HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 6 AG ANDERSEN ASSO 02-19-91ATE:
FEBRUARY 191 1991
Inter - Com
That the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute the
attached agreement with Ralph Andersen and Associates.
The firm of Ralph Andersen and Associates has completed
nt.te Pursuant to
he study
of modified work schedulesfor the Memorandum)ce of DUnderstanding with the
Article 37 of the current
Tustin Municipal Employees Association, thed i rk schedules for
has agreed to
conduct a feasibility study regardingAlthough the previous study
the rest- of the City employees
pertained to Police Officers, it should be noted es in the police ta t this
ient who are
will cover the non -sworn employe Andersen firm did an excellent job
represented by TMEA. Since the
on Phase One, the staff recommends that they complete the study and
deliver Phase Two.
The firm has forwardeda proposal; the cost will not exced
$17;000, which is considerably less than the study of police
The City Attorney has reviewed and approved the attached agreement.
Roy l en White, Director
Admin). ative Services Department
Attachment: Professional Services Agreement
Ralph Andersen & Associates (consultant) agrees to provide the
services described herein to the City of Tustin (City) in
conducting an Analysis of Modified Work Schedules (study) in all
City departments except the Police Department.
1. Study Initiation --The consultant will initiate the study
by conducting .several meetings. The purpose of the
meetings will be to clarify the study scope, objectives,
workplan, and timing. Meetings will be held with the
City Manager, department heads, and with the City's
Project Manager.
2. Conduct Initial Data Collection --At the time of the
initial meetings, the consultant will provide the City
with a listing of materials and documents required to
begin the analysis. This listing will be reviewed with
the City's Project Manager who will have the
responsibility for collecting the materials and
providing them to the consultant.
3. Schedule and Conduct Interviews --The consultant will
conduct interviews with each of the City's department
and division heads and, to the extent it may be
necessary, with other key staff members such as field
supervisors. The interviews will be scheduled in
advance and arranged through the City's Project Manager.
4. Prepare and Review an Interim Report --Upon completion of
the initial data collection and interviews, the
consultant will prepare an Interim Report. The Interim
Report will document departmental organization, services
and service delivery practices, identify and describe
potential modified work schedules, and identify issues
and directions. The consultant will review the Interim
Report with the City Manager and the City's Project
5. Conduct Detailed Analysis --The detailed analysis will
focus upon standards identification and analysis,
administrative and policy analysis, and management and
operations analysis. The purpose of the detailed
analysis is to identify the potential service,
operational, and trip reduction, and cost impacts of
modified work schedules.
6. Prepare and Review a Draft Final Report --After
completing the detailed analysis, the consultant will
prepare a Draft Final Report. The Report will contain
background information, department profiles,
descriptions of alternative modified work schedules, the
results of detailed analysis expressed as findings and
observations, and recommendations. The Report will be
reviewed with the City Manager and the City's Project
Ms. Royleen White
City of Tustin
Page 2
7. Prepare and Present a Final Report --After reviewing and
modifying the Draft, a Final Report will be prepared.
The Final Report will contain all of the information
from the Draft and, in addition, will -contain an
executive summary. The Final Report will be presented
to the City Manager. and the City's Project Director. If
desired, and assuming it can be scheduled for the same
day, the consultant will present the Final Report to the
City Council and to department heads at no additional
8. Statement of Cost --Pursuant to the provisions of
California Government Code Section 7550, the total
amount expended by City relating to.the preparation of
the report and documents prescribed herein -shall be set
forth within the final edition thereof, in a separate
section, in a statement substantially as follows:
"Pursuant to California Government Code Section 7550,
the City of Tustin expended the total amount of
$ for the preparation of this report
and/or documents."
The proposal prepared. by Ralph Andersen & Associates and submitted
to the City of Tustin dated January 18, 1991 attached hereto is
hereby incorporated by reference.
For the services rendered under this agreement and described
above, the City of Tustin agrees to compensate Ralph Andersen &
Associates the fixed amount of $12,750 for professional services
plus reimbursement of expenses not to exceed $4,000. Ralph
Andersen & Associates will prepare and submit monthly billings to
the City of Tustin. Payment is due upon receipt.
This agreement shall become effective upon execution by the City
of Tustin and shall remain in force until completion of the study.
The time required to complete the study is estimated at 90 days
from the date of Task 1.
o "
Jam G. ourke
City Attorney
Prepared By:
1446 Ethan Way
Suite 101
Sacramento, California 95825
(916) 929-5575
January 18, 1991
Sacramento Dallas a Newport Beach
Objectives and Scope
Task Descriptions
Firm Overview
Project Organization and Management
Staff Qualifications
Our Understanding of the Assignment
This section of the proposal provides a brief review of the background, objectives,
and scope of the Analysis of Modified Work Schedules. This information is meant
to provide a perspective for the workplan contained in the following section of the
The City of Tustin is located in Orange County and has a current population of
approximately 47,000. With continuing development in the Tustin Ranch Area, the
City's population is expected to reach a build -out population of approximately
The City of Tustin provides all standard municipal services except for fire services.
Organizationally, the City operates under the Council -Manager form of government
with the City Council appointing the City Manager who appoints the heads of the
City's major departments. The City's major departments include the Legislative
and Administrative Group; Community Development; Community Services; Public
Works; and Police.
As are all employers in the Los Angeles Basin with more than 100 employees, the
City of. Tustin is subject to the regulations of the South Coast Air Quality
Management District. The District's Regulation XV requires employers to, among
other things, make efforts to reduce the number of employee trips. The City of
Tustin is interested in reviewing its non -police operations to identify any potential
methods of changing employee work schedules that will contribute to its employee
trip reduction efforts. To assist in this analysis, the City has asked for the
Our Understanding of use Assignment
development of a workplan which will identify the analytical steps necessary to
result in alternative trip reduction proposals.
The primary purpose of the Analysis of Modified Work Schedules is to determine
if reasonable alternatives to the current schedules exist that would result in a
reduction of employee trips. The City has identified the project objective as
To identify methods of reducing employee trips through the use of
modified work schedules and without decreasing operational efficiency,
effectiveness, and service to the community.
In addition to the primary study objective, the City has identified several others
including to:
. Document the current work schedules by Department and Division
. Identify peak service demand parameters by Department ' and Division
■ Identify potential modified work schedules with application to each of the
City's departments and divisions
■ Assess the feasibility of implementing modified work schedules in each of the
Departments including the estimate of trip reductions, impact on operations,
and impact on services
■ Compile the results of the Analysis of Modified Work Schedules into a
comprehensive, written report
■ Complete the Analysis of Modified Work Schedules in approximately 90 days
from the study starting date
The scope of the Analysis of Modified Work Schedules is intended to be
comprehensive for the departments under study. Those departments include:
■ City Manager
• City Clerk
. Finance
. Administrative Services
our Unaerstanding of the Assignment
Community Development
■ Community Services
■ Public Works
In late 1990, Ralph Andersen & Associates conducted an analysis of modified work
schedules in the Tustin Police Department. The Police Department: is not a part
of the current proposed study.
.� age
This section describes the workplan which has been developed to conduct the
Analysis of Modified Work Schedules for the City of Tustin. More specifically, this
section contains the following:
• A general description of the study methodologies
. An overview of the City staff pwtiapation in the study process
. A brief description of the approach used in the task descriptions
■ The workplan consisting of a series of specific steps in the study process
Each of the primary methodologies that will be used in conducting the Analysis of
Modified Work Schedules is described in this section.
Detailed Data Collection --"The workplan described later in this section
includes several tasks related to data collection. The data collection will
include both records and documents and personal interviews. Prior to
beginning the study, the consultants will provide the City with a list of
data needs required for subsequent review and analysis. In addition to
collecting records and documents, the consultants will conduct interviews
with each department and division head. The purpose of these interviews
is to help gain a full understanding of the organization, operation, and
service delivery practices of each department.
Stw%WnU Idmfification andAna&df--Each department's service standards
will be identified and documented so that a base from which to measure
the potential impact of modified work schedules can be established.
After identifyingthe service standards, analysis will be conducted to
determine the effect each identified modified work schedule may have on
the department's efficiency, effectiveness, and service to the public.
• Administrati►�e and Policy AnalY&--To some extent, administrative
procedures and policies affect the way in which the City's services are
delivered. Existing administrative procedures and- policies will be
reviewed to identify any which constrain the ability to implement
modified work schedules:
Moment and Operations Anal --The focus of the management and
operations analysis will be upon the documentation of current staffing and
resource allocation practices. The analysis will review workload, service
demands, coverage requirements, and other factors. The primary purpose
of this analysis is to identify the impacts of modified work schedules and
to devise any appropriate management and operations practices that can
potentially contribute to the reduction of employee trips without reducing
efficiency, effectiveness, and service.
Each, of the methodologies described above have been incorporated into the
The workplan provides for participation in the study process by representatives of
each of the City's departments as well as its top executives. The following
participation is anticipated:
['its, Manger --We have assumed City Manager Bill Huston will be
involved in the study and expect to provide him with briefings at key,
points in the study process. In addition, the consultants will meet with
Mr. Huston at the start of the study to review the background for the
study and to review any special interests, concerns, or constraints. The
draft and final reports will be presented to Mr. Huston.
&e tor of CQ� y -We have assumed that Ms. Royleen
White, Director of Community Services, will serve as the City's project
manager for the study. We will coordinate all aspects of the study with
Ms. White including providing monthly status reports. In addition, we will
meet with her at the beginning of the study to obtain background
information generally and to review the services and organization of the
Community Services Department. As the City's project manager, we
anticipate coordinating data collection and interview scheduling with Ms.
White or a member of her staff.
Denartment and Division Heads—The consultants will conduct interviews
with each of the City's department and division heads. The purpose of
the interviews will be to develop an understanding for their organization,
operation, service demands,. and service delivery practices and standards.
Among the topics which will be discussed during these interviews is the
potential impact of various modified work schedules.
The task descriptions included in the workplan are generally listed sequentially
although some tasks will be conducted concurrently. The task descriptions are
brief but designed to convey specifically what will be done, how it will be done (in
conjunction with the description of methodologies), and why it ,will be done.
The following describes the tasks and sub -tasks necessary to complete the Analysis
of Modified Work Schedules.
Task 1 --Study Initiation
The Analysis of Modified Work Schedules will be initiated with several
meetings each of which is described below.
Task 1.1 --Meet With The CityManaggr And Director Of C mm ni
Services—As a first step in the study process, the consultant will meet
with the City Manager and Director of Community Services. The
purpose of the meetingwill be to review and confirm the study scope,
objectives, timing, and workplan.
Task 1.2 --Meet With Department Heads --With the exception of the
Police Department, all other City departments are expected to
participate in the study. The consultant will attend a department head
meeting to brief them on the study and to respond to any questions
they may have.
Task 1.3 Meet With The QW6 Prosect Manager -After the meetings
described above, the consultant will meet with the City's project
manager to discuss specific interview schedules and to begin the data
collection process. If the City's project manager has a staff member
assist in the study - coordination, that person should also attend this
Task 2 --Conduct Initial Data Collection
The consultant will identify a variety of documents and information for use
in conducting the Analysis of Modified Work Schedules. Included will be
such items as:
■ Departmental mission statements
■ Departmental annual reports
■ 1990-91 Budget
. Organization charts
■ Current work schedules and staffing assignments
■ Workload data for each department
• Overtime expense reports by department
• Personnel rules and regulations
Current MOLPs and pay plans.
