Agenda Item
City Manager
Finance Director
MEETING DATE: May 5, 2003
The City Council is requested to appoint all nine applicants to the Skate Park Site
Selection Task Force.
The Task Force will identify a mission statement; develop skate park site selection
criteria; make recommendations to the City Council for a suitable location of a City-
owned skate facility.
The Parks and Recreation Commission recommended to the City Council that the
creation of a City-Wide Task Force to examine proposed community facilities, such as
schools and parks, should include measured criteria to evaluate potential sites for a
skate park facility. A public information campaign to solicit interested members of the
community took place for a thirty day period. The following nine interested persons
submitted an application:
Mike Allen
· Jason Korengold
· Adrian Morton
· Al Murray
· HankNunez
· Michael Portune
· Todd Schmieder
· Myrtle Trevithick
· Trish Trujillo
The projected timeline for a report is...
May 5
Council appoints the members of the community wide
task force
Recommendation made to the City Council by the
community wide task force on their findings
The task force would welcome input from any interested person or group. The
committee would identify key issues and outcomes necessary to prepare a sound
site recommendation report to the City Council. A plan would be submitted to the City
Council in November or December of 2003.
Patrick Sanc e
Director, Parks and Recreation Services
,Application for
Park Site Selection
.:.omrn . nity Wide Task Force
Thank you
· Tbj.:
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MAR-ii-2003 12:39 7145084115
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flPR-15-2003 TUE 10:56 RYI FflX NO, P, O1
Application for
Skate Park Site Selection
APR 1 5 2003
Thank you for your interest in the City of Tustin. Before completing this application, please note:
· In accordance with State Law, all materials submitted in applications for any City position arc
subject to public records disclosure requirements.
· This application pertains only to the "ad hoc" 2003 Skate Park Site Selection Task Force. If you
are interested in serving on other boards or commissions, you will need to fill out a different
application also available at the City Clerk's Office.
· The City Council will appoint thc Task Force in the spring of 2003. It is not necessary for you to
be at the meeting in order to be appointed. The City will send you a letter after the appointments
are made to let you know whether or not you were appointed to serve.
· Please fill out the Supplemental Information at the end of this document. It includes specific
questions about thc role, purpose and time commitments associated with serving on this ad hoc
Name: Last First Middle
Home Ad.ss: ~No. S~cet Zip
B~iness A~e~: No. Sweet Zip
Home Phone Business Phone FAX
E.ma' i~l 'Address
Submit your application to thc City Clerk's Office by 5:00. p.m-_ .Friday, April 18, 2003_.
Mail your application to the City Clerk's Office, City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780
or fax to (714) 832-6382. This form and additional information are also available at www.tustinca.ort.
aPR-15-20~3 12:1~ 96Z P.01
aPR-15-2003 TUE 10:58 tiM FaX NO, P, 03
Objective: What factors should be evaluated and considered when determining The site selection for a skate park?
The following information is optional and is not required to complete this application.
List last ~ ~resent emplolnr~n_ t in-st.
Dates Co. Nam~ and Address l)osition ,lob Description
,, ~
'.ational back '_mnst recent only'):
Please list any offer fields of study, professional institutes, ~raining programs, etc.
ggg-15-2093 12:13 96z P.03
hPR-15-200~ TUE 10: 5B ~ll FhX NO, P, 02
Why are you intercsicd m sc~-ving on the Skate Park Site Selection Task Force?
Please describ6*your skilh~ bac~oun~d and ~xper~se you believe to be applicable td !he S_.ite Selection Task Force..
- - ,~ ~ c ..1 cl. ,
It°Wmanyyears~avey°ulivedinTustin' ~.~-~ ~..l~-,,,, (.'1" c~.,-l, ~or~,. ~,~.
Please list community, civic, professional social educational, cultural or athletic organizatiorm you have been affiliated with
and in what capacity.
The "ad hoc" Site Selection Task Force will consist of 7 to 9 Tustin residents and business people who represent a diverse
range of interests and who also represent various geographic ar~as of 'lhistin. The Task l~orce will elect a chairperson.
The Skate Park Site Selection Task Force will submit an objective and comprehensive report on th: best possible location to
build a skate park in the City of Tustin.
