JUNE 7, 2016
Agenda Item 13
City Manager JCP
Finance Director N/A
At this time, the City Manager will provide an update regarding current legislation of
DATE: June 6, 2016
Inter -Com
TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
FROM: Jeffrey C. Parker, City Manager
SUBJECT: Legislative Update — May Revise 2016
Includes $2 billion Homeless Housing Revenue Bond Requires Non -Discretionary
Approval of Affordable Housing to Avoid Perceived Delays Caused by Community Input
and CEQA Review
The Revised FY 2016-17 Budget recognizes that California's tax revenue forecast has been reduced by
$1.9 billion since January caused by sluggish income tax and sales tax revenues. Consequently, while
minor adjustments were made to the Governor's January spending proposals, he proposes no new major
General Fund spending.
The Governor warned that California may be dangerously close to the next recession.
"There are no Halcyon (calm, peaceful) days ahead," warned Governor Brown. He cautioned that
California cannot afford any new spending and still prepare for the economic tide to turn. The State has
great revenue volatility with the majority of tax revenues coming from California's wealthiest residents.
The Governor's revised FY 2016-17 budget is $173.1 billion, which is a 1.8 percent increase over FY
2015-16. Of that total, $122.2 billion is General Fund, which is an increase of 5.7 percent over the
current budget year. Projections for the Rainy Day reserve fund have been reduced.
The fund, which currently totals $3.5 billion, was proposed in January to grow to $8 billion. That
amount, however, in the revised budget has been reduced to $6.7 billion, reflecting lower projected
The recently enacted minimum wage increase is expected to cost the state an initial $39 million, but that
amount is expected to grow to $3.4 billion annually by full implementation in 2023. The Governor also
noted that Medi -Cal funding is improved over the next three years thanks to the recent passage of the
managed care organization tax.
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$2 Billion in Homeless Housing Funding
While the Governor rejected Assembly proposals to spend additional General Fund dollars on affordable
housing, he endorsed Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de Le6n's bipartisan proposal to fund housing for
California's chronic homeless using funding from the Mental Health Services Act (Proposition 63).
This League of California Cities -supported "No Place Like Home" proposal would combat
homelessness and assist low-income Californians. The proposed FY 2016-17 budget includes an initial
expenditure of $267 million from these bond proceeds.
"We have the money. It's a serious problem, and the Legislature has come up with a thoughtful
program," said Governor Brown.
Public Engagement and Local Approval Process Blamed for Housing Shortage
Governor Brown proposes a ministerial, "by -right" land -use entitlement provision for multifamily infill
housing developments, which include affordable housing.
Under the plan, a local government could not require a conditional use permit, planned unit development
permit or other discretionary local government review or approval for qualifying developments that
include affordable housing, provided they are consistent with general plan and zoning standards.
While not made clear in the May Revise document, removing local discretion on these decisions and
making them "ministerial" also avoids project -level environmental review required by the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), since CEQA is only triggered for discretionary governmental
The budget further indicates the Governor's support for other proposals intended to increase the
availability of accessory dwelling units and greater clarity and increased use of the Density Bonus Law.
These include SB 1069 (Wieckowski), AB 2299 (Bloom) and AB 2501 (Bloom) all bills that the
League of California Cities (League) opposes because they reduce public engagement and local
discretion over housing.
Despite a lengthy description of the alleged problems created by community input in the local
development approval process, the May Revise calculates a savings of only 5 percent (page 49) in
project costs. Such a low number actually supports a counter argument that the concern may be
Changes caused by design review were assigned 7 percent of project costs, yet having good design (as
opposed to taking short cuts on quality) has long been maintained by affordable housing developers as
the key to community acceptance of higher density and affordable housing projects.
Transportation Funding
The Governor's transportation funding proposal remains the same as his budget release in January. The
proposal would provide additional funding for transportation by $3.6 billion annually, a number the
Administration has indicated a willingness to negotiate with the Legislature.
