HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 2013-2018 TUSTIN
City of
Strategic 2013 to i
Implementation Action
January 2016
Implementation Action Plan
Tustin Strategic Plan 2013 to 2018—Implementation Action Plan Management Partners
StrategicTustin to iImplementation • .
Goal A: Economic and Neighborhood Development. Enable business opportunities and job development to enhance the vibrancy and quality of life in all neighborhoods and areas of the community.
Resources Success Indicators
Staff Resources (List funding (How impact or result of
Lead (List staff available available and Start/Anticipated this strategy will be
Strategy Key Implementation Tasks 7 Responsibility Others Involved and staff needed) needed) Completion Date measured)
1. Develop critical phases of Tustin Legacy.
a. Complete the master plan for Tustin Legacy Park. Parks& Recreation FY 13/14 Final Council approval Completed &approved
by City Council June
b. Facilitate and complete land transactions for early • Market property,including City Manager FY 13/14 Conveyance of land to Ongoing:
development opportunities. working with brokerage private property • Sales Listing
community owners Agreement with
• Enter into Exclusive CBRE(June 2014)for
Negotiating Agreements FY 14/15 Cornerstone I
(ENA)with Developers • Office Development:
• Execute Disposition and Executed Lincoln
Development Agreements Property Company
(DDA)with Developers ENA(June 2015),
• Convey property with Execute DDA(2nd
commencement of Qtr.-2016),Convey
construction occurring land(3rd Qtr.—2016)
immediately • Neighborhood Retail
Regency Centers
DDA(Oct 2015),
Convey Land(15Y Qtr.
• Implemented
Temporary Sign
• Mixed Use: Executed
OliverMcMillan ENA
(Nov 2015),2 years
to Master Plan 123
c. Complete the extension of Tustin Ranch Road. Public Works FY 13/14 Certificate of Completed Nov 2013
d. Develop a financing strategy to complete other City Manager FY 12/13 Council adoption Completed with
critical backbone infrastructure. quarterly updates
Implementation Action Plan
Tustin Strategic Plan 2013 to 2018—Implementation Action Plan Management Partners
Resources Success Indicators Status
Staff Resources (List funding (How impact or result of
Lead (List staff available available and Start/Anticipated this strategy will be
Key Implementation Tasks Responsibility Others Involved and staff needed) needed) Completion Date measured)
e. Establish a financing structure for an assessment Public Works FY 12/13 Agreed upon schedule Completed
f. Coordinate development with other public agencies. • Identify agencies and projects City Manager South Orange FY 12/13 Agency agreements Ongoing
requiring coordination County approved Completed TUSD
Community Community agreement in 2015
Development College District, Completed SOCCCD
County of agreement in 2015
Orange, OCFA,
TUSD, others
2. Create a vision and business plan for Old Town through a • Conduct town hall meetings Community FY 13/14 Council approval of Specific Plan Amendment
collaborative, inclusive process with stakeholders from • Establish commercial design Development business development (SPA)in progress.3 d
the entire community. guidelines plan workshop 2016. Public
• Establish vision City Manager Hearings 15Y/2nd quarter
3. Establish planning and zoning overlays in Neighborhoods • Determine feasibility of using Community FY 14/15 Determination by Council Red Hill Specific Plan
of Tustin Town Center to facilitate private development. overlays to spur private Development about whether to Pacific Center East
development proceed
City Manager
4. Develop a disposition and entitlement strategy for City- • Pursue hotel site as first Community FY 12/13 for Certificate of Occupancy Amend Pacific Center
owned property in Pacific Center East. priority Development entitlements for hotel East Specific Plan in 2016
• Pursue remaining sites prior to marketing
City Manager FY 13/14 and Development of property remaining sites.
following years
for development SPA on hold to either
remove/defer Newport
5. Strengthen and facilitate business relationships for
economic development purposes.
a. Enhance the use of web-based commercial search City Manager FY 13/14 Updated website Completed,City's website
engines to provide business attraction and assistance. with commercial
property search,resource
tools for business,and an
interactive retail map.