The puzpose of the Task Force is to provide the City Council a balsnced and informed investigation of publicly held
properties on which to build a skate park; examining other cities' experience with skate parks; gaining pablic input;
deterrnini~ possible impacts to Tustin and collcctin§ relevant r~search.
The Task Force is expected to begin its work in mid-May and conclude m December 2003. The Task Force will examine
various data related, to its purpose and will submit a report for City Council. In order to ensure success, members of this Task
Fozce must have demonstrated the ability to respect diverse opinions in an emotionally charged setting. Members must be
able to analyze a wide varify o£complicated issues and seek consensus. They must be able to work within the objectives of
tM ~oup, its structure, its timeline and process.
Time Commitment: Can you devote a significant amount of time to this initiative? It is probable that at least one meeting
p~ month will be scheduled through December 2003.
aPR-15-2003 12:1B 96Z P.02
Application f. or
Skate Park S te Selection
Community Wide Task Force
Thank you for your interest in the City of Tustin. Before completing this application, Please note:
· In accordance with State Law, all materials submitted in applications for any City poSition are
subject to public records disclosure requirements.
· This application pertains only to the "ad hoc" 2003 Skate Park Site Selection Task Force. If you
are interested in serving on other boards or commissions, you will need to fill out a different
application also available at the City Clerk's Office.
· The City Council will appoint the Task Force in the spring of 2003. It is not necessary for you to
be at the meeting in order to be appointed. The City will send you a letter after the appointments
are made to let you know whether or not you were appointed to serve.
· Please fill out the Supplemental Information at the end of this docUment. It includes specific
questions about the role, purpose and time commitments associated with serving on this ad hoc
Name: Last First Middle
/14o T o /4'D iE I /3 /I/
Home Address: No. Street Zip
7,¢ Co,,v zr ~ ~ ,Lo 57-
Business Address:
No. Street Zip
Home Phone Business Phone
7lq-- ~ ~5-$"717
E-mail Address
Ut e 3 7' ~7 ,'90L. Co,/FI
Submit your application to 'the City Clerk's Office by 5:00 p.m.~ Friday~ April 18~ 2003.
Mail your application to the City Clerk's Office, City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780
or fax to (714) 832-6382. This form and additional information are also available at www.tustinca.org.
Why are you interested in serving on the Skate Park Site Selection Task Force? ~'~9,~ I~7'f't'~t$ 7'~ ~t',~
Please deschbe yo~ shlls, backwood and expe~ise you believe to be applicable to %e Site Selection ~ask Force.
How ~y~e~s ~ve you lived h Tus~?
and in what capacity.
Please list community, civic, professional social educational, cultural or athletic 'organizations you have been' affiliated with
The "ad hoc" Site Selection Task Force will consist of 7 to 9 Tusfin residents and business people who.represent a diverse
range of interests and who also represent various geographic areas of Tustin. The Task Force will elect a chairperson.
The Skate Park Site Selection Task Force will submit an objective and comprehensive report on the best possible location to
build a skate park in the City of Tustin.
The purpose of the Task Force is to provide the City Council a balanced and informed ir/vestigation of publicly held
properties on which to build a skate park; examining other cities' experience with skate parks; gaining public input;
determining possible impacts to Tustin and collecting relevant research.
The Task Force is expected to 'begin its work in mid-May and conclude in December 2003. The Task Force will examine
various data related to its purpose and will submit a report for City Council. In order to ensure success, members of this Task
Force must have demonstrated the ability to respect diverse opinions in an emotionally charged setting. Members must be
able to analyze a wide variety of complicated issues and seek consensus. They must be able to work within the objectives of
the group, its stmctur, e, its timeline and process.
Time Commitment: Can you devote a significant amount of time to this initiative? It is probab_.Le that at least one meeting
per month will be scheduled through December 2003. fJ~)
Objective: What factors should be evaluated and considered when determining the site selection for a skate park?
The following information is, optional and is not required to complete this application.
Employment: Please list previous employment. List your last or present employment first.
l~at~s Co. Name and Admirers P~sition '
Job Descriptio, n
Iq71 Clry or
~oo I ~ ac ~
Education: Briefly describe your educational background (most recent only):
Institution/School Degree Received Area of Study
Please list any other fields of study, professional institutes, training programs, etc.
Application for
Skate Park Site Selection
CommUnity Wide Task Force
Thank you for your interest in the City of Tustin. Before completing this application, please note:
· In accordance with State Law, all materials submitted in applications for any City position are
subject to public records disclosure requirements.
