HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 CIP 800051 12-05-94 NO. 9 12-5-94 -- Inter-Com DATE: DECEMBER 5, 1994 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION PROJECT OVERVIE~ AND ~PPROVAL OF PLANS ~D SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORI~TION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS - INSTJ~?-?-~tTION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND SAFETY LIGHTING AT BRYAN AVENUE AND PARK~ LANE (CIP PROJECT NO. 800051) RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the City Council, at their meeting of December 5, 1994, adopt the attached Resolution approving the plans and specifications for the installation of a traffic signal and safety lighting at the intersection of Bryan Avenue and Parkcenter Lane and authorizing the advertisement for bids. 'FISCAL IMPACT: The Engineer's estimate for this project is $107,000.00. The City currently has development bonds/cash deposits in the amount of $87,500.00 for this project. The remainder of funds for this project are available in the City's Capital Improvement Program budget for Fiscal Year 1994-95. BACKGROUND: At the City Council meeting of November 21, 1994, Councilmember Worley inquired as to the need for installing a traffic signal at the noted location. Staff was subsequently directed by the Council to review the justification for the installation of the traffic signal at this time, and provide the Council with additionalinformation regarding this item. DISCUSSION: This item was previously presented for council consideration at the May 3, 1993 City Council meeting. A copy of the May 3, 1993 agenda item is attached for your information. As noted in the May 3, 1993 agenda item, theEngineering Division had completed a Traffic Study (attached) of the noted location, which addressed the appropriateness of installing a traffic signal at Bryan Avenue/Parkcenter Lane. Traffic signal warrants were prepared for the subject intersection and it was determined that conditions met minimum requirements., to satisfy the Peak Hour Volume warrant. The Traffic' Study concluded that since the traffic signal warrant has been satisfied under both existing and future conditions, traffic signal construction may proceed in a timely manner. As part of the Traffic Study prepared for this intersection, the Engineering Division also contacted the City's Community Development Department and the Police Department to solicit input regarding the installation of the subject traffic signal. Both City Departments concurred that a traffic signal was needed at the subject location (Memorandums attached). As part of the Conditions of Approval for Tract Map Nos. 13053, 13080, 13094, and CUP 92-044, the applicants of those projects were required.to pos~ bonds/cash deposits for participation in the future signalization of the subject ~intersection.~- It should be noted that these bonds had a five-year term and some of them were redeemed pursuant to Council action on May 3, 1993. The City currently has cash deposits in the amount of $62,500.00 and a bond for $25,000.00 (to be redeemed with approval of Plans and Specifications of this project), for a total development contribution of $87,500.00-toward funding of this traffic signal -'project~--tf--tq%e.C~.ty Council determines that this traffic signal is not needed at this time, {h~these'funds would need to'be refunded to the respective applicants. - In reviewing current information regarding conditions at the subject intersection, is has been found that traffic on Bryan Avenue has increased almost 10% in this area in the critical peak hour during the past year. The current 24-hour traffic volume on Bryan Avenue is 12,500 vehicles per day. As identified in the City's General Plan, Bryan Avenue in this area will accommodate 25,000 'vehicles per day at bui~dout. Current accident records indicate there have been two accidents at this intersection between January 1, 1994 and October 31, 1994, which could have possibly been prevented with the installation of a traffic signal. · . Also, Parkcenter Lane is identified in the citY,s Bikeway Plan in the General Plan as a Class Ii Bikeway, which includes bicycle lanes striped on both sides of the street adjacent to the curbs. Currently, Class II bicycle lanes are installed on Parkcenter Lane north of this intersection and the southerly continuation of these bicycle lanes is planned. However, there would be a safety concern if the bicycle lanes were continued along Parkcenter Lane across