HomeMy WebLinkAbout23 BOYS & GIRLS CLUB 02-06-95 NO. 23 2-6-95 Inter-Com ')ATE: February 1, 1995 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF TUSTIN URBAN PARKS PROGRAM FUNDING FOR THE HEIDEMAN SCHOOL BRANCH RECOMMENDATION: Pleasure of the City Council. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact is unknown depending upon the action the City Council takes. BACKGROUND: At the January 16, 1995 City Council meeting, Councilmember Thomas requested information on the cancellation of the Boys & Girls Club of Tustin's Urban Parks Program grant. The Boys & Girls Club received a $25,000 to help with the purchase and installation of a modular classroom at Heideman School. .Attached are documents Cliff Polston provided regarding this grant. Also included are letters confirming and canceling the contract. It was first thought that this was an Urban Parks and Recreation Rehabilitation grant. This is a federal grant program which the National Park Service administers. However, further research revealed that the county totally funded the grant. The funding source for the Boys & Girls Club project was the County of Orange Urban Parks Program. County Harbors, Beaches and Parks capital improvement funds provided this financial assistance program with property tax revenues. When the program, was active, the .funds,.were alloc, atedto,each, supervisor'sdistrict'to help .fund., local agency recreation and park facilities. The attached December 22, 1994 letter shows that the agreement to fund this grant was canceled. It is improbable that the County will restore these funds. As part of the 1994-95 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding process, the Boys & Girls Club was awarded $14,000 for staffing associated with an all-year after school program at the BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF TUSTIN URBAN PARKS PROGRAM FUNDING FOR THE HEIDEMAN SCHOOL BRANCH Page 2 Heideman School campus. While the modular classroom was a complement to program, the Boys & Girls Club intends to provide after school activities on school grounds and in the multipurpose room when possible. The Boys & Girls Club is searching several options to replace the lost County funds. These options include private sector grants and a special appeal to the community to help with the program. Staff suggests that the City Council might want to consider funding for the modular building as part of the 1995-96 CDBG funding process. Applications for these funds are scheduled for distribution February 2, 1995 and are due February 23, 1995. The Boys & Girls Club will receive this application package. Actual funding applications will be brought to the City Council after they have been prioritized by the City's 1995-96 CDBG Citizen Participation Committee. Funding through the next CDBG cycle would not be available until July 1, 1995. If the 1995-96 CDBG funding process does not accommodate the Boys & Girls Club's needs, there a number of additional options which might be considered. These options include: ® The City could advance the Boys & Girls Club the $25,000 (subject to an agreement) with the funds to be refunded to the city upon receipt of additional funds secured through outside sources. e The City could provide a one-time only contribution to the'Boys & Girls Club toward the '$25,000 needed for the building. This funding would be provided in a manner similar to the City Council's recent Roller Hockey contribution. The Boys & Girls Club is moving ahead with the 'branch at Heideman' The. Club has hired Kristi Dorf to direct the pr.o~,,ram...". Sh..e~, is .nQw .'securing. r~ou~C'~s' :-and ':developing commun'~ty support "to s:ta~t activities in Southwest Tustin as .