HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1975 09 02 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL September 2, 1975 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Saltarelli. i II. !PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Councilman Sharp. III. INVOCATION Given by Councilman Welsh. IV. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Saltarelli, Edgar, Sharp, Sutcliff, Welsh Absent: Councilmen: None Others present: City Administrator William Bopf Assistant City Administrator for Community Development Ken Fleagle City Attorney James Rourke City Clerk Ruth Poe PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ZONE CHANGE 73-6 .AMENDMENT To consider the application of theAtchison, Topeka and Santa FeRailway Companyto amend Paragraph 6 of Ordinance No. 611. Location: Irvine Industrial Complex, northerly of mainline ATSF, easterly Of proposed Jamboree and westerly of new Myford Road. The public portion of the hearing was opened at 7:37 p.m. Mr. Robert Hauptli, Manager of Real Estate and Development for ATSF Railroad, informed the Council that they will remove the Kathryn Spur track and the sidings from the Tustin Meadows area and relocate them in the Tustin-Irvine Industrial Complex. Mr. Hauptli also stated they would be setting time limits for the crossing on Walnut Avenue. Mayor Saltarelli questioned if there'would be any interruptions on Walnut Avenue for vehicular tra~ffic between the hours of 6:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mr. Hauptti answered that there would only beurgency rail operations and they would not exceed a continuous period of more than five minutes. There being no further comments or objections, the public POrtiongf the-hearing w~s closed at 7:40~ p.m. ORDINANCE NO. 662 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 611 PERTAINING TO CONDITIONS OF ZONE CHANGE 73-6 RELATED TO RAIL OPERATIONS SERVING THE IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Sutcliff, that Ordinance No. 662, have first rea~.ing by title only. Carried unanimously. The secretary read Ordinance No. 662 by title. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Sutcliff that Ordinance No. 662 b~ introduced. Carried. Ayes: Saltarelli, Edgar, Sharp, Sutcliff, Wel~'~. Noes: none. Absent: None. City Council Minutes 9/2/75 ' Page Two VI. PUBLIC CONCERNS Mr. Jeff Overstreet of TelFacts, Costa Mesa, informed the Council of their public information system that can be reached via a telephone number for each particular city, which informs the public about projects and issues of the City Council, emergency services, and vocational information. VII. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - August 18, 1975 meeting. 2. RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS in the amount of $87,757.12 3. RESOLUTION NO. 75-58 A Resolution of the City Councillof the City of Tustin, AUTHORIZING CITY REPRESENTATION TO THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION. Adoption as recommended. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 75-59 A Resolution of the City Council, City of Tustin, California, RELATIVE TO REGULATING VEHICULAR TRAFFIC AND PARKING ON CERTAIN PRIVATELY OWNED PROPERTY. Adoption as recommended. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 75-60 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION BY RECONSTRUCTION OF SOUTHERLY HALF MITCHELL AVENUE AT UTT DRIVE. ADOPTED AS RECOMMENDED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 6. PERSONNEL RECLASSIFICATION -ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Approvat as recommended. 7. UNITED WAY FLAG ON CITY FLAG POLE Approval as recommended by the City Administrator. 8. RED CROSS AGREEMENT - Assistance During Natural Dlsasters. Approval as recommended by the City Administrator. MOved~ Welsh, seconded by Edgar that number 7 of the Consent Calendar be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate consideration, and that all other items of the Consent Calendar be approved. Carried unanimously. 7. UNITED WAY FLAG ON CITY POLE Mr. Welsh suggested that the City would be setting a precedent for otherco~ganizations that would want to fly their flags on the City pole. Mr. Welsh stated that the City should set down some guidelines and consider this item again at the next meeting. Mr. Bopf commented that the United Fund Drive supports local organizations within our community and this organiza- tion is recognized by our employees. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Sutcliff to continue this matter to the next regular meeting. Carried 4-1, Mayor Saltarelli voting no. VIII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 658 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 475 AND PORTIONS OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO FLY CONTROL. City Council Minutes 9/2/75 Page three Moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli that Ordinance No. 658 have second readingby title Only.' Carried unanimously. The Secretary read Ordinance No~. 658 by ~itle. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Sutcliff that Ordinance No. 658 be adopted, Carried..' Ayes: SaltarelIi, Edgar, Sharp, Sutcliff~ well. Noes: none. Absent: none. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 659 An Ordinance of the City of TUstin, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO ANIMAL CONTROL REGULATIONS, LICENSING OF ANIMAL FACILITIES AND AMENDING FEE SCHEDULE. Moved by Sutcliff, seconded by Edgar, that Ordinance No. 659 H'ave second reading by title only. Carried unanimously. The secretary read Ordin:ance No. 659 by title. Councilman Sharp suggested that if they increase the fees they could improve the service and the City should petition the County to improve the service. ~li'nformed the Council that' he would communicate with the County on this matter. After some discussi6n, Councilman Sharp suggested that the Ci'ty' look.~in~toa cost benefit 'analysis of the City providing its own'animal control service in lieuof the County service. Moved by SUtcliff,' secondedby Edgar that Ordinance No. 659 b~ adopted. Carried. Ayes: Saltarelli, Edgar, Sharp, Sutcliff,' Welsh. Noes: none. Absent: none] 3. ORDINANCE NO. 660 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION I TO BE HELD ON 'THE 4TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1975 PERTAINING TO THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY KNOWN AS THE "SYCAMORE-RED HILL ANNEXATION NO.. 85" TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Edgar that Ordinance No. 660 have second reading by title only. Carried unanimously. The secretary read Ordinance No. 660 by title/ Councilman Welsh questioned how much this election is going to cost the City. Mayor Sal'tarelli~ stated'that it .would cost in the neighborhood of $600 to $700 and there is a good chance that this annexation will be approved since residents have passed around petitions of approval. M0vedby Edgar, 'secondedby Sharp that Ordinance No. 660 be adopted. Carried. Ayes: Sal~a~!i, Sharp, Edgar, Sutcliff. Noes: ~qels"~7'~Sent: none. ~x. OLD BUSINESS 1. JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH SCHOOL DISTRICT - Tennis courts at Currie Intermediate Schooll Moved by Sharp, seconded by Ed.gar, that the Mayor be authorized to execute agreement with Tustin Unifled School District relative to joint development of tennis Courts at currio School. Carried unanimo'~Sly. City Council Minutes 9/2/75 Page four 2. MINUTE PROCEDURE - PUBLIC MEETINGS Mr. Bopf recommended thattheCity institute the new minute procedure by authorizing the revised minute format plus the capital outlayof $225 for the recording unit and casette players. MOved by Eagar) seconded-by Sutcliff that the City institute ~he new minute procedure by-authorizing the revised minu'~e format plus the capital outlay of $225. After some discussion among the council, it was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Sharp that the above motl~be amended to provide that the City Council and Planning Commissionmeetingtapes be kept on file for 5 years. Carried unanimously. The City Clerk'was instructed to present a resolution at the next meeting amending Council policy to provide that the tapes of the-Planning Commission and City Council be kept for a period of 5 years. 3. BRYAN AVENUE/NEWPORT AVENUE 'WIDENING Moved by Edgar, seconded by Sharp, that the Bryan Avenue widening be accomplished simultaneously with the Newport Avenue widening. Ma~or Saltarelli questioned if there would be any legal ramifications connected with this separate widening that would delay.-the widen.ing of Newport~Avenue. Mr'. Bopf informed the Council that this would be an ~separate project and Would be kept distinct from the County.. ~ The a~eve motion was'carried~ 4-1,~ Councilman Sutcliff voting no. Mr. Fleagle informed that the Planning Commission will schedule a public hearing for thea~quisition of property along BryantAvenue. 4. REMOVAL OF SEATING - COUNCIL CHAMBERS After some discussidn Council ~directed that this matter be set aside until the problem becomes more severe. 5. RAISED MEDIANS - NEWPORT AVENUE Moved by Edgar, seconded by ~Sutcl!iff that the City Council convene to a public study session in the City Hall Con- ference Room following this meeting to review the proposed revisions and set a date for public hearing. Carried unanimously. XI. NEW BUSINESS AWARD OF BID - BRYAN AVENUE/UTT DRIVE STORM DRAIN Bids were received as foilows: Robert L. Berard Co.- ..................... $178,951.00 ~eming &Clarke, Inc.- ................... 204,784.40 McGuire Construction Co. Inc.- ............ 207,894.00 Bebek Co.--~----=~---- ..... - .......r .... ?- 211 718.00 J. L. Scott C~.--~ ..... ~ ..... ~--~.~ ...... 212,795.40 Chine Pipeline Const. Co, ................. 220 849.00 Edmond J. Vadnais ......................... 228.364.00 Rogers & Davies ............. ~ ............ ~ 229 319.00 ~itY~Constr~ctiOn~-, ..... ~-~ .... ~ ..... T' 232 121.30 Colich ConstructiOn CO.- .................. 235 543.62 Crushers Inc.- ............................ 237 450.00 Kec Company .......................... ~ ....238,999.00 Savala Construction Co.- .................. 241,923.90 City Council Minutes 9/2/75 Page five M~ved byShaEp, seconded by Edgar~ that the contract b~ ~Warded to the low bidder,.IRobert L.. Berard Company of Irvine, in th~ amountof $178,951.00. Carried unanimously. 2. ARCHITECTURAL CONTRACT FOR MAINTENANCE YARD Councilman Edgar commented that he hoped the architect had a methodical understanding Ofour City's needs, to include a timetable that is realistic. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar to proceed with the ~'~lected~ ar~hitect,(Anthony &Langford) and the committee structure aS'indiCatedin report dated August 28, 1975 from theCitY~Adm~niStrat0r.= Carrie~'unanimoUsly. Councilman Sharp indicated that he would like to see flexi- bility in the design of the yard sO if a change in operating procedures occurred we would not be bound by physical con- straints Of th~ yard~ Moved by Edgar, seconded by Sharp to amend the above motion to include that part of the contract will be a report on OctOber' 20 that. will clearly spell out some of the elements of the yard. Carried unanimously. 3. ANNEXATION STATEMENT - SYCAMORE.RED RILL ANNEXATION NO. 85 85 Moved by Edgar, ~econded by Sutcliffthat the C~ty Council officiatlYdetegate~the !reSPonsibility for signing the ballo~ argument presented on behalf Of the City relative to the subject annexatf.on tO the petition circularors for this annexation. Carried 4-1, CouncilmanWe~sh voting no. 4. TRAFFIC COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS A. Traffic Engineering SUrvey of Amaganset Way Moved by Edgar, seconded by welsh that the Traffic Commission r~commen=datiOns!~regarding'the Traffic Engineering Survey of AmagansetWay beapptoved,~-Carried unanimously. Bj ~.'Pedestrian Crossing Stud~ - Irvine Boulevard between ProSpect Avenu~IlandFashi6n Lane. After some discussion among the Council it was moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar to table this matter until further data is collected~ C~rried.3-2, Councilmen Saltarelli and Sutcliff voting no~ . ..... 5. AWARD OF BID - STREET SWEEPER Bids received as follows: Elgin $58,359 EColotec ' $57,388 After some discussion among the Council regarding the per- formanc~'6f the~e~pers, i~ waS~m0ved by Saltarelli, · s_econded by Edgar, that bid for street swee~er by awarded to Haaker Equipment Company for the Ecolotec Vacu-Sweep diesel powered-sweeper,..in the amount of $57,388. Carried 'unan imo uS ly. RECESS The Mayor called a short recess at 9:15 p.m. CALL TO ORDER The!meetinq~reconVened ~tI9:22~p.