Bryan Avenue without intersection controls at the Bryan Avenue/Parkcenter Lane intersection.. The installation of the subject traffic signal would allow for the future installation of bicycle lanes along Parkcenter Lane between Bryan Avenue and E1 Camino Real. This project will provide for the installation of a traffic signal and safety lighting at the intersection of Bryan Avenue and Parkcenter Lane. The work will include all labor, material, tools, equipment, appurtenances and incidentals for the subject project as detailed on the plans and specifications for this project. The tentative schedule for this project is as follows: Authorization to advertise for bids ................. 12- 5-94 First legal advertisement ........................... 12-22-94 Second legal advertisement .......................... 12-29-94 Open bids .............. ............................. 1-17-95 Award construction .................................. 2- 6-95 Commence construction ............................... 3- 6-95 Complete construction ............................... 5-15-95 CONCLUSION: Traffic signal warrants were prepared for the subject intersection and it was determined that conditions met minimum requirements for the installation of a traffic Lsignal. 'Also, current information indicates- that traffic volumes in the subject area have increased and are expected to further increase as development in the area proceeds. If it is determined that the traffic signal is not needed at this time, then the $87,000.00 in bonds/cash deposits will need to be refunded to the respective applicants. However, the installation of a traffic signal at the subject~location would provide the necessary assignment of right-Of-way to facilitate maximum maneuverability at this intersection and would further implement the City's Bikeway Plan. Tim D. Se~-t~~ Director of Public Works/ City Engineer TDS:DA:klb:bk[~dl Dougla~ R. Anderson Transportation Engineer 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 RESOLUTION NO. 94-132 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND SAFETY LIGHTING AT BRYAN AVENUE AND.PARKCENTER LANE WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City Council of the citY of Tustin, California to install a,traffic signal and safety lighting at the intersection of Bryan Avenue and Parkcenter Lane; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has presented plans and specifications for the Construction of said works; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the plans and specifications presented by the City Engineer be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for; Installation of Traffic Signal and Safety Lighting at Bryan Avenue and Parkcenter Lane BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and-directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt and sealed bids or proposals for the performance of the work specified in the plans and specifications; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act; Class I: Existing Facilities. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of' the City Council of the City of Tustin held on the 5th day of December 1994. Thomas R. Saltarelli, Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ...Y BR~N MAP 40 ,P ii I VENUE ,2r,~~~ 4- LIJ z LIJ ~ ,~. ;' ;.., ~ ~ ~ ~-, ' '. "' [SOXWOOD · · '0,. ~ o o o o o o ~ LACE LEAF VW'y,~."~ I ,~ ~/' /,, /(.. ~,~ r ~ ~ ~,/ / · ~".~-. ~0%~'.~ / ~v c~ --,~ h~ ',, ,, '. CASINO ~ , , , ~ PARK :- '- ,,~,~ I // ;13'749~ 13759 ~ ~13769! -~799,' /' , 4 J13819J, {,3829 RANCHO AL/SM. [I-5! FOR, 'J3,,i£ CITY OF 'JU$~N FOR IN,T~J~N,I~L U~'[ ONLY. ~ ~"JO. III~IT J~ HOT GUARANT[~ BY THE CITY NOR THE PR[PAR£R.. SANTA ANA FREEWAY MAP 25 ATE: MAY 3, :1993 :tOM: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION UBJECT: TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION AT THE INTERSECTION OF BRYAN AVENUE AND PARKCENTER LANE RECOM}4ENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council, at their meeting of May 3, 1993, authorize the calling in of all existing bonds/cash deposits for. the signalization of the intersection of Bryan Avenue/Parkcenter Lane and the deposit of these funds into a Separate account for the future traffic signal installation at the subject intersection. FISCAL IMPACT: It is estimated that a project for the installation of a traffic signal at the noted location would cost approximately $120,000.00. The City currently has bonds/cash deposits in the amount of '$87,500.00 for this project. The remaining amount (City's share) of $32,500.00 for implementation of this project would be considered for inclusion in the City's Future Capital Improvement Program for FY 93-94. BACKGROUND: As part of the.Conditions of Approval for Tract Map Nos. 13053, 13080, 13094, and CUP 92-044, the applicants of those projects were required to post bonds/cash deposits for participation in the future signalization of the subject intersection in conjunction with approval of their.'project. All of'the existing bonds/cash deposits, totalling $87,500.00, will soon exPire and will need to be either returned to the project applicants or used for signal construction. If it is determined --that a traffic signal is needed at the noted location, the City has the opportunity to redeem the bonds/cash deposits and deposit the funds into a Capital Improvement Program account designated for this project. DISCUSSION: The Engineering Division has recently completed a study of the subject location addressing the need for a traffic signal. As part of the study, the Engineering Division also contacted the City's Community Development Department and the Police Department and received input regarding the installation of the subject traffic signal; Both City Departments concurred that a traffic signal was needed at the subject location. · traffic signal warrants established by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and currently found in the Caltrans Traffic Manual. The study notL only' examined the need for traffic signalization, at this time, but also investigated' the ~need for installation of a traffic signal at the noted' location at a future date. Traffic signal warrants were prepared for the subject intersection and it was determined that conditions meet minimum requirements to satisfy the Peak Hour Volume Warrant.~ Since the traffic signal warrant has been satisfied under both existing and future conditions, traffic signal construction may proceed in a timely manner. Also, since a majority of the funding for such construction has already been obligated through development Conditions of Approval, it is therefore felt that the calling in of the bonds/cash deposits at'this time is appropriate since they are nearing their expiration ~ate, and the funds should be obligated for construction of the project.~ Robert S. Ledendecker Director of Public Works/ City Engineer Douglas R. Anderson Transportation Engineer CITY COUNCIL M. INq3TES Page 6, 5-3-93 VII. STAFF ASSIBTARCE - MOSQUITO A1 Shifberg-Mencher, 16282 Main Street ~3B, Tu~tin, thanked City Manager~ William Hus~on, fo~ assistance w'ith mosquito problem. 5. FIRST STP~EET BRIDGE OPENING - MAY 6, ~993 A1 Shifberg-Mencher, Chamber of Commerce Director, stated the Chamber of Commerce would host a "First Street Bridae Opening', celebration on May 6, 1993. - 6. NOISE/SAFETy PROBLEMS - ALLIANCE AVENUE Bonnie Taulaai, 16631 AllianceAvenue ~5, Tustin, and Penelope Popikopf, North Alliance Avenue, Tustin, reported on noise and safety problems occurring in the 16600 block of Alliance Drive due to absentee landlords. Mayor Ports requested the}, con=act the Police Department and the Code Enforcement Officer for assistance and encouraged absentee landlords to become pa~ of Tustin Effective Apartment Managers. .7. ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE - CITY EMPLOYEES Claudia Daws, 17401 Burdie, Orange, questioned why drug and alcohol abuse was occurring with City employees. Mayor Ports requested she contact him private}y after the meeting. CONSENT CALEndAR It was moved by Puckett seconded by Thomas, to approve the' Consent Calendar as recommended by staff. M~ot~on carried 5-9. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - APRIL 19, 1993 REGULAR MEETING R~ecom~endat~on: Approve the City Council Minutes of April 19, 1993. -- ' APPROVAL OF DEF~%_N~S A/~D ]~ATIFIC~%TION OF PAYROLL ~ecommendat~on: Approve Demands in the $1,84S,459.14 and ratify Payroll . in the ¢~00 703 28 ' ' amount of amount of SUF~w~R YOUTH PROGR~.S - SOUTH%'EST TUSTIN ~ec°mmendat~oD: Approve funding for summer youth programs as recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission and Com~unizy Services Department. TP~A~FIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION Al' THE I~ERSECTION OF BRYAA' A~q~E ~ PARKCENTER LA.NE R~ecommendatio~: Authorize_%he calling in of ali existing bonds/cash depos!