b. Establish a business development program that will City Manager FY 13/14 Business retention and • Attraction-CDBG Job
create specific ways to attract businesses and attraction program Creation and Business
encourage growth of existing businesses. approved by the Council Incentive Program
• Retention-Lease
property to Tustin Auto
Center Merchants
Association for vehicle
Implementation Action Plan
Tustin Strategic Plan 2013 to 2018—Implementation Action Plan Management Partners
Resources Success Indicators Status
Staff Resources (List funding (How impact or result of
Lead (List staff available available and Start/Anticipated this strategy will be
Key Implementation Tasks Responsibility Others Involved and staff needed) needed) Completion Date measured)
c. Collaborate with the Chamber of Commerce to • Continue to participate in City Manager Community FY 13/14 • City participation on •Completed,Economic
strengthen the City's relationships with local the Business& Economic Development Chamber board (ex Development Manager
businesses. Development Committee officio) serves in this capacity
• Business Workshops FY 14/15 • Jointly Host Business •Ongoing: Hosted
Workshops Computer Security,
• City updates to Identity Theft,and
Chamber members Boots to Business
• Business Survey Workshops,five
planned for 2016
•Ongoing: BEDC&
biannual presentations
by City Departments to
the Chamber
•In-progress: Partnered
with Orange County
One Stop and Chamber
to survey all businesses
Development Director
serves in this capacity
6. Assess and explore opportunities for expanded
recreational activities.
a. Develop a plan for creating recreational amenities • Establish joint use Parks&Recreation FY 13/14 Community Services Boys&Girls Club
and services for Southwest Tustin. agreement for school sites, FY 15/16 Commission approval agreement ready for
Boys&Girls club,etc. Council approval;
Working reservation with
Currie Thorman for after
school/summer program
b. Assess needs and plan for future senior services to • Engage stakeholders Parks&Recreation FY 14/15 Adoption of senior In progress at staff level
meet changing demographics and trends. • Conduct needs assessment FY 15/16 services plan
• Development plan to
address needs
c. Create a financial strategy to develop open space in • Identify funding sources Parks&Recreation FY 15/16 Council approval of Staff currently reviewing
Southwest Tustin. • Prepare plan Public Works financial strategy opportunities for Open
Community Space Areas in Southwest
Development Tustin including possibly
closure of McFadden
freeway on/off ramp to
create a neighborhood
Implementation Action Plan
Tustin Strategic Plan 2013 to 2018—Implementation Action Plan Management Partners
Resources Success Indicators Status
Staff Resources (List funding (How impact or result of
Lead (List staff available available and Start/Anticipated this strategy will be
Key Implementation Tasks Responsibility Others Involved and staff needed) needed) Completion Date measured)
7. Create linkages between parts of the community through • Review the existing plan Public Works Ongoing Project capitalization •Ongoing at staff level,
a variety of means,such as bike lanes and greenbelts. • Determine implementation Community within the adopted majority of
schedule Development FY 14/15 annual Capital infrastructure needs are
Improvement Program located at Legacy
Project. Long term
FY 14/15—FY 16- project.
17 Allocation of financial •Completed
resources rehabilitation of the
Newport Avenue Class 1
Completion of a specific bikeway,Holt Avenue
number of bike lanes or to Main Street, utilizing
greenbelts grant funding from
• Completed: Class 1
bikeway along
Barranca Parkway,TRR
to Red Hill;Class II
along Armstrong Ave
and Warner Avenue
within Tustin Legacy.
• Applied for Measure
M2 grant funding
roadway widening
along Red Hill,
Barranca to Edinger,
center median and
Class I bikeway along
•Finalizing contract bid
documents for the first
segment of Legacy
Linear Park,Barranca to
All Elements of the • Regional Foothill
General Plan need to be Bikeways Corridor
updated except the Study to be finalized
Housing Element(unless December 2015.
it is affected by the other General Plan Amendment
amendments). These is needed—Legislation
elements include: Land was passed January
Use,Circulation, Public 2011—Complete streets
Safety, Noise, should be addressed in
Conservation/Open the GP with a major
Space/Recreation,& amendment.
Implementation Action Plan
Tustin Strategic Plan 2013 to 2018—Implementation Action Plan Management Partners
Goal B: Public Safety and Protection of Assets. Ensure Tustin is an attractive, safe and well maintained community in which people feel pride.
