HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1973 01 03 MINUTES OF A REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL January 3, 1973 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Miller at 7:36 p.m. an the Civic Center Community Building. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Councilman Welsh. III. INVOCATION Given by Councilman Saltarelli. IV. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Miller, Saltarelli, Langley', Welsh, Woodruff (Woodruff arrived 7:55 p.m.) Absent: Councilmen: None Others present: City Administrator Harry Gill Asst. City Admin.-Comm. Devel. Ken Fleagle City Clerk Ruth Poe City Attorney James Rourke V. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE MASTER PLAN OF HIGHWAYS DELETING FIRST STREET FROM NEW- PORT TO RED HILL AVENUES. Mr. Fleagle summarized the background of this action, stating that the City Council, on request of First Street residents, directed the Planning Commission to conduct a public hearing on the matter of deletion of First Street from Newport to Red Hill from the Master Plan of Arterial Highways. The public hear- ing was held on November 27, 1972, followed by adop- tion of Resolution No. 1305 recommending approval of the Amendment to the Master Plan of Arterial Highways. Mayor Miller opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:40 p.m. Mr. Sal Delgado, 13351 White Sands Drive, Tustin, stated that his greatest concern was for the safety of families on First Street, and this action toward restoring the residential character of the street will be greatly appreciated. There being no further comments or objections, Mayor Miller closed the public portion of the hearing at 7:41 p.m. In reply to questions, Mr. Gill stated khat a traffic count taken about two months ago ~ndicated that the traffic volume has decreased by about 300 vehicles per day, as the result of stop signs being placed at White Sands and at Charloma. ,Replying to Mrs. Joyce Mowers' (1362 E. First) concerns about the number of large trucks using that section of First Street, Mayor Miller said that the City can post a weight limitation for vehicles on that section ,of the street. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Langley ~hat propose~ Amendment to the Master Plan of Arterial Highways, deleting First Street from New~Dort to Red Hill, aD_p/oroved, and that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary documents. Carried by 3-0 vote; Councilman Welsh abstaining, Councll~Woodruff absent. City Council Minutes 1/3/73 Page 2 Mr. Delgado and Mrs. Mowers requested that the Engineering Department investigate alternative means 'of solving the traffic problem on that section of First Street and that they be advised of any actions being considered by the City in this regard. Mayor Miller stated that the stop signs were a first step; posting of vehicle weight limitations and pos- sible other measures might be appropriate, and that the staff could provide the Council a "shopping list" of things to consider, including their ramifications and impact on First Street and other City areas. But the Council has gone on Tecord as Opposing any action to block off or cul-de-sac that portion of First Street. Councilman Saltarelli agreed, stating that he would support measures to decrease traffic volume, but not to cul-de-sac the street. He added that placing stop signs on arterial highways tends to give pedestrians a false.sense of security, particularly in this area where there are still incidents of vehicles running the stop signs. The City Administrator was instructed to contact Mr. Delgado (838-0243) to advise him of any action being contemplated. Mayor Miller requested that notice of the stop signs at White Sands and Chartoma be more plainly marked, to warn drivers'they are coming to a stop. PUBLIC CONCERNS 1. STREET IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED ON PROSPECT Mr. Nicholas Barletta, 105 S. Prospect, Tustin, asked whether some action could be taken to eliminate a jog in the west side of Prospect Avenue south of First Street, which creates a hazard to traffic coming into his building on the east side of the street. The Council directed that the staff investigate the feasibility of Chapter 27 action for this location. 2. SIGN ORDINANCE CLARIFICATION Mr. Nicholas Barletta inquired whether a designation change from "Cal State" to "Casa Bonita" on the roof sign above his offices at 105 South Prospect would require removal of the sign under provisions of the Sign Ordinance. He explained that the executive and operational offices of Casa Bonita are located in the building. Mr. Fleagle stated that a change in the name of the company would be an authorized change under the Sign Ordinance, and the sign would not have to be removed. VII. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - December 19 and 20, 1972 2. RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS in amount Of $420,668.63 Moved by Miller, seconded by Langley that both items on the Consent Calendar be approved. Carried unani- mously, Councilman Woodruff absent. City Council Minutes 1/3/73 Page 3 VIII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 566 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE TO REVISE THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 567 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California,' ADOPTING SPECIAL SPEED ZONES ON CERTAIN STREETS WITHIN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA. (Councilman Woodruff arrived at this point in the meeting, 7:55 p.m.) Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh that Ordinances 566 and 567 have second reading by title only. Carried unanimously. The secretary read Ordinances 566 and 567 by title. Moved by Langley, seconded by Welsh that Ordinances 566 and 567 be adopted. Carried. Ayes: Miller, Saltarelti, Langley, Welsh, W'~ruff. Noes: none. Absent: none° IX. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 565 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, PREZONING PROPERTY OF BEST YEARS, INC., ON APPLICATION NO. P.Z. 72-138. Subject parcel has a frontage of approximately 315 feet on the north side of Irvine Boulevard, and lies between the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way and the Orange County. Flood Con- trol Channel. Mr. Fleagle. explained the alternative ordinances prepared by the City Attorney designed to provide assurance for completion of the total project, com- mercial and residential. Alternative "A" requires construction of off-site improvements of the total parcel at one time, and on-site improvements com- pleted to such condition that the property will be a community asset rather than a liability if not developed with commercial structures. Alternative "A" also requires the retention of a 1.5 acre parcel adjacent to the residential portion. All of the property would have to be graded, planted and main- tained pending construction of commercial buildings. 'This Alternative represents a concession to the developers in that they could develop the residential portion first, but would have to provide safeguards that the commercial land would be a community amenity pending development. Alternative "B" restricts the occupancy of the resi- dential portion until framing permits have been issued on the commercial structures; this would im- pose an unworkable hardship, according to developers. City Council Minutes 1/3/73 Page 4 In reply to questioning, Mr. Fleagle stated that a letter dated January 2, 1973, from Best Years, Inc., · indicated an estimated cost of $286,580 for demoli- tion, grading, off-site, and Flood Control Channel improvements. Mayor Miller noted that the letter also expressed developers' satisfaction with Alternative "A", except for the provision that grass be planted on the com- mercial'land. The Council discussed the possibility of allowing a "grace period" before planting of grass on the com- mercial portion would be required, and means of assuring that this would be done at that time if commercial development is delayed beyond that time. Mr. Barletta of Best Years stated that a leasing pro- gram is underway for the commercial, and they do not expect a one-year delay, particularly because of the heavy investment in improvements on ~he property that are not justified by an apartment complex alone. He said, however, that he would have no objection to posting a bond to assure installation of grass and sprinkling systems within a year on the commercial land if commercial development does not proceed. The Council directed that the City Attorney modify Alternative "A" to provide for p~anting of grass, etc., on the commercial property within a year after building permits are issued on the residential property, and posting of a bond therefor. Following a brief period, during which the Council acted on other agenda items, the City Attorney offered the following modified version of Section 2 e) of Ordinance No. 565 (AlternatiVe "A"): 2 e) At the time of the first construction of any improvements on the subject property, on-site improvements for the entire property shall be constructed, including flood control channel enclosure, total grading, installation of per- imeter landscaping, planting of grass and in- stallation of sprinkling system on parcels B and C as hereinafter described, or execution of an agreement to install said grass and sprink- ling system within one (1) year of the time building permits are issued for the residential development, together with a bond, each in form, content and amount satisfactory to the City Attorney. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Langley that Ord- inance No. 565, as amended, have first reading by title only. Carried unanimously. The secretary read Ordinance No. 565 by title. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 568 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN. Moved by Welsh, seconded by 5altarelli that Ordinance NO. 568 have first reading by title only. Carried unanimously. The secretary read Ordinance No. 568 by title. City Council Minutes 1/3/73 Page 5 RESOLUTIONS 1. RESOLUTION NO. 73-1 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING APPEAL OF USE PERMIT 72-397. Permits Coroner's facilities on "B" Street at Santa Ana FreeWay. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 73-2 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPOINTING PLANNING COM- MISSIONERS. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 73-3 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEMOLITION WORK ON THE PARK SITE ON THE CORNER OF RED HILL AND BRYAN AVENUES. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 73-4 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, DESIGNATING PLACEMENT OF CERTAIN STOP SIGNS. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 73-5 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, PETITIONING THE BOARD OF -- SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO CANCEL TAXES. Mayor Miller requested that Resolution No. 73-2 be considered separately, to allow Cosmissioners' names to be drawn, to impartially determine expiration dates for their terms of office. After slips of paper were prepared with the names of the five Commissioners, Mrs. Margaret Byrd, 158 North "B" Street, Tustin, selected three names for a term of office to expire on June 30, 1974: Richard L. Dombrow Casper P. Hare George A. McHarris Councilman Woodruff read Resolution No. 73-2, as amended, in full. (The revised Resolution provided for appointment of Richard L. Dombrow, Casper P. Hare, and George A. McHarrfs to the Planning Commission for terms expiring on June 30, 1974; and Howard Larnard and James Sharp for terms expiring June 30, 1975.) Moved by Saltarelli, seconded b~ Welsh that further · reading be waived and that Resolution No. 73-2 be passed and adopted. Carried. Ayes: Miller, Saltarelli, Langley, Welsh,.Woodruff. Noes: n~ne~ Absent: none. Upon direction by the Mayor, the secretary read by title the following Resolutions: No. 73-1, No. 73-3, No. 73-4 and No. 73-5. City Council Minutes 1/3/73 Page 6 ........ t=~" Moved by Langley, seconded by Saltarelli that further reading be waived and that Resolutions 73-1, 73-3, ~3-4 and 73-5 be passed and adopted. Carried. kyes: Miller, Saltarelli, Langley, Welsh, Woodruff. Noes: none. Absent: none. OLD BUSINESS 1. APPOINTMENT.OF MEMBERS TO THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Moved by Welsh, seconded by Saltarel]~ that Dickran Boranlan be re-appointed a Member of the Parks and Recreation Commissionr for a term to expire December .31, 1974. Carried unanimously. Councilmen Langley and Woodruff agreed to interview applicants for the otner vacant positions on the Commission and make a recommendation at the next r. egular meeting. The Administrative Secretary was instructed to arrange the interviews. XII. NEW BUSINESS 1. AWARD OF BID ON ONE-TON TRUCK WITH BACK LIFT Moved by Woodruff, seconded by Saltarell~ that bid for one-ton truck be awarded to the low bidderr Guarantee Chevroletr in the amount of $4,019.41, plus tax, and the purchasing agent be authorized to issue the order. Carried unanimously. DENIAL OF CLAIMS Moved by Woodruff, seconded by Langley that the claims of Joseph DeMarlnis, Helen E. DeMarinis, and Allstate Insurance Co. be denied. Carried unanimously. Moved by Miller, seconded by Langley that the claim of John LaRosh and Joan LaRosh, dated October 24, 1972, be denied. Carried unanimously. 3. CIVIL DISASTER AGREEMENT '.Moved by Saitarelli, seconded by Welsh that the Ma~ ~nd City Clerk be authorized to exesute the Unified Orange County-Cities Disaster Agreement. Carried un animou sly. 4. AGREEMENT CREATING INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATING COUNCIL Mr. Gill reported that the Assistant City Administrator had made inquiries based on the City Council's con- cerns and determined that the Intergovernmental Coord- inating Council will have no adverse effect on local control. Former Mayor A. J. Coco was involved in the Council's formation, and Councilman Don Smith of Orange is currently Chairman of the Intergovernmental Coordinating Council Committee. The County of Orange and four Cities within the County have executed the Agreement to date. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Langley that the M~yor .~nd__C_~.ty Clerk be authorized to execute the A~re~m~n~ regarding the I~'~vernmental Coordinating ~ounci] of Orange County. City Council Minutes 1/3/73 Page 7 Fol]owina brief discussion of the value of the Coordinating Council, the above motion was carried unanimously.. RECESS Mayor Miller called a recess at 8:52 p.m~ The meeting reconvened at 9:02 p.m. XIII. OTHER BUSINESS 1. RESPONSE TO COUNCIL ON POLICE CONCERNS The Council discussed the Police Chie£'s December 28 memo to the City Administrator- It was determined that a police/Council Workshop would be held on Monday, January 15, 1973, at 6:00 p.m., preceding the regular Council meeting, to discuss item #5 in the memo relating to manpower requests for certain divisions within the Department, and other matters. 2. BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE Councilman Welsh reported that there ms a Dicenten- nial Committee already formed in Tustin, of which he is a member. He stated that he would provide Con~aittee members with the December 13 Bulletin from the League of California Cities on the subject of American Revolution Bicentennial Committees. 3. PEP SECTION 5 PERSONNEL Mr. Gill referred to the Assistant City Administrator's January 3 memo concerning a reduction in PEP Section 5 personnel from eight to two, effective January 15, 1973, and stated that it is recomnended that the Mechanic's Helper in the Maintenance Department and the Recreation Supervisor in the Recreation Depart- ment be retained as PEP employees, and that the Clerk Typist in the Police Department be retained as a permanent employee through City funds. It is also recommended that the two temporary Police Clerk Typists be retained as permanent employees. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh that the Recreation Supervisor and the Mechani~'s Helper positions be retained as PEP positions, that the Police Clerk Typist position be changed from PEP to permanent City employee status, and that two temporary Police Clerk ~ypists be reclassified as permanent City employees. Carried unanimously. 4. POPULATION ESTIMATE Mr. Gill reported that, as contained in the Building Official"s December 29 memo, the November 1, 1972, population estimate, 25,875, reflects an increase of only 225 because of an adjustment in the base figures from the February 1, 1972, estimate, due to census correction figureIs obtained after February 1. Mr. Gill noted that an increase of about 1,000 persons should be realized in next year's estimate, due to new developments occurring mn the City. 5. REVENUE SHARING, AND SB 90 Mayor Miller stated that the Council will have to mak~ a definite ~ecision on use of the City's revenue sharing funds, and that the funds should not just go into the General Fund. Council discussion and public ~.nput wou~.d be appropriate in determining how the funds will be cxpended, City Council Minutes 1/3/73 Page 8 Mr. Gill replied that the Revenue Sharing funds · do strengthen the City's reserve posture, and that the City has until March, 1974, to describe what the money will be used for. Councilman Woodruff commented later in the meeting that the staff should submit firm recommendations for use of the funds, and that they should be ex- pended on one or two big pro]ects which have been needed, and that public input on this should also be sought. In reply to a question from the Mayor, Mr. Gill explained that cities have not yet received copies of SB 90, the Reagan-Moretti Tax Reform Bill, which would limit the tax rates of local agencies, but that there would be discussion on the impact of the Bill at the Orange County City Managers' meeting the following day. A report will be made to the Council when details are known. 6. PACIFIC/YORBA REALIGNMENT Mr. Gill asked whether the Council desired to re- consider the matter of realignment of Pacific and Yorba at First Street, inasmuch as a decision on realignment would affect the possible condemnation of the Tustin Carpets property on the southwest corner of First and Pacific. The Council requested that background information, including minutes of previous Council discussions on the matterr be included in the Council packets for the next regular meeting. 7. WATER SERVICE TO TRACTS 7954 AND 8033 Mr. Frank Fehse, U. S. Development Corporation, 4100 Birch Street, Newport Beach, expressed concern about the uncertainty of water and sewer service to Tract 8033, and urged the City to designate the irvine Ranch Water District as its wholesale agent for the 72 acres to be developed by U. S. Development, and accept an acreage fee from the developers as an economic justification for so doing; if the Irvine Ranch Water District is the wholesale agent, they would also provide sewer service. He felt that there might be a certain technical validity ~n IRWD'S position about wa~er quality, but that could be de- bated indefinitely. He was looking for a way to resolve the matter so that development could start. Mr. Rourke, replying to this at the request of the Mayor, stated that he understood the problem stated by developers, which has been an on-going one; the only change in the situation, with the exception of the offer to pay acreage fees to the City, is that IRWD has said they will serve sewer to these tracts, 'whereas two weeks ago they said they would not. It was Mr. Rourke's opinion that IRWD is obligated to serve sewer on demand. In reply to a request by Warren James of the Irvine Company that the City Council identify its objectives in this ~ssue, Mayor Miller said that the City's position was explained in his December 20 letters to the Irvine Ranch Water District, the Irvine Company, and the developers. City Council Minutes 1/3/73 Page 9 Mr. Gill summarized the City's position in stating ~hat the City is concerned about water service within its total sphere of influence, and was willing to work out an agreement with IRW~ providing that the 900 acres north of the Santa Ana Freeway, adjacent to Tustin City limits, be included also. The City does ~ot want a variety of wa~er agencies ultimately operating, with different ratesr etc., within its sphere of influence. An initial concern was that IRWD notified the City that they could not provide the required closed loop system; but this was just one factor. If they find they can provide the system, this will make it easier. to reach agreement, but does not resolve the issue involving Tustin's sphere of influence. In reply to further questions by Mr. James, Mr. Gill explained that the City is concerned about develop- ment occurring within its sphere prior to annexation and thatf although the area north of the Freeway within Tustin's sphere is currently in the Agricultural Preserve, a recent discussion with Mr. Ray Watson of the Irvine Company indicated that the land will not remain in the Agricultural Preserve and. remain unde- veloped for ten years. The City has designated Tustin Water Works as the serving agency for this area, and this position would be the reply to IRWD'S December 22 letter to the City Council requesting that they be designated as the water service agency for Tracts 7954 and 8033, unless some other arrangement is made. Councilman Saltarelli agreed with Mr. James' comments that the matter should be resolved as quickly as possibte~ and was sympathetic with the builders' viewpoint about delays in starting construction. Councilman Woodruff emphasized that there is no breakdown in com~un'ications between the City Council and the City's negotiating team. Mr. Rourke stated that the taxpayers and people having ri'~hts to use the land have a right to sewer service--that's what they pay taxes for--and it would be a very sensitive decision for the Irvine Ranch Water District Board of Directors to refuse sewer service. He felt that the developers' position had improved as a result of !RWD'S agreement to provide sewer service to these two tracts. 8. COMMENDATION OF ORVILLE MYERS Moved by Sa!tarelli, seconded by Welsh that in view of his long and dedicated service to the City as City Engineer, Orville Myers be commended, and that an appropriate commendation be prepared ~or presenta- tion to Mr. Myers. Carried unanimously. Councilman Langley stated that he would check on the .status of a new proclamation form paper being designed for the City. In reply to questioning, Mr'. Gill stated that, pen~ing hiring of another Registered Engineer, the City will have plans signed by a private engineering firm. He added that he would report to the City Council later on his thoughts as to the nature and duties of that position; but that recruitment will proceed in accor- dance with the present job specifications. 9. DEVELOPMENT PREVIEW COMMISSION -- .~OUncilmnn Snlta[elli stated that the Council should discuss the value and functions of the Development · ~review Commission, inasmuch as he felt it is not · - " performing as.intended and'is Cbstly in terms of ~taff time. He suggested a change in direction for " -the Commission, or doing away with it ent'irely. ~aMor Miller stated that he favored the City of Placentia's system, involving a set of written development standards, distributed to developers at the onset of a project, and enforced by the · Planning Commission. ~ouncilman Woodruff spoke against making any decision · ' on this an this meeting. He referred to a letter he was directing to the Mayor with suggestions, which included his opposition to Council members being pre- · sented any issue or material "cold",.without opportunity '. for study by the rest of the Council, and his prefer- -.: ence that such items appear on the following meeting's .-- agenda. He felt that consideration of non-agenda :- -.items results in something less than full discussion and wise. decision-making, and deprives the public Of prior knowledge of these items. .: ~ Councilman Saltarel!i requested'that the matter of - ' ~ ~he future of the Development Preview Commission be ._- ;' .-placed on the agenda for the next regular Council -. '.'meeting. ' In reply to the Mayor's question, Mr. Fteaqle stated that he has developed a list of development s~andards · for-Council consideration. · 10. COUNCIL EXPENSE ALLOCATION Councilmah Langley referred to his January 2 memo ~o the City Council, recommending a reduction in .'the Mayor's expense allocation, from $150 to $125 .. per month, and an increase in Councilmen's expense =allocations, from $75 to $100 per month, based on Councilmen's increased participation in City-related .~ functions. .. Pollowing discussion, it was moved bv Langley, seconded ~ Woodruff that the Mavor's expense aliocation be : reduced uo S125 per month, and that Councilmen's ex- ._.. pense allocauions be ~ncreased to $100 oer month. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Miller, Saitarelli, Langley, Welsh, Woodruff. Noes: none. Absent: none. ADJOURNMENT ~oved by Miller, seconded bv Saltarelli that the ~.eeting be ad3ourned zo an Exscutive Session.. Carried ~nanimously. (10:12 p.m.) .. · -- · '_ tMAYOR