HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1972 02 22 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL February 22, 1972 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Coco at 7:34 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Councilman L. Miller. III. INVOCATION Given by Mayor Coco. IV. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Coco, C. Miller, L. Miller, Oster. ~bsent: Councilman: Marsters (arrived at 7:45 p.m.) Others present: City Administrator Harry Gill City Attorney James Rourke ~st. City A~Lmlnistrator-Community Development Ken Fleagle City Clerk Ruth Poe PRESENTATION Ma~or Coco presented to Nr. Robert Hall a City plaque in appreciation of his service on the Development Preview Commission since its inception in 1969 and as its Chairman for two succeeding terms. Nr. Robert Hall stated that it was a pleasure to have served on the Commission and that he gained an appreciation of "the City's side" in encouraging quality development within the City. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. SIGN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT Application of the Santa Ana-Orange-Tustin -Board of Realtors to amend the Sign Ordinance (Ordinance No. 438) to authorize an increase in the size of real estate signs to allow a maximum 18 square feet of trim area and an increase in permitted height from 4 feet to 8 feet. Mr. Fleagle stated that the Planning Commission had' unanimously adopted Resolution No. 1255, recommend- ing Council approval of an amendment to the Sign Ordinance to authorize use of ornamental real estate signs subject to certain conditions, which he then enumerated. He showed several sign proto- types on the screen. Mayor Coco opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:41 p.m. Mr. Don Bird, 17802 Irvine Boulevard, Tustin, Chairman of the Santa Ana-Orange-Tustin Board of Realtors Sign Committee, requested approval of the proposed amendment as recommended by the Planning Commission. There being no further comments or objections, Mayor'Coco closed the public portion of the hearing at.7:42 p.m. Council Minutes 2/22/72 Page 2 Moved by OSter, seconded by L. Miller that the Amendments. to the Sign Ordinance be approved and the City Attorney directed to draft the necessary ordinance. Mr. Rourke stated that the language of the amend- ment was acceptable as presented, and suggested that first reading of Ordinance No. 537 would therefore be in order. ORDINANCE NO. 537 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING ARTICLE V, SECTION 8, OF THE TUSTIN SIGN ORDINANCE, NO. 438, PERTAINING TO REAL ESTATE SIGNS IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS. Moved by Oster, seconded by L. Miller that Ordinance No. 537 have first reading by title only. Carried unanimously. Councilman Marsters absent. The secretary read Ordinance No. 537 by title. 2. PZ-72-132 - (STOLTE) WEST PROSPECT, NORTH OF SEVENTEENTH STREET Application of George and Thelma Stolte' for prezoning (PZ-72-132) from the Orange County E4 (10,000) Residential Estate District to the City of Tustin R-1 (Single-Family) District, subject to annexation to the City of Tustin, for property described as the north one-half of Lot 16 in Block B of the Chapman Tract generally situated on the west side of Prospect Avenue, north Of Seventeenth Street and south of Laurie Lane in the County of Orange. Mr. Fleagle described the location and summarized the background information contained in staff reports. (Councilman Marsters arrived at 7:45 p.m.) Replying to Councilman Oster, Mr. Fleagle stated that a tract map had not yet been filed, and it was staff feeling that traffic on Seventeenth should be kept a minimal levels, and therefore access to Prospect was deemed desirable. MaTor Coco opened the public portion of the hearing at 8:47 p.m. There being no comments or objections, he closed the public portion of the hearing. Moved by Oster, seconded by L. Miller that PZ-72-132 be approved as recommended, and the City Attorney be directed to draft the necessar7 ordinance. Councilman C. Miller felt that' this area would con- stitute an "awkward appendage" to the City if annexed, and was not in favor of breaking down the E4 zoning along Prospect. Councilman Marsters stated that his feelings on the subject were generally the same. 'Above motion carried by 4-1 vote. Councilman C.. Miller voting no. Council Minutes 2/22/72 Page 3 VIe CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February 7, 1972 meeting 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS in amount Of $144,134.32 3. ANNEXATION OF CITY RED HILL PROPERTY TO TUSTIN LIGHTING DISTRICT. Authorization for City Engineer to sign necessary documents. 4. FORMATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT Public Hearing be called for 7:30 p.m., March 6, 1972, to determine the necessity of removal of overhead utility facilities and installation of underground facilities within designated areas, and to consider the merits of establishing an underground utility district to accomplish this purpose, as recommended by the City Engineer. 5. REQUEST FOR COMMISSION AND STAFF ATTENDANCE AT ANNUAL PARK AND RECREATION CONFERENCE Permission for attendance at Park and Recreation Conference as requested by Parks and Recreation Commission and Director. Moved by L~ Miller, seconded by Marsters that items 1 through 5 of the Consent Calendar be approved. Mr. Bud Jackley of Southern California Edison Company, commented favorably on item #4, formation of under- ground utility district, and stated his complete agreement with the City Engineer's February 17, 1972, report. He noted that the City has accumulated approximately $107,000 for conversion of facilities, rather than $101,000 as indicated by the City Engineer. Above motion carried unanimously. VII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 536 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, REZONING PROPERTY ON APPLICATION NO. Z.C. 72- 228 OF DAN JONES, ET AL. Location: Southwest corner of Seventeenth Street and Prospect Avenue. Moved by L. Miller-, seconded by C. Miller that Ordinance No. 536 have second reading by title only= Carried unanimously. The secretary read Ordinance No. 536 by title. Moved by L. Miller, seconded by Oster that Ordinance No. 536 be adopted~ Carried. Ayes: Coco, C. Miller, Marsters, L. Miller, Oster. Noes: none. Absent: none. Council Minutes 2/22/72 Page 4 VIII. - ~ ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION NONE. ' ........ IX. RESOLUTIONS 1. RESOLUTION NO. 72-11 A Resolution DECLARING THAT PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN INITIATED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND DESIGNATED AS "PROSPECT-IRVINE-NEWPORT ANNEXATION NO. 68 (REVISED)" TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 72-12 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin URGING THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES AND THE COUNTY SUPERVISORS' ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA TO MODIFY THE RULES ESTABLISHED BY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. 8209 FOR UNDERGROUNDING OF EXISTING UTILITY LINES. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 72-13 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, URGING THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES AND THE COUNTY SUPERVISORS' ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA TO SUPPORT AN INCREASE IN THE AMOUNT OF FUNDS NOW BEING SET ASIDE FOR UNDER- GROUNDING OF EXISTING UTILITY LINES. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 72-14 A Resolution of the City CounCil of the City of Tustin, REQUESTING THAT PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN BE EXCEPTED FROM TAX LEVY BY THE COUNTY OF ORANGE FOR STRUCTURAL FIRE PROTECTION OF COUNTY AREAS. At the Mayor's request, the secretary read Resolutions 72-11, 72-12, 72-13, and 72-14 by title. Moved by C. Miller, seconded by Marsters that further reading be waived and that Resolutions NO. 72-11, 72-12, 72-13, and 72-14 be passed and adopted. Mayor Coco requested that Resolutions 72-12 and 72-13 be considered separately. Moved by Oster, seconded by L. Miller that further reading be waived and that Resolutions 72-11 and 72-14 be passed and adopted. Carried. Ayes: Coco, C. Miller, Marsters, L. Miller, Oster. Noes: none. Absent: none. Mayor Coco stated his doubts about the City being removed from the adversary position upon formation of underground utility districts. He felt that sufficient City "clout" to require undergrounding should be assured, inasmuch as Edison Company and customer incentives may lessen without the City. acting as intermediary, resulting in less under- grounding being accomplished. Council Minutes 2/22/72 Page 5 Councilman C. Miller stated that the City's requirements could still be imposed simply and effectively by means of its"right to refuse authorization to turn the power on. .The Mayor stated that the source of funding for the increase in allocation for undergrounding has not been provided for. Mr. Dick Verrue, District Manager of Southern California Edison Company for the Santa Ana area, stated that after a thorough study, the Edison Company stands opposed to cities' relinquishing to the Edison Company their authority to designate areas for undergrounding. He pointed out that the Edison Company is currently installing more underground than overhead facilities, inasmuch as City ordinances preclude .installation of overhead facilities in tracts. Replying to Mayor Coco, Mr. Verrue stated that, while his Company is not opposed to Resolution 72-13, assigning of additional funds for undergrounding existing utility~ lines would probably necessitate a rate increase; the Edison Company would, with the modifications as proposed, encounter the same problems the City of Newport Beach has experienced in trying to determine areas for undergrounding inwhich the individual would not be affected. Mr. Verrue noted that removal of the City's authority could lead to a situation wherein the Edison Company might consider under- grounding at a location more acceptable to their operating needs than to the City's environ- mental interests. Mayor Coco agreed with Mr. Verrue's remarks. Councilman C. Miller requested staff response on these remarks and also noted that a very small rate increase, relatively painless to consumers, might bring in a considerable sum of money for undergrounding. Moved