Resources Success Indicators Status
Staff Resources (List funding (How impact or result of
Lead (List staff available available and Start/Anticipated this strategy will be
Strategy Key Implementation Tasks Responsibility Others Involved and staff needed) needed) Completion Date measured)
1. Continue to implement the City's Neighborhood • Establish mission,objectives, Police Community FY 12/13 Approval of work plan Ongoing
Improvement Task Force work plan for longterm Development NITF continues to be
projects Public Works Improved coordination active with several
Parks& between departments quality of life projects
2. Enhance Tustin's readiness to respond to major disasters.
a. Create a Community Emergency Response Team • Design CERT program Police OCFA FY 13/14 Implementation of CERT Cert-Done
(CERT) program to enhance our emergency • Recruit volunteers TUSD programs(2 groups Emergency Drill-Done
preparedness and response capability within the • Arrange for instruction added each year) 75 Trained
community. • Seek funding donations Conducted 4 classes and
75 members have been
sworn in as Disaster
Services Workers
b. Offer additional employee training in the practice of • Develop a training schedule Police All Departments FY 12/13 Annual evacuation drill Held full table top for
emergency preparedness and conduct evacuation • Implement the schedule conducted management
drills. • Conduct drills
• Conduct regular reviews of FY 13/14 Training implemented
the emergency supplies
c. Create an emergency operations center. • Conduct a needs assessment Police Public Works
• Identify potential locations Needs Assessment Approval of Design Primary EOC included as
• Develop a plan and Conceptual Development/Constructs part of a new corporate
• Secure funding Design completed on Documents and Bid yard for the City.
Solicitation Preparation of Design
Development and
Construction Documents
Interim EOC/Briefing
Room construction
completed Dec 2015.
3. Create a plan to protect the City's public assets. City Yard and EDC
a. Establish a sinking fund to maintain infrastructure City Manager Finance FY 13/14 Approval of fund with Completed
throughout Tustin. allocated resources
Implementation Action Plan
Tustin Strategic Plan 2013 to 2018—Implementation Action Plan Management Partners
Resources Success Indicators Status
Staff Resources (List funding (How impact or result of
Lead (List staff available available and Start/Anticipated this strategy will be
Key Implementation Tasks Responsibility Others Involved and staff needed) needed) Completion Date measured)
b. Continue capital improvement planning to ensure Public Works Ongoing Adopted annual CIP Conducted annually in
continuous maintenance and improvement of flood Community concert with the budget
control, park,public,traffic control and Development will process
transportation facilities. provide a presentation Sidewalk needs
at the Strategic Plan assessment. Obtain
Workshop direction from the City
Council regarding
sidewalks provision in the
Industrial districts and
other areas where
sidewalks are not
c. Improve turf and landscape condition for all Public Works FY 13/14 Consistent appearance of Continue to evaluate
community parks. parks sites state mandated water
Implementation Action Plan
Tustin Strategic Plan 2013 to 2018—Implementation Action Plan Management Partners
Goal C: Financial Strength. Sustain long-term financial strength with adequate reserves and enhanced capacity to provide a sustainable level of City services.
Staff Resources (List funding Success Indicators Statu
Lead (List staff available available and Start/Anticipated (How impact or result of this
Strategy Key Implementation Tasks Responsibility Others Involved and staff needed) needed) Completion Date strategy will be measured)
1. Evaluate all City services and identify ways to improve
cost neutrality.
a. Conduct a comprehensive fee analysis and • Complete fee study Finance FY 12/13 Improved cost recovery In process at staff level on a
determine appropriate levels of cost recovery. • Modify fees to achieve continual basis
desired cost recovery levels Policy? Full cost recovery?
b. Identify opportunities for both outsourcing(to other • Initiate analysis of vacant City Manager All Departments FY 12/13—FY Enhanced productivity Early retirement;
agencies,through service sharing or the private positions 14/15 (return on investment) contracting out Building
sector)and in-sourcing(with Tustin providing the • Conduct cost-benefit Improved efficiency department engineering,
services to other agencies). analysis of selected services Accounting I.T.items,and
Network maintenance.