· This application pertains only to the "ad hoc" 2003 Skate Park Site Selection Task Force. If you
are interested in serving on other boards or commissions, you will need to fill out a different
application also available at the City Clerk's Office.
· The City Council will appoint the Task Force in the spring of 2003, It is not necessary for you to
be at the meeting in order to be appointed. The City will send you a letter after the appointments
are made to let you know whether or not you were appointed to serve.
· Please fill out the Supplemental Information at the end of this document. It includes specific '
questions about the role, purpose and time commitments associated with serving on this ad hoc
Name: Last First Middle
Home Address S~xeet
Businels Address: t' [~'' ''~~No. ~'~~street ~~~
Home Phone Bus.ess Phone F~
~E~rnail Address
Submit your application to the City Clerk's Office by 5:00 p.m.~ Friday~ April 18~ 2003.
Mail your application to the City Clerk's Office, City of.Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780
or fax to (714) 832-6382. This form and additional information are also available at www.tustinca.org.
Why are you interested in serving on the Skate Park Site Selection Task Force?
Please describe your skills, background and expertise you believe to be applicable to the Site Selection Task Force.
How many years have you lived in Tustin?
Please list community, civic, professional social educational, cultural or athletic organizations you have been affiliated with
and in what capacity.
The "ad hoc" Site Selection Task Force will consist of 7 to 9 Tustin residents and business people who represent a diverse
range of interests and who also represent various geographic areas of Tustin. The Task Force will elect a chairperson.
The Skate Park Site Selection Task Force will submit an objective and comprehensive report on the best possible location to
build a skate park in the City of Tustin.
The purpose of the Task Force is to provide the City Council a balanced and informed investigation of publicly held
properties on which to build a skate park; examining other cities' experience with skate parks; gaining public input;
determining possible impacts to Tustin and collecting relevant research.
The Task Force is expected to begin its work in mid-May 'and conclude in December 2003. The Task Force will examine
various data related to its purpose and will submit a report for City Council. In order to ensure success, members of this Task
Force must have demonstrated the ability to respect diverse opinions in an emotionally charged setting. Members must be
able to analyze a wide variety of complicated issues and seek consensus. They must be able to work within the objectives of
the group, its structure, its timeline and process.
Time Commitment: Can you devote a significant amount of time to this initiative? It is probable that at least one meeting
per month will be scheduled through December 2003.
Yes Initial
Objective: What factors should be evaluated and considered when determining the site selection for a skate park?
The following information is opt/onal and is not required to complete this application.
Employment:' Please list previous employment. 'List your last or present employment first.
I~at~s Co. Name and Ad~re;s : P~sition ' ~
Job DescriptiOn
Education: Briefly describe your educational background (most recent only):
Institution/School i Degree Received
Area of Study
Please list any other fields of study, professional institutes, training programs, etc.
APR 1 8 2003
A p p I i c at i o n fo r OFFICE-TUSTI" CITY CLERK
Skate Park Site Selection
Community Wide Task Force
Thank you for your interest in the City of Tustin. Before completing this application, please note:
· In accordance with State Law, all materials submitted in applications for any City position are
subject to public records disclosure requirements.
· This application pertains only to the "ad hoc" 2003 Skate Park Site Selection Task Force. If you
are interested in serving on other boards or commissions, you will need to fill out a different
application also available at the City Clerk's Office.
· The City Council will appoint the Task Force in the spring of 2003. It is not necessary for you to
be at the meeting in order to be appointed. The City will send you a letter after the appointments
are made to let you know whether or not you were appointed to serve.
· Please fill out the Supplemental Information at the end of this document. It includes specific
questions about the role, purpose and time commitments associated with serving on this ad hoc
Name: Last First Middle
Home Address: No. Street Zip
Business Address: No.
mU ~T~ U q z,7 ¢ o
Street Zip
Home Phone Business Phone FAX E-mail Address
Submit your application to the City Clerk's Office by 5:00 p.m, Frida.% April 18~ 2003.
Mail your application to the City Clerk's Office, City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780
or fax to (714) 832-6382. This form and additional information are also available at www.mstinca.org.
Why are you interested in serving on the Skate Park Site Selection Task Force? ~. . ~....~.: _ ../P Z ~ . .
