HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 3 G.P. EXT REQUEST 05-06-91ras t ,TE: MAY 6, 1991 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER' FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN EXTENSION REQUEST Q EST RECOMMENDATION ,BLIC HEARING N0. 3 5-6-91 Inter - Com It is recommended that the City Council adopt requesting that the State Office of Planningand ReseResolution No. rove a 12 -month extension for Cit Research approve updated General Plan, y preparation and adoption of an BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION California State Law requires. each Cit y to General Plan for the physical development of the t a comprehensive outside its boundaries which bears a relationship to and any land activities. The real effectiveness of a Ci lto its planning contingent upon the practical applicabilityof CityyIs General Plan is priorities and conditions. the Plan to changing reevaluate the validity of Plan policies essential to monitor and time to time. State Law permits the Plan and amend the Plan from annually. It also recommends that a comprehensivebe amended four times of the Plan at least every five years. update be made In response, the Tustin City Council authorized of the 1990-91 budget and more recentlyapproved a program as part consultant to undertake a comprehensive update of the Genera with a The General Plan is expected to be completed a e General Plan. City within 18 months. and approved by the In the meantime, however, Section 65361 0 Government Code authorizes the Office of Planning f the California (OPR) to grant local jurisdictions up to a o and Research time (with the possibility of an additional he year extension of needed) in order to complete and adopt revisions Year extension, if elements of the General Plan. The intent of to the mandatory enables a jurisdiction to applications for subdivisionpro cntinue to such an extension rontinncess all project where the land uses are consi, stent with ,an Inter permits and variancesi without the fear of litigation, m Land Use Policy, City Council Report General Plan Extension Request May 6, 1991 Page 2 An application for a general plan extension must include following five items: the 1) General Plan Extension Application Form 2) Resolution of the Legislative Body, adopted after public hearing, stating findings/ reasons why the General Plan needs to be revised 3 Detailed Budget and Schedule for Plan Preparation and d 4) Proposed Interim Policies and Procedures 5 Copies of the General Plan, Zoning and Subdivisio Ordinances and any Interim Ordinances. n Section 65361(a) of the California Government Code re 'ire the City Council make at least one of six possible findings s that a public hearing prior to the granting of an extensions b wring Office of Planning and Research. Within the findin s there y the be detailed reasons why the General Plan has not been must needs revision. adopted or The possible findings are as follows: 1• Data required for the General Plan shall berovide another agency and it has not yet been provided. d by 2. In spite of sufficient budgetary provisions and substantial recruiting efforts, the city or count has not been able to obtain necessaryy assistance, staff or consultant 3. A disaster has occurred requiring reassignment of st for an extended period or re aff reevaluation and revision of the General requiring a complete an, or both. 4. Local review procedures re process which has resulted in delaan xtended public review the legislative body. delaying the decision by 5• The city or county is jointly the General Plan with one or more aother ring al ur r part of pursuant to an existing agreement and timetable jurisdictions completion. Community Development Department City Council Report General Plan Extension Request May 6, 1991 Page 3 6. Other reasons exist which justify the granting of a extension, so that the timely g n a general plan is y Preparation and adoption of promoted. Staff has determined that the City is eligible under finding 6. Staff has subsequentlyg number findings based on the reasons prepared the resolution with the proposed addition to the extension application proposal, ad extension. In Policy is re interim required. As part of the attached resolution Exhibit A is the proposed Interim Discretionary Policy. This int sets forth the land use policies that would be used b them policy y evaluating a project's land use consistency with the goals City in City. Projects which are found to be inconsistent °f the Policies could not be approved by the City duringthe granted these extension period. The Interim Policy is basically no different that the City's current development y fferent P policies. CONCLUSION Staff recommends that the City requesting a 12 -month General Interim Discretionary Land Use Beth Schoemann Associate Planner CAS:BBS:nm/gpextentn.bbs Council adopt Resolution No. 91-44 Plan Extension and approving the Policy. C ristine A. Shingleto Assistant City Manager Community Development Attachment Resolution No. 91-44 Community Development Department 1C 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 0 RESOLUTION NO. 91-44 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA REQUESTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME TO REVISE THE CITY OF TUSTIN GENERAL PLAN. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereb resolve as follows: Y Whereas, the various elements of the General Plan of the City of Tustin were adopted as follows: Housing, 1978; Land Use, 1973; Noise, 1975; Oen Space/Conservation, 1972, p Circulation/Scenic Highways, 1970; Safety, 1978 and have 1972 • been expanded and amended from time to time to include adoption of various state -mandated and discretionary elements; and y Whereas, the City of Tustin faces significant and continued growth pressures which require the City General Plan in order o maintainpdat inter of nal consistency among the elements and to serve as auseful tool to plan for and manage growth into the next century; y; Whereas, recognizing that preparation Plan is a multi-year endeavor, 1990-91ofcosGs for preparation were budgeted at $102,50o; and as part of the City's three-year financial plan, the remainder of t he funding is to be allocated to the 1991-92 bud et and Possibly the 1992-93 budget. g Whereas, the City Council authorized the Cit Manager to execute a contract with Cotton-Beland Associates, Inc. on February 4, 1991; and Whereas, in spite of sufficient budgetary provisions and substantial recruiting efforts, the City has not been able to obtain necessary staff or consultant assistance; however, with the assistance of consultant services the City anticipates adopting an updated General September, 1992; and Plan in Whereas, pursuant to Section 65361 of the California Government Code, the Director of the Office of Planning and Research of the State of California has the authority to grant extensions of time for completion or revision o the mandatory elements of the General Plan, f Whereas, the City Council finds that, pursuant to California Government Code Section 65361 (a)(2), the following reasons exist to justify extensions of time to C 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 91-44 Page 2 prepare timely revision to the elements of the General Plan. The above has not been updated because: a. The City of Tustin is a city which has experienced rapid growth through development and annexations. Due to statutory -imposed processing deadlines, and to avoid imposing a development moratorium, a large part of the City's available in-house staff resources have been devoted largely to current planning. b. Staff turn -over has affected the continuity of general plan preparation activities in the City. C. Despite continued efforts by the City of Tustin to update the General Plan over the years to include various state -mandated elements and to frequently revise the Housing Element (City was first city in Orange -County with a 1989 Housing Element), the City did not previously have the financial resources to comprehensively update the General Plan. d. Due to rapid growth, the General Plan is in need of significant updating to maintain internal consistency among the elements and to serve as a useful tool to plan for and manage growth. Now, Therefore Be It Further Resolved By the City Council of the City of Tustin as follows: 1. Based on the foregoing, the City of Tustin requests that the Director of the California Office of Planning and Research grant an extension of time for a 12 -month period to complete the revision of all of the elements of the General Plan, as set forth on the Request for General Plan Extension attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 2. During the period of the extension, the City of Tustin will follow the policies and procedures set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. c f 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 i 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 91-44 Page 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of Tustin this 6th day of May, 1991. CHARLES E. PUCKETT, Mayor MARY WYNN, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) CERTIFICATION FOR RESOLUTION NO. 91-44 MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk and ex -officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is 5; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 91-44 was duly and regularly introduced, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6th day of May, 1991, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. 91-44 INTERIM DISCRETIONARY LAND USE POLICY 1. The City, including the City Council, Planning Commission, and all other boards delegated individual land use decision-making authority under City ordinances, shall apply this Interim Discretionary Land Use Policy to review and process all discretionary land use projects. 2. During the effective period of this extension, no discretionary permits (parcel maps, tentative subdivision maps, zone changes, special use permits, variances, etc.) shall be approved by the City unless the City Council, and all other applicable decision-making authority under City ordinances, make formal findings, based on substantial evidence that the Proposal is consistent with the goals, policies and programs of the existing General Plan and the zoning and subdivisions ordinances of the City of Tustin; with the exception that properties outside 'the City limits, which are not currently within the City's sphere of influence, shall be processed consistent with the goals and policies of the City's General Plan. 3. All discretionary permits and projects shall be consistent with the adopted Housing Element of the General Plan. 4. Section 9213(e) of the Tustin City Code states that any territory included within the City, which, at the time of its annexation does not have a zone designated by prezoning, shall be designated by the zone which the territory bore under the County zoning Ordinance, provided there is a district bearing the same designation. Any land which does not bear a designation which is also contained in the City Code, shall be designated as being in the "U" - Unclassified District. All properties with the zoning designation of Unclassified shall first secure a use permit prior to any new uses being established. 5. The City shall observe and meet CEQA requirements for Environmental Impact Report preparation, review and certification. E 8 9 10 11 12 13 14' 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Exhibit A - Resolution No. 91-44 Interim Discretionary Land Use Policy Page 2 6. The City shall observe and meet anyapplicable requirements for minimum processing time for the General Plan revision. 7. All draft elements and draft environmental documents shall be submitted to OPR for review and comment prior to the City Council taking final action on the General Plan revision. BBS:nm\91-44.res