%s for the signalization of the intersection of Bryan Avenue/Parkcenter Lane and the deposit cf these funds into a separate account for the future traffic signal installation aZ the sub,oct intersection as recommended by the Public ~orks Department/Engineering Division. 5. DECLA/~ATION Or SURPLUS VEHICLE A]~D WORK EQUIPF_ENT _Recommendatio_n: Declare the specified equipment SurDlus and nc~ required for public use and authorize %he Pu~!ic Works Depar=menz tc dispose of the ecuipment in accordance ~'ith Ordinance No. £-I 'as recom.~mena~d by the Public Works Department/Field Se.--,'ices Division. 6. ~SOLUTION NO. 93-47 - A KESOLUTION OF ~4E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI. y OF TUSTiN, CALIFO~.L.:2A, APPROVING PLA3~S A3~D SPECIFICATIONS FOR TH-_- STREET REHABILITATION OF WARI:ER AVE;~q3E B~T~._._;, SR-55 FREE~Ay AND RED HILL AVENUL AND AUTH.DRI2E BID ADVEP. TISE~.EN? R~ecommen~a~.~on: (!) Adopt Resolution No. c..3-47 approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANT STUDY FOR TIlE INTERSECTION OF BRYAN AVENUE AND PARKCENTER LANE By Charles ' CITY OF TUSTIN Engineering Division 15222 Del Amo Avenue Tustin, CA. 92680 (714)544-8890 March, 1993 Investigation to determine if traffic signal warrants are satisfied for the intersection of Bryan Avenue and Parkcenter Lane. RECO ED ACI ON: It is recommended that a traffic signal be installed at the intersection of Bryan Avenue and Parkcenter Lane. Since an existing traffic signal warrant is satisfied, the construction can proceed in a timely manner. STA NT OF ISSUF_S OR PROBLEMS: When ~he area in the vicinity of this intersection was being developed, the Engineering Division of the Pubiic Works Department of the City of Tustin' conditioned tracts 13080, 13094, and 13053 to install traffic signals at the intersection of Bryan Avenue and Parkcenter Lane when actual conditions Warranted the installation. To accomplish this installation, bonds for the installation were deposited by each tract. These bonds are almost five years old and must be used to install the traffic signal or be returned to the developer. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The installation of traffic signals should be justified by satisfying established warrants along with conditions that demonstrate the need for traffic signal control of,traffic right-of-way. The City uses traffic signal warrants established by Caltrans and currently found in the Caltrans Traffic manual. When new development is being proposed, it is the duty of the local agency (usually a city or county government) to assure that the traffic impacts of the proposed development are mitigated' Where it is likely that a traffic signal will be needed, this type of traffic control becomes a condition of approval for the development. In this case, bonds for the construction of the traffic signal were collected in lieu of construction_. '. '. This study is undertaken in order to determine if the installation of a traffic signal at the subject intersection is warranted at this time and if future conditions may warrant the installation at a later date. _ DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS: EXISTING CONDITION Traffic signal warrants have been prepared for the subject intersection. Warrant 11, Peak Hour Volume, is satisfied; none of the other warrants investigated are satisfied. See Table I below: Table. I ~lurac; 4- ~ Cro~sis~s; 5-P~ ~v¢ Movmumt; 6-Accidcm P-xpesic~c; 7-~y~; 8-combhutioo: 9-Four Hour Volume: 10-Pr.~ Hoot Dchy; ! l-Peak Hoor Volume. Comment. The only warrant satisfied is warrant 11, the Peak Hour Volume Warrant. The major warrants of 1 and 2 are currently not 80% satisfied. There were two traffic accidents recorded in 1992: one was a right angle type; the other was a bicycle/car accident caused by the bicyclist when the bicycle entered the street from a wheelchair ramp. traffic signal warrants represent the lowest possible threshold at which a traffic signal could be installed. CalTrans prints the following on its traffic signal warrant sheets: "The.satisfaction of a warrant is not necessarily justification for a signal. Delay, congestion, confusion or other evidence of the need for right-of-way assignment must be shown." While delay of traffic during the peak hour could be measured to further determine the need for a traffic signal at this intersection, the delay warrant cannot be satisfied since part b of the warrant is not met, which requires the highest volume on the minor street to be at least 100 vph. Presently this volume is 92 vph. BUILD-OUT CONDITIONS The subject intersection is located in the East Tustin Ranch Area. In .