Please des~be yo~ shlis, 8ack~d~d md expeffise ~ou bdi&e to be apphcable to ~ Site Selection Ta~k Force. ~ ,
How ~y yems. ~ you lived ~ T~t~?
Please list comm~, civic, professig~ social e~cafi~, cul~alpr affiefic org~afio~ you Mve been affiliated wi~
~d~whatcapaci~~ ~ ~~ ~lO~ ~t ~~f'
The "ad hoc" Site Selection Task Force will consist of 7 to 9 Tustin residents and business people who represent a diverse
range of interests and who also represent various geographic areas of Tustin. The Task Force will elect a chairperson.
The Skate Park Site Selection Task Force will submit an objective and comprehensive report on the best possible location to
build a skate park in the City of Tustin.
The purpose of the Task Force is to provide the City Council a balanced and informed investigation of publicly held
properties on which to build a skate park; examining other cities' experience with skate parks; gaining public input;
determining possible impacts to Tustin and colle.cting relevant research.
The Task Force is expected to begin its work in mid-May and conclude in December 2003. The Task Force will examine
varioUs data related to its purpose and will submit a report for City Council. In order to ensure success, members of this Task
Force must have demonstrated the ability to respect diverse opinions in an emotionally charged setting. Members must be
able to analyze a wide variety of complicated issues and seek consensus. They must be able to work within the objectives of
the group, its structure, its timeline and process. .
Time Commitment: Can you devote a significant amount of time to this initiative? It is probable that ~o-~h~fing
per month will be scheduled through December 2003.
Objective: What factors should be evaluated and considered when determining the site selection for a skate park?
The following information is optional and is not required to complete this application.
Employment: Please list previous employmem. List your last or present employment first.
I~at~s Co. Name and Ad~re;s Position
Job Description
Education: Briefly describe your educational back,round (most recent only):
Institution/School Degree Received Area of Study
Please list any other fields of study, professional institutes, training programs, etc.
APR I ? 2OO3
Application for
S kate Pa r k S i t e S e I e ct i o ff,c~.~us~,~ c,~ c~
Community Wide Task Force
Thank you for your interest in the City of Tustin. Before completing this application, please note:
· In accordance with State Law, all materials submitted in applications for any City position are
subject to public records disclosure requirements.
, This application pertains only to the "ad hoc" 2003 Skate Park Site Selection Task Force. If you
are interested in serving on other boards or commissions, you will need to fill out a different
application also available at the City Clerk's Office.
· The City Council will appoint the Task Force in the spring of 2003. It is not necessary for you to
be at the meeting in order t° be appointed. The City will send you a letter after the appointments
are made to let you know whether or not you were appointed to serve.
· Please fill out the Supplemental Information at the end of this document. It includes specific
questions about the role, purpose and time commitments associated with serving on this ad hoc
First Middle
Home Address: No. Street Zip
Business Address: No. Street
Home Phone Business Phone FAX
"7/4- .5os'- 05¢1
E-mail Address
Submit your application to the City Clerk's Office by 5:00 p.m.~ Friday~ April 18~ 2003.
Mail your application to the City Clerk's Office, City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780
or fax to (714) 832-6382. This form and additional information are also available at www.tustinca, org.
Why are you interested in serving on the Skate Park Site Selection Task Force?
Please describe your Skills, background and expertise you believe to be applicable to the Site Selection Task FOrce.
How many years have you lived in Tustin?
Please list community, civic, professional social educational, cultural or athletic organizations you have been affiliated with
and in what capacity.
The "ad hoc" Site Selection Task Force will consist of 7 to 9 Tustin residents and business people who represent a diverse
range of interests and who also represent various geographic areas of Tustin. The Task Force will elect a chairperson.
The Skate Park Site Selection Task Force will submit an objective and comprehensive report on the best possible location to
build a skate park in the City of Tustin.
The purpose of the Task Force is to provide the City Council a balanced and informed investigation of publicly held
properties on which to build a skate park; examining other cities' experience with skate parks; gaining public input;
determining possible impacts to Tustin and collecting relevant research.
The Task Force is expected to begin its work in mid-May and conclude in December 2003. The Task' Force will examine
various data related to its purpose and will submit a report for City Council. In order to ensure success, members of this Task
Force must have demonstrated the ability to respect diverse opinions in an emotionally charged setting. Members must be
able to analyze a wide variety of complicated issues and seek consensus. They must be able to work within the objectives of
the group, its structure, its timeline and process.
