HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1974 06 17 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL June 17, 1974 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Langley called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Councilman Welsh. III. INVOCATION Given by Councilman Edgar. IV. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Langley, Edgar, Saltarelli, Sharp, Welsh. Absent: Councilmen: None. Others present: City Administrator Harry Gill Asst. City Admin. for Community Development Ken Fleagle City Attorney James Rourke City Clerk Ruth Poe PRESENTATION RESOLUTION NO. 74-45 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, COMMENDING DICKRAN BORANIAN. The resolution was adopted and presented to Mr. Dickran Boranian for his service to the City on the Parks and Recreation Commission. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. 1974-75 CITY BUDGET The Mayor declared the public portion of the hearing open at 7:35 p.m. Councilman Saltarelli ~uestioned Mr. Rourke as to whether apart- ment conversions to condominiums could be assessed for parks and recreation fees under the provisions of park land dedication in the Quimby Act. Mr. Rourke advised that he would look into the matter and pre- pare a report for Council. In answer to questioning by Councilman Saltarelli, Mr. Gill advised that $10,000 had been budgeted in the 1973-74 Fiscal Year for architectural services on the design of a Corporation Yard; however, it had not been used due to the lack of funds available to develop Prospect Park which would necessitate moving the Yard. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Edgar that the public hearing On the 1974-75 Budget be continued to the next regularly scheduled meeting of July 1, 1974. Carried. VI. PUBLIC CONCERNS NONE. VII. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Of June 3, 1974, meeting. 2. RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS in amount of $247,675.81. 3. FINAL TRACT MAP 8590 - IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Approval as recommended by the City Engineer and the Community Development Director. City Council Minutes 6/17/74 Page 2 4. PARCEL MAP 74-70 (SUNSET BUILDERS) 13362-13382 Newport Avenue, east side between First Street and Bryan Avenue, developed as a medical-dental complex. Upholding findings and recommendations of the Planning Commission and denial of Parcel Map 74-70. 5. AMENDMENT TO FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 7813 (PEPPERTREE) East of Tustin Meadows, south of Walnut and north of the ATSF mainline (known as Peppertree Subdivision of Ayres). Amendment to the title sheet of Final Tract Map No. 7813 to delete the wording "We also hereby hold in reservation Lot 116 for a Future School Site", as recor~aended by the Community Development Director. AWARD OF BID - UTT AND MITCHELL PARK SITE As recommended by the City Engineer and Parks and Recreation Director. 7. AWARD OF BID - STORM DRAIN AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS - UTT AND MITCHELL As recommended by the City Engineer. 8. RESOLUTION NO. 74-46 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, INFORMING THE ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FINANCING PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF THE STATUS OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN MASTER PLAN OF ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS. Adoption as recommended by the City Engineer. 9. RESOLUTION NO. 74-47 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE TUSTIN CITY HALL COMMUNITY BUILDING, AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS, Adoption as recommended by the City Engineer. 10. RESOLUTION NO. 74-48 A Resolution Of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE 1973-74 GENERAL CITY BUDGET. Adoption as recommended by staff. It was requested that items 5, 6, 7 and 9 be pulled from the Consent Calendar for further discussion. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar that items 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, and 10 on the Consent Calendar be approved. Carried unani- mously. Mrs. Tess Welsh, Secretary for the Administrator in charge Of Facilities Planning for the Tustin Unified School District, requested that Item 5 be discussed at a later portion of the agenda so as to allow time for Mr. Hans Vogel, Director of Special Services, to arrive. 6. AWARD OF BID - UTT AND MITCHELL PARK SITE Bids were received as follows: City Council Minutes 6/17/74 Page 3 Additive Base Bid Alternates Total Sharecroppers Inc. $192,393.00 $54,890.00 $247,283.00 Victor Construction Co., Inc. 199,518.00 58,004.00 257,522.00 Doremus Paving Co. 242,400.00 50,100.00 292,500.00 Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh that the bid for the Utt- Mitchell Park Development be awardedto the low bidder, Sharecroppers, Inc., with the additions of Alternates A, C, and D, in the total amount of $207,013.00. Carried unanimously. 7. AWARD OF BID - STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION UTT AND MITCHELL PARK Bids were received as follows: E. L. P~ite Company, Orange $39,492.39 Orville E. Henderson, Santa Ana 40,523.15 John W. Tiedemann, Whittier 42,318.75 Silveri and Ruiz, Fullerton 42,810.60 Sully-~ller Co., Orange 43,596.20 Witon Co., Alhambra 44,352.51 R. J. Noble Co., Orange 46,378.60 In answer to Councilman Saltarelli's questions, ~. Ledendecker advised that the streets adjacent to the Utt-Mitchell Park could be constructed, the sewer work done by the Sanitation District, and then an overlayof topcoating be placed on the streets. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Sharp, that the bid for Construction of Street and Storm Drain Improvements at Utt-Mitchell Park be awarded to the low bidder, E. L. White Company of Orange, in the amount of $39,492.39. Carried unanimously. 9. RESOLUTION NO. 74-47 In answer to Councilman Edgar's questions with regard to the Bids for the Construction of the Tustin City Hall Community Building, Mr. Gill advised that, due to the design of the struc- ture, under the present plan of a lump sum bid on the building, the City could not request advice by the bidders on modification of elements that the bidders would feel unnecessary. In answer to Councilman Saltarellims question, Mr. Gill advised ~hat the construction time of 180 days is an outside figure; it would probably take less than six months for com- pletion of the construction but the additional 20 days would allow for delays caused by weather, and there is a damage clause included Of $150 per day for each calendar day beyond the contract timelimit. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh, that Resolution NO. 74-47, Approving Plans and Specifications for the Tustin City Hall Community Building and Directing the City Clerk to Advertise for Bids, be adopted. Carried. Ayes: Langtey~ Edgart Saltaretli, Sharp, Welsh. Noes: none. Absent: none. 5. AMENDMENT TO FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 7813 (PEPPERTREE) Mr. Hans Vogel, Director of Special Services of the Tustin Unified School District, in charge of Facilities Planning, advised that there are six or seven alternatives in the Master Plan for Schools which were presented to the Tustin Board of Education. The first four alternatives include the acquisition of the Peppertree tract site. He expressed the view that theSchoQ1 District was a ~bird party, gratuitOus beneficiary in this matter and has noauthorityas to the action~ that would be taken by the Council. He felt that the Irvine Company's 90-day option seemed reasonable. Any offer made to the Irvine Company for Tract 7813 would be on the con- dition of trade as the District has no means for financing pur- chase of the site. City Council Minutes 6/17/74 Page 4 Mr. Fleagle, in answer to Mayor Langtey's questions, advised that the Irvine Company, at the present time, has no legal liability with regard to the proposed school site; however, if Tract Map 7813 is recorded indicating Lot 116 as a school site, there would then be a definite liability. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Welsh that the deletion of the Wording from the title page of Tract No. 7813, "We Also Hereby Hold In Reservation Lot 116 for A Future School Site'!, be approved, with theimplicit understandinq that said amenc[ment does not amend the Planned Community District Regulations per- taining to the land use designation of the proposed school site, subject further to the requirement that the northerly 10 feet of the 15-foot easement across Lot 9 of Tract 7813 shall include a pedestrian easement to be implemented at such time as a school site is developed on Lot 116. Carried unanimously. . In answer to Councilman Saltarelli's questions regarding maintenance, Mr. Fleagle advised that the Irvine Company refused to provide grass and irrigation because of prohibitive cost and that'the City ~can only ask for continued maintenance of the property by the Irvine Company. VIII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION NONE. IX. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 623 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE UNIFORM TRAFFIC ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RELATIVE TO THE PROHIBITION OF BICYCLES ON PUBLIC SIDEWALKS. In answer to Council's questions, Chief Kelly reiterated his report and advised that he and his traffic section were unable to come up with something reasonable and plausible to insure bicycle safety. He felt, from an enforcement standpoint, Ordinance No. 623 would give a definite line of demarcation. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Sharp, that amendn~nt of the Uniform Traffic Ordinance of the City of Tustin relative to the Prohibition of Bicycles on Public Sidewalks be referred to the Traffic Commission afterits formation and that this be the first item to be studied. Carried unanimously. X. OLD BUSINESS 1. PARK NAMING--PEPPERTREE SUBDIVISION PARK It was the decision of the Council to continue the park naming of the Peppertree subdivision park to the meeting of July 1, 1974. 2. RED CURBS AND FIRE LANES WITHIN TUSTIN MEADOWS Mr. Gill briefly reviewed the staff reportto the Council and advised it would be the Council's pleasure as to action to be taken. Moved by Langley, seconded by Saltarelli, that the red curbs in Tustin Meadows be removed and that the Maintenance Department clean the dr~n~ in the best possible method available. CarrieG. City Council Minutes 6/17/74 Page 5 XI. NEW BUSINESS NONE. XII. OTHER BUSINESS 1. AMBULANCE SERVICES Mr. Gill reviewed his report explaining that there were now two s/nbulance companies in the City of Tustin, Wind and Doctor's, and because there is no legal restriction, both are listed on rotation for Police calls. He advised that the City, by ordinance, could further license companies under its License and Permit procedures to determine a public need and necessity for two companies to be on call for emergency service. He asked the Council's direction and recommended two alternatives as follows: a. To leave the Wind and Doctor's Ambulance companies on rotation and refer to the License and Permit Board, or bo Not to refer to the License and Permit Board, leave under rotation for a month or two, observe the situ- ation, and see if problems develop. It was the decision of the Council that the Police Department continue with the present rotation method in calling Wind and Doctor's until the standards and review are received from the License and Permit Board. 2. FIRE CALL--FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH Mayor Langley commended the Fire Department for a job well done in controlling the situation at the First Southern Baptist Church on Red Hill Avenue. 3. PARKING RESTRICTIONS--IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Mr. Fleagle briefly reviewed his report to Council and com- mented that the Irvine Industrial Complex recommended that on-street parking be limited before parking habits are established by the employees of the industrial complex. The Council directed staff to prepare a resolution to limit on-street parking. 4. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Mr. Gill made a brief review of the staff report on Coals and Objectives. Council directed staff to have copies of the Coals and Objectives report forwarded to the Parks and Recreation and Planning Commissions. 5. ORANGE COUNTY INTELLIGENCE UNIT In answer to Councilman Edgar's questions regarding the report due on OCIU, Mr. Gill advised that the Board of Supervisors of Orange County would be considering a 90-day extension of the present method of funding OCIU. If extended, the City of Garden Grove will be withdrawing their application for sepa- rate financing. 6. STATUS--CREATION OF TRAFFIC COMMMISSION In answer to Councilman Edgar's questions, Fir. Gill advised that Mr. Rourke is looking~ into other cities with regard to a Traffic Commission and should have a report prepared for the next Council meeting. City Council Minutes 6/17/74 Page 6 7. FLAGPOLE--MAIER REALTY In answer to Mr. Edgar's questions regarding the flagpole, Mr. Gill advised that Mr. Rourke would have a report prepared for the next Council meeting. 8. TUSTIN AUTO CLINIC--REIMBURSEMENT FOR RELOCATION In answer to Councilman Edgar's questions, Mr. Rourke ~ advised that the delay in reporting on the reimbursement was due to the need for additionalinformation on two items that Would be forthcoming from the Tustin Auto Clinic and Tustin Foreign Auto. The report should be prepared by the Council meeting Of JUly 1, 1974. 9. FEDERAL COURT--ORANGE COUNTY In answer to Mayor Langley, Mac. Gill advised that a great deal of work has been done toward getting approval for the building of a Federal Court in Santa Ana. He felt that the Orange County Bar Association could use whatever support is provided. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh that Resolution 74~/~, f~o Requesting the Creation of a United States District Courtroom Facility in Santa Aria, California, be adopted. Carried. Ayes: Langley, Edgar, Saltarelli, Sharp, Welsh. Noes: none. Absent: none. 10. TUSTIN AREA --U. S. BICENTENNIAL FOUNDATION _-~ Councilman Edgar advised the Council that advantages would be derived in terms of stature given the Tustin area if Council ~ would make formal application to the State Commission of the American Revolution Bicentennial. In making this application, the City would be showing recognition to the U. S. Bicentennial Foundation. Council authorized application. tl. COMMENDATION TO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Mayor Langley advised Mac. Ledendecker of correspondence received from Phillips Petroleum Company conunending the Engineering Department's work on First Street. The Mayor, on behalf of the Council, expressed appreciation and said that First Street would be an outstanding credit to the City of Tustin. 12. COMMENDATION TO REX WALDO Councilman Saltarelli commended Mr. Rex Waldo for an intuitive report on aluminum electrical wiring and expressed his feelings that the homeowners should be made aware of a solution offered by converters available for aluminum wiring. 13. FIRE PREVENTION Councilman Saltarelli expressed his concern for more stringent requirements in the building of homes and other buildings with regard to fire safety. He suggested that smoke detectors be built into houses, and sprinkler systems be built into indus- trial, commercial, and professional buildings. City Council Minutes 6/17/74 Page 7 14. KNOX BILL--AB 4208 Councilman Saltarelli expressed concern with regard to Knox Bill, AB 4208, regarding Exclusion of Territory for County Service Areas on Reorganization, and requested a report from staff. 15. FUTURE OF SCAG Councilman Saltarelli expressed his feelings that Council should support A1 Hollinden's recommendations that the Intergovernmental Coordinating Council take a collective position on the future of SCAG. He also advised the Council- men if they had a choice of candidates for offices of ICC that they advise Councilman Sharp. 16. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE LIAISON Councilman Saltarelli expressed his feelings that his liaison with the Chamber of Commerce is showing results in reaching property owners with regards to annexations to the City of Tustin. 17. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF STAFF ATTENDANCE Councilman Sharp made the observation that having the staff present at the Council meeting had been quite helpful in expediting some items. 18. COMMUNICATION THROUGH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ,-~ Mayor Langley expressed his feelings of the usefulness of the availability of Councilmen working with the Chamber of Commerce presenting the Council's goals and ideas to citizens in the Tustin area. XIII. ADJOURNMENT Moved hy Sattarelli, seconded by Sharp, and unanimously carried that the meeting he adjourned to the next regular meeting of Monday, July 1, 1974, at 7:30 p.m. (9:30 p.m.) MAYOR