HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 AMENDMENT TO COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NO. C-1-2620 BETWEEN ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY & CITY OF TUSTIN FOR SENIOR MOBILITY PROGRAMMEETING DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Agenda Item 9 Reviewed: AGENDA REPORT City Manager 14' Finance Director /A AUGUST 2, 2016 JEFFREY C. PARKER, CITY MANAGER DAVID A. WILSON, DIRECTOR, PARKS AND RECREATON SERVICES AMENDMENT TO COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NO. C-1-2620 BETWEEN ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY AND CITY OF TUSTIN FOR SENIOR MOBILITY PROGRAM The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) has requested that the City of Tustin execute Amendment No. 1 to Cooperative Agreement No. C-1-2620 in order to continue receiving Senior Mobility Program (SMP) grant funding, which partially funds the Senior Transportation Program at the Tustin Area Senior Center. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council execute Amendment No. 1 to Cooperative Agreement No. C-1-2620, thereby extending the City's enrollment in the Senior Mobility Program through June 30, 2021. FISCAL IMPACT The Measure M2 Project U — SMP provides funding to support local, community-based transportation service for seniors. One percent (1 %) of M2 net revenue is used to fund SMP with local jurisdictions providing a twenty percent (20%) match. Currently, the City receives approximately $56,000 per year in SMP funding. CORRELATION TO THE STRATEGIC PLAN: This grant opportunity advances Strategy 6b of Goal A in the City of Tustin Strategic Plan regarding Economic and Neighborhood Development in' that it provides resources for future senior services to meet changing demographics and trends. BACKGROUND For the past sixteen years, the Tustin Area Senior Center Transportation Program has been offering a no fee transportation program to serve the needs of its senior residents. This program provides door-to-door transportation for medical appointments, grocery shopping, and participation in Senior Center activities. The Tustin Area Senior Center Transportation Program has been participating in the SMP since July 1, 2011. On May 3, 2016, at OCTA's request, the City Council formally adopted a new Agency Service Plan to replace the previously approved Scope of Work. This Agency Service Plan has been accepted by the OCTA Board of Directors and is now incorporated into Amendment No. 1. The Amendment also extends the expiration date of the Agreement for five (5) years, from June 30, 2016 to June 30, 2021. Respectfully submitted, DavY'd A. Wilson Director, Parks and Recreation Services Attachments: Amendment No. 1 to Cooperative Agreement No. C-1-2620 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NO. C-1-2620 BETWEEN ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY AND CITY OF TUSTIN FOR SENIOR MOBILITY PROGRAM THIS AMENDMENT NO. 1 is made and entered into this day of , 2016 by and between the Orange County Transportation Authority, a public corporation of the State of California (hereinafter referred to as "AUTHORITY'), and the City of Tustin (hereinafter referred to as "CITY"). RECITALS WHEREAS, by Agreement No. C-1-2620 dated June 27, 2011, AUTHORITY and CITY are entered into a contract to provide the Senior Mobility Program (SMP) concerning senior transportation services; and WHEREAS, AUTHORITY and CITY agree to comply with all relevant elements of Orange County Local Transportation Authority Ordinance No. 3; and WHEREAS, AUTHORITY and CITY agree to comply with the M2 Project U SMP Funding and Policy Guidelines ("Guidelines"); and WHEREAS, AUTHORITY and CITY agree to extend the term of the Agreement through June 30, 2021; NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually understood and agreed by AUTHORITY and CITY that Amendment No. 1 to Cooperative Agreement No. C-1-2620 is hereby amended in the following particulars only: 1. Amend ARTICLES 2 and 3: to delete in their entirety and replace with Attachment 1 to this Amendment. Page 1 of 3 1 2' 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18' 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I 26 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT NO. C-1-2620 2. Amend ARTICLE 4. TERM OF AGREEMENT: Page 5 of 9, line 23, to delete "June 30, 2016" as the expiration date of the Agreement, and in lieu thereof insert "June 30, 2021." 3. Amend ARTICLE 8. AUDIT AND INSPECTION OF RECORDS: Page 6 of 9, line 25, to delete "four (4) years" as the period for audit and inspection record, and in lieu thereof insert "five (5) years". 4. Amend ARTICLE 11. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Page 7 of 9, line 23, to delete "ARTICLE 11" and in lieu thereof insert "ARTICLE 12". 5. Amend ARTICLE 12. CODE OF CONDUCT: Page 8 of 9, line 6, to delete "ARTICLE 12" and in lieu thereof insert "ARTICLE 13". 6. Amend ARTICLE 13. FORCE MAJEURE: Page 8 of 9, line 10, to delete "ARTICLE 13" and in lieu thereof insert "ARTICLE 14". Page 2 of 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 011 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 inn 25 { 26 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT NO. C-1-2620 The balance of said Agreement remains unchanged. Upon execution by both parties, this Amendment No. 1 to Cooperative Agreement No. C-1-2620 shall be made effective on July 1, 2016. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment No. 1 to Cooperative Agreement No. C-1-2620 to be executed on the date first above written. CITY OF TUSTIN ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY a By John Nielsen Darrell Johnson Mayor Chief Executive Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM: By Q.1i Dave Kendig City Attorney James M. Donich General Counsel APPROVED: By Beth McCormick General Manager, Transit Page 3 of 3 Attachment 1 to AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT NO. C-1-2620 1 ARTICLE 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF AUTHORITY 2 A. AUTHORITY agrees to provide funds per the following: 3 1. Services provided under the Senior Mobility Program are available to individuals 4 60 years of age and older. 5 2. Funds for the program are identified as one percent (1%) of Renewed 6 Measure M (M2) net sales tax revenue and will be allocated to all local jurisdictions based upon the 7 participating entity's respective percentage of the senior population of the entire county. 8 3. Senior population will be determined by using the most current official 9 decennial Census information provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. 10 4. All active participants will receive their portion of funding on a bi-monthly 11 basis. 12 B. AUTHORITY agrees that Net Revenues allocated shall be expended within three years 13 of receipt. AUTHORITY may grant an extension to the three-year limit, but extensions shall not be 14 granted beyond a total of five (5) years from the date of the initial funding allocation. 15 C. In the event the time limits for use of Net Revenues are not satisfied, then any retained 16 Net Revenues that were allocated to an Eligible Jurisdiction and interest earned thereon shall be 17 returned to AUTHORITY and these Net Revenues and interest earned thereon shall be available for 18 allocation to any project within the same source program at the discretion of AUTHORITY. 19 D. AUTHORITY may provide, at AUTHORITY's sole discretion, a refurbished surplus 20 paratransit vehicle, at no cost to CITY and no further responsibility to AUTHORITY after vehicle 21 donation. CITY may purchase additional vehicle(s) in excess of their vehicle allocation, based on 22 availability, at a cost equivalent to the refurbishment costs incurred by AUTHORITY. 23 ARTICLE 3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY 24 A. CITY agrees that all funds received from AUTHORITY as specified in Article 2.A. 25 above will be used exclusively for providing accessible senior transportation services as specified in 26 Exhibit A entitled "Senior Mobility Program Service Plan." Page 1 of 4 Attachment 1 to AMENDMENT NO. 1 AGREEMENT NO. C-1-2620 1 B. CITY will ensure the Service Plan is adopted by their governing board in accordance 2 with Section 7.0 of the SMP Funding and Policy Guidelines, 3 C. CITY must satisfy all M2 eligibility criteria as specified in Orange County Transportation 4 Authority Ordinance No. 3 Requirements for Eligible Jurisdictions in order to receive their formula 5 allocation for this program. 6 D. CITY agrees to comply with all provisions of the SMP Guidelines included as Exhibit B. 7 E. CITY agrees that Net Revenues allocated shall be expended within three (3) years of 8 receipt. AUTHORITY may grant an extension to the three-year limit, but extensions shall not be 9 granted beyond a total of five (5) years from the date of the initial funding allocation. 10 F. In the event the time limits for use of Net Revenues are not satisfied, any retained Net 11 Revenues that were allocated to an Eligible Jurisdiction and interest earned thereon shall be returned to 12 AUTHORITY and these Net Revenues and interest earned thereon shall be available for allocation to 13 any project within the same source program at the discretion of AUTHORITY. 