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If adopted, one-half of the funding ($1.8 billion) would go to cities and counties for street maintenance,
complete street projects, public transit and state -local partnership funding projects.
Of this amount, $1.01 billion would be allocated by formula for local streets and roads maintenance,
$523 million of which will go to cities each year based on population. An additional $100 million
would be set aside for a complete streets competitive grant program.
The revenue package would generate $500 million by eliminating the variable gas tax adjustment and
setting it to a historical average of 18 cents, indexing the entire gas tax for inflation and would generate
$2 billion from a $65 per -vehicle highway user fee.
Additional elements include $500 million in Cap -and -Trade revenues, $100 million in Caltrans
efficiencies, and $500 million from an 11 -cent increase in the diesel tax indexed for inflation (to support
the trade corridor enhancement program and other highway and road improvements).
The Governor also proposes to speed up repayment of $704 million in transportation -related loans from
special funds.
Benefits to investing in roads far exceed the costs to Californians. Although the Administration projects
the package will cost vehicle owners approximately an additional $10 per month, these same vehicle
owners are paying an average of $762 annually to fix their vehicles due to poor road conditions.
If, however, a funding package is not adopted, transportation revenues are expected to continue to
decrease. The California Transportation Commission was recently forced to lower their fund estimate
by $754 million because of declining gas tax revenues.
The Revise also includes conforming language to make California eligible federal matching freight grant
funding under the federal Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act.
Motor Vehicle Account Fix
No changes are proposed to the $10 increase to the vehicle registration fee to address an ongoing deficit
in the Motor Vehicle Account (MVA) included in the January budget. MVA funds activities of the
Department of Motor Vehicles, California Highway Patrol, and Air Resources Board.
Public Works
No changes are proposed on the Administration's efforts to renew focus on the California Conservation
Corps, a program the Governor created in 1976. Here are some of the elements from January:
➢ $15 million increase from Cap and Trade funds for the Energy Corps Program;
➢ $5 million for Forest Health Improvement Projects in the highest fire risk areas of the State;
➢ $2.6 million from the General Fund for a Butte Fire Center;
➢ $400,000 General Fund increase for residential center site selection evaluation in Pomona, Napa,
and Ukiah; and
➢ $19.7 million General Fund increase for renovation at the Auburn Center.
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Cap -and -Trade Allocations
The Governor's May Revise holds firm on his January budget proposal that proposed to allocate $3.1
billion from Cap -and -Trade auction proceeds, which includes the balance of auction proceeds that were
not allocated in FY 2015-16. Details on the Cap -and -Trade expenditure plan are below.
Continuous Appropriation (60 percent of annual auction proceeds):
➢ $500 million for High -Speed Rail Projects;
➢ $100 million for Low Carbon Transit Operations;
➢ $200 million for Transit and Intercity Rail projects; and
➢ $400 million for Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities program.
One-time Appropriation (40 percent of annual auction proceeds in plus balance of FY 2015-16 auction
➢ $400 million for Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (See transportation section);
➢ $100 million for Low Carbon Road Program (See transportation section);
➢ $500 million for the Air Resources Board's Low Carbon Transportation Program to provide
incentives for low carbon freight and passenger transportation, including rebates for zero
emission cars, vouchers for hybrid trucks and zero -emission trucks and other uses;
➢ $100 million for the Transformational Climate Communities Program to support local climate
actions in the state's top 5 percent of disadvantaged communities. Funding will support projects
that integrate multiple, cross -cutting approaches to reduce GHG emissions;
➢ $100 million for financial incentives for capital investments that expand waste management
infrastructure, including new or expanded clean composting and anaerobic digestion; and
➢ $50 million for Urban Forestry programs and urban greening projects.
For a complete summary of the Governor's Cap and Trade proposal, please see "Governor Releases FY
2016-17 Budget Stressing Fiscal Prudence, Proper Planning for Future Recession," CA Cities Advocate,
Jan. 7, 2016.
