HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1975 12 01 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY CENTER CENTENNIAL AT MAIN December 1, 1975 I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Saltarelli. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Councilman Edgar. III. INVOCATION Given by Councilwoman Sutcliff. IV. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Saltarelli, Edgar, Sharp, Welsh, Sutcliff Absent: Councilmen: None Others present: City Administrator William Bopf Assistant City Adminstrator for Community Development Ken Fleagle City Attorney: James G. Rourke City Clerk: Ruth C. Poe PUBLIC CONCERNS By request the Mayor stated that Public Concerns (Agenda item 6) would be heard at this time. 1. Miss Sue Bradley, Tustin High School Band Council President announced that Tustin High Band wished to make a presentation. Band arrived and played 3numbers. Miss Bradley then presented a proclamation on behalf of the Tustin Band and Drill ~eam Booster Club supporting the building of a Tustin Performing Arts Center & p~edged $100. at thisTtime and $1©0~'a~nually~hereafter. 2. Bicentennial Memorial Mr. Bill Reed, Architect presented model on Memorial Wishing Well and signing to be placed on City Center grounds Mr. Reed explained dimensions and location. After discussion by the Council Mr. Reed was asked to work with the staff including the signing for City Center ident- ification and prepare plans. In answer to questioning, Mr. Rourke sta~ed he doubted if it would be proper for the Bicentennial committee to do the actual building but ~tated he would look into it and report at next meeting. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974 Background report given by Mr. Fleagle for second year funding. Mr. Fleagle stated that the purpose of this hearing is to receive public testimony as~to hew funds would be best used and weighing this with Council previous committment. Hearing opened at 8:00 p.m. There being no comments or teStimonynit was moved by Sutcliff, seconded by Edgar that the hea~ing be closed. Motion carried. Moved by Sutcliff, seconded by Edgar that a second hearing be be advertised for December 15, 1975. Motion carried. City Council Minutes 12/1/75 Page 2. VI. PUBLIC CONCERNS See above. VII. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - November 17 Regular meeting November 1S Regular Adjourned meeting. 2o RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS in the amount of $80,128.94! and CONFIRMATION OF PAYROLL LISTING in amount of $53,831.24. 3.ESTABLISHMENT OF PUBLIC HEARING DATE - Newport Underground Utility District No. 3 Establishing hearing date Of December 15, 1975, as recommended by City Engineer. 4. LEASE AMENDMENT - TUSTIN BRANCH LIBRARY Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute lease amendment for the Tustin Branch Library as recommended by the City Engineer. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 75-72 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE HOLDING OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON TUESDAY, THE 2ND DAY OF MARCH, 1976, FOR THE ELECTION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS OF SAID CITY AS REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RE- LATING TO GENERAL LAW CITIES. ~deption as requ~ed by law~ 6. RESOLUTION NO. 75-73 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING ALTERNATE 6 OF SANTA ANA RIVER FLOOD CONTROL PLAN. 7. PROPOSED BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND TRANSFERS Approval of budget adjustments and transfers as presented by Assistant City Administrator. 8. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL ON FINANCING VACUUM STREET SWEEPER. Acceptance of proposal of Bank of America, accepting the lease assignment on new vacuum street sweeper and authorizatdon for Mayor and City Clerk to sign necessary documents after approval of the City Attorney as recommended by Assistant C~ty Administrator. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Sutcliffthat Consent Calendar items 1 through 8 with exception of No. 7 be approved. Carried unanimously. Consent item No. 7 - Proposed Budget Adjustments and Transfers Report presented by Fir. Blankenship. Moved by Edgar, seconded by sutcliff that Consent item No. 7 be approved. i Motion carried. VIII. ORDINANCES 1. ORDINANCE NO. 669 FOR INTRODUCTION An Ordinance of the City Council, City of Tustin, California, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 637 RELATING TO PROVISIONS OF THE UNIFORM CODE REGARDING THE SALE OF CHRISTMAS TREES. City Council Minutes 12/1/75 Page 3. Moved by Sutcliff, seconded by Sharp that Ordinance No. 669 have first reading by title only. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh that Ordinance No. 669 be introduced. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Welsh, seconded by E~gar that Ordinance No. 669 have second reading by title. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Sutcliff, seconded by Welsh that Ordinance No. 669 be passed and adopted as an emergency, urgency measure. Motion carried by roll call all Councilmen voting Aye. IX. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 666 An Ordinance of the City Council, City of Tustin, RELATING TO RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Edgar that Ordinance No. 666 relating to rules and regulations for parks and playgrounds have second reading by title. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Sutcliff that Ordinance No. 666 be passed and adopted. Motion carried by roll call. AyeS: S~ltarelli, Edgar, Sharp, Sutcliff. Noes: Welsh. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 667 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California REZONING PROPERTY OF THE IRVINE COMPANY ON ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION NO. 75~3. Moved by Sutcliff, seconded by Edgar that Ordinance No. 667 have second reading by title. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Edgar that Ordinance No. 667 be passed and adopted. Motion carried by roll call, all Councilmen voting Aye. 3. ORDINANCE NO. 668 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN OF CERTAIN INHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS THE "SYCAMORE-RED HIlL ANNEXATION NO. 85 OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN". Moved by Sharp, seconded byEdgar that Ordinance No. 668 have second reading by title. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Edgar that Ordinance No. 668 be passed and adopted. Motion carried by roll call, all Councilmen voting Aye. It was directed that advance notice be given so that all agencies of the City are prepared to give service when annexation is certified by the state. X. OLD BUSINESS 1. NICKEL BUS Mr. Bopf presented report and stated that the nickel bus had been budgeted to JanUary 1, 1976. City Council Minutes 12/1/75 Page 4 Council discussed alternatives to the nickel bus to provide transportation aid specifically to Senior Citizens. Staff instructed to review alternatives such as a token or partial payment for use of taxi cabs for Senior Citizens who are Tustin residents traveling from one point in the City to another point in the City. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Sharp that the nickel bus be terminated as of January 21, 1976 and additional funding be provided to cover the month of January. Motion carried by roll call. Ayes: Saltarelli, Edgar, Sutcliff. Noes: Welsh. 2. PEDESTRIAN CROSSING - IRVINE BLVD. BETWEEN PROSPECT AVE. AND FASHION LANE In answer to questioning~ Mr. Ledendecker stated that Mr. Vogle of the Unified Scho61 DiStrict and Mr. Ericksen, Principal of Columbus Tustin had stated there is no need at this time for the existing pedestrian crossing, but that~e~haps there wii~be a Need when park is developed. Council discussed placing-' crosswalk at Fashion Lane. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh that recommendations of the Traffic Commission be accepted and that there be an investigation of the feasibility of adding the crosswalk that Mr. Vogle had recommended. Substitute Motion - Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Sutcliff that existing crosswalk be removed and no replacement be made at this time. Substitute Motion carried by roll call all Councilmen voting Aye. 3. MAIN STREET SIGNING AND TRAFFIC BETWEEN NEWPORT FREEWAY AND EL CAMINO REAL Mr. Bopf presented report. No action taken. 4. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS - PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Council discussed amending Ordinance to require City residency for all members except School Board member and that consideration be given relative to student member, that all Schools in the Unified D~trict be contacted but that student be=a City resident. Mr. Rourke directed to draft Ordinance amending present Commission Ordinance. Matter of appointments continued to Personnel session. Councilman Edgar & Councilwoman Sutcliff volunteered to be on the interview committee for new members. 5. SELF-INSURED HEALTH INSURANCE Mr. Bla~kenship presented report and reasons for re- commendations that the City consider self-insuring the health insurance. Report also set forth 3 alternatives including coGinsured approach, a self-insured approach and a combination. In answer to questioning Mr. BlaNkenship said it takes approximately 2 weeks to prepare bid documents and brokers about 30 days to prepare bids. City Council Minutes 12/1/75 Page 5. Mr. Bopf stated that for the record it should be noted that employees are very pleased with the current policy and services they are receiving. After discussion relative to various alternatives and it was determined that the City could go to bid and still decide on self-insurance it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Sutcliff that the City go out to bid at the earliest possible time. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. 6. TRAFFIC COMMISSION STATUS Report presented by Mr. Bopf with. the following suggestions from the meeting of Mr. Sharp, Mr. Bopf and Mr. Ledendecker. 1. The Traffic Commission ordinance would be revised to eliminate two of the staff members as voting members of the Commission, but would place them in an ex-official capacity of the Commission with the right to enter into the discussion but not vote on matters. 2. Develop operational procedures where more of the routine items would go directly to the City Council with staff recommendations, thereby reserving only those matters of extreme controversy or extensive study to be reviewed by the Traffic Commission. 