HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1971 08 02 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL August 2, 1971 -CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order at 7:33 p.m. by Mayor Coco. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE .. Led by Mayor Coco. III. INVOCATION Given by Councilman Oster. IV. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Coco, C. Miller, Marsters, L. Miller, Oster. Absent: Councilmen: None Others present.: Ass~. City Admin. Dan Blankenship City Attorney James Rourke City Clerk Ruth C. Poe Asst. City Admin.-Comm. Dev. R. Kenneth Fleagle V. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PZ 71-129 - PLANNING COMMISSION INITIATED (ORANGE COAST CONSTRUCTION COMPANY) Request to prezone subject property, located on the northeasterly side of San Juan Street, from the County R~4 (Suburban Residential) District to the City of Tustin PC-R-3 2000 (Planned Community, Multiple-Family, 2000 sq. ft. of land area per unit) District. Mr. Fleagle stated that the developer and agent had requested that this matter be ~ontinued to the next regular meeting, in order to allow addi- tional time to resolve any differences existing between them and the adjacent homeowners. Moved by Marsters, seconded by Oster that the open hearing on PZ 71-129. be .continued to the next reg- ular Council meeting. In response to Mr. Tom Jacobsen, 13632 Charloma Drive, Tustin, who questioned the continuance, Mr. John Siegel, 515 East First Street, Tustin, stated that Mr. Clayton and Mr. Hall had agreed to try to work with Tustin Terrace residents to try to reach a compromise on the development. He understood that Mr. Hall had attempted that after- noon to contact Mr. Nelson Baker, who had represent- ed objecting residents at the last meeting, and found that he was out of the State. Mrs. Baker had said that Mr. Jacobsen would be representing the homeowners in Baker's absence to work toward a settlement of the matter. Mr. Siegel said he understood thatlthe continuance would be ac- ceptable to the homeowners. Councilman C. Miller stated that he had also tried to contact Mr. Baker that day, and that Mrs. Baker told him substantially what Mr. Siegel had just related, and also that Mr. Hall had men- tioned to her a new proposal which might solve the problem. Council ~utes 8/2/71 P~e 2 Mr. Jacobsen stated that Mr. Baker had met with Mr. Hall on July 20, and had determined that there was no compromise proposal. After a brief discussion with Mr. Greg Kimberly (1272 AndreWs Street, Tustin) Mr. Jacobsen agreed to continuing the hearing. Above motion to continue the open hearing carried unanimous 17. 2. USMC - IRVINE ANNEXATION NO. 71-A Mayor Coco explained that the Local Agency Forma- tion Commission had approved this annexation on May 26, 1971, land that it includes only the area to the north of the Marine Corps Air Station- (Helicopter). Mayor Coco then opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:45 p.m., and asked whether any writ- ten protests had been received, or if any prop- erty owner in the audience wished to enter a protest at this time. Mr. Fleagle stated that a letter, dated July 20, 1971, had been received from Mr. James E. Taylor, Director of General Planning Administration for the Irvine Company, requesting continuation of the hearing pending prezoning action on the prop- erty. The Irvine Company intends to file a pre- zone application by August 12. Moved by C. Miller, seconded by L. Miller that public hearin~ on USMC - Irvine Annexation No. 71-A to the Cityof Tustin be continued to the first regular CoUncil meeting in September (September 7, 1971). Carried unanimously. 3. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER TO THE TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION. MaTor Coco cited letters from James B. Sharp, requesting reappointment to the Planning Com- mission, and from Rollin Mahoney, offering his resignation. Mayor Coco opened the public portion of the hearing at 7:47 p.m. There being no commenzs or objections, he closed the public portion of the hearing. Moved b7 L. Miller, seconded by Oster that Resolution No. 71-43, APPOINTING JAMES B. SHARP TO THE TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION, have first reading by title only. Carried unanimously. Resolution title read by clerk. Moved by Oster, seconded by L. Miller that Resolution No. 71-43 be passed and adopted. Carried. Ayes: ~Coco, C. Miller, Marsters, L. M~er, Oster~ Noes: none. Absent: none. Council Minutes 8/2/71 Page 3 Moved by Marsters, seconded by L. Miller that the resignation of Rollin Mahoney, effective August 1, 1971, be accepted with reluctance, that a resolution of appreciation be ore- pared, and that Mr. Mahoney be presented. a City placque in recognition of his service to the City. Carried unanimously. Councilman C. Miller stated that he had been confused--and others may have been also--con- cerning the vacancy on the Commission, due to a lack of awareness of