Public Safety Front -Line Law Enforcement Funding
The May Revise does not alter proposed front line public safety funding or local jail funding. The $20
million proposed allocation for police departments remains intact.
New Local Siting Grant Program for Re -Entry Facilities
The May Revision contains more details following a concept described in January to offer a $25 million
siting grant program to encourage local communities to approve housing facilitating treatment and re-
Key features include:
➢ Competitive application process to determine distribution scheme;
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➢ Additional funding for jurisdictions that site transitional housing and supportive service for ex -
offenders for a minimum of 10 years;
➢ Requires portion of funds to be used to increase public safety around the facility and improve
communication with neighbors; and
➢ Funding must be shared with nonprofit facility operators to support security, rehabilitative
services and community outreach.
Medical Marijuana
Proposed increase of $5.9 million for Information Technology acquisitions at Department of Consumer
Affairs and Department of Food and Agriculture (DFA) related to implementation of Seed -to -Sale
Tracking. $2 million earmarked for DFA to implement and devise an estimate for the total cost of
acquiring tracking system.
Language to adjust for unknown changes in information technology requirements that crop up during the
budget year, requiring expenditure increases.
Office of Emergency Services
Adjustments from the January budget proposal include: $30 million increase (General Fund) to the
California Disaster Assistance Act funding, supporting local jurisdictions making use of this program to
support recovery from natural disasters, including drought, earthquake, tree mortality, wildfires and
$10 million increase (General Fund) to support implementation of California Earthquake Early Warning
System, including funding for research on the necessary technology.
California Emergency Medical Services Authority (Cal-EMSA)
Adjustments from the January budget proposal include: $36.1 million (including $8.7 million General
Fund) to support Cal-EMSA's coordination of emergency medical and natural disaster response.
Cal-EMSA proposes to modify and expand potential uses of three Mobile Field Hospitals purchased by
the state in 2007 that have never been used.
The mission of these assets will be expanded to include deployment for a broader range of emergencies,
including earthquakes, fires, floods, severe influenza outbreaks, virus epidemic, or bioterrorism.
Proposition 47
Since January, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) adult inmate
population as a result of Prop. 47 increased by 535, from 4,172 to 5,247 during FY 2015-16.
The Department of Finance estimates a net savings of $39.4 million, proposed to be allocated in FY
2016-17 as follows:
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➢ $25.6 million (65 percent) to the Board of State and Community Corrections for mental health
treatment, diversion programs and substance abuse disorder treatment;
➢ $9.8 million (25 percent) to the State Department of Education to reduce truancy, improve
outcomes for K-12 education and support students at risk of dropping out or who are victims of
crime; and
➢ $3.9 million (10 percent) to the Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board to support
trauma recovery centers serving crime victims.
The May Revise also highlights several other pre-existing state initiatives to expand substance abuse
disorder treatment including intensive outpatient services and residential treatment, pre -enrollment of
inmates into Medi -Cal prior to release.
Of the 42,600 offenders on active parole in FY 2016-17, 85 percent will be Medi -Cal eligible.
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
CDCR's budget is projected at $10.6 billion for department operations. Adult inmate and parolee
populations have declined leading to corresponding reductions of over $21 million over FY 2015-16 and
FY 2016 fiscal years.
Juvenile population has declined as well leading to over $650,000 in reductions over the same period.
Also included within the CDCR budget:
➢ $4 million for leadership training for CDCR staff,
➢ $3 million Prop. 98 General Fund for eReader Community College Content (electronic reading
devices with textbook content for inmates enrolled in community colleges);
➢ $2.2 million for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy;
➢ $3.7 million for Substance Abuse Disorder Treatment;
➢ $2.3 million for Career Technical Education Programs;
➢ $4 million for Art in Corrections (proven successful in altering behavior);
➢ $3.1 million for Innovative Programming Grants (one-time funding expanding nonprofit
programs focused on offender responsibility and restorative justice principles);
➢ $35.9 million for continued implementation of Electronic Health Record System; and
➢ $3.7 million for Internet Protocol Television Integration allowing CDCR to create necessary
infrastructure to all prisons to support television network delivering rehabilitative programming
to inmates.
In addition, $24.5 million General Fund and $3 million in Prop. 98 funds would be added to
rehabilitation programming for inmates.
This would build on a pre-existing allocation of $60 million in the January Governor's Budget to
support long-term offenders, community re-entry programs and expansion of substance abuse disorder
treatment in prison
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Emergency Drought Response
The May Revise would allocate an additional $11.4 million (for a total of $334.5) for emergency
drought response, based on current drought conditions. Key allocations include:
➢ $6 million for grants to local entities, including local governments, for efforts to remove
hazardous trees that pose a threat to public health and safety;
➢ $5 million to support additional miscellaneous equipment and personal for hazardous tree
➢ An increase of $5 million for the Department of Water Resources to provide emergency drinking
water support for small communities, including private wells; and
➢ An increase of $10.4 million for CAL FIRE to contract for additional helicopters and seasonal
helicopter crews during peak fire season.
For a complete summary of the Governor's Emergency Drought Response proposal, please see in
"Governor Releases FY 2016-17 Budget Stressing Fiscal Prudence, Proper Planning for Future
Recession," CA Cities Advocate, Jan. 7, 2016.
Manage and Prepare for Future Droughts
Building off of last year's 23.9 percent statewide water savings, the May Revise proposes to allocate the
following for drought preparedness and resiliency for urban water agencies:
➢ $4.5 million for a coordinated effort by the Department of Water Resources and the State Water
Resources Control Board to review and update local water shortage contingency plans, develop
recommendations for new water efficiency targets, and establish a permanent urban water
efficiency data tracking system, consistent with the directives of the most recent executive order;
➢ $1 million for the Department of Water Resources to support local public agencies with
formation of groundwater sustainability agencies.
Department of Toxic Substances Control and State Water Resources Control Board
The Governor's January budget proposal included $8.2 million from the Childhood Lead Poisoning
Prevention Fund for the Department of Public Health to extend services to children who have been
exposed to lead. The May Revise augments this effort with the following:
➢ An increase of $180,000 to upgrade the information technology system to improve lead
mapping; and
➢ An increase of $480,000 to prepare guidance documents and engage in outreach to schools to
assist local efforts with water quality testing, and support public water systems in improving
compliance with federal reporting requirements.
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Enhancing Environmental Justice
The May Revise seeks to enhance efforts to address environmental justice concerns by allocating the
➢ An increase of $2.3 million for the Air Resources Board (ARB) to support neighborhood air
quality monitoring near oil and gas facilities and enhance the ARB emergency response
➢ An increase of $2.3 million for the pesticide air monitoring program; and
➢ An increase of $904,000 to make the pilot Environmental Justice Compliance and Enforcement
Working Group permanent. The Working Group will continue reducing adverse environmental
impacts in the most vulnerable communities and expand its work to other areas of the state.
Proposition 39 K-12 Energy Efficiency
Voters approved Proposition 39 in 2012 to increase state corporate tax revenues. For FY 2013-14
through FY 2017-18, the measure requires half of the increased revenues, up to $550 million per year, to
be used to support energy efficiency. The May Revise increases the K-12 allocation by $33.3 million
for a total of $398.8 million.
Child Care
The January budget proposal increased funding -subsidized child care programs, including an increase of
7,030 slots for full-day State Preschool, a 4.5 -percent increase to the Regional Market Reimbursement
Rate, and a five -percent increase for license -exempt providers.
The May Revise includes an increase of $55.6 million federal funds for child care and development.
The total ongoing and one-time federal funding is $648.9 million.
California State Library
The May Revise proposes an increase of $505,000 for services, including publications, data
subscriptions, and other resources available to the public.
The Legislature is expected to send a final budget to the Governor by June 15, which must be signed
before July 1.