~, OTHER = ! · BUSINESS 1. NEWPORT-AVENUE AND FIRST STREET TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATION Council requested a thorough report on this matter and deferred action to a later date. ., City Council Minutes 9/2/75 Page six 2 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO SIGN ORDINANCE NO. 614, AUTHORIZING OPEN HOUSE REALTY DIRECTIONAL SIGNS Mr. Jim Ki~erstyn, Kierstyn Realty, presented his views on directionat signs and requested that'the'East Orange County Board of Realtors meet with the Planning Commission to work toward a splution, to the proble~ and.Create an Ordinance in the beSt interests.of the community. . council directed the Planning Commission to appoint two members of.~the-commission to work with the East Orange ~ County Board of,Realtors towardasolution for directional signs 'and. obtain their ~unsel's opinion as to the legality and responsibilit~ of the realtor for signs in the public right-of-way. 3. LIGHTING FOR LITTLE LEAGUES Moved by Sharp, seconded by Welshto direct staff to in- vestigate a joint program of lighting with the Tustin Little League, football teams and other organizations that sponsor children.'s sports activities. Carried u~animously~ . 4. TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATION - RED HILL AVENUE AT MOULTON PARKWAY Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar-that an amount of S2,800.00'be appropriated to perform the traffic signal modification concurrently with the TOPICS project located at Red Hilt~ Avenue atMoulton Parkway. Carried unanimously. 5. WIND MACHINE ON McCALLA PROPERTY ~AT PROSPECT AND BENETA WAY Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Sutcliff that staff dispose of-the wind machine as close to market value as possible and divide the proceeds equally between the City and the McCallas. Carried unanimously. Council requested that there be no destruction of trees in the removal process, if possible. 6. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FOR COUNCIL CHAMBERS Moved' by-Saltarelli, seconded by Sharp, that the City Attorney take legal action against the electrical con- tractor if the electrical equipment is not fully in- stalled in the. Council Chambers by September 15, 19/5. Carried. 7. AB 1352 - OVERWEIGHT TRUCKS Council directed staff to prepare .Correspondence for the Mayor's signature recommending this bill be vetoed. 8. HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUNDS Moved byEdgar, seconded-by Sutcliffthat consideration of improving and addi~'~IdeWalkSbe deleted from this ~ program and improvements be restricted-tO curbs and gutters. Carried. 9. INSURANCE COMPETITIVENESS Mr. Bopf advised that he has contacted some advisory houses that would help the City review its insurance packages to insure that the City is getting the best insurance for the dollar. Mr. Bopf informed that if the City wants to take bids from insurance companies it will take approximately 3 months to prepare the specifications. City Council Minutes 9/2/75 Page seven 10. TAX INCREASE Councilman Welsh advised that he was not informed that the tax rate would be set at the August 18th meeting. Had he known, lhe would have attended and voted against the tax increase because he feels that the reserve was sufficient to serve fiscal year 75-76. 11. UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS FOR STRIKERS Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, to direct staff to prepare correspondence to the Federal Department of Health, Education and Welfare in support of a proposed regulation denying eligibility for welfare and unemployment benefits for striking employees. Carried. 12. "NOISE" Council requested staff to investigate the benefits of joining "NOISE" (National Organization to Insure a Sound- CDntrolled Environment), and report back at a later meeting. 13. PADS BY-LAWS Council directed the City Attorney and City Administrator to ~eview the contract and by-laws with PADS and propose modifications in the contract where needed. 14. BICYCLE PATH COMMITTEE It was announced that the first meeting of the Bicycle Path Committee would be held in the City Hall Conference Room on Tuesday, September 9, 1975, at 7:30 p.m. 15. MAIN STREET TRAFFIC Council directed the City Engineer to investigate what signing is available for Main Street to indicate that Street to be single lane in each direction. XIII. ADJOURNMENT Council adjourned at 10:40p.m. to ap~ii~ Stud~S~sion_ in~z!~ii~'e~e=~H~e Room in City Hall ~ considek ~ewpOrt Avenue raised medians, and then to the next regular meeting on Monday, September 15, 1975. CLERK