HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1971 02 16 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL February 16, 1971 CALL TO Meeting called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Coco. ORDER II. PLEDGE OF Led by Mayor Coco. ALLEGIANCE III. INVOCATION Given by Councilman L. Marsters. IV. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Coco, C. Miller, Marsters, Oster. Absent: Councilmen: L. Miller. Others Present: City Administrator Harry Gill City Attorney James Rourke City Clerk Ruth C. Po~ Ass't. City Admin.-Comm. Dev. K. Fleagle PUBLIC None. HEARINGS VI. CONSENT 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February 1, 1971 meeting. CALENDAR 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS in amount of $67,689.15 Moved by Oster, seconded by Marsters that both items 1 and 2 of the Consent Calendar be approved. Carried unanimously. VII. ORDINANCES 1. ORDINANCE NO. 499 FOR ADOPTION An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California; PREZONING PROPERTY OF C. J. BONNER & WALTER H. OPP ON APPLICATION NO. P.Z. 70-124. Subject properties are located on the northerly side of 17th Street extending northerly a distance z of 250 feet, bounded by Yorba Street on the west and the Orange County Flood Control District ± 870 ft. easterly. Moved by C. Miller, seconded by Oster that Ordinance No. 499, prezoning property on Application PZ 70-124, be read by title, further reading waived and Ordinance No. 499 be passed and adopted. Carried. Ayes: Coco, C. Miller, Marsters, Oster. Noes: None. Absent: L. Miller. VII!. ORDINANCES 1. ORDINANCE NO. 502 FOR INTRODUCTION An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO VARIATIONS FROM THE MASTER TREE PLAN. Moved by Oster, seconded by C. Miller that Ordinance No. 502, relative to variations from the Master Tree Plan, have first readinq by title only. Carried unanimously. Council Minutes 2/16/71 Page 2 RESOLUTIONS 1. RESOLUTION NO. 71-8 A Resolution of the City CounCil of the City of Tustin, California, COMMENDING JACK S. ROPER. Moved by Marsters, seconded by Oster that Resolution No. 71-8 be read by title, further reading waived and Resolution No. 71-8, commending Jack Roper, be passed and adopted. Carried unanimously. OLD 1. PARK BOND ELECTION BUSINESS Mayor Coco explained that this had been continued from the last meeting to get response from the Chamber of Commerce in way of support of this 3 to 5 thousand dollar item. Mr. Richard Edgar, Park and Recreation Commission Chairman, stated he had talked to Mr. Flint, Chamber of Commerce. Things are moving rapidly but all is not in place at this time. Mr. Tom Woodruff has indicated his willingness to chair the citizens committee. They have a large list of names now proposed for the steering committee, Mr. Flint is attempting to contact all Chamber members individually which takes time. Councilman Oster stated that the request for pledge of support was to determine if the majority who are going to bear the burden of the increased tax rate are in favor of this issue. He was not in favor of appropriating $5,000 for the election unless ttiose to be hit by the increase are aware and in favor. He had heard a number of taxpayers who, when they heard what it means taxwise,are not in favor. Wants membership of the Chamber to understand the issue. We won't get a chance soon again. Mr. Edgar stated they do have the indication that the Chamber Board is in favor and there is a signifi- cant number of individuals in favor. It is difficult to give a report of a specific amount of the number at this time. There is no clear opposition. More are in favor. A tabulation of 20 to 30 per cent would not be a true tabulation. Mr. Edgar stated that one large factor in this issue is that if not acquired now, the land will not be available and Tustin is way behind other cities as far as parks go. Mr. Edgar asked that this matter be deferred for two weeks. Councilman C. Miller stated that he too believed that something must be done to get people behind this and the issue may never get full Chamber endorsement. Rather than see only the cost of the bonds and amount for acquisition, citizens should see all costs on a tax rate. Should be able to honestly tell people the part of rate to acquire land and the part for improvements. The cost may be dear now, but will not be for years from now if it means a co~mmunity with a living environment it could be worth it. Mr. Oster statod he was noh against parks and would be willing te go on to the election if there was some show of support. Council Minutes 2/16/79 Page 3 Lee Wagner stated she too would prefer a two week defermen~to get more information and to contact more Chamber menters, business people and home- owners. There are business people who are not Chamber members and only about 20% of the Chamber members are active members. She felt that the Chamber is being put on the spot by being the only group asked to come up with support. Hopefully, in two weeks they will be able to give support the Council is asking for. One thought is that the committees ask for donations at the time they ask for support. Mayor Coco stated that he has an uncomfortable feeling about this election. Not because it is undesirable - land is precious. Mr. Oster has asked for a report on full tax costs if the bond is successful. Mayor Coco said he had material on how to run a campaign and what should be done now for a June election such as forming committees, electing a chairman, etc. Mayor Coco offered this information to Mr. Edgar or anyone interested in looking it over. He stated he had gotten- sentiments that people want to see this go to an election, but they are not necessarily for the bond issue. Mayor Coco agreed to a report of all costs, ~ncluding ~aintenance and improvements of parks, at the next meeting, but he would insist on seeing more tangible support. This opportunity is too important to lose in a premature election. Mrs. Wagner stated that part of the fault that all responses for support are not available tonight is hers. Working on this takes time and there are contacts she would prefer to make herself and not turn them over to the Chamber Manager. Mrs. Wagner clarified that she would not be doing this as one lone person, but wi ~ the help of Board members. Mr. L. Webster stated that one reason there is not an outpouring of support is that people do not know about it. The same people are asked all the time. Mr. Webster suggested broadening the scope - talk to other businesses. After further discussion by the Council, including suggested use of High School Students as workers, starting an active campaign too soon, reports on costs for future capital improvements on the s~te, con- tacting other agencies such as PTO, Little League, etc., the matter was deferred to the meeting of March 1, 1971. XI. NEW 1. APPEAL OF DEVELOPMENT PREVIEW FINDINGS BUSINESS MERCURY SAVINGS & LOAN. Mr. Fleagt~ presented staff report and decision of Development Preview Commission stating the Council had two questions to consider: 1)Would this detract from the esthetics of the building. 