HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1973 02 05 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL February 5, 1973 CALL TO ORDER .Mayor Miller called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. i.I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. INVOCATION Given by Councilman Langley. iVo ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Miller, Saltarelli, Langley, Welsh, Woodruff. Absent: Counci !men: None. Others present: City Administrator Harry Gill Asst. City Admin.-Comm. Devel. Ken Fleagle City Attorney James Rourke City Clerk Ruth Poe PRESENTATIONS Mayor Miller presented City plaques to the follow- ing persons: Orville Myers, for four years of service to the City as City Engineer. Mr. Myers was also presented the original of Resolution No. 73-6, / adopted at the last regular Council meeting. Don Allison, for service on the Parks and Recrea- tion Commission. : Lowell Dukleth, for service on the Building Board of Appeals and the Planning Commission. Milton E. Curtis, for service on the Planning Cor~ni s s i on. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. REALIGNMENT OF YORBA AND PACIFIC STREETS AT FIRST STREET. Mayor Miller opened the public portion of the hear- ing at 7:41 p.m. Mr. Gill stated that a petition opposing the realign- ment had been received, with 88 signatures represent- ing 53 separate addresses on Pacific, Second, Third, and Main Streets and other streets in the area. In reply to Mrs. Georgia Holmstrom, 143 N. Yorba, Tustin, Mr. Gill stated that properties at the northeast cor- ner of Yorba and First would be modified, and that no traffic increase would be caused on Yorba. Left turn movements onto First Street from Yorba will be facili- tated. After Mr. Harold Adams, 240 Pacific Street, Tustln, read the petition opposing the proposed realignment, the following persons spoke in opposition to the realignment for reasons Of increased traffic volume and speed on Pacific and Yorba, increased traffic burden on Main Street, previous Council action dis- approving realignment, detriment to residential char- acter of Pacific Street, and the possibility of alt- ernate solution to the present traffic problems. at First and Yorba: Arthur Charleton, 460 West Second, Tustin Dave King, 314 South Pacific, Tustin Mrs. V. Hicks, 210 Padific, Tustin Paul Snow, 430 West Main, Tustin City Council Minutes 2/5/73 Page 2 It was also noted by Mr. Charleton that Second Street and other st£eets in the vicinity are being used for test driving purposes by nearby car dealerships; and he and Mrs. Ruth Best, 265 Pacific, questioned why a stop s'ign at Third and Pacific had not been replaced after being knocked down or removed about two years ago° The following persons spoke in favor of the proposed realignment, for reasons of safety: Phil Siegel~ President, Consolidated Repro- ductions, 560 West First Street, Tustin Thomas Attebery, 155 Myrtle Street, Tustin There being no further comments or objections, Mayo~ Miller closed the public portion of the hearing at 8:00 p.m. Replying to questions by the Mayor, Mr. Gill stated that there have been no designs prepared of a traffic signal arrangement in case realignment was not ap- proved, although potential additional costs were discussed. He explained that the concept of realign- ment of Yorba and Pacific evolved in the design of the First Street widening project. Without realign- ment, it is anticipated that a signal will be needed at Pacific and First within a year, which is not within the design concept of the widening project. Councilman Welsh stated that serious consideration should be given to the effect of realignment on the residential character of the area, as heavy traffic would have a Decided effect on living conditions. Councilman Woodruff stated that the traffic would increase on Pacific but would decrease on Myrtle, and ~ said that he saw no evidence that traffic volume would increase on Main Street to any extent. He noted that the corner of Pacific and First is difficult nowr and once widening is completed, it will be impossible to · get out onto First. Convenience of traffic flow north and south is secondary to safety; if safety means re- alignment, he would favor that. He expressed doubt that realignment would increase speed on Pacific. Councilman Saltarelli suggested a way to implement the realignment and still aid residents of Pacific Street, that being installation of a four-way stop at Third and Pacific to reduce speed. This would provide a safe north-south access, possibly discouraging those going to the business district from using Pacific. Councilman Langley asserted that widening of First Street would automatically create more traffic on side streets, just as improvement of Irvine Boulevard created more traffic on the north-south streets south of Irvine Boulevard. Not realigning Pacific and Yorba would make the present hazard worse at Yorba and at Pacific. Councilman Woodruff agreed, and suggested that if traffic on Main Street does increase, for example, it would be routed toward E1 Camino Real, which has been desired by downtown businessmen. Mayor Miller suggested that' three-way stop with traf- fic signals at Pacific and Yorba might work in making those intersections safe, and felt that the Traffic 2/5/73 Page 3 Engineer's report on realignment was a one-sided presentation. Councilman Saltarelli repeated that he favored re- alignment as a means of controlling speed and dis- couraging traffic on Pacific and routing traffic to the business district via First Street, but said that if there were possibly a workable type of signaliza- tion, he would go along with that. Mr. Dale Wick, Assistant City Engineer, replied to Councilmen's questions by stating that no studies were made regarding actual costs for two separate signals, although Traffic Engineer Norm Hower had indicated to him that such a system involves complicated timing and is expensive. Although a measure o~ safety could be effected with a well engineered signal system, traffic would be hald up on First because of the need for separate left turn phases at Pacific and Yorba. Mr. Wick added that traffic flow on Irvine Boulevard is about 20,000 vehicles per day, and 15,000 vehicles per day on First Street. Councilman Langley was not in favor of exploring a temporary solution which would be unworkable five years from now. He felt that the solution should be achieved on the basis that First Street will be another Irvine Boulevard, as related to traffic volume, etc. Mr. Gill noted that the primary purpose of the realign- ment of the streets is to improve left turn moveraentsr not to improve the flow of through traffic. Councilman Saltarelli acknowledged that a great deal of traffic is generated from Consolidated Reproductions and other First Street businesses. Realignment would keep the, traffic flow smooth and ease turning move- ments from Pacific and Yorba. Commenting on Councilman Welsh's repeated concern that traffic would be increased on Pacific, Council- man Langley said that traffic would increase anyway when First Street is widened; businesses are already forced to use residential streets rather than try to make turning movements on First Street just because of this situation, and the cost of correcting the problem will increase as time goes on. Responding to the Mayor's inquiry about cul-de-saccing Pacific to prevent its usage by people desiring to go north on Yorba, Mr. Gill stated that there had been discussions of this type of action for several streets, such as at Pacific and Main, but that arrangement would serve to increase traffic on Myrtle. There is a problem getting out to First Street northerly by any of those streets. Moved by Woodruff, seconded by Saltarelli that the Council approve the realignment of Pacific and Yorba in conjunction with the First Street Arterial Highway Financing Project No. 604, and authorize the staff .t..o. prepare the necessar.y drawin.~s, agreements, and specifications that must be filed by April 1, 1973, to accommodate the project as redesigned; to include installation of a two-way or four-way stop at Third and Pacific Streets. City Council Minutes 2/5/73 Page 4 Ma}Ior Miller stated that the Council would do well to act on this after there has been a complete study of alternatives (signalization possibilities). Councilman Welsh agreed. -Councilman Woodruff stated that, in view of critical time factor, it might be appropriate for the staff Above motion carried by roll call e ley,~ Saltarelli, Woodruff. Noes: Miller, Welsh. Absent: none. The staff was directed to prepare the plans and specifications for submittal by April 1, 1973, the AHFP deadline, and to study and report on possible alternatives to realignment. Mayor Miller requested that the City Administrator meet with Mr. Charleton, Mr. Adams, and Mr. King, when more information is available on the effect on speed and traffic volume of a four-way stop at Third and Pacific. 2. V-72-285 APPEAL OF DECISION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION--UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK. Appeal of the United Calif6rnia Bank of the denial of Variance 72-285 by the Planning Com- mission for a free-standing sign in a con~ner~ial complex. Site is located on the southwesterly side of Irvine Boulevard, easterly of Newport, in the Tustin Heights Shopping Center. Mr. F/eagle stated that a letter had been received from Mr. I. R. Obel, Assistant Vice President of United California Bank in Los Angeles, requesting a referral of this application to the Planning Commis- sion for consideration of use of wall signs for ' identification rather than originally requested free-standing pole signs. Mr. Rourke stated that this would constitute a new or amended application, in effect dropping their original application. Moved by Langley that this application be referred to the Planning Commission. Motion died for lack of second. Councilman Woodruff stated that as this represents a new application, and withdrawal of the appeal, the matter should not be referred to the Planning Com- mission; the applicants should come back and start the application process again for consideration of wall signs. The Council concurred in Mr. Woodruff's co~ents. 3. V-72-286 - APPEAL OF DECISION OF THE/PLANNING COMMISSION--FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ORANGE COUNTY. City Counc'i ] ~4~ nut 2/5/73 Page 5 An appea~ of the First National Bank of Orange County of the Planning Commission's denial of Variance 72-286 to authorize an additional free-standing sign in a commercial complex. Site is located westerly of the westerly corner of Walnut Street and Red ~ill Avenue, further known as the Alpha Beta Shopping Center. Mr. Fleagle described the location ,of the First National Bank and the substance of the variance request, and summarized the background of this application through the Planning Commission. ~ayor Miller opened the public portion of the hearing at 9:00 p.m. Mr. Bill Becker, Custom Signs, 160 Centennial Way, Tustin, represented his sign company and the First National Bank of Orange County. He presented a color rendering of the proposed sign which he described as tasteful and inoffensive. He asserted that First National Bank of Orange County is not enjoying the business that other banks are doing, a situation Which is due to inadequate signing, according to studies made. He questioned the justification for denying the bank's sign'when Standard Oil station at the southwest corner of Red Hill and Walnut was granted a variance for a 64-square-foot pole sign, particularly in view of its corner location and completely unobstructed visibility. In reply to questioning, Mr. Becker stated that a one-inch-high letter can be read at fifty feet, and ten-inch-high letters at five hundred feet. Letters on the sign are proposed to be fourteen inches high. He pointed out that the sign area requested is only half that of Alpha Beta's. He explained that the in- adequate roof sign is the result of Development Pre- view Commission alteration of a sign design submitted two years ago. He submitted photos of the bank taken from various directions at various distances, to illus- trate that present signing is inadequate to make the bank identifiable. He discussed the visibility of the bank and signing from a car travelling the speed limit. Mr. Grady Henry, Manager, First National Bank of Orange County, 14641 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, stated that signs have economic validity, and that the Sign Ordinance is unfair to free-standing buildings, or that its appli- cation by official bodies is unfair. He requested the same determination for his bank as that for Bank of America (that Bank of America was not located in Lar- win Square, under provisions within the Sign Ordinance defining a "shopping center"). He said that there is no provision in the Ordinance limiting shopping centers to only one pole sign. In reply to questioning, Mr. Rourke stated that the Council may modify the decision of the Planning Com- mission in regard to reducing the size or height of the sign. Councilman Langley asked about the basis of Mr.' Henry's "hardship" concern, and whether he is looking for residents south of Edinger to identify with the bank, or whether those in the immediate area don't know where the bank is. City Council Minutes 2/5/73 Page 6 Mr. Henry explained that there are 2,000 apartments within one mile of the bank, and it is important that those looking for apartments in the area recognize the bank as such; once accounts are established, they are seldom transferred to another bank. Also, greater exposure is needed to the 18,000 cars on Red Hill per day. Mr. James Kinaer, 1941 Hampshire, Tustin, representing residents in Tustin Meadows, objected to approval of the sign because it would be discriminatory to smaller businesses almost totally obscured behind the bank; also, two of three entrances on Red Hill to the Alpha Beta Center go right by the bank. · Mr. Mark ShapirO, 14811 Birchwood Place, Tustin, stated that the only reason he could see for this sign would be to draw business away from other banks, and questioned whether the sign would have sufficient visibility anyway to provide greater exposure to the bank. He also objected to glaring lights from the sign possibly annoying residents of Tustin Meadows. Mx. Becker denied that the sign would offend anyone' in Tustin Meadows, and explained that the blue back- ground would restrict light transmission more than any other color, and there would be no glare. He stated that the sign was justified because the bank is situated on a separate parcel from the rest of the Center, and the Code allows this; for this reasonF approval of the sign would not set a precedent for granting variances to other businesses in the Center. ~. Dennis Bruckler, 1432 Garland, Tustin, stated ~hat if variances are continually granted, the Sign Ordinance might just as well be discarded. He sug~ gested'that it may be in order for the Ordinance to be studied and rewritten if interpretation is dif- ficult. He thought that perhaps if Mr. Henry has a hardship, it may be due to other banks in the area having been granted variances and thereby been af- forded unfair competitive advantage, Mr. A! Enderle, 14192 Yorba, Tustin, recalled that when the Sign Ordinance was written, the intent of the Council was that it be rather strong but liberally applied in situations such as this where a real need exists. There being no further comments or objections, Mayor Miller closed the public portion of the hearing at 9:46 p.m. In reply to a question by Councilman Welsh, as to whether residents would object to a compromise 6' x 6' sign with illumination shut off after banking hours, Mr. Kinder said that the objection is not to the size of the sign, but to the fact of the usage of a sign. He felt that the sign would not attract any more people than Alpha Beta's advertising and drawing power do. Moved by Woodruff, seconded by Miller that the deci- sion of the Planning Commission denying V-~2-286 of First National Bank of Orange County be affirmed. Counciiman Saltarelli fel~ that there should be a consistent policy on granting variances and that Ehere are cases where true need does exist~ and that 2/5/73 Page 7 Mr. Henry does have a visibility problem. While · he did not find the sign offensive, he supported the Planning Commission decision to deny the appli- cation based on the size and height of the sign. He would consider a sign that would be lower to the ground and smaller than what is proposed, that would not be obtrusive to residents. Councilman Woodruff explained the reasons for his motion as being that the shopping complex was designed to serve the needs of the immediate residential com- munity; the bank has good visibility from Walnut, which photos indicate; the only access to the Center for traffic northbound on Red Hill (except via Walnut) is into the driveway adjacent to the bank; the bank benefits by the tremendous drawing power of Alpha Beta, so there is no evidence of hardship; the Sign Code is ambiguous and should be revised. Above motion to affirm the Planning Commission's decision denying V-72-286 was carried by roll call vote. Ayes: Miller, Langley, Woodruff. Noes: Saltarelli, Welsh. Absent: none. 4. AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 157 (ZONING ORDINANCE) - PARKING REQUIREMENTS IN PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. Mr. Fleagle stated that following a public hearing held on January 8, 1973r the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 1311, recommending to the City .Council an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to pro- vide that total parking spaces in the Planned Devel- opment District shall be two spaces per unit, with at least one covered space per unit. This is to ac- commodate the longterm residency characteristic of condominiums, by requiring the same off-street parking as a single-family residence; condominlums are auth- orized i~ the Planned Development District, and in the R-3 District subject to criteria of the Planned Development District. Mayor Miller opened the public portion of the hearing at 10:02 p.m. There being no comments or objections he closed the public portion of the hearing. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh that the findings of the Planning Commission, as contained in Resolution No. 1311, be upheld and the City At- torney be instructed to prepare the necessary implementing ordinance. Carried unanimously. VI. PUBLIC CONCERNS 1. MR. GRADY HENRY, RE: LETTER FROM CIRCUS CIRCUS Mr. Grady Henry,. President of the Tustin Chamber of Commerce, read a letter addressed to the Chamber from Martin Black, Public Relations Director for Circus Circus Hotel in Las Vegas, concerning their billboard at Browning and Nisson which became a "cause c~l~bre in the Tustin area". The letter contained an invita- tion to the Chamber President and to the members of the City Council for a one-night stay in order for them to judge for themselves the calibre of operation of Circus Circus, which "is the only family-oriented casino in Las Vegas". City Council Minutes 2/5/73 Page 8 2. MR. MILTON CURTIS, RE: SIGNALS AT RED HILL AND SAN JUAN. Mr. Milton Curtis, 13362 Cromwell Drive, Tustin, inquired about the progress of signalization of the intersection of Red Hill and San Juan. Mayor Miller stated that he had contacted Supervisor Ralph Clark, and was advised that the signal will be funded in the 1973-74 fiscal year and should be in operation by the start of school in September. Replying to Councilman Welsh, regarding signal synchronization on Red Hill, Mr. Gill said that the AHFP review committee had denied the City's request for funding for interconnects on Red Hill; AHFP funds are not used for this type of project. Mayor Miller requested that the City Administrator determine the names of members on the AHFP committee so that appeals can be made to the members directly and not through the County staff. Councilman Saltarelli added that in making liaisons with the County, all three of the Supervisors repre- senting Tustin be contacted. RECESS Mayor Miller called a recess at'10:10 p.m.; the meeting reconvened at 10:20 p.mo VII. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - January 15, 1973 Regular Meeting, and January 29, 1973, Special Meeting° 2. RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS in amount of $357,817.2~ 3. IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS AND BONDS FOR ZC-70-218, GEORGE ARGYROS (northeast corner of Newport and Walnut). Approval of new Improvement Agreement No. 114 and Bond in amount of $7,000 and cancellation of old Agreement No. 108 and bond in amount of $15,000, all as recommended by the Assistant City Engineer. 4. MALENA STORM DRAIN PLANS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION THROUGH TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7S46. Approval of Plans and Special Provisions for con- struction of Malena Storm Channel from Malena Drive to Prospect Avenue, as recommended by the Assistant City Engineer. 5. MALENA STORM DRAIN - EASEMENT DEEDS Acceptance of deeds for recording as recommended by the Assistant City Engineer. 6. LAGUNA ROAD STREET IMPROVEMENTS - PROJECTS I, II, AND III. Acceptance of'work and authorization'of payment of S327.61 Eo Galtuzzo and Sons, Inc., and as- suming no liens or claims are filed the payment of final 10% ($896.74) in 35 days, as recommended by the A~sistant City Engineer, City Council Minuff 7. PROSPECT-BENETA PARK SITE PROPERTY Approval of agreement with the Tustin Elementary School District as recommended by the City Attorney. 8. CITY ENGINEER PROPOSAL Approving John G. Goetten of Williamson and Schmid as City Engineer and Superintendent of Streets for an indefinite period as set forth in proposal signed by Bob W. Williamson, dated 1/17/73. 9. RELEASE OF IMPROVEMENT BOND, BEL AIR MOTOR HOTEL Release of Improvement Bond in the amount of $3,000.00, as recommended by the staff. 10. STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY DEEDS ADJACENT TO FIRE STATION NO. 2 Authorization for execution of deeds and accep- tance and recording of' deeds as recommended by the Assistant City Engineer. ll. RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT DEEDS AND AGREEMENTS, FIRST STREET AHFP PROJECT NO. 649 Acceptance and authorization, as recommended by the Assistant City Engineer. Mayor Miller requested that Items 4 and 5, both in- volving the Malena Storm Drain, be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion and action. Moved by Woodruff, seconded by Saltarelli that Items 1, 2, 3, and Items 6 through 11 of the Consent Calendar be approved. Carried unanimously, Councilman Welsh abstainifig on Item #1, Approval of Minutes. During discussion of Items 4 and 5, Malena Storm Drain, several Council members expressed concern that affected residents be given advance notice of the nature of the project and ramifications of the construction, and who to call in case of problems or complaints. The staff was instructed to provide such notice to resi- dents, and to contact the County Road Department and the County Flood Control District about keeping incon- venience to a minimum, as related to driveway access, maintenance of driving lane, clearing of'debris, etc. Moved by Miller, seconded by Welsh that Items 4 and 5 of the Consent Calendar be approved. Carried unanimously. VIII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 569 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE MASTER PLAN OF ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS AND THE CIRCULATION ELEMENT OF THE TUSTIN AREA GENERAL PLAN. Moved bE Saltarelti, seconded by Langle~ that Ordinance No. 569 have second reading by title only. Carried unanimously. City Council Minutes 2/5/73 Page 10 The secretary read Ordinance No. 569 by title. moved by Langley, seconded by Woodruff that Ordinance No. 569 be adopted. Carried. Ayes: Miller, Saltarelli, Langley, Welsh, Woodruff. Noes: none. Absent: none. IX. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 570 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE, RELATIVE TO REGULATING VEHICULAR PARKING° Moved by Woodruff, seconded by Saltarelli that Ordinance No. 570 have first reading by title only. Carried unanimously. The secretary read Ordinance No. 570 by title. X. RESOLUTIONS 1. RESOLUTION NO. 73-7 A Resolution of the City of Tustin, California, ADOPTING THE JANUARY, 1973, EDITION OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS. Moved by Woodruff, seconded by Langley that ResolU- tion No. 73-7 be read by title only. Carried unanimously. The secretary read Resolution 73-7 by title. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Saltarelli that Resolu- tion No. 73-7 be passed and adopted. Carried. Ayes: Miller, Saltarelli, Langley, Welsh, Woodruff. Noes: none. Absent: none. XI. OLD BUSINESS NONE. XII. NEW BUSINESS 1. APPEAL OF RICH SIGN CO. (COAST FEDERAL SAVINGS) --ADMINISTRATIVE RULING Mr. Fleagle gave the background of this appeal as con- ~ained in staff reports. Mayor Miller invited comments from the applicants; there was no one present desiring to speak on the matter. Moved by Woodruff, seconded by Saltarelli that the decision of the Co~nunity DevelopmenE Director (that any right to continued use of a non-conforming roof sign was terminated by action of its voluntary re- moval, and it could not be replaced) be upheld. Carried unanimously. 2/5/73 Page 1l 2. APPEAL OF FEDEP~L SIGN AND SIGNAL CORPORATION (RED HILL REALTY) Appeal of Federal Sign and Signal Corporation on behalf of Red Hill Realty, of Development Preview Commission denial of proposed change of face for existing sign located at 18002 irvine Boulevard. Mr. Fleagle explained that an application submitted to the Development Preview Commission to change Ibe face of the subject sign from "Red Hill Realty" to "Vision - Red Hill Realty" within the existing sign cabinet was denied based upon the brilliance of in. tensity and the flamboyance of the color spectrum of the proposed sign, and particularly due to its relationship to the professional office building signing on Irvine Boulevard. Mr. Jack Vodrey of Federal Sign and Signal, 3036 South Oak, Santa Ana, explained that his company owns tb~. sign in question and leases it to Mr. Nahigan of Red ~ill Realty~ which is changing its corporate identity to "Vision Realty"; it is desired for both names, "Vision Red Hill Realt~"~ to remain on the sign face temporarily. With regard to light intensity, the dense burgundy background proposed would reduce the illumina- tion by at least one-third, eliminating problems of light intensity for nearby residents. The only other method of reducing illumination would be to completely rewire the sign from 800 to 425 milliamperes, which would be a costly procedure. He stressed the impor- tance of the rainbow and burgundy color to Vision Realty's corporate identity; this location is the firm's national headquarters. Mr. Arthur Turner, President and co-owner of Vision Realty, described the national real estate franchise concept, and spoke in support of the logo, objecting to the City making determinations as to color, etc. He stated that Development Preview Commissioner Frank Greinke would have been at this meeting to support the applicants but had a conflicting meeting. He named other locations where the sign is being used (Univer- sity Park, and on Seventeenth Street in Santa Ana, one block west of Tustin Avenue); signs have also been ordered for other Orange County locations. Following a short discussion of the intensity of il- lumination in the existing and proposed signs, it was moved by Miller, seconded by Saltarelli that the change of sign face be approved with the provision that intensity of illumination in both signs be reduced to 425 milliamps. Moved by Woodruffl seconded by Welsh that the change qf sign face be approved with the provisions that the intensity of illumination in both signs be reduced to 425 milliamps and that "Loma Linda" portion of the sign match the color scheme of the "Vision - Red Realty" portion of the sign. Mr. Vodrey pointed out that if the background is bur- gundy, the illumination would be considerably darker without rewiring to 425 milliamps. The signs it, other locatie~ ave ~nn ~ ] ~ ~ The above substitute motion by Mr. Woodruff fa'i:led -,. by 3-2 vote. T~y~s: Wel. sh, Woodru£f. Noes: ~flter, Saltarclli, Langley. Absent: City Council Minutes 2/5/73 Page 12 Councilman Langley stated that the signs in Univer- sity Park and on Seventeenth Street are adequately subdued, and they should be seen before any decision is made on this sign. Following further discussion, it was moved by Woodruff, seconded by Langley that this ~atter be continued for two weeks to permit applicants to work with the staff on the technical aspects and -- the CounciI~ to view similar signs in other locations. Carried unanimously. 3. FINAL MAPOF TRACT NO. 8028 ResOlution No. 73-9, APPROVING FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 8028, was introduce~ by title. .'Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Langley that further reading be waived and that Resolution No. 73-9 be passed and adopted. Carried. Ayes: Miller, Saltarelli, Langley, Welsh, Woodruff. Noes: none. Absent: none° 4. CITY OF TUSTIN 1973 CIVIC CENTER BONDS Councilman Saltarelli, referring to Ordinance No. 571, inquired whether it is standard that none of the bonds can be called for early redemption until 1991, noting that'many corporate and municipal bonds con- tain shorter periods for call purposes. He said that it was mentioned during the civic center bond campaign that if the finances were available and surplus City properties sold, etc., these funds might be used to reduce the bonded obligation more quickly; with a 25--year provi~on, thatl.opportun~I~y would be ~irt'u~lty impossible. ~f there were a provision allow- · ng the City to pay off the most distant maturities earlier, the City could possibly set aside $26,000 per year out of revenae sharing or other available monies to amortize the final $500,000 n~ne years earlier, and enable the City to discontinue tax rate established ~or the civic center bonds seven years earlier. This would have good ramifications in the future by establishing the intention of the taxing authority and the City Council, cesulting in an improved rating if the City wanted to sell bonds in the future. He had no objection. however, to proceeding with the O,'dinance as written, ,~ this wa~ ~ne pleasure o~ the City Council. There was some discussion of continuing this item to the next regula~ meeting or to a special mee.~.inU. Mr Gill stated that in connection with the Cale~dar fo~ Bond Issuance and Sale, March 20 was the first ~date that was comfortable wikh the bond counsel for sale of the bonds, and probaDly a better interest rate can be obtained if sa!~ of bonds is not delayed. It w~s agreed |~y the Council that the best course would be t~ Frcze~d on th~ recommended schedule. An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $950,000. ~ovcJ by Salta~ell~., seconded by Ianc~]~l that Ordinance N,2, 571 ~ave ~i'Irsh rf,,~<~ii{f by ?~-~r, on'lv~ Carried 2/5/73 Page 13 The secretary read Ordinance No. 571 by title. RESOLUTION NO. 73-8 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE INVITING SEALED PRO- POSALS FOR BONDS OF SAID CITY', Moved by Woodruff, seconded by Saltarelli that Resolution No. 73-8 be read by title only. Carried unanimously. The secretary read Resolution No.'~3-8 by title. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Langley that Resolution No. 73-8 be passed and adopted. Carried. Ayes: Miller, Saltarelli, Langley, Welsh, Woodruff. Noes: none. Absent: none. Councilman Saltarelli requested that he be supplied a list of those who will be invited to bid on the Civic Center Bonds, to ensure that the bid list is given as wide a distribution as possible. XIII. OTHER BUSINESS 1. ARMY RESERVE--CITY ADMINISTRATOR The Council continued the matter of the City Admin- istrator's request for approval of currently sched- uled Army tours of duty in lieu of additional vaca- tion, as contained in his January 23d memo to the City Council. 2. STREET LIGHTING AT RED HILL & SYCAMORE Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Woodruff that Mr. Curr~e, Deputy Superintendent of the Tustin Elementary School Districz be notified that the City will pay three-eighths of the cost of street lights on Red Hill and Sycamore. Carried unani- mously. 3. COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOPS The City Council directed that workshops with the Planning Commission be scheduled for 6:30 p.m. prior to the first Council meeting of each quarter. Plan- ning Commission is to be notified of workshop sched- uled for Monday, April 2, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. 4. REVISION OF ZONING AND SIGN ORDINANCES The City Attorney was directed to prepare an interim Sign Ordinance providing for a moratorium on any new or replacement roof or pole signs and other signs of a controversial character, to be adopted at the next regular meeting as an urgency measure. Following discussion, it was moved by Woodruff, sec- onded by Welsh that staff be directed to have the Zoninq Ordinance revision submitted to the Planning CommiSsion for public he~rinq no later than the first meeting in May, and that the City Council authorize hirinq of a consultant for assistance for a certain c~'iAg price. City Council Minutes 2/5/73 Page 14 There was brief discussion about the restrictive timeframe covered in the above motion, particularly due to the priority of revising the Sign Ordinance; the following substitute motion was made: Moved by Miller, seconded by Saltarelli that the staff present a brief program at the next meetinN listing manpower needs, funding, time scale, and other critical points involved in order for the Council to .adopt by June 30, 1973, a set of development standard~ and revised Zoning and Sign Ordinances. Carried unanimously. 5. MAINTENANCE POSITIONS Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Miller that a Mechanic's Helper position be authorized in the Maintenance Department in place of one Maintenance- man I position; and that an additional position of Equipmen~ Mechanic in Maintenance be authorized, with majority of present cost offset by PEP funds until the PEP program terminates, and thereafter to repre- sent one additional position in Maintenance. Carried unanimously. 6. LEAGUE MEETING Mr. Gill commented that the ExecUtive Meeting of the brange County Division of the League of California. Cities would be held February 8, at which time there will be some discussion of the Board of Supervisors' adoption of policy objectives for expenditure of their Revenue Sharing funds, which are in conflict with the position taken by the Orange County cities. Mr'. Bob Huntley, Westminster City Administrator and new- President of the Orange County City Managers' Associ- ation,'wi!l convey to Bob Finnell the concerns of the City Managers. It is believed that no cities will be submitting projects to the County Administrative Of- fice for consideration for joint funding prior to the February 8 League meeting. 7. REQUESTED WORKSHOP WITH ROAD DEPARTMENT The staff was instructed to reply to the County Road Commissioner's request for a workshop on the matter of the Santa Ana/Newport Freeway interchange, that the Council is interested but it was too late in this meeting's agenda to fix a specific date° 8. CITY MANAGERS' SPRING MEETING Moved by Langley, seconded by Saltarelli that the City Administrator be authorized to attend the City Managers' Spring Meeting in Oakland, February 21-23, 1973. Carried unanimously. 9. RED ZONES IN TUSTIN MEADOWS CUL-DE-SACS Council discussed the validity of retaining red zones in cul-de-sacs in' Tustin Meadows for access to fire lanes. It was suggested that the matter be submitted to the Tustin Meadows Homeowners Association for their viewpoint as to whether parking should be restricted at these locations or permitted~ 10. CROSSING GUARD AT SYCAMORE AND RED I!ILL The staff was instructed to assure that a crossing ~uard vz~] })~ rntc!4nn~~ '~t kh!~ in~-or~:c .... ~ ~ cDf ~Fi?] 2/5/73 Page 15 11. LIBRARY SITE · The Council requested that the matter of site for Tustin Branch Library be placed on the agenda of the March 5th Council meeting. 12. CITY ENGINEER Mr. Gill explained to the Council that it would be ~dvantageous to give the contract City Engineer con- cept a fair trial for a period of two to three months. The arrangement has worked very well so far, utilizing the talents of the present Engineering staff to set tone and style and carry out the duties of the Depart- ment. It was the consensus of the Council that the staff be directed to initiate recruitment of a new City Engineer at the earliest possible date. XIV. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 12:21 a.m. to Tuesday, February 20, 1973 (due to City Holiday February 19) at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. MAYOR