Time Commitment: Can you devote a significant amount of time to this initiative? It is probable that at least one meeting
per month will be scheduled through December 2003.Yes / Initialt~'-r]~~
Objective: What factors should be evaluated and considered when determining the site selection for a skate park?
The following information is optional and is not required to complete this application.
Employment: Please list previous employment. List your last or present employment first.
I~at~s Co. Name and Address P~sition Job Description
Education: Briefly describe ),our educational background (most recent only):
Institution/School Degree Received
Area of Study
Please list any other fields of study, professional institutes, training programs, etc.
Application for
Skate Park Site Selection
you for your interest in the City of Tustin. Before completing this application, please note:
· In accordance with State Law, all materials submitted in applications for any City position are
subject to public records disclosure requirements.
· This application pertains only to the "ad hoc" 2003 Skate Park Site Selection Task Force. If you
are interested in serving on other boards or commissions, you will need to fill out a different
application also available at the City Clerk's Office.
· The City Council will appoint the Task Force in the spring of 2003. It is not necessary for you to
be at the meeting in order to be appointed. The City will send you a letter after the appointments
are made to let you know whether or not you were appointed to serve.
· Please fill out the Supplemental Information at the end of this document. It includes specific
questions about the role, purpose and time commitments associated with serving on this ad hoc
Name: Last
Schmieder, D. Todd
Home Address: No. Street
14612 Hyannisport Road, Tustin. CA 92780
First . Middle
v Zip
Business Address: No. Street
Hall & Foreman, Inc.
420 Exchange, Suite 100, Irvine, Ca 92602-1301
Home Phone Business Phone FAX E-mail Address
714-730-0321 714-665-4541 714-665-4501
Submit your application to the City Clerk's Office by 5:00 p.m, Friday, April 18, 2003.
Mail your application to the City Clerk's Office, City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780
or fax to (714) 832-6382. This form and additional information are also available at wx~v.tustinca.or~z.
Why are you interested in serving on the Skate Park Site Selection Task Force?
Resident of Tustin for 15 years, I have assisted the City of Yucaipa in reviewing design plans for their skate park expansion
and provided Construction Management services to the city for it's expansion.
Please describe your skills, background and expertise you believe to be applicable to the Site Selection Task Force.
Civil Engineer involved in planning and designs of site development projects and transportation projects. I previously served
three years as the Chairperson for the TUSD Community Advisory Committee for Special Education. I understand the role of
the task force is to work with city staff, obtain public input, review the input and existing site conditions for potential skate
park sites with respect to City's criteria and to provide a recommendation to the City Parks and Recreation Commision.
How many years have you lived in Tustin?
Please list community, civic, professional social educational, cultural or athletic organizations you have been affiliated with
and in what capacity.
TUSD CAC for Special Education, Building Industry Association, American Society of Civil Engineers
The "ad hoc" Site Selection Task Force will consist of 7 to 9 Tustin residents and business people who represent a diverse
range of interests and who also represent various geographic areas of Tustin. The Task Force will elect a chairperson.
The Skate Park Site Selection Task Force will submit an objective and comprehensive report on the best possible location to
build a skate park in the City of Tustin.
The purpose of the Task Force is to provide the City Council a balanced and informed investigation of publicly held
properties on which to build a skate park; examining other cities' experience with skate parks; gaining public input;
determining possible impacts to Tustin and collecting relevant research.
The Task Force is expected to begin its work in mid-May and conclude in December 2003. The Task Force will examine
various data related to its purpose and will submit a report for City Council. In order to ensure success, members of this Task
Force must have demonstrated the ability to respect diverse opinions in an emotionally charged setting. Members must be
able to analyze a wide variety of complicated issues and seek consensus. They must be able to work within the objectives of
the group, its structure, its timeline and process.
Time Commitment: Can you devote a significant amount of time to this initiative?
per month will be scheduled through December 2003.
It is probable that at least one meeting..,
Yes X__ Initial DTS,~t~
Objective: What factors should be evaluated and considered when determining the site selection for a skate park?