2) A determination as to whether or not the proposed addition may be considered as constituting] one sign or in effect as an aaditional wall sign. Council Minutes 2/16/71 Page 4 If Council determines this to be two signs, a variance is necessary. Mr. Len Shane, President, Mercury Savings and Loans stated he had not been present at the Development Preview Commission meeting as he did not consider this to be a controversial matter. If they followed the Sign Ordinance, they could draw a band to enclose the signs. Mr. Fleagle stated this would be correct if signs were one foot closer together. 175' frontage on Elizabeth Way permits sign area. Mr. Shane stated that had this additional signing been in the original layout, there would have been no question. Signs are of the same style - one illuminated and one not illuminated and would not detract from the building. Mr. Shane said a free standing, low lighted sign had been suggested which he felt would esthetically destroy the front of the building. Councilman Oster stated he agreed with Mr. Shane. The building is'well done and a free sign in front would detract. Comparing with signing on another Savings and Loan, he could see no reason to penalize this one. Moved by Oster, seconded by Coco that appeal of Mercury Savings and Loan be upheld and the Council determine the proposed sign wmth letters mounted directly on the building constitutes one (1) sj_gn and not two (2) signs and no variance be required. Carried unanimously. 2. FLOOD CONTROL SURPLUS LANDS Report and recommendations of the Park and Recreation Commission and the Planning Commission that a Council resolution be adopted requesting the Board of Super- visors to retain surplus flood control lands as open space. Moved by C. Miller, seconded by Oster that the City Attorney be directed to draft an ordinance for next Council meeting, requesting the Board of Supervisors to retain ownership of excess flood control land all as recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission. Carried. 3. POLICY RELATIVE TO EXTENT OF ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE TO RECREATIONAL AND CULTURAL GROUPS THROUGH THE CITY OF TUSTIN. Mr. Richard Edgar, Park and Recreation Commission Chairman, stated that although the Park and Recreation budget is higher than a few years ago, it is still frugal. If City does not have a policy, they would be asked to sponsor many groups. The City can be cooperative, but is not in a position to do any funding. Moved by C. Millerr seconded by Marsters that Resolution No. 71-7 be read by title, further readip~ be waived and Resolution No. 71-7, ad~Co~i Police 50-2 relative to extent of assistance available to recreatjonal and cultural groui%s, be passed and adopU~. Carried unanimously. Council Minutes 2/16/71 Page 5 4. APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE PADS (PUBLIC AGENCIES DATA) SYSTEMS) BUDGET FOR FY 71-72. Moved by Oster, seconded by C. Miller that the Council approve the tentative PADS budget for FY 71-72. Carried. XII. OTHER 1. REPORT ON SURVIVOR'S BENEFITS. BUSINESS Councilman C. Miller stated it was a small cost for the benefits to the employee and it is also an overall benefit to the City, makes the employees feel better about their employment. Councilman Marsters stated he would like to see this additional benefit initiated as soon as possible. Staff directed to proceed with the necessary steps to include survivor's benefits under City's current retirement plan. 2. REPORT ON DUPLICATION EQUIPMENT Report received from Mr. Blankenship. Councilman C. Miller stated that he had seen this suggested reproduction system in action at UCI and that it does have disadvantages. The machines are very noisy and he had been advised that it would take one employee to run. Mr. Miller said the staff was welcome to go to the University and see theirs in action. Councilman Oster stated his firm had tried various reproduction machines and he felt you go a long way to beat Xerox. Xerox is on a month to month basis. If it becomes obsolete, you can always get rid of it. Under the proposed system, there would be maintenance and machine could be obsolete in three years. Staff was directed to further investigate duplication methods. 3. NEW TNT COMMITTEE MEMBERS There being no objections, the following were appointed to the TNT Committee: Walter Fredriksen Mrs. George Matthews William McMahon, DDS Richard A. Meredith Lewis Proctor 4. GO-KART AREA - SAFETY REPORT Report received. Mr. Gill stated that Chief Sissel will be talking to the owner of the Go-Kart area and will have a further report at the next Council meeting. 5. IRVINE BOULEVARD CROSSWALK Letter of appreciation to be sent to the ICounty Road Departn/ent for the cooperation they gave the City in installing crosswalk at Little League field on irVine Boulevard. Council Minutes 2/16/71 Page 6 6. IRVINE BOULEVARD - SPEED LIMIT Requested that the staff investigate speeds on Irvine Boulevard from Newport Avenue Eo Newport Freeway. 7. TRAILER PARK - BROWNING AVENUE Requested that Mr. Rex Waldo investigate any stafl problems with this trailer park. 8. FIRE ZONES Staff to prepare report on differences and problems between Zones 1 and 2 including differences in construction cosEs. XIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Coco declared the meeting adjourned. MAYOR CLERK