HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 4TH OF JULY CONT 03-20-95NO. 3
March 7, 1995
To award a contract for a pyro-musical show to Lantis Fireworks in
the amount of $9,000.
The 1994/95 budget includes $13,000 for the Fourth of July
Celebration. $9,000 was allocated for the pyro-musical show and
fireworks last year. Additional program costs include a sound
system ($1,800), live entertainment ($1,900) and portable toilets
($900). These contracts are addressed under separate agreements.
Planning is currently underway to produce the annual Fourth of July
Celebration.. Community Services staff requested bids from three
companies; Lantis Fireworks, Pyro-Spectaculars and Zambelli
Internationale. Zambelli Internationale was not able to submit a
bid for the budgeted amount. Bid proposals are included as an
attachment to this report.
The bid proposal from Lantis Fireworks is for $9,000 which includes
a complete themed pyro-musical show and the county permit fee of
approximately $90. The fireworks would include 340 shells, 3 set
pieces and low level pyrothecnic effects. Lantis provided the
fireworks show for the 1993 and 1994 Fourth of July shows.
Pyro-Spectaculars submitted a synopsis of their proposal. Program
"A", for $9,000, 'meets requirements for the Tustin show. The
fireworks would be similar to quantities proposed for 1994 which
included 245 shells, 4 set pieces and low level pyrothecnic
effects. Pyro-Spectaculars. provided the City with fireworks
displays from 1986-92. Fireworks shows from both companies would
last approximately twenty minutes.
Last year the fireworks contract was awarded to Lantis. The Lantis
show was very successful. In addition, Lantis worked very well
with local fire officials.
Both companies, Lantis and Pyro-Spectaculars, have successfully
presented firework shows for the City. The fireworks show proposed
by Lantis contains more (95) and larger shells than the proposal
from Pyro-Spectaculars. The Lantis show includes a custom
soundtrack provided by Richard Harris Productions. In addition,
the Lantis proposal includes the cost for the County fire permit
Staff recommends that the City Council award the fireworks contract
to Lantis Fireworks, Inc. The appropriation for the fireworks show
was increased in 1994 from $8,000 to $9,000.
Recreation Superi ~m~d~mt
Pyro-Spectaculars Fireworks Proposal
Lantis Fireworks Proposal
Zambelli letter
Febru .ary 20, 199/5
Mr. Gary Magill
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92680
Dear Mr. Magill,
Please find enclosed for your review and consideration, our proposal for your July 4th,
199:5 fireworks display. We are proposing our special program 'A* in the amoUnt of
$9,000.00. This price includes the services of a licensed pyrotechnic operator, insurance
coverage, sales tax, delivery, music:soundtrack and choreography. This price does not
include the cost of the fire department permit or additional standby firemen fees, if any.
Pyro Spectaculars is committed to offering you the finest quality fireworks display as we
have in the past. We have performed shows for you with great success. Our effects are
designed to be safely fired within the discharge area, according to strict Orange County
Fire Department restrictions. We are proposing many of the same effects as in the past.
Your program will be computer designed and choreographed to interpret the musical
score with the use of various effects corresponding to musical beats, emotions, and
crescendos. Pyro Spectaculars will customize the musical score in our own studio, based
on the input of your coordination staff. Time sheets allow us to plan the entire program
in advance. Verbal firing commands will be transmitted to the pyrotechnician on the
same tape used to broadcast the soundtrack to the spectators.
You will need to provide a complete sound system for your audience. You will also need
to provide a communication system for the firing commands to be transmitted to the
pyrotechnician at the firing site. The music will be broadcast to the audience on the left
channel while the firing commands are transmitted to the pyrotechnician on the right
channel. This method offers complete synchronization.
Pyro Spectaculars will provide the firing system and all equipment used to conduct the
fireworks display. Our pyrotechnic crew will setup and construct the equipment used for
the progran~ After the display, our crew will dismantle and remove all equipment from
the firing site. The crew will clean up as much of the area as possible. We ask that you
provide final cleanup of the area once our crew has departed. It is essential that you
provide security for the firing site while our crew is occupying the area.