3. Consider meeting less frequently as a Traffic Commission, perhaps operationally meeting on demand every two months or quarterly as more extensive issues may arise. Even though it may be necessary to show a month!!y meeting schedule, the meeting could be cancelled for want of a quorum if sufficient business is not before the Commission at that time. 4. Salaries for the Traffic Commission could be eliminated which would save some $1,500 annually. In lieu thereof, severalCounty meetings could be attended of a technical nature which!would benefit a number of Commission members. It would be appropriate to establish a modest budget for those types of meetings and limit the attendance to the monetary amount of the budget. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Edgar that the City make the four chah~es outlined in report and then take another look at the situation in 6 months. Motion carried by roll call. Ayes: Edgar, Sharp, Welsh. Noes: Saltare~ll,. Sutcliff. 7. STATUS - LANDSCAPING, IRRIGATION SYSTEM, LIGHTING AND WALKWAY INSTALLLATION FOR CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT Council discussed phases and costs of development and expressed the desire to put bids out~n full pro~e~t with alternatives to cover projects such as 1. Walk & part of landscaping, 2. Walk and sprinkler system, 3. Entire project. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar that the City go to bid on the project and have the staff develope as many alter- natives as possible so the council can select as many as can be afforded, up to and including the entire job. Motion carried by roll call, all Councilmen voting Aye. XI. ~ NEW BUSINESS 1. HEATING AND COOLING OF FIRE STATION 2 Report presented by Mr. Bopf. City Council Minutes 12/1/75 Page 6. Moved bySaltarelli, secondedby Welsh~that the expenditure of $3~000 be authorized to install the forced air heating and air conditioning system on Fire Station ~2. Motion carried by rollcall, all Councilmen voting Aye. 2. SCAFFOLDING FOR COUNCIL CHAMBERS AND COMMUNITY BUILDING Matter deferred for 1976-77 budgeting. 3. SELECTION OF CONSULTANT FOR DESIGN OF EL CAMINO REAL STORM DRAIN Moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli that Council select the firm of Governmental Professional Services of Santa Ana to perform the design, plan proparation and prepare the special provisions for the E1Camino Real Storm Drain per their proposal dated November 10, 1975, and authoriz~ the preparation and execution of the consultants a~reement subject to the City Attorney's review for processing t~!7 ~ through the County of Orange Environmental Management Agency, Housinq Plans Branch. *See page 7. Motion carried by roll call. Ayes: Saltarelli, Edgar, Sharp, Welsh, ~Noes:, Sutcliff. 4. ACQUISITION OF SANTA ANY VALLEY COMPANY IRRIGATION DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. Report presented by Mr. Bopf. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Sharp that the staff be auth- orized to negotiate a price~for the acquisition within the bounds stated in report and agreement & conveyance document be authorized. After discussion it was the concensus of the Council that staff should negotiate for this acquisition and report to Council for their reaction. - Substitute Motion - Moved by Saltarelli, seconded By ~ ~ Sutcliff that staff be authorized to con~munica~e with SAVI with intent to acquire system as described, at no cost to the City and come back to the Council with best cost negotiations available. Motion carried by roll call all Councilmen voting Aye. 5. APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVE - ORANGE COUNTY MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICT. Moved by Edgar, secondedby Sharp that Councilman Welsh be re-appointed for a two year term as this City's representative to the Mosquito Abatement District. Motion carried unanimously. 1. Mr. Bopf reminded Council & interested citizens of the XII. bus tour, December 6, at 9:30 a.m. 2. Nickel Bus Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by ~gelsh that Council reconsider the ~ickel Bus termination date. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar that termination date of the ~ickel bus be January 15, 1976. Carried by roll call all Councimen voting Aye. 3. Oil Paintings Councilman Welsh commented on the paintings on loan to City Council Minutes 12/1/75 Page 7. City Hall and requested a letter of thanks be sent to the artist, Mrs. Sperling. 4. Newport Avenue Condemnation In answer to questioning by C6uncilman Edgar, Fir. Ledendecker stated that there would be a resolution at the December 15, meeting instigating condemnation proceedings on five parcels including the railroad property. 5. Mayor Sa!tarelli announced that he would be participating in a debate with the President of the Orange County Employee's Association in front of American Society of Adminstrators. Mayor asked Mr. Sibley to notify the Council and public as to date & time. 6. ~,~79 Mayor Saltarelli requested Council consent to send a letter to President Ford requesting a veto of S.B. 1479 and a letter to our two Senators who voted for the bill expressing extreme displeasure. Council consent given, Councilman Welsh abstaining on grounds he was not that aware of the law. XII~. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Saltarelli declared the meeting adjourned to the next regular meeting December 15, 1975. * Mr. Edgar asked that storm drain be designed ~n three segments so Council would have option of doing portions yearly if desired.