14 G. CITY agrees to match a minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the total annual program 15 expenditures. Local match may be made up of cash -subsidies, fare revenues, donations, or in-kind 16 contributions, such as salaries and benefits for the CITY employees who perform work on the 17 program. 18 H. CITY may contract with a third -party service provider to provide senior transportation 19 services provided that: 20 1. Contractor is selected using a competitive procurement process; and 21 2. Wheelchair accessible vehicles are available and used when requested. 22 I. CITY shall procure and maintain insurance coverage during the entire term of this 23 Agreement. Coverage shall be full coverage or subject to self-insurance provisions. CITY shall 24 provide the following insurance coverage: 25 1 26 / Page 2 of 4 Attachment 1 to AMENDMENT NO. 1 AGREEMENT NO. C-1-2620 1 1. Commercial General Liability, to include Products/Completed Operations, 2 Independent Contractors', Contractual Liability, and Personal Injury Liability with a minimum limit of 3 $1,000,000.00 per occurrence and $2,000,000.00 general aggregate. 4 2. Automobile Liability Insurance to include owned, hired and non -owned autos with a 5 combined single limit of $1,000,000.00 each accident; 6 3. Workers' Compensation with limits as required by the State of California including a 7 waiver of subrogation in favor of AUTHORITY, its officers, directors, employees or agents; 8 4. Employers' Liability with minimum limits of $1,000,000.00; and 9 J. Proof of such coverage, in the form of an insurance company issued policy 10 endorsement and a broker -issued insurance certificate, must be received by AUTHORITY prior to 11 commencement of any work. Proof of insurance coverage must be received by AUTHORITY within ten 12 (10) calendar days from the effective date of this Agreement with AUTHORITY, its officers, directors, 13 employees and agents designated as additional insured on the general and automobile liability. Such 14 insurance shall be primary and non -contributive to any insurance or self-insurance maintained by 15 AUTHORITY. 16 K. CITY shall include on the face of the Certificate of Insurance the Cooperative Agreement 17 Number C-1-2620; and, the Senior Contract Administrator's Name, Sue Ding. 18 L. CITY agrees to provide AUTHORITY with monthly summary reports of CITY's Senior 19 Mobility Program. CITY shall submit monthly summary report by the end of the following month as 20 specified in Exhibit C "Senior Mobility Program Monthly Reporting Form," included in this 21 Agreement, which is incorporated into and made part of this Agreement. 22 M. CITY shall adopt an annual Expenditure Report to account for Net Revenues and 23 funds expended by the Eligible Jurisdiction, which satisfy the Maintenance of Effort requirements. 24 The Expenditure Report shall be submitted by the end of six (6) months following the end of the 25 jurisdiction's fiscal year and include the following: 26 / Page 3 of 4 Attachment 1 to AMENDMENT NO. 1 AGREEMENT NO. C-1-2620 1 1. All Net Revenue fund balances and interest earned. 2 2. Expenditures identified by type (i.e. capital, operations, administration, etc.) and 3 program or project. 4 N. In the event CITY obtains a retired AUTHORITY vehicle for SMP services, CITY 5 agrees to transfer vehicle title and registration within fourteen (14) calendar days from taking 6 possession of the vehicle. CITY also agrees to provide documentation to AUTHORITY confirming 7 transfer of vehicle title and registration from AUTHORITY to CITY within thirty (30) calendar days 8 from taking possession of the vehicle. 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 I 18 / 19 / 20 I 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / Page 4 of 4 nior Mobility Program lgency Service Plan Agency: City of Tustin EXHIBIT A psSenior Mobility Program OCTA Agency Service Plan Jurisdictions and agencies participating in the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Senior Mobility Program (SMP) must complete the following Service Plan in order to receive SMP funding. The Service Plan must be developed in accordance with SMP Guidelines, included as Attachment 1, and submitted to OCTA for review. Upon review from OCTA, the Service Plan must be formally adopted by the agency's council or governing body and approved by the OCTA Board of Directors. Any modifications to SMP services will require submittal of a new Service Plan. Participant Information: Agency City of Tustin Date 414/16 Program Contact Marilyn Buescher Phone 714-573-3345 Email mbuescher@tustinca.org Service Description: 1. Program goals and objectives: The Tustin Area Senior Center provides transportation on a donation only basis for seniors age 60 and over and to persons with disabilities who are residents of the