This list will be reviewed with the City's project manager. After collecting
the data, the consultant will review it to prepare for the on-site interviews.
Task 3 --Schedule And Conduct Interviews
The interview process will require several specific sub -tasks each of which
is described below.
Task 3.1 --Schedule Interviews --The consultant will conduct interviews
with each of the City's department heads and each division manager
in each department. The consultant will prepare an interview
schedule which will be coordinated by the City's project manager.
Task 3.2 --Conduct Interviews --Interviews will be conducted with all
department and division managers. And, to the. extent it may be
necessary, with other key department staff members such as field
supervisors if doing so will help to clarify current service delivery
standards. The interviews will be conducted at the work location of
the person being interviewed and will take from one-half to one hour.
Task 4 --Prepare And Review An Interim Report
The first product of the Analysis of Modified Work Schedules will be an
interim report. The contents of the report are described below.
Task 4.1 --Document Departmental Organization, Services, And
Service Delivery Practices --In order to provide a factual basis for the
subsequent detailed analysis of work schedules, the consultant will
document the current organization, services, and service delivery
practices of each department. This documentation will be in the form
a brief profile descriptions of each department.
Task 4.2 Identify And Describe Potential Modified Work Schedules --
The Interim Report will contain brief descriptions of potential
modified work schedules that may be appropriate for application to
some or all of the departments. These potential schedules will include
4-10 and 9-80 plans and their variants.
Task 4.3-4dentify Issues And Directions --To help ensure that the
detailed analysis is properly focused, issues and directions will be
identified by the consultant. It is anticipated that issues will include
such things as the key service delivery characteristics and- potential
obstacles to modified work schedules in each department. For each
issue identified, a potential direction for the analysis and subsequent
recommendation will be identified.
Task 4.4 --Review The Interim Report --The consultant will meet with
the City Manager and Project Manager to review the Interim Report.
The purpose of the review is to confirm the service delivery practices
of each department and to - discuss the potential modified work
schedules. The meeting will also focus upon the issues and directions
Task S --Conduct Detailed Analysis
The detailed analysis will follow the review of the Interim Report and will
consider the results of the review of issues and directions.
Task 5.1 --Standards Identification And Analysis --Each department
and division has either formal or informal service standards. These
may include response times to requests for service, public counter
staffing levels, hours of operation, and similar standards. Major
service standards will be identified and analyzed from the perspective
of the impact of modified work schedules on those standards.
Task 5.2 --Administrative And Policy Analysis --Existing administrative
rules and regulations and policies will be identified and analyzed to
determine their potential impact on modified work schedules. These
administrative rules and regulations and policies will include those
existing for the entire City organization and any that may apply to a
single department or division.
Task 5.3 --Management And Operations Analyrsis--This analysis will
identify current staffing practices, operating methods, and such items
as workload. The purpose of the analysis will be to identify how, or
if, any of them will be impacted by modified work schedules. To the
extent they are, alternative approaches will be identified and reviewed
to determine their compatibility with modified work schedules.
Task 6 --Prepare And Review A Drab Final Report= -Upon completion of the
detailed analysis, the consultant will prepare a Draft Final Report. The
Report will contain appropriate background information; profiles of
departments; a description of potential modified work schedules; the results
of the detailed analysis expressed as findings and observations; and
recommendations. In addition, the Report will contain estimates of cost
impacts. While the Draft Final Report will be complete in every respect, it
will be considered to be a working document and will be reviewed with the
City Manager and Project Manager. Three copies of the Draft Final Report
will be provided to the City and it will be reviewed at one meeting.
Task 7 --Prepare And Present A Final Report
Based upon the review of the Draft and supplemented by any needed follow-
up analysis, the consultant will prepare a Final Report. The Final Report
will include all of the information. from the draft and, in addition, will
include an executive summary and implementation plan. A total of ten
copies of the Final Report will be provided to the City and the consultant
will present the Final Report to the City Manager and Project Manager. If
desired, and assuming it can be scheduled for the same day, the consultant
will present the Final Report to the City Council and department heads.
The workplan designed for the Analysis of Modified Work Schedules is intended
to achieve the City's primary study objective. It will result in specific recommen-
age TV
dations, an implementation plan, and estimates of the costs, if any, to implement
the recommendations.
Page 11
Page 12
Corporate and Staff Qualifications
This .section provides and overview of the corporate and staff qualifications of
Ralph Andersen & Associates. It contains:
■ An overview of the services and experience of the fum
■ References
■ Project 'ect o anization and management
■ Staff Qualifications.
Ralph Andersen & Associates was formed in 1972 and has provided a wide -range
of consulting services to cities, and other local governments, and to the private
sector since that time. The firm has offices in Sacramento, Dallas, and Newport
Beach. Areas of service to clients include:
■ Resource management analysis
• Personnel management and systems development
• Executive search
■ Staff training and development.
The management consulting practice of Ralph Andersen & Associates is oriented
primarily to local government. Although focused in California .and the Western
United States, the firm's practice is national in scope. Services to local govem-
ments are characterized by the provision of practical assistance based upon the
comprehensive understanding of local government by experienced consultants. The
senior staff of the firm are experienced managers and analysts who have worked
'J Page 13 4
('nrnnrnto and .Gaff OUalilkatiOnS
directly in local government and who have extensive local government consulting
Ralph Andersen & Associates has. conducted a large number of resource
management engagements for cities. These engagements have included every area
of municipal service. Since the firm has recently completed a very sinular, and
successful, study for the City of Tustin, we believe additional references are not
necessary. Should the City wish to find out more about the firm's previous
experience, we would be pleased to provide additional information.
The project manager and lead consultant for Ralph Andersen & Associates will be
Clay Brown. Mr. Brown had the same role in the recently completed study of
modified work ' schedules in the Tustin Police Department. Although not
anticipated, Mr. Brown may assign some of the routine data analysis to other
members of -the firm's staff.
The project organization assumes that Mr. Brown will report directly to Mr.
Huston and to Ms. White. He will coordinate the data collection and other
activities with Ms. White or a member of her staff whom she may designate. Mr.
Brown will have -frequent contact with the City throughout the study and, in
addition, will provide project management information to the City through the use
of monthly project status reports.
A brief*. resume for Mr. Brown is provided below.
Clay Brown is * President/CEO of Ralph Andersen & Associates. He has
more than twenty years of experience in local government management and
consulting including the past eleven years with Ralph Andersen & Associ-
ates. Mr. Brown is active in all of the firm's areas of service with a
p,,rate and Staff Qualifications
particular focus upon its resource management services to cities. Mr. Brown
served as the project manager and lead consultant on the recently completed
analysis of modified work schedules in the Tustin Police Department. He
is familiar with all areas of municipal services including administrative
services, public works, and planning and community development. His
current assignments include conducting a management auditof the City of
Thousand Oaks development review departments; an analysis of the City of
Arlington's General Services Department; and developing a maintenance
(landscape and buildings) management plan for the City of West Hollywood.
Prior to joining Ralph Andersen & Associates Mr. Brown served in a variety
of local government positions including Deputy City Manager in Palo Alto
and City Manager in Pleasanton. He received his Bachelor's Degree from
the University of North Dakota and his Master's Degree from the University
of Texas at Austin.
Page 15
Page 16
Timing and Cost
Ralph Andersen & Associates is prepared to begin the Analysis of Modified Work
Schedules within two weeks of receiving notification to proceed. The total time
required to complete the study as described in the workplan is 90 days from the
date of Task 1. If the City has more specific time requirements we would be
pleased to discuss them and to make appropriate adjustments.
