HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1972 01 17 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL January 17, 1972 CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Coco. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Mayor Coco. III. INVOCATION Given by Councilman Oster. IV. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Coco, C. Miller, L. Miller, Oster. Absent: Councilmen: Marsters Others present: Harry Gill, City Administrator James Rourke, City Attorney Ken Fleagle, Asst. City Admin.- Comm. Dev. Ruth Poe, City Clerk PRESENTATIONS Mrs. Ruth Poe, City Clerk, accepted on behalf of Mrs. Lee Wagner a plaque in appreciation for encouraging citizen interest in the1971 Park Bond Election. Mr. Tom Woodruff, 14552 Emerywood, Tustin, accepted a plaque for serving the community as 1971 Park Bond Chairman. Mayor Coco announced that only seven Volunteer Service Awards are to be given by the California Parks and Recreation Society in this-District, of which two will go to Tustin people: Mary ~ernandez and Tom Woodruff. RESOLUTION NO. 72-6 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, COMMENDING MICHAEL HICKMAN. 'MoVed by Oster, seconded by C. Mill'er that Resolution No.' 72-6 be read in its entirety. Carried unanimously. The-secretary read Resolution No. 72-6 in its entirety. Moved by L. Miller, seconded by Oster that Resolution No. 72-6 be passed and adopted. Carried. Ayes: Coco, C. Miller, L. Miller, Oster. Noes: none. Absent: Marsters. Mayor Coco then presented the Resolution to the · out-going student member of the Parks and Recreation Commission, Michael Hickman, who expressed his appreciation for the honor of having served with the other Commissioners, and for the opportunity to learn a great deal by the experience. Ve PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ZC 71-228 - DANIEL M. JONES AND W.M.C. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY (See next page). Council Minutes ' 1/17/72Page 2 Community Commercial) District for a 6.6 acre parcel located on the southwesterly corner of 17th Street and Prospect Avenue with frontages of approximately 554 feet on 17th Street and 516 feet on Prospect Avenue. Mr. Fleagle summarized the background of this zone change application. Mayor Coco opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:37 p.m. Mr. Robert T. French of Western Mortgage Company, 2700 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, stated that he would be willing to answer any questions. There being no further comments or objections, the Mayor closed the public portion of the hearing at 7:38 p.m. Moved by Oster, seconded by L. Miller that the findings of the Planning Commission as indicated in their Resolution NO. 1249 be upheld, and that the City Attorney be directed to draft the necessary ordinance. Carried unanimously. Councilman Marsters absent. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - January 3, 1972, meeting. 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS in amount of $337,891.01 3. STREET NAME CHANGE - that portion of Village Drive west of Yorba Street. Authorization for City Attorney to prepare resolution setting date of hearing for consideration of renaming that portion of Village Drive to Heights Drive. COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT - TUSTIN NEWPORT DRAIN. Newport Avenue from Mitchell to Laguna Road. Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute said agreement as recommended by the City Engineer. 5. REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FOR PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION' ON WALNUT AVENUE EASTERLY OF RED HILL AND FRONTING ON TRACT 7405 Authorization of 90% payment which is $991.85 and payment of final 10% which is $110.21 35 days later and if no liens or claims are filed, termination of agreement as of that date, as recommended by the City Engineer. 6. DENIAL OF CLAIM - William Lee Overholt. As recommended by the City Attorney. Moved by C. Miller, seconded by ester that all Consent Calendar items be approved. Carried unanimously. Councilman Marsters absent. Council Minutes 1/17/72 Page 3 VII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION NONE. --VIII. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION NONE. IX. RESOLUTIONS 1. RESOLUTION NO. 72-2 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, AUTHORIZING THE DEPART- MENT OF GENERAL SERVICES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO PURCHASE CERTAIN ITEMS. -- 2. RESOLUTION NO. 72-3 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING APPLICATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 23 OF THE UNITED STATES HOUSING ACT OF 1937, AS AMENDED, TO LOCALITY. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 72-4 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO PERMIT THE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS OF SAID COUNTY TO RENDER SPECIFIED SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN RELATING TO THE CONDUCT OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON APRIL 11, 1972. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 72-5 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF MAIN STREET AND NEWPORT AVENUE. Councilman Oster requested that' Resolution No. 72-3 be removed for separate action. At the request of the Mayor, the secretary read Resolutions 72-2, 72-4, and 72-5 by title. ,Moved by Oster, seconded by L. Miller that further reading be waived and that Resolutions 72-2, 72-4, and 72-5 be passed and adopted. Carried. Ayes: Coco, C. Miller, L. Miller, Oster. Noes: none. Absent: Marsters. Moved by C. Miller, seconded by Oster that Resolution No. 72-3 be tabled. Carried.unanimously. Councilman Marsters absent. OLD BUSINESS 1. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS '(See next page) Council Minutes 1/17/72 Page 4 a.APPOINTMENT OF STUDENT MEMBER OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION. 'b. APPOINTMENT OF TUSTIN UNION HIGH SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE TO FILL THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF MRS. JUNE SMITH. Moved by L. Miller, seconded by Oster that Curt Nichols be appointed as the student representative on the Parks and Recreation Commission effective immediately, with term to expire December 31, 1973,' and Mr. Dickran Boranian be appointed to fill the unexpired term of June Smith, term to expire December 31, 1972. Carried unanimously. Councilman Marsters absent. 2. DEVELOPMENT PREVIEW COMMISSION APPOINTMENT Councilman C. Miller recommended that the Council interview each of the four applicants for the position on the Development Preview Commission. It was the consensus of the Council that staff schedule ten-minute interviews for February 7', 1972, starting at 6:30 p.m., in the Civic Center Community Building, 250 E1 Camino Real, Tustin. This matter was continued to the meeting on that date. 3. PROPOSALS TUSTIN TILLER DAYS Mayor Coco announced that this matter had been continued from November 15, 1971, and that letters had been received from Tustin Tiller Days, Inc., and the Tustin Jaycees containing their proposals and requesting a determination at this time. Mr. Steve Hubbert, 14132 Lambeth Way, Tustin, representing Tustin Tiller Days, Inc., stated that a meeting the previous week had resulted in formation of a Board of Directors for the organi- zation (consisting of himself, Stan Radomski, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Bruning, Jim Wynn, Margaret Pottenger, Bruce Snyder, Lou~Gerding, and possibly~ Lee Wagner). A membership drive will take place upon Council approval of their promotion of Tiller Days. He outlined the structure thus far of civic groups' and individual participation, and emphasized that no financial support by the City would be required. Mr. Mike Mahone~, 1431 Laguna Road, Tustin, representing the Tustin Jaycees, stated that their proposal as stated in the letter had been changed. as a result of their recognition of the City's financial difficulties, and that no City funds will be requested. The bicycle race proposed for March is to be patterned after a financially successful race in the city of Westminster, with tentative approval having been obtained from the Reserve Center near the Helicopter Base. Replying to Mayor Cocor Mr. Hubbert stated that Tustin Tiller Days, Inc., not only would have no objection to the Jaycees sponsoring the parade, but would also like to have the Jaycees represented in their organization and in various activities. Additionally, other members of the or~janization may want to add to the parade~ ......... Council Minutes 1/17/72 Page 5 Mr. Mahoney acknowledged the need for the Jaycees to coordinate with Tustin Tiller Days, Inc. He brought up the matter of a carnival, and who would sponsor it. It was the consensus of the Council that this item be deferred to the next meeting to allow the groups an opportunity to review each other's proposals and reach agreement on details. XI. NEW BUSINESS 1. DEPOSITS-FOR COSTS OF PRINTING AND HANDLING CANDIDATES' STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR APRIL 11, 1972, MUNICIPAL ELECTION. Moved by C. Miller~ seconded by Oster that the City Clerk be instructed to notify each candidate for the April 11, 1972, Municipal Election that if a Statement of Qualification is submitted, he shall pay his pro rata share of the expense of printing and handling and further that each candidate shall post a deposit of $80.00 for statement in English and deposit of an additional $80.00 if he requests translation and printing in Spanish, said deposit to be applied toward such costs. Carried unanimously~ Councilman Marsters absent. 2. PROPOSAL FOR SUPPORTING CITY-JAYCEE RELATIONS WITH MATAMATA, NEW ZEALAND - Ron Oster, Tustin Jaycees. Mr. Ronald Oster, Treasurer and Publicity Chairman for the Tustin Jaycees, presented a proposal to unite the Tustin Jaycees with the Jaycee local in Matamata, New Zealand, in a sister-city type relationship for purposes of better understanding and joint achievement of goals. He had obtained support for "Operation Kiwi" from Congressman John Schm~tz, who was attempting to arrange an appointment for Mr. Oster with Governor Reagan to enlist his support of the project. The proposal has also won the endorsement of the Tustin Jaycees and the Mata- mata Jaycees. He requested Council endorsement, and also some symbol of the City of Tustin to be presented to the Mayor of Matamata; this would be the only expense the City would have to incur. Mayor Coco stated that he had discussed this with Mr. Oster and pointed out that this is the first time a project of this type has been attempted in .the history of the U. S. Jaycees, and should bring very favorable publicity to Tustin. Moved by Osterr seconded by L. Miller that the Council endorse the Jaycees' "Operation Kiwi" and that an appropriate symbol of the City be furnished the Jaycees for presentation to the Mayor of Mata- mata~ New Zealand. Carried unanimously. Councilman Marsters absent. Mayor Coco announced that January 16-22 is Jaycee Week in Tustin and that he had discussed this with .Ron Oster during a radio interview that afternoon ~'~ at 5:00 p.m. on KEZR-FM (96.0). He stated that fivesminute programs highlighting Tustin are now - ' broadcast weekly, on Mondays at 5:00 p.m. " COuncil Minutes 1/17/72 Page 6 3. JOINT CITY-COUNTY PROJECT: CONSTRUCTION OF · I STORM DRAIN IN BRYAN AVENUE FROM BROWNING'TO RED HILL. Councilman C. Miller asked about the status of this project in Gas Tax Fund project priorities. He felt .that an expenditure of $110,000 at this time may not be warranted in view of infrequency of heavy rains. Mr. Gill stated that Gas Tax Fund priorities per se had not been established, but that this is considered a high-priority flood control project in the City's capital improvement program. He pointed out that proper drainage facilities would be even more import- ant with the development of the Red Hill-Bryan park site. Replying to questions, Mr. Gill stated that the five-year capital improvement program is now in its second year, that he did not know the priority of this drain within that program, but that delay could mean forfeiture of Flood Control District participation in the project. An added advantage would be completion of four-lane improvements on Bryan from Red Hill to Browning. City costs could probably be deferred to 1973-74 fiscal year. Councilman C. Miller requested a list of the projects scheduled during the course of the five-year plan with their estimated costs, in order to compare this project with other priorities and also such other capital improvements as First Street, center islands, etc. It was the consensus of the Council that this matter be continued to the February 7, 1972, Council meeting. 4. AWARD OF BID - CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON "B" STREET FROM FIRST STREET TO SECOND STREET. Moved by Oster, seconded by L. Miller that contract for construction of "B" Street improve- ments be awarded to the low bidder, Hardy and Harper~ Inc., of Tustin, in the amount of $7,791.94, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents. Carried unanimously. Councilman Marsters absent. XII. OTHER BUSINESS 1. MATTERS OF COUNCIL CONCERN a. Chino Hills Airport The Council concurred that a .public airport in the Chino Hills area would be preferable to facilities at other proposed locations. Mayor Coco stated that most other cities were also in favor of the Chino Hills location, with the exception of Brea, Yorba Linda, and Placentla. b. Staff Members Commended Councilman L. Miller commended Harry Gill for his election to post of President of the Orange County City Managers; Ken Fle&gle for being appointed Recording Secretary of Orange County City Managers; Rex Waldo, Council Minutes 1/17/72 Page 7 1972 President of the Orange Empire Chapter of the International Conference of Building Officials; and Glenn Sissel, elected 1972 President of the Orange County Police Chiefs Association (but resigned due to illness). 2. RANGE AND TRAINING FACILITIES FOR POLICE Mr. Gill announced that the Police Department has coord'~ted with the military and the State of California for possible City Police use of the Irvine Rifle and Pistol Range. A one-time expendi- ture of $1,500-$2,000 would be required to complete the combat pistol course. There would be no fees charged for the use of the facility by the Police Department (an annual saving of approximately $1,400) and ammunition could be purchased for less than what the Sheriff's facility in Orange charges presently. Mr. Gill recommended approval of this proposal. Moved by Oster, seconded by C. Miller that the Police Department be authorized to proceed with proposal for new range and training facilities as outlined in Lt. Hansen's report dated 1/13/72, ~ith expenditures for improvements not to exceed the amounts indicated in that report. Carried unanimously. Councilman Marstars absent. 