Evaluating providing payroll
services to other cities&
special districts;shared
services outside City limits
2. Explore opportunities for new or increased revenues.
a. Explore revenue programs that can provide • Evaluate BID feasibility Finance City Manager FY 13/14 Report to Council • Nov. 2014-City's
economic development and business related • Evaluate other revenue Transient Occupancy Tax
benefits, such as business improvement districts programs increased from 6%to
(BIDs). • Lease City Assets, buildings 10%via public
and vacant land initiative/public vote
• Leasing 15171 Del Amo
• Tustin Legacy License
• Market and Lease Tustin
• Potential use of
b. Evaluate the City's business license program to • Retain consultant to Finance City Manager FY 13/14 Report to Council Completed. Revised to
ensure fairness and equity for all businesses. evaluate cost-recovery ensure business license
potential through data program is more equitable
sharing with State Board of
• Evaluate program
3. Develop and communicate a comprehensive set of • Obtain examples from other Finance City Manager FY 12/13 Report to Council Taking proposed items to
financial policies and their purpose to strengthen best practice cities and (Purchasing) the Audit committee for
financial practices(e.g.,reserve,debt, purchasing,and guidelines from GFOA FY 13/14(other review and input
other policies). • Update purchasing policies policies)
• Update other financial
Implementation Action Plan
Tustin Strategic Plan 2013 to 2018—Implementation Action Plan Management Partners
Staff Resources (List funding Success Indicators
Lead (List staff available available and Start/Anticipated (How impact or result of this
Strategy Key Implementation Tasks Responsibility Others Involved and staff needed) needed) Completion Date strategy will be measured)
4. Evaluate contracting and billing processes and institute Finance FY 13/14 Reduced costs Cost recovery of City
improvements that will reduce the City's costs and Community damage assets,&cost of
increase efficiency. Development city services
EnerGov software will be in
place. Training is underway
5. Guard our reserves and create new reserves for specific • Establish specific reserves and City Manager All Departments FY 12/13 Council adoption of reserve Completed
purposes that will enhance the financial strength of the policies for use policy
City. Establish specific reserves
and policies for use-20%
Sinking Fund
Proceeds for held resale
Implementation Action Plan
Tustin Strategic Plan 2013 to 2018—Implementation Action Plan Management Partners
Goal D: Strong Community and Regional Relationships. Foster strong relationships within the community and provide leadership within the region.
Staff Resources (List funding Success Indicators Status
Lead (List staff available available and Start/Anticipated (How impactor result of this
Strategy Key Implementation Tasks Responsibility Others Involved and staff needed) needed) Completion Date strategy will be measured)
1. Stay active in the region by providing leadership for and • Attend and participation in City Council City Manager FY 12/13 Receive fair share allocation On various Boards
maintaining a strong presence in regional planning and regional planning meetings All Departments All years of revenues throughout the County
transportation issues through engagement with the and events
Orange County Transportation Authority and other • Staff participation on Appointments to regional
regional entities. technical advisory boards and committees
2. Continue to work collaboratively with agencies within • Identify opportunities for City Council City Manager FY 12/13 Policy direction from the Ongoing/completed Legacy
and outside Tustin on issues of mutual interest and collaboration All Departments All years Council school agreement with
concern (e.g.,Tustin Unified School District). TUSD in 2015
3. Obtain feedback from and strengthen our partnerships • Develop a community City Manager All Departments FY 13/14 Adoption of • Old Town workshops
with the community. communication plan and City Council communications plan . New website has
implement effective means increased info to the
of sharing information with Meaningful information public. Completed
the public, receiving feedback about community 2015/ongoing
and establishing connections perception • Citizens Academy
(including both electronic forming 2016
and non-electronic means) . Citizen survey to be
• Conduct an assessment to completed in 2016
identify ways the community • New Legacy website
would like to learn about City 2015
services and stay informed • New Police Dept.
about City government website completed
• Measure the community's early 2016
opinion about City
government and service
4. Be accountable for and communicate the strategic plan • Provide an update twice a City Manager All Departments FY 12/13 Strategic plan used to guide Completed 2013 with
and its outcomes on a regular basis to the community. year to the Council City Council decisions annual review
• Integrate the strategic plan
into the budget Community Development
• Integrate the strategic plan prepares quarterly
elements into staff reports Summary of Projects
to the Council
Implementation Action Plan
Tustin Strategic Plan 2013 to 2018—Implementation Action Plan Management Partners
Goal E: Organizational Excellence and Customer Service. Be a high performance organization, with effective customer service provided by a professional workforce.