Pyro Spectaculars will obtain all fire department permits within the time required. We
have a continuous working relationship with the Orange County Fire Department and we
look forward to another successful display.
City of Tustin
Gary Magill
Page 2
Upon notification of proposal acceptance, Pyro Spectaculars will provide you with
required endorsements and insurance certificates. Pyro Spectaculars Offers a $1 million,
per occurrence, general liability insurance policy that has been approved by you in the
The enclosed fireworks program is in synopsis form only. Our 1995 Pyro Musical has
not been completed as of this date. Our staff continues to update the program based on
current events and trends. We anticipate showcasing our Pyro Musical around April 1,
1995. We are unable to provide you with a detailed list of effects and aerial shells. The
proposal will be similar to quantities proposed in 1994 with variations based on program
Gax3,, we take pride in our Pyro Musical productions. A Pyro Musical takes time to
develop and coordinate. It is not our style to put fireworks in a box and make a show
from it. We prefer to develop a show and build a fireworks display around a concept.
Pyro Spectaculam is confident that our dedication and ability reflects this commitment to
production quality. We hope you are able to see our 1995 showcase before you decide on
this year's vendor.
Pyro Spectaculars is looking forward to working with the City of Tustin again. As in the
past, we will strive to provide you with the finest fireworks display possible. With the
continuing support of your staff, we will work together to make this year the most
spectacular July 4th yet. We are familiar with your needs and we are equally committed
to your community. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal. If you have
any questions or need additional information, please contact our office.
Very truly yours,
Kevin Kelley
Show Producer
City of Tustin
Gary Magill
Page 3
The 1995 Pyromusical is currently tiffed "The New Spirit of America". We will feature
8 scenes utilizing many low level effects complimenting the aerial display. The current
display may be revised. Effects will be exchanged equivalently.
Scene One- "Cm-tain Call"
John Williams "Space Camp" opens the program. Narration tracks welcome
spectators to the City of Tustin. Multishot devices, exhibition candles, and an
aerial shell segment will be featured.
Scene Two- "100 years of Broadway"
"Yankee Doodle" and a custom Broadway Medley celebrate the history of
Broadway and it's influence on the American culture. Ground effects will
compliment low level effects in this scene. · Set Pieces may be incorporated.
Scene Three- "From Infamy to'Victory"
"Victory at Sea", "Ride of the Valkyres", and "Stars and Stripes" complete the
salute the anniversary of World War II. Set pieces will feature a ~ and
re-creation of the Raising of the flag on Iwo Jiroa Exhibition candles and battling
multishot effects will be used effectively in this scene.
Scene Four- "Armed Forces Salute"
"Armed Forces Medley" follows salute to World War H anniversary. Color
coordinated aerial shells compliment the colors of each branch of the military.
-scene Five- , America's .Birthday Party"
"Celebrate*, "Birthday" and other musical favorites celebrate America's most
popular birthday party. A Birthday Cake set piece will be featured following a
stirring opening narration by John Adams. Aerial Shells will also be featured.
Scene Six- "Fun in Bedrock"
"Tritsch Tratsch Polka" with Flintstone character voice overs and sound effects
compliments an assortment of pyrotechnic wheels and ground effects.
Scene Seven- "American Bandstand"
Music from the 40's, 60's, 70's, and 90's blend together to create a salute to
America's most popular music eras. Ground effects, multishot devices and Aerial
shells will be featured in this scene. Expect a surprise visit by Dick Clark?
Scene FA ght- "Star Spangled Finale"
A traditional Pyro Spectaculars finale features the "Star Spangled Banner"
complimented by the American Flag set piece, exhibition candles, multishot
devices, and a spectacular barrage of finale shells.
Fireworks 6 Lasers
Lantis Productions. inc.
Corporate Office
P.O. Box 49~
Draper. Utah 84020
(800 571-2444
(800) 443-3o4o
Fax (800 57~-35~6
Salt Lake City
Las V~as
Los Angeles
San Francisco
January 19, 1995
Mr. Gary McGill
Recreation Supervisor
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92680
RE: Proposal for July Fo,urth 1995 Fireworks Display Show
Dear Garv:
Enclosed please find our Proposal for t the City of Tustin's July Fourth 1995
Fireworks Display Show. At Richard Harris' request, we have submitted a
Proposal tbr $9,000, the same as last year's budget.