Noise, security, lighting, availability of space within an existing park without impacting other uses of the existing park,
proximity to and type of adjacent land uses, parking availability, the number of potential park users within the community
and in the nearby surrounding vicinity of the site, and park services available to the skate park users.
The following information is optional and is not required to complete this application.
Employment: Please list previous employment. List your last or present employment first.
Dates Co. Na~me and Ad~tre-ss Position
Job Description
1-98 to Hall & Foreman, Inc Project Director/Associate Oversee and provide civil
present 420 Exchange, Suite 100 engineering design services to
Irvine, CA private developers and
governmental agencies.
Carter Burgess Project Manager Provided civil engineering design
5-97 to services to governmental agencies
5-87 to Post Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Project Manager Oversee and provide civil
4-97 Inc. engineering design services to
private developers and
governmental agencies.
Education: Briefly describe your educational background (most recent only):
Ohio State University
Degree Received
Area of Study
Civil Engineering, Transportation
Please list any other fields of study, professional institutes, training programs, etc.
Licensed Professional Civil Engineer in the State of California
Application for
Skate Park Site Selection
Community Wide Task Force
you for your interest in the City of Tustin. Before completing this application, please note:
· In accordance with State Law, all materials submitted in applications for any City position are
subject to public records disclosure requirements.
· This application pertains only to the "ad hoc" 2003 Skate Park Site Selection Task Force. If you
are interested in serving on other boards or commissions, you will need to fill out a different
applicatiOn also available at the City Clerk's Office.
· The City Council will appoint the Task Force in the spring of 2003. It is not necessary for you to
be at the meeting in order to be appointed. The City will send you a letter after the appointments
are made to let you know whether or not you were appointed to serve.
· Please fill out the Supplemental Information at the end of this document. It includes specific
questions about the role, purpose and time commitments associated with serving on this ad hoc
Last First Middle
Home Address:
No. Street Zip
Business Address: No. Street Zip
Home Phone Business Phone
E-mail Address
Submit your application to the City Clerk's Office by 5:00 p.m., Friday, April 18, 2003.
Mail your application to the City Clerk's Office, City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780
or fax to (714) 832-6382. This form and additional information are also available at www.tustinca.org.
Please describe your,skills, background and expertise you believe to-be applicable to the Site Selection Task Force.
now many years nave yo~ nvect m ~us .un:
Please list community, civic, professional social educational, cultural or athletic organizations you have been affiliated with
and in what capacity. - // ' ' ./_./~-~, ~¢~
The "ad hoc" Site Selection Task Force will consist of 7 to 9 Tustin residents and business People who represent a diverse
range of interesm and who also represent various geographic areas of Tustin. The Task Force will elect a chairperson.
The Skate Park Site Selection Task Force will submit an objective and comprehensive report on the best possible lo'cation to
build a skate park in the City of Tustin.
The purpose of the Task Force is to provide the City Council a balanced and informed investigation of publicly held
properties on which to build a skate park; examining other cities' experience with skate parks; gaining public input;
determining possible impacts to Tustin and collecting relevant research.
The Task Force is expected to begin its work in mid-May and conclude in December 2003. The Task Force will examine
various data related to its purpose and.will submit a report for city Council. In order to ensure success, members of this Task
Force must have demonstrated the ability to respect diverse opinions in an emotionally charged setting. Members must be
able to analyze a wide variety of complicated issues and seek consensus. They must be able to work within the objectives of
the group, its structure, its timeline and process.
Time Commitment: Can you devote a significant amount of time to this initiative? It is probable that at least one meeting
per month will be scheduled through December 2003. Yes~/ Initial w'~9
Objective: What factors should be evaluated and considered when determining the site selection for a skatex~ark?
The following information is optional and is not required to complete this application.
Employment: Please list previous employment. List your last or present employment first.
Dates Co. Name and Address P~sition . r
Job Description
Briefly describe your educational background (most recent only):
Degree Received / Area, of Study
Please list any other fields of study, professional institutes, training programs, etc.
Application for
APt? 5 2003
Skate Park Site Selection
Community Wide Task Force
Thank you for your interest in the City of Tustin. Before completing this application, please
· In accordance with State Law, all materials submitted in applications for any City
position are subject to public records disclosure requirements.
· This application pertains only to the "ad hoc" 2003 Skate Park Site Selection Task
Force. If you are interested in serving on other boards or commissions, you will need
to fill out a different application also available at the City Clerk's Office.