~he near vicinitY of the intersection of Bryan Avenue and Parkcenter Lane, the land uses have been constructed and are occupied, and little, if any, vacant land is available for future development which could affect the traffic volume on Parkcenter Lane. Other areas of the East Tustin Ranch Area are presently undeveloped. There are future plans to completely develop East Tustin Ranch and development activity is onTgoing in the area. Thus, full build-out of the area is highly probable. Therefore,"the forecasted traffic volumes on Bryan Avenue must be analyzed for traffic impacts at this intersection. The build-out traffic volume for Bryan Avenue is estimated in the East Tustin Ranch. Specific Plan Traffic Study to be 21,000 ADT. The existing traffic volume on Bryan Avenue is 11,629. The'~kisting traffic volumes on Parkcenter Lane are 1332 ADT between BrYan Avenue and E1 Camino Real and 862 ADT between Bryan Avenue and Tustin Ranch Road. No forecast traffic volumes are available for Parkcenter Lane. Although little new traffic volume, if any, will be generated on Parkcenter Lane by the adjacent development, it can be anticipated that future traffic would be diverted onto Parkcenter Lane due to congestion and delay at other intersections in the near-by area. A twenty percent growth factor will be used to calculate the future traffic volumes on Parkc~nter Lane. Caltrans has established traffic signal warrants for minimum volume, interruption of COntinuous traffic, and combination to be used based on estimated average daily traffic published with the other signal warrants discussed above. The results are shown in Table II below' Table II Future Traffic Warrant 1 - Minimum Volume 2 - Interruption of Continuous Traffic 3- Combination 80% of 1 & 2 Satisfied 94 percent satisfied Not Satisfied X X X 1 - 48%; 2 - 94% Comment. From the future warrant calculation, the same basic conclusion as the existing condition can be made: the traffic signal warrant is borderline; much depends on how much traffic will divert; diverted traffic may exceed the 20 percent assumption made for the calculation. With future traffic volumes increasing, it is likely that delay and traffic accidents will increase. However, with the installation of a traffic signal, there is a possibility that the number of rear-end type accidents would be about the same as the eliminated right-of-way violation accidents. It has been investigated if the new signal would affect delay given that the signal would be tying into a coordinated sYstem along Bryan Avenue. Presently the system is running a 40 MPH coordinated speed and a 70 second cycle length for the existing condition.' A band width of 42 seconds will be needed for. through and left turns at this new intersection, leaving 28 seconds to service Parkcenter Lane which would need a minimum of 24 seconds to accommodate pedestrians across Bryan Avenue. It was assumed that an 80 second cycle would be needed for build-out traffic. This cycle length will accommodate a 35 MPH coordinated speed and will likely be able to service the 24 second pedestrian time needed for Parkcenter. Any Parkcenter Lane traffic .will.be served by this amount of time. RECOM]WF. NDATION: Given the above existing and future conditions where a traffic signal warrant has been satisfied, it is recommended that a traffic signal be installed at the intersection of Bryan Avenue and Parkcenter Lane. As an existing traffic signal warrant is satisfied, the construction can proceed in a timely manner. BRYANPKC.RPT ~ATE:. i IInter-C°m APRIL 7, 1993 .....[JSTIN PUBLIC WORKS DEPT.I 'O: :ROM: ;UBJECT: ROBERT S. LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS W. DOUGLAS FRANKS, CHIEF OF POLICE RESPONSE ON TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT BRYAN/PARKCENTER Tri-phase signals with protected left turns on east and westbound Bryan would be recommended from the Police Department's perspective. This is primarily due to the relatively high speeds of east and westboQnd "~traffic on Bryan and the wide road width and center median which north and southbound traffic on Parkcenter must traverse while either crossing or turning on to Bryan Avenue in either direction. protected left turns for Parkcenter do not appear necessary due to the lower volume of traffic. Thank you for the opportunity to respond on this matter. If you have additional questions, please contact Lt. Bob Schoenkopf. W. DOUGLAS FRANKS Chief of Police WDF:dh DAN FOX ~P~ a 1~9~, ': Senior Planner