FEBRUARY 2, 2016
Agenda Item 7
Reviewed: Al
City Manager
Finance Director N/A
The Community Development Department is requesting appropriation of funds and
authorization to execute a consultant services agreement for the Red Hill Corridor
Specific Plan (RCSP) and other associated costs.
That the City Council authorize the appropriation of $500,000 from the General Fund
and authorize the Community Development Director to enter into a contract with Kimley-
Horn to prepare RCSP and other associated costs.
Overall plan preparation is estimated to be $349,954 which includes baseline study, public
outreach, preparation of RCSP, Environmental review and documents, and public
hearings. An additional of $150,000 is earmarked for other associated costs related to the
preparation of the Specific Plan.
This project correlates to the Strategic Plan, Goal A, regarding economic and
neighborhood development. Specifically, the intent of the RCSP is to enable business
opportunities and job development and to enhance the vibrancy and the quality of life in
all neighborhoods and areas of the community.
On July 6, 2015, the
City Council
conducted a Joint Planning Commission and City
Council workshop to
discuss the
issues associated with density and
intensity of
development. At the
workshop various items were discussed such as
density and
City Council Report
Red Hill Corridor Specific Plan
Page 2
intensity, residential product type, mixed-use development, impacts and implications to
infrastructure and public services, workforce housing and possible associated General
Plan/Zoning Code Amendments. At the conclusion of the workshop the Planning
Commission and City Council directed staff to conduct a study for RCSP as a whole
instead of a parcel by parcel basis or a piecemeal approach. The study should be
conducted to determine project boundary, appropriate density/intensity, development
standards and impact analysis, and implementation plan.
In response, the Community Development Department and City Manager conducted
two (2) interviews of qualified consulting firms. Both firms have extensive experience in
planning and urban design fields, traffic engineering and infrastructure, market analysis
and real estate finance, and community outreach. Staff is recommending Kimley-Horn
due to their familiarity with the project area and City's process and procedures.
Elizabeth A. Binsack
Community Development Director
Attachment: Red Hill Corridor Specific Plan Scope of Work
1014:1 Z [v_1 W_1 ] ] :1HeLIIl 7
Project Objectives and Key Issues
Kimley-Horn and Kosmont Companies understand the City of Tustin's desire to develop a comprehensive Red
Hill Avenue Corridor Specific Plan. The Specific Plan seeks to provide a highly vitalized, mixed-use, and
sustainable environment that will become a focal point for community activity. The Specific Plan will create
and economically vibrant and family-oriented environment that complements the character and desires of
Tustin residents. The City desires a Specific Plan that:
• Creates a mixed use, multi -modal environment;
• Provides an attractive gateway to the community
• Enhances the pedestrian scale and function of the built environment;
• Celebrates and promotes sustainable principles in design and development;
• Establishes a complementary mix of land uses, public spaces and outdoor activities;
• Provides better functionality and connectivity with adjacent neighborhoods;
• Complements a family-oriented lifestyle;
• Celebrates and reinforces the character of the Tustin community;
• Supports and enhances economic development successes; and
• Supports future regional transportation and transit planning objectives.
The Specific Plan will establish an effective and implementable policy mechanism that introduces a
complementary mix of land uses including residential, retail, public space, and commercial that capitalizes on
the areas current opportunities.
Based on our team's experience in developing strategic policies and policy programs for Specific Plans similar
to the Red Hill Avenue Corridor Specific Plan, successful outcomes will include the following:
• Urban Design improvements in the Red Hill Avenue Corridor must be accompanied by a strong land
use regulatory framework and economic development strategy.
• Sustained and meaningful community engagement to intimately understand the needs and
preferences of the community will promote future change that is embraced by the community and
encourages local investment.
• Sustainable principals must be an integral component to the land use and policy framework—They
should not be an afterthought.
• Mobility and transportation accessibility that contributes to highly utilized and accessible corridor—
it must be considered an integral part of the planning process.
• Respecting community character, historic traditions, and resident needs creates places that are
embraced, supported, and nurtured by local residents.
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Scope of Work
Kim ley -Horn and Kosmont Companies assume the following scope of work will be conducted over a 12 -month
period, although it is understood that the CEQA process has the potential to prolong this timeframe The
project assumes that the project boundary will generally extend from San Juan Street to Mitchell Avenue and
generally one parcel in depth along this corridor.
Task 1.1 —Project Kick -Off Meeting
The consultant team will participate in a project kick-off meeting with City of Tustin staff. The intent of the
kick-off meeting is to clarify expectations in the Scope of Work and clearly define deliverables and schedule.
Additionally, a draft Specific Plan outline will be provided to City staff for review and discussion. Prior to the
kick-off meeting, the consultant team will provide the City of Tustin with a list of requested pertinent
documents, kick-off meeting agenda, and a summary list of project contacts. The anticipated project
boundaries will be clarified during this meeting.
Task 1.2 — Project Coordination
The Kimley-Horn team will conduct bi-monthly meetings in person or by teleconference during the duration
of the project. As part of each project coordination meeting, we will provide a summary of work completed,
scheduled work efforts, and timing of delivery submittals. A monthly written status report will be provided to
City staff throughout the duration of the project.
Task 1.3 — Land Use, Design, Economic and Environmental Baseline Conditions
A comprehensive analysis of baseline conditions will be conducted to provide a method for evaluating
potential changes in the Specific Plan area. Analysis of baseline conditions may include documenting existing
roadway conditions, mapping, onsite data gathering, and other methods.
Subtask 1.3o — Baseline Economic Analysis
Kosmont will prepare an Economic and Demographic Profile, illustrating existing and future projected trends
in household and business social and economic characteristics, including population, incomes, race/ethnicity,
housing preferences, educational attainment, unemployment, employment by industry, commute patterns,
resident/ employee concentrations, and other metrics within standard geographic boundaries (e.g., City
limits, various radii centered at opportunity site locations within the Project Area) as deemed relevant by
Kosmont. Task 1.4 analyses will be summarized in PowerPoint Presentation format.
Subtask 1.3b — Existing Policy/Regulatory Document Review and Sustainability Audit
Kimley-Horn will provide a list of needed documents necessary to support successful completion of the
Specific Plan. This may include the Tustin General Plan, Zoning Code, Infrastructure Master Plans, applicable
CEQA documents, GIS data, etc. Regional planning documents such as the Regional Transportation Plan and
County Congestion Management Plan will also be evaluated as applicable. We will review all pertinent
documents and prepare a reference library to be utilized throughout the planning process.
All documents will be reviewed to identify policies, programs, and procedures that promote or encourage
sustainable, transit -oriented and sustainable practices. These policies and programs will be identified to
supplement future sustainable principals to be included with the Specific Plan document.
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Subtask 1.3c — Land Use Database
The Kim ley -Horn team will collaborate with the City of Tustin staff to develop an accurate depiction of existing
land use, General Plan policy, and Zoning standards for real property in the Corridor area. The City's GIS
database will be reviewed to ensure existing conditions accurately reflect current county assessor data. Based
on review of the City's existing data, supplemental assessor data will be acquired. Information to be utilized
in the database will include parcel acreage, development square footage, dwelling units, existing uses, and
Subtask 1.3d — Baseline Urban Design Audit
The Kimley-Horn team will conduct onsite analysis of urban design conditions within the Specific Plan area.
The analysis will evaluate existing urban design features, sidewalk, streetscape, wayfinding, landscape
features, public realm amenities, walkability, connectivity, and accessibility.
A summary technical memorandum will be prepared.
Subtask 1.3e — Baseline Mobility and Parking Conditions
Kimley-Horn will review the City's General Plan, previous planning efforts, relevant policy documents, current
City roadway design standards, and other appropriate planning documents within the City. Key transportation
illustrative graphics will be developed in GIS showing existing transportation facilities and characteristics in
the study area. In addition, Kimley-Horn will spend time in the field to inventory the existing transportation
system, including:
• Current lane geometry and lane configurations at intersections and roadway segments in the
study area;
• Existing bicycle facilities;
• Existing transit facilities;
• Current sidewalk conditions and locations;
• Current pedestrian crossing locations including, as applicable, locations of in -pavement flashers
or mid -block crossings;
• Existing public and private parking facilities and the number of spaces;
• Existence or lack of on -street parking, and/or parking restrictions; and
• Opportunities/constraints mapping.
In addition to the information obtained above, our team will meet with members of the Tustin Police
Department to identify any potential safety concerns or mode conflicts on the existing network of
transportation that we should be aware of.
Subtask 1.3f — Baseline Infrastructure Conditions
Kimley-Horn will evaluate existing water, sewer, and storm drain conditions. This evaluation will include
mapping of existing facilities and review of existing master plan documents. The project team will meet with
City staff (engineering, public works, planning, etc.) to identify infrastructure deficiencies, maintenance issues,
conditions of existing facilities, and other onsite issues.
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Task 1 - Deliverables
• Kick-off meeting agenda, list of pertinent documents, and list of project contacts
• Monthly written status report
• Baseline Technical Memorandums (including Economic; Mobility and Parking; and Infrastructure)
• Opportunity/Constraints Map
• GIS Mapping
Community engagement will be of vital importance in the planning process in order to successfully develop a
plan that is reflective of community needs and provides an implementation strategy that respects the needs
of those investing in the Corridor area.
Task 2.1— Branding and Outreach Strategy
Kimley-Horn will prepare up to three variation of a project branding/logo for use throughout the project
timeline. This will be utilized in all marketing collateral and presentation materials including, exhibits,
documents, web content, flyers and notices.
Task 2.2 — Project Website
Kimley-Horn will provide content for the City's website administrator to upload to the city's current official
site. It is assumed a separate page on the city's website will be developed to provide regular updates to the
public. Kimley-Horn will provide updated information on a bi-weekly basis, or as circumstances dictate.
Information may include draft documents, description of the planning process, project schedule and events
and hearing dates.
Task 2.3 — Red Hill Avenue Corridor Specific Plan Workshop til — Establishing the Vision
Kimley-Horn will conduct an initial workshop to introduce the community to the Specific Plan process; discuss
opportunities, challenges and ideas for the planning area; and provide an overview of the public hearing and
adoption process. The primary goal of this workshop is to receive and summarize community ideas for the
Specific Plan. A summary of existing conditions, issues and opportunities will be presented to the Workshop
participants to help stimulate dialogue. The ideas, opportunities and challenges identified by participants will
be utilized when formulating the land use and design alternative scenarios. Participants may include, but are
not limited to:
• Local Residents
• Local Business/Property Owners/Residents
• Local Agencies (utilities, school districts, etc.)
