Rabe, Erica
From: Blankenhorn, Regina
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 4:46 PM
To: Al Murray( ; Beckie Gomez-McKeon
( ;Chuck Puckett( ; Dr.Allan
Bernstein.( ;John Nielsen (
Cc: Parker,Jeffrey C.; Rabe, Erica; Binsack, Elizabeth;Celano, Charles; Stack, Doug
Subject: FW:City Council Meeting 10/20 - RE: SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF
From: Musgrave, Kerri Finailto:KMusgrave@ochca.com]
Sent:Tuesday,October 20,2015 3:55 PM
To: Puckett,Chuck; Nielsen,John; Gomez, Rebecca; Murray,Al; Bernstein,Allan;CITY COUNCIL
Subject:City Council Meeting 10/20-RE:SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 1458
Honorable Mayor and City Council,
I am writing to you in support of the adoption of Ordinance No. 1458,as it is written and with the general restrictions
and regulations that accompany the change.Additionally, I support the existing requirements related to parking permit
applications, including use of all garage and parking spaces(outside of oversized vehicles that will not fit within either). I
had planned to attend tonight's meeting to fully support the recommendation being made, but will be unable to due to
unforeseen work obligations.
I have been a homeowner in the Broadmoor community of mid-century modern homes since 2007,a resident of Kipling
Lane.This community is a hidden gem in Orange County, easily one of the most affordable enclaves of modernist
architecture in Southern California, in line with the Eichlers in the City of Orange,the Palm Springs Modernists and other
iconic designs that continue to attract homebuyers in the 21st Century. It is the reason that I purchased a home here.
Outside of all of the quality of life justifications provided at previous City Council Meetings for both this community and
our contiguous communities, the valuation of this group of architectural standouts suffers due to the broken window
effect that results from activity related to congestion and overcrowding from the neighboring complexes. I truly believe
that adoption of Ordinance No. 1458 is the first step in building this small community back up to compete within the
desirable mid-century modern subculture that is alive and well throughout California. Regulating the parking, cleaning
up the streets and alleviating the congestion will begin to repair those"broken windows" and hopefully spur existing
homeowners to once again have pride in their neighborhood.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Kerri Musgrave