HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1972 12 04 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL December 4, 1972 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Miller called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Councilman Langley. III. INVOCATION Given by Mayor Miller· ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Miller, Saltarelli, Langley, Welsh. Absent: Councilmen: None. Others present: City Administrator Harry Gill Asst. City Admin. - Community Devel. Ken Fleagle City Attorney James Rourke City Clerk Ruth Poe PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PZ 72-137 - ROY DALY On motion of the Planning Commission a prezone change from the Orange County R-4 Distri'ct to the City of Tustin PC-R-3 (1900) District, sub- ject to annexation to the City. ~ Site: approximately 4.4 acres fronting approx- imately 230 feet on the northeasterly side of _ Mitchell Avenue and approximately 1,092 feet southeasterly of the centerline of Red Hill Avenue. Mr. Fleagle summarized the background of this pre- zone request, which was the subject of a Planning Commission public hearing on November 13, 1972, on which date. the Commission adopted Resolution No. 1298, recommending approval of the prezone subject to certain conditions. Mayor Miller opened the public portion of the hear- ing at 7:36 p.m. Mr. Gared Smith, 2043 Westcliff, Newport Beach, architect for the applicant, distributed photos of the existing project to the Council, and explained that the apartment development has existed for three or four years on two-thirds of the property, with the other one-third remaining in orchard state; the latter third is the subject of this request. He narrated a slide presentation of this and other of Mr. Daly's projects, and stated that he and Mr. Daly were aware of and concurred in the staff reports and would find no difficulty in complying with recom- mendations. He added that the undeveloped portion behind the apartments has been a considerable vandal- ism problem. There being no further comments or objections, Mayor Miller closed the public portion of the hearing at ~ p.m. Mr. Fleaale showed a map to clarify the location of 'the existing and proposed apartments. In reply to City Council Minutes 12/4/72 Page 2 questioning he explained that if consent of an adjoining property owner could be obtained, Mr. Daly's property could be annexed to the City with the inclusion of such adjoining property, to gain continuity with existing City boundaries. Adjacent property owners have not been contacted. He ex- plained further that prezoning, which is the right of any city to establish on land within its sphere of influence, has no value to the applicant without annexation. Mr. Saltarelli commented that the design concept was good, but that the impact on police and fire service to the area by creation of an island should be ex- plored. Mr. Fleagle replied to questions concerning density by stating that under the present County zoning (R-4), density would be one unit per 3,500 sq. ft., or 14 dwelling units to the acre. To develop in the County in accordance with his current proposal, Mr. Daly would have to obtain a zone change to R-3 through the County. Mr. Miller noted that this prezone would allow den- bity to increase from 14 units per acre to 22.7 units per acre. Mr. Roy E. Daly, 1009 Baltimore, Kansas City, MO, stated that it is essential that he develop the property because of tax pressures and the attractive nuisance afforded by the undeveloped orchard portion. Moved by Saltaretli, seconded by Welsh that PZ 72-137 be denied. Carried unanimously. 2. PZ 72-138 PLANNING COMMISSION INITIATED ON BEHALF OF BEST YEARS On motion of the Planning Commission, the pre- zone change from the Orange County C-2 District to the City of Tustin Planned Community (P-C) District to authorize an integrated development consisting of a village shopping center complex, private club, restaurant, and multi-family residential units. Subject parcel has a frontage of approximately 315 feet on the north side of Irvine Boulevard and lies between the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way and the Orange County Flood Con- trol Channel. Existing use consists of a trucking material storage lot. Mr. Fleagle stated that the original request for pre- zoning of this property was denied by the Council based on the density of residential units, height of structures and their proximity to adjacent single- family properties to the north, and the traffic circulation pattern. The amended application was the subject of the public hearing by the Planning Commission on November 13, 1972, following which the Commission adopted Resolution No. 1297, recommending approval of the revised conceptual plan and prezonlng subject to annexation to the City and other conditions. ~ayor Miller opened the public portion of the hearing at 8:03 p.m. City Council Minutes 12/4/72 Page 3 Mr. Robert Kramer, Executive Vice President of Best Years, Inc., 200 East First Street, Tustin, stated that following Council denial of the original re- quest, extensive economic evaluations were undertaken for the purpose of converting the project to one which was viable and also acceptable to the City of Tustin. Density has been reduced to 1,250 sq. ft. of land per unit, resulting in 34 dwelling units per gross acre. Buildings will not be located closer than fifty feet from the rear property line, and the buildings along the rear will be limited to