HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA CIP 800048 02-21-95RDA NO. 3 AGEN 2-21-95 .)ATE: FEBRUARY 21, 1995 Inter-Corn TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJECT: STATUS REPORT: TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION AT FIRST STREET/"B" STREET (CIP NO. 800048) RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency, at their meeting of February 21, 1995, defer implementation of the subject project to a future fiscal year and direct staff to monitor the location and return the project for Agency consideration when traffic conditions indicate that installation of a traffic signal is appropriate. FISCAL IMPACT With the deferral of this project, unallocated funds in the amount of $82,300.00 would be available for funding of other projects. BACKGROUND In February 1992, the City Council directed staff to prepare a traffic study for' the intersection of First Street/"B" Street. This was in response to concerns expressed in a letter from a resident who also requested that a traffic signal or stop signs be installed at this location. A copy of the February 3, 1992, Council Agenda item and an exhibit of the intersection are attached to this report. The traffic study was completed in April 1992 and identified that traffic conditions at that time did not meet the criteria for the installation of an all-way stop or a traffic signal. The study also indicated that since the First Street bridge over the SR-55 Freeway was closed, when the study was performed, it was highly probable that warrants would be met when the First Street bridge was reopened. The study recommended that this lOcation should be restudied after the opening of the bridge. It was also recommended that the City should consider the installation of traffic signals at the subject location during the City's CIP budgeting for traffic related improvements. It was anticipated that a traffic signal would be warranted at this location if traffic volumes that existed prior to the closing of the First Street bridge returned to those pre-existing levels. The City Council and the Agency considered the installation of a traffic signal at First Street/"B" Street during the FY 93-94 CIP budget review and approved its inclusion in the CIP list of projects. City staff closely monitors this location and determined during FY 93-94 that traffic had not returned to pre-existing conditions, traffic signal warrants were not met, and it was subsequently recommended that this signal project be delayed and reconsidered during budgeting for FY 94- 95. The City Council and the Agency approved inclusion of the subject traffic signal project in their respective CIP programs for FY 94-95. Staff has recently (January 1995) performed an updated traffic analysis of this location. The updated study concludes that traffic conditions at the subject location do not meet criteria for the installation of all-way stop signs, and that stop signs would produce severe peak-hour congestion, if installed at this location. The traffic conditions are such that warrants for traffic signal installation are not met. However, the study recommends that the City should continue to monitor this location and consider the .installation of a traffic signal in the future. CONCLUSION Based upon the results of the most recent traffic analysis, the Public Works Department has concluded that implementation of this project should be deferred to a future fiscal year. Engineering staff will continue to monitor traffic conditions at this location and will present the project for Agency consideration at a future Redevelopment Agency meeting when traffic conditions indicate the appropriateness of installing a traffic signal. Since this project was partially funded with CIP funds, this report will be presented to the City Council for consideration at their meeting of February 21, 1995. Director of Public Works/ City Engineer TDS:DRA:ccg:lst&bra Attachment Douglas R. Anderson Transportation Engineer ATE: JANUARY 23, 1992 lnter-Com Q' WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER ROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION UBJEC~ REQUEST FOR TR~tFFIC SIGNAL OR STOP SIGNS AT THE INTERSECTION OF FIRST STREET AND "B" STREET RECOMMENDATIONS: By motion, direct City staff to prepare a warrant study for the intersection of First Street and "B" Street. . - BACKGROUND: The City has received a letter, dated January 16, 1992, from Kathy Hiles requesting the installation of a traffic signal or stop signs at the intersection of First Street and "B" Street. A copy of the letter and a location map are attached to this report. First Street is classified as a primary arterial with a design capacity of 30,000 vehicles per day at level of service "C". Prior to the closing of the First Street bridge over the 55 Freeway, First Street carried an estimated 28,000 Vehicles per .day in the vicinity of "B" Street. "B" Street is classified as a local~ street. DISCUSSION: The Traffic Engineering Section will conduct a warrant study on the intersection if the City Council so desires. 'Robert S. Ledendecker 'Director of Public Works/ City Engineer Douglas R. Anderson Transportation Engineer RSL: DRA :ccg:c.~cnd~ At~achmeaats January ]6, 19§2 JAN i 7 199;~ ~i~.:' !TUSTIN PUBLIO WORKS The Cisy of Tustin 15222 Del Ams Avenue Tustin, CA 92680 -Re: Intersection at First and B To ~'nom it May Concern: I am writing regarding the unregulated intersection at First and B in Tustin. i have worked near that intersect---on for cver three years. During that time, I have heard and/or seen at least · . five a.ccidents occurring at that intersection. I am positive many more occur-red during other r. imes of tile day or on tl~e w.=.ekend although I was not a witness to t~:ose. Why has ~he city ~or the county) no~ installed tile ve~:y !'east-, a stop sign to D.e~ p regul, a.te intersection. Elementary suhool - everyday on the way to their schoo~ on B Street. with ~_~.yers.] people wi'.D al~;o wa)it to ~-;l~C,;'~ Wh5' nDt]:-::.~%5 ins~alled ~--e Is tke c.~ty wait!n9 fo~' so~,e.Dne to first, and then be named as a deiendant ts what I assume woul~'i be another lawsuit against the city for an accident occurring at that intersection- ~o weeks ago I had. to telepkone 911 after a v,~hicle ran over- a 15 year o}.6 girl and a four year of.d boy -.,,ko were rightful ly cross lng the street; they were not ;' ~art outs Something must be done now. , I have a friend who lives on B street who is so nervous ~egafdin9 t]~at intersection tha% she will not even to go to the park for fear she and/or her baby ~zilZ be hit and 'injured. WheD rational adults cannot even cross a .~,~--eet without . ~ ---~ . being con~;um~d by fear something 's certazn].y ~rc,--.~, wrong can be corrected by insLallin~ a s'gz~al Lig'k5 c"- r~v_op si~n. ~ your office '~,ere a~ea, y<,u %,ouid c;u~.ckly Learn how ]:adly a light i~: n~%,~,~. ':']..:~,~ .. do not ~.;ait unLi' anot):;er child J_s ser:_ously in Y(>~d h.{~-~'a the Fc~er ~c take control.- Plea~ ,~c, i 4~ Kathy ;~NU£ o00 El_ C AMINO /' . /¥ 400 ST MYRTLE I~CIFIC CALIF ST ST INK) A ~T 8 ST WAY lO. OS ~ ¢ sT C£1eT~NtCI&L -Z ?irs~ S~ree ~ R34/R7/R10/l'YPE N North F_-60° ol I - - -; ' ~7'// Park ~~/ Firsf S~ree ~ a ~ t3 Stree~ ln~ersecgion Condifions FIGURE