• Developers/Investors
• Public officials (compliant with Brown Act provisions)
The Workshop is intended to be a highly engaging and participatory event. The Kimley-Horn team will provide
facilitation for the Workshop and will employ a variety of participatory techniques to directly engage
participants and summarize individual and group ideas. At the conclusion of the Workshop, a strong
understanding of community needs and desires will be established.
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The Kimley-Horn team will also conduct a project area walking tour, providing maps and materials for
participants. We highly recommend participants get an "on the ground" perspective of the project area and
are provided with a proper context when discussing project issues, challenges, and opportunities.
The Kimley-Horn team will provide all Workshop materials, including presentation materials, refreshments,
technical needs, etc. It is assumed the City of Tustin will assist in meeting location logistics and meeting
Task 2.4 — Community Workshop #2 — Establishing the Land Use and Design Vision
Immediately following visioning workshops and the completion of baseline conditions, a second workshop
will be conducted to explore various land use, design, and policy options. It is assumed that up to three
alternative land use scenarios will be explored. The intent of this Community Workshop is to explore the
impacts and benefits of various land use scenarios and to educate/inform participants on a variety of options
for consideration. Participants will be afforded the opportunity to discuss concerns, ideas, and other
opportunities provided by various land use scenarios.
This workshop will be conducted in a Charrette format, providing interactive participation. At the conclusion
of the Workshop, a summary of preferred approaches will be identified. The Kimley-Horn team will provide
all Workshop materials, including presentation materials, refreshments, technical needs, etc. It is assumed
the City of Tustin will assist in meeting location logistics and meeting noticing.
Task 2.5 —Community Workshop #3 — Review of Draft Specific Plan
A final Community Workshop will be conducted to provide a forum for participants to provide feedback to the
draft Specific Plan document. The final workshop is intended to be conducted in an "open house" format,
providing the community the ability to focus their comments in specific areas of interest. The Workshop will
also provide for a celebration and demonstration of the work completed by the Tustin community. A variety
of topical "stations" will be set up to allow a variety of community comments in the process
The Kimley-Horn team will provide all Workshop materials, including presentation materials, refreshments,
technical needs, etc. It is assumed the City of Tustin will assist in meeting location logistics and meeting
Task 2.6 — Summary Corridor Specific Plan Vision Technical Report
Upon completion of the initial community workshops, a summary report detailing the findings made by the
community will be developed. The Summary Vision Report will assist in the development of future land use
alternatives, in conjunction with baseline technical studies, economic analysis, and consultation with
elected/appointed officials and stakeholders.
Task 2 - Deliverables
• Project website content
• Preparation and facilitation of up to three (3) Community Workshops and related meeting
• Summary Corridor Specific Plan Vision Technical Report
Task 3.1= Urban Design Framework and Design Guidelines
Urban design concepts are important elements of the project as they are the physical blueprint for enhancing
the image and character of the Red Hill Avenue Corridor. These graphic details are important to visualize,
understand, and share the desire design vision for the Corridor area.
The Kimley-Horn team will prepare a set of draft design guidelines for the Red Hill Avenue Corridor Specific
Plan that will illustrate preferred design through text, graphics, and photographs. Elements to be addressed
• Site Design
• Materials
• Windows
• Doors
• Architectural Details
• Courtyards and Plazas
• Landscaping
• Style and Imagery
• Signs
• Special Use types (gas stations, drive through, etc.)
Task 3.2 —Streetscape, Wayfinding and Community Urban Design Palette
Kimley-Horn will develop a selection of streetscape furniture, lighting, trees, wayfinding, corridor features,
pedestrian amenities, and appropriate public art features for the Corridor Specific Plan. This palette will be
based upon the input received during the community engagement process. The Kimley-Horn team will
prepare up to two streetscape palettes for City review.
Task 3.3 — Developing Draft Land Use, Mobility and Sustainability Concepts
The land use concept plan is the heart of the Corridor Specific Plan. The land use concept plan will provide the
impetus for the regulatory framework to be developed as part of the Specific Plan policy document. The
primary goal of this effort is to positively affect the function and economic development of the area by
creating land use regulations and standards that responds to market conditions, infrastructure requirements,
and relationships between uses.
Utilizing the baseline conditions gathered during prior tasks, and the community input received, the Kimley-
Horn team will formulate a draft land use concept for the Specific Plan area. The draft concept will include an
evaluation of adjacent land uses. The issues addressed may include:
• Implementation of the Vision
• Focus on opportunity sites
• Creation of development focal points/corridors
• Land use mix and intensity/density
• Transition between uses
• Phasing of proposed land uses and improvements
• Circulation, mobility and parking issues
• Pedestrian orientation and scale
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The Kimley-Horn team will prepare up to three variations of the preferred land use concept that respond to
the recommendations of City staff, elected/appointed officials, and the public. The land use map will be
prepared in GIS format and will be accompanied by text descriptions of the purpose and character of
Task 3.4 — Infrastructure Improvements
Kimley-Horn will evaluate future land use conditions to estimate infrastructure improvements necessary to
accommodate growth and change in the project area. This analysis will include the evaluation of capacities,
future deficiencies. The kimley-horn team will identify future improvements anticipated and provide mapping
of future facilities, as dictated by the future buildout of the project area.