Mr. Mahoney's resigna- tion and the resulting need for a new member. Mayor Coco requested that the Staff telephone persons who have previously expressed interest an being appointed to the Planning Commission, and asked for press cooperation in making the vacancy known. Mr. Grady Henry, President, Tustin Chamber of Commerce, 441 E1 Camino Real, TUstin, stated that the Chamber, at its August 4 Board Meeting will try to find someone interested in serving on the Commission. Moved by Marstersr seconded by Oster that this matter be continued to an open hearing at the next regular Council meeting. Carried unanimously. VIo CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - July 19, 1971 meeting 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS - in amount of $370,063.06 3. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND TUSTIN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Authorization for the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute said agreement. Councilman Oster asked that Item #3 be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Moved by Oster, seconded by Marsters that Consent Calendar Items i and 2 be approved. Carried unanimously. After Councilman Oster had ascertained through the Staff that this item has been budgeted, it was moved by Oster, seconded by L. Miller that Agree- ment between the City and the Tustin Chamber of Commerce be apprOved and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to execute said agreement. Carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS 4. REQUEST FOR ACCESS FROM TUSTIN MEADOWS TO (Taken out RED HILL AVENUE ACROSS FLOOD CONTROL PROPERTY of order) (Continued from 7/19/71) Councilman L. Miller stated that he would be ab- stainingin this matter. CoUncil Minutes 8/2/71 Page 4 In response to Councilman C. 'Miller, Mr. Blanken- ship stated that the Skinteks had been sent copies of the City Attorney's report. Mr. Peter Skintek stated that he had received a copy of the report. He challenged a portion of paragraph 2 stating that the C C & R's provide that "no truck larger than one-half-ton capacity shall be parked or stored upon a portion of any lot which is visible from streets and roadways". He stated he had with him a copy of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and read from it as follows: "No boats, trailers, house trailers, or trucks larger than one-half-ton capacity shall be parked or stored upon the roadways and streets of said tract, or in a driveway in any lot in said tract, or upon any portion of any lot which is visible from said streets and road- ways. No automobiles, motorcycles, trailers, boats, trucks or similar vehicles shall be repaired or painted upon the portion of ~ny lot in said tract which is visible from the streets or roadways of said tract." He contended that his vehicle is not visible from the tract at all. Ma~or Coco said he felt that the phrase "of said tract" was significant and should be taken into consideration if indeed it has been omitted. Mr. ISkintek referred to the last section of para- graph 2 in stating that he is not engaged in any business on his land, and that his truck is used merely for transportation purposes. He did not feel that storage of the equipment was contrary to residential usage inasmuch as he enters his property from the rear and the equipment and truck cannot be seen from the tract. Mayor Coco pointed out that the means by which he enters his property has no real bearing on the issue of storage of equipment being a non-resident- ial use. Mr. Rourke said that the definitions set forth in the C C & R~s relative to property being used only for private single family residential pur- poses is very similar to zoning limitations, and felt that it would be difficult to construe the zoning or C C & R's to include as a permitted use the storage of heavy construction equipment. He had no doubt that if the court were asked to interpret the C C & R's as to whether it would permit such a use, they would say it would not. In order for the use to be legally permitted, it would require an amendment of the C C & R's and of the zoning. He felt that the intent of the C C & R's, which are lengthy, was to define in every way possible a residential lot and activi- ties normally permitted and found on residential lots while trying= not to eliminate uses that are normally founa;~ heavy con'struction equipment Council Minutes 8/2/71 Page 5 xs not customarily stored on single family residential lots, and it was no~ the intent- ion of the C C & R's to permit that. Mayor Coco explained to the Skinteks that while they may not be in violation of the C C & R's in one respect (i.e., the truck is not visible -. from the tract), they are violating other facets of the C C & R's in.storing equipment on a resi- dential lot. This is also a violation of the zoning for the tract. The Council has a legal responsibility to respond to this violation once it has been brought to their attention. Mr. Skintek stated tha~ he