City of Tustin. Senior Citizens and persons with disabilities are in need of specialized and affordable transportation options to be able to utilize services in the easiest manner available. It is important for seniors to stay connected to their community and be able to utilize transportation for medical appointments, grocery shopping, personal appointments and visits to their local senior center. Community based senior transportation programs are vital to meet the needs for seniors who wish to live on their own and remain active in their communities. Within Tustin, there are several options available for public transportation. However, it is often the case that these transportation services can sometimes be difficult to navigate for the faillelderly who require special assistance and are on fixed incomes. The goal of the Tustin Area Senior Center's Transportation Program is to fill this gap and meet the transportation service needs of these people who are unable to use other transportation options in the City. 2. Indicate how SMP service will be operated: (Please check all that apply) Directly -Operated Subsidized Taxi Program Contract Service Provider Other (Please Describe) Volunteers 0 Seniors interested in utilizing our transportation program, register either in person or through the mail. Once registration is complete, the senior participant will call the Transportation phone line to request trip(s) and these trips are then scheduled by the Transportation Coordinator, who speaks directly with the participant. 3. Eligible trips provided under the SMP are limited to the following categories. Please indicate the categories of service to be provided by your program: (Please check all that apply) aSenior Center Personal Care Nutrition Shopping aMedical Social / Recreation (Please Describe) Senior Day event at Angel Stadium, City of Tustin community events, restaurants, movie theaters, concert venues, beaches, museums, activities at other local senior centers, visits to friends and family and cemetery. 4. SMP Guidelines restricts trips outside of Orange County to medical trips within approximately 10 miles of the Orange County border. Do you intend to provide medical trips outside of Orange County? 0 Yes O No If yes, please list the trip purpose and destinations: (e.g., medical trips to the VA Hospital in Long Beach) NIA S. Fare structure: We have a donation only based program, with suggested donation of $1 per trip. 6. Number of vehicles: 2 and 1 back-up 7. ]Projected annual ridership: 13,800 LO s) of ZU percent match tunding: The City General Fund matches with salary costs for Transportation Coordinator position, approximately $45,000 annually. Program Requirements: 1. jurisdiction /Agency shall follow competitive procurement practices in selection of vendors for all services which it does not provide using its own work force. Any Request for Proposals (RFP) for services shall specify the use of vehicles meeting Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility standards. 2. Jurisdiction/Agency will perform, or ensure that a contracted vendor performs, maintenance of all vehicles used in the Senior Mobility program, including, at a minimum: a) Daily Pre -Trip Inspections that meet or exceed the guidelines provided in the attached Pre -Trip Inspection Checklist (Attachment 2) b) Scheduled preventative maintenance that meets or exceeds the guidelines provided in the attached PM Checklist, including the maintenance of all accessibility features of the vehicles. c) Maintain maintenance records for each vehicle for five (S) years and, if required, cooperate fully in annual motor coach carrier terminal inspections conducted by the California Highway Patrol. 3. Jurisdiction/Agency will ensure that its operators, or its contracted vendor's operators, are properly licensed and trained to proficiency to perform duties safely, and in a manner which treats its riders with respect and dignity. Disability awareness and passenger assistance will be Included in this training. 4. Jurisdiction/Agency will establish and implement an alcohol and drug program that complies with 41 U.S.C. sections 701-707, (the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988), and will produce any documentation necessary to establish its compliance with sections 701-707. S. Jurisdiction/Agency will submit a monthly report to OCTA's Community Transportation Services Department as illustrated in Attachment 3. 6. Jurisdiction/Agency will participate in OCTA marketing and outreach efforts to encourage use of fixed route transit service by older adults. 7. jurisdiction/Agency will note OCTA sponsorship in any promotional material for service funded under this agreement aiid will display an OCTA Senior Mobility Program logo on vehicles used in this program (excluding taxis). 