The cost of professional services for the Analysis of Modified Work Schedules will
be $12,750. The only costs for which the City would be responsible, in addition to
professional service fees, is the reimbursement of out-of-pocket .expenses for such
items as travel, printing and binding, postage and delivery, and clerical and long-
distance telephone charges. Expense reimbursement will be as incurred but will
not exceed $4,000 without the prior approval of the City. Ralph Andersen &
Associates will bill the City of Tustin for progress payment on a monthly basis with
payment due upon receipt by the City.
The timing and cost for this engagement are based upon the understanding of the
project scope and, the workplan developed. If the comprehensive nature of the
workplan creates budget or timing problems for the City, we would be pleased to
review the workplan with you and to make any appropriate modifications.
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Page A-1
Page A-2
AKT Development Corporation, California
Alameda, California
Amador County, California
American Institute of Professional Geolists,
Anaheim, California
Anderson, California
Arlington Chamber of Commerce
Arlington, Texas
Arthur Young & Company, California
Associated Building Industry, California
Atwater, California
Austin, Texas
Bakersfield, California
Baldwin Parr California
Bank of America, California
Belmont, California
Benicia California
Beverly Hills, California
Billings, Montana
Booz Allen Public Admin., California
Bullhead City, Arizona
Bullocks/May Company -City of Los Angeles,
Burbank, California
Butte County Mental Health Departmen4
Alcohol and Drug Division, California
California Council of Civil Engineers & Land
California Debt Advisory Commission
California Legislature
Califomia Municipal Treasurer's Association
California Municipal Utilities Association
California State of
Cambrian School Distric4 California
Campbell California
Campbell, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno and
Saratoga California
Carlsbad California
Casper, Wyoming
CH2M Hilo California
Chico, California
Chino, California
Citrus Heights Incorporation Project,
Civic Association of Rio Linda/Elverta,
Clarksburg Ranch Investors
Clovis, California
Clovis Unified School District, California
Coker -Ewing
College Station, Texas
Collier County Schools, Florida
Colton, California
Colusa County, California
Commence City, Colorado
Compton, California
Concord California
Coronado, California
Costa Mesa California
Costa Mesa, California
CSMFO, California
Cupertino, California
Dame Construction Company
Davis, California
Del Rio, Texas
Dixon, California
Douglas County, Nevada
Downey, Lynwood & South Gate, California
East Bay Dischargers Authority, California
El Dorado County, California
El Dorado Hills Investors, Inc., California
El Dorado Irrigation District; California
Elk Grove Civic League, California
Encinitas Fire Protection Distric4 Califomia
Erickson Lumber Company, California
Escondido, California
Eugene, Oregon
Fairfield California
Fairfield -Suisun Sewer District; California
Fillmore, California
Folsom, California
Foster City, California
Fresno County, California
Galt, California
Garland Texas
Grant Prairie, Texas
Page A-3
Grants Pass, Oregon
Grapevine, Texas
Hayward Califomia
Henderson, Nevada
Hercules, California
Holliman, Hackard & Taylor
Hollister, California
Indio, California
Inglewood Califomia
Jones & Stokes, California
Justice & Associates, Califomia
K G. Land California Corporation
Kern County Water Agency, Califomia
King City, California
Kings County, Califomia
La Quinta, Califomia
Lafayette, Califomia
Laguna Management Institute, California
Lakewood Colorado
Lancaster, Texas
Lane County, Oregon
League of Califomia Cities
League of Oregon Cities
Lee Sammis Company, Califomia
Leisure World/Laguna Hills, Califomia
Lincoln Property Company, Califomia
Lodi, Califomia
Loma Linda, Califomia
Long Beach, Califomia
Longmont, Colorado
Los Angeles County Bar Association,
Los Banos/Justice & Associates, California
Los Medanos Community Hospital
Madera, Califomia .
