification and termination. N. Service of Contract and Public Notice on Interested Parties. Continental .will serve a copy of this Social Contract and the Public Notice announcing this proposed resolution on all Continental LFAs and also will serve all parties to any pending Continental cost-of-service or benchmark rate proceeding. O. Public Notice. The Commission will promptly issue a public notice in which the Commission proposes to adopt the Contract as a final order .. governing Continen[al's provision of cable services, and shall provide interested parties with thirty (30) days to comment on 26 DRAFT the Contract and an additional fifteen (15) days in which to file reply comments. P. Entire Agreement. This Contract and its exhibits, as either or both may be' amended in accordance with the terms herein, constitute the .entire agreement between Continental and the Commission with respect to the subject matter.of this Contract and supersede all prior agreements and understandings, whether oral or written, between Continental and the Commission with respect to the subject matter of this Contract. No representation, warranty, promise,.inducement, or statement of intention has been made by Continental or the Commission which is not embodied in this Contract, and neither party shall be bound by, or be liable for, any alleged representation, warranty, promise, inducement, or statement of intention not embodied in this Contract or its exhibits. Q. Severability. If any provision, clause, or part of this Contract is invalidated, the remainder of this Contract shall not be affected thereby and shall remain in effect; provided, however, that if such invalidation is material to this Contract, the parties shall negotiate in good faith to reconstitute the Contract in a form · that is, to the maximum extent possible, consistent with the original intent of Continental and the Commission. 27 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Contract has been duly executed and delivered by or on behalf of the parties hereto as of the Effective Date as defined herein. CONTINENTAL CABLEVISION, INC. By: Name: Title: FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION By: Name: Title: EXHIBIT 1 COST OF SERVICE PJEFUNDS BASIC SERVICE TIER $5.00 PER SUBSCRIBER PAGE 1 OF 2 CALIFORNIA I BALDWIN HILLS; CA0937 2 CARSON, CA0439 3 CITY OF LA - AREA I, CA0808 4 CITY OF LA - AREA J. CA0775 5 CULVER CITY, CA0807 12_/31/94 BST SUBS 7,609 12,562 112,964 13,995 7,594 154,724 6 LAUDERHILL, FL0185 7 OAKLAND PARK, FL0503 8 PLANTATION, FL0008 9 TAMARAC, FL0153 12,991 469 23,257 17,248 53,965 10 BUFFALO GROVE, IL0515 11 ELK