This analysis will be conducted at a planning level only and no modeling, surveying of pipes or onsite technical
studies will be conducted.
Task 3.5 — Market Supply and Demand Analysis
Kosmont will evaluate market demand within the City and Project Area for prioritized land uses (e.g., retail,
mixed use). The evaluation will include an analysis of retail sales leakage/surplus and retailer voids by retail
category (e.g., restaurants, general merchandise, grocery, soft goods, etc.), employment projections by
industry category, and resident household growth projections. Kosmont will evaluate existing market supply
conditions, such as inventory, vacancy, and lease rates. Task 2 analyses will be summarized in PowerPoint
Presentation format.
Task 3 - Deliverables
• Specific Plan Area Design Guidelines as part of Specific Plan document
• Prepare up to two (2) streetscape palettes
• Prepare up to three (3) variation of the preferred land use concept
Task 4.1— Development Regulations and Standards
Detailed land use and development regulations will be formulated for the specific land use districts developed
for the Corridor Specific Plan. The regulations will be formulated in conjunction with staff input and based on
previous findings by the Kimley-Horn team. It is assumed the Kimley-Horn team will employ a "hybrid"
approach to the development standards, providing a complimentary mix of "form -based" style development
standards and traditional regulatory techniques. The development regulations section, which constitutes the
legal zoning for the plan area, will include all necessary regulatory elements to implement the intent and
purpose of each land use district. Areas of particular emphasis include:
• Permitted, conditionally permitted uses
• Form -based development standards
• Nonconforming uses and structures
• FAR/Dwelling Units
• Height and setbacks
• Parking and site access
• Mixed-use development standards
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• Residential development
• Sidewalk cafes/outdoor uses
• Transit -supportive development
• Signage
• Sustainable design standards
Task 4.2 — Development Incentives
Development incentives will provide a significant positive influence on the likelihood of desired development
within the Specific Plan area. Development incentives provide a means for the encouragement of the type
and quality of development with the Red Hill Avenue Corridor area. The Kimley-Horn team will develop a
menu of incentives to be included within the Specific Plan area that may include:
• Residential Density Bonuses (du/ac)
• Development Intensity Bonuses (FAR)
• Streamlined discretionary review
• Height bonuses
• Fee deferral/waivers/modifications
• Parking reductions/modifications
The Kimley-Horn team will evaluate the potential features, activities, or type of development that may
promote the purpose and intent of the Specific Plan. Applicable features, activities, or types of development
that may be eligible for development incentives may include:
• Sustainable design features
• Fagade rehabilitation
• Shared parking/access
• Site amenities
• Mixed use development
• Exemplary architecture
Task 4.3 — Economic Development and Implementation Strategy
Based on results of prior analyses, Kosmont will prepare an Economic Development Strategy and
Implementation Plan ("Plan') for the Project Area. The Plan will highlight key opportunity sites / areas
identified within the Project Area and corresponding strengths, challenges, and opportunities with regard to
future development / redevelopment. The Plan will identify key retailers / businesses / developers that can
be targeted, and outline strategies and outreach efforts for attraction. Kosmont will consider the ability of
potential tenants to generate tax revenue for the city, create jobs, and fill "voids' identified during the
Task 4.4 — Draft Specific Plan
Kimley-Horn will prepare a stand-alone Specific Plan document in compliance with California Government
Code Section 6540-65457 and with the State Guidelines for the preparation of Specific Plans for review by City
staff, the Committee members, Stakeholders, City Council, and Planning Commission. Kimley-Horn assumes
the following general organizational framework forthe draft Specific Plan document:
• Chapter 1: Executive Summary/Introduction
• Chapter 2: Introduction to the Red Hill Avenue Corridor Specific Plan
• Chapter 3: Planning and Design Framework
• Chapter 4: Land Use and Development Regulations
• Chapter 5: Design Guidelines
• Chapter 6: Community Design and Improvements Plan
• Chapter 7: Implementation and Administration
Task 4.5 — Public Review and Final Specific Plan
Based upon feedback given to Kimley-Horn, a final public review draft will be provided to city staff. The Public
review draft document will incorporate comments received and make revisions to the draft Specific Plan prior
to commence the public review process. It is assumed that all comments received for the draft document will
be consolidated into one comment copy. Kimley-Horn will provide two electronic versions on CD, one camera-
ready copy, and one PDF versions of the public review and final Specific Plan.
The Program -level Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be commensurate with the level of detail provided
in the Red Hill Corridor Specific Plan. The objective of the Program EIR is to provide the basis for tiering or
exempting from subsequent environmental review future site-specific development and/or public
improvement projects that implement the Red Hill Corridor Specific Plan and are consistent with the project's
goals, policies and environmental thresholds. This will allow more detailed reports to be prepared, if needed,
when properties are developed or redeveloped while at the same time allowing for entitlement streamlining
by limiting the need to re -analyze many environmental subject areas. To the extent possible, the Program EIR
will present a reasonable scenario which recognizes the buildout potential of the Specific Plan. Future projects
that would conflict with policies or regulations may be required to complete detailed evaluations during
supplemental environmental review.
Task 5.1- EIR Team Kickoff Meeting.
