HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 1 P.C. ACT AGENDA 04-01-91REPORTS NO. 1 4-1-91 A C T I O N A G E N D A TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MARCH 25, 1991 CALL TO ORDER: 7:04 p.m., City Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL: Le Jeune, Shaheen, Baker, Kasparian, Kasalek PUBLIC CONCERNS: (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda.) At this time members of the public may address the Commission regarding any items not on the agenda and within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission (NO action can be taken off -agenda items unless authorized by law) . IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION ON ANY MATTER, PLEASE FILL OUT ONE OF THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE SO THAT YOUR REMARKS ON THE TAPE RECORDING OF THE MEETING CAN BE ATTRIBUTED TO YOU. WHEN YOU START TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION, PLEASE STATE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. CONSENT CALENDAR: (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) 1. Minutes of the March 11, 1991 Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Baker moved, Kasalek seconded to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0. Planning Commission Action Agenda March 25, 1991 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS: 2. Conditional Use Permit 91-04. Variance 91-06 and Design Review 91-06 APPLICANT: CATHY KLEIN 1422 EAST FRANZEN SANTA ANA, CA 92701 OWNER: TUSTIN MASONIC TEMPLE ASSOCIATION C/o DAVID POOLE 1801 EAST PARKCOURT PLACE, SUITE I SANTA ANA, CA 92701 LOCATION: 305 EAST MAIN STREET ZONING: CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL) ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN DETERMINED TO BE CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT (CLASS 3) PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 15303 OF THE CALIFORNIA _ ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. REQUEST: AUTHORIZATION TO ESTABLISH A PRE-SCHOOL TO' ACCOMMODATE 59 CHILDREN IN AN EXISTING BUILDING, INCLUDING THE APPROVAL OF A VARIANCE TO LOCATE A PERIMETER FENCE WITHIN THE REQUIRED FRONT YARD SETBACK. Recommendation - It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt the following Resolutions, as submitted or revised: 1. Resolution No. 2888 approving Conditional Use Permit 91-04 and Design Review 91-06, and 2. Resolution No. 2889 approving Variance 91-06 Presentation: Anne E. Bonner, Assistant Planner Commissioner Baker moved, Kasalek seconded to approve Resolution 2889, as revised by changing: Item I . A, Page 1: ... property located at 305 East Main Street. Item 1. 5, Page 1, Exhibit A: Delete "byll in the first sentence. Item 2. 1. B, Page 2, Exhibit A: Delete "and landscaping plans" Item 3.1.B, Page 4, Exhibit A: Delete entire paragraph and replace as follows: The southerly perimeter fence may be located in its proposed location subject to the applicant and property owner executing an agreement with the City, subject to approval of the Director of Community Development Department and City Attorney, stating that the fence will Planning Commission Agenda March 25, 1991 Page 3 be relocated, at no expense to the City, 10 feet northerly of the ultimate right-of-way; should the Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate Right -of -Way on Main Street be executed. Said agreement shall be recorded against the property prior to the issuance of building permits. Commissioner Baker moved, Kasalek seconded to approve Resolution No. 2889, as revised by changing: Paragraph 1, Page 1, to read as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING VARIANCE 91-06 TO AUTHORIZE AN ENCROACHMENT OF 10 FEET FROM THE ULTIMATE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE INTO THE REQUIRED FRONT -YARD SETBACK THE SOUTHERLY PERIMETER FENCE AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 305 EAST MAIN STREET. Item I.C.: Delete paragraph 2, and replace as follows: 1. The existing building on the site already encroaches into the required front yard setback, stated as 10 feet. 2. The proposed fence is required in order to assure safety in the operation of a pre-school on the site and due to the existing building's location, it would be physically impossible to link the southern elevation exit/entrance door to the play yard without encroaching into the setback. Item I.D.: Delete remainder of sentence after "safety of the children and'# and replace with: ...that conditions of approval have been included in Resolution 2888 to assure that a 10 foot front yard setback is maintained in the event that the City should execute the Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate Right -of -Way recorded on this property at any point in the future. Motion carried 4-1 (Baker opposed). 3. Amendment to Conditional Use Permit 90-10 APPLICANT: MORRIS/DEASY/DILDAY 444 WEST OCEAN BOULEVARD, #1514 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 OWNER: HOWARD & ANNA LARNARD AMERICAN CABLE SYSTEMS OF CALIF. INC. 13816 RED HILL AVENUE TUSTIN, CA 92680 LOCATION: 137 SOUTH PROSPECT AVENUE ZONING: CENTRAL COMMERCIAL (C-2) Planning Commission Agenda March 25, 1991 Page 4 ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: THE PROJECT HAS BEEN DETERMINED TO BE CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT (CLASS 1) PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. REQUEST: TO AMEND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 90-10 TO AUTHORIZE THE INSTALLATION OF A SIX FOOT DIAMETER MICROWAVE DISH ON THE FIFTY FOOT TOWER AT 137 SOUTH PROSPECT INITIALLY APPROVED BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 90-10 Recommendation - It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve the Amendment to Conditional Use Permit 90-10 by adopting Resolution No. 2887, as submitted or revised. Presentation: Becky Stone, Assistant Planner Commissioner RasRarian moved, Rasalek seconded to approve the Amendment to Conditional Use Permit 90-10 by adopting Resolution No. 2887, as submitted. Motion carried 5-0. OLD BUSINESS: 4. Development Status Report NEW BUSINESS: STAFF CONCERNS: 5. Report on actions taken at March 18, 1991 City Council Meetin Staff reported on the subject agenda. 6. Determine Planning Commission terms Staff passed out slips of paper for the Commissioners to secretly choose the date of their reappointment. Baker and Shaheen chose the date of 7/15/91; and Le Jeune, Rasalek, and Rasparian chose the date of 7/20/92. COMMISSION CONCERNS: Commissioner Le Jeune - noted that the Commission will miss Lois Jeffrey and wished her well. Commissioner Rasalek - asked if the Commissioners could receive an updated copy of the Southwest Neighborhood Project report. Staff responded that a copy would be provided in their next packet. Planning Commission Agenda March 25, 1991 Page 5 Commissioner Shaheen noted that a house on Sycamore that has been remodeling has a lot of vehicles in the back yard and asked if that was legal; and would provide the address. Lois Jeffrey stated that it could be a nuisance. Staff asked for provision of an address. Commissioner Baker - thanked Dan Fox for attending the League of Cities meeting with the Commissioners. Commissioner Rasparian - asked staff to verify whether the house next to St. Cecelia's Church has any historical significance. Staff responded that they would look into the matter. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Rasparian moved, Shaheen seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m. Motion carried 5-0. The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is on April 8, 1991 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin.