HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1973 08 06 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL August 6, 1973 I, CALL TO ORDER Mayor Saltarelli called the meetingto order at 7:33 p.m. II. PLEDGEOF ALLEGIANCE Led by Councilman Woodruff. III. INVOCATION Given by Councilman Langley. IV. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Saltarelli, Langley, Miller, Welsh, Woodruff~ Absent: Councilmen: None. Others present: Assistant City Administrator Dan Blankenship Assistant City Administrator- Community Development Ken Fleagle City Attorney James Rourke Secretary .Mary Ann Chamberlain V. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ZC 73-4 - INDUSTRIAL AFFILIATES Application for a zone change from C-2-P to PM (Planned Industrial), for the purpose of authorizing the construction of an industrial- office complex of approximately 24,800 square feet. Site is located on the southeasterly corner of the intersection of Sixth and "B" Streets. Mr. Fleagle reviewed the staff report and referred to the letter of July 6, 1973, from Mr. Tambe of Industrial Affiliates in regard to their intent. Councilman Woodruff questioned the staff if profes- sional office buildings are allowed in the PM District. Mr. Flea~le replied that offices that are accessory to the business are allowed there. Councilman Woodruff cited examplesof other cities' PM Districts and how they include professional office buildings which are creating parking problems. Mr. Fleagle stated that the City does have the power to keep professional offices out of the PM zone. Mayor Saltarelli opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:45 p.m. Mr, Chris Tambe, Vice President, Industrial Affiliates, 17332 IrVine Boulevard, Suite Z, Tustin, stated that he has had substantial discussion with staff regarding the parking situation. They do not intend to lease any additional space except that of industrial uses and Mr. Tambe referred to his letter of July 6. Councilman Woodruff questioned Mr. Tambe if he would object to restrictions regarding the future tenants. Mr. Tambe said he would go along with the condition that future occupancy of the building would be approved by the Planning staff in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. City Council Minutes 8/6/73 Page 2 There being no further comments or objections, the public portion of the hearing was closed at 7:50 p.m. Moved by Miller, seconded by Welsh that the findings of the Planning Commission as contained in Resolution No. 1352 be upheld, and that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessar~ Ordinance for first reading later in the meeting. Carried unanimously. After discussion of ambiguity of uses in certain zoning districts, it was mOvedby Woodruff, seconded by Langley to direct staff and the Planning Commis- sion to determine if a Use Permit would be necessary for Commercial and Professional uses in the PM (Planned Industrial) District. Carried unanimously. (Ordinance No. 595 was introduced later in the meeting. See page 6.)I VII. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ' July 16, 1973, meeting. 2. RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS in amount of $10,035.17. 3. DENIAL OF CLAIMS Denial of Claims of William G. Luick, Jerry L. Hubbert, and Robert Leonard Farr, all as recom- mended by the City Attorney. Moved by Woodruff, seconded by Langley that all items on the Consent Calendar be approved. Carried unanimously. VIII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 587 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO DEVELOPMENT PREVIEW. 2. ORDINANCE N0.589 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO PARKWAY TREES. Moved by Miller, secondedby Langley that Ordinances 587 and 589 have second reading by title only. Carried unanimously. The secretary read Ordinances 587 and 589 by title. Moved by Langley, seconded by Woodruff that Ordinances 587 and 589 be adopted. Carried. Ayes: Saltarelli, Langley, Miller, Welsh, Woodruff. ,Noes: none. Absent: none. IX. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 590 (See next page.) City Council Minutes 8/6/73 Page 3 - 1. ORDINANCE NO. 590 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO BUSINESS LICENSE FEES. ~" 2. ORDINANCE NO. 591 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO THE CONSTRUCTION AND ABANDONMENT OF WATER WELLS. 3. ORDINANCE NO. 592 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO PAWNBROKERS, SECONDHAND DEALERS AND TELEVISION REPAIRMEN. 4. ORDINANCE NO. 593 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FOR AND REGULATIONS APPLI- CABLE TO FOOD HANDLING ESTABLISHMENTS AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. 5. ORDINANCE N0,594 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO WAITERS, WAITRESSES, ENTERTAINERS AND PERFORMERS. Moved by Langley, seconded by Miller that Ordinances 590,591, 593, and594 be read by title only, and that Ordinance No. 592 be set aside for discussion. Carried unanimously. The secretary read Ordinances 590, 591, 593, and 594 by title. Moved by Miller, seconded by Welsh that Ordinances 590,591,593, and 594 be introduced. Carried unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 592 Councilman Miller questioned staffif this Ordinance would apply to businesses that buy and sell antiques. Mr. Rourke replied that under the definition it would apply. Councilman Woodruff stated that he felt it should not apply to antique dealer~ for it could become too involved. Mr. Jon Schorle, Acting Chief of Police, stated that this Ordinance was introduced because of the bad situation of pawnshops in Santa Ana. Movedby Woodruff, seconded by Miller that this matter be continued until the next meeting so that the Police ~epartment can obtain more background regarding their questions. Carried unanimously. City Council Minutes 8/6/73 Page 4 RESOLUTIONS 1. RESOLUTION NO. 73-54 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR BUILDING DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL ALONG FIRST STREET BETWEEN NEWPORT FREEWAY AND PROSPECT AVENUE, AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 73-55 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING LICENSE AGREEMENT. The secretary read Resoi~tions 73-54 and 73'55 by'title. Councilman Woodruff commented that he thought the demolition and the First Street widening would go as One contract. Mr. Blankenship stated that after consulting the Engineering Department and reviewing the alterna- tives, it was decided to go as two contracts. He further stated that these two separate contracts would not create a time problem. Movedby Welsh, seconded by Woodruff that Eurthet~ ~ading be waived and that Resolutions 73-54 and 73-55be passed and adopted. Carried. Ayes: Saltarelli, Langley, Miller, Welsh, Woodruff. Noes: none. Absent: none. XI. OLD BUSINESS NONE. XII. NEW BUSINESS 1. AWARD OF CONTRACT- FIRST STREET WIDENING AHFP PROJECT NO. 604 AND 649. Mr. Blankenship commented that bids on this project were opened a~ll~00~a~m. onLMo~day, July~30~!~and were~sfollows: E. L. White Co~ of Orange ~ $294,008.28 McGrew Construction Co., Inc., of Santa Ana 303,208.8i Orville E. Henderson of Santa~Ana . 309,022.25 Griffith Co. of Santa Ana . 312,982.95 R. J. Noble Co. of Orange 334,548.60 Sully-Miller Co. of Orange 395,583.26 Moved by Langley, seconded by Woodruff that the contract for the First Street-Widening. AHFP Pro~ect No. 604 and649 be awardedto the low bidder, E.~L. White Co, Of-Orange, in the amount of $294,008.28. Carried unanimously. City Council Minutes 8/6/73 Page 5 XIII. OTHER BUSINESS 1. PROPOSED EXERCISE TRAIL Council discussed the memo from Mr. Marchetti regard- ing the proposed exercise trail and directed staff to arrange for a meeting between the City Council and the Parks and Recreation Commission for further discussion. 2. TENNIS COURTS AT HIGH SCHOOL Council discussed Mr. Blankenship's revised proposal of lighting the tennis courts at Tustin High School. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Miller that staff be directed to have the City call for bids on a basis which would permit lighting of six courts or liqhtinq of three courts with stub outs for future lighting of the other threecourts, depending on the bids and/or the availability of County revenue sharinq help. Carried unanimously. 3. SIGN CODE REVISIONS Council discussed Mr. Fleagle's report on Sign Code RevisiOns. Councilman Miller stated that he would like to have graphics of signs showing the old signs vs. the new signs. Councilman Woodruff agreed, and stated that he felt the graphics could be~slides or photographs. Staff was directed to prepare slides illustrating the before and after signing in the City. 4. BEACH BUS PROGRAM SUMMARY Council briefly discussed Mr. Marchetti's summary of the beach bus program thus far. Councilman Welsh commented that he had broken down the cost per individual after the second week of operation and it amounted to 8.6¢ per youth. It was the consensus that this was a very worthwhile project for theTUstin youth. 5. 1974 STATE PARK BOND ISSUE After questioning from the Council, Mr. Blankenship reported that if the 1974 State Park Bond Issue is successful, the City can always change the location of acquisition since this is a highly speculative issue. 6. PARAMEDIC PROGRAM Council discussed Chief Morgan Hi~ton's report on the Paramedic Program. Councilman Langle~ ~stated that our City has an over- whelming need of emergency type calls, sometimes as many as 50% of R~e~ Department calls are of a rescue/ emergency type. He further stated that it was time toetake affirmative action, but felt that it was fOOlish to jump into the paramedic program without looking at other alternatives. City Council Minutes 8/6/73 Page 6 Mr. Blankenship reported on the costs of instituting a program other than Paramedic which would include a one-time cost of approximately $7,000 for a vehicle and $40,000 for salaries and fringe benefits for three additional men. After more discussion, Council directed staff to prepare a report of surveys of other Orange County cities that are using a rescue service rather than the Paramedics Program. 7. SANTA FE RAIL SPUR - BORCHARD PROPERTY Mr. Fleagle explained to the Council that this would be a new pickup point for a proposed industrial park by the Don Koll Company of Newport Beach. Councilman Langley questioned staff if there would be any switching. Mr. Fleagle replied that it wo~ld be pickup only. Moved by Miller, seconded by Langley to authorize the Mayor [o sign a letter of consent, substantially as drafted, approving the concept of the rail's spur grade crossingr Carried unanimously. Mayor Saltarellicommented that thePUC had ordered that a new switch station be installed between McFadden and Edinger. Staff was directed to check if this had been accomplished. 8. ORDINANCE NO. 595 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, REZONING PROPERTY ON APPLICATION NO. Z.C. 73-4 OF INDUSTRIAL AFFILIATE (See Public Hearing No. 1.) Moved by Woodruff, seconded by Langley that Ordinance No. 595 be read by title only. Carried unanimously. The secretary read Ordinance No. 595 by title. Moved by Langley, seconded by Miller that Ordinance No. 595 be introduced. Carried. Ayes: Saltarelli, Langley, Miller, Welsh, Woodruff. Noes: none. Absent: none. 9. RESOLUTION NO. 73-56 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, ADOPTING A FEE SCHEDULE REGARDING WELL INSPECTIONS. Mr. Rourke introduced Resolution No. 73-56, which is related to Ordinance No. 591, Relative to the Construction and Abandonment of Water Wells, which had first reading earlier in the meeting. The Mayor directed that the secretary read Resolution No. 73-56 by title only. Following the reading by title, it was movedby Miller, seconded by Woodruff that furth~'~ reading be waived and that Resolution No. 73-56 be passed and adopted. Carried. Ayes: Saltarelli, Langley, Miller, Welsh, Woodruff. Noes: none. Absent: none. City Council Minutes 8/6/73 Page 7 10. BLISS LANE CUL-DE-SAC After reviewing a detailed drawing of the Bliss Lane cul-de-sac, Council directed staff to prepare correspondence to Mrs. Mary Anne Cunningham, 16012 Bliss Lane, Tustin, explaining their decision to deny perpendicular parking for this cul-de-sac. 11. MEREDITH FINANCIAL CENTER Councilman Welsh informed the Council that he had received a complaint pertaining to portable rest- rooms on the Meredith Financial Center property at 17th and Prospect. After some discussion, Council directed the Mayor to prepare correspondence requesting Mr. Meredith toreloCate the'portable restroom. 12. TUSTIN MERAQUAS Mayor Saltarelli reported that he had received a letter from the Tustin Meraquas requesting finan- cial help to gO to Europe. Council directed staff to prepare a list of organizations that might be of some financial benefit to the swim team. 13. AGREEMENT FOR LIBRARY Mayor Saltarelli reported that he had met with Supervisor Clark and representatives from County Real Property Services. He stated that he felt the County was now ready to enter an agreement with the City on our terms. After some discussion, the Council directed staff to prepare a report on other Orange County cities that operate their own libraries, and what State and Federal monies are available for city libraries. 14. PENDING LEGISLATION AB 973 (Knox),~Ann~atien of U~dQrporated .... - ~,:!~ ~ ~'1~. Islands Councilman Woodruff reported that AB 973 has been approved by the Assembly Committee on Local Government and will be considered on the floor of the Assembly in the next ten days. He urged the correspondence be sent to other Orange County citie~ ~i~Oh~upp~ Of the bill. AB 1367 (Quimb~) Councilman~WO0dr~"~eported that this bill severely restricts city powers in reference to maximum dedication fees. He strongly urged that correspondence be forwarded opposing this bill. AB 1829 (Badham) Councilman Miller commented that he could not understand Assemblyman Badham's taking a position in favor of the Irvine Ranch Water District and against the City of Tustin. He explained that this bill would almost prevent cities from ever taking over special water districts. Council instructed Councilman Miller to draft correspondence to Assemblyman Badham in opposi- tion of the bill. City Council Minutes 8/6/73 Page 8 XIV. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Langley, seconded by Welsh to adjourn to the next regular meeting of'August 20, 1973. Carried unanimously. ~AYOR mac/km