Kimley-Horn's meeting with City staff and the project team regarding EIR preparation process will be a
benchmark in the ongoing collaboration with the City. Our work will begin prior to the preparation of the
CEQA document. From the initiation of the Red Hill Specific Plan, Kimley-Horn will be identifying
environmental issues that will be considered. As such, we anticipate that this meeting will serve to review key
issues, confirm the Project Description and Project objectives to be used in the EIR; and to confirm the
thresholds of significance for each environmental topic to be addressed in the Program EIR, the format of the
EIR, work products and delivery schedule.
Task 5.2 - Notice of Preparation.
Because the City has already made the determination that an EIR is the appropriate CEQA document for the
Red Hill Specific Plan, an Initial Study is not required. Preparing an expanded Notice of Preparation (NOP)
without an Initial Study can still allow for topics to be focused out of the EIR. The NOP will identify the issues
to be addressed in the EIR and will provide sufficient information to document why any topical issues or
specific checklist questions do not require detailed analysis in the EIR and can be focused out. The NOP will
identify where relevant project documents are available for review; where written comments on the scope of
the EIR may be sent; and the deadline for submitting comments. The NOP will also identify the date and
location of a public scoping meeting.
Upon receipt of City comments, Kimley-Horn will revise the NOP and resubmit in track/change for City review.
Upon receipt of any additional comments, we will prepare a final version. The NOP will be filed with the County
Clerk and will also be provided to the City for posting on the City's website. We will also prepare and submit
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the Notice of Completion (NOC) and attach relevant information from the NOP to the State Office of Planning
and Research's State Clearinghouse.
It is anticipated that the following topics can be focused out of the Program EIR: Agriculture and Forest
Resources; Biological Resources; and Mineral Resources.
Task 5.3 - Scoping Meeting.
In coordination with the City and the project team, Kimley-Horn will organize the scoping meeting to be held
duringthe 30 -day NOP review period. The scoping meeting provides a public forum for concerned citizens and
regulatory agencies to receive information about the proposed project and voice any environmental concerns.
Addressing issues and concerns raised during the scoping process can also correct any misinformation about
the project and the environmental process. We will provide an overview of the proposed project and key
issues to be evaluated in the EIR; describe the CEQA process; and identify opportunities for subsequent public
input and review of the EIR. Following presentations, the focus of the scoping meeting will be on the public
and agencies to make comments. We will prepare comment cards and meeting sign -in sheets. Written
comments and a summary of the oral comments will become a part of the administrative record.
Task 5.4 - Native American Consultation.
Preparation of a specific plan and/or General Plan Amendment triggers agency -to -agency consultation under
Senate Bill (SB) 18 between Native American groups affiliated with the project area. Additionally, Assembly
Bill (AB) 52 establishes a formal consultation process for California tribes as a part of CEQA and equates
significant impacts on tribal cultural resources with significant environmental impacts. Concurrent with the
preparation of the NOP, we will assist the City with its SB 18 and AB 52 obligations by contacting Native
American groups via written correspondence. This proposal does not include any formal meetings or
additional consultation with Native American entities, local historical interest groups, or other groups or
Task 5.5 - Administrative and Draft EIR
Under this task, the Kimley-Horn Team will prepare an Administrative Draft and Draft Program EIR evaluating
the potentially significant impacts that would result from implementing the Red Hill Specific Plan. The EIR and
associated work products will be prepared consistent with the criteria, standards, and provisions of CEQA
(California Public Resources Code [PRC] §§ 21000 et seq.) and the State CEQA Guidelines (Title 14, California
Code of Regulations, Chapter 3, §§ 15000 et seq.), as well as other applicable responsible agencies'
regulations. The EIR will contain the following sections:
Task 5.5o - Project Description and EIR Approach
The project description will be based on the contents of the Red Hill Specific Plan and will include the regional
and local setting, project history, project objectives, project characteristics and components, and other
information important to understanding the Specific Plan. It will also describe how the Program EIR can be
used to streamline environmental review for later activities and projects consistent with the Red Hill Specific
Plan by using the thresholds and mitigation identified in the EIR. The intent is to identify when subsequent
projects are fully or partially addressed in the environmental analysis in the Program EIR and to what extent
further environmental review would be required. The review process envisioned to evaluate future projects
by the City is identified as follows:
• Determine whether the later project is consistent with or further implements the Red Hill Specific
Plan land uses, policies, and development standards.
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Evaluate whether the later project would have environmental effects that are unique or peculiar to
the project or parcel or would result in impacts not previously considered in the Program EIR. The
later project's anticipated environmental effects would be compared against conclusions of the
Program EIR. This would be done by customizing, as needed, the City's Environmental Analysis
Checklist for Projects with Previously Certified/Approved Environmental Documents, and provided as
an appendix to the Program EIR.
Determine and document whether the later project is covered by the Program EIR or determine the
extent of environmental review for the later project. This would either identifying that the Program
EIR addresses the later project and no further environmental review is required, or would focus the
environmental analysis for the later project to issues not addressed or not addressed in sufficient
project -specific detail in the Program EIR.
Setting, Impacts and Mitigation Measures.
Kimley-Horn will describe the existing setting, and will identify impacts that could result from implementation
of the Specific Plan, the level of impact significance, mitigation measures to reduce the impact, and any
unavoidable significant impacts. Because we propose that the Specific Plan be self -mitigating to the extent
possible, mitigation and monitoring measures should become part of the Plan's implementation program. The
EIR will also describe the regulatory framework for each topic area, and identify how compliance with these
regulations can mitigate potential impacts.
A comprehensive EIR addressing all topic areas specified within CEQA is proposed unless specific topics are
excluded through the scoping process inclusive of NOP preparation. Each topical EIR section will contain a
discussion of the existing conditions within the Specific Plan area and in the project vicinity; a summary of the
regulatory framework; identification of significant environmental effects anticipated for each environmental
issue; and mitigation measures, if required. Thresholds of significance will be stated in each technical section
to enable the reader to understand the analytical process used to identify potential project impacts, and will
be taken from the State CEQA Guidelines, unless otherwise directed by the City. For each topical issue, the
EIR will identify the level of significance prior to and after mitigation, based on the established thresholds.
The EIR will evaluate the following topics:
Aesthetics and Visual Resources
Cultural and Paleontological Resources
Hazards and Hazardous Materials
Land Use and Planning
Population and Housing
Cumulative Impact Summary
Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Geology and Soils
Hydrology and Water Quality
Noise and Vibration
Public Services, Facilities, Recreation
Utilities and Service Systems
An EIR must also discuss cumulative impacts of a project pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15130. A
cumulative analysis will be prepared that addresses each topic covered in the environmental analysis. The
analysis will focus on how the Red Hill Specific Plan is consistent with or may conflict with applicable regional
growth management plans and policies.
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Task 5.5b - Aesthetics and Visual Resources
Potential changes in the study area associated with implementation of the Red Hill Specific Plan requires
consideration of environmental, planning, and development criteria. The character and compatibility of future
development with the surrounding area, and its consistency with applicable policies will be evaluated. The
Specific Plan's development standards and design guidelines, including bulk and height limits, will be used to
characterize redevelopment of the study area, and to evaluate site development in comparison to existing
To address the project's potential impacts to public views, the character and compatibility of the project with
the surrounding area, and its consistency with applicable policies, visual simulations and shade/shadow
modeling will be prepared. Additionally, the potential for light and glare impacts associated with the proposed
project will be addressed. Color site photographs will be provided which will show on-site and surrounding
views. This Scope of Work does not include the preparation of visual simulations or a shade/shadow analysis.
However, Kimley-Horn staff can provide both simulations and a shade analysis if requested by the City.
Task 5.5c - Air Quality
The air quality analysis will be prepared in accordance with South Coast Air Quality Management District
(SCAQMD) methodologies. Significance criteria will be based on SCAQMD thresholds. The existing air
environment will be described in terms of meteorology, local topography affecting pollutant dispersion, and
ambient air monitoring data. A summaryof current air management efforts that maybe related to the Specific
Plan will be provided with particular emphasis on the applicable requirements of the Air Quality Management
Plan (AQMP), and the requirements for air quality assessments identified in the South Coast Air Quality
Management District (SCAQMD) CEQA Handbook. Sensitive receptor areas within the project vicinity will be
Because the Specific Plan does not involve any specific development project, the evaluation of temporary
construction effects will be conceptual in nature. The sources of ozone precursor emissions, fugitive dust
(particulates), and other pollutants of concern with respect to construction activity will be described. The
Specific Plan construction area will be noted, particularly where construction is proximate to sensitive
receptors such as residences and schools. General Plan policies and SCAQMD rules aimed at limiting
construction emissions will be cited. As necessary, these policies and rules will be augmented with mitigation
measures to address potentially significant impacts.
Long-term emissions would result from increased traffic (vehicle trips and vehicle miles traveled) and
increased energy consumption. As part of the air quality analysis, emissions will be quantified using the
California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMod) and data from the Specific Plan traffic study. SCAQMD's
project -level daily thresholds of significance do not apply; therefore, emissions will be reported in terms of
tons per day and compared to regional emissions estimates contained in the AQMP. The Specific Plan's
regional significance will be determined based upon consistency with these emissions and growth forecasts.
The long-term analysis will also discuss the potential for future exceedances of State and federal air quality
standards. This analysis will focus on the potential to create carbon monoxide "hot spots' at severely
congested intersections. A screening level analysis will be conducted for any study intersections projected to
operate at level of service (LOS) E or F and where significant increases in traffic congestion may occur. Given
that the region is an attainment area for CO, we do not anticipate that significant impacts related to CO
concentrations will occur and have assumed that a screening level analysis will suffice.
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Task 5.5d - Geology, Soils, and Seismicity
This section will evaluate the potential impacts associated with soil and geologic conditions within the Specific
Plan area. Geotechnical hazards will be identified based on existing geotechnical and seismic data contained
in previously prepared soils and geotechnical investigations and information provided by the City.
Task 5.5e - Hazards and Hazardous Materials
Using available information, this section will evaluate potential hazards that could impact or be generated by
future development, including hazardous and toxic materials, and emergency evacuation and/or emergency
response. We will use the industry's standard database provider, Environmental Data Resources (EDR), in
order to obtain the regulatory database information, and will summarize the EDR report and identify the
potential of environmental conditions within the Specific Plan area due to the reported regulatory properties,
if any.
