HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC MINUTES 3-22-16MINUTES
MARCH 22, 2016
Present ROLL CALL: Chair Lumbard
Chair Pro Tem Smith
Commissioners Kavanaugh Mason, Kozak, Thompson
Given PRESENTATION: Proclamation to former Commissioner Wisam "Sam"
Altowaiji recognizing his years of service.
Approved the 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — MARCH 8, 2016
March 8, 2016
That the Planning Commission approve the Minutes of the March 8, 2016
Planning Commission meeting as provided.
Motion: It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Kozak, to approve the March 8,
2016 Minutes, as amended. Motion carried 5-0.
Adopted Reso. 2. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 2016-04
No. 4311, as
Applicant: Michael C. Corey
Wellness Stop
14471 Chambers Road, Suite 105
Tustin, CA 92780
Property Owner: Tustin Corporate Center, L.L.C.
2552 Walnut Avenue, Suite 230
Tustin, CA 92780
A CUP request to authorize joint -use parking for a chiropractic office at
an existing condominium office complex at 2552 Walnut Avenue, Suite
That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4311 approving
CUP 2016-04 to authorize joint -use parking to accommodate a
Minutes — Planning Commission March 22, 2016 — Page 1 of 5
chiropractic office at an existing condominium office complex located at
2552 Walnut Avenue.
Dove Presentation given.
Thompson Thompson's questions/comments generally included: On -street parking;
clarification on "parking poaching" which was referenced in the traffic study
and if the term referred to adjacent properties, not condominium units which
have an open flow of parking; Thompson asked if there is currently an
existing joint -use parking arrangement between the adjacent properties; and
the restrictive hours and if there would be any adjustment to those hours.
Willkom In response to the on -street parking question, Willkom stated that there is no
on -street parking along Walnut Avenue and Franklin. Per the "parking
poaching" question, she explained when the buildings were built in 1985, it
consisted of five (5) parcels and five (5) buildings, which included CC&R's
affecting the five (5) properties which are more related to ingress/egress and
some architectural control of exterior modification to the building. There is no
joint -use parking among the five (5) buildings. Willkom referred to the
Conditions of Approval included in the staff report, which makes reference to
minor modifications that the Community Development Director could revise
at her discretion.
Lumbard Lumbard asked if the hours of operation were presented by the applicant,
specifically the 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. break and why no chiropractic services
during that time period.
Dove To answer Lumbard's question, it was the applicant that dictated the hours of
operation within the application.
Mason Mason asked what the "triggers" would be that would require staff to go back
to the Commission or the Community Development Director.
Willkom In response to Mason's question, the trigger would be if the Parking Demand
Analysis cannot demonstrate that adequate on-site parking is available for all
uses within the building. Which means the applicant would have to go back
to the Planning Commission with a type of variance with the reduction of on-
site parking.
7:15 p.m
7:16 p.m
Public Hearing Opened.
Dr. Michael C. Corey addressed
business opportunity and he
chiropractic business.
Public Hearing Closed.
the Commission and thanked them for the
also provided a brief background of his
Thompson was satisfied with the presentation and his, questions were
answered therefore he was ready to move forward with the item.
It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Lumbard, to adopt Resolution No.
4311, as amended. Motion carried 5-0.
Minutes — Planning Commission March 22, 2016 -- Page 2 of 5
Applicant: Guillermo Del Rio
Time Watches
196 EI Camino Real, Suite 102
Tustin, CA 92780
Property Owner: Guillermo Del Rio/Lizet Marie Orozco
6022 Greencap Avenue
Irvine, CA 92604-2412
A request to establish a pawnbroker use in conjunction with a retail
jewelry and watch store located at 195 EI Camino Real, Suite 102.
That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4310 approving
CUP 2016-03 to authorize the establishment of a pawnbroker business in
conjunction with a retail watch store Iocated at 195 EI Camino Real, Suite
102. -
Dove Presentation given.
Smith Smith asked if there were any police reports consistent with the
complaintslconcems in the letter included in the staff report.
Willkom In response to Smith's question, Willkom stated there were no police
Kozak Kozak made reference to Condition 1.8 of the Conditions of Approval, which
is a standard condition. He wanted to be sure Ms. Candyce Belanger was
aware of it when she obtained an audio transmission of the Commission
meeting. Kozak also made favorable comments with the great care of the
building both the applicant/property owners have done.
