HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 CUP 2015-27 PACKERS SQUAREAGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2015 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2015-27 APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: MIKE LIN ROBERT KO NAI CAPITAL KO'S PACKERS SQUARE INC. 1920 MAIN ST., SUITE 100 747 S. LEMON AVE. IRVINE, CA 92614 WALNUT, CA 91789 ITEM #3 LOCATION: PACKERS SQUARE, 13102 -13152 NEWPORT AVENUE GENERAL PLAN: COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC) ZONING: PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (PC -COMM) ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: THIS PROJECT IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT (CLASS 1) PURSUANT TO SECTION 15301 OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. REQUEST: TO AUTHORIZE A REDUCTION OF OFF-STREET PARKING THAT WOULD ALLOW FOR THE CONVERSION OF UP TO 6,700 S.F. OF OFFICE TO RESTAURANT AND RETAIL USES. Planning Commission December 8, 2015 CUP 2015-27 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4302 (Attachment D) approving Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2015-27 to authorize a reduction of off-street parking requirements through joint use/shared parking to accommodate the conversion of up to 6,700 square feet of office space to retail and restaurant uses for Packers Square located at 13102 —13152 Newport Avenue. APPROVAL AUTHORITY The subject property is located within the Planned Community Commercial (PC COM) zoning district and the Community Commercial land use designation. Pursuant to the Tustin City Code (TCC) Section 9264, Planning Commission approval of a CUP is required for a reduction of off-street parking requirements through joint use parking for all parking areas serving structures greater than 30,000 square feet. The combined square footage of the four (4) buildings within Packers Square totals approximately 48,408 square feet. BACKGROUND: Site and Summary The project site is located at the southeast corner of the intersection at Newport Avenue and Irvine Boulevard. The subject property is zoned as Planned Community Commercial (PC COM) and is designated as Community Commercial (CC) by the Tustin General Plan. The Community Commercial land use designation allows for a variety of retail, professional office, service commercial, and other uses that support the land use. Adjacent properties to the north, across Newport Avenue, are zoned Retail Commercial (Cl). Abutting the subject property to the east is Retail Commercial (Cl), with Multiple Family Residential (133) apartments to the west, and Retail Commercial (Cl) and Planned Development (PD) condominiums to the south (Figure 1). Figure 1: Zoning Map Planning Commission December 8, 2015 CUP 2015-27 Page 3 DISCUSSION Project Description The applicant is requesting authorization for a reduction of off-street parking via joint use of parking areas that would allow for the conversion of up to 6,700 S.F. of office to restaurant and retail uses at 13152 Newport Avenue. The subject property is located on an approximate 4.47 acre lot and is improved with four (4) commercial buildings totaling 48,408 S.F. and 269 shared parking stalls. No exterior improvements are expected as a result of this project; however tenant improvements for the proposed restaurant use are anticipated. Packers Square has a current occupancy of 38,268 S.F. and a vacancy of 10,140 S.F. The proposed project consists of converting up to 6,700 S.F. of vacant office floor area, once occupied by Tarbell Realtors, to restaurant/food/retail uses. The remaining vacant floor area of 3,440 S.F. is designated for retail uses based upon prior tenant occupancies. The Parking Demand Analysis provided (Attachment C) shows that several medical, dental, and office use tenants have limited business hours on weekends, with several of them closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Figure 2: Proposed Restaurant Location Based upon information provided by NAI Capital, the anticipated mix of uses for the five (5) vacant suites are as follows: • 1,336 S.F. specialty grocery store/retail in Suite 13112-C (Vacant Retail) • 1,052 S.F. of retail space or food use in Suite 13112-F (Vacant Retail) • 1,052 S.F. of retail space or food use in Suite 13112-G (Vacant Retail) • 3,060 S.F. restaurant (proposed to be occupied by Pho Restaurant) in Suite 13152-A (Vacant Office) 0 3,640 S.F. of office, retail or restaurant uses in Suite 13152-A2 (Vacant Office) Planning Commission December 8, 2015 CUP 2015-27 Page 4 Packers Square maintains a total of 269 off-street parking spaces and these spaces have been divided into three (3) zones: Zone A, Zone B, and Zone C (Figure 3). E; NAI CAPITAL KEY ZONE A ( 62 ZONE 8 81 M.0 SCALE ZONE C 126 TOW 269 PROJECT SITE PLAN AND PARKING ZONES PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Figure 3: Site Plan with Parking Total by Zone Joint Use Parking As proposed, pursuant to the TCC, Packers Square would require 299 parking spaces at full occupancy. The project site currently provides a total of 269 parking spaces on site. As such, there is a deficit of parking based upon the TCC requirements for off-street parking (Table 1). As required for joint use parking, a licensed traffic engineer examined the expected parking needs of the center, based upon the size and type of proposed occupancy, relative to the parking supply. This methodology examines shared parking usage patterns by time -of -day, recognizing that the parking demand for each tenancy type varies by time of day, day of week and month of the year. Given the mix of land uses present within Packers Square, a shared parking analysis has been prepared and indicates that the available shared parking supply of 269 spaces will be sufficient to meet the projected peak parking demands of existing and proposed uses. Planning Commission December 8, 2015 CUP 2015-27 Page 5 The submitted Parking Demand Analysis assumes full occupancy and completion of the proposed Project and assumes that an additional 2,104 S.F. of restaurant (take-out) use is to be established, as well as 3,640 S.F. of additional retail and/or service use. The peak -parking requirement during a weekday occurs at 1:00 PM and totals 260 spaces. On a weekend day, the peak parking requirement for the Project occurs at 11:00 AM, when a parking demand of 245 spaces is forecast (Attachment C). Based upon a shared parking supply of 269 spaces, a surplus of nine (9) spaces on weekdays and a surplus of twenty-four (24) spaces on weekends would result during peak hours, under the alternative mix of uses. As a result, the shared parking demand for the entire facility is anticipated to be less than if each independent service was parked in isolation. Table 1: Parking Requirements by Land Use Land Use Size City Standard Parking Ratio Spaces equired Existing Tenant Mix Medical Office 23,275 1 space per 250 S.F. of GFA for first 132 S.F. 4,000 S.F. of medical space within a building or center and 6 spaces/1,000 S.F. of GFA in excess of 4,000 S.F. Restaurant 6,961 S.F. 1 space per 100 S.F. of GFA 70 Retail — Personal Services 4,979 S.F. 1 space per 250 S.F. of GFA 20 Health Club/ Fitness 2,001 S.F. 1 space per 150 S.F. of GFA 13 Office 1,052 S.F. 1 space per 250 S.F. of GFA 4 VacantPMosed Proiec Retail (vacant) 3,440 S.F. 1 space per 250 S.F. of GFA 14 Office (vacant) 3,640 S.F. 1 space per 250 S.F. of GFA 15 Proposed Restaurant 3,060 S.F. 1 space per 100 S.F. of GFA 31 TOTAL 299 TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED BY CODE (OCCUPIED) 239 TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED BY CODE (VACANT/PROPOSED ) 60 TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED BY CODE 299 TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED 269 SHORTAGE 30 In addition to the proposed occupancy of 3,060 S.F. of vacant office floor area at Packers Square with the proposed Pho Restaurant, the conversion of up to 2,081 S.F. of vacant retail space to a restaurant (take-out) use, occupancy of vacant retail space, and occupancy of 3,640 S.F. of vacant office space to additional retail and/or service use would not have an impact on parking at Packers Square. As recommended, restaurant/food uses shall be limited to no more than 12,125 S.F. (25%) of the total floor area unless supported by a supplemental parking analysis. If, in the future, the 269 on- site parking spaces are not deemed sufficient and do not accommodate the demand on- site, the applicant will be required to alleviate the matter by Condition 2.2. Planning Commission December 8, 2015 CUP 2015-27 Page 6 ANALYSIS In determining whether to approve the CUP, the Planning Commission must determine whether or not the proposed use will be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, and general welfare of the persons residing in or working in the neighborhood or whether it will be injurious or detrimental to property or improvements in the vicinity or to the welfare of the City. A decision to approve this request may be supported by the following findings: 1. That a Parking Demand Analysis dated November 5, 2015, was prepared by a licensed traffic engineer (Richard Barretto, P.E. of Linscott Law & Greenspan Engineers) in accordance with Tustin City Code Section 9264. 2. That the Parking Analysis has been reviewed and accepted by the City's Traffic Engineer for methodology and accuracy. 3. That per the Tustin City Code, the mixed-use center would require 299 off-street parking spaces; 269 parking spaces are currently proposed; the Parking Analysis determined a peak usage of 245 parking spaces; therefore, the Parking Demand Analysis demonstrates that no substantial conflict will exist in the peak hours of parking demand for the multi-purpose center for the proposed uses. 4. That the number of spaces needed for the retail and restaurant uses do not exceed the number of spaces anticipated to be available during different hours of operation. 5. That the parking spaces designated for joint use are located such that they will adequately serve the uses for which they are intended. 6. That the proposed use, as conditioned, will not have a negative effect on surrounding properties, or impact traffic on the ability of parking in that sufficient parking would be available on-site. Samantha Beier Assistant Planner Elizabeth A. Binsack Community Development Director Attachments: A. Location Map B. Land Use Application Fact Sheet C. Submitted Plans D. Resolution No. 4302 ATTACHMENT A o-, LOCATION MAP 13102-13152 NEWPORT AVE PACKERS SQUARE 300' 5001, 7IRVINE \BLVD- *-7-PROJECT SITE ZIP O 000" 00*0 ATTACHMENT B Land Use Application Fact Sheet LAND USE APPLICATION FACT SHEET 1. LAND USE APPLICATION NUMBER(S): CUP 2015-27 2. LOCATION: PACKERS SQUARE 3. ADDRESS: 13102-13152 NEWPORT AVENUE 4. APN(S): 500-111-03,04, 10, 11 5. PREVIOUS APPLICATION RELATING TO THIS PROPERTY: 13102 Newport: DID 92-024 13112 Newport: CUP 91-020, CUP 96-038, CUP 00-034, CUP 02-009, 13152 Newport: CUP 94-015 & DR 94 024 6. SURROUNDING LAND USES: NORTH: COMMERCIAL SOUTH: COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL (CONDOMINIUMS) EAST: COMMERCIAL WEST: RESIDENTIAL (APARTMENTS) 7. SURROUNDING ZONING DESIGNATION: NORTH: Cl — RETAIL COMMERCIAL SOUTH: Cl — RETAIL COMMERCIAL & PD — PLANNED DEVELOPMENT EAST: Cl — RETAIL COMMERCIAL WEST: R3— MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 8. SURROUNDING GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: NORTH: CC — COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL SOUTH: CC — COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL & HDR — HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL EAST: CC — COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL WEST: HDR — HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 9. SITE LAND USE: A. EXISTING: COMMERCIAL PLAZA B. PROPOSED: SAME C. GENERAL PLAN: CC — COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL PROPOSED GP: SAME D. ZONING: PC COM — PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL PROPOSED ZONING: SAME DEVELOPMENT FACTS: 10. LOT AREA: 4.47 AC (APPROX BUILDING AREA: 48,408 SF) ii. PARKING: 299 REQUIRED STALLS 269 PROVIDED STALLS 12. IMPROVEMENTS: TENANT IMPROVEMENTS TO FOLLOW ATTACHMENT C Submitted Plans Fr N rfi'� w i OOM% CL M � t �r L 'a DG 3 n N 3 A V 0 d M 3 N REVISED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS FOR PACKERS SQUARE Tustin, California October 27, 2015 (original dated September 22, 2015) Prepared for: NAI CAPITAL 1920 Main Street, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92614 LLG Ref. 2.15.3615.1 Linsratt, LRavw & �ir['.Cn511i311, �IrS]anE[;r5 1;v i ,CA921}ld 949.825.6175 r 419.825.6.173 F www Ilgeng-Ineers.agm October 27, 2015 Engineers & Planners Traffic Mr. Mike Lin Transportation Parking NAI Capital 1920 Main Street, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92614 n, Law cl een pam Engineers e-mail: mlingnaicapital.com 2 Executive Circle Suite 250 LLG Reference No. 2.15.3615.1 Irvine, CA 92514 949.825.5173 T Subject: Revised Parking Demand Analysis for Packers Square A9.825•6173 Tustin, California wwwvi:�-���+��1r:5•r=or�� Pasadena Dear Mr. Lin Irvine San Diego As requested, Linscott, Law, & Greenspan, Engineers (LLG) is pleased to submit this Woodland Hills Parking Demand Analysis associated with the proposed addition of restaurant/food uses at Packers Square. Packers Square is located along the east side of Newport Avenue, south of Irvine Boulevard at 13102 — 13152 Newport Avenue in the City of Tustin, California. This report has been updated to address the parking -related comments of the City of Tustin as summarized in a comment letter dated October 22, 2015. Packers Square is an existing retail/commercial mixed-use center with a total 48,408 square -feet (SF) of gross floor area (GFA) within four (4) buildings and a parking supply of 269 spaces. Packers Square has a current occupancy of 38,268 SF and a vacancy of 10,140 SF. The proposed Project consists of converting up to 6,700 SF of vacant office floor area with restaurant/food/retail uses. The remaining vacant floor area of 2,104 SF is designated for retail uses based on prior tenant occupancies. Pursuant to our discussions , we understand that the preparation of a parking study is required as part of the occupation of vacant office space with restaurant/food uses to ensure that adequate parking is provided upon completion of the Project and full occupancy of the retail/commercial mixed-use center. Philip M-P_inseott.PEow-2o•'rt This parking analysis evaluates the shopping center's parking requirements based on Jack M Greenspan. PE the City of Tustin Municipal Code, as well as the methodology outlined in Urban Willili 1 A I <rw. PF ,; Land Institute's (ULI) Shared Parking, 2na Edition, which is consistent with Chapter Jolit, P h:u,,Un{I. PC 2: Zoning, Part 6 Off -Street Parking, Section 9264 - Reduction of Off -Street Parking Dau s shoii(m PE Requirement, Section 9264a Joint Use of Parking Areas of the City's Municipal .!tine A B-1-0 „an, PE. Code. Chan: '•,1. Look -Jaeger. PE Ricliard E. Barretta, PE Keil 0- Maherrp, PE An LKWa Company Founded 1966 Mr. Mike Lin October 27, 2015 Page 2 Our method of analysis, findings, and conclusions are described in detail in the following sections of this report. PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION Packers Square is generally located along the east side of Newport Avenue, south of Irvine Boulevard in the City of Tustin, California. Figure 1, located at the rear of this letter report, presents a Vicinity Map, which illustrates the general location of the subject property in the context of the surrounding street system. Figure 2 presents an existing aerial photograph of the site as well as the location of the proposed Project within the subject property. Packers Square is an existing retail/commercial mixed-use center with a total floor area of 48,408 square -feet (SF) of commercial and retail uses within four (4) buildings with tenant addresses of 13102 — 13152 Newport Avenue. Table 1, located at the end of this letter report, following the figures, presents the tenant unit/address, most recent development tabulation/tenant mix and associated floor areas for Packers Square, and hours of operations for the existing tenants, and anticipated uses for the vacant suites. A review of Table I indicates the current occupied floor area of 38,268 SF is a complimentary mix of tenants/land uses, consisting of the following: ❑ 23,275 SF of medical office space, ❑ 6,961 SF of restaurant use, ❑ 4,979 SF of retail/service retail use, ❑ 2,001 SF dance/fitness studio, and ❑ 1,052 SF of office use Further review of Table I indicates that a number of medical office/office tenants have limited office hours on weekends, with several of them closed on Saturdays and/or Sundays. The vacant floor area totals 10,140 SF and consists of three retail suites totaling 3,440 SF and two office suites totaling 6,700 SF. Based on information provided by NAI Capital, the anticipated mix of uses for the five (5) vacant suites is as follows: ❑ 1,336 SF specialty grocery store/retail in Suite 13112-C, ❑ 1,052 SF of retail space or food use in Suite 13112-F, ❑ 1,052 SF of retail space or food use in Suite 13112-G, Mr. Mike Lin October 27, 2015 Page 3 ❑ 3,060 SF restaurant (proposed to be occupied by Pho Restaurant) in Suite 13152-A and, ❑ 3,640 SF of office, retail or restaurant uses in Suite 13152-A2 The proposed Project includes the renovation of a 3,060 SF vacant office suite with a restaurant (suite 13152-A), with the remaining vacant floor to be occupied by a mixture of retail uses and/or restaurant/food services. A parking "sensitivity" assessment has been prepared to evaluate the parking implications associated with food/retail uses within the other remaining vacant office suite and potentially the two vacant retail suites. Figure 3 presents the existing site plan for Packers Square, and illustrates the existing buildings and parking areas, as well as the location of the vacant suites and proposed Proj ect. Based on a field assessment of the project site, the existing onsite parking supply for Packers Square totals 269 spaces. For this report, the parking areas were divided into three (3) zones as illustrated on Figure 3. Table 2 provides a breakdown of the parking supply provided within each zone, which are identified as Zones A, B and C in Table 2. Given the above, the 269 -space supply is used as the baseline supply under future conditions with full tenant occupancy for Packers Square. PARKING SUPPLY -DEMAND ANALYSIS This parking analysis for Packers Square involves determining the expected parking needs, based on the size and type of proposed development components, versus the parking supply. Typically, there are two methods that can be used to estimate the site's peak parking needs. These methods have been used in this analysis and include: ■ Application of City code requirements (which typically treats each tenancy type as a "stand alone" use at maximum demand). ■ Application of shared parking usage patterns by time -of -day (which recognizes that the parking demand for each tenancy type varies by time of day, day of week and month of the year). The shared parking analysis starts with a code calculation for each tenancy type. Mr. Mike Lin October 27, 2015 Page 4 The shared parking methodology is concluded to be applicable to a development such as the Packers Square because the individual land use types (i.e., eating establishments, retail shops, office / medical office, service retail, etc.) experience peak demands at different times of the day, day of the week and month of the year. CODE PARKING REQUIREMENTS The code parking calculation for Packers Square is based on the City's requirements as outlined in Chapter 2: Zoning, Part 6 Off -Street Parking, Section 9263 Off -Street Parking Required of the City of Tustin Municipal Code. The City's Municipal Code specifies the following parking requirements as outlined in Table 1: Parking Requirements by Land Use: ■ Health/fitness clubs: 1 space for each 150 square feet of gross floor area (SF — GFA) ■ Restaurants/cafes (food consumption primarily on premises): 1 space for each 100 SF — GFA, plus 7 -car stacking space for drive-through ■ Restaurants/take-out/delicatessen/donut shops/coffee shops or similar uses (food consumption primarily away from premises): 1 space for each 250 SF — GFA, plus 7 -car stacking space for drive-through ■ Retail stores: lspace for each 250 SF — GFA ■ Clinics, medical/dental offices: 1 space per 250 SF — GFA for first 4,000 SF of medical space within a building or center and 6 spaces for each 1,000 SF of GFA in excess of 4,000 SF ■ Offices, administrative: 1 space per 250 SF — GFA ■ Personal Services, beauty/barber shops, other personal services: 1 space per 250 SF - GFA Table 2 presents the code parking requirements for the existing development, including the vacant floor area, and then combined for the total center with the proposed Project and assuming restaurant use in the one other vacant office suite and retail uses in the two vacant retail -designated suites. As shown, direct application of City parking codes to the existing and proposed mix of uses at Packers Square, inclusive of the proposed Project, results in a total parking requirement of 299 parking spaces. The entire site has a supply of 269 spaces, which Mr. Mike Lin October 27, 2015 Page 5 translates to a theoretical deficiency of 30 spaces when compared to city code requirements. However, the specific tenancy mix of Packers Square provides an opportunity to share parking spaces based on the utilization profile of each included land use component. The following section calculates the parking requirements for Packers Square based on the shared parking methodology approach, which is consistent with Chapter 2: Zoning, Part 6 Off -Street Parking, Section 9264 - Reduction of Off -Street Parking Requirement, Section 9264a Joint Use of Parking Areas of the City's Municipal Code. SHARED PARKING ANALYSIS Shared Parking Methodology Accumulated experience in parking demand characteristics indicates that a mixing of land uses results in an overall parking need that is less than the sum of the individual peak requirements for each land use. Due to the existing and proposed mixed-use characteristics of Packers Square, opportunities to share parking likely occur now and can be expected to continue with full occupancy and completion of the proposed Project. The objective of this shared parking analysis is to forecast the peak parking requirements for the project based on the combined demand patterns of different tenancy types at the site. Shared parking calculations recognize that different uses often experience individual peak parking demands at different times of day, days of the week, or months of the year. When uses share common parking footprints, the total number of spaces needed to support the collective whole is determined by adding parking profiles (by time of day for weekdays versus weekend days), rather than individual peak ratios as represented in the City of Tustin Municipal Code. In that way, the shared parking approach starts from the City's own code ratios and results in the "design level" parking supply needs of a site. It should be noted that the "demand" results of the shared parking calculation are intended to be used directly for comparison to site supply. No further adjustments or contingency additions are needed because such contingencies are already built into the peak parking ratios and time of day profiles used in the calculation. Mr. Mike Lin October 27, 2015 Page 6 There is an important common element between the traditional "code" and the shared parking calculation methodologies; the peak parking ratios or "highpoint" for each land use's parking profile typically equals the "code" parking ratio for that use. The analytical procedures for shared parking analyses are well documented in the Shared Parking, 2"d Edition publication by the Urban Land Institute (ULI). Shared parking calculations for the analysis utilize hourly parking accumulations developed from field studies of single developments in free-standing settings, where travel by private auto is maximized. These characteristics permit the means for calculating peak parking needs when land use types are combined. Further, the shared parking approach will result, at other than peak parking demand times, in an excess amount of spaces that will service the overall needs of the project. Key inputs in the shared parking analysis for each land use include: ■ Peak parking demand by land use for visitors and employees. ■ Adjustments for alternative modes of transportation, if applicable. ■ Adjustment for internal capture (captive versus non -captive parking demand), if applicable. ■ Hourly variations of parking demand. ■ Weekday versus weekend adjustment factors ■ Monthly adjustment factors to account for variations of parking demand over the year. ■ City of Tustin Parking Ratios per Chapter 2: Zoning, Part 6 Off -Street Parking, Section 9263 Off -Street Parking Required in the City of Tustin Municipal Code Please note that for this analysis, no monthly adjustment factors to account for variations of parking demand over the year were applied to provide a conservative parking demand forecast. Shared Parking Ratios and Profiles The hourly parking demand profiles (expressed in percent of peak demand) utilized in this analysis and applied to the Packers Square are based on profiles developed by the Urban Land Institute (ULI) and published in Shared Parking, 2"d Edition. The ULI publication presents hourly parking demand profiles for seven general land uses: office/medical office, retail, restaurant, health club, cinema, residential (Central Business District: CBD and non -CBD), hotel (consisting of separate factors for guest rooms, restaurant/lounge, conference room, and convention area). These factors present a profile of parking demand over time and have been used directly, by land use type, in the analysis of this project. The ULI profiles of parking demand have Mr. Mike Lin October 27, 2015 Page 7 been used directly, by land use type, in the analysis of this site and are applied to the City's applicable parking ratios. The ULI retail use profiles are applied directly. In doing so, there is an intermediate step in expressing ULI profiles as a percentage of the week-long peak, thus arriving at a weekday profile and weekend profile each expressed as a percentage of the baseline parking ratio (ULI actually starts with separate ratios for weekday and weekend day, and develops profiles for each accordingly; we've found it more convenient to translate both profiles to a percent of expected maximum demand, which, for retail, turns out to be on a Saturday). The resulting profiles represent the most likely hourly parking demand profile, and are applied to the City's retail parking ratio of 1 space per 250 SF of floor area. Peak demand for retail uses occurs between 1:00 PM -2:00 PM on weekdays, and 2:00 PM -4:00 PM on weekends. From Table 1, the mix of retail uses would fall into the following categories for a total retail floor area of 8,419 SF: ❑ 1,336 SF of Grocery Store (opening soon) ❑ 4,979 SF of Personal Services Establishments ❑ 2,104 SF of retail space (now vacant)' The ULI Shared Parking publication includes several categories for restaurants. For this analysis, the parking profile for fine/casual dining restaurant, family restaurant and fast-food restaurant were all utilized as each of the categories match the current restaurant tenant mix and potential restaurant uses at Packers Square. The current and potential mix of restaurant space at Packers Square would fall into the following categories: ❑ 5,625 SF existing family -type restaurant (Ruby's) ❑ 1,336 SF existing casual dining restaurant (Silverspoon Indian) ❑ 3,060 SF proposed casual dining restaurant (Pho Restaurant) Like the retail profiles, the restaurant profiles are derived exactly from the ULI baseline. The restaurant -parking ratio utilized in this analysis exactly matches the City code rate of 1 space per 100 SF of floor area for those tenants where food consumption is primarily on-site. According to the Shared Parking publication, casual/fining dining restaurant uses are shown to experience peak demand between 7:00 PM and 10:00 PM on weekdays, and 8:00 PM and 9:00 PM on weekends, ' The parking implication of potential food use (fast-food type or fine/casual dining) in the vacant retail space is evaluated in the parking sensitivity assessment for Packers Square. Mr. Mike Lin October 27, 2015 Page 8 whereas a family restaurant use peak demand occurs between 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM on weekdays and weekends. The fast-food restaurant profile, as contained in the ULI Shared Parking publication, was utilized in this analysis to estimate the hourly parking demand of potential quick - serve restaurant uses that may occupy vacant retail suites. To estimate the parking demand for these uses, a parking ratio of 1 space per 100 SF (which matches City code) is utilized. For fast-food uses peak demand occurs between 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM on weekdays and weekends. This parking analysis categorizes Pro Dance Center (2,001 SF) as a fitness/health studio. The health/fitness club profiles were also directly derived from ULI. For health clubs, the peak demand occurs between 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on weekdays and 5:00 PM — 6:00 PM on weekends. To estimate the parking demand for Pro Dance Center, a parking ratio of 1 space per 150 SF (which matches City code) is utilized. For office uses, the parking profile in the ULI publication was used and applied to the City's Parking Code ratio of 1 space 250 SF of floor are to forecast its weekday and weekend hourly demand. Peak demand for office occurs between 10:00 AM -11:00 AM and 2:00 PM -3:00 PM on weekdays, and 11:00 AM -12:00 PM on weekends. Based on a review of the project development summary, the office floor totals 4,692 SF: ❑ 1,052 SF office (Chabad Jewish Center) ❑ 3,640 SF of vacant office space The medical/dental office profiles were also directly derived from ULI. The peak - parking ratio for medical/dental office uses exactly equals the City's Parking Code requirement of 1 space per 250 SF of GFA for first 4,000 SF of medical space within a building or center and 6 spaces for each 1,000 SF of GFA in excess of 4,000 SF. This ratio was applied to 23,275 SF of existing medical office space. Peak demand for office occurs between 10:00 AM -11:00 AM and 2:00 PM -3:00 PM on weekdays, and 11:00 AM -12:00 PM on weekends. As noted earlier, no monthly adjustment factors were applied to account for variations of parking demand over the year to provide a conservative parking demand forecast. 2 The parking implication of potential retail use in the vacant office space is evaluated in the parking sensitivity assessment for Packers Square. Mr. Mike Lin October 27, 2015 Page 9 Application of Shared Parking Methodology Proposed Project Assessment Tables 4 and 5 presents the weekday and weekend parking demand profiles for Packers Square based on the shared parking methodology, assuming full occupancy of the center with the proposed Project. For this assessment, the following mix of uses was assumed the 10,140 Sf of floor area that is currently vacant: ❑ 1,336 SF specialty grocery store/retail in Suite 13112-C (coming soon), ❑ 1,052 SF of retail space in Suite 13112-F, ❑ 1,052 SF of retail space in Suite 13112-G, ❑ 3,060 SF restaurant (proposed Project to be occupied by Pho Restaurant) in Suite 13152-A and, ❑ 3,640 SF of office uses in Suite 13152-A2 Columns (1) through (6) of these tables present the parking accumulation characteristics and parking demand of the Packers Square for the hours of 6:00 AM to midnight. Column (7) presents the expected joint -use parking demand for Packers Square on an hourly basis, while Column (8) summarizes the hourly parking surplus/deficiency for the proposed project compared to an available shared parking supply of 269 spaces. Note that the sizing (floor area) of each land use / tenant, and recommended parking rates are included in the tabular headings of each type. Based on our experience, the shared parking approach summarized in Tables 4 through 5 are believed to be the most appropriate in evaluating the parking supply - demand relationships for Packers Square with the proposed Project. The results in these tables are the focus of this parking investigation and recommendations. Appendix A contains the shared parking analysis calculation worksheets for this weekday and weekend day parking scenario. Shared Parking Analysis Results Proposed Project Assessment Review of Table 4 shows that the peak -parking requirement for the Packers Square, assuming full occupancy and completion of the proposed Project, during a weekday occurs at 1:00 PM and totals 245 spaces. On a weekend day, the peak parking requirements for the Project occurs at 11:00 AM, when a parking demand of 226 spaces is forecast (see Table 5). Based on an available shared parking supply of 269 spaces, a surplus of 24 spaces and a surplus of 43 spaces would result during the weekday and weekend peak hours, respectively. Mr. Mike Lin October 27, 2015 Page 10 Figures 4 and 5 graphically illustrate the weekday and weekend hourly parking demand forecast for the Packers Square with the proposed Project, respectively. Each land use component and its corresponding hourly Shared Parking demand for various mixes of uses, which were presented in Tables 4 and 5, are depicted in these two figures relative to an available shared parking supply of 269 spaces. A review of these figures indicate that the site's available parking supply of 269 spaces will adequately accommodate the Packers Square's weekday and weekend hourly shared parking demand of all existing and future uses, including the proposed Project, for all morning, midday, afternoon and evening hours. Consequently, we conclude that there is adequate parking on site to accommodate the proposed occupancy of 3,060 SF of vacant office floor area at Packers Square with the proposed Pho Restaurant. Shared Parking Sensitivity Analysis Alternative Tenant Mix Assessment Tables 6 and 7 are similar to the information presented in Tables 4 and 5, however these two tables present the weekday and weekend parking demand profiles for Packers Square, assuming the following mix of uses, inclusive of the proposed Project, for the 10,140 Sf of floor area that is currently vacant: ❑ 1,336 SF specialty grocery store/retail in Suite 13112-C (coming soon), ❑ 1, 052 SF of fast food use/quick-serve restaurant in Suite 13112-F', ❑ 1, 052 SF of fast food use/quick-serve restaurant in Suite 13112-G3, ❑ 3,060 SF restaurant (proposed Project to be occupied by Pho Restaurant) in Suite 13152-A and, ❑ 3,640 SF of retail uses in Suite 13152-A2 As shown above, the parking sensitivity assessment assumed food uses in Suite 13112-F and Suite 13112-G instead of retail use as now allowed and retail use in Suite 13152-A2 in place of the previous office use. Review of Table 6 shows that the peak -parking requirement for the Packers Square, assuming full occupancy and completion of the proposed Project and assuming 2,104 SF of additional food uses (fast-food restaurant) within Suite 13112-F and Suite 13112-G as well as 3,640 SF of additional retail use/service retail in Suite 13152-A2 during a weekday occurs at 1:00 PM and totals 260 spaces. On a weekend day, the 3 The parking implication of potential fast-food restaurant in place of a fine/casual dining restaurant is assumed to provide a conservative parking sensitivity assessment for Packers Square. Mr. Mike Lin October 27, 2015 Page 11 peak parking requirements for the Project occurs at 11:00 AM, when a parking demand of 245 spaces is forecast (see Table 7). Based on an available shared parking supply of 269 spaces, a surplus of 9 spaces and a surplus of 24 spaces would result during the weekday and weekend peak hours, respectively, under the alternative mix of uses. Figures 6 and 7 graphically illustrate the weekday and weekend hourly parking demand forecast for the Packers Square with the proposed Project, respectively, and additional food uses within Suite 13112- F and Suite 13112-G. Consequently, we conclude that in addition to the proposed occupancy of 3,060 SF of vacant office floor area at Packers Square with the proposed Pho Restaurant, the conversion of 2,104 SF of vacant retail space to fast-food or fine/casual dining restaurant space and occupancy 3,640 SF of vacant office space to additional retail shops/service retail would not have an impact on parking at Packers Square. It is recommended that the restaurant/food uses be limited to no more than 12,125 SF (25%) of the total floor area unless supported by a supplemental parking analysis. Further, the type of food uses to be considered should be complimentary to another as well as the current tenant mix. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS 1. Packers Square is an existing 48,408 square -foot (SF) retail/commercial mixed- use center located in Tustin, California and is supported by a total parking supply of 269 spaces. The existing mixed-use center has a current occupancy of 38,268 SF and a vacant floor area of 10,140 SF. The Project is proposing to replace 3,060 SF of vacant office floor area with a restaurant to be occupied by Pho Restaurant. 2. This parking demand analysis evaluates the existing tenancy condition as well as with full occupancy of the center with the proposed Project, as well as an alternative mix with additional food uses in place of vacant retail space. 3. Direct application of City parking codes to the existing tenant mix of Packers Square and proposed Project results in a total parking requirement of 299 parking spaces. The entire site has a supply of 269 spaces, which translates to a theoretical deficiency of 30 spaces when compared to city code requirements. Mr. Mike Lin October 27, 2015 Page 12 4. Given the mix of tenancies within Packers Square, a shared parking analysis has been prepared and indicates that the available shared parking supply of 269 spaces will be sufficient to meet the projected peak parking demands of existing and proposed uses, including the proposed conversion of 3,060 SF of vacant floor area to a restaurant. The weekday scenario results in a minimum surplus of 24 spaces, while the weekend scenario results in a minimum surplus of 43 spaces. 5. The results of the shared parking analysis indicates that adequate parking will be provided on site to accommodate the existing mix of uses at Packers Square as well as the development of a 3,060 SF restaurant to be occupied by Pho Restaurant. 6. The results of a shared parking "sensitivity" analysis indicates that in addition to the proposed Project, the conversion of 2,104 SF of vacant -retail designated floor area to additional fast-food or fine/casual dining restaurant space and occupancy 3,640 SF of vacant office space to additional retail shops/service retail would not have an impact on parking at Packers Square. It is recommended that the restaurant/food uses be limited to no more than 12,125 SF (25%) of the total floor area and the type of food uses be complimentary to another and well as the current tenant mix given a surplus of 1 spaces and a surplus of 16 spaces would result during the weekday and weekend peak hours, respectively, under the shared parking "sensitivity" analysis. 7. The preparation of supplemental parking assessments are recommended if the conversion of office designated floor area to additional retail or food uses is requested beyond those assessed in the parking analysis. Mr. Mike Lin October 27, 2015 Page 13 We appreciate the opportunity to prepare this analysis for NAI Capital and the City of Tustin. Should you have any questions or need additional assistance, please do not hesitate to call me at (949) 825-6175. Very truly yours, Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers Richard E. Barretto, P.E. Principal cc: file Attachments SI E. ot� No. 2006 O x' CKP 6/30/17 or " �.I!nb. 9LOZ-1,L-60 9Z:60:9L dOl 6mp�L—jg Lgg\6mp\ui}sn} 'amnbs sjaMood — SL9mZ\009£\:u E qry ti deb � 1P �` 5$ Alta Dr y q� �� G�� {QQ1��� P el a 4C ti w QCCr7 Jb V) W � Lj zOf Q 1r�T�• Ln of LLJ Y U Q Ll H J N O U Ow r o LLL of of II L w J Q U N O Z z d7b-J�d 5 ` 41ya e0-41 0 16 CLerissce Ln y j a 177 Halt Ave Holt Ave ■ h Leon P8 a 3 �m a m � 117 J y, tz St Fashion Ln Q w Ul S Centennial Way •` � na v A x = V v C C Prefile Dr a J E O � C p W :[ Prospect Ave Prospect Ave Spro spec3Ave V) W � Lj zOf Q 1r�T�• Ln of LLJ Y U Q Ll H J N O U Ow r o LLL of of II L w J Q U N O Z z �.I!nb. 9IOZ-1,l-60 gb:Ob:gl dM 6m,p'£—;9LgC\6mp\ui}sn} 'aionbs siaMoDd — Sl9CSlZ\OOg£\:u 3 n N 3 A V IH 0 d M 3 N co z_ �• .7 W � zV) W o� N N Z< w �of of Y A� da - 1 a W F E" U W O a J H Q CNO�N v � N Q} Z Y Q m U J WZ Z Z U 000 O w N N N h O w J Q U N O Z �.I!nb. 9IOZ—Sl-60 £Z:LZ:80 dM 6.p'b—iSl9S\6mp\ui}sn} 'aionbs siaMoDd — gLgm Z\009£\:u I m�� I U Q �, ^ e NI ��ry i OV -)l a a P n 0 UV) W D w L � aQ C'J w U) f� C) U) aw � U aa - a w 0 a z W A z x a w cn x w �.I!nb. 9IOZ—Sl-60 60:£O:9I dOl 6.p'S—iSl9£\6mp\ui}sn} 'aionbs siaMoDd — Sl9£SlZ\009£\:u Ggig o m 'm Im'o N' N I m 04 s g� M arc�i �I a �lm �I � 1plm i . l F- of q 4WN� Nm rvl I i _ ;c I� I n n I 5j ivm to N o I ory old jai I � G {—edS) puewa08m3ped LOU W � W o~ f^^�' w W Q D V U) w C) U) aw O v aa - y a w 0 a z w A z a a w cn z W W ' �.I!nb. 9IOZ—Sl-60 89:£O:9I dOl 6m,p'g—;SLg£\6mp\ui}sn} 'aionbs s,aMood — Sl9£SlZ\009£\:u I�aoom~ 077 I _-_- . Q m r - _ �I YIQ - �I oI �I �I I n n ~~ 11 A -, s- _ J—dSs p .... Q co Z_ �1J V) D z Lj zw � zQ E -U) w w U) > of w F Y Qi Q Z a - W a a w 0 a z W A z x Qi a w cn x w w �.I!nb. 9IOZ—Sl-60 6Z:LO:SI dM 6-P'L—J9LgC\6mp\ui}sn} 'aionbs siaMoDd — gLgm Z\009£\:u s �—ft)pU—a Sul„eed z L w � zQ E -U w w� >� �w F Y Qi Q Z a - w a I a w 0 a z w A z x a w cn z W w P4 TABLE 1 EXISTING DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Bldg/Unit Tenant Business/ Land Use Type Hours of Operation Square -Footage (SF) Existing Development 13102 Ruby's Restaurant - fine/casual Sun -Th 7am - 9pm, F -Sat 7am - 10pm 5,625 SF M -F gam - 7pm, Sat gam - 6pm, Sun By Appointment 13112-A Rocky Nail Spa Retail - Service 1,227 SF only 13112-B Michael Yang,DDS Medical/Dental M -Th gam - 4:30pm, F -Sun Closed 1,336 SF 13112-C Grocery Store (coming soon) (2) Retail not available at this time 1,336 SF 13112-D Silverspoon Indian Restaurant- fine/casual M Closed, T -Sun 11am - 10pm 1,336 SF 13112-E Palm Beach Tanning Retail - Service/Spa M -Sat gam - 9pm, Sun 10am - 5pm 1,225 SF 13112-F vacant[3] Retail To Be Determined 1,052 SF 13112-G vacant[3] Retail To Be Determined 1,052 SF 13112-H Chabad Jewish Center -Tustin Office M -F gam - 5pm, Sat -Sun Closed 1,052 SF 13112-1 Pro Dance Center Health Club IM -F 11am - 7:30pm, Sat 9:00am - 2:30pm, Sun Closed 2,001 SF 13112-J Beau SharSalon Retail - Service Sun -M Closed, T -Sat 8am - 8pm 2,527 SF 13112-K Pashley & Baum, DDS Medical/Dental M -Th 7am - 6pm, F -Sun Closed 2,262 SF 13152-A Proposed Pho Restaurant [4] Restaurant-fin%asual Too Be Determined 3,060 SF 13152-A2 vacant[3] Office To Be Determined 3,640 SF 13152-B Friends of Family Health Medical/Dental Temporarily M -F gam - 12pm, Sat -Sun Closed 5,000 SF 13132-100 Pediatric and Adult Medicine Medical/Dental M -F 7:30am - 5:30pm, Sat -Sun Closed 7,600 SF 13132-200 Monarch Medical Medical/Dental Sun -M Closed, T -Sat gam - 5pm 1,763 SF 13132-210 Allied Surgery Center Medical/Dental N/A 2,042 SF 13132-220 Kyung Myun Kim, DDS Medical/Dental M,F,Sun Closed T -Th, Sat gam - 6pm 1,513 SF 13132-230 Craig Thiede, DDS Medical/Dental M -Th gam - 5:30pm, F 7am - 3pm, Sat -Sun Closed 1,759 SF Total Floor Area 48,408 SF Notes: [1] Source: NAI Capital; mix of tenants based on information as of September 2015 [2] Proposed grocerystore use is consistent with prior tenant/use for this suite. [3] Two vacant suites totaling 2,104 SF was previously occupied with retail uses;the 3,640 SF vacant suite was occupied by office use. [4] Proposed project cons is ts of converting vacant office space to restaurant use. N:A3600A2153615 - Packers Squme, Tustin\T.etters\3615 Packers Squue Revised Puking Study 10-27-15.doc TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF EXISTING PARKING SUPPLY PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN 4 Parking space marked "reserved" N:A3600A2153615 - Packers Square, Tustin\TTetters\3615 Packers Square Revised Parking Study 10-27-15.doc Type of Parking Space Zone Standard Compact Handicap Time -Restricted Other Total A 60 0 2 0 0 62 B 76 0 5 0 0 81 C 122 0 3 0 14 126 Total 258 0 10 0 1 269 4 Parking space marked "reserved" N:A3600A2153615 - Packers Square, Tustin\TTetters\3615 Packers Square Revised Parking Study 10-27-15.doc TABLE 3 CITY CODE PARKING REQUIREMENTS PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Source: City of Tustin Municipal Code. Vacant suite previously occupied with retail or office use; include former retail suite to be occupied by a specialty grocery market. Proposed Project consists of converting vacant office space to restaurant use. N:A3600A2153615 - Packers Square, Tustin\T.etters\3615 Packers Square Revised Parking Study 10-27-15.doc City of Tustin Spaces Land Use Size Code Parking Ratios Required Existing Tenant Mix 1 space per 250 SF — GFA for first 4,000 SF of medical space within a building or center ❑ Medical Office 23,275 SF and 6 spaces for each 1,000 SF of GFA in 132 excess of 4,000 SF ❑ Restaurant 6,961 SF 1 space per 100 SF of GFA 70 ❑ Retail - Personal Services 4,979 SF 1 spaces per 250 SF of GFA 20 ❑ Health Club/Fitness 2,001 SF 1 spaces per 150 SF of GFA 13 ❑ Office 1,052 SF 1 spaces per 250 SF of GFA 4 Vacant/Proposed Project ❑ Retail (vacant) 6 3,440 SF 1 space per 250 SF of GFA 14 ❑ Office (vacant)6 3,640 SF 1 spaces per 250 SF of GFA 15 ❑ Proposed Restaurant' 3,060 SF 1 space per 100 SF of GFA 31 TOTAL: 299 A. TOTAL OCCUPIED PARKING CODE REQUIREMENT 239 B. TOTAL VACANT/PROPOSED PARKING CODE REQUIREMENT 60 C. TOTAL PARKING CODE REQUIREMENT BASED ON FULL OCCUPANCY 299 D. TOTAL P PARKING SUPPLY 269 E. PARKING SURPLUS/DEFICIENCY (+/-) BASED ON FULL OCCUPANCY (D — C) -30 Source: City of Tustin Municipal Code. Vacant suite previously occupied with retail or office use; include former retail suite to be occupied by a specialty grocery market. Proposed Project consists of converting vacant office space to restaurant use. N:A3600A2153615 - Packers Square, Tustin\T.etters\3615 Packers Square Revised Parking Study 10-27-15.doc IRt W J m 9 z co co H W Cf co Y U Q a E o � o v ti 0 ro 4roi U M OU N "D z a N O O OW tC .'ti M N 16 R O N W Vl N O M W oc oc N aOW Q 1 E A V t O M V cn en 0000 N O O O O Cq OW55,,�� R O i v, OW z V 00 D\ C� C� � ,My � 00 � o OW w O V N O O M O N N N M n FL v, OW M 00 00 � � � 00 O z y O OW ti CC v H O V1 M y o0 oo M O 0 0o z a a V V N O V p �O l� oo O� N H N M Vl 00 N E o � o v ti 0 ro 4roi U M OU N z T W J m 9 Z F co H W Cf co Y Q a 0 Q •00 N '� W �p W N N N .'.O". N CFi a bA Z_ U CO l- M N O� V1 CO CO oc O O W � �O V1 M C/; O eC U N U � � R O � W m U? V1 s. � U W M W1 M M M M �c U a� N z ^i ... .. NO w O, CO a --i �--i 'O O, O, vl CO l- N N O, O CO V"T z � M C V O O Q M U ,--i N M O N In N N M M M M M M W N 'O N M N O --i V O U xa EE N �^ �O l� CO N M V1 � � W O� a 0 Q cc LU J m H R N a O, O O OW y N oc N N M N N N O \O N O ooN Vl N N M-- N ONO N N N N N N � a V O � N CO V V O O M (�1 N M M OC M N O O O O (�1 V M N z V W w w O c V oo o oooW a „ O N z Gi. w V a d N O V M M x o tr;OW w w o OW 00 00 O z O � V 'S w o OW O O M l� Vl Vl N rn M Mm �p M M M O� O� Ni O M N --i M M M M M m m m o d z a OW a I� u O O O O 00 O� � N �•-i N M � Vl �O l� 00 a ti W J m Q H z N H W C'1 LU Y Q a i a m a, �o N a U � � W A r� U N � Z p w w p r � M cl oo v M In M In M M M "o o r M 0 0 0 oo W y N Z U C O N q M\O O O 00 O \O M N a �5+ a y N O P 01 00 01 ,--i rl \O 01 01 oo r N N 01 O 00 M N � O Z R pp pp pp rn en w w _ � N pp M M ai y W O N N M 4f Vl QO r 00 01 N ill F x 01 i a LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers APPENDIX A ULI PARKING CALCULATION WORKSHEETS PROPOSED PROJECT LLG Ref. 2-15-3615-1 Packers Square, Tustin N:A3600A2153615 - Packers Square, Tustin\Letters\3615 Parking Co, er.doc Appendix Table A-1 SHOPPING CENTER (TYPICAL DAYS) WEEKDAY SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Shopping Center (Typical Days) Size Pkg Rate [2] 8.419 KSF 4.00 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 34 Spaces 27 Guest Spc. 7 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 1% 0 9% 1 1 7:00 AM 5% 1 14% 1 2 8:00 AM 14% 4 36% 3 7 9:00 AM 32% 9 68% 5 14 10:00 AM 59% 16 77% 5 21 11:00 AM 77% 21 86% 6 27 12:00 PM 86% 23 90% 6 29 1:00 PM 90% 24 90% 6 30 2:00 PM 86% 23 90% 6 29 3:00 PM 81% 22 90% 6 28 4:00 PM 81% 22 90% 6 28 5:00 PM 86% 23 86% 6 29 6:00 PM 86% 23 86% 6 29 7:00 PM 86% 23 86% 6 29 8:00 PM 72% 19 81% 6 25 9:00 PM 45% 12 68% 5 17 10:00 PM 27% 7 36% 3 10 11:00 PM 9% 2 14% 1 3 12:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table A-2 SHOPPING CENTER (TYPICAL DAYS) WEEKEND SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Shopping Center (Typical Days) Size Pkg Rate [2] 8.419 KSF 4.00 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 34 Spaces 27 Guest Spc. 7 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 1% 0 10% 1 1 7:00 AM 5% 1 15% 1 2 8:00 AM 10% 3 40% 3 6 9:00 AM 30% 8 75% 5 13 10:00 AM 50% 14 85% 6 20 11:00 AM 65% 18 95% 7 25 12:00 PM 80% 22 100% 7 29 1:00 PM 90% 24 100% 7 31 2:00 PM 100% 27 100% 7 34 3:00 PM 100% 27 100% 7 34 4:00 PM 95% 26 100% 7 33 5:00 PM 90% 24 95% 7 31 6:00 PM 80% 22 85% 6 28 7:00 PM 75% 20 80% 6 26 8:00 PM 65% 18 75% 5 23 9:00 PM 50% 14 65% 5 19 10:00 PM 35% 9 45% 3 12 11:00 PM 15% 4 15% 1 5 12:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table A-3 FINEXASUAL DINING WEEKDAY SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Fine/Casual Dining Size Pkg Rate [2] 4.396 KSF 10.00 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 44 Spaces 37 Guest Spc. 7 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 7:00 AM 0% 0 18% 1 1 8:00 AM 0% 0 45% 3 3 9:00 AM 0% 0 68% 5 5 10:00 AM 14% 5 81% 6 11 11:00 AM 36% 13 81% 6 19 12:00 PM 68% 25 81% 6 31 1:00 PM 68% 25 81% 6 31 2:00 PM 59% 22 81% 6 28 3:00 PM 36% 13 68% 5 18 4:00 PM 45% 17 68% 5 22 5:00 PM 68% 25 90% 6 31 6:00 PM 86% 32 90% 6 38 7:00 PM 90% 33 90% 6 39 8:00 PM 90% 33 90% 6 39 9:00 PM 90% 33 90% 6 39 10:00 PM 86% 32 90% 6 38 11:00 PM 68% 25 77% 5 30 12:00 AM 23% 9 32% 2 11 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table A-4 FINE/CASUAL DINING WEEKEND SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Fine/Casual Dining Size Pkg Rate [2] 4.396 KSF 10.00 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 44 Spaces 37 Guest Spc. 7 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 7:00 AM 0% 0 20% 1 1 8:00 AM 0% 0 30% 2 2 9:00 AM 0% 0 60% 4 4 10:00 AM 0% 0 75% 5 5 11:00 AM 15% 6 75% 5 11 12:00 PM 50% 19 75% 5 24 1:00 PM 55% 20 75% 5 25 2:00 PM 45% 17 75% 5 22 3:00 PM 45% 17 75% 5 22 4:00 PM 45% 17 75% 5 22 5:00 PM 60% 22 100% 7 29 6:00 PM 90% 33 100% 7 40 7:00 PM 95% 35 100% 7 42 8:00 PM 100% 37 100% 7 44 9:00 PM 90% 33 100% 7 40 10:00 PM 90% 33 100% 7 40 11:00 PM 90% 33 85% 6 39 12:00 AM 50% 19 50% 4 23 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table A-5 FAMILY RESTAURANT WEEKDAY SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Family Restaurant Size Pkg Rate [2] 5.625 KSF 10.00 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 56 Spaces 48 Guest Spc. 8 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 18% 9 35% 3 12 7:00 AM 35% 17 53% 4 21 8:00 AM 42% 20 63% 5 25 9:00 AM 53% 25 63% 5 30 10:00 AM 60% 29 70% 6 35 11:00 AM 63% 30 70% 6 36 12:00 PM 70% 34 70% 6 40 1:00 PM 63% 30 70% 6 36 2:00 PM 35% 17 70% 6 23 3:00 PM 32% 15 53% 4 19 4:00 PM 32% 15 53% 4 19 5:00 PM 53% 25 67% 5 30 6:00 PM 56% 27 67% 5 32 7:00 PM 56% 27 67% 5 32 8:00 PM 56% 27 67% 5 32 9:00 PM 42% 20 56% 4 24 10:00 PM 39% 19 46% 4 23 11:00 PM 35% 17 46% 4 21 12:00 AM 18% 9 25% 2 11 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table A-6 FAMILY RESTAURANT WEEKEND SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Family Restaurant Size Pkg Rate [2] 5.625 KSF 10.00 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 56 Spaces 48 Guest Spc. 8 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 10% 5 50% 4 9 7:00 AM 25% 12 75% 6 18 8:00 AM 45% 22 90% 7 29 9:00 AM 70% 34 90% 7 41 10:00 AM 90% 43 100% 8 51 11:00 AM 90% 43 100% 8 51 12:00 PM 100% 48 100% 8 56 1:00 PM 85% 41 100% 8 49 2:00 PM 65% 31 100% 8 39 3:00 PM 40% 19 75% 6 25 4:00 PM 45% 22 75% 6 28 5:00 PM 60% 29 95% 8 37 6:00 PM 70% 34 95% 8 42 7:00 PM 70% 34 95% 8 42 8:00 PM 65% 31 95% 8 39 9:00 PM 30% 14 80% 6 20 10:00 PM 25% 12 65% 5 17 11:00 PM 15% 7 65% 5 12 12:00 AM 10% 5 35% 3 8 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table A-7 HEALTH CLUB WEEKDAY SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Pro Dance Center Size Pkg Rate [2] 2.001 KSF 6.67 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 13 Spaces 12 Guest Spc, 1 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 70% 8 75% 1 9 7:00 AM 40% 5 75% 1 6 8:00 AM 40% 5 75% 1 6 9:00 AM 70% 8 75% 1 9 10:00 AM 70% 8 75% 1 9 11:00 AM 80% 10 75% 1 11 12:00 PM 60% 7 75% 1 8 1:00 PM 70% 8 75% 1 9 2:00 PM 70% 8 75% 1 9 3:00 PM 70% 8 75% 1 9 4:00 PM 80% 10 75% 1 11 5:00 PM 90% 11 100% 1 12 6:00 PM 100% 12 100% 1 13 7:00 PM 90% 11 75% 1 12 8:00 PM 80% 10 50% 1 11 9:00 PM 70% 8 20% 0 8 10:00 PM 35% 4 20% 0 4 11:00 PM 10% 1 20% 0 1 12:00 AM 0% 0 1 0% 1 0 IL0 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table A-8 HEALTH CLUB WEEKEND SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Pro Dance Center Size Pkg Rate [2] 2.001 KSF 6.67 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 13 Spaces 12 Guest Spc, 1 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 66% 8 41% 0 8 7:00 AM 37% 4 41% 0 4 8:00 AM 29% 3 41% 0 3 9:00 AM 41% 5 41% 0 5 10:00 AM 29% 3 41% 0 3 11:00 AM 41% 5 41% 0 5 12:00 PM 41% 5 41% 0 5 1:00 PM 25% 3 41% 0 3 2:00 PM 21% 3 41% 0 3 3:00 PM 25% 3 41% 0 3 4:00 PM 45% 5 62% 1 6 5:00 PM 82% 10 82% 1 11 6:00 PM 78% 9 82% 1 10 7:00 PM 49% 6 62% 1 7 8:00 PM 25% 3 41% 0 3 9:00 PM 8% 1 16% 0 1 10:00 PM 1% 0 16% 0 0 11:00 PM 1% 0 16% 0 0 I0 12:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 'L Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table A-9 OFFICE WEEKDAY SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Office Size Pkg Rate [2] 4.692 KSF 4 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 19 Spaces 2 Visitor Spc. 17 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 0% 0 3% 1 1 7:00 AM 1% 0 30% 5 5 8:00 AM 20% 0 75% 13 13 9:00 AM 60% 1 95% 16 17 10:00 AM 100% 2 100% 17 19 11:00 AM 45% 1 100% 17 18 12:00 PM 15% 0 90% 15 15 1:00 PM 45% 1 90% 15 16 2:00 PM 100% 2 100% 17 19 3:00 PM 45% 1 100% 17 18 4:00 PM 15% 0 90% 15 15 5:00 PM 10% 0 50% 9 9 6:00 PM 5% 0 25% 4 4 7:00 PM 2% 0 10% 2 2 8:00 PM 1% 0 7% 1 1 9:00 PM 0% 0 3% 1 1 10:00 PM 0% 0 1% 0 0 11:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 12:00 AM 0% 0 0% L 0 0 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table A-10 OFFICE WEEKEND SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Office Size Pkg Rate [2] 4.692 KSF 4 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 19 Spaces 2 Visitor Spc. 17 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 7:00 AM 2% 0 2% 0 0 8:00 AM 6% 0 6% 1 1 9:00 AM 8% 0 8% 1 1 10:00 AM 9% 0 9% 2 2 11:00 AM 10% 0 10% 2 2 12:00 PM 9% 0 9% 2 2 1:00 PM 8% 0 8% 1 1 2:00 PM 6% 0 6% 1 1 3:00 PM 4% 0 4% 1 1 4:00 PM 2% 0 2% 0 0 5:00 PM 1% 0 1% 0 0 6:00 PM 1% 0 1% 0 0 7:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 8:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 9:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 10:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 11:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 12:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table A-11 MEDICAUDENTAL OFFICE WEEKDAY SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Medical/Dental Office Size Pkg Rate [2] 23.275 KSF 6.00 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 132 Spaces 88 Visitor Spc. 44 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 7:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 8:00 AM 90% 79 60% 26 105 9:00 AM 90% 79 100% 44 123 10:00 AM 100% 88 100% 44 132 11:00 AM 100% 88 100% 44 132 12:00 PM 30% 26 100% 44 70 1:00 PM 90% 79 100% 44 123 2:00 PM 100% 88 100% 44 132 3:00 PM 100% 88 100% 44 132 4:00 PM 90% 79 100% 44 123 5:00 PM 80% 70 100% 44 114 6:00 PM 67% 59 67% 29 88 7:00 PM 30% 26 30% 13 39 8:00 PM 15% 13 15% 7 20 9:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 10:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 11:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 12:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table A-12 MEDICAUDENTAL OFFICE WEEKEND SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Medical/Dental Office Size Pkg Rate [2] 23.275 KSF 6.00 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 132 Spaces 88 Visitor Spc. 44 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 7:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 8:00 AM 90% 79 60% 26 105 9:00 AM 90% 79 100% 44 123 10:00 AM 100% 88 100% 44 132 11:00 AM 100% 88 100% 44 132 12:00 PM 30% 26 100% 44 70 1:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 2:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 3:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 4:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 5:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 6:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 7:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 8:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 9:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 10:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 11:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 12:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers APPENDIX B ULI PARKING CALCULATION WORKSHEETS ALTERNATIVE TENANT MIX LLG Ref. 2-15-3615-1 Packers Square, Tustin N:A3600A2153615 - Packers Square, Tustin\Letters\3615 Parking Co, er.doc Appendix Table B-1 SHOPPING CENTER (TYPICAL DAYS) WEEKDAY SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Shopping Center (Typical Days) Size Pkg Rate [2] 9.955 KSF 4.00 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 40 Spaces 32 Guest Spc. 8 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 1% 0 9% 1 1 7:00 AM 5% 2 14% 1 3 8:00 AM 14% 4 36% 3 7 9:00 AM 32% 10 68% 5 15 10:00 AM 59% 19 77% 6 25 11:00 AM 77% 25 86% 7 32 12:00 PM 86% 28 90% 7 35 1:00 PM 90% 29 90% 7 36 2:00 PM 86% 28 90% 7 35 3:00 PM 81% 26 90% 7 33 4:00 PM 81% 26 90% 7 33 5:00 PM 86% 28 86% 7 35 6:00 PM 86% 28 86% 7 35 7:00 PM 86% 28 86% 7 35 8:00 PM 72% 23 81% 6 29 9:00 PM 45% 14 68% 5 19 10:00 PM 27% 9 36% 3 12 11:00 PM 9% 3 14% 1 4 12:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table B-2 SHOPPING CENTER (TYPICAL DAYS) WEEKEND SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Shopping Center (Typical Days) Size Pkg Rate [2] 9.955 KSF 4.00 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 40 Spaces 32 Guest Spc. 8 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 1% 0 10% 1 1 7:00 AM 5% 2 15% 1 3 8:00 AM 10% 3 40% 3 6 9:00 AM 30% 10 75% 6 16 10:00 AM 50% 16 85% 7 23 11:00 AM 65% 21 95% 8 29 12:00 PM 80% 26 100% 8 34 1:00 PM 90% 29 100% 8 37 2:00 PM 100% 32 100% 8 40 3:00 PM 100% 32 100% 8 40 4:00 PM 95% 30 100% 8 38 5:00 PM 90% 29 95% 8 37 6:00 PM 80% 26 85% 7 33 7:00 PM 75% 24 80% 6 30 8:00 PM 65% 21 75% 6 27 9:00 PM 50% 16 65% 5 21 10:00 PM 35% 11 45% 4 15 11:00 PM 15% 5 15% 1 6 12:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table B-3 FINEXASUAL DINING WEEKDAY SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Fine/Casual