Task 5.5f - Hydrology and Water Quality
The majority of the Specific Plan area is developed and predominately covered by impervious surfaces with
the exception of property south of San Juan Street. The EIR will programmatically address how development
could impact the existing local drainage system and hydrology of the area, as well as result in potential surface
and groundwater quality impacts. Based on information prepared as a part of the Specific Plan, this section
will identify regional and local water quality issues, describe existing drainage, and discuss the National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements for the local project area. Mitigation
measures will be designed to conform to Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) standards for
construction site erosion and sediment control and will include best management practices (BMPs) as well as
any City -specific requirements.
Task 5.5g - Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions analysis will include both quantitative and policy -oriented assessment
of the Specific Plan's impact relative to GHG emissions and climate change. The discussion will briefly describe
the status of GHG regulations, including key policies and directives. As with air quality, construction -related
GHG impacts will be assessed qualitatively since no specific construction activity is proposed at this time. The
major sources of GHG emissions and general approaches for limiting GHG emissions will be described. As
appropriate, recommendations for additional policies or implementation actions will be identified as
mitigation. Long-term emissions will be calculated using CalEEMod and data (vehicle trips, vehicle miles
traveled) from the traffic study. The emissions forecast will also provide a future baseline against which
emissions associated with future development that is consistent with the Specific Plan can be measured.
Allowable land uses will also be compared to applicable provisions of the SCAG RTP/SCS and GHG reduction
Task 5.5h - Land Use and Planning
The EIR's Land Use and Planning section will address both the physical changes to the Specific Plan area, and
the relationship of the proposed project and associated entitlements to all applicable planning policies and
ordinances outlined in the Specific Plan. Applicable City policy documents would include the General Plan;
regional plans would include the SCAG Regional Comprehensive Plan and Guide Policies. This section will also
evaluate the appropriateness of the proposed uses in comparison to the surrounding uses based on potential
environmental effects as well as identify and analyze the consistencies and potential inconsistencies of the
proposed project with on-site and surrounding uses.
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Task 5.5i - Noise and Vibration
Because the Specific Plan does not involve any specific development project, the focus of the noise analysis
will be to identify what the mandated noise regulations and requirements will be for future site development.
The noise section will include the following:
• Overview of noise characteristics and regulations;
• Identification of major community noise sources;
• Estimates of noise from future construction operations and the proximity of future construction
activities to noise sensitive land uses;
• Estimates of long-term increases in noise from transportation (mobile) and land uses (stationary)
noise sources; and
• Identification of existing and planned noise sensitive uses that may be subject to excessive noise.
Forecasted noise levels will be compared to adopted and/or proposed noise standards to determine
Task 5.5j- Population and Housing
Kimley-Horn will analyze impacts associated with changes in population and housing anticipated by the
implementation of the Specific Plan. The information for this section will be largely based on data provided
from the U.S. Census Bureau; the California Employment Development Department; the Center for
Demographic Research (CDR) at California State University, Fullerton; the California Department of Finance;
the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), and the City's General Plan.
The focus of the population analysis will be a comparison of the amount and type of growth anticipated with
implementation of the Specific Plan with the growth projected in the General Plan, and the policies addressing
growth in the City's planning documents. The analysis will consider consistency with the goals and policies of
the Housing Element of the General Plan and how the project addresses the City's jobs/housing ratio.
Task 5.5k - Public Services and Utilities
As a part of preparation of the Specific Plan, Kimley-Horn will research all available plans and records for above
ground and below ground infrastructure including but not limited to: water, sewer, storm drains to identify
whether infrastructure improvements would be required to implement the Red Hill Specific Plan land uses.
The EIR section will also be based data collected in coordination with City staff and affected public service and
utility providers to assess potential impacts of the proposed project to services including police, fire, schools,
and recreational facilities.
Task 5.51- Tronsportation/Traffic — Traffic Impact Analysis (EIR)
The Traffic and Circulation section of the EIR will describe the existing area traffic conditions, evaluate and
summarize the traffic -related impacts assuming implementation of the recommendations of the Specific Plan
and present recommended mitigation measures to address the direct and cumulative traffic -related impacts
of the project.
Existing Conditions
An Existing Conditions report will be developed. It is assumed that up to 10 key study intersections and/or
roadway segments within the Specific Plan area will be evaluated in the Traffic and Circulation section. We
will work with the City of determine what, if any, traffic data is available from prior studies and reports.
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Existing conditions observations and analysis will also include documentation of pedestrian and bicycle
facilities and movements.
Field observations will be conducted to document the existing transportation infrastructure in the Specific
Plan area, and to observe existing traffic patterns and traffic flow conditions. The Existing Conditions report
will include documentation of the number and configuration of travel and turn lanes, intersection spacing,
traffic control at intersections, posted speed limits, on -street parking provisions and restrictions, transit routes
and bus stops, and bicycle lanes on key roadways.
Existing operating conditions will be analyzed to determine the current traffic operating level of service at
study locations. The results of the Existing Conditions analysis for the study locations will be presented in table
and graphic form.
Cumulative Conditions
Cumulative Conditions traffic forecast estimates will be developed for the anticipated Specific Plan completion
year. Cumulative Conditions will take into account ambient traffic growth and anticipated traffic from
cumulative projects (approved, pending, and reasonably foreseeable project in the project vicinity). The
results of the Cumulative Conditions analysis for the study locations will be presented in table and graphic
Project trip generation estimates will be developed for the preferred Specific Plan land use plan. Trip
generation estimates will be adjusted to account for current traffic generation levels for existing development.
Land use data for existing development within the Specific Plan boundaries will be requested from the City.