Mammoth Lakes, California
Marin County Housing Authority, Califomia
Marin County Redevelopment Agency,
Marin Municipal Water District; California
Martinez; California
Marysville, California
McDonough Holland & Allen
Menlo Paik Califomia
Merced Irrigation Distric4 Califomia
Mission Viejo, California
Mission Viejo Company
Modesto, Califomia
Mojave County Formation Review
Commission, California
Mono County LAFCO, California
age A-4
Mono County Transportation Commission,
Montclair, California
Montebello, California
Monterey, California
Monterey Conference Center, Califomia
Monterey County, California
Monterey Park, California
Morton & Pitalo, Califomia
Mountain View, Califomia
Municipal Finance Officers Association,
Naperville, Illinois
Natoma Station, Califomia
Newport Beach, California
Nolte -Crocker Land Company, Califomia
North Natomas, Califomia
Northglenn, Colorado
Novato Redevelopment Agency -Laventhol &
Horwath, Califomia
Oakland Califomia
Oakland Port Authority, Califomia
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Olympia, Washington
Oroville, California
Pacifica, California
Palo Alto, California
Pasadena, California
Pebble Beach Company, California
Peoria, Arizona
Pittsburg California
Placerville, California
Pomona, California
Port Arthur, Texas
Porterville, California
Portland Oregon
POST (Peace Officer Standards and
Training), Califomia
Price Waterhouse
Rancho Cucamonga, Califomia
Rancho Mirage, Califomia
Rancho Palos Verdes, California
Redondo Beach, California
Redwood City, California
Regional Council of Rural Counties,
Reimer Associates, California
Richardson, Texas
Ripon, Califomia
River West Developments, California
Riverside County, California
Riverside County Sherif rs Departmen4
Rosemead California
Roseville, California
Sacramento, California
Sacramento Charter Commission, California
Sacramento County, California
Sacramento County Department of Parks &
Recreation, Califomia
San -Bernardino City Unified School District,
San Carlos, California
San Diego County, California
San Diego RETC California
San Francisco Redevelopment Agency,
San Gabriel Valley Tribune, Inc., Califomia
San Jacinto, California
San Joaquin County, California
San Jose, Califomia
San Leandro, California
San Luis Obispo, California
San Mateo, California
Santa Ana, California
Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Company,
Santa Barbara, Califomia
Santa Cn4 Califomia
Santa Cruz Schools, Califomia
Santa Fe Springs, California
Santa Monica, California
Santa Paula, California
Santa Rosa, California
Santa Rosa Redevelopment Agency,
SAVI Ranch, California
Scotts Valley, California
Scotts Valley Water District; Califomia
SFO Redevelopment Agency, California
Sierra Cultural Arts Center Association,
Snohomish County, Washington
Solvang, California
Sonoma, California
Sonoma County, California
Sonoma County Fair, California
Sonora Mining Corporation
South Lake Tahoe, California
South Placer County/Gruen & Gruen,
South San Francisco, Califomia
Southern Califomia Association of
Southern California Executive Directors'
Association, California
Southmark Pacific Corporation, Califomia
Spink Corporation, California
St: Helena, California
Stanislaus County Auditor Controller,
Suisun City, California
Sunnyvale, California
Sutter County, California
Tacoma, Washington
Tahoe County Formation Review
Commission, Califomia
Teichert Aggregates, California
Teichert Land Company, Califomia
The Planning Center, Califomia
Thornton, Colorado
Thousand Oaks, Califomia
Torrance, California
Tracy, Califomia
Tsakapoulos Development, Inc., Califomia
Tukwila, Washington
Tulare Redevelopment Agency, Califomia
Turlock, California
Tustin U.S.D., California
UC Davis, Califomia
United Way of Califomia
University of California Extension
University of Southern California
Valencia Company, Califomia
Vallejo, California
Vallejo City Unified School Distric4
Valla Parr Califomia
Visalia U.S.D., Califomia
Wainwright & Ramsey, California
Walla Walla, Washington
Ward Roberts & Watts, Califomia
Washington State Finance Officers'
West Hollywood California
West Sacramento, Califomia
Whittaker & Bauer, Califomia
Winters, California
Woodland, Califomia
Woodridge, Illinois
Yolo County, California
Page A -S