HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 8 SW MKTNG PROGRAM 03-18-91_AM A G E N D A --a—wasmaw DATE: MARCH 18, 1991 <r TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT REPORTS N08,.,,,j 3 ^18 91 a Inter - Com SUBJECT: SOUTHWEST NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT MARKETING PROGRAM REPORT RECOMMENDATION Receive and file. BACKGROUND On July 16, 1990, the Community Development Department presented a report to Council which identified a number of actions intended to improve or maintain the quality of life within the Southwest portion of the City. One action discussed at that time was the need to develop a draft marketing program designed to promote and encourage community participation in the Southwest Neighborhood Improvement Program (SWNIP). The purpose of this report is to provide Council additional information regarding the proposed marketing approach and to obtain Council input or direction as needed. The SWNIP is currently comprised of the following components previously considered and approved by the Tustin City Council: * Community Assistance Team * Code Enforcement * Preparation of a Property Maintenance Ordinance with Citation Procedure * Graffiti Abatement Program * Apartment Managers Certificate Program * Overcrowding Ordinance MARKETING APPROACH On March 4, 1991, Council requested that the City Police Department prepare a report detailing the marketing techniques associated with gang suppression throughout Tustin. A response to that request is not part of this report. However, many of the planned SWNIP activities could be integrated with Police anti -gang efforts. For each of the above referenced components to be effective in preserving or improving the quality of life of the Southwest neighborhood, a greater public awareness of the City's SWNIP efforts must be developed. To ensure the earliest and broadest level of public participation, staff recommends that two groups of --� City Council Report Southwest Neighborhood March 18, 1991 Page 2 Improvement Marketing Program individuals be targeted for initial exposure these a proggram's groupobjectives and goals. Once Informed, members of g P be better able to assist and support the impl mentaff tfor ion f the tial SWNIP components. The two groups identified by exposure include: City/Professional This group includes municipal professionals and policy makers responsible for the development, and direct or indirect implementation of the SWNIP programs. City Coil, Planniwellng Commission and othery Boards and Deve opment Commissions, Polie and other City members of the community Departments have been targeted forinitial exposure to the SWNIP Program. Staff level training will baccomplished hed o through the use of classes, workshops and pen dialogue to discuss the nature of the problem and goals of the proposed improvement activities. Once educated, these individuals will act as "ambassadors" to the program, able to intelligently promote SWNIP activities when they interact with various business, service or citizen clients. General Public Early inclusion and education of the general he individual essential to the future success fcoss-section of components. Staff has targeted the broadest the city's population to enlist public understanding and support of the City's efforts. Methods of initial public exposure to the City's efforts may include the distribution of brochures, direct mailings and pressreleases/articles. Once the public has a general understanding of the objectives and goals of the Program, future support of the individual components and implementation activities can be exp Once the individual components of the SWNIP marketing/ education program have been finalized, the City will begin a more focused P ort of the marketing approach intended to obtain community support specific activities associated with each program. tar eted for identified a number of citizen groups which should be g the specific promotion of the various programs ndeveloped . d lo e h ofthese each of the SWNIP elements considered by Couit groups represent a unique segment of the Tustin Community. As should be tailored such, staff believes that the marketing effort to address the specialized needsandsphere of influence of these staff for program groups. The groups currently identified by targeting include: Community Development Department City Council Report Southwest Neighborhood March 18, 1991 Page 3 Improvement Marketing Program Business and Service Community In recent months, Tustin's business and service organizations have expressed strong support for the SWNIP. Many of these organizations can be used as valuable resources in the implementation, coordination or monitoring of programs initiated by the City for the purpose of improving the quality of life within the Southwest Tustin neighborhood. A partial list of the businesses and service organizations targeted include the following: * Tustin Chamber of Commerce * Homeowner Associations * Tustin Board of Realtors * 'Apartment Manager's Association * Church Groups St. Cecilia Roman Catholic Church Church of Christ Vineyard Christian Fellowship Red Hill Lutheran Church Hope Christian Church First Southern Baptist Church Colonial Bible Church St. Paul's Episcopal Church First Baptist Church of Tustin Congregational B'Nai Israel Advent Christian Church Aldersgate United Methodist Church Tustin Presbyterian Church Office of the Chaplain MCAS Tustin * Service Groups Tustin Senior Center Women In Business American Legion Post Kiwanis Club Knights of Columbus Knights of Pythias League of Women Voters Rotary Club S.A. - Tustin Christian Women's Club Woman's Club Lion's Club * Parent Teacher Associations Property OwnersZResidents This group requires a marketing approach which targets individual homeowners and residential organizations. The groups involved and the techniques utilized may be similar or Community Development Department City Council Report Southwest Neighborhood Improvement Marketing Program March 18, 1991 Page 4 identical to those used on the City's business organized community. Many of these groups are effectively org nd have previously participated in the development of various SWNIP programs. A partial list of property owner/resident groups include: * Individual Property Owners/Residents * Apartment Manager's Association * Homeowner Associations * Neighborhood Watch Organizations Youth Community Staff believes that