If awarded the contract, our Operator will be David Hiroto who has been
responsible for the 1993 and 1994 shows. We look forward to once again
providing the residents of Tustin with outstanding visual entertainment on the
Fourth. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 800- 443-3040.
Very truly yours,
Lgntis Productions,' Inc.
Dick Hassen~,er
Vice President &
Chief Financial Officer
cc: Richard Harris
The proposed fireworks show is the conclusion of the'City's Tradition-al July FOurth
celebration, and is one of the most visable and well-attended of the day's events. The show
has traditionally been held on the campus of Tustin High School.
Show Theme
The show will feature classical music and will focus on a return to classic patriotic values and
Proposed Soundtrack
The 'soundtrack and narration will be provided by Lantis, working in conjunction with Mr.
Richard Harris. We will work with Mr. 'Harris in developing an appropriate series of
selections that represent the event, the demographics of the audience, and which are suitable
for fireworks.
Depending on final soundtrack selection, the show will run between 20 and 25 minutes.
Soundtrack Deadlines
Custom Soundtracks
If Lantis provides the custom soundtrack, it will submit a proposed written playlist to the
Client for written approval. Such approval must be provided by Client no later than 60 days
prior to the scheduled show date. If Client approval is not provided by this deadline, all right
of approval will be waived and Client agrees to accept soundtrack as provided by Lantis.
If Client provides the custom soundtrack, it will provide Lantis with a recorded tape, in a
mutually agreeable format, no later than 60 days prior to the scheduled show date. The
ultimate quality of the show tape will depend on the quality, of the tape received by Lantis, so
Clients are encouraged to provide Lantis with the original master tape. CD's should be used
as the original media if possible. If the Client fails to provide Lantis with the soundtrack by
the indicated date, Clients agrees to accept the soundtrack provided by Lantis.
Show Choreography
Lantis is known nationwide for its precision choreography using proprietary state:°f-the-atk
computer technology. The firing of each effect is timed by our computer software to
emphasize specific beats in the music. The effects are designed to complement the rhythm or
mood of the music. The soundtrack is recorded by our sound studio on either a two- or four-
channel tape. Either a cassette or reel-to-reel tape deck can be used depending on the sound
reproduction system available (see below).
On a two track system, one of the channels provides a monaural sound track-for the audience,
and the second contains the actual firing commands.
On a four track system, two of the channels provide a stereo sound track for the audience, one
Channel provides a SIMPTE time code used by our choreographer, and the fou'r~h contains the
actual firing commands.
Either-method ensures that the firing commands and the music remain synchronized.
Depending on final show design, the actual firing commands will be executed by either our
automated firing computer, which receives a coded tone directly from the tape, or by an
electronic firing control panel. All firing will be controlled el~ctrically,
Sound Reproduction Requirements
The Client (or radio station) will need to r~rovide at their exoense a hieh-oualirv, oreferabl¥
high-speed, 1/4" reel-to-reel or cassette tar~e deck for soundt;ack r~lavb~ck7 Th~ d~cks can be
either two-track or four-track, with four-tracks orovidine true sterio sound reproduction-
capability. The Client (or radio station) will ne~d to r~roTvide a communications link from th<,
tape reproduction location to the firing site. The pre~erred system would be a MARDI
(microwave) as it is the least ~ubject to interference. The alternative~ would be a cellulai~
communications system, or a non-shielded two conductor hard wire. Based on the firing
system used. Lantis will noti .fy the sound engineer of interlinking requirments. Integrity. of
this communications link is of extreme importance.
The Client will also need to provide a radio communications link between the sound
reproduction equipment site and the firing site for two-way voice c0mnaunications.
Lantis will need to be provided the name, contact person, and phone number of the
appropriate individual that will be in charge of sound engineering for Client (or radio station)
a minimum of 30 days before show date in order to facilitate the communications links and
equipment requirements.