Staff Resources (List funding Success Indicators Status
Lead Others (List staff available available and Start/Anticipated (How impact or result of this
Strategy Key Implementation Tasks Responsibility Involved and staff needed) needed) Completion Date strategy will be measured
1. Establish and measure the effectiveness of an
organization-wide customer service program.
a. Establish and follow consistent customer service • Identify specific City Manager All Departments FY 13/14 High customer satisfaction In process at staff level
standards. expectations and protocols ratings
• Improve the phone system
for customer service
b. Improve and expand methods for responding to • Identify technology City Manager All Departments FY 13/14 Positive customer feedback In process at staff level
customer complaints and questions. applications
• Identify other means of
efficiently responding to
c. Provide accurate,easy to understand information • Evaluate customer and user City Manager All Departments FY 13/14 Positive customer feedback In process at staff level
on the City's website and through social media that friendliness of city's
will help customers and be useful to the community. website
• Expand use of social media
d. Obtain feedback on a regular basis about customers' • Develop service-specific City Manager All Departments FY 13/14 Valid information on In process at staff level
experience with the City. survey instruments customer perceptions
• Seek suggestions for
2. Create a succession plan for all parts of the organization Human Resources City Manager FY 12/13 Creation of a plan Ongoing
that enables the City to cultivate and grow leadership. All Departments
Police Chief first through
program; Deputy Director of
Parks& Recreation, Finance
Director position.All
departments have started a
plan.This is a multi-year plan
a. Provide consistent training. • Conduct training needs Human Resources All Departments FY 13/14 Effective, efficient staff work Ongoing
assessment to determine
the types of training that
should be provided to staff
• Continue compliance-
related training as required
Implementation Action Plan
Tustin Strategic Plan 2013 to 2018—Implementation Action Plan Management Partners
Staff Resources (List funding Success Indicators
Lead Others (List staff available available and Start/Anticipated (How impact or result of this
Strategy 'Key Implementation Tasks Responsibility Involved and staff needed) needed) Completion Date strategy will be measured
b. Create an internal leadership academy. • Identify elements needed Human Resources City Manager FY 13/14 Positive feedback from • CSUF Leadership
• Create program All Departments participants and supervisors Development Program
Expanded pool of employees • Leadership Tomorrow
ready for leadership (Newport/Costa
positions Mesa/Irvine/Tustin)
• ACC-OC Academy
• League of CA Cities
c. Provide assignments designed to develop skills and Human Resources All Departments FY 13/14 Expanded pool of employees Interim Finance Director
experience. ready for leadership
d. Provide staff mentoring in the values and skills • Establish committee to Human Resources All Departments FY 13/14 Expanded pool of employees Ongoing
needed for promotion. evaluate options and ready for leadership
develop recommendations positions
3. Review and revise the existing performance evaluation • Establish committee to Human Resources All Departments FY 13/14 Adoption of a system that Currently at staff level
system with a performance-based system. evaluate options and creates more
develop recommendations accountability encourages
staff excellence
4. Establish meaningful ways to recognize and reinforce • Establish committee to Human Resources All Departments FY 13/14 Adoption of a recognition Department service awards
desired employee behaviors. evaluate options and program presented yearly;
develop recommendations Employees feel valued Established City-wide
Employee Appreciation
5. Create and implement a City-wide information • Conduct needs assessment Finance All Departments FY 13/14 Adoption of IT Strategic Plan New phone system
technology plan to prioritize technology investments and • Establish priorities implemented, increased
ensure that technology serves the purpose of customer • Create a plan with phased accounting software,
service,staff efficiency,financial accountability and implementation EnerGov software will be in
excellent service delivery. place, new technology for
the Council Chamber and
Clifton C. Miller Community
6. Promote and enhance a strong culture of ethics • Provide required AB 1234 Human Resources City Manager FY 13/14 Continued compliance with Complete
ethics training to elected City Council AB 1234 requirements
and appointed officials All Departments
• Provide training on how to Alignment of policies,
cultivate an organizational procedures and decision
culture of ethics making processes with
ethical principles
Enhanced ability to identify
and respond to the ethical
implications of decisions at
all organizational levels