Written Public Input
Re: The Village at Tustin Legacy
The Tustin Planning Commission recently voted to recommend approval of The Village
at Tustin Legacy, a 248,292 sq. ft. commercial center. Tustin's City Council Is
scheduled to consider the matter at its October 20, 2015 meeting. The center would be
located across Kensington Park Drive from the Columbus Square residential community
where I reside. Columbus Square is a wonderful community and I enjoy living there. I
am looking forward to the opening of the new center but I do have concerns about the
possibility of a 24 hour restaurant operating just across the street. (Building E has been
designated for a drive through restaurant and would allow 24 hour operation.)
My concerns include late night loitering and vandalism as well as noise from cars and
menu board speakers. I believe that it would be far easier to prevent these problems
than to deal with them later. I hope you approve the center but urge you to require drive
thru restaurants to close at midnight or earlier.
Your consideration of this matter is appreciated.
Robert D. Brooks
15242 Cambridge Street
Tustin, CA 92782
Re: Proposed 21 Acre Commercial Center
At an upcoming meeting the Tustin City Council will consider the approval of The
Village at Tustin Legacy, a 21 acre commercial center. The center would be located
across Kensington Park Drive from the Columbus Square residential community.
Because of the location of my home within Columbus Square, I will likely be among
those most impacted by this development. While not perfect in all aspects, I believe the
center would be a positive addition to the area. I support the project except as stated
It is my understanding that Building Site E is intended for a restaurant with drive through
facilities and would allow 24 hour operation. I am concerned because I am aware of
restaurants in other areas that operate well into the early morning hours. It appears that
those operations have contributed to loitering, vandalism and other types of mis-
behavior in neighboring residential communities. Also, I am concerned about noise from
menu board speakers during late night and early morning hours. My request is that the
City require businesses in The Village at Tustin Legacy to close at midnight or earlier.
Thank you.
Beverly L. Brooks
15242 Cambridge Street
Tustin, CA 92782
Hello Tustin City Council,
I am a resident of Columbus Square, a community adjacent to the proposed Village of Tustin Legacy on Kensington
Park Drive. My neighbor attended the city council meeting in which plans for the Village were discussed with the
community. I was excited to hear about the proposal and I wanted to provide my support for the.project, as I think it
will help bring convenience and new opportunity.
What I do not support is the proposal for a 24hr drive-through food restaurant. I feel this will bring unwanted
attention at the early hours of the night to the surrounding communities. Such as loitering and vandalism in
Columbus Square. Please consider adding a stipulation for businesses within the Village to close no later than
midnight. I feel that is more appropriate and with the nearby 24hr establishments (Jack in the Box,for example)
already in existence, one still has the opportunity to eat late at night.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Michael Bordash
Re: Agenda Item — 10/20/2015 Council Meeting
Dear Mayor Puckett:
On October 20, 2015, the Tustin City Council will consider whether to approve The
Village at Tustin Legacy, a 248,000 sq. ft. commercial center. I live in the adjacent
Columbus Square community and I support of the project but I object to the_possibility of
businesses operating around the clock.:
I understand that there are one or more sites within the proposed center which may
allow 24 hour drive thru restaurant operation I am already having'bad dreams about the
noise, loitering and mischief that may result. I believe that these extended hours pose a
threat to the peace and quiet my neighbors and I currently enjoy. Please consider
adding_a condition that would require these businesses to close at midnight or earlier.
This seems like a reasonable compromise.
Thank you for your service to our community.
Don Mclean
15228 Cambridge Street
Tustin, CA 92782
Ms. Regina Blankenhorn - CITY OF TUSTIN
7915 OCT 13 P ?_ 13
Attached are two sheets containing signatures of Columbus
Square residents who have a concern about the proposed
commercial project called The Village at Tustin Legacy. Please
forward this information to each council person so that they have
it prior to October 20 council meeting.
Thank you.
Bob Brooks
Dear Mayor /Tustin City Council Person - I am a resident of Tustin's Columbus Square community. I support
the approval of The Village at Tustin Legacy but I urge you to require the retail businesses located there to
close at midnight or earlier. I
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Dear Mayor / Tustin City Council Person - I am a resident of Tustin's Columbus Square community. I support
the approval of The Village at Tustin Legacy but I urge you to require the retail businesses located there to
close at midnight or earlier. I
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From:Zung N. Pham Pierro
Sent:Tuesday, October 13, 2015 4:39 PM
To: Puckett, Chuck; Nielsen, John; Gomez, Rebecca; Murray,Al; Bernstein, Allan
Subject: Miscellaneous
Dear members of the City Council,
First of all, I would like to thank Mr. Murray for the upgraded City of Tustin
website. It is a far cry from the old one which was shameful and very frustrated
to follow. The new website is such a pleasure to view the mega of things going on in
this wonderful city.
My husband and I are senior citizens who worked very hard to save our money so
we can live a decent retirement. We have observed so many subsidized housing
being built around the neighborhood with transportation being provided all at the
expense of us citizens who work hard and pay hefty taxes. My question is why are
you members of the City Council not specifying builders to provide apartments with
decent square footage such as 1,500 sq. ft and above. There are many of us who
are downsizing from a house but all the new apartments have limited spaces up to
only 1,000 to 1,200 sq. ft. It isn't just us but a very large number of our senior
neighbors have the same complaint.
Futhermore, there is a lack of condos or affordable housing available for a large
number of us seniors who are not on welfare. Why are you folks taking care of the
people on welfare who don't bother to work and penalizing us citizens who work
hard and save our money. The last City Council, of which Mr. Murray and Mr.
Nielsen are members, had allowed Lennar to convert the condos at Coventry Court
into apartments, the majority of which are subsidized. Now the new homes built
by Standard Pacific are so out of range for us middle class seniors to afford. My
husband and I were potential homeowners who had made a down payment for one of
those condos, only to be cast aside by Lennar and the Tustin City Countil who made
a political decision, not one in the interest of the seniors citizens. The new area
around the District shopping center is being referred to as "Tustin Legacy". What
is that legacy? Is it that of picking on senior tax paying citizens? What a shame!
Now, I would like to address the proposed project in Planning Area 7 at address
15000 through 15190 Kensington Park Drive. Many of us seniors who live accross
from that proposed project wholeheartly approve it. Our question is how much
• longer is the Planning Commission and the City Council going to drag their feet
before the project takes off. It appears to us that the City of Irvine is always on
the ball. The City of Tustin allowed the Irvine Company to come in and build their
Amalfi apartments in our City which they did from start to finish within a year
with landscape & roadways. It appears to me that the faster you can start and
finish a project, the faster you can bring in vendors and the faster the City can
generate income for the City so let's get with it. I, along with many other seniors
would like to see a Walgreens drug store and a Stater Bros like market around this
area to allow us easy access to prescriptions & groceries. Many of us don't readily
have access to transportation.
I undertand that your jobs are not easy as it encumbers many areas of
responsibilities. Please excuse my venting as we are already frustrated by the loss
of our potential home ownership, the lack of progress on the MCAS regional park
and now the slow progress of all these potential projects surrounding our
neighborhood which are churning up tons of dust, affecting my asthmatic condition.
Zung Pham-Pierro