it is extremely important oproblems of the program support from the City's youth. Many witnessed to occur within the Southwest Neighborhood can be directly attributed to negative youth activity. Education and motivation of the City's youth toward productive activities should be vigorously pursued. Staff has identified the following youth organizations for potential program targeting: * Public schools Tustin High School Heideman Elementary School Thorman Elementary School Currie Intermediate School * Private schools St. Cecilia Roman Catholic Church St. Jeanne de Lestonnac School * Scouts (44 troops in the city of Tustin) * Church groups * Boys and Girls Clubs of Tustin * Santa Ana - Tustin YMCA Marketing Technigues In order to best address the needs of each of thedeveloped.sdescribed above, a unique set of marketing tools will b has identified a number of marketing techniques designed to educate and enlist the support of each of the target groups described above. The techniques proposed would highlight or discuss issues related to a number of SWNIP program components which are directly related to the interests of the group. Specifically, issues related to Graffiti Abatement (Graffiti Hotline), City code enforcement, apartment manager certification, property maintenance, gang suppression and residential unit overcrowding would be the f staff rogram attention using the following media: focus o p Community Development Department City Council Report Southwest Neighborhood March 18, 1991 I Page 5 Improvement Marketing Program * Staff presentation /meetings -police officers and Community Development Department staff would be available to meet with group representatives. * Incentive Pro rams - staf f will develop a number IP incentive programs intended to reward citizen S WNSome of the activities planned improvement efforts. include: Presentation of special beautification awards Poster contests * video presentation - discussing problems as a threat to the community and identifying solutions and alternatives. * Brochures/ flyers - distributed to the library, ity explorers Chamber of Commerce and door to door by police or during staff group presentations highlighting programs, phone numbers, etc., or used as direct mailings. * Use of posters - request merchants to display youth created posters supporting programs. * Spray paint restrictions - request voluntary cooperation of local retailers. * Newspaper articles/press releases - request press coverage of important program events using the following print media. Press Releases L.A. Times Orange County Register Tustin News Tustin Weekly Orange Coast Daily Pilot * Cable television advertisement - obtain cable otelevision time to advertise important program calendar vents and details using the following electronic media. Electronic Media O.C. News Channel Community Cablevision Continental Cablevision Community Development Department -- City Council Report Southwest Neighborhood March 18, 1991 Page 6 Improvement Marketing Program Direct Mailings Brochures Water bill inserts Flyers TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES The program objectives associated with future implementation of the SWNIP's various components requires significant staff effort and coordination. To assist project planning, and as a means of informing Council, staff has prepared the attached outline (Exhibit A) which describes the tasks and responsibilities for the development of each component of the proposed Marketing Program. Ri a Westfiel Assistant Director of Community Development Attachment: Exhibit A CS:kd\swnip.ccr Christine Shin on Assistant CityManager Community Development Department Exhibit A SWNIP Component Tasks and Responsibilities TASK I. Community Assistance Team Develop media resources A. Media Development 1. Video Contact other cities Review existing videos/brainstorm Internal review Shoot video Coordinate with Cable company 2. LogoZBrochures/Flyers DEPARTMENT ASSIGNED a. Graffiti Hot -Line and Paint Out Draft Internal review Final To Printers Delivery to Public Chamber of Commerce Newspaper Insert Door -to -Door Individual Businesses Library City Hall b. Property Maintenance and Overcrowding Draft CAT Comments Revisions as necessary Final To Printers Delivery to Public Chamber of Commerce Newspaper Insert Door -to -Door Individual Businesses Library City Hall Community Development Department CDD CDD CDD CDD PD PD/CDD PD/ CDD PD/CDD CDD CDD PD/CDD PD/ CDD PD/CDD PD/CDD CDD CDD _1 Develop Incentive programs Beautification Awards Poster contests Contact Community organizations/schedule meetings Business community Homeowner/residents Youth community Press releases/articles published Progress report to Council II. Code Enforcement Property Maintenance Ordinance/ Citation Procedure to Council Initiate Citation Program III. Graffiti Removal Program A. Graffiti Hot -Line Coordinate phone service Develop brochures and flyers Internal review To printers Delivery to public Implementation Follow-up press release Progress report to Council B. Paint -Out Program Bid package prepared Report to Council Bid request sent to press F.W. Dodge (green sheet) Plan Room West Tustin News Property owner release forms mailed Press release published Award of bid Implementation Coordinate press coverage 1st paint -out 30 -day progress report 6 month progress report Progress report to Council IV. Property Maintenance/Citation Ordinance Develop draft Internal review Report to Council Press release published Implementation Community Development Department CDD/PD CDD/ PD CDD/PD CDD/ PD CDD/ PD CDD CDD CDD CDD CDD PD PD CDD CDD CDD CDD CDD CDD CDD CDD CDD CDD CDD CDD CDD CDD CDD CDD CDD/ PD CDD CDD CDD Follow-up press release Progress report to Council V. Apartment Managers Certification Proctram CDD CDD Program development CDD CDD/PD Develop mailing list PD Application design CDD/PD Internal review CDD To printers CDD Mail out applications News article/press release published CDD Implementation CDD CDD Follow-up press release CDD Progress report to Council VI. Overcrowding Ordinance Contact other cities CDD Develop draft CDD Internal review CDD/PD Report to Council CDD Press release published CDD CDD Implementation Follow-up press release CDD Progress report to Council CDD CAT - Community Assistant Team CDD - Community Development Department PD - Police Department TBD - To be Determined CS:kd\swnip.ccr Community. Development Department