~soon as possible; whether a ~ce or not. Recro~on Supervisor Attachments Susan M. Jones Recreation Superintendent RN2:B&GGRANT.CC AGENDA ITEM TRANSMITT~- CONSENT ~--~ YES TO: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF ORANGE FROM: EMA FILE: MEETING DATE AGENCY/DEFT. USF CAO REVIEW I¢o~^cr FOR Im:ORMATION Helen Mackin Ken Scattergood SUBSECT Agreement No. D94-170 for Funding Assistance to the Boys and Girls Club of Tustin CLERK USE ONLY PHONE 834-6784 834-6781 SUPV. DIST. 5 SUMMARY OF REQUEST (D~scription for a~er, d~) EMA requests execution of fundin9 assistance Agreement No. D94-170 to the Boys and Girls Club of Tustin for purchase and installation of a modular classroom structure. ADDITIONAL DATA: By minute order dated August 9, 1994, your Board directed EMA to negotiate an agreement with the Boys and Girls Club of Tustin to provide funding assistance to purchase and install a modular classroom structure to facilitate Club's expanded programs. An agreement has been negotiated with the'Boys and Girls Club of Tustin to establish the terms and conditions for funding the project, and is presented for your Board's consideration. (continued on reverse) PRE¥1OUSRELEVANTBOARDACTIONSONTHISSPECi~CITEM: Minute Order dated August 9, .1994. FUNDING SOURCE(S) H'BP WILL PROPOSAL REQUIRE ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL? ~-] NO IF YES, STATE NUMBER RECOMM ENDED ACTION CURRENT YEAR COST $25,000 PERMANENT LIMITED TERM ANNUAL COST -0- BUDGETED? X~ YES ~j NO CONSISTENT WITH laOARD POLICY? ~YES ~'~ NEW ITEM OR EXCEPTION Execute Agreement No. D94-170 with the Boys and Girls Club of Tustin. CONCURRENCES (If ~pplic~ble) Boys and Girls Cl~ Robert G. Fisher, Direct~ Harbors, Beaches and Parks ATTACHMENTS Agreement No. D94-170 Michael M. Ruane, Director, EMA ~~) U NTY OF ANGE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY HARBORS, BEACHES AND PARKS MICHAEL M. RUANE DIRECTOR, EMA ROBERT G. FISHER DIRECTOR OF HARBORS, BEACHES & PARKS LOCATIOn' 300 N. FLOWER S'. FOURTH FLOOR SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 4048 SANTA ANA, CA 92702-4048 TELEPHONE: (714) 834-6667 FAX # 834-4744 November 23, 1994 Mr. Cliff Polsten Boys & Girls Club of Tustin 580 W. Sixth Street P.O. Box 781 Tustin, CA 92680 Dear Mr. Polsten: I am pleased to advise you that on November 15, 1994, the Orange County Board of Supervisors executed financial assistance agreement D94-170, for .. the purchase and installation of a modular classroom structure to be located the at Heideman Elementary School. For your information, it takes approximately two or three weeks for the signed agreement to be returned to me from the Clerk of the Board's Office. Once I receive the document, a conformed copy will be returned to you for your files. Please contact me at 834-6784 if you have questions or require any further information regarding this matter. Very truly yours, I-Ielen Mack±n, Staff Analyst I-IBP Program Support HMM:ms4112815052867 O~~NTY OF RANGE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY HARBORS, BEACHES AND PARKS MICHAEL M. RUANE DIRECTOR, EMA ROBERT G. FISHER DIRECTOR OF HARBORS, BEACHES & PARKS LOCATION: 300 N. FLOWER ST. FOURTH FLOOR SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 4048 SANTA ANA, CA 92702-4048 TELEPHONE: (714) 834-6667 FAX # 834-4744 DEC 2 2 199/, Mr. Cliff Polsten Boys & Girls Club of Tustin 580 W. Sixth Street P.O. Box 781 Tustin, CA 92680 Subject: Notice of Cancellation of Financial Assistance Agreement No. D94-170 - Modular Classroom Structure Dear Mr. Polsten: Under the terms of Agreement No. D94-170, the County of Orange had agreed to reimburse your agency for certain costs in completing the construction of the subject recreational project(s) through the County's Urban Parks Program. Funding for the Urban Parks Program came from Harbors, Beaches and Parks' allocated share of property tax revenues. These revenues had been commingled with the Tax Collector-Treasurer's Investment Pool, which is currently involved in bankruptcy proceedings. As a result of these current financial circumstances, it has become necessary to re-evaluate the Urban Parks Program agreements which have been executed, but for which construction contract(s) have yet to be awarded. It is understood that the subject agreement with your agency falls into this category. As a consequence, in accordance with Paragraph 10.a (TERMINATION) of said agreement, you should consider such agreement cancelled. We regret the circumstances that have necessitated this action, and apologize for any inconvenience this has caused your agency. At this time, I cannot offer whether or not the Urban Parks Program will be re-instituted in the future.