two- story. There have been changes in the traffic pat- tern, but further work with the City Engineer will be required to work out all details. The balance of the project is basically the same as before. Land- scaping has been discussed with the Development Pre- view Commission and their ideas will be incorporated. Councilman Saltarelli stated that it appears that the applicants have resolved the Council's concerns about the previous'application, but asked what guarantee the City would have that the entire project would be built, and not just one portion of it. He com- mented that concepts for integrated commercial and residential developments have been approved by the Council in the past, with the result that the multi- family is built first and something happens to delay or prevent construction of the commercial portion. He was reluctant to approve the multi-family unless the commercial was guaranteed. F'~ Mr. Richard Prior, 3610 Long Beach Boulevard, Long Beach, Architect and one of the principals of Best Years, Inc., agreed that this is the way the property .... should be developed, and suggested that they come back before the Council prior to construction in the event that it appears that the project cannot be com- pleted as a whole. He stated that the configuration of the property makes it economically necessary to grade the entire parcel, including filling and cover- ing the Flood Control Channel'on the west. Mr. Kramer stated that even if the R-3 portion were developed first, this would still be an asset to the City, as it would provide a good buffer between the commercial and E-4 development to the north, and noted that the present County C-2 zoning would allow construction of a I2-story building ten feet from the rear property line. He stated that he understood that since this would be a planned development, any substantial deviation from the concept would have to be approved by the City Council. Mr. Langley expressed concern about green areas and trees, particularly that trees be of sufficient size to enhance a project of this scope. Mr. Prior stated that he was advised that a certifi- cate of occupancy would not be issued for the restau- rant until proper trees are planted. Mr. A. Zettl~r Greel~, 14621 Clarissa Lane, Tustin '(County), a resident to the north of the property, thanked the Council, Planning staff, and developers for their cooperation in making the project accept- able to adjoining property owners. There being no further comments or objections, Mayor Miller closed the public portion of the hearing at 8:17 p.m. ~ty Council Minu~es 12/4/72 Page 4 Councilman Saltarelli stated that the project has mere, but it should not be accepted unless it is developed as a total package. Mayor Miller suggested wording the ordinance to pro- vide that certificates of occupancy not be issued on the residential portion until the framing inspec- tions have been completed on the commercial structures, or that certificates of occupancy be issued for com- mercial prior to issuance for the residential. ~.ouncilman Welsh preferred the latter approach. Councilman Langley disagreed, stating that it would be more equitable to require that a certain stage of construction be reached on the commercial before certificates of occupancy are issued on the residen- tial, because completion of the residential would have significant bearing on financing for the com- mercial. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh that the find- ings of the Planning Commission as contained in Res.. olution No. 1297 be upheld, and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary ordinance, to include provisions guaranteeing a total package devel ppment. Mayor Miller stated his feeling that there are already enough multiple developments in the City. Above motion carried by roll call vote. Ayes: Salt- arelli, Langley, Welsh. Noes: Miller. Absent: none. VI. PUBLIC CONCERNS 1. MR. MILTON CURTIS, RE: DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURES Mr. Milton Curtis, 13362 Cromwell Drive, Tustin, ex- pressed concern that the Planning Commission recom- mendations relative to development procedures, ap- proved by the Council on November 6, 1972, were not being implemented in the manner intended by the Com- m~ssmon; specifically, the recommendation that the Community Development Director be designated coordi- nator of all developments to assure that they are completed in accordance with directions of official bodies. Mr. Gill explained that he has discussed with staff members means of establishing better control over developments, as instructed by the City Council; the exact assignment of duties was not specified by the Council. Some details are still being worked out, for example, several department heads were r~ce~tly asked to attend Development Preview Com- mission meetings on a temporary basis to provide input where necessary and to be fully aware of the action and intent of that Commission. Mayor Miller agreed that the means of achieving im- proved coordination was left to the City Administra- tor's discretion, to determine whether it could be accomplished without reorganization. VII. CONSENT CALENDAR (See next page). City Council Minu~es 12/4/72 Page 5 CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - November 20, 1972, meeting. 2. RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS in amount of $80,800.38. 3. RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT DEEDS AND AGREEMENTS, FIRST STREET AHFP PROJECT NO. 604 and 649. Acceptance of deeds and ahthorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements for Parcel 20 (Phase I) and Parcel 7 (Phase II), all as recommended by the City Engineer. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Langley that all items on the Consent Calendar be approved. Carried unanimously. VIII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 562 An Ordinance of the City Council Of the City of Tustin, California, PROHIBITING CERTAIN PERSONS IN NORTH TUSTIN PARKETTE ALSO SOME- TIMES KNOWN AS SANTA CLARA PARKETTE. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Miller that Ordinance No. 562 have second reading by title only. In reply to questioning, Mr. Gill stated that the Parks and Recreation Commission, at their November 28th meeting, had recommended naming this parkette "Olive Tree Park", pursuant to Council policy of naming parks after trees, although the original in- tent of this policy was to name only new parks after trees. Above motion carried unanimously. The secretary read Ordinance No. 562 by title. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Saltarelli that Ordinance No. 562 be adopted. Carried. .Ayes: Millerr Saltar- elli, Langley, Welsh. Noes: none. Absent: none. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 563 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, ORDINANCE NO. 157, AS AMENDED, TO PER- MIT DAY CARE HOMES - CHILDREN. Moved by Langley, seconded by Saltarelli that Ordinance No. 563 have second reading by title only. Carried unanimously. The secretary read Ordinance No. 563 by title. Moved by Langley, seconded by Saltarelli that Ordinance No. 563 be adopted. Carried. Ayes: Miller, Saltarelli, Langley, Welsh. Noes: none. Absent: none. IX. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION (See next page). City Council Minutes 12/4/72 Page 6 ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 564 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, REZONING PROPERTY ON APPLICATION NO. Z.C. 72-234 OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN. Location: Northwesterly intersection of Main Street and Centennial Way. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh that Ordinance No. 564 have first reading by title only. Carried unanimous ly. The secretary read Ordinance No. 564 by title. X. RESOLUTIONS NONE. XI. OLD BUSINESS 1. FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 7954 Looation: Easterly of Tustin Meadows and southerly of Walnut Avenue. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh that the findings of the Planning Commission as contained in Resolution No. 1299 be upheld, that Final Map of Tract No. 7954 be approved subject to conditions set forth in said Resolution, and that the staff be directed to prepare a Resolution for adoption at the next regular Council meeting. Carri~=d unani- mously. 2. FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 8033 Location: Bounded by the A.T. & S.F. Venta Spur tracks; the easterly extension of Walnut Avenue; proposed Cherry- wood Lane and a line approximately 1,350 feet northerly of Walnut Avenue. Moved by Welsh r seconded by Sa!tarelli that the findings of the Planning Cor~mission as contained in Resolution No. 1300 be upheld, that Final Map of Tract No. 8033 be approved subject to conditions set forth in said Resolution, and that the staff be directed to prepare a Resolution for adoption at the next regular Council meeting. Mr. Rob Partin, President, Southern California Div- ision of U. S. Development Corporation, referred to his December 1st letter to the Council, regarding Section l(d) of PC Resolution 1300, which is as follows: "1. (d) That the development plans shall require the review and approval of the Develop- -ment Preview Commission and directs said Commission to specify that no greater than 3 bedroom units shall be authorized on any lot less than 5,000 square feet in area." He maintained that the imposition of the 5,000 sq. · ft. lot area per four-bedroom house could result in City Council Minutes 12/4/72 Page 7 limitation of the neighborhood design to nine four- bedroom homes out of a total 243 homes, which would limit the marketability of the homes and could threat- en the streetscape design by placement of the four- bedroom two-story homes in concentrations at the end of cul-de-sacs or on corner lots. He noted that the Company has already reduced total dwelling units from 252 units, originally approved, to 243 units, which constitutes a density substantially below the gross population density allowed under the zoning and shown in the General Plan. He stated that if the intent of the above Section is to assure a certain amount of lot area per bedroom, then the 5,000 square foot h requirement is self-defeating because t e four- bedroom, two-story house covers substantially less ground than the three-bedroom one-story house. In reply to Council questioning, Mr. Fleagle stated that it might be appropriate for the Council to det- ermine the percentage of four-bedroom units, subject to review of the location by the Development Preview Commission, for the purpose of controlling density. The tentative map indicated that 25% of the total would be foUr-bedroom units. The Council discussed lowering the number of four- bedroom units to 15%, feeling that this would be a reasonable mix of the four-bedroom homes. Mr. Partin stated that this would impose a condition on the final map which should properly have been im- posed on the'tentative map. Mr. Rourke stated, in answer to Councilmen's questions, that the issue of whether the developer has the right to insist that this condition not be imposed on the final map because it is a new and different condition from those required on the tentative map, would require further study on his part; if the Council is desirous of imposing that conditionr the matter should be continued to the next regular meeting at which time he could make a recommendation. Mr. Partin suggested a compromise which would allow 25% four-bedrooms in the first 68 units, and upon completion of occupancy of the project, submission for Council review of a buyer profile indicating the number of occupants per house as related to the number of bedrooms. Following further brief discussion, during which it was noted that only 8-10% of the lots would be af- fected by Section l(d), Councilmen Welsh and Saltarelli agreed to amend their previous motion by deletion of the following phrase from Section l(d) of Planning Commission Resolution No. 1300: "...and directs said Commission to specify that no greater than 3-bedroom units shall be auth- orized on any lot less than 5,000 square feet in area." Carried unanimously. Councilman Saltarelli expressed hope that lot size ~or four-bedroom units could be increased in subse- quent phases. City Council Minutes 12/4/72 Page 8 RECESS Mayor Miller called a recess at 9:D7 p.m. The meet- ing reconvened at approximately 9:20 p.m. OLD BUSINESS 3. AGREEMENT WITH SANTA FE RAILROAD - WALNUT (continued AVENUE CROSSING PROTECTION Moved by Langley, seconded by Saltarelli that Agree- ment with Santa Fe Railroad concerning Walnut Avenue Crossing Protection be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to execute said agreement. Carried unanimously. XII. NEW BUSINESS 1. EXTENSION OF TIME - TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7721 Location: Westerly side of Red Hill Avenue Between Valencia Avenue and Bell Avenue. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Langley that an 18-month extension of time for filing of final map upon Tract No. 7721, as requested on behalf of International Rectifier Corporation, be granted. Carried unanimously. 2. DEVELOPMENT OF EL CAMINO REAL - MR. TOM KELLY Mr. Tom Kelly, 330 E1 Camino Real, Tustinr presented aletter to the Council signed by a number of mer- chants on E1 Camino Real, suggesting specific action by the City to install public improvements in the downtown area (pursuant to Section 4.17 (h) of Ordinance No. 510, adopted in July, 1971) by means of revenue sharing funds. Mr. Kelly offered several 'suggestions to enhance the area and encourage busines- ses to locate downtown: a. Diagonal parking along E1 Camino Real from First Street to Sixth Street. b. Elimination of on-site parking requirements. c. Designate a parcel for Bicentennial commemoration. d. Eliminate charge for square footage in new build- ings (tax on new construction, authorized by Ordinance 560). e. Review priorities with regard to undergrounding of utilities. f. Inaugurate plan for amortizing "non-authorized" businesses in the area. g. Explore possibility of a redevelopment plan. Mr. Gill stated that $8,000 was budgeted for FY 1972-3 for improvement of street lighting on E1 Camino Real, and that the staff is awaiting word from the Edison Company on a proposal for decorative street lighting as discussed in recent meetings with Edison Company and light pole manufacturers' representatives. He felt that $8~000 probably would not be sufficient to do the job properly. With regard to underground utilities, the cost is currently $100/foot, and monies have been allocated to First Street. Also, the idea of diagonal parking has been explored by the staff and was deemed too hazardous for implementation. Ma~or Miller suggested installation of attractive 5enches by the City, and stated that he was philo- sophically opposed to urban renewal projects. C~cy Council Minutes 12/4/72 Page 9 Councilman Langle~ stated that this should not be an effort solely by the City to improve the downtown area, but should combine the efforts of local business people, the Chamber of Commerce, and the City, to encourage activity in the area. He would be reluc- tant to proceed without a commitment from the busines- ses and the Chamber. Councilman Saltarelli agreed, and also suggested ~hat this be a topic discussed in conjunction with other functions of the Chamber in a Council/Chamber workshop to be scheduled in the near future. Mayor Miller stated that the City's course of action should be to discuss the matter with the Chamber of Commerce, and to budget in future for public improve- ments along E1 Camino Real. 3. ACQUISITION OF TUSTIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DIS- TRICT PARCEL ON BENETA WAY FOR PARK PURPOSES. Moved by Miller, seconded by Langley that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute agreement With the Tustin Elementary School District for the acquisition of TESD Parcel on Beneta Way for park purposes. Carried unanimously. XIII. OTHER BUSINESS 1. APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF UP-72-397 Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Miller that Plan- ning Commission denial of UP-72-397, no authorize activities of the Orange County Coroner, to include administrative offices, a laboratory, and morgue in an existing structure located on the Planned Community District, be appealed. Carried unani- mously. (This matter will be scheduled for public hearing by the Council on December 19, 1972.) 2. TAX REFORM BILL Mayor Miller requested that the staff forward to the Council any new information received on the Reagan-Moretti-Ditls Tax Reform Program, recently enacted by the Legislature, which might have an effect on the City. 3. REVENUE SHARING Mr. Gill reported that cities have authorized Orange Eounty League President Bob Finnell to make a presen- tation to the Board of Supervisors on Wednesday, December 6, concerning the Orange County Cooperative Revenue Sharing Plan, formulated by a special League Committee and unanimously approved by Orange County cities. The Cooperative Plan calls for distribution of half the County's Federal Revenue Sharing alloca- tion to the cities on a matching funds basis, on the basis of assessed valuation and population. It has been requested that mayors and councilmen attend the 10:00 a.m. hearing of the Board of Supervisors on the above date. City Council Minutes 12/4/72 Page 10 4. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION VACANCIES Council directed that proposed ordinance revising membership of the Parks and Recreation Commission be placed on the agenda of the next regular Council meeting. 5. PARK CURFEW The City Administrator was instructed to implement a permit system for use of City parks by authorized groups after 10:00 p.m. 6. MUNICIPAL ADVISORY COUNCILS Mr. Gill reported that the League Executive Committee 'had concurred in Vice P~esident Bob Harvey's (Council- man, Cypress) recommendations regarding Municipal Advisory Councils, and he will make a presentation to the Board of Supervisors expressing the League's concerns about financing of the councils, election of representatives, etc., and the desirability of the Board referring applications to the Local Agency Formation Commission for a determination as to need. 7. UP 72-399 - DAN JONES ET AL Mr. Fleagte submitted a report advising the Council of the Planning Commission's conceptual approval on November 27, 1972, of UP 72-399, authorizing construction of a shopping center on the southwest corner of Seventeenth and Prospect. The concept plan as presented is in conformance with the prior approved master plan of development for the total 43-acre area. The matter of wall height and rear treatment of buildings was left to the discretion of the staff and Development Preview Commission. Moved by Miller, seconded by Welsh that the Develop- ment Preview Commission recommend to the City Council conditions for final approval of development of the Jones property, with final approval to be under the control of the City Council. Carried unanimously. 8. CLERKS FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT Moved by Sal'tarelli, seconded by Welsh that extension of temporary employment of a Typist Clerk, and hiring of a second Temporary Typist Clerk, (both at $459/mo) be authorized for the Police Department, for an in- definite period of time. Carried unanimously. 9. CODE OF ETHICS Councilman Welsh presented to the Council copies of a proposed Code of Ethics for municipal officials and employees, and suggested that such a code be adopted by the City. Following discussion, it was moved by Miller, seconded by Welsh that the City Attorney and staf'f research the subject of codes-of ethics and prepare a report and draft of code, to be presented to the City Council at the second regular meeting in- January, 1973. Carried unanimously. Clty Council Minu~es 12/4/72 Page 11 10. ZONING AND DENSITY [ouncilman Saltarelli stated that the City's zoning regulations allow greater densities for some types of zoning than the County does for comparable zoning, and suggested exploring the possibility of changing allowable densities in the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. FleagIe stated that in most instances, the City's Ordinance is more restrictive as related to density. He added that the Planning Commission has been con- ducting workshops to revise .the Land Use Element of the General Plan, and it is intended to rewrite the Zoning Ordinance based on population density rather than dwelling unit density, so that the character of the zoning will be accurately reflected. 11. MCCALLA PROPERTY Councilman Saltarelli reported that in recent dis- cussion with the McCallas, they indicated a willing- ness to negotiate after the first of the year about City acquisition of their property for park purposes. 12. NARCOTICS PROBLEM Councilman Langley requested a report from the Police Chief on programs to curb narcotics activity in schools. The ~ayor suggested scheduling a meeting with the Police Chief in the near future. 13. LIGHTING IN CENTENNIAL PARK Councilman Langley requested that staff investigate Inoperative lighting along the Brookshire entrance to Centennial Park. 14. YOUTH COMMITTEE ~ounci!men Welsh and Langlel reported on the first meeting of the Youth Committee, authorized at the last Council meeting to solve problems in the area of the North Tustin parkette. A meeting will be held on December 14, 1972, which will include adults in the area and parents of the youth in- volved. It was requested that a Police Officer be invited to that meeting to explain laws and procedures to the young people. XIV. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh that the ~eeting be adjourned to a Regular Adjourned Meeting on Tuesday, December 19, 1977, to canvass election returns, seat new Councilman, and conduct all other business. Carried unanimously. (10:56 p.m.) MAYOR CITY CLERK