HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecognized Obligation Payment Schedule 16-17M M Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (BOPS 1&17) - Summary Filed for the July 1. 2016 through June 30. 2017 Period Successor Agency: Tustin County: Orange Certification of Oversight Board Chairman Pursuant to Section 34177 (o) of the Health and Safety code. I hereby certify that the above is a true and accurate Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the above named successor agency. H A-1 1�k" M ROPS 16-17 Current Period Requested Funding for Enforceable Obligations (ROPS Detail 16-17A Total 16-178 Total Total Enforceable Obligations Funded with Non -Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) Funding A Sources(B+C+D): $ 3.314,442 $ 1,571,065 $ 4,885,507 B Bond Proceeds Funding - - - C Reserve Balance Funding - D Other Funding 3.314,442 1,571,065 4,885507 E Enforceable Obligations Funded with RPTTF Funding (F+G): $ 594,393 $ 5,935,305 $ 6,529,698 F Non -Administrative Costs 594,393 5.935,305 6.529,698 G Administrative Costs - - - H Current Period Enforceable Obligations (A+E): $ 3,908,835 $ 7,506,370 $ 11,415,205 Certification of Oversight Board Chairman Pursuant to Section 34177 (o) of the Health and Safety code. I hereby certify that the above is a true and accurate Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the above named successor agency. 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Isp S.id� 0uw•.:nQ •wl Ixw.AP••.nu.� I wrw�fym.nwwi ILanAI JJ I„arRr nLa.a uwtr++w n•^]��1 WJ.p.,,,y n�.mR,.Y.,r,R. oanrlwJ w.+A..nb ln..�,Ave'.pwr�n,l YL W4 VlF9F M n � J f • O � O M • • u r I M p 1 f 6 5 9 '+ rwu•a wrlx �e vw«w a 1LQL'fK uuxT I{EuONL 9L�'L RI•i IAa•pS M ULti[Sd )mnP.Vn LI.w 4lnRf9m•.•rm—a 41e11 rme eseesee©sis■seee©e© !MEMO 0011111 in I�Mmm"-oil m mmmm --s�--�-0 MMKO--'---son � ��� - ©i i-�i iii i i ii i ■ i ria � -moi -�� - ®iii- i i [�!1 i i i i i a➢�1 rQ1---� -- � - ®[.mmmm� �7r�����-0[�ii�iif>�iiiii� mEm_ _ _ Tustin Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (RODS 16-17) - Report of Cash Balances (Reoort Amounts in Whole Dollars) Pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 34177 (i), Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTFI may be listed as a source of payment on the ROPS, but only to the extent no other funding source is available or when payment from property tax revenues is required by an enforceable obligation. For tips on how to complete the Report of Cash Balances Form, seeCASH BALANCE TIPS SHEET A B C D E 1 F 1 G H I Fund Sources Bond Proceeds Reserve Balance Other RPTTF Prior ROPS Prior RODS period balances RPTTF Bonds issued on and DDR RPTTF distributed as Rent. Non -Admin or before Bonds issued on balances reserve for future grants, and Cash Balance Information by ROPS Period 12J31710 or after 01101!11 retained penods)interest. etc. Admin I Comments ROPS 15-18A Actuals 07101115 • 12131715 t Beginning Available Cash Balance (Actual 07101115) 5,052,523 537.07a 2 Revenueflncome (Actual 12!31113) RPTTF amounts should lie to the ROPS 16-16A distribution from the County Auditor -Coni during June 2015 No RPT7F distribution recewetl during June 4,112,692 2015. 3 Expenditures for ROPS 15-16A Erdorceable ObBgations (Actual 12131115) 5.032 a� 4 Retention of Available Cash Balance (Actual 12131115) -T Fi amount retained should only include the amounts distributed as reserve for future period(s) 5 RODS 15 -ISA RPTTF Balances Remaining No entry squired 6 Ending Actual Available Cash Balance CtoG=(i+2-3.4j H=(1+2-3-4-5) f $ S $ S 4.132,761 f 537,078 RODS 15.168 Estimate f01101116 - 06/30116 7 Beginning Available Cash Balance (Actual 01101116) (C, D• E, G - 4 + 6, F = H4 + F4 + F6, and H a 5 + 6) $ $ S f S 4,432,701 f 53T,078 8 Revenueflncome (Estimate 06130116) Other revenue includes rents projected to be RPTTF amounts should tie to the ROPS 15-166 distribution from the collected by the Successor Agency. The City will County Audilor-Controller dunng January 2016 be transferring to the Successor Agency $4,101,171 in December 2016 as part of its 7,500 1 893,703 Settlement Agnsementwith the DOF, 9 Expenditures for ROPS 15.168 Enforceable Obligations (Estimate These expenditures were approved 10 be spent 116130116) from RPTTF funds prior to the City's agmement with the DOF. As funding for these expenditures w0l now be provided through the City's December 2016 scheduled transfer of $4 t million, we are including these expenditures under ^Othsr"fuinding sources. 10 Retention of Available Cash Balance (Estimate 06!30116) RPTTF amount retained should only in iude the amounts distributed as reserve for future period[&) 11 Ending Estimated Available Cash Balance [7 + 8 -9-10) $ - $ - S - $ S 2 620 437 6 11,4130 ,71111 Tustin Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (RODS 16-17) - Notes July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 Court Court