Outside Agencies Comments
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RANCHO SnaLG 2323 North Broadway • Santa Ano, CA 92706 -1640 • (7141 480-7300 • wvrva n::ccl edu
Community unity College District Sant.; -Arta r < • Shin ign C;un n t oIloe,
July 21, 2015
Edmelynne V. Hutter JUL 2 3 2015
Senior Planner
Community Development Department COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT
City of Tustin BY:
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
RE: Tentative Parcel Map 2015-127
Dear Ms. Hutter:
On behalf of the Rancho Santiago Community College District, this letter shall serve as formal
correspondence in regards to the above referenced Tentative Parcel Map 2015-127. The District has
facilities located at 15991 Armstrong Boulevard, Tustin, CA 92782. The program at this location is for the
Orange County Sheriffs Regional Training Academy and as such is a sensitive program with regards to
public safety. We could not discern from Tentative Parcel Map 2015-127 if the construction operations or
ongoing operations anticipated for the proposed subdivision will impact traffic along Warner Avenue or
Armstrong Avenue?
The District would like to be notified on subsequent development steps, including further planning and
environment notices and approvals.
Thank you for the opportunity to respond and provide comments. Please feel free to contact my office at
(714) 480-7510 if you need further assistance.
Darryl Taylor
Facility Planning, District Construction & Support Services
Claudio C_ Aivnrez • An anna P En,nos • Jahn P Hanna • La enc° P 'Los tnh ado • Jose Solo,io • Nerd_ M ondoza ?o nez • Phillip E Yarbrough
Raul Rod,Iguez,Ph.D.
E ® IS® N'
City of Tustin July 15, 2015
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Attention: Planning Division
Subject: Parcel Map No. 2015-127
Please be advised that the division of the property shown on Parcel Map No.
2015-127will not unreasonably interfere with the free and complete exercise of
any easements and/or facilities held by Southern California Edison Company
within the boundaries of said map.
This letter should not be construed as a subordination of the Company's rights,
title and interest in and to said easement(s), nor should this letter be construed
as a waiver of any of the provisions contained in said easement(s) or a waiver of
costs for relocation of any affected facilities.
In the event that the development requires relocation of facilities, on the subject
property, which facilities exist by right of easement or otherwise, the
owner/developer will be requested to bear the cost of such relocation and provide
Edison with suitable replacement rights. Such costs and replacement rights are
required prior to the performance of the relocation.
If you have any questions, or need additional information in connection with the
subject subdivision, please contact meat (626) 302-4473.
5\-eArein D. Low>�
Steven D. Lowry
Title and Real Estate Services
Corporate Real Estate Department
2131 Walnut Greve Avenue
Rosemead,CA 91770
(J r• , :I-., tit Community Development c:rtynhm
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July 27, 2015
Ms. Edmelynne V. Hutter
Senior Planner
Community Development Department
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Sent via USPS and email to: EHutter(ciltustinca.orq
Subject: Tustin Legacy Tentative Parcel Map 2015-127
Dear Ms. Hutter:
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Tustin Legacy Tentative Parcel
Map 2015-127. The City of Irvine has reviewed the proposed project and has the
following comments.
1. Confirm that the proposed land uses are consistent with the City of Tustin's
approved specific plan for the Legacy Project. Also, clarify whether these
land uses are consistent with the proposed Legacy Specific Plan
Amendment currently being prepared by the City of Tustin.
2. Figure 2-2 of the Trip Generation Assessment, dated June 3, 2015, identifies
roadway improvements along Valencia, Kensington Park and Edinger
Avenue adjacent to the project. Clarify whether these improvements are
expected to be complete in the interim-year when the 98,292 SF of
commercial retail is expected to be complete. Staff would like to ensure that
intersection improvements in the City of Irvine's traffic model are updated to
reflect the expected conditions.
The City of Irvine is interested in reviewing all future documentation associated with
this project. Please forward copies of any pertinent future documents to the City for
its review.
Ms. Edmelynne V. Hunter
July 27, 2015
Page 2
If you have any questions, please contact me at 949-724-6314 or via e-mail at
d law4citvofi rvine.o rq.
David R. Law, AICP
Senior Planner
cc: (via email)
Barry Curtis, Manager of Planning Services
Kerwin Lau, Project Development Administrator
Sun-Sun Murillo, Supervising Transportation Analyst
Bill Jacobs, Principal Planner
Tran Tran, Associate Engineer
V a September 2, 2015
JOEN MAYNE Ms. Elizabeth Binsack
AIRPORT Director of Community Development
Orange County. Catania Tustin City Hall
300 Centennial Way
Larry G.Serafini Tustin, CA 92780
Acting Airport
Subject: Parcel Map No. 2015-127 Tustin Legacy
Dear Ms. Binsack:
We have reviewed Parcel Map No. 2015-127 concerning the proposed
parcel in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, California. We certify that
the division and development as shown on Parcel Map No. 2015-127 will
not unreasonably interfere with the free and complete exercise of the John
Wayne Airport (JWA) Avigation Easement, as found in Book 6965, page
721 of the Official Records of Orange County, within the boundaries of this
subdivision, that:
(a) Structures erected on the property do not penetrate the Approach,
Horizontal, Conical or Transitional Surfaces as provided in the
John Wayne Airport Easement and conform to the requirements
of the Federal Aviation Administration's Regulations with
particular regard to Part 77, and
(b) Prior to the initiation of any construction on the property, an
application and notice of proposed construction are filed and
approval is obtained from those governmental agencies legally
concerned (Federal Aviation Administration, Caltrans
Aeronautics Division, and the Orange County Airport Land Use
Lea U. Choum
Land Use Manager
cc: Kevin Randall, JWA
Tommy T. Vo, Hunsaker & Associates Irvine, Inc
3160 Airway Avenue
Costa Mesa,CA
(949)252-5178 FAX