8. Jurisdiction/Agency will ensure that it maintains adequate oversight and control over all aspects of services that are provided by a contracted vendor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, has formally adopted the Senior Mobility Program Scope of Work as written above. AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE OCTA REPRESENTATIVE Name: Title: *As amended Name: Beth McCormick Title: General Manager, Transit EXHIBIT B Senior Mobility Program Project U Funding and Policy Guidelines March 2016 1.0 Overview The Measure M2 (M2) Project U — Senior Mobility Program (SMP) provides funding to support local, community-based transportation service for seniors. Originally established in 2001 using limited state funding for bus operations, M2 Project U SMP funding was established to continue and expand the existing program. A formula funding allocation was established for all Orange County local jurisdictions based upon their senior population. One percent of M2 net revenue is used to fund the program and local jurisdictions must provide a minimum 20 percent local match of the total annual program expenditures. The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Board of Directors approved these guidelines on March 28, 2016. The purpose is to provide structure and definitions for all eligible M2 jurisdictions receiving SMP funding. OCTA shall enforce the provisions spelled out in these guidelines. 2.0 Objectives ■ To provide for local, community-based senior transportation services. ■ To allow local jurisdictions to develop and implement senior transportation services to serve their community. ■ To provide transit options for seniors which complement rather than duplicate OCTA fixed route and ACCESS paratransit service. 3.0 Eligibility Requirements Participation in the SMP is contingent upon maintaining M2 eligibility. Local jurisdictions must be eligible to receive M2 funding, established on an annual basis as specified in the M2 Ordinance Requirements for Eligible Jurisdictions, to receive the formula allocation for this program.' Adherence to strict funding guidelines is required. Local jurisdictions are required to submit a Service Plan as described in Section 7.0 and must enter into a cooperative funding agreement with OCTA that defines the conditions of use of SMP funds prior to receiving their SMP funding allocation. 1 Orange County Transportation Authority Ordinance No. 3, Attachment B, Section III 1IPage S:\TEMP\Sue D\Agencies\SMP-Attachment B.docx EXHIBIT B 4.0 Funding Allocation Method & Distribution Funding for the program is identified as one percent of M2 net sales tax revenue and will be allocated to eligible local jurisdictions based upon the participating jurisdiction's percentage of the senior population of the county. Senior population is determined by using the most current official decennial Census information provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. Funding allocations are based on actual sales tax receipts. Funding will be distributed on a bi-monthly basis. SMP funds must be expended within three years of receipt. OCTA may grant a two-year extension beyond the three-year expenditure limitation; however, an extension may not exceed five years from the date of the initial funding allocation. Jurisdictions requesting an extension beyond the three-year limitation must submit a justification letter for review and approval by OCTA at least 90 days prior to the end of the third fiscal year. In the event the time limits for use of SMP funds are not satisfied, any retained SMP funds that were allocated to an eligible jurisdiction, including interest, shall be returned to OCTA. 5.0 Match Requirements Participating jurisdictions must provide a minimum 20 percent local match of the total annual program expenditures. Match funding may be made up of cash subsidies, fare revenues, donations, or in-kind contributions such as salaries and benefits for the jurisdiction's employees who perform work on the program. Jurisdictions may also be required to submit supporting documentation to substantiate local match expenditures. Jurisdictions are not required to contribute the minimum match requirement on a monthly basis; however, the minimum 20 percent match requirement must be met by the end of each fiscal year, defined as June 30. Jurisdictions not satisfying the annual 20 percent match shall be subject to withholding of funds from future bi-monthly allocations equal to the difference between the amount of Measure M funds actually spent and the amount of Measure M funds actually matched. 21 Page S:\TEMