HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 16-0510,�',IDSOL UT101 \11 NO. 15-05 A RE O[,UTlOINI OF THE ClT1 Y COUNCIL OIC � 1► l FF Cl11 Y C II ti s-Ir II 11\9 , C��� : 0 Ili SNI '� L �1 �� D L� I� � � S �� ���:�__, � V �-- 1_-_'C)I0Y OF COMM U N\I0 fY FClLlTlDS DlSTMCT NO. 05­1 LDG CY/COLLI MSU S VlL ° GD S)9 O� �DD�� N G ,JJUI .IICl ° L FORECLOSURE OF DELJN\QUEk\IT S c CDAL IF'ACl����I ACT C OF 1i 9002, ORDERING THAT THE D � ° w COLLECTOR, TOR, E C o DDD ff DD WITH THOSE SPECl ° L TX AYS, AND AUhfHORlZl G RELATED A CT lONS '11 -he City Councol of the Cote ®f Tuston does hereby resolve as follo� s: WHD r-'\.DAS, Comrnun' y FacMtoes Dostftt No. 06-1 (Tuston Legacy/Columbus \Mllages) ("Cir"D 06-1") has oncurred bonded ori ebtednesS to and infrastructure for the Tustt n Legacy/Color bus VMage5 project and levy ed specs a0 taxes for the payment of bonds pursuant to the proAsoons of the Mello -Roos Communoty FacMtoes Act of 1902 (cornmencong �n\iKh Sectoon 5331111 of para I of dMso on 2 of Toth 5 of the Government Code) (the 66Mello-Roos Act"); WHEREAS, pursuant t® the Mello -Roos Act, CFD No. 06-1 has duly and regularly levoed and recorded the unpa d spec'O0 taxes, �/A\ihoch special taxes and each onstallment 'thereof and onterest and penaltoes thereon constoei e lQens agaonst the lots and parcels of land against whh ch they are levoe q unfl the Saes are paid; WHEREAS, certaon specs al tax onstallment5 have not been paod when due, and certain onstallment5 of those specoal taxes may not be paod on the future -9 VAVHERD A Sq under the prrovosoons of Sectoon 53356.1 of the Government Code of he Stafne of CaQoforrnoa, the Caty Council ®f the Coty of Tuston (the 6 CC ty cCouncal") actong on ots capacoty as the le oSlalove body of CFD No. 06-1 oS autho zed, not later than four (4) years after the due eats of the last onstalament of prr ncopa0 due on the bonds, to order that any dell nquent specs al taxes be collected by an actoon brought on the super& court to foreclose the lien ®f those specs 0 taxes-, WHERD°Sq pursuant t® the prove soons of Sectoon 53356.1(b) of the Mello -Roos Act, CFD No. 06-1 has covenanted �P\4th the bondholders to onstKute judocoal -Foreclosure prroceedongs,- V1/�1HERE L Sp the Cody Councfl actong on QHS capacoty as the legoSlat'We body of CFD No. 06-1 has deterrmnned that the pubfic convene ence and necessVly require prompt acts on to on�taa` e foreclosure prroceedongs a aanst parcels v4thh'n CFD No. 06=1 Wath deMquent Special tam es; and It esdutbn No. 16-05 Bags 1 of 3 VVI'l 1,(-Drovisions of 5")ed�ion 31365.2 of the IMello-Roos Act, action is orderecl, couinity/ '1'ca� collector shall be credited upon chI',Ir(oja(dI on �iccoiuunit- of the delinquent special taxes t.o The oini, lncli,_Jio,'IiIirvq �ntereot and costs and to be relieved of Vur!Viier du'1I'y irii regard tlX11� 9 - `� T that the City Council of the City of �\IIOVV IFIHFM_,II' )RF9 BE 11 Tustin, acting in lts cap aclty as the legislative body of Community Facilities District No. 0&1 (Tuotini Villages) does hereby resolve, determine and order as follo�//Vs-. S[ C'11101\11 1. The delinquent special on the parcel listed on Ex-chibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, and all future installments of special taxesvA\ihich are not paid �/,Yhen due, shall be collected