HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1973 12 03 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL December 3, 1973 CALL TO ORDER MayorSaltarelli called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Councilman Welsh. III. INVOCATION Given by Councilman Woodruff. IV. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Saltarelli, Langley (arrived 7:40 p.m.), Sharp, Welsh, Woodruff. Absent: CoUncilmen: None. Others present: City Administrator Harry Gill Asst. City Admin.-Community Development Ken Fleagle City Attorney JamesRourke City Clerk Ruth Poe Secretary Jessica Carroll V. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. AWARD OF NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TO STORER CABLE T.V. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 581 and Resolution No. 73-76, the City Council shall hold a pub- lichearing for the purpose of receiving testi- mony for or against the award of a non-exclusive franchise to Storer Cable T.V., Inc., for the providing of cable T.V. serViceto the residents of the City of Tustin. Mr. Fleagle presented the background information for consideration by Council and public. To a question by Councilman Woodruff, Mr. Fleagle stated that sub- mitted proposals contained no request for area waivers. Exhibit ,E" encompasses all land within the City of Tustin, in addition to a supplemental agreement to provide the right of purchase of cable T.V. which now serves the Peppertree and Laurelwood developments. County islands within Tustin's Sphere of Influence will also be extended service. The public portion of the hearing was opened at 7:40 p.m. Mr. Robert Green, 15512 Williams, Tustinlstated he is an electronics specialist, and cited instances of problems and damage due to subscriber service of cable T.V. in the Laguna Beach area. He recommended con- sideration be given to larger companies with more expertise in the area such as Teleprompter. To an inquiry by Councilman Sharp, Mr. Green stated he represented himself, and is employed with the County in electronics and has been for the past 13 years. There being no further comments or objections, the hearing was closed at 7:47 p.m. City Council Minutes 12/3/73 Page 2 During general discussion, it was noted that two bids had been received from interested purveyors of cable T.V. services. Some of the benefits to be derived from a cable T.V. system are tha~ ordinances and technical specifications provide opportunities for community services heretofore not realized. As an example, at present it is necessary for a handi- capped child to be transported or instructor to visit home for teaching on a one-to-one basis. Under cable T.V., it will be possible for one teacherto instruct all of a like group through this system. For public use, it ispossible for linkage with other cities for use as a monitoring device incrime pre- vention with physical descriptions made immediately available to all police departments in the area. Storer Cable T.V., Inc., has several letters of reference from other cities they represent stating they can install a good system without much delay. Laurelwood and Peppertree tracts were required not to have outside antennas by the Irvine Company. Storer has offered to buy out their system and hook it into their master system and have stated they would immediately provide service to these areas then continue in a north-northeast direction which would encompass Tustin Meadows as the next area of connection and steadily progress fEom there. It is their intention to have a master antenna station adjacent to the Times Mirror location in the foothill area. Any subscriber not happy can cancel their ser- vice. MOved by Woodruff, seconded by Welsh that Ordinance No. 602 be read~by title. Carried unanimously. The secretary read Ordinance No~ 602 by title. Councilman Welsh questioned if it was necessary to negate all other proposals. Mr. Fleagle stated that for the benefit of record, the proposal submitted by KEZY could be rejected. Moved by Woodruff, seconded by Sharp, that Ordinance No. 602 be introduced. Carried. Ayes: Saltarelli, Langley, Welsh, Woodruff, Sharp. Noes: none. Absent: none. 2. PZ 73-2 (EARL E. CLAYTON) 'Application for prezoning of 2.13-acre parcel of land from R~4 (Suburban Residential) District of Orange County to City of Tustin PD (Planned Development) District, and the approval of con- ceptual development plans. The site is located on the southwesterly corner of San Juan and Browning and adjoins the City limits on San Juan at the location of Utt School. Councilman Woodruff stated he wished to abstain from participation in this hearing due to his law office representing Mr. Clayton, thereby creating a conflict of interest. Thereafter, Councilman Woodruff left the podium. Mr. Fleagle presented the background data on this