3. WARRANTS Fir. Gill referred to the Acting Police Chief's X/13/72 report concerning serving af warrants in Orange County by the Marshal's Office, and to a resolution passed by the Westminster City Council opposing the service of arres~ and bench warrants by the Orange County Marshal's Office. Mayor Coco stated that he was in support of West- minster's resolution, noting that serving of warrants affords local police agencies an op- portunity to become aware of those individuals in their community who are prone to. commit crimes, and entitles the city to revenue derived from these warrants. Adding to a suggestion by Councilman C. Miller that the Board of Supervisors receive a copy of any resolution the Council might pass, the Mayor suggested that copies be directed to the judges of the five Judicial Districts, the Board of Supervisors, the Criminal Justice Council, the Orange County Police Chiefs and Sheriffs Association, and the League of Cities. · Moved by C. Miller, seconded by Oster that a resolution be prepared for action at the next regular Council meeting opposing service of arrest and bench warrants by the Orange County Marshal's office, to be directed primarily to the body responsible for hiring of Marshals, and that copies be sent to the Criminal Justice Council, the Orange County Police Chiefs and Sheriffs Association, and the League of Cities. Carried unanimously. Councilman Marstars absent. Council ~inutes 1/i7/72 Page 8 4. PARK BOND BUDGET' Moved by C. Miller, seconded by L. Miller that the interest on park bond monies be retained in the Park Bond Fund. Carried unanimously. Councilman Marsters absent. - 5. ACQUISITION OF SURPLUS FLOOD CONTROL PROPERTY Mr. Gill stated that the Parks and Recreation Commission at its December 28, 1971, meeting had recommended acceptance of the County's proposal for the City to acquire the surplus property at Prospect and Beneta and enter into long term lease option agreements with the County and Tustin Elementary School District. Under the County proposal, the City could lease two acres of Flood Control property adjacent to the Channel if the City would agree to purchase a .44 acre parcel of School District property and one acre of Flood Control property southerly of Beneta Way, at an estimated cost of $60,000 for both parcels. The Parks and Recreation Commission has recommended that this be handled as a long-term budget ex- penditure beginning with the 1972-73 fiscal year. Moved by Oster, seconded by L. Miller that the staff report on methods of implementing the recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Commission regarding acquisition of subject property, including source of funding for pur- chase or lease option agreements. Carried unani- mously. Councilman Marsters absent. 6. EMERGENCY POWER SYSTEMS Mr. Gill stated that $4,500 has been encumbered for an electric generator which would supply emergency power to the old Police/Fire building only. Due to changing status of City facilities in the last two years, this would not supply any power to the present Police radio, City Hall or any of the other buildings; in addition, a generator of that type could not be used in a future Civic Center. He recommended authorization of an additional $3,500 for a generator to handle all power requirements at the preseDt City Hall site, except for air conditiOn- ing in the Police Building, and would be the emergency power generator for the new Civic Center. Mr. Dan Blankenship, Assistant City Administrator, replying to Councilmen's questions, explained that the $4,500 would be sufficient on the present site to power the Police/Fire building (145 West Third) but could not power the main Police building (135' West Third) and its radio equipment. Approximately $1,000 of the tota] would be saved by eliminating. the City Hall, however, power failure would render the telephone system in City Hall inoperative, thereby increasing the volume of the Police Depart- ment's incoming calls. Approximately $500-$800 could be saved by purchasing the larger generator unit (large enough to serve a new Civic Center) and wiring it to the Police and Fire buildings only. -w. .. ~ Council Minutes 1/17/72 Page 9 r^ 1 Councilman C. Miller requested estimates of the cost o a arge generator, wired only to Police and Fire buildings, feeling that this would be preferable to going to a smaller unit which could not be used in a new Civic Center, and estimates of the cost of pro- viding emergency power to the City Hall telephone system. Mr. Gill agreed to report on these items at the next regular Council meeting. 7. BRYAN-RED HILL. PARK SITE Moved by Oster, seconded by L. Miller that the City Attorney be authorized to associate Attorn Robert Waldron in the Brvan-Red Hill park site litigation. Carried unanimously. Counc Marsters absent. 8. REPRESENTATION AT MEETINGS 1/27/72 Mayors' Breakfast Meeting (Supervisor Gaspers) 2/10/72 League Executive Meeting 2/16/72 PADS Meeting Mayor Coco and L. Miller to attend. Marsters to be contacted about it. L. Miller to attend. C. Miller to attend in Mayor's absence. 2/19/72 SAMCO Meeting C. Miller to attend if Mayor is still out of town. 9. CITIZEN COMMENTS: MR. PAUL SNOW Mr. Paul Snow, 430 West Main Street, Tustin, commented about problems of high taxation, the quality of government in the U. S., and the need for "middle America" to stand up and be heard. XIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Council, Mayor Coco declared the meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. to an Executive Session. L~ MAYOR ~~ ~ ~" C CLERK