Mason Mason referred to no signage being displayed and if that refers to inside and
outside of the building.
Dove Dove stated signage for the jewelry store would be displayed inside and
outside the building.
Willkom Willkom also responded that the signage restriction for the pawnbroker
business would be applicable to the exterior of the building.
Thompson Thompson made reference to the letter making reference to the pawnbroker
business and asked that staff provide further explanation of a pawnbroker
business because there could be an interpretation of terminology that could
be raising concerns. He also asked what the City code and Zoning code
would allow.
Minutes — Planning Commission March 22, 2016 — Page 3 of 5
Willkom Willkom provided examples to the Commission on how a pawnbroker
business is conducted with approval of a CUP.
7:27 p.m. Public Hearing opened.
Ms. Paula Meyer, built the building at 170 EI Camino Real, where she lives
and works and spoke in opposition of the item. She stated she did minimal
research on pawnbroker businesses and found there is the potential of an
increase in crime. Ms. Meyer was concerned the pawnbroker business
would not help the property value or be consistent with the 'live, work, walk"
in the Downtown area.
7:29 p.m. Public Hearing closed.
Smith Smith had a follow-up question with regards to the limited scope pawnbroker
use permit (Red Hill Avenue 1 Edinger Avenue) and if there was any related
crime increase at that location. He also mentioned that should concerns
arise in the future, then staff could address them then, which is why it is
being conditionally permitted in this use.
Willkom Willkom stated that the Tustin Police Department (TPD) has not reported any
increase in crime activity at both locations.
Lumbard Lumbard stated that the term "pawnbroker" elicits some sort of stigma. He
also referred to the Conditions of Approval, specifically, the hours of
operation, which are consistent with the surrounding businesses, as well as
there being no concern with the TPD.
Bobak Bobak also provided, to the Commission, a definition of the term
"pawnbroker" from the Tustin City Code, via the City's website.
Thompson Thompson had favorable comments with regards to the input Ms. Meyer
previously provided to the Commission. He also referenced the C-2 central
commercial district designations and overlays, in general. As long as noise,
parking, safety, etc. are being addressed adequately as a permitted use
within the definition of the C-2.
Bobak The project is not permitted as a matter of right but it is permitted with a
conditional use permit which allows the process of staff review, as well as
TPD review to ensure there will not be any problems with it.
The Commission's further comments generally reiterated what is stated in
the Conditions of Approval. Should there be any issues in the future, then
the Community Development Director can address at that time and re-
evaluate the conditions. There was also direction provided to Ms. Meyer that
if she was planning on appealing the item, to raise her issues to the City
Willkom Willkom informed the Commission that the item is appealable and that there
are ten (10) calendar days to appeal to the City Council.
Minutes — Planning Commission March 22, 2016 — Page 4 of 5
motion. It was moved by Smith, seconded by Mason, to adopt Resolution -1o. 4310.
Motion carried 5-0,
61-1,11-11luffle W,40201 643
r\ozak Kozak welcomed Dove to the City and thanked her for the presentations
given. He will be attending the Miarch,26, 2016 Annual Easter Egg Hunt at
Tustin's Sports Park (Tustin Parks & Recreation event).
Thompson Thompson attended the OCTA Citizens Advisory Committee Bicycllp.-
Pedestrian meeting on March 15, 2016 and his daughter got married,
Congratulations, to Lauren and Jordan DeGracia!
Smith No concerns.
I bard Lumbard congratulated the Thompson family. He will also be attending the
March 26, 2016 Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Lumblard mentioned the Old Town
area and the conditionally permitted' uses and the study MIG is currently
working on. He also directed staff to take note on the community's concerns
regarding conditionally permitted uses as far as the concerns mentioned.
Kozak Kozak requested to close the meeting in memory of Matthew Nisson,
who passed away on February 20, 2016, served in World War 11,
graduated from USC, married his high school sweetheart Peggy, and
haM three (3), children.
The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission i's scheduled for
Tuesday, April 12, 2016, at7-00 p.m. in theCity Council Chamber at 3001
Centennial Way,
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Chairperson I
Miniutes — Planning commission March 22, 2016 — Page 5 of 5