GROVE VILLAGE, IL0518 12 HOFFMAN ESTATES, IL0522 13 ' PALATINE, IL0491 o. 14 ROLLING MEADOWS, IL0521 10,802 8,532 11,184 10,066 5,685 46,269 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 MASSACHUSETTS BERKLEY, MA0266 BERNARDSTON, MA0088 BEVERLY, MA0124 BILLERICA. MA0079 BOXFORD, MA0327 BURMNGTON. MA0080 · CAMBRIDGE. MA0280 CHESTER. MA0342 CENTON, MA0175 CONWAY, MA0325 DEERFIELD. MA0090 DIGHTON. MA0265 EASTHAM, MA0110 FREETOWN, MA0264 HAMILTON, MA0239 HOLLAND, MA0321 HUNTINGTON, MA0341 LAKEVILLE, MA0278 LANCASTER, MA0237 MARBLEHEAD, MA0263 MARION, MA0104 MARLBOROUGH, MA0122 MATTAPOISETT, MA0105 1,275 680 11,~3 9,864 1,795 6,368 20,108 259 4,562 2~ 1,626 1,534 2,96 2.176 1.9~ 705 463 2.339 1.552 6,562 1,555 10,608 2,140 38 39 4O 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5O 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 6O 61 62 63 64 65 EXHIBIT 1 COST OF SERVICE REFUNDS BASIC SERVICE TIER $5.00 PER SUBSCRIBER PAGE 2 OF 2 MASSACHUSETTS MIDDLEBOROUGH, MA0254 NEEDHAM, MA0199 NEWTON, MA0117 NORTHFIELD, MA0089 ORLEANS, MA0095 PHILLIPSTON, MA0340 PROVINCETOWN, MA0193 ROCHESTER, MA0283 SHERBORN, MA0310 SPRINGFIELD, MA0168 STONEHAM, MA0042 SUNDERLAND, MAO091 TOPSFIELD, MA0288 TRURO, MA0284 WAREHAM, MA0106 WATERTOWN, MA0130 WAYLAND, MA0267 WELLESLEY, MA0241 WELLFLEET, MA0194 WENHAM, MA0240 WESTHAMPTON, MA0322 WESTON, MA0268 WILMINGTON, MA0078 WINCHENDON, MA0213 12/31/94 BST SUBS 5,330 6,565 17,492 828 3,349 424 2,249 1,052 882 40,556 6,573 1,199 1,637 411 6,721 8,311 2,903 5,392 1,071 · 994 376 2,389 5,262 2,660 217,418 BELLEFONTAINE NEIGHBORS, MO0341 BRENTWOOD, MO0374 RIVERVIEW, MO0345 UNIVERSITY CITY, MO0370 2,728 2,426 646 8,314 14,114 NEW YORK 66 BRIARCLIFF MANOR, NY0734 67 CROTON-ON-HUDSON, NY1086 68 NEW CASTLE, NY0732 69 NORTH TARRY'TOWN, NY0735 70 PEEKSKILL, NY0284 71 PHILIPSTOWN, NY1208 72 PLEASANTVILLE, NY0737 73 TARRYTOWN, NY0738 1,867 1,869 4,391 2,022 6,390 934 1,901. 3,109 22,483 TOTAL.. 508,973 EXHIBIT 2 COST OF SERVICE REFUNDS * CABLE PROGRAMMING SERVICE TIER $4.50 PER SUBSCRIBER PAGE 1 OF 3 CALIFORNIA 1 CARSON, CA0439 2 CITY OF LA - AREA I, CA0808 3 CITY OF LA- AREA J, CA0775 4 DOWNEY, CA0922 5 LA MIRADA~ CA0853 6 ORANGE COUNTY, CA0811 7 POMONA, CA0810 8 DEERFIELD BEACH. FL0281 9 JACKSONVILLE, FL0398 10 PLANTATION, FL0008 11 POMPANO BEACH, FL0302 12 SUNRISE. FL0207 13. TAMARAC, FL0153 14 WILTON MANORS, FL0280 12J31/94 CPST SUBS 12.548 109,529 13,857 13.773 7.701 4.104 13.082 174.594 13,231 163,328 22,835 24,797 22.264 16,741 3.880 267,076 15 BUFFALO GROVE. IL0515 16 ELK GROVE VILLAGE, IL0518 17 HOFFMAN ESTATES, IL0522 18 MASCOUTAH, IL0834 19 PALATINE, IL0491 20 PEOTONE, IL0542 21 ROLLING MEADOWS, IL0521 22 UNINCORPORATED VV1LL COUNTY, IL1077, IL1080 10,757 8.511 11,143 1.361 10,018 1,002 5.667 17,934. 