by action brought in the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Orange to foreclose the liens thereof. SECTION 2. CFD No. 06-1 is hereby authodzed and directed to have the laGn\f firm of Stradling Yocca Carlson cl Rauth, a Professional Corporation ("Special Counsel"), in cooperation and in conjunction vnvith the City Attorney, to institute such actions in the name of CFD No. 06-1 to foreclose the liens of all such delinquent special taxes. SECTlON 3. The Finance Director, or her �1/vritten designee, 0n cooperation and in conjunction with Special Counsel, and the City Attorney, is authorized and directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the Auditor/Controller's office of the County of Orange with a letter that shall state that: a. The legislative body of CFD No. 06-1 has ordered that the delinquent =% I snedsl hp. rnHP,,rtPd by Pcfinn lommht h theSiflnP.Hor Court of the. Mate of California for the County of Orange to foreclose the liens thereof-, b. Pursuant to Government Code Section 53356.29 the Orange County Tax Collector is to be credited upon the current tax roll Yvith the amount charged on account of the delinquent special taxes to be sued on, including applicable penaltiesg interest and costs and to be relieved of further duty in regard thereto; and co All 'Mquiries regarding payment of the delinquent specoal taxes shall be forvA\iarded to the Finance Director, City of Tustin. SECTION 4. The Finance Director 'B hereby authorized and directed to take any actions and execute and deliver any and all documents as are necessary to implement the terms of this Resolution, including entering into agreements for services wA ith Special Counsel and other consultants to pursue the collection of the delinquent special taxes. 0n the event that the Rnance Director is unavailable to sign any document to be executed pursuant to the terms of this Resolution, then the City Manager may sign such document. Resdufion No. `6-®5 Page 2 of 3 �lII'_') Ir��u��;olku'l«io rel ,�Dllll t�lG�c� effect on the day it a3 adopted. >>I�_ )) Ali !I i >> at a regWar meeting of the Cott' Counciill of the City o d a y of J a n u a fr�j 2016. 9 �r JOHN MELSEN9 Mayor D K; No % DID9 City Derrk STATE OF D LGFORM COUNTY OF ORANGE SS 09 Ernes N. Rabe, Duty CQerk and ex -officio Clerk of the Doty D®unco0 of the City of Tustin, aWbrnia, d® hereby certify 9 that the wA ho0e number of the members of the City Douncol of the City of Tustin is five- that the above and foregoing Reso ion No. 16-05 vvas du�y n n n passed and adopted at a regular meeting ®f the Tustin City D®unc j% he0d ®n the 5th day ®f January 20169 by the fb��ovn\frog vote: DDD NDDM DM DDG A YDS® COUNCLMEMBER NOES: DDUNCLMEMBDR ABSTAINED: DDUNDDM EMBE R ABSENT: Cott' Clerk Resolution No. 16-05 Page 3 of 3 Nel. Bernstein, Gomez 7 MurrLiy Puckett None �01 NC)ne None 0J (01 F. Y Co x � 7 a, w r m U s� ._ U) � � a � a � � J j ro �� L F m u o OC d U - It d a vi m LD i� w O d d U- tC Q g. rL a {V N N N CS Li O O O O r r r r r tTO) O O O O O J J 0 o N 0 c, o N TUU v) rn i� F - O O M cM N (6 U) N Q) n rn o r fJ) cry lA N UU ui va 0 0 0 0 o Obi 0 o N 0 c, o N TUU in Un N ary) O N CO rd to r to 6' rn a M M C6 q~q if In uiM th t*S co M II ct ~ V' r -I Q N N O O O O O N p r 0 N O 4 rr- N 0 UT m a. O (5 U m 4L 5' al 'a (D N3 I LJ