Proposed Show Design
Subject to final approval of the soundtrack, the show will c6ntain the following visual effects
which will compliment the rhythm and mood of the music:
· The creation of several "orchids'' or firework flowers
using comets and a single large chrysanthemum shell.
Pyramids, Inverted Pyramids, and multiple "Vs" using comets.
· Cupid Strikes using special heart shells and comets.
· Custom-made American shells featuring Hourglasses, Stars,
and Rings.
(Please see the following two pages for diagrams of these effects and shells.)
· Numerous "mine walls' featuring assorted colored mines.
For a specific list of proposed products and quantities, please see pages 9 - 10 of this
Creative Contr'ol
Final creative control shall'rest with theClient, and the entire staff and resources of the
company will be devoted to the design of a custom show to your requirements. Lantis does
not use "pre-packaged" shows.
Site Requirements
In order to achieve the visual and emotional impact that an event of this magnitude and
significiance require, we recommend that fireworks shells of up to 5 inches in diameter be
used for maximum effect. A maximum shell size of 5 inches will require that an enforced
safety zone with a diameter of 500 feet be in place during the show.
The majority of the fireworks will be fire from racks and/or holders. A small amount of
sand, provided by the Client, may be required for larger shells. The Client will need to
provide adequate security, personnel to protect the integrity, of the fire site and saftev zone
both during and after the show until an all-clear i~ given by the Operator. The Lantis
pyrotechnicians will provide alt firing site and safety zone clean up immediately after the
show. The site will be reinspected at "first light" the following morning.
Lantis will require, use of the site from approximately 6:00 AM July 3, 1995 to 12:09 PM on
July 5, 1995. Lantis will load equipment on July 2nd and 3rd, shells on July 4th, and finish
cleanup on the 5th.
Insurance Requirements
Lantis shall provide, at the time of execution of a contract, evidence of the following Insurance
Coverages and Endorsements:
· A Personal Injury and Property Damage Liability Insurance Certificate issued by
Lloyd's of London with an combined single limit of $1 million showing the City and
any others required as additional insureds. The company's coverage is a "claims
made" policy. The Certificate will be issued on the City's required form.
· Automobile Liabili~ Insurance Coverage in the amount of $5 million issued by
Progressive Casuality covering our trucks transporting Class 1.3g (B) Explosives as
required by DOT. All of our drivers transporting explosives are required tohave a
commercial drivers license with a hazardous materials endorsements and a current
medical certificate.
· Worker's Compensation insurance is provided to the company by the State
Compensation Insurance Fund. based in San Francisco.
Company Qualifications
· The Company hold the following licenses in the state of
General Public Display
Hazardous Materials
Transportation License #85550
· The company currently holds the following two licenses
issued by Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms:
Importer's License #9-UT-018-24-4D-01416
Manufacturer's License #9-UT-018-21-5T-09755
· Lantis will file .the appr_opriate application for local Fire Department, FAA, and
other required permits.
Shell Warranty
If the contract is awarded to Lantis, the company will exert all prudent effort to insure that
100% of all shells fire and illuminate. While Lantis uses shells of only the highest quality,
because fireworks are handmade, problems can occur.. In the event that problems would
occur with any shell's firing and/or illumination, Lantis will credit the client's outstanding
balance with an amount equal to 80% of the shells retail value as detailed in the contract.
Company Contact
In the event that the contract is awarded to the company, the Association's contact will be
Dick Hassenger, Vice President, who is based at the corporate headquarters in Salt Lake City.
Mr. Hassenger travels to California on a regular basis, and will be available as needed.
Please Note
Lantis Productions, Inc. does not use "pre-packaged" fireworks shows. The interrelationship
between the mood and rhythm of the soundtrack and the visual effects created in the sky
requires that final shell selection await the actual choreographing of the show to allow our
designers and pyro-artists the largest possible palette from which to paint the sky.
Our inventory is constantly changing as our buyers search the world mirket for new and
innovative shells. As new product becomes available, it is integrated into shows under deSign.
Lantis Productions, Inc. guarantees that the final show design will include the quantity
indicated in this proposal, that all shells will be of the same or higher quality. Final individual
shell selection will be submitted to the client as the' show design and choreography is
completed, and a guarantee governing those specific shells will be issued at that time. We
believe that this approach offers the client the greatest opportunity for a truly innovative and
· memorable fireworks display uniquely suited to the event.
