HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1973 02 20 MINUTES OF A REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL February 20, 1973 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Miller called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Councilman Langley. III. INVOCATION Given by Mayor Miller. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Miller, Saltarelli, Langley, Welsh, Woodruff (Woodruff arrived 10:37 p.m.) Absent: Councilmen: None. Others present: Asst. City Administrator Dan Blankenship Asst. City Admin.-Community Develo Ken Fleagle City Attorney James Rourke City Clerk Ruth Poe PRESENTATIONS Mayor Miller presented a City plaque to Mr. George Ritsi, for seven years of service on the Parks and Recreation Commission. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE. VI. PUBLIC CONCERNS 1. MR. DAVE KING, RE: REALIGNMENT OF YORBA & PACIFIC Mr. Dave King, 314 S. Pacific, Tustin, requested that the Council reconsider their decision approving the Yorba/Pacific realignment at First Street. VII. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February 5, 1973, meeting. 2. RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS in amount of $118.,061.23 3. STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY DEEDS Authorization for execution b~ the City~and for acceptance and recording by t~e City~erk of street right-of-way deeds on F~irst Street front- age of Peppertree Park and Brya~And Red Hill frontages of proposed Red Hill/Bryan Park--as recommended by the Engineering staff. 4. EXONERATION OF IMPROVEMENT BONDS, TRACT 7332 Acceptance of street improvements adjacent to Parcels 1, 2 and 3 of Lot 33: extension of Subdivision Agreements for Tract 7332 to December 31, 1973; acceptance of $4,000 cash bond for lot 33° Parcel 4, and exoneration of all Surety Bonds for Tract 7332--all as recom- mended by the Engineering Department. 5. IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT #115 and SURETY BOND FOR UP 72-398, SPORTS FOR FUN, INC., 305 EL CAMINO REAL. Authorization for execution of Improvement Agreement ~115, and acceptance of Surety Bond City Council -~lin~=., 2/20/73 Page 2 Mayor Miller requested that Consent Calendar Item No. l, Approval of Minutes, be considered separately. ~oved by Langley, seconded by Saltarel]i that Con- sent Calendar Items 2, 3, 4, and 5 be approved. Carried unanimously, Councilman Woodruff absent. Mayor Miller requested that Other Business Item No. 12 (page 15), in the Minutes of the February 5th meeting, be changed to reflect the Council's direc- tion that staff initiate recruitment of a City Engineer. The other Councilmen agreed that this had been their intent. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Saltarelli that the ~inutes of the February 5, 1973, City Council meet- lng be approved as corrected. Carried.unanimously, Councilman Woodruff absent. VIII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 570 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE, RELATIVE TO REGULATING VEHICULAR PARKING. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 571 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, " PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $950,000. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Langley that Ord- Inances 570 and 571 have second reading by title only. Carried unanimously. The secretary read Ordinances 570 and 571 by title. Moved by Langley, seconded by Welsh that Ordinances 570 and 571 be adopted. Carried. Ayes: Miller, Saltarelli, Langley, Welsh. Noes: none. Absent: Woodruff. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 572 An Interim, Urgency Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, PROHIBITING FREE-STANDING SIGNS, PENDING FURTHER STUDY. Mr. Jerry Mack, 14652 Pacific, Tustin, spoke on the importance of advertising and signing to retail and wholesale businesses, and recommended that before any .action is taken on this ordinance, the Council meet with representatives of the business community, whose livelihoods will be affected by it. He noted that the success of businessmen also means more sales tax revenue for the City and therefore a more stable tax base. Mr. Crady Henry, President of the Chamber of Commerce, asked how restriction of pole signs had anything to do with the protection of public health and welfare, as stated in the proposed ordinance. City Council Minutes 2/20/73 Page 3 Mr. Rourke explained that in order to adopt an urgency ordinance, the Council must make the find- ing that it is for the protection of the public health, welfare, etc.; the Council has the power to protect the interests of the whole public and can take into account the effect on the general population of things such as signs. Esthetics are __ part of the public welfare and it has been so determined. Mr. Henry objected to any further "unnecessary control" of signs, stating that sales will go down a minimum of three percent in the City as a result of this ordinance. He also stated that the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors had voted as being opposed to this ordinance, although membership had not been polled. Councilman Langley explain'ed that businessmen have repeatedly had to appeal to the Council decisions of the Planning Commission, due to inadequacies and ambiguities in the present Sign Ordinance~ which the Council is trying to resolve. Businessmen in the City have a right to know what is in the best interests of the City, and there should be no doubt as to what is permitted under the Sign Ordinance once it is read. Appeals should not be the result, of misunderstanding the Ordinance or contradictions within it. Councilman Saltarelli stated that the moratorium dn pole signs should be required in fairness to the business community, in the interest of equality under the ordinance for all individuals. He said that if there is no moratorium established, owners of new businesses about to open might make considerable in- vestments in pole signs permitted under the present Ordinance, which might be illegal under the new Sign Ordinance, and the City wil.1 have to amortize the nonconforming signs. He maintained that s~gns can be esthetically pleasing and still advantageous to businessmen, and the Council is seeking only reason- able control on this, with fairness to all the prime concern. In response to the Mayor's question as to how many persons in the audience were an agreement with Mr. Henry's conunents against the ordinance, approximately eighteen persons raised their hands° Mr. Arthur Turner, Arthur Turner and Associates, In- vestment Realtors, 18071 Irvine Boulevard, Tustin (County), stated that it is wrong for the Council to correct shortcomings in the Sign Ordinance by imposing a moratorium which will put people out of business. He stated that people thinking of estab- lishing businesses in the City will go elsewhere, as some businesses depend on having a pole sign° Mr. Ray Lynch, Federal Sign and Signal Corporation, 3036 South Oak, Santa Ana, offered the services of his company to the City to aid in drawing a Sign Ordinance that will be satisfactory to the City and to businessmen. Mr. Marvin Lee, President, Abundant Water Company dba Tustin Honda, 624 East First Street, Tustin, questioned whether the Council has considered the penalties that businessmen pay because of competition from nearby firms located in County islends and other areas adjacent City Council M.~ 2/20/73 Page to City boundaries, which are no~ subject to the sign restrictions that Tustin businessmen are. He felt that if there is not a better climate for business in Tustin, and if businesses are not encouraged to locate in Tustin, the City can expect to have to raise property taxes to meet the cost of needed additional police and fire protection and other services. Mr. Lee stated that his new location, corner of First Street and Tustin Avenue, is surrounded by the City of Santa Ana and the County of Orange on three sides, and he is confronted with the problem of "trying to outshine" his neighbors with regard to signing. He has had a pole sign designed which is satisfactory under the present Ordinance, but may not be under a revised Ordinance; the pole sign is essential because the bUilding is set to the rear of the property. Mr. Lee added that he has received excellent assist- ance from the City Hall staff, particularly Mr. Fleagle. He felt that from the businessman's standpoint, "it is a joy to have a City Hall with some people you can enjoy working with" Mr. Frank Greinke, Greinke Petroleum, 1011 Laguna Road, Tustin, stated that the company has been in busine.ss at the same location since 1931, and that within the last two years has received a variance to put up s sign; since that occurred, their sales tax has quadrupled, due to increased public exposure by means of the freeway type sign. He objected to the Council making any decision on this without interface with the Chamber of Commerce, and felt that the citizens' freedom of choice is being eroded by additional laws. F~r. Lee B. Lewis, Tustin Convalescent Hospital, 165 North Myrtle, Tustin, (residence: 170 Preble Drive), stated that his facility is located in a cul-de-sac and is extremely difficult for doctors and families of patients to find. He explained that due to this lack of visibility, design was started about a month ago for a pole sign. Mr. Raymond Kemp, 1671 Blueberry Way, Tustin, Execu- tive Director of the Academy of Scientology on Sixth Street, suggested that "human emotional reaction" to Ordinance 572 may be due to the semantic implications of such words as "urgency" and "prohibiting", and he questioned whether the Council's intent is actually to prohibit free-standingsigns. He suggested that a survey of business people be made to determine what is needed and wanted by the users, as well as by the viewers of the signs. He offered his organization's services to survey Tustin's population house by house at no charge. Councilman Saltarelli agreed that the business com- munity may be justifiably upset by reading the word "prohibit", but repeated that the intent of the Council is not to cut down all pole signs in 120 days, but to save the businessman the expense of having a sign designed and installed which would be out of tune with the new Sign Ordinance. The effect of the urgency ordinance will be that the City will not take any more free-standing sign applications until it is known within the next 60-90 days exactly what will be allowed. City Council Minutes 2/20/73 Page 5 'Mr. Bill Moses, Tustin News, 649 South "B", Tustin, questioned the need for an urgency ordinance, and said all that can be accomplished is that the City will produce something more restrictive than the present Ordinance. He stated that it is difficult for people in so~called "ethical professions",.such as architecture, medicine and law, to understand the merchant's need for signs; they do not think in the same concepts as retailers, etc. He doubted that - home owners are offended by signs in the business districts. Mr. Bill Becker, Custom Signs, 160 Centennial Way, Tustin, noted the great contribution signs make toward the success of a business, which in turn bene- fits residents by the effect on their property values. Several of his clients, two of which are national corporations, had abandoned plans to move to Tustin because of the overall sign problem and particularly because of the possibility of this moratorium taking effect. He suggested appointing a committee to formulate a workable sign ordinance, which he would be happy to serve on. Mayor Mill'er acknowledged that the interests of the residential and business communities do not always coincide, and that the Council has received expres- sions of dissatisfaction from residents about th~ size and proliferation of signs in the City. The present Ordinance allows signs which are too large. In response to Mayor Miller's question as to how many of those present were contemplating putting up pole signs within the next 90 days, eight people raised their hands. Mr. "Speed" Schuster, 13841 Tustin East Drive Tustin '(County), operator of McDonald's at 245 East ~irst Street, stated that as a Tustin businessman and member of the Chamber of Commerce, he felt that the urgency ordinance would discourage businesses from locating in the City, and questioned the need for a new Sign Ordinance at all. Mr. Jack Vodrey, Federal Sign and Signal Corporation, stated that he had worked with the Development Pre- view Commission on many actions, and suggested that the Ordinance be retained with only necessary changes being made. He suggested that in view of the Council's and Commissions' lack of knowledge about the sign industry and what good signing is, experts from the field.come up with ideas and meet with the Chamber of Commerce to modify and correct shortcomings in the present Ordinance. He volunteered the services of his company for this purpose. RECESS Mayor Miller called a recess at 8:55 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:15 p.m. Councilman Welsh reiterated the right of citizens to appeal and the Counci!'s responsibility to hear and respond to these appeals. He noted that residents need to identify shopping areas, and businessmen need signs to stay i~ business. The City benefits from sales tax gathered from t~e business co~nunity, and should this revenue be jeopardized by failing businesses due to inadequate signing, the tax load wou].d be in- creased for the home owners. The City staff is cog- City Ccu~cil t'linutc~ 2/20/73 Page 6 Ordinance, and sign applicants could be instructed in the Council's philosophy on signs. He favored the business community being involved in redrawing the Sign Ordinance. Replying to'Councilman Langley-, ~r. Fleagle explained the timeframe for obtaining a sign permit, including application, staff review, DPC review--which is about five days if approved by the DPC as submitted with a recommendation from the staff, or two weeks if modi- fications are required. For Councilman Saltarelli, he estimated that there may be four to five meetings of the business community before a, consensus is reached; it may be difficult to reach consensus by the Planning Commission and Council. He felt that there should be guidelines from the Council as to the standards they want staff to work with. The staff can prepare something in that direction and .then go through the process of meeting with the business community, the Planning Commission hearing, and the Council hearing. He estimated that once the Council establishes its guidelines, it will be a period of about two months before the Ordinance can come back to the Council for hearing. Mayor Miller-stated that the issue before the Council is that if any of the councilmen intend that stand- ards for signs are to be strengthened--not only for new signs, but in respect to amortization of existing ~ sxgns not in conformance with the new ordinance-- then it would be unfair to allow businessmen to un- knowingly invest in a sign which may become illegal. If the intent is to apply more restrictive standards only to new signs, there is the question of fairness to a new sign owner who is at a competitive disadvantage. Replying to Councilman Welsh's observation that he did not think that the staff would approve a sign which would no~ be in conformance wxth the revised Sign Ordinance, Mayor Miller stated that the staff does ~ 'not have that discretion if the sign meets the present Ordinance--it should be able to be built. The staff could, however, advise applicants that there is a certain risk involved with proceeding with the sign, but there is no way of advising them what that risk might be. Councilman Saltarelli stated that there would be no fairness in the business community if existing signs were not amortized into conformance with the new Ordinance, to create equal competitive basis. He felt that the staff does not have the discretion to disallow a sign if it is in conformance with the existing Ordinance, and therefore this urgency ord- inance provides businessmen protection against making a heavy investmenE within the next few months in a sign which may have to be amortized under provisions of a new Ordinance. Mr. Saltarelli stated that he has nothing against free-standing signs; it is just a matter of how high and large they will be under terms of the new Ordinance, and what to do with those out of character with that Ordinance. This does not necessarily mean new pro- visions will be more restrictive; they may be less so, but they will be equitable. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Miller that Ordinanc~ 572 have first reading by title'only. Carried unani- mously. ' ' City Council Minutes 2/20/73 Page 7 The secretary read Ordinance No. 572 by title. Moved by Saltaretli, seconded by Miller that Ord- inance No. 572 havesecond reading by title onlZ. Carried unanimously. The secretary read Ordinance No. 572 by title~ Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Miller that Ordinance No. 572, An Interim~ Urgency Ordinance Prohibiting Free-Standing Signs, Pending Further Study, be passed and adopted as an urgency measure. Motion failed'by roll call vote. Ayes: Miller, Saltarelli. Noes: Langley, Welsh. Absent: Woodruff. Councilman Langley stated that while he saw no need for an urgency ordinance at this time, he did not take the=position that the Sign Ordinance is satis- factory; there are changes needed. He was concerned with such aspects as alternations, size, illumination, etc., and it is his intention to reduce the size and other features to a certain'degree. The area in which the sign is placed is also part of the total problem° Councilman Welsh agreed that his "no" vote was not to be construed that he anticipated no change in the .Sign Code. With regard to rewriting the Ordinance, he favored input first from the businessmen, then from the staff, and finally by the Council. Following further discussion, it was moved by Miller, seconded by Welsh that staff be directed to advise each applicant that the City Council has under consideration the revision of the Sign Ord- inance, which may or may not make signs built to the existing Sign Ordinance nonconforming. Carried unanimously,-Councilman Woodruff absent. ~ayor Miller directed that the Comnunity Development Director meet with Mr. Frank Greinke (Chairman of the Chamber's Sign Committee) and others as the Chamber may designate, and with Mr. Jack Vodrey of Federal Sign and Signal, to acquire input of these and other persons in revising the Sign Ordinance. Councilman Langley suggested that Jerry Mack, former Mayor, be asked to participate also. Councilman Saltarelli proposed that each member of the City Council review the Sign Ordinance and pro- vide Mr. Fleagle with any input they may wish to offer, in order that he will be aware of areas of concern to the Council and set the tone for 'the Com- mittee. Councilmen Langley and Woodruff were appointed the Council's representatives at the Committee meetings. Following brief discussion of amortization schedules, Mayor Miller directed that Mr. Fleagle advise appli- cants of the amortization schedule that has been proposed to the Planning Commission on billboards. City Council ~'~inu~cs 2/20/73 Page 2. ORDINANCE NO. 573 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE TWO (2) PARKING SPACES PER DWELLING UNIT IN THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Langley that Ord- inance No. 573 have first reading by title only. Carried unanimously, Councilman Woodruff absent. The secretary read the title of Ordinance No. 573. X. RESOLUTIONS 1. RESOLUTION NO. 73-10 Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING THE OFFICIAL STATEMENT. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 73-11 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin SETTING A TIME AND PLACE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE DESIGNATION AND ADOPTION OF AN UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT REQUIRING THE REMOVAL OF POLES, OVERHEAD, WIRES, AND ASSOCIA- TED OVERHEAD STRUCTURES WITHIN THAT AREA OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN LOCATED ON FIRST STREET BETWEEN THE NEWPORT FREEWAY AND PROSPECT AVENUE WHICH AREA IS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND ON THAT CERTAIN MAP ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AND CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 73-12 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, DESIGNATING PLACEMENT OF CERTAIN STOP SIGNS. Location: Pacific Street at Third Street, Third Street at Pacific Street Mayor Miller asked that Resolution No. 73-11 be taken up separately, and directed the secretary to read Resolutions 73-10 and 73-12 by title. The secretary read Resolutions 73-1D and 73-12 by title. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Langley that further read- ing be waived and that Resolutions 73-10 and 73-12 be passed and adopted. Carried. Ayes: Miller, Saltarelli, Langley, Welsh. Noes: none. Absent: Woodruff. In reply to questioning, Mr. Tom Lacey, Southern California Edison Company representative, explained that there is a requirement that the Council set a date of hearing to formulate the district, in order that the Edison Company can expend funds allocated to this project. Property owners who will connect to the underground lines will have to pay for under- grounding of their lines from the property line to their home or business. Moved by Miller, seconded by Langley that Resolution 73-11 have first reading by title only. Carried unanimously, Councilman Woodruff absent. City Council Minutes 2/20/73 Page 9 The secretary read the title of Rcsolution 73-11. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Langley that Reso- lution 73-11 be passed and adopted. Carried. Ayes: Miller, Saltarelli, Langley, Welsh. Noes: none. Absent: Woodruff. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Langley that the City Engineer be authorized to hire an electrician to work with the utility companies to arrive at an accurate estimate of each affected property owner's cost. Carried unanimously, Councilman Woodruff absent. XI. OLD BUSINESS 1. SIGN APPEAL - FEDERAL SIGN & SIGNAL CORPORATION/ RED HILL REALTY (18002 Irvine Boulevard) Councilman Saltarelli stated that he viewed the "Vision Realty" sign on Seventeenth Street, and it is suffi- ciently subdued, and this would be a great improvement, as modified, over the existing sign face. Moved by Sa!tarell~, seconded by Langley that "Vision- Red Hill Realty" s!gn face for location at 18002 Irvine Boulevard, Tustin~ be approved as modified. Carried unanimously, Councilman Woodruff absent. XII. NEW BUSINESS (Taken out or order) 1. ABANDONMENT OF EXCESS RIGHT-OF-WAY Initiated by the Planning Commission on its own motion to abandon a portion of Yorba and declare the parcel in excess to the City's needs, to allow private development. Mayor Miller and Councilmen Saltarelliw Langley, and Welsh each stated for the record that they had been contacted separately on this matter by Mr. A1 Enderle. Councilman Saltarelli stated that he fully concurred with the action of the Planning Commission and staff in their recommendations, but it appeared to him that the property did not cost the City any money; regard- less of any fee interest the City has in the property, it is no longer within the City's needs. He did not feel that Mr. Enderle should be required to pay market value for the property; it should be declared excess and deeded back to Mr. Enderle for the costs incurred by the City in the abandonment proceedings° Mr. Rourke stated that there is no doubt that there is no present need by the City for the property. In order to abandon the property, the Council needs to make a finding that there is no present nor any reasonably anticipated prospective use of the property. The Council can then go through a proceeding vacating the City's interest in the right-of-way./The Council could, however, proceed by selling the City's interest in the property to the underlying fee owner, the adjacent property owner. If it is felt°that it has any present or prQspective possible use of the prop- erty and therefore wants to sell the interest, they can do that; if they do decide to sell it, they must do so for its fair market value. City Council Minutes 2/20/73 Page 10 In reply to Councilmen's questions, Mr. Flea$1e stated that there is not at this time a precise alignment of any future interchange at Newport and Seventeenth, presently a very hazardous intersection, so right-of-way requirements are not known. Apparent- ly the State did not feel that they would need this for realignment of off-ramps, or they would not have given a quitclaim deed. The Planning Commission con- sidered the point that it has been the policy of the City Engineer in the past that the City would not give away any land that the City had an interest in, in order to avoid being faced with the problem of buying it back if needed. Also a' zone change auth- orizing development in a District other than the present R-1 would create a traffic liability for the City on Yorba, and the City should be compensated for that liability, with funds therefrom being used to improve Yorba southerly of Jacaranda. Mr. A1 Enderle, 14192 Yorba, Tustin, summarized the history of this property, including past correspondence on the matter from the City Engineer. He introduced Mr. Frank Luer of First American Title Company. Mr. Frank Luer, Litigation Title Officer for First American Title Company, Santa Ana, explained that his Company maintains complete indexes of property in Orange County by legal description. On request ~. of Mr. Enderle he made an examination of the property in question starting from about 1890, to the present date, finding that the actual fee ownership, or under- lying fee, is vested in the contiguous property owner, now the Enderles, subject to the public right which was established in 1902. The public right can be relinquished by abandonment. Normally, a city does not sell to an individual an easement for the public right--it just vacates interest or right. Also, the political subdivision, or city, usually incurs the total expense of abandonment, except in certain in- stances the cost of publishing notices will be passed on to the underlying fee owner. He noted also that this parcel would not be pertinent to realignment of off-ramps, as discussed by Mr. Fleagle. In reply to questions, Mr. Luer said that his findings had been concurred in by the Senior Vice President, Chief Title Officer, two advisory Title Officers and another Litigation Title Officer, and the firm is ~n the position to ~ssue a policy of title insurance, sub- ject to the right of the public to use it, as the situation stands now. Replying to Council's questions, Mr. Rourke stated that Mr. Enderle is free to enter into an agreement to pay administrative costs, but is not obliged to do so; and the City iS not obliged to vacate or sell the property. (Councilman Woodruff arrived at this point in the meeting, at 10:37 p.m.) Replying to the Mayor, Mr. Enderle stated that he would have no objection to agreeing to pay $200 administrative costs. Following further discussion about the underlying fee owner assuming administrative costs of abandonment, City Council Minutes 2/20/73 Page 11 it was moved by Saltarelli, seconde~ by Welsh that the staff be directed to initiate proceedings for the abandonment of sub]ect property upon agreement of Mr. Enderle to pay administrative costs of $200. Carried unanimously. XI. OLD BUSINESS (Cont'd) 2. APPEAL OF RICH SIGN COMPANY - COAST FEDERAL SAVINGS, Administrative Ruling Mayor Miller explained that Rich Sign Company, on behalf of CoaSt Federal Savings had requested recon- sideration of the Council's decision at the last meeting to uphold an administrative ruling denying them a roof sign, as they had not been notified that it would be on the agenda of the last Council meeting and therefore were not heard at that meeting. Moved by Woodruff, seconded by Miller that this matter be reconsidered by the Council to allow applicants to make their presentation. Carried unanimously. Mrs. Helen Crider, Assistant Vice President/Manager of Coast Federal Savings, 530 E~st First Street, Tustin, stated that the Planning Commission had unanimously approved nonconforming status and continued use o~ a roof sign formerly used by Bank of America, with a change of sign face. The sign was removed in error ~ j without the knowledge or control of Coast Federal by an agent of Bank of America, and the Community Develop- ment Director then ruled that any right to use of a nonconforming sign was terminated and the roof sign could not be replaced. Potential depositors have com- Cc plained of difficulty finding the facility, even once inside Larwin Square, due to lack of proper signing. Mr. Ken Lovell, Manager, Bank of America, denied any knowledge about the removal of the sign, but stated that a roof sign is essential for identifica- tion of that building, and urged Council's favorable consideration of the matter. Mr. Rourke stated that he did not see how the Council ~ould make any finding other than that made by Mr. Fleagle, based on the facts as known, which are that the sign simply is not there and so does not have any of the rights of an existing nonconforming sign. The Council must abide by the Ordinance, regardless of the unfortunate mistake that occurred° Mr. F!eagle explained that the Planning Commission had determined that the right to continued use of the sign would be only until such time as the~-~ign is removed by any condition, as stated in Paragraph 2(f) of Resolution No. 1312. Following further discussionr it was moved My Woodruff, seconded by Langley that the administrative determina- tion of the Community Development Director be affirmed. Carried unanimously. City C~/t ..... i ....... 2/20/73 Page 12 XIII. OTHER BUSINESS 1. ARMY RESERVE--CITY ADMINISTRATOR Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh that the City Administrator's currently scheduled Army tours of ~ut~ be approved in lieu of additional vacation, as requested in his January 23, 1973, memo to the City Council. Carried unanimously. 2. PUBLIC WORKS YARD Moved by Miller, seconded by Langley that Public Works be authorized to perform the necessary work ~nd be relocated to the former Smith property on Prospect at the earliest possible date. Mr. Bill Moses protested moving the corporation yard to an interim site rather than using the permanent site on Red Hill which was purchased at taxpayers' expense. He also felt that the Smith property loca- tion is too crowded and situated too near a school for a fleet of City trucks to safely operate. C~uncilman Langley stated that the City Administrator's aim from the outset has been.tosave the City money, and has explored numerous possibilities for so doing, including the possibility of building a corporation. yard in conjunction with another agency. He stated' that this is explained in Mr. Gill's report, and referred Mr. Moses to that report. Councilman Saltarelli stated that he was satisfied that this would be a wise move temporarily. Moving to the permanent site at this time would involve a certain amount of grading and location of some small buildings; even a relatively low cost of $30,000-40,000 would be unjustified at ~his time. The Smith property offers a situation similar to the present one; vehicles will be screened from view. Mr. Milton Curtis, 13362 Cromwell Drive, Tustin, questioned putting the yard on a designated park site, and the City Administrator's figure of $200,000 for the future permanent public works yard, and suggested leaving the yard at the present site by delaying civic center landscaping. Also, the cost of this temporary move is unbudgeted, and City vehicles in a residential area will create an eyesore. Councilman Woodruff replied to this by stating that civic center construction costs will ~ncrease con- siderably if the contractor is faced with having working area and access hampered by the Maintenance yard, and this would necessitate removal of orange trees f~r access. The $200,000 is a "ball park figure", as there are no plans yet as to the extent of facilities required within a permanent public works yard. He felt that at the end of eighteen months, the park will be ready for development, Maintenance will be moving out, and the civic center completed. Councilman Saltarelli added that if the Council decides to proceed with library construction at the civic center site, this will have to be done in conjunction with civic center development. Above motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes 2/20/73 Page 13 3. "B" STREET REALIGNMENT Mrs. Lois Carr, Member of the Parks and Recreation Commission, asked whether the Consent Calendar item dealing with right-of-way deeds at First and "B" Streets (Peppertree Park) to allow realignment of "B" Street in conjunction with the First Street AHFP project, would affect the two large pepper trees at that corner of the park. Mr. Blankenship stated that the approval of deeds only designates that as part of the street right- of-way, but has no effect on the design of the street or authorizes any removal of trees. That would have to come back to the Council with the design of any proposed realignment. In reply to questioning, Mr. Rourke stated that public utilities cannot cut through that'-corner and take out trees without the City's approval. Mayor Miller requested, with Council consent, that the staff provide the Council and the Parks and Recreation Commission a rep6rt and a more detailed plan on the disposition of the trees and the "B" Street realignment. He further requested that the City Clerk and the Parks and Recreation Director screen Council agenda items and forward to the Chairman of the Commission any items that may be of interest or concern to that Commission. 4. PACIFIC/YORBA REALIGNMENT Council briefly discussed the Traffic Engineer's February 18, 1973, memo on signalization of Pacific at First and Yorba at First as separate intersections° Councilman Woodruff suggested that people in the area, or their spokesmen, be advised that cost analy- sis and feasibility studies on separate signalization systems have-been completed with negative results, and the Council's decision of the previous meetingt approving realignment of Pacific and Yorba at First~ still stands. Mr. David E. King, 314 S. Pacific, Tustin, requested reconsideration of the matter and added that pro- posed stop signs at Third and Pacific would create as much conflict as the T-intersection at First and Pacific, and that the angular intersection formed by realignment of Pacific and Yorba would be 30% more dangerous than the normal 90-degree intersection° Councilman Saltarelli stated that the Traffic Engineer's report specifically stated that a good signalization system of both intersections could not be accomplished, irrespective of cost. He stated that the problem on Pacific is not volume, but speed, and speed can be controlled by a four-way stop at Third and Pacific. 5. SCHEDULE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES The Community Development Director was commended for his "very realistic" schedule for such Community Development activities as Zoning and Sign Ordinance revisions, development standards, Land Use Element, etc. The Council briefly discussed the timing of these items. City Col],~cjl Minutes 2/20/73 Page 14 6. POLICEMANPOWER REQUESTS Council commented on the February 13, 1973, report by the Chief of Police concerning positions needed immediately, and including a backup report by Lt. Jon Schorle. Mayor Miller coImmented that the new positions could only be considered in the context of a budget session. Councilman Saltarelli felt that, in looking at specific areas, some clerical and narcotics enforcement personnel are justified, and these positions should be approved at least through budget time, particularly to cut overtime costs; he was very concerned with efficient use of manpower. Councilman Langley felt that there is an urgent need for every position named, citing the need for increased juvenile work, p~trol.of apartments, service to newly developed areas in the near future, etc.; he agreed with Mr. Saltarelli that perhaps vacation checks on homes should be terminated because of .the cost involved. Councilman Woodruff inquired as to how the six requested positions would fit into the current budget. Councilman Welsh stated that the question Is one of level of service to the taxpayers, parti- cularly with regard to narcotics and juvenile problems. Mr. Blankenship estimated that the positions would involve a cost of about $55,000 per year, excluding the cost of fringe benefits; if positions are filled on April 1, the cost would be one-fourth of the cost for the first year. He stated that it is difficult to obtain funds through the Law Enforcement Assistance Act, although this avenue could be explored. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh that the following requested positions be authorized: one Typist, one Narcotics-Intelligence Officer, one Juvenile Investigator, one Officer to assist in Traffic, and one Patrolman. Councilman Woodruff stated that he was not con- ~inced that the Council has received an adequate report from the Chief of Police on organizational efficiency, although he did acknowledge that a need exists to increase the force because of imminent population mncreases. Councilman Saltarelli agreed that there is no way at this point for the Council to know or control all the organizational changes needed in the Department, and studies should be made. But increases in crime, traffic violations, etc., require more personnel immediately and training should be gotten underway. Moved by Langley, that the following positionsbe authorized: one Typist, one Investigator for the Juvenile Unit, one Officer to assist in Traffic, and two Patrolmen. (Mr. Langley explained that the requested Investigator for the Juvenile Unit would assume some of the caseload of the Narcotics Division, thereby lessening the need for a Narcotics Intelligence Officer. Motion died for lack of second. Replying to Councilmen, Lt. Schorle stated that the Chief is seeking approval of these positions to get the hiring process started, and lateral movement within the Department can be resolved later. Four Patrolmen City Council Minutes 2/20/73 Page 15 could be hired with other requested positions filled by promotions within the Department. Moved by Woodruff, seconded by Miller that one Typist position and four entry-level Patrolman positions be authorized, subject to the Council receiving a report from the Chief of Police as to how the personY nel will be assigned. Carried unanimously. 7. FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUESTS The Council agreed to continue this item due to lack of sufficient information. 8. REPLACEMENT OF TREES Council continued to th~ next regular meeting the matter of replacement of trees on Amherst Street in Tustin Meadows, pending a recommendation from the City Administrator. 9. POLICE PROMOTION Mr. Blankenship stated that the Police Chief has requested promotion of a Senior Patrolman (Salary Range: 23X-E, $1,084) to Sergeant (25Y-C, $1,102); salary increase would be about 2%, rather than the customary promotional ~dvancement of 5%, as 5% increase would put him a step higher than the other Sergeants. The City Administrator has con-' curred in this recommendation. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Woodruff that promotion of Senior Patrolman to Sergeant (at Salary Range 25Y-C, S1,102) be approved. Mayor Miller stated that he opposed this move with- out some indication of the organizational changes involved. Above motion carried by 3-2 vote, Miller and Welsh voting no. 10. CONDEMNATIONS Mr. Rourke briefed the Council as to right-of-way acquisition status of Sutliff and Kidd properties on First Street, and presented two Resolutions for consideration by the Council RESOLUTION NO. 73-13 (Sutliff Property) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRE, AND ORDERING, THE ACQUISITION BY CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES. RESOLUTION NO. 73-14 (Kidd Property) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRE, AND ORDERING, THE ACQUISITION BY CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES. y ~ {,. ~• 1. ~/ ~l l ~ L. l l 1' l .L I ~ l! L. (.~ J 2/20/73 Page 16 Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Miller that Resolu- . tion No. 73-13 be read by title only. Carried unanimously. The secretary read the title of Resolution 73-13. _ Moved by Woodruff, seconded by Saltarelli that Resolution No. 73-13 be assed and ado ted. Carried rol call. Ayes: Miller, Saltarelli, Langley, • We s , Woodruff. Noes: none. Absent: none. Moved b Saltarelli, seconded b Welsh that Resolu- tion No. 3-1 a rea y title only. Carried unanimously. The secretary read the title of Resolution 73-14. Moved b Woodruff, seconded b Welsh that Resolution No. - e asse and a o to Carried. Ayes: Sa tarelli, Langley, Welsh, Woodruff. Noes: Miller. • ~ Absent: none. Mayor Miller stated that he would contact Mr. Ridd concerning his change of position on solution of the right-of-way acquisition problem with his property. Mr. Rourke agreed to have the City's right-of-way agent contact Mr. Miller. 11. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT, RIVERFORD ROAD Councilman Saltarelli requested that the staff ~ ec the progress of formation of an assessment district for a decorative entryway at Riverford _~ Road. XIV. ADJOURNMENT Moved Saltarelli that the cutive Session. C~%~...~~~v C . MAYOR J C CLERK ~~