by L. Miller, seconded by Marsters that Resolutions 72-12 and 72-13 be referred to the staff for further study and report at the next regular Council meeting. Carried unanimously. X. OLD BUSINESS 1. AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 27 OF IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1911 Moved by C. Miller, seconded by Marsters that the Superintendent of Streets is hereby instructed to proceed with the steps necessar~ to have concrete curb and .gutter, sidewalk and drive approaches constructed and street trees installed pursuant to " the provisions of section 5875 Chapter 27 Part 3 ~ivision 7 of the California Streets and Highways Code at the following locations: The easterly and westerly sides of E1 Camino Real from First Street'to Laguna Road and the northerly and southerly sides of Laguna Road from E1 Camino Real to Newport A~enue. Carried unanimously. Council Minutes 2/22/72 Page 6 2. TUSTIN TILLER DAYS PROPOSALS MovedbyC. Miller, seconded by'osier"that!the Tustin Jaycees be authorized to sponsor and coordinate Tustin Tiller Days, at no expense to the Cit~'. Carried unanimously. XI. NEW BUSINESS 1. APPLICATION TO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH A RAILROAD GRADE CROSSING AT WALNUT AVENUE Moved by L. Miller, seconded by C. Miller that application to Public Utilities Commission for authority to establish a railroad grade crossing at Walnut Avenue be approved and the City Engineer authorized to file said application with the Public Utilities Commission. Carried unanimously. XII. - - OTHER BUSINESS 1. GROUP AUTO INSURANCE "~ Mr. Gill stated that further information would be forthcoming on the subject of group auto insurance. 2. INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT SANTA ANA FREEWAY AND NEWPORT AVENUE Copy of City Engineer's Februaryl5, 1972, report on installation of traffic signals at Santa Aria Freeway and Newport Avenue to be forwarded to Mrs. Lee Wagner. 3. STATUS OF STREET LIGHTING ON EL CAMINO REAL Copy of City Engineer's February 15, 1972, report on status of street lighting on E1 Camino Real to be forwarded to Mrs. Lee Wagner, the Downtown Business Association and the Chamber of Commerce. 4. COMMENDATION OF PERSONNEL The Council acknowledged commendation of the follow- ing personnel: Detective Karen Rogers, by Albert M. Graham, Jr., Deputy District Attorney; and by M. R. Webb, Admin. Coordinator of Southern California First National Bank. Detective James Hein, by Howard Artle, Principal, Red Hill School. Fireman John Baxter, by Mr. Sam Bendat, owner of Larwin Square Jewelers. The Council directed that a copyof the 'minutes of this meeting be directed to each of these employees. 2/22/72 Page 7 5. ISSUES BEFORE SAMCO a. Supervisor Clark's Greenbelt Proposal Mayor Coco stated that at the February 19 S.~MCO meeting, Supervisor Ralph Clark pre- sented a proposal for use of cities' gasoline sales tax monies in a pool to finance green- ~- belts. Mr. Clark had pointed out that the amount going to any individual city is rela- tively small, and if consideration were to be given to diverting these funds to greenbelts, a pool would be logical, although there is no guarantee that greenbelt areas would be estab- lished within any particular city's sphere of influence. Mro Blankenship has suggested that this revenue is needed to maintain Police, Fire and Maintenance services. An organization has been set up within SAMCO to study this proposal, and Mr. Clark will be requesting a response _ from the City Council. Councilman Marsters expressed his concurrence with Mr. Blankenship's position on this. b. SCAG MaTor Coco stated that a letter from Mayor Gilbertson of Temple City reports SCAG Exec- utive Committee's recommendation that SCAG be designated a mandatory general purpose regional organization with public taxing support. Since only half of the cities in the region were represented in the 48-23 vote, a broader opinion of cities is being sought before this matter is presented to the Legislature. SCAG is presently a voluntary membership organiza- tion; Tustin is not a member. Councilman Marsters requested a staff report on this issue before that Council takes a stand.- The Council agreed that the staff would formu- late a report on this within the next few days, which is to be forwarded, with a copy of Temple City Mayor's letter, to each Councilman. Mayor Coco will receive each Councilman's response by telephone and will direct a letter to Mayor Gilbertson by the end of next week. c. Intergovernmental Council Mayor Coco announced that he is a member of a subcommittee of SAMCO, chaired by Orange Mayor · DOn Smith, to study the possibilities of organizing a council of governments in Orange -. County, without mandatory membership or taxing authority, designed to coordinate city and county problems. It is hoped that such a council will eventually represent Orange County, especially if membership in a regional organiza- tion such as SCAG is mandated. In that event, Orange County cities could wield more clout ' ' collectively than individually. Council Minutes 2/22/72 Page 8 XlII. ADJOURNMENT Move~ by-=C. ~il½er, seconded by Oster ~hat the meetihg be adjourned. Carried u.nanimously. (8:29p.m.) MAYOR