About Shell Counts
There is a tendency for some companies in the fireworks industry to inflate total shell counts
by including the number of aerial effects fired from low-level repeating-devices as part of the
total. Since often low-level devices (often called Class C/1.4G) contain hundreds of small
aerial effects called stars, this practice can have a large impact on the total number of shells
Lantis Productions, Inc. does not follow this practice. We do not include aerial effects less
than 2 inches in diameter in a total shell count. We show the total number of low-level
devices, what they are, and how many shots are in each.
We believe this approach serves the best interests of our clients and provides a much more'
accurate representation of what is included in our proposal.
Proposed Fireworks &
Pyrotechnic Effects Listing'
The total cost of this proposal is:
Nine Thousand and No/100 ($9,000.00)
which includes all labor, materials, travel expenses, and insurance required to produce and fire
the show, with the exception of the items to be provided by the City as noted by underlining
Payment terms are sUbject to agreement between Lantis and the City. We have listed the shells
by general description, size, and quantity.
Standard (40%)
Basic colors and shapes, including chrs. rsanthemums and peonies in a variety, of colors.
Primarily used during very high intensity, levels such as openings and finales where a
large number of shells are in the air at one time:
52- 2.5" .32- 3" 20- 4" 24- 5"
· Classic (30%)
Basic pattern shells including rings, diamonds, and bouquets. Primarily used during
the body of the show and in layering shells:
39 - 2.5" ' 24- 3" 15- 4" 18 - 5"
· Select (20%)
Special assorted Japanese-Style shells, which feature variations on the classics:
chrysanthemums and peonies that change color or have colored hearts. These also
include a variety of palms. Primarily used as individual feature shells during the body
of the show:
26- 2.5" 26- 3" 10- 3" 12- 5"
· Premium (10%)
Special effect shells, which make special movements, sounds, or other effects, including
hearts, bow!:, ies, hummers, titanium salutes, tourbillions, ~robes and comets:
13 - 2.5" 8- 3"
20 - 2.5" Special Mines & Strobes
Total Number of Shells:
5-4" 6-5"
150 - 2.5" 80- 3"
50 - 4"
60 - 5"
Low Level Effects
3 -4'x 8' Set Pieces
18 - 6-Ball Exhibition Candles
18- 7-Ball Exhibition Candles
18 - 8-Ball Exhibition Candles
18 - 10-Ball Exhibition Candles
2 - Sparkling 27" Wheels
4 - 58-shot "Thunder from Hell"
U.S. Corporate Headquarters
P.O. Box 1463
New Castle, Pennsylvania 16103
(412) 658-6611 or (800) 245-0397
FAX (412) 658-8318
January 24, 1995
Mr. Ga ry .¥agi i 1
Recreation Supervisor
300 Centennial Way
Tus tin, cM 92680
Dear Hr. ~qagil I:
Thank you £or sending ,~e a ?.ether reques+~ ~
.. ,~.~o a bid #or your .Ju~y 4, !995
pyro-~usical show.
At t_his time, we are unable t_o submit a proposal for your display for
July 4th because of certain request that you ~ake re~arding your
display, in particular a the.~ed narrated ,~usicai choreographed show. ~e
feel that to provide the kind of program ~hat would be best suited for
this, ~e can not provide the program for the budget amount.
But, should you decide to incorporate fireworks ~'ith any other event
throughout the year, please feel free to contact us and we possibly
would be able to provide a display then.
Should you have any questions or if I could be of any further assistance
to you. please do not hesitate to contact ~e at the toll free number
lis ted above.
Vic tot Laur~%a
Southern Region
299 N.W. 52n~ Terrace. Sui;e 118
Boca Raton. Florida 33487
(407) 395-0955
FAX (407) 395-1799
New Casde, Pennsylvania
Fireworks Capital of ~merica
W®st®m Region
P.O. Box 987
Shafter. Califorma 93263
(805) 746-2842
FAX (8O5) 748-284~