Dining Size Pkg Rate [2] 4.396 KSF 10.00 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 44 Spaces 37 Guest Spc. 7 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 7:00 AM 0% 0 18% 1 1 8:00 AM 0% 0 45% 3 3 9:00 AM 0% 0 68% 5 5 10:00 AM 14% 5 81% 6 11 11:00 AM 36% 13 81% 6 19 12:00 PM 68% 25 81% 6 31 1:00 PM 68% 25 81% 6 31 2:00 PM 59% 22 81% 6 28 3:00 PM 36% 13 68% 5 18 4:00 PM 45% 17 68% 5 22 5:00 PM 68% 25 90% 6 31 6:00 PM 86% 32 90% 6 38 7:00 PM 90% 33 90% 6 39 8:00 PM 90% 33 90% 6 39 9:00 PM 90% 33 90% 6 39 10:00 PM 86% 32 90% 6 38 11:00 PM 68% 25 77% 5 30 12:00 AM 23% 9 32% 2 11 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table B-4 FINE/CASUAL DINING WEEKEND SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Fine/Casual Dining Size Pkg Rate [2] 4.396 KSF 10.00 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 44 Spaces 37 Guest Spc. 7 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 7:00 AM 0% 0 20% 1 1 8:00 AM 0% 0 30% 2 2 9:00 AM 0% 0 60% 4 4 10:00 AM 0% 0 75% 5 5 11:00 AM 15% 6 75% 5 11 12:00 PM 50% 19 75% 5 24 1:00 PM 55% 20 75% 5 25 2:00 PM 45% 17 75% 5 22 3:00 PM 45% 17 75% 5 22 4:00 PM 45% 17 75% 5 22 5:00 PM 60% 22 100% 7 29 6:00 PM 90% 33 100% 7 40 7:00 PM 95% 35 100% 7 42 8:00 PM 100% 37 100% 7 44 9:00 PM 90% 33 100% 7 40 10:00 PM 90% 33 100% 7 40 11:00 PM 90% 33 85% 6 39 12:00 AM 50% 19 50% 4 23 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table B-5 FAMILY RESTAURANT WEEKDAY SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Family Restaurant Size Pkg Rate [2] 5.625 KSF 10.00 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 56 Spaces 48 Guest Spc. 8 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 18% 9 35% 3 12 7:00 AM 35% 17 53% 4 21 8:00 AM 42% 20 63% 5 25 9:00 AM 53% 25 63% 5 30 10:00 AM 60% 29 70% 6 35 11:00 AM 63% 30 70% 6 36 12:00 PM 70% 34 70% 6 40 1:00 PM 63% 30 70% 6 36 2:00 PM 35% 17 70% 6 23 3:00 PM 32% 15 53% 4 19 4:00 PM 32% 15 53% 4 19 5:00 PM 53% 25 67% 5 30 6:00 PM 56% 27 67% 5 32 7:00 PM 56% 27 67% 5 32 8:00 PM 56% 27 67% 5 32 9:00 PM 42% 20 56% 4 24 10:00 PM 39% 19 46% 4 23 11:00 PM 35% 17 46% 4 21 12:00 AM 18% 9 25% 2 11 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table B-6 FAMILY RESTAURANT WEEKEND SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Family Restaurant Size Pkg Rate [2] 5.625 KSF 10.00 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 56 Spaces 48 Guest Spc. 8 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 10% 5 50% 4 9 7:00 AM 25% 12 75% 6 18 8:00 AM 45% 22 90% 7 29 9:00 AM 70% 34 90% 7 41 10:00 AM 90% 43 100% 8 51 11:00 AM 90% 43 100% 8 51 12:00 PM 100% 48 100% 8 56 1:00 PM 85% 41 100% 8 49 2:00 PM 65% 31 100% 8 39 3:00 PM 40% 19 75% 6 25 4:00 PM 45% 22 75% 6 28 5:00 PM 60% 29 95% 8 37 6:00 PM 70% 34 95% 8 42 7:00 PM 70% 34 95% 8 42 8:00 PM 65% 31 95% 8 39 9:00 PM 30% 14 80% 6 20 10:00 PM 25% 12 65% 5 17 11:00 PM 15% 7 65% 5 12 12:00 AM 10% 5 35% 3 8 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table B-7 HEALTH CLUB WEEKDAY SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Pro Dance Center Size Pkg Rate [2] 2.001 KSF 6.67 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 13 Spaces 12 Guest Spc, 1 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 70% 8 75% 1 9 7:00 AM 40% 5 75% 1 6 8:00 AM 40% 5 75% 1 6 9:00 AM 70% 8 75% 1 9 10:00 AM 70% 8 75% 1 9 11:00 AM 80% 10 75% 1 11 12:00 PM 60% 7 75% 1 8 1:00 PM 70% 8 75% 1 9 2:00 PM 70% 8 75% 1 9 3:00 PM 70% 8 75% 1 9 4:00 PM 80% 10 75% 1 11 5:00 PM 90% 11 100% 1 12 6:00 PM 100% 12 100% 1 13 7:00 PM 90% 11 75% 1 12 8:00 PM 80% 10 50% 1 11 9:00 PM 70% 8 20% 0 8 10:00 PM 35% 4 20% 0 4 11:00 PM 10% 1 20% 0 1 12:00 AM 0% 0 1 0% 1 0 IL0 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table B-8 HEALTH CLUB WEEKEND SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Pro Dance Center Size Pkg Rate [2] 2.001 KSF 6.67 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 13 Spaces 12 Guest Spc, 1 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 66% 8 41% 0 8 7:00 AM 37% 4 41% 0 4 8:00 AM 29% 3 41% 0 3 9:00 AM 41% 5 41% 0 5 10:00 AM 29% 3 41% 0 3 11:00 AM 41% 5 41% 0 5 12:00 PM 41% 5 41% 0 5 1:00 PM 25% 3 41% 0 3 2:00 PM 21% 3 41% 0 3 3:00 PM 25% 3 41% 0 3 4:00 PM 45% 5 62% 1 6 5:00 PM 82% 10 82% 1 11 6:00 PM 78% 9 82% 1 10 7:00 PM 49% 6 62% 1 7 8:00 PM 25% 3 41% 0 3 9:00 PM 8% 1 16% 0 1 10:00 PM 1% 0 16% 0 0 11:00 PM 1% 0 16% 0 0 I0 12:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 'L Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table B-9 OFFICE WEEKDAY SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Office Size Pkg Rate [2] 1.052 KSF 4 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 4 Spaces 0 Visitor —Sp c-1 4 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 0% 0 3% 0 0 7:00 AM 1% 0 30% 1 1 8:00 AM 20% 0 75% 3 3 9:00 AM 60% 0 95% 4 4 10:00 AM 100% 0 100% 4 4 11:00 AM 45% 0 100% 4 4 12:00 PM 15% 0 90% 4 4 1:00 PM 45% 0 90% 4 4 2:00 PM 100% 0 100% 4 4 3:00 PM 45% 0 100% 4 4 4:00 PM 15% 0 90% 4 4 5:00 PM 10% 0 50% 2 2 6:00 PM 5% 0 25% 1 1 7:00 PM 2% 0 10% 0 0 8:00 PM 1% 0 7% 0 0 9:00 PM 0% 0 3% 0 0 10:00 PM 0% 0 1% 0 0 11:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 12:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table B-10 OFFICE WEEKEND SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Office Size Pkg Rate [2] 1.052 KSF 4 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 4 Spaces 0 Visitor —Sp c-1 4 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 7:00 AM 2% 0 2% 0 0 8:00 AM 6% 0 6% 0 0 9:00 AM 8% 0 8% 0 0 10:00 AM 9% 0 9% 0 0 11:00 AM 10% 0 10% 0 0 12:00 PM 9% 0 9% 0 0 1:00 PM 8% 0 8% 0 0 2:00 PM 6% 0 6% 0 0 3:00 PM 4% 0 4% 0 0 4:00 PM 2% 0 2% 0 0 5:00 PM 1% 0 1% 0 0 6:00 PM 1% 0 1% 0 0 7:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 8:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 9:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 10:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 11:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 12:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table B-11 MEDICAUDENTAL OFFICE WEEKDAY SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Medical/Dental Office Size Pkg Rate [2] 23.275 KSF 6.00 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 132 Spaces 88 Visitor Spc. 44 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 7:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 8:00 AM 90% 79 60% 26 105 9:00 AM 90% 79 100% 44 123 10:00 AM 100% 88 100% 44 132 11:00 AM 100% 88 100% 44 132 12:00 PM 30% 26 100% 44 70 1:00 PM 90% 79 100% 44 123 2:00 PM 100% 88 100% 44 132 3:00 PM 100% 88 100% 44 132 4:00 PM 90% 79 100% 44 123 5:00 PM 80% 70 100% 44 114 6:00 PM 67% 59 67% 29 88 7:00 PM 30% 26 30% 13 39 8:00 PM 15% 13 15% 7 20 9:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 10:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 11:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 12:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table B-12 MEDICAUDENTAL OFFICE WEEKEND SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Medical/Dental Office Size Pkg Rate [2] 23.275 KSF 6.00 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 132 Spaces 88 Visitor Spc. 44 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 7:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 8:00 AM 90% 79 60% 26 105 9:00 AM 90% 79 100% 44 123 10:00 AM 100% 88 100% 44 132 11:00 AM 100% 88 100% 44 132 12:00 PM 30% 26 100% 44 70 1:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 2:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 3:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 4:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 5:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 6:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 7:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 8:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 9:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 10:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 11:00 PM 0% 0 0% 0 0 12:00 AM 0% 0 0% 0 0 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table B-13 FAST-FOOD RESTAURANT WEEKDAY SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Fast -Food Restaurant Size Pkg Rate [2] 2.104 KSF 10.00 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 21 Spaces 18 Guest Spc. 3 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 5% 1 15% 0 1 7:00 AM 10% 2 20% 1 3 8:00 AM 20% 4 30% 1 5 9:00 AM 30% 5 40% 1 6 10:00 AM 55% 10 75% 2 12 11:00 AM 85% 15 100% 3 18 12:00 PM 100% 18 100% 3 21 1:00 PM 100% 18 100% 3 21 2:00 PM 90% 16 95% 3 19 3:00 PM 60% 11 70% 2 13 4:00 PM 55% 10 60% 2 12 5:00 PM 60% 11 70% 2 13 6:00 PM 85% 15 90% 3 18 7:00 PM 80% 14 90% 3 17 8:00 PM 50% 9 60% 2 11 9:00 PM 30% 5 40% 1 6 10:00 PM 20% 4 30% 1 5 11:00 PM 10% 2 20% 1 3 12:00 AM 5% 1 20% 1 1 IL2 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Appendix Table B-14 FAST-FOOD RESTAURANT WEEKEND SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS [1] PACKERS SQUARE, TUSTIN Land Use Fast -Food Restaurant Size Pkg Rate [2] 2.104 KSF 10.00 /KSF Shared Parking Demand Gross Spaces 21 Spaces 18 Guest Spc. 3 Emp. Spc. Time of Day % Of Peak [3] # Of % Of Spaces Peak [3] # Of Spaces 6:00 AM 5% 1 14% 0 1 7:00 AM 9% 2 19% 1 3 8:00 AM 19% 3 28% 1 4 9:00 AM 28% 5 37% 1 6 10:00 AM 51% 9 70% 2 11 11:00 AM 79% 14 93% 3 17 12:00 PM 93% 17 93% 3 20 1:00 PM 93% 17 93% 3 20 2:00 PM 84% 15 89% 3 18 3:00 PM 56% 10 65% 2 12 4:00 PM 51% 9 56% 2 11 5:00 PM 56% 10 65% 2 12 6:00 PM 79% 14 84% 3 17 7:00 PM 75% 14 84% 3 17 8:00 PM 47% 8 56% 2 10 9:00 PM 28% 5 37% 1 6 10:00 PM 19% 3 28% 1 4 11:00 PM 9% 2 19% 1 3 12:00 AM 5% 1 1 19% 1 1 IL2 Notes: [1] Source: ULI - Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking," Second Edition, 2005. [2] Parking rates for all land uses based on ULI procedure normalized to express percentage in terms of absolute peak demand ratios. Breakdown of guest vs. employee [3] Percentage of peak parking demand factors reflect relationships between weekday parking demand ratios and peak parking demand ratios, as summarized in Table 2-2 of the "Shared Parking" manual. Packers Square, Tustin Resolution No. 4302 RESOLUTION NO. 4302 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2015-27 AUTHORIZING A REDUCTION OF THE OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS THROUGH JOINT USE/SHARED PARKING TO ACCOMMODATE THE CONVERSION OF UP TO 6,700 SQUARE FEET OF OFFICE SPACE TO RETAIL AND RESTAURANT USES AT PACKERS SQUARE LOCATED AT 13102 — 13152 NEWPORT AVENUE. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application has been submitted by Michael Lin, of NAI Capital requesting authorization for a reduction of off-street parking requirements to accommodate the conversion of up to 6,700 square feet of office space to retail and restaurant uses located at 13102-13152 Newport Avenue, also known as Packers Square. B. Pursuant to Tustin City Code (TCC) Section 9264, parking facilities may be used jointly for non-residential uses with different peak hours of operation with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. C. That the site is zoned as Planned Community Commercial (PC COM) within and designated as Community Commercial by the Tustin General Plan. In addition, the project has been reviewed for consistency with the Air Quality Sub -element of the City of Tustin General Plan and has been determined to be consistent with the Air Quality Sub -element. D. That the subject properties are comprised of four (4) buildings of approximately 48,408 square feet of floor area and a common parking area with 269 parking stalls. E. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application on December 8, 2015, by the Planning Commission. F. That the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the proposed use will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, nor be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, or to the general welfare of the City of Tustin in that: 1. That a Parking Demand Analysis dated November 5, 2015, was Resolution No. 4302 Page 2 prepared by a licensed traffic engineer (Richard Barretto, P.E. of Linscott Law & Greenspan Engineers) in accordance with Tustin City Code Section 9264. 2. That the Parking Analysis has been reviewed and accepted by the City's Traffic Engineer for methodology and accuracy. 3. That per the Tustin City Code, the mixed-use center would require 299 off-street parking spaces; 269 parking spaces are currently proposed; the Parking Analysis determined a peak usage of 245 parking spaces; therefore, the Parking Demand Analysis demonstrates that no substantial conflict will exist in the peak hours of parking demand for the multi-purpose center for the proposed uses. 4. That the number of spaces needed for the retail and restaurant uses do not exceed the number of spaces anticipated to be available during different hours of operation. 5. That the parking spaces designated for joint use are located such that they will adequately serve the uses for which they are intended. 6. That the proposed use, as conditioned, will not have a negative effect on surrounding properties, or impact traffic on the ability of parking in that sufficient parking would be available on-site. G. This project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15301 (Class 1) of the California Code of Regulations (Guidelines for the California Environmental Quality Act). II. The Planning Commission hereby approves CUP 2015-27 authorizing a reduction of off-street parking requirements via joint use parking to accommodate the conversion of up to 6,700 square feet of office space to retail and restaurant uses located at 13102-13152 Newport Avenue, also known as Packers Square, subject to the conditions contained within Exhibit A, attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin at a regular meeting on the 8t" day of December, 2015. JEFF R. THOMPSON Chairperson ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Resolution No. 4302 Page 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, Elizabeth A. Binsack, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Planning Commission Secretary of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. 4302 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 8th day of December, 2015. PLANNING COMMISSIONER AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONER NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONER ABSTAINED: PLANNING COMMISSIONER ABSENT: ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. 4302 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT t 13102,13112,13132 D NEWPORT AVENUE CONDITIONS ,. '• . APPROVAL ,.1.• A i r - (1) 1.1 The proposed project shall substantially conform with the Parking Demand Analysis for the project date stamped December 8, 2015, on file with the Community Development Department, as herein modified, or as modified by the Director of Community Development in accordance with this Exhibit. The Director of Community Development may also approve subsequent minor modifications if such modifications are consistent with provisions of the Tustin City Code. (1) 1.2 The subject project approval shall become null and void unless permits for the proposed project related improvements are issued and substantial construction is underway within one (1) year of the date of this Exhibit. Time extensions may be considered if a written request is received by the Community Development Department within thirty (30) days prior to expiration. (1) 1.3 Unless otherwise specified, the conditions contained in this Exhibit shall be complied with as specified, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department. (1) 1.4 Approval of Conditional Use Permit 2015-27 is contingent upon the applicant and property owner signing and returning to the Community Development Department a notarized "Agreement to Conditions Imposed" form and the property owner signing and recording with the County Clerk -Recorder a notarized "Notice of Discretionary Permit Approval and Conditions of Approval" form. The forms shall be established by the Director of Community Development, and evidence of recordation shall be provided to the Community Development Department. (1) 1.5 Any violation of any of the conditions imposed is subject to issuance of an administrative citation pursuant to TCC 1162(a). SOURCE CODES (1) STANDARD CONDITION (5) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY REQUIREMENT (2) CEQA MITIGATION (6) LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES (3) BUILDING CODE (7) PC/CC POLICY (4) DESIGN REVIEW *** EXCEPTION Exhibit A Resolution No. 4293 Page 2 (1) 1.6 The applicant shall be responsible for costs associated with any necessary code enforcement action, including attorney fees, subject to the applicable notice, hearing, and appeal process as established by the City Council by ordinance. (1) 1.7 Conditional Use Permit 2015-27 may be reviewed on an annual basis, or more often if necessary, by the Community Development Director. The Community Development Director shall review the use to ascertain compliance with conditions of approval. If the use is not operated in accordance Conditional Use Permit 2015-27, or is found to be a nuisance or negative impacts are affecting the surrounding businesses or neighborhood, the Community Development Director shall impose additional conditions to eliminate the nuisance or negative impacts, or may initiate proceedings to revoke the Conditional Use Permit. (1) 1.8 As a condition of approval of Conditional Use Permit 2015-27, the applicant and property owner shall agree, at its sole cost and expense, to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees, agents, and consultants, from any claim, action, or proceeding brought by a third party against the City, its officers, agents, and employees, which seeks to attack, set aside, challenge, void, or annul an approval of the City Council, the Planning Commission, or any other decision-making body, including staff, concerning this project. The City agrees to promptly notify the applicant and property owner of any such claim or action filed against the City and to fully cooperate in the defense of any such action. The City may, at its sole cost and expense, elect to participate in defense of any such action under this condition. USE RESTRICTIONS *** 2.1 A total of 269 parking spaces within the shopping center shall be maintained at all times. Any reduction of on-site parking, change of tenant spaces/uses, parking lot and/or circulation shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department. *** 2.2 If in the future the City determines that a parking problem exists on the site or in the vicinity as a result of the proposed project or if the parking analysis does not support the uses as concluded, the Community Development Director may require the applicant to prepare a parking demand analysis and bear all associated costs. If the Study indicates that there is inadequate parking, the applicant shall be required to provide immediate interim and permanent measures to be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department and the Public Works Department. Exhibit A Resolution No. 4293 Page 3 *** 2.3 Restaurant (dine -in and take-out) uses shall be limited to no more than 12,125 SF (25%) of the total floor area unless supported by a supplemental parking analysis. FEES (1) 3.1 Within forty-eight (48) hours of final approval of the project, the applicant shall deliver to the Community Development Department, a CASHIER'S CHECK payable to the County Clerk in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00) to enable the City to file the appropriate environmental documentation for the project. If within such forty-eight (48) hour period that applicant has not delivered to the Community Development Department the above -noted check, the statute of limitations for any interested party to challenge the environmental determination under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act could be significantly lengthened.