application for Council consideration. To Councilman Sharp's question as to whether the City Council Minutes 12/3/73 Page 3 Fire Department can service this project, Mr. Fleagle .replied accommodations are more than adequate, plus .,there will be installation of an interior fire hydrant. .,The conceptual development has all the advantages of ~ s~ngle family residential with front and rear visi- ~'bility for Police protection. The frontage of each lot lis 30 feet. Thepublicportion of the hearing was opened at 8:051p.m~ Mr, Bill Reed, 160 Centennial Way, Tustin, representing Mr. and Mrs. Clayton, stated he was present primarily toanswer any questions. To a question-from Mayor Saltarelli, Mrl. Reed stated project would encompass.t4~three-bedr~om and 8 two- bedroom units, in. aselling range of $30,000 or more. There being no further comments or objections, the hearing was closed at8:06 p..m. Councilman Welsh noted that surrounding zoning indi- cated R-4. However, homes are single dwelling and he did not understand the discrepancy. Mr. Fleagle replied that permitted density allowed 3,000 square feet perunit under R-4 zoning. There is a very heterogeneous mixing with no consistent pattern to properties on San Juan and Browning. Councilman Welsh stated that very shortly the Irvine Company would be wanting to build across the street from this project and questionedif Council approval of this project would encourage them to develop an apartment project. Mr. Flea~le replied that p~ojeCt!~iS~beingdown-zoned and reduced in density. Councilman Welsh then questioned applicant's desire to annex to the City subject to down-zoning, to which Mr. Fleagle reptiedthathopefully.it is because it can be determined there are~benefits to the devel- oper in annexing tO the~City. I .. Mr. Earl E. Clayton, in answer to question posed, stated he believes there are many benefits in being in the City of Tustin such as Police Department pro- tection and belonging to a very progressive area. Additionally, the lower density will enhance~ his project insofar as sales are concerned. Councilman Welsh then cited the "Golden Key" project as similar and asked if staff had any understanding of police or parking problems. Mr. Flea~le stated that while the two projects are closely comparable, staff was not aware of any park- ingor police problems atGoldenKey, which doesn't have the opensspace area.incorporated inthis par- ticular project Ma~or Saltarelli indicated his support of the project, stating it was much better than what would be pro- posed by the County. City Council Minutes 12/3/73 Page 4 Councilman Welsh questioned Mayor Saltarelli if, in supporting this project, this would insure lower density development of the Irvine land across the street~ Mayor Sal'tarelli saw no relationship to any new project on the Irvine property and this project. Mr. Fleagte, in reply to questioning by Councilman Sharp, stated that notice of public hearings for both Planning Commission and City Council had been adver- tised as prescribed by law and no opposing corres- pondence had been received. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Langley, that City Council approve the findings of the Planning Commission as 'contained in Resolution NO. 1377, and direct the City Attorne~ to prepare the neCessar~ ordinance. Carried unanimously. Councilman Woodruff returned to the podium. ZC 73-7 - CITY OF TUSTIN PARK DEVELOPMENT A zone change from the City R-4 District to the P&I (Public & Institutional) District for a 4.5-acre parcel proposed for development as alneighborhood park. I. The site is located on the northeasterly corner of the intersection of Utt Drive and Mitchell Avenue. Mr. Fleagle presented background information for Council consideration. Public hearing was opened at 8:23 p.m. There being no comments or objections, the hearing was closed at 8:24 p.m. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Sharp, that the City Council approve the findings of the Planning Commis- sion as contained in Resolution NO. 1378, and direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance. Carried unanimously. 4. PZ 72.