Agenda Item 7
City Manager
Finance Director
Amendment No. 6 with So Cal Sandbags, Inc. for Tustin Legacy property management
and caretaker services.
It is recommended that the City Council:
1) Authorize the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 6 with So Cal Sandbags,
Inc. for Tustin Legacy property management and caretaker services through June
30, 2017; and
2) Authorize the City Manager to execute subsequent annual amendments with So
Cal Sandbags, Inc. for an amount not -to -exceed $400,000.
It is estimated that the cost of Amendment No. 6 to the agreement with So Cal Sandbags,
Inc. for property management and caretaker services from July 1, 2016 through June 30,
2017 will not exceed $400,000. Funding has been proposed to be appropriated in the FY
16/17 budget.
The City is responsible for the property management of approximately 630 acres at Tustin
Legacy. Property management includes providing erosion and sediment control
obligations across the site. Failure to ensure all erosion and sediment controls are
properly installed and regularly maintained can subject the City to penalties of up to
$10,000 a day and third party lawsuits. Additionally,_ the City is responsible for maintaining
Agenda Report
June 21, 2016
Page 2
regulatory permits obtained from the Regional Water Quality Control Board, U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, and the California Department of Fish & Game that were assumed
from the former master developer (TLCP) which provide the necessary authorizations to
remove certain wetland channels across the site in support of development within Tustin
Property maintenance (i.e. weed control/abatement, litter collection) must continue to be
performed to protect existing grading and fill sites that have been created for certain
Tustin Legacy infrastructure improvements such as Tustin Ranch Road, Warner Avenue
and proposed pedestrian bridges. Fire prevention, access control to the property,
maintenance of security fencing and gates and maintenance of Hangar 2 are also critical
aspects of property maintenance. The City will need to maintain the property until it is
developed and/or transferred to other parties.
The City and So Cal Sandbags, Inc. entered into a Consultant Services Agreement on
January 3, 2011 to perform property management and caretaker services for the City -
maintained properties located on a portion of Tustin Legacy. The Agreement has been
amended each year since 2011 to reflect infrastructure development and property
conveyance for a total of five (5) amendments.
Request for Proposals
The City distributed a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Property Management and
Caretaker Services for a Portion of Tustin Legacy in May 2016 to determine if the market
for property management and caretaker services has changed since the original
Agreement was executed with So Cal Sandbags, Inc. in 2011.
The RFP was distributed directly to three (3) firms known to provide the services identified
in the RFP "Scope of Services" and was also posted on the City's website. Two (2)
companies provided proposals by the RFP deadline: So Cal Sandbags, Inc. and Bistline
Engineering. The proposals were reviewed and evaluated by staff from the City
Manager's Office and evaluated based on the following criteria that was outlined in the
• Approach and work plan for achieving the City's objectives;
• Clarity of the proposal;
• Qualifications and experience of the project manager and other key individuals
recommended to perform the work;
• Qualifications and experience of the firm, and;
• Compliance with proposal requirements.
• Reference checks
Agenda Report
June 21, 2016
Page 3
Staff has determined that So Cal Sandbags, Inc. and Bistline Engineering are qualified
based on their proposals. However, So Cal Sandbags, Inc. ranked highest in the following
criteria categories:
• Approach and work plan for achieving the City's objectives
• Clarity of the proposal
• Qualifications and experience of the firm
A summary chart of the qualifications review for So Cal Sandbags, Inc. and Bistline
Engineering is included as Attachment 1.
Proposed fees were not used to determine ranking. However, it is important to note that
the fee proposal submitted by So Cal Sandbags, Inc. of $487,620 per year was
significantly lower than the fee proposal submitted by Bistline Engineering of $678,459
per year.
Amendment No. 6
The goal of the RFP process was to determine if the City is utilizing the best qualified firm
for the services as identified in the RFP. Based on the proposals received, So Cal
Sandbags, Inc. (Consultant) is still the most qualified firm. After discussion with
Consultant, staff was able to negotiate a not -to -exceed amount of $400,000 which is the
same amount identified in Amendment No. 5.
The City Service Area (Exhibit A of Attachment 2) for Amendment No. 6 has not changed
substantially since Amendment No. 5. It is anticipated that the City Service Area will shrink
over the next year as property is conveyed and developed, such as 1) The Village, 2)
Flight and 3) TUSD Middle/High School.
Future Amendments
Staff is also requesting authorization for the City Manager to have the ability to execute
subsequent annual amendments as long as the fees do not exceed $400,000.
Subsequent amendments will see overall acreage and fees diminish over time as
infrastructure projects are completed and property is conveyed. The City Manager will
also have the authority to re -bid the contract at any time.
So Cal Sandbags, Inc. has continued to protect the City's interests and repeatedly
exceeds the City's expectations.
Staff is available for any questions that the Council may have.
Agenda Report
June 21, 2016
Page 4
Kenneth Piguee
Management Analyst
Wh41V 4& -
Ma ew S. West
Assistant to the City Manager
thA. Buchanan
Director, Economic Development
Attachments: Attachment 1 — Qualifications Review Matrix of Proposals
Attachment 2— Amendment No. 6 to Consultant Services Agreement with
So Cal Sandbags, Inc.
This Amendment No. 6 to Consultant Services Agreement ("Amendment No. 6") is
made and entered into by and between the City of Tustin, a municipal corporation ("City")
and So Cal Sandbags, Inc., a California Corporation ("Consultant').
1. The City and So Cal Sandbags, Inc. ("Consultant') entered into that certain
Consultant Services Agreement on January 3, 2011, as amended by that certain
Amendment No. 1 dated as of June 19, 2011, by Amendment No. 2 dated as of
July 26, 2012, by Amendment No. 3 dated as of June 18, 2013, by Amendment
No. 4 dated September 29, 2014, and by Amendment No. 5 dated as of July 2,
2015 (as amended, the "Original Agreement'), pursuant to which, Consultant
agreed to provide property management and caretaker services for City -
maintained properties located on a portion of Tustin Legacy.
2. In approving the Original Agreement, the City Council authorized that in the event
that the City Service Area needed to be reduced as a result of construction or
property transfers during the term of the Consultant Services Agreement, the City
Manager to execute any Amendments to the Consultant Services Agreement.
3. Pursuant to Section 7 ("Term") of the Original Agreement, the Agreement may be
renewed annually, subject to budget appropriations, in accordance with the
provision set forth therein, including required Agreement changes or modification
provision contained in Section 2.5 ("Changes"). Sufficient funds have been
appropriated for the Fiscal Year 2016-17 and the City and Consultant desire to
renew the Agreement for the Fiscal Year through June 30, 2017.
4. Property management and caretaker services on City -maintained properties at
Tustin Legacy continue to be an on-going need of the City to ensure protection of
public health and safety. Failure to ensure all erosion and sediment controls are
properly installed and regularly maintained can subject the City to penalties of up
to $10,000 a day and third party lawsuits. Additionally, the City is responsible for
maintaining regulatory permits obtained from the Regional Water Quality Control
Board, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the California Department of Fish &
Game that were assumed from the former master developer which provide the
necessary authorizations to remove certain wetland channels across the site in
support of development within Tustin Legacy.
Property maintenance (i.e. weed control/abatement, litter collection) must continue
to be performed to protect existing grading and fill sites that have been created for
certain Tustin Legacy infrastructure improvements such as Tustin Ranch Road,
Warner Avenue and proposed pedestrian bridges. Fire prevention, access control
to the property, maintenance of security fencing and gates and maintenance of
Hangar 2 are also critical aspects of property maintenance. The City will need to
maintain the property until it is developed and/or transferred to other parties.
5. Pursuant to Amendment No. 1, the original Service Area was modified to remove
property associated with the Tustin Ranch Road Phase I Construction Project.
Pursuant to Amendment No. 2, additional property was added back to the total
Service Area to reflect the re -incorporation of certain properties due to changes in
the Tustin Ranch Road Phase II Construction Project limits. Pursuant to
Amendment No. 3, the Service Area was modified to reflect the removal of
Disposition Parcels 1A -North and 2A plus the inclusion of adjacent properties
formerly maintained by a separate contractor. Pursuant to Amendment No. 4, the
Service Area was modified to reflect the removal of property associated with
development of property in Disposition Parcels 16 and 6A. Pursuant to
Amendment No. 5, the Service Area was modified to reflect the removal of property
associated with the new Army Reserve site, Warner Avenue and the addition of
property associated with the Veterans Sports Park at Tustin Legacy as well as
increased license activity at Hangar 2. The Service Area is not being modified
substantially for Amendment No. 6.
The City Service Area is attached hereto as Exhibit A pursuant to Section 2.5
("Changes"). To determine if additional modifications to the Service Area will be
needed to reflect changes in City responsibilities, Amendment No. 6 will require
the City to provide confirmation of the Service Area and notice to the Consultant
by January 1, 2017 to proceed with the second six months of service.
6. The CITY and CONSULTANT desire to amend the Original Agreement to renew
the contract for an additional year and to modify the Service Area.
NOW, THEREFORE, based on the promises and mutual covenants herein, the
parties agree as follows:
1. Section 2: ("Compensation") of the Agreement is hereby amended to add:
"2.1 Compensation. For the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement,
Consultant shall be compensated and reimbursed consistent with the specific cost
line items and requirements for operating costs, as more fully set forth in Exhibit C
and which is incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth herein, and
which shall not in any event exceed a total compensation amount for a twelve
month period of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400,000). The monthly
operating cost for the provision of caretaker/property management services shall
also not exceed the amounts as set forth in Exhibit C. The "Not to Exceed Monthly
Amount" is based on the estimated average for the year. Because of the seasonal
nature of maintaining the site particularly due to rainfall, the "Not to Exceed Monthly
Compensation Amount' in the dry months may not be reached. In "wet' months
the effort to maintain the site by the Consultant may also result in the Consultant
needing to apply additional resources and hours which would typically exceed the
"Not to Exceed Monthly Compensation Amount" To recognize this variation of
seasonal response, time and materials that do not get billed up to the "Not To
Exceed Monthly Compensation Amount" in any one month (the "Monthly Surplus')
as shown in Exhibit C may be applied, if determined warranted by the City, to a
subsequent month during the annual term of this Agreement based on a time and
materials basis only provided, however, in no case shall the maximum "Not to
Exceed Compensation Amount" for the year be exceeded. "
2. Section 7: ("Term") of the Agreement is hereby amended to add:
"Unless terminated in accordance with Section 8.7 of this Agreement, the term of
services under this Agreement shall commence upon execution of the Agreement
for a one (1) year period, including required Agreement changes or modifications
contained in Section 2.5. Notwithstanding the above-mentioned provisions, the
City shall also provide confirmation of the Service Area and notice to the
Consultant by January 1, 2017 prior to the Consultant proceeding with the second
six months. If modifications to the Service Area or other terms of the Agreement
are needed to reflect changes in the City's property management/caretaker
responsibilities at Tustin Legacy or changes in the City's funding resources,
changes to the Agreement will need to occur pursuant to Section 2.5 ("Changes')
prior to proceeding with the second six months of service. "
3. Exhibit A ("Service Area Map") of the Agreement is hereby replaced with the
Service Area Map attached hereto as Exhibit A.
4. Except as amended herein, all other terms and conditions of the Original
Agreement and all the attachments and exhibits thereto shall remain in full force
and effect and are not modified by this Amendment No. 6.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment No. 6 to be
effective as of the dates stated below:
David E. Kendig
City Attorney
"So Cal Sandbags"
Peter Rasinski
Jeffrey C. Parker
City Manager
Exhibit A
City Service Area Map
Attachment 1
Qualifications Review Matrix
Criteria for Evaluating Proposals
Bistline Engineering
So Cal Sandbags, Inc.
1. Approach and work plan for
No approach or work plan
Detailed approach and work plan
achieving the City's objectives
for the project.
2. Clarity of the proposal
Proposalisclear on experience
Proposal is clear on experience,
and costs.
goals, work plan and costs.
3. Qualifications and experience
of the project manager and other
Well qualified. Proposed team
Well qualified. Proposed team
key individuals recommended to
has extensive experience.
has extensive experience.
perform the work
Qualified. Firm has experience on
Well qualified. Firm has extensive
4. Qualifications and experience
comparable projects. Bistline was
experience on very similar
of the firm
the caretaker at Tustin Legacy
projects. So Cal Sandbags has
from 2006-2010.
been the caretaker at Tustin
Legacy since 2011.
5. Compliance with proposal
Proposal requirements met.
Proposal requirements met.
References provided excellent
References provided excellent
6. Reference checks