66,393 MASSACHUSETTS 23 BERKLEY, MA0266 24 BEVERLY, MA0124 25 BILLERICA~ MA0079 26 BURLINGTON. MA0080 27 CAMBRIDGE, MA0280 28 CHESTER. MA0342 29 CONWAY. MA0325 30 DEERFIELD. MA0090 31 DIGHTON. MA0265 32 EASTHAM. MA0110 · 33 FREETOWN. MA0264 34 HAMILTON. MA0239 35 LAKEVILLE. MA0278 36 MARBLEHEAD. MA0263 1.250 11,556 9.466 6.111 18.870 240 254 1.580 1.519 2.380 2,153 1,877 2,298 6,337 37 MARION, MA0104 38 MARLBOROUGH, MA0122 39 MA'i-i'APOISETT, MA0105 40 MIDDLEBOROUGH, MA0254 41 NEEDHAM, MA0199 42 NEWTON, MA0117 43 NORTHFIELD, MA0089 44 ORLEANS,~MA0095 45 PROVINCETOWN, MA0193 46 ROCHESTER, MA0283 47 SPRINGFIELD, MA0168 48 STONEHAM, MA0042 49 SUNDERLAND, MA0091 50 TOPSFIELD, MA0288 51 TRURO, MA0284 52 WAREHAM, MA0106 53 WELLFLEET, MA0194 54 WENHAM, MA0240 55 WESTON, MA0268 56 WILMINGTON, MA0078 57 EXHIBIT 2 COST OF SERVICE REFUNDS CABLE PROGRAMMING SERVICE TIER $4.50 PER SUBSCRIBER PAGE 2 OF 3 MICHIGAN WEST BLOOMFIELD, MI0868 12/31194 CPST SUBS 1,467 10,492 2,039 5,213 6,432 17,106 799 3,101 2,041 1,045 40,161 6,375 1,146 1,585 386 6,389 ~ 931 966 2,.340 5,058 180,963 MINNESOTA 58 ST. PAUL, MNO424 16,246 45,591 MISSOURI 59 CLAYTON, MO0373 60 LAKE ST. LOUIS, MOO490 61 MOLINE ACRES, MO0344 62 UNIVERSITY CITY, MO0370 3,124 2,530 587 8,260 14,501 NEW HAMPSHIRE 63 DURHAM, NH0085 64 KENSINGTON, NH0168 65 NEWMARKET, NH0072 1,750 445 2,445 4,640 EXHIBIT 2 COST OF SERVICE REFUNDS CABLE PROGRAMMING SERVICE TIER $4.50 PER SUBSCRIBER PAGE 3 OF 3 NEW YORK 66 CROTON-ON-HUDSONi NY1086 67 MOUNT PLEASANT, NY0731 68 NEVV CASTLE, NY0732 69 NORTH TARRYTOWN, NY0735 70 OSSINING TOWN, NY0733 71 OSSINING VILLAGE, NY0736 72 PEEKSKILL, NY0284 73 PLEASANTVILLE, NY0737 74 TARRYTOWN, NY0738 12/31/94 CPST SUBS 1,849 6,296 4,364 1,990 1,714 5,319 6,318 1,878 3,078 32,806 15,609 ~qRGINIA 75 JAMES CITY COUNTY, VA0270 TOTAL 818,419 EXHIBIT 3 FORM 393 REFUNDS ONLY CABLE PROGRAMMING SERVICE TIER $2.00 PER SUBSCRIBER PAGE 1 OF 1 CONNECTICUT I EAST GRANBY, CT0132 2 EAST WINDSOR, CT0135 3 ENFIELD, CT0129 4 GRANBY, CT0131 5 HARTLAND, CT0130 6 SOMERS, CT0136 7 STAFFORD, CT0137 8 SUFFIELD. CT0133 9 UNION, CT0138 10 WINDSOR LOCKS, CT0134 11 12 1'3 14 15 16 17 18 -19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 12131/94 CPST SUBS 1,329 2,868 12,944 2.673 326 2,196 3.336 3,257 161 3,790 32,880 MASSACHUSETTS ARLINGTON, MA0115 DEDHAM. MA0238 EAST BRIDGEWATER. MA0253 GRANBY. MA0118 GRANVILLE, MA0326 HANOVER. MA0244 HANSON, MA0215 HINGHAM. MA0251 HOLBROOK. MA0190 HOLYOKE, MA0034 IPSWICH. MA0142 LONGMEADOW. MA0138 MILTON. MA0163 NATICK, MA0141 NORTH ANDOVER, MA0102 NORWELL. MA0206 QUINCY. MA0126 RANDOLPH, MA0212 REVERE. MA0032 WEST BRIDGEWATER, MA0235 WEST NEWBURY, MA0188 WHITMAN, MA0200 11,536 5,827 3,228 1,568 379 3,380 2,488 5,353 2,968 11,584 3.446 4,722 6,141 7,835 6,746 2,601 27,085 8,764 13,616 1,790 970 3,627 135,654 MICHIGAN HAZEL PARK, MI0627 4,681 TOTAL 173,215 EXHIBIT 4 FORM 1200 REFUNDS ONLY CABLE PROGRAMMING SERVICE TIER $8.00 PER SUBSCRIBER PAGE I OF 2 CALIFORNIA I LIVE OAK, CA0700 2 SUTTER COUNTY, CA0011,CA0663, CA1170 3 YUBA CITY, CA0012 IOWA 4 KEOKUK, IA0019 ILLINOIS 5 QUINCY, IL0057 MICHIGAN 6 BLACKMAN TOWNSHIP, MI0037 7 DEARBORN HEIGHTS, MI0806 8 DELTA TOWNSHIP, MI0259 9 DEWITT TOWNSHIP, M!0370 10 GRAND LEDGE, MI0342 11 JACKSON, MI0038 12 LANSING, MI0242 13 LANSING TOWNSHIP, MI0335 14 WATERTOWN TOWNSHIP, MI1825 15 WESTLAND, MI0910 16 WINDSOR TOWNSHIP, Mi1826 . NEW HAMPSHIRE 17 BOW, NH0082 18 CONCORD, NH0020 19 PORTSMOUTH, NH0029 20 SALEM, NH0037 12/31/94 CPST SUBS 1,214- 7,123 10,987 19,324 4,-137 12,267 ,.. 4,044 16,124 8,620 2,751 2,397 10,770 34,868 3,117 154 23,356 13 106,214 1,550 13,089 8,030 8,317 30,986 EXHIBIT 4 FORM 1200 REFUNDS ONLY CABLE PROGRAMMING SERVICE TIER $8.00 pER SUBSCRIBER OHIO 21 BEAVERCREEK(KE~-FERING), OH1350 22 BELLBROOK, OH0767 23 CENTERVlLLE, OH0497 24 ELYRIA, OH0693 25 FAIRBORN, OH0295 26 HUBER HEIGHTS, OH0372 27 KETTERING, OH0496 28 MIAMISBURG, OH0500 2g MORAINE, OH050g 30 NEW CARLISLE, OH0689 31 NEW RUSSlATOWNSHIP (ELYRI~), OH1607 32 NORWALK, OH0038 33 OAKWOOD, OH0498 34 SPRINGBORO, OH1245 35 SPRINGFIELD, OH0279 36 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP (KETTERING), OH0610 37 WEST CARROLLTON, OH0499 TOTAL 12/31/94 CPST SUBS 10,024 2,202 7,109 13,228 9,111 10,817 18,615 4,951 1,317 1,545 5,038 2,763 2,279 18,327 8,278 4,358 119,984 292,912 EXHIBIT 5 COMBINED FORM 393 AND FORM 1200 REFUNDS CABLE PROGRAMMING SERVICE TIER $10.00 PER SUBSCRIBER PAGE 1 OF 1 MASSACHUSETTS 1 'COHASSET, MA0207 2 NEWBURY, MA0143 3 ROWLEY, MA0216 4 SClTUATE, MA0208 MICHIGAN 5 DEWITT, MI0635 MISSOURI 6 ST. LOUIS COUNTY (AREA B), M00292 OHIO 7 ATHENS, OH0029 8 BAY VILLAGE, OH0739 9 CIRCLEVILLE, OH0311 10 EASTLAKE, OH0699 11 MENTOR, OH0740 12 WILLOUGHBY HILLS, OH0801 TOTAL 12/31/94 CPST SUBS 2,009 1,778 1,371 5,374 10,532 1,313 10,617 5,029 4,578 3,369 5,733 14,598 2,065 35,372 EXHIBIT 6 CONTINENTAL CABLEVISION, INC. OPERATING REGIONS Northeast: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York Southeast: Florida, Georgia, Virginia Midwest: Michigan, Ohio Central: Western: Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri California, Nevada