-138 AMENDMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANS (NICHOLAS BARLETTA) Application of Nicholas Barletta for an amend- ment of the Development Plans of PZ 72-138, approved by Ordinance No. 565, January 15, 1973. Subject parcel has a frontage of approximately 315 feet on'the north side of Irvine Boulevard, and lies between the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way and Holt Avenue. Mr. Fleagle presented a background synopsis, and informed Council that property now under annexation action to the City consistsof one lot on Holt which has been approved by LAFCO, but now remains a matter of Council approval. The flood control channel which is to be covered, is almost completed and will become a parking lot. City Council Minutes 12/3/73 Page 5 The public hearing was opened at 8:26 p.m. Mr. B0bKramer, 105 South Prospect, representing Mr. Barletta, stated their original plans had been abandoned because of the money market and their ability to construct type of facility originally envisioned. With rent structures being relatively low in Tustin, project was not financially feasible. During the past three to four years, the remaining lots have been developed on Irvine Boulevard and it is their intent to extend development with sup- port commercial facility such as a restaurant and financial institution. There are eleven lots in the project with two dedicated streets. Strict building codes and CC&Rs would govern the project. There ~ould~b~ea20efo~tS~tb~c~with~pe~imeter landscaping around the property, which incorporates the City parking code within the building standards. All utilities will be underground. Lots 9 and 10 would be restricted to professional use only. Other lots have potential of being 20% commercial, two- story units. It was noted that there is one two-story house in the area and that signing will be in accordance with City code. Inreplyto Councilman Sharp's inquiry regarding development schedules and procedures, Mr. Kramer replied that buildings would be constructed upon demand,~ibUt~kh~y.~,~an~to~build the first two-story building. Lots 1 and 2 will be reserved for commer- cial use which would lend itself to this particular type of development, and will probably be constructed after lot 11. There could be other builders who would want to do their own construction and they also have some interest from doctors and building would progress according to their choice of location. They will retain complete architectural control. Property is now being advertised for sale because they have just received the required approval from the State. In answer to questioning by the Mayor, Mr. Fleagle replied that the restrictions of the Development Standards text and CC&RS would apply to development, regardless of who buys the property. There being no further comments or objections, the public portion of the hearing was closed at 8:40 p.m. Councilman Sharp questioned if Item F on page 3 of the Development Standards relative to sign and graphic standards would apply equally to all facilities. Mr. Fleagle stated that all signing would be limited to that authorized in the Professional District, and this condition runs with the land and not the owner. Since the lots on Holt Avenue will be interiorly oriented, all signing-on this street will be eliminated. Councilman Langley expressed concern regarding Item 3, of the Development Standards (Undeveloped Areas), and asked if Holt Avenue is the last to be developed, would the developer have some intention other than keeping it weed-free. Mr. Fleagle stated that he shared this concern. The developer had indicated this area as the first project City Council Minutes 12/3/73 Page 6 development.and it.would be to his advantage to make his first project and image of the entranceway as pleasant as possible. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Welsh that the City Council affirm the findings of the Planning Commis- sion as contained inResolution No. 1375, and direct the City Attorney to prepare the' necessary ordinance for Councitlconsideration. Car'ried unanimously. 5. VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF A PART OF AN EASEMENT Portion of lot 8 of Tract 7924. Mr.'Fleagle presented the background data for Council consideration. The public portion of the hearing was opened at 8:45 p.m. There being no comments or objections.,-the hearing was closed at 8:46 p.m. Moved by Woodruff,~seconded by Langley that Resolution No. 73-87 be read by title. Carried unanimously. Mr. Fleagle read Resolution No. 73-87 by title, as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 73-87 Resolution of the City Council, City of Tustin, CalifOrnia, ORDERING THE VACATION AND ABANDON- MENT OF A PART OF AN EASEMENT. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Woodruff, that Resolution No. 73-87, ordering the vacation and abandonment of a part of an easement, be passed and adopted. Carried~ Ayes: Saltarelli, Langley, Sharp, Welsh, Woodruff. Noes: none. Absent: none. NON-AGENDA ITEM VAN HOVE GARAGE RENOVATION Mr. Gill presented the background for remodeling of the front elevation of the Van Hove Garage located at 305 West First Street, stating this remodeling is necessary due to the City's acquisition of the fron- tage right-of-way. However, it was his opinion that the remodeling of the garage frontage as proposed is undesirable due to the design of the garage entrances directly on to a maDor.traffic-artery which represents a .potential traffic hazard. He further stated it wouldbe agreeable to locate the entrances to the side of the structure instead of the front. The esti- mated costslofthis design.change are S6,000. Inasmuch as the City has gone through many months of discussion concerning this problem, he questioned the City Attorney if it were possible for the City to share in the addi- tional costs for the suggested design change. Mr. Rourke replied that he saw no way at this time that the City could get.involved in either requiring the property be developed with doors on the side or in assuming all or some of the additional costs involved. Until this time, he was not aware of any requirement, other than discussion between Mr. Fleagle and the architect to relocate the doors. City Council Minutes 12/3/73 Page 7 Ma~or Sattarelli stated that since the preliminary design has now been changed, he believes it will also involve changein termsof trafficsstructure. With the garage being constructed right to the sidewalk, it will be located eight feet from the curbline. T~refore, ways should be explored to locate entrances on the side with County sharing in costs of AHFP funding. Mr. Rourke stated he did not think this is legally possible. Mr. Gill noted that with estimated costs of an addi- tional $6,000 for the redesign, the property owner does not feel he can orwants to make the change. To Ma~or Saltarelli's suggestion that the matter be further explored, Mr. Gill stated that due to the cost of not taking the whole structure down last February, the plans were scrapped. Mr. Kidd, of Van!-HoveGarage, now hasplanswhich have been approved and everything isready to go. Mr. Rourke stated he could complete an investigation into this matter by Wednesday, December 5, 1973. Moved b~ Woodruff, seconded b~ Welsh, that City Administrator and City Attorney be authorized to explore the possibility, and, if possible, approve an expenditure of up to $6,000 for acquisition of additional propert~ and property rights which would beto the benefit of the City of Tustin. Mr. Gill noted that the money would be spent for construction, and that this was an estimated cost based on a February estimate without full structural detail, Mayor Sal'ta~retli noted that the City would derive benefits in terms of traffic safety. Councilman Langle~ stated that it appeared to him City wouldbe improving~property to eliminate a traffic hazard after acquiring a portion of the property and closing escrow. Therefore, it appeared to be nothing more than property improvement to the tenant's benefit. Above motion carried. VI. PUBLIC CONCERNS 1. RAYMOND KEMP, RE: CENSUS Mr. Raymond Kemp, 426 West Sixth Street, Tustin, voiced his objections to a set of questions on the City census which.he did not consider appropriate census questions. VII. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - November'i9, 1~73 meeting. 2. RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS in amount of $86,385.84. 3. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 6 380 (Williams Street north of Alliance) City Council Minutes 12/3/73 Page 8 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP N0. 6380 (Cont'd) Approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 6380 subject to conditions "a" through "m" as outlined in ~- -recommendations of Resolution No~138t of the Planning Commission. 4. FIRST STREET DEMOLITION CONTRACT PAYMENT Acceptance of work and authorization for payment of $1,530.00, which together with the previous payment of $5,391.00 represents 90% of total contract amoun~ and assuming no liens or claims are filedwithin35 days that finall0% ($769.00) be paid at that time. Consent Calendar Item No. 3, Tentative Tract Map No. 6380, was removed from the Consent Calendar for sepa- rate action. Councilman Welsh stated he would abstain from voting on approval of the minutes dueto his absence from the previous meeting. Moved by Langley, seconded bF Sharp, thatItems 1 (as corrected), 2, and 4 of the Consent Calendar be approved. Carried. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 6380 Mr. Fleagle presented the!background data for Council consideration. Mayor Sa!taretli stated that this being a large project designedas an apartment complex with good planning, by converting to a condominium it is his opinion it will not offer good protection of the City in having single ownership. in answertoquestioningbyCouncilman Sharp, Mr. Fleagle stated he is of the opinion the project would have potential of higher population but a reduction as to number of families. He envisions more families with children due to access Of school. He further stated there would undoubtedly!be a lesser number of vehicles. Som~ of the units will be exceptionally large and expensive.The CC&Rs would guarantee against subletting conversion in any structure. Apartments would be limited to one family occupancy at any one time. Councilman Woodruff stated he is personally not satis- fied enough information had been presented and would like further input as to how units are aligned in each structure and the~istance between parking and apart- ment. Mr. Fleaglenoted that ResOlution No. 1381 does ad- dress the assigning of units or the number of units as related to parking facilities. Councilman Woodruff stated he would like to see how the apartments would be rehabilitated and particular details of the CC&RS. Ma~or Saltarelli stated he does not see how it can beviable because of bringing in higher density. As an apartment project it is excellent. City Council Minutes 12/3/73 Page 9 Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh, that Tenta- tive Tract Map No. 6380 be disapproved. Mr. Morris Pynoos, Los Angeles, One Of the applicants filing Tract Map 6380, stated this iS one of the better complexes in the City of Tustin. The interior exposure would be made to look like the exterior. It is to be an adult complex and not family-oriented. Additional soundproofing will be placed between the flo0rs~ Pa~king would be assigned close to each building. Doors would be placed on the carports. Individual units would range from 1100 square feet to 2200 square feet. Although they could not guarantee that eventually children would not be living in the condominium, their concept of merchandising will be to an adult level only. Substitute' motion by WOodruff, seconded by Langley to continue matter for two weeks for more specific details. Carried. Ayes: Langley, Sharp, Woodruff. Noes: Saltarelli!, Welsh. Absent: none. RECESS The meeting recessed at 9:55 p.m. CALL TO ORDER The meeting reconvened at t~Si~00y~p~. XIII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION NONE. IX. ~ ORDINANCES ' FOR INTRODUCTION NONE. RESOLUTIONS 1. RESOLUTION NO. 73-83 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 840 RELATIVE TO COUNCIL POLICY NO. 20-2 (GIFTS AND GRATUITIES ) . 2. RESOLUTION NO. 73-84 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN CERTAIN TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND DESIGNATED SAN JUAN-BROWNING ANNEXATION NO. 82. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 73-85 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN CERTAIN TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND DESIGNATED IRVINE-HOLT ANNEXATION NO. 83. 4· RESOLUTION NO. 73-86 A Resolution Of the City Council of the City of Tustin,- California, CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE HOLDING OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON TUESDAY, THE 5TH DAY OF MARCH, 1974, FOR THE ELECTION OF CERTAIN OFFI- CERS OF SAID CITY AS REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RELATING TO GENERAL LAW CITIES. City Council Minutes 12/3/73 Page 10 Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh, that Resolu- tion No's. 73-83, 73-84, 73-85and73-86 be read by title only. Carried unanimously. The secretary read Resolut~on'Nos. 73-83, 73-84, 73-85 and 73-86 by title~ Moved by Welsh, seconded by Woodruff, that Resolutions 73-83, 73-84, 73-85 and. 73-86 be-passed and adopted. Carried. Ayes: Saltarelli, Langley, Sharp, Welsh, WoodrUff. Noes: none. Absent: none. NON-AGENDA ITEM "COUNCILMAN WOODRUFF: DECISION NOT TO SEEK REELECTION Councilman Woodruff stated he had submitted a letter to members of the City Council regardinglhis seeking reelection. After due consideration of his law prac- tice and desireto spend more time with his family, he has decided not to seek reelection.. However, with twenty percent of his present term remaining, it is his hope to see some of his concerns finalized. One item is relative to the new State law regarding con- flict of interest. Atethe present time, he sits on a State Committee to develop guidelines for all cities and has serious questions as to the validity of the new bill which prohibits elected officials having economic interests. As a matter of principle, he desires to take stand that he thinks the bill is poorly drawn. But for the fact he is serving a short term, he would resign his seat on the City Council New Year's ~ve as a matter of protest. Mayor Saltarelli expressed his disappointment that Councilman Woodruff has elected not to run, but stated he looked forward to the time remaining in which Councilman Woodruff would exhibit the same effectiveness he ~as in the past. XI. OLD - BUSINESS 1. CIVIC CENTER TELEPHONE SYSTEM Mr. Gill presented the background report for Council consideration. Councilman Langley expressed his concern regarding maintenance and cost of a private system, disagreeing with staff recommendation for a private system and citing Pacific Telephone's ability and availability when required~ while questioning that of a private system. Councilman Welsh concurred With Langley in substance, stating the~County did not go to a private system and that as representatives of the people, the City Council has an obligation to protect their interests. Councilman Sharp stated his concern regarding a pri- vate firm being able to.adjust to changes in state of the art over a 20-year period. Mayor~Saltarelli stated that in buying a private system that firm would be subsidizing up to an amountof $200,000 for 'a period of 20 years. The financial liabilities of a private firm are good City Council Minutes 12/3/73 Page 11 and their not being a monopoly, they must provide good service in order to~survive. Although he has notlreached~a decision, he feels a proper legal con- tract can be drawn to provide the required service, including aclause providing for the latest state of the art equipment. Mayor Saltarelli cited Steelcase as a company having a private system with which they are well pleased and recommended City Council tour facilities having both private and public service, including. those pleased and displeased in each instance. He further stated that to approve a com- cept of going with a private company is not irrevo- cable and that the City Attorney should consider the legal aspects of an appropriate contract being drawn. Councilman Langley maintained his position of disfavor stating that the hidden costs of such a system were phenomenal. He would rather no decision be made than the philosophy of going to a private one. CoUncilman Woodruff stated that wheth'er a private system or the telephone company, if equipment or hardware is changed in ten years, it will cost addi- tional funds. He noted that while Pacific Telephone has recommended Centrex over PBX, every item of Centrex is available on PBX with the exception of direct dialing. He also cited another city which installed Pacific Telephone equipment one year ago and are already having to modernizeat a substantial cost. Therefore, he is reasonably confident that a substantial cost saving can be realized by acquiring interconnecting equipment from a private firm. In answer to questioning, the City Attorney replied that service and maintenance cannot be guaranteed if a company were to go bankrupt. Councilman Langley noted that if you change system in five years with Pacific Telephone, you pay X amount of dollars, but after five years, there is no cost. Mr. Blankenshipstated that a private system would also write afire-year provision so that if changes of a major nature were desired they could avoid amor- tiZedcOsts~ After general discussion, audienceparticipation was invited. Mr. M. E. Peterson, Burton/Southwestern, reported on the anticipated savings offered by a private firm. To questioning by Councilman Langley, Mr. Peterson informed Council that the largest system his firm has been involved with in the County isin the area of 200 - 300 lines and the smallest is 25. Mr. John Burton, Burton/Southwestern, stated he feels a private system as recommended is most appropriate, but that ai1 services should beinvestigated, beth private and Pacific Telephone. Hewould be happy to supply list of those satisfied With both types of equipment. Moved by Langley, seconded by Sharp, that matter be continued!to next regular meeting December 17, 1973. City Council Minutes 12/3/73 Page 12 Mr. Jim Hanes, Pacific Telephone, stated the entire discussion and motion involves a service and elabo- rated upon the superior service offered by Pacific Telephone and the cost savings to be derived there- from. Mr. Hanes then offered an invitation for City Council to tour their local repai.r garage and ser- vice facility in Tustin and requested it be compared with similar facilities of private enterprises. Mr. Jerry Supernail, Stromberg Carlson, extended a Similar invitation to the City Council. Motion to continue to meeting of Decemberl7, 1973, carried unanimously. XII. NEW BUSINESS 1. APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVE TO MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICT - TWO YEAR TERM Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Sharp that Council- man Langley be appointed to a two year term Of office as representative .to the Mosquito Abatement District, term to expire December 31, 1975. Carried unanimously. 2. CONSOLIDATION OF CITY AND SADDLEBACK COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ELECTIONS. Mr. Gill presented the background information for Council consideration. Moved by Woodruff, seconded by Sharp,~ !that the consolidation of the City of Tustin General Muni- cipal Election and the Saddleback Community College District Election to be~heldMarch 5, 1974, be approved. Carried unanimously. 3. CANDIDATES STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS DEPOSIT - MARCH- 5, 1974, ELECTION Moved by Woodruff, seconded by Welsh, that the City Clerk be instructed to notify each candidate for the March 5, 1974,!General Municipal Election that if a Statement of QualifiCation. is submitted,he shall pay his pro rata share of the expense of printing and handling, and, further, that each candidate shall post a deposit of $100.00 for statement in English and deposit an additional $100.00 if he requests translation and printing in Spanish; said deposit to be applied toward such costs. Carried unanimously. XIII. OTHER BUSINESS 1. COUNCIL CANDIDATES; RESIGNATION FROM COMMISSIONS General discussion was held concerning appointed members of any CityTM commission retaining seats after they have declared intention to run for City Council. CoUn~ilmaneSh~p~tated that if resignation were mandatory upon such declaration, it would assure that commissionsposition could not be used as a political platform. It was decided that the City'CoUncil's position on this issue should be made clear immediately to pre- clude any individual filing papers while, not being aware of Council's position. City Council Minutes 12/3/73 Page 13 Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh, that an~; member of a City commission submit: ~their resigna- tion when filing papers showing his or her intent to run for City Council. Carried unanimously. 2. REVISED BUS SCHEDULE ~-~ The new Nickle Bus schedule was presented and City Council requested that it be implemented at the earliest date possible. 3. TRAFFIC SIGNAL STATUS Newport Avenue traffic signal status, Red Hill Avenue interconnect status and modification esti- mates were presented. Maintenance Department was instructed to install reflectors in those areas deemed hazardous to night driving within the City. 4. COUNCIL CHAMBER PLANS Mr. Gill reported that plans for the new Council Chambers are now complete. There will be an inter- connection and telephones and total microphone facilities. 5. PEPPERTREE TRACT SCHOOL SITE The ten. acre parcel which the School District desires but does not wish to purchase is to be discussed at the next ~egular Council meeting. (Peppertree development). 6. SIDEWALK ON NEWPORT NEAR SAN JUAN The City Engineer is presently determining the best installation of a sidewalk joining the County sidewalk which has been installed on San Juan and Newport, ~ 7. OPPOSITION TO E.P.A. CONTROLS Staff was requested to prepare a letter for the Mayor's signature opposing E.P.A. control plans. A letter is also to be sent to Congressman Hinshaw. The Chamber of Commerce was also requested to write a .letter of o~position. 8. SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICTS There has been no action from Supezvisor Clark in response to a letter from the Mayor regarding the Supervisorial districts. 9. RESTRICTIONS RELATING TO RESIDENTIAL SALES Councilman Woodruff requested a new ordinance be considered at the next meeting relative to sales of new residential properties which outlines tighter restrictions such as, (1) All production line units have to be built in accordance with the Im0dels, (2) Provide that anything not included in basic sales price has to be identified and, (3) Provide that developer must include with all printed sales bro- chures a zohing map and school districts. Councilman Woodruff wiltswork with Mr. Rourke and Mr. Fleaglei on this matter. City Council Minutes 12/3/73 Page 14 10. S.B. 716 (DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS) The City Council will adopt guidelines prior to January regarding Senate BillNo, 716 (Disclosure Statement). The City Clerk should be advised that those who file must immediately comply with this new Bill. 11. LAFCO: SANTA ANA SPHERE OF INFLUENCE There will be a LAFCO meeting On December 12, 1973, at 2:30 p.m. One of the requests being considered is the MCAS annexation to the City of Santa Ana. Mayor Saltarelli urged attendance of Council members if possible. 12. MCCALLA PROPERTY, BLOCK WALL Mr. McCalla has contacted the City regarding the possibility of building a block wall fence around property and stated he has obtained a contract for less cost than what was estimated. Cost to the City would be $2,500 - $2,800. Since escrow will not close prior to January 15, 1974, decision was made to continue to the next meeting. 13. ICC COMMITTEE Mayor Saltarelli stated~lthat the Intergovernmental Coordinating Council has appointed him temporary Chairman of the Public Works and Planning Committee. The Mayor requested Mr. Fleagle to participate. 14. LABOR RELATIONS CONFERENCE Mr. Gill related that there wiill be a Labor Rela- tionsConference in San Diego in January. Con- sideration is to be given as to who will represent Tustin at this Labor Relations Conference. XIV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned to the next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on December 17, 1973. (12:10 a.m.)