As appropriate, trip credits and adjustments will also be incorporated to account for pass -by and internal
capture factors.
Analysis of project impacts will include evaluation of proposed modifications to the existing transportation
system, including changes in traffic patterns due to changes in lane configurations, implementation of road
diet and/or Complete Street strategies, incorporating parking or bike lanes, and other potential measures.
Cumulative Conditions with the proposed Project will be analyzed by adding (or subtracting) net new traffic
estimates for the Specific Plan to the Cumulative Conditions traffic forecasts. The results of the Cumulative
Conditions plus Project analysis for the study locations will be presented in table and graphic form.
Project Impact and Mitigation
Where applicable, traffic -related mitigation measure will be presented to address the project -related impacts
of the proposed Specific Plan on roadway segments. The resulting Level of Service with implementation with
the proposed mitigation will be presented. A stand-alone traffic impact study will be prepared and will provide
the basis for the Traffic and Circulation impact section of the EIR.
Analysis of the project alternatives will consist of an analysis and comparison of the alternative project trip
generation to the proposed project trip generation. Full analysis of study intersections and roadways will not
be conducted for the project alternatives.
Task 5.6m- Alternatives.
An EIR must consider reasonable range of potentially feasible alternatives that will foster informed decision-
making and public participation. Kimley-Horn will coordinate with City staff during preparation of the Specific
Plan to develop and analyze alternatives to the proposed project, including the no project alternative. The
alternatives will be based in part on the various land use scenarios considered during the preparation of the
Specific Plan. According to the CECtA Guidelines, alternatives can be evaluated in less detail than the project;
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therefore, this proposal assumes that the alternatives analysis in the EIR is prepared at a qualitative level.
Alternatives can be a key issue of community concern. Therefore, the discussion will be of sufficient detail to
evaluate the benefits and impacts of each alternative. Based on this analysis, the Environmentally Superior
Alternative will be identified.
Task 5.5n - Other CEQA Requirements.
The EIR will include other required sections, including an Executive Summary and Introduction section,
growth -inducing impacts of the project, significant irreversible environmental effects, and a summary of
significant and unavoidable impacts of the project. The growth inducement analysis will discuss ways in which
the Station Area Plan could indirectly or directly foster economic or population growth.
Task 5.6 - Prepare Public Draft EIR
The Kimley-Horn Team will incorporate one round of consolidated City comments on the Administrative Draft
EIR and submit a Screencheck Draft EIR, followed by a Public Draft EIR and Notice of Availability to the City for
distribution for a 45 -day public comment period. 15 copies of the Executive Summary and 15 CDs of the entire
document will be filed at the State Clearinghouse along with a Notice of Completion. The Kimley-Horn Team
assumes the City will distribute the EIR to interested stakeholders and publish the Notice of Availability in a
newspaper of general circulation.
Task 5.7 - Response to Comments
The Kimley-Horn Team will review the comments received during the public review period on the Draft
EIR. The Responses to Comments will be prepared as a separate document; revisions to the text and
graphics of the Draft EIR are not assumed in this Scope of Work. The Responses to Comments will include
the comment letters and public hearing comments on the Draft EIR, responses to all comments on the
Draft EIR, and an errata page listing of revisions to the EIR.
The Kimley-Horn Team has provided a reasonable estimate of the level of effort required to prepare
responses to comments based on our experience with similar projects. We would respond to comments
related to the potential physical impacts of the proposed project as they relate to the analysis of the EIR
within the estimated level of effort. We have assumed that responses will involve explanation and
clarification of the contents of the Draft EIR. We have not assumed that new technical analysis will be
conducted as part of the response to comments.
Task 5.8 - Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
If the Program EIR proposes formal mitigation measures that are not otherwise addressed by Specific
Update policies or implementation programs, a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP)
will be prepared. The MMRP will be defined through working with City staff to identify appropriate
monitoring steps/procedures and in order to provide a basis for monitoring such measures during and
upon project implementation.
Task 5.9 - Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations
The Kimley-Horn Team will also prepare draft Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations. We
will submit the Draft Findings for City review and will respond to one set of City comments.
Task 5.10 - CEQA Notices
Kimley-Horn will prepare and distribute all CEQA public notices. The following public notices are assumed: (1)
Notice of Preparation; (2) Notice of Availability; (3) Notice of Completion; and (4) Notice of Determination.
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This Scope of Works excludes payment of any CDFW filing fees. This scope assumes that the City would be
responsible for any radius mailing or newspaper notices required for project.
Task 6.0 - Public Hearings
Kimley-Horn will participate in up to two public hearings before the Planning Commission and two public
hearings before the City Council. Kimley-Horn will prepare presentation materials and present information at
the pleasure of City staff.
Task 6 - Deliverables
• One (1) electronic copy in pdf format of the Screencheck Draft Specific Plan
• Twenty (20) hard copies and twenty (20) electronic copies on CDs in pdf format of the Administrative
Draft Specific Plan
• Twenty (20) hard copies and twenty (20) electronic copies on CDs in pdf format of the Public Review
Draft Specific Plan
• Twenty (20) hard copies and twenty (20) electronic copies on CDs in pdf format of the Final Draft
Specific Plan
• Participation at up to two (4) public hearings before the Planning Commission (2) and City Council (2)
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PROJECT EXPENSES (fax, mileage, materials, etc.)
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