HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 CLAIM #94-34 12-05-94NO. 8 12-5-94 M E]vIO~AND UM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: City Attorncg, DATE: November 29, 1~)4 RE: Chimant(s): Badilla, Roger and Loft: Claim No.: 94-34; D/L 4/10/94; Date Filed w/City: 9/28194; Carl Warren File No.; S 78543 PRL - After investigation and review It B recommended that the above.referenced claim be reje~cl ~md that the City Clerk be directed to give proper notice of the rejection to thc claimant and to th~ clalumnt'~ attorney. Although the mount of the claim is low, $450.00, in the opinion of the claims administrator for Carl Warren & Co., there is little likelihood un liability on *,he port of the City. This is based on the experience the administrator has had in reviewing such matters for other cities. 'Cae typical caum for ~uch damage is an old or defective pipe or joint. Carl Warren's claims administrator, Patti Ramos, has won numerous cases like this for cities in small claims court. Ev,~ if the City Coumil agreed to pay this claim, it is likely that the claim will reoccur because the cleanmut (which is the 'fix' selected by the property owner) does not cure rue underlying defective or deteriorating pipe problem. In other words, the City can expect subsequem claims because the underlying problem hasn't ~en addn:~cd. See letter from Carl Warren & Co., dated 10/10/94 to the property owner. Lois E. Jeffrey ~__qclos~re: Copy of Claim Letter from Carl Warren & Co. dated I0110/94 CC: Carl Warren & Co. Finan~ Director CI~ Manager City Clerk nnn/znng qq¥~ Ii. lq ~l.lqnl nl ¥~c';~n~nnn~ ':~nn~ wn~; ~jTV'ln ?~_nT_:T FAX: OctoDer 10, 199& Roger ~d Lori Badiiia 17522 ~maganset way- Tus~, CA 92680 RE~ City File : Our Principal : D/Inciden~ : Claimants : Our File : 94 -34 City of T~stin 1xol9¢ Roger and Lori Badilla S 78543 PRL Dear Mr. and Mrs. Badilla: As claims administrators for the City of Tustin, we are handling a claim you_filed against the City. . Lateral lines are the:responsibility of the homeowner. As a rule, mos= tree roots will not damage a sewer lateral line. They will ~eek the path oX least =~i~tance and grow over or under the'lateral. If the pipe or joint is defective or has been improperly installed or deteriorated due to age (we understand your house is approximately 28 years old), or has cracked due to earthquake or land setzling, tiny hair roots will enter. On~ inGide the llne they grow rapidly due to the natural fertilization provided by the sewer contents. We understand you had a clean-out installed on your lateral line. Installation of a clean-out on a private lateral line is not the responsibili%y of the City but of ~he property owner. It is a property upgrade for future maintenanc~ of the lateral line. It appears there are no n~igent acts on the parb of ~he City. Since the City is not legally liable for your damages, we have recommended your claim be deni=d. Should ~he City.ag~e with our recommendation, it will send a formal denial letter in the mail in the near ~uture. Yery truly yours, CARL WARREN & COMPANY Patty R~os PR: iw Cont. ) law provides g=nGr~lly ~at a claim mu=t be filed ~i~h ~e city Clerk of Cl~y of' ~s~ ~in 6 _~onth~ after your ola~ i~ again=-~e City of ~s~n, info~ation by para,apb n~er. ~mpleted cla~' must be ~ail~ or aeli~ed to ~e City ~k, City of ~tin, 300 C~te~al way, ~stin, ~lifo~ia 92680 TO T~E HO~ORAD~ ~AXOR AND 'CITY .COUNCIL, city of Tustin, California: The undersigned respectfully submit, the following claim and information relative ~o damage =o person and/or ,. . . .... DATE OF BIRTH: ~ /~.~ -$' SOCIAL SECURITY NO: 2. N~3ne, telephone and post office address ~o ~blc~ claim=n= d¢~ir~s notices to be s~nt (if other than above): 3. This claim is submitted a. %/ The City of Tustin only. b. The following employee(s) of the City of Tustin only: C~ i i, 11 The Ci~ Of T~stin an4 ~he following empioyee(s) of Tu~tin only: -- of T/%e Cit9 4. Occurrence o~ evKnt fromNhich ..the' clai~ arises: ~. TL'=: .- 'Z~'~' - · ': · '-- -- '"'- -,J~,~av-"'~/,~,/ "' c. PLACE (:~:act and .... ~r wha~ circumst~nceg did ~amage or ~nDury occur: Specify and ~ad . - - - ' caused ~e in~u~ or a~age (Ose WHAT particul~ ' ion by the ci=y, or ~'" ~.ploy=e~, 10. 7. Name and address of any oth~ person injured:_ .~/W . 8. Nape and ad[dress of the o~er or any d~maged property:_ , 9. D~es cla~ed~ ~ __ a. ~o~ claimed as of ~e da~e~ : ~.. Total ~ount clawed: ' d. A~~ basi~ for oom~tion of ~o~ cla~ea (in=lude .~op~ ox . all bills, invoice, .e~t~tes, etc'. . WARNING: IT IS A CRI~fINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FALSE CLAIM!'! (Penal Code Section 7R: Insurance code Section 556.0) I have read th _ - .......... ~ -- *o those matter~ s=a=ea =o De s~e to be =~e oz my . g s~e to be su~ ma=rets I belxeve ~e upon ~fo~tion or belief ~d as to ..... ·- ~ ~D ~e. I c~ify ~der p~ty or pe~u~ ~ ~ = B1: CLFORM Revise~ 4/2~/~1 onn/onn3 -~vu TTT'n ~:~CNT N1 ¥¥flC'JJNYFINN~,"~NT~;NN~' WNYJ ~T377'10