· The City Council will appoint the Task Force in the spring of 2003. It is not necessary
for you to be at the meeting in order to be appointed. The City will send you a letter
after the appointments are made to let you know whether or not you were appointed
to serve.
· Please fill out the Supplemental Information at the end of this document. It includes
specific questions about the role, purpose and time commitments associated with
serving on this ad hoc committee.
Name: Last First Middle
Trujillo Trish
Home Address: No. Street Zip
14101 Utt Drive Tustin, CA 92780
Business Address: No. Street Zip
Home Phone Business Phone FAX E-mail Address
714-838-6479 949-789-0005 ext 21 949-789-0006 Trish@tmcamerica.com
Submit your application to the City Clerk's Office by 5:00 r).m., Friday, Ar~ril 18, 2003.Mail your application to
the City Clerk's Office, City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780 or fax to (714) 832-6382.
This form and additional information are also available at www.tustinca.org.
Why are you interested in serving on the Skate Park Site Selection Task Force?
I am a home owner on Utt Drive and have been attending Park Commission meetings
monthly for the last two years. Although I have argued strenuously against a skate facility at
Frontier Park, I feel that there is a need for a facility in Tustin. I would appreciate the
opportunity to make sure that both skaters and the community are best served by the
selection of an appropriate site.
Please describe your skills, background and expertise you believe to be applicable to the Site Selection Task
In the course of the last two years, my neighbors and myself have done extensive research
on skate parks. I do not feel that much of what we discovered was used in determining that
Frontier park was the best location for a facility. I would like to present this information as
part of the criteria used to select a site. I feel that I would be a unbiased member of the task
force since my true interest in serving would not be to prevent a skate park at Frontier, but
to protect all of the small (less than 10 acres) neighborhood parks from such an intrusive
activity that would change the local environment irrevocably.
How many years have you lived in Tustin?
I have lived in my home on Utt Drive for 24 years, since 1979.
Please list community, civic, professional social educational, cultural or athletic organizations you have been
affiliated with and in what capacity.
Tustin High
Tustin High
Tustin High
Tustin High
Baseball - Booster President - 3 years
Baseball- Support Group- 6 years
Football- Booster President- 2 years
Football- Support Group- 2 years
Tustin High Bingo Support Group- 3 years
Tustin National Little League- Parent Volunteer- 10 years
AYSO - Parent Volunteer- 5 years
Beswick Elementary- PTO Secretary- 2 Years
The "ad hoc" Site Selection Task Force will consist of 7 to 9 Tustin residents and business people who represent
a diverse range of interests and who also represent various geographic areas of Tustin. The Task Force will
elect a chairperson.
The Skate Park Site Selection Task Force will submit an objective and comprehensive report on the best possible
location to build a skate park in the City of Tustin.
The purpose of the Task Force is to provide the City Council a balanced and informed investigation of publicly
held properties on which to build a skate park; examining other cities' experience with skate parks; gaining
public input; determining possible impacts to Tustin and collecting relevant research.
The Task Force is expected to begin its work in mid-May and conclude in December 2003. The Task Force will
examine various data related to its purpose and will submit a report for City Council. In order to ensure
success, members of this Task Force must have demonstrated the ability to respect diverse opinions in an
emotionally charged setting. Members must be able to analyze a wide variety of complicated issues and seek
consensus. They must be able to work within the objectives of the group, its structure, its timeline and
Time Commitment: Can you devote a significant amount of time to this initiative? It is probable that at least
one meeting per month will be scheduled through December 2003.
Yes Initial
Objective: What factors should be evaluated and considered when determining the site selection for a skate
1) Size of site- A 12,500sf facility should be located in a site at least 10 acres in size
2) Impact on existing neighborhood
3) Safety of skaters and community getting to and from the location
4) Number of homes facing the facility (front doors)
The following information is optional and is not required to complete this application.
Employment: Please list previous employment. List your last or present empIcyment first.
I~at~s Co. Nam~ and Address' Positio~ Job Description
1995 to TMC America, LLC Accounting Manager
Current 8001 Irvine Center Dr # 1150
Irvine, CA 9218
Education: Briefly describe your educational back~lround (most recent only):
Institution/School Decjree Received Area of Study
Please list any other fields of study, professional institutes, training programs, etc.