bought the house with assurances from the sales people that what he wanted to do was perfectly legal. He said that he will now park the truck on the street, but requested that the gate be allowed to remain in order to get his camp trailer in and out, and to complete construction of his patio. In response to Councilman Oster, Mr. Fleagle stated that the subdivision was approved with a wall along the flood control channel, a re- quirement of the Orange County Flood Control District. He cited his 4/16/70 letter to Mr. Skintek advising him of the necessity of re- constructing the portion of the wall which had been removed, and a 4/14/70 letter from the Grant Co.'s attorneys, Kindel and Anderson, asking that the wall be restored. Mr. Skintek stated that the Tustin Meadows Home- owners' Association had given him permission to store the equipment as long as it is not visible from the road. He questioned the Grant Co.'s demand that he restore the wall when it was a Grant Co. representative who had told him he could remove it. In response to Councilman C..Miller, Mr. Rourke stated that as the C C & R's were approved by the City, the City could not change the permitted uses without the C C & R's being amended. In response to Councilman Oster, Mr. Fleagle' stated that there are not now any cuts in the wall authorized by the City or now existing except the one in question. Mrs. Skintek stated.that she had received a letter ~rom Mr. Osborne of the Orange County Flood Control District indicating that the District in no way opposes this. Mr. Rourk=e stated that the Council should go only as far as to advise the Skinteks of the courses available to them to legally accomplish what they want to do and that the matter of temporary access be worked ou~ between the-~Skinteks .and the Flood Control District. The Council should not affirm- atively authorize the Flood Control District to allow access for a given period of. time. Council Minutes 8/2/71 Page 6 Moved by Marsters, seconded by Oster that Staff reports be received and filed and that Mr. and Mrs. Skintek be informed of the illeg- ality of the use and the numerous legal steps necessary for this to become a permitted use. Mr. Rourke stated that on a Staff level, the Flood Control District could be advised that the City doesn't have any objection to the situation being accomodated for a certain -period of time to allow the Skinteks to com- plete work in their back yard. Mayor Coco stated that correspondence should state that the City is fully aware of the illegalities involved and hopes that the Flood Control District can work something out with the Skinteks to accomodate a~ emergency situation. Above motion carried 3-1. C. Miller voting no. L. Miller abstaining. VII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 513 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, REZONING PROPERTY ON APPLICA- TION NO. Z.C. 71-225 OF ALPINE PROFESSIONAL .-- DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. Rezoning praperty on the south side of Irvine Boulevard, between "B" Street and Prospect Avenue, from the E-4 to the Pr District. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 514 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING SECTION 2-28 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO RESI- DENCE REQUIREMENT FOR CITY ADMINISTRATOR. At the ~equest of Mayor Coco, Ordinance titles read by the clerk. Moved by Oster, seconded by Marsters that further reading be waived and that Ordinances 513 and 514 be adopted. Carried. Ayes: Coco, C. Miller, Marsters, L. Miller, Oster. Noes: none. Absent: none. VIII. ORDINANCES "~ FOR INTRODUCTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 515 An Ordinance;of the City of Tustin, California, PREZONING PROPERTY ON APPLICA- TION NO. P.Z. 71-127 INITIATED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION. Council Minutes 8/2/71 Page 7 Request for a prezone change from~the Orange County P-A (Professional Adminis- 35 trative) District to the City of Tustin Pr (Professional) District. Site fronts approximately 100 feet on the southeast side of Red Hill Avenue and ap- proximately 140 feet on the northeast side of Mitchell Avenue. Moved by Oster, seconded,by L. Miller that' Ordinance No. 515 have first reading by title only. Carried unanimously. Ordinance title read by clerk. IX. RESOLUTIONS 1. RESOLUTION NO. 71-40 A Resolution of the Council of the City of Tustin, California, SETTING FEES FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING, PLUMBING,. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL PERMITS. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 71-41 A Resolution Of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, ENDORSING A UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FACILITY IN ORANGE COUNTY. Mr. Rourke asked that Resolution No. 71-40 be continued until the next meeting in order that additional information may be provided. Moved by C. Miller, seconded by Oster that Resolution No. 71-40 be continued to the next regular Council meeting. Carried unanimously. Title of Resolution No. 71-41 read by the clerk at the request of the Mayor. Moved by C. Miller, seconded by Oster that further reading be waived and that Resolution NO~ 71-41 be passed and adopted. Carried. Ayes: Coco, C. Miller, Marsters, L. M"~er, Oster. Noes: none. Absent: none. X. OLD BUSINESS 1. PARK LAND DEDICATION ORDINANCE Mr. Fleagle explained that action on this ordinance had been continued from the June 7, 1971, meeting, in order for the Staff to pro- vide information relative to the philosophical background and history of this type ordinance, the basis of the fee schedule, equity between existing and future developments, and response to protests of John Siegel. Mr. Fleagle read three paragraphs from the 21 Assembly Interim Committee Report, Municipal and County Government (1963-65) which had been Council Minutes s/2/vl e incorporated into his August 2 report. He went on to outline response to issues presented by Mr. Siegel at the June 7 meeting, the substance of which is contained on pages 5 and 6 of Mr. Fleagle's report. In conclusion, Mr. Fleagle recommended adoption of this ordinance. In response to Councilmen's questions, Mr. Fleagle said that the main difference between the City's ordinance and the County ordinance was that the County did not give credit for private land development; this ordinance does give the Council the opportunity to give full credit. The County Planning Commission has since recommended giving credit. Mr. Jo~n Siegel disputed the 32.068-acre figure given an the report as the amount of vacant land which would fall~under the ordinance, stating that land zoned for multi-family use was to be excluded. He stated that when relating the City ordinance to the County's, there is no recognition'o~ the obligation of the people who would fall under the ordinance to the~park bonds, which are to be used for acquisition of park sites. In response, Mr. Fleagle stated that the ordinance would apply to land that is to be subdivided, and there are 32.G68~acres of such land. Mr. Siegel said that he had reviewed these areas on a map and that each parcel could be developed without being divided an any way, either by sub- division or parcel map. As the 32 acres are therefore not representative of the true picture, the ordinance will be even more inequitably ap- plied, and revenues much lower than can be anticipgted by using this figure. Mr. Bill Moses of the Tustin News, 649 South "B" Street, Tustin, expressed concern that inequities are involved in ~his ordinance, stating that tax- ation should be on an equal basis, and that County passage of such an ordinance is no real recommendation. Moved b~ Oster, seconded b~ Marsters that the Park Land Dedication Ordinance be tabled until such time as the park bonds have been sold and there is an indiaation of how the bond issue will affect the tax rate. Carried unanimously. 2. DEVELOPMENT PREVIEW COMMISSION APPOINTMENT Moved by C. Miller, seconded by Oster that this matter be continued to the next regular Counc'~ meeting. Carried unanimously. Councilman.Oster requested that the President of the Chamber o~ Commerce make known at the August 4 Board me~eting the openings on the Development Preview Commission, and that the newspapers publieize this also. Council Minutes 8/2/71 Page 9 3. a. PARK BOND SALE Mr.'Rourke announced that the first reading of the ordinance of issuance, and adoption of the resolution of sale were in order at this time. In response to Councilmen's questions, Mr. Ed Wells of Bartle Wells Associates, San Francisco, stated that the market is better and that £f there are bidders the sale should not be delayed. Bids are to opened in Los Angeles on September 14 at 11:00 a.m., with receipt of bids and award by the Council at 7:30 that evening. He did not foresee any turn of events that would make the interest exceed 7%; but in such a case,'the bids could be rejected. It was the consensus of the C~uncil that the bid opening on September 14 be scheduled for 6:00 p.m. rather than 7:30 p.m. Moved by C. Miller, seconded by Oster that- Ordinance No. 520, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,200,000, have first reading by title only. Carried unanimously. Ordinance title read by clerk. MOved by Oster, seconded by Marsters that, with correction on Section 2 that publication be in the Tustin News, and that bids will be considered at an adjourned meeting of the City Council on September 14, 1971, at 6:00 p.m., Resolution No. 71-44, DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR BONDS OF SAID CITY, be read by title only. Carried unanimously. Resolution title read by clerk. Moved by Oster, seconded by.L. Miller that Resolution No. 71-44 be passed and adopted. Carried. Ayes: Coco, C. Miller, Marsters, L. Ml'i'~er, Oster. Noes: none. Absent: none. b. APPROVAL OF PARK DEVELOPMENT - FIRST & "C" STREET SITE In response to Councilmen's questions, Mr. Jack Harrison, Director of Parks and Recreation, stated that the "developer" in this case means a park developer or landscape architect who will, from the beginning, develop the project through all sequences; he will not be the contractor. He felt that within the park developer's framework there would be opportunities to save costs, for example, certain functions such as engineering being performed by the Staff. Mr. Bill Sommerville, representing the Tustin National Little League, stated that timing of the project is critical, and favored the sched- ule as proposed. j~?~i Council Minutes ~--,Is 8/2/71 ~-~/~age 10 Mr. Norm Halus, a vice-president of Tustin Junior All-American Football, stated that their ten teams have been using school sites and would welcome a City field to play on. He thought the development plan excellent and urged prompt ac- ceptance of the plan by the Council. Moved by C. Miller, seconded by Marsters that the First and "C" Street Park Development sched- ule be approved as presented and the Staff.auth- orized to proceed immediately in accordance with the schedule. Carried unanimously. It was the consensus of the Council that Len Miller Would represent the Council on the Selection Committee. 4. REQUEST FOR ACCESS FROM TUSTIN MEADOWS TO RED HILL AVENUE ACROSS FLOOD CONTROL PROPERTY (COntinued from 7/19/71) This item was discussed out Of order. See-page 3. XI. NEW BUSINESS 1. LANDSCAPING & PARKING GUIDELINES - Multiple-Family Residential, Pr, Com- mercial, and Industrial Developments within the City of Tustin. In response to Councilman L. Miller, Mr. Fleagle stated that in item #7 on page 3, "such areas" referred to what is exposed to public view, in this case, the parking lot. Councilman Oster agreed, citing item #1on page 2 which refers to on-site parking areas and driveways, suggesting that this is the ante- cedent to which "such areas" in item #7 refers. He proposed that the wording of #7 be changed to clarify this. Moved by C. Miller, seconded by L. Miller that Resolution No. 71-42, ADOPTING COUNCIL POLICY NO. 30-3 RELATIVE TO LANDSCAPING AND PARKING AREA GUIDELINES FOR MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, PR, COMMERCIAL, AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS, be read by title only, with the following modification in item #7 on page 3: "That evenly dispersed interior planting areas be provided in spaces exposed to public view, with such areas, in many cases, requiring tree planting." Carried unanimously. Resolution title read by clerk. Moved by Marsters( seconded by C. Miller that Resolution No. 7i~42 be passed and adopted. Carried. Ayes: Coco, C. Miller, Marsters, L. Miller, Oster. Noes: none. Absent: none. Council Minutes 8/2/71 Page 11 XII. OTHER BUSINESS 1. T.N.T. COMMITTEE Mayor Coco announced that a report had been received from Charles Greenwood summarizing the Committee's activities since its inception in 1969, and requesting a workshop with the Council to discuss the future of the Committee. The report included Mr. Greenwood's resignation as Chairman, although he expressed a desire to serve on the committee if it is continued. It was the consensus of the Council that the workshop be held as a breakfast meeting on Tuesday, August 10, 7:30 a.m., at the Fiddlers Three Restaurant, 1120 Irvine Boulevard. 2. SUMMARY OF 1970-71 YEAR END FINANCIAL STATUS Mr. Blankenship stated that ~ome revenue-gains had been made resulting in a current General Fund Reserve of $112,379 to start the current fiscal year. Councilman Oster asked that Staff prepare a proposal to maintain the $.95 tax rate on the .basis of deferring purchase of certain items, and that a report on franchising of trash collection be submitted. Mr. Blankenship stated that a report was under- way on the trash collection issue. 3. MEREDITH ANNEXATION NO. 69--LETTER FROM QUENTIN W. FLEMING Staff to direct correspondence to Mr. Fleming expressing Council's concurrence with thoughts expressed in his 7/28/71 letter. 4. UHF RADIO SYSTEM Mr. Blankenship announced that the Orange County Law Enforcement Radio System has been approved by the California Council on Criminal Justice, and that conversion will begin in December, .1971. 5. URBAN AFFAIRS INSTITUTE, AMERICAN UNIVERSITY --K. Fleagle 6. CALIFORNIA FIRE CHIEFS ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE May 28, 1971--Chief M. Hilton 7. EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1971 Mr. Blankenship announced that President Nixon had signed the Emergency Employment Act of 1971 into law about three weeks ago, providing for money being made available on a 90% to 10% ratio for employment of additional help for public agencies. Staff will explore the implications of the Act to determine whether it would meet any of the City's needs. .-,I,..-ll Council Minutes ~v- · 8/2/71 ~.~,age 12 8. RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUDGET ~ Councilman Marsters exprebsed concern about the contents of Jack Harrison's July 23 memo to the City Administrator concerning budgetary inade- quacies and asked that the department's budget requests be re-presented to the City Council. In response to Councilman L. Miller, Mr. Blank- enship stated that an analysis had been prepared on recreation fees and the possibility of in- creasing them, and would be submitted to the Council. It is now being reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Commission. The report indicates that increased fees would not generate a sig- nificant amount of revenue. Mayor Coco stated that a re-p~esentation of the Recreation budget material should be accompanied by some source of financing any increase. No new expenditures should be considered without revenues to cover them. 9. FIRST STREET IMPROVEMENTS Mr. Rourke stated that the survey work had been completed, and that Mr. Gill will be receiving a recommendation for appraisal in the next week. Several right-of-way agents'have been contacted. 10. APARTMENT HOUSE CARPORTS Staff directed to make recommendations on elim- ination of open carports in apartment complexes. 11. COMMENDATION OF MERCURY SAVINGS & LOAN Mayor Coco, with Council concurrence, directed that a scroll be prepared for public presenta- tion to representatives of Mercury Savings and Loan in recognitfon of their contribution of a building for the City's use for a two-year period. 12. REMARKS OF MR. TOM KELLY Mr. Tom Kelly, 330 E1 Camino Real, Tustin, stated that the E1 Camino Real Development Plan (Specific Plan NO. 1) has not even begun to accomplish its purpose and urged that it be strengthened by addition of a timetable of some sort. He referred to the final Phase II Report, Economic Base and Market Demand Analysis, which had called for revitalizatio~ of the town center area, and reminded the Council of their responsi- bility to encourage development of this area. With a view towards encouraging development, Mr. Kelly asked ~he Council to consider his particular problem, which involves a building nearing completion which was constructed to office-type parking standards in accordance with a variance he had obtained. He has since lined up three commercial tenants, but cannot meet the parking requirements for commercial usage. He has been unable ~o lease any property within 300 feet of his building and is unable to con- tribute $3600, with others, toward a fund for Council Minutes 8/2/71 Page 13 purchase of a parking lot. These "reliefs" sug- gested in the Ordinance are so inadequate that development is discouraged. He favored a park- ing district, and asked that in lieu of items in the Ordinance, he be permitted to sign an agreement to join such a district, if formed. He cited as a precedent Planning Commission ap- proval several weeks ago of such an agreement by an individual on First Street. Mr. Rourke stated that there were factors in- volved with the property on First Street that did not apply to Mr. Kelly's property. He did not know whether a variance under the same terms would be appropriate or not. Mr. Kelly reiterated that the. parking require- ments are too restrictive, and felt that they should be at least halved. He could rent to office usage, but the City would thereby lose considerable sales tax revenue during the five- year lease period. Mayor Coco agreed that this was a point to be explored; the possibility of revenue from sales tax as a result of encouraging businesses in the area. Councilman Oster pointed out that 51% of the property owners would have to agree to forma- tion of such a district; the City cannot ac- complish this alone. Mayor Coco stated that the Ordinance was adopted with the view that it would be reviewed in six months time. While the Council cannot help in Mr. Kelly's specific request, the points he has brought up will be considered when the Ordinance comes up for review. 13. REMARKS OF MR. PAUL SNOW Mr. Paul Snow, 430 West Main Street, Tustin, approached the Council with a suggestion which he and his neighbors felt would result in greater communication between citizens and government, that is, select a representative or committee from among the registered voters in each of the City's voting precincts to serve in an unofficial advisory capacity to relay citizens' concerns to the Council. Service in this capacity would be mandatory. Mayor Coco stated that, while the Council would like to hear from a cross-section of the com- munity, it is hard to get them to take the time. In addition, the individual drafted as his precinct's representative would not be responsible to those in his district, and his input might not be representative. He felt that an informal "rap session" might be more effective and suggested that Mr. Snow and others interested arrange a convenient time for discussions. He committed himself to be present, and would invite any Councilman who is~able to do so as well. Council Minutes 8/2/71 Page 14 XIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Council, Ma~or Coco adjourned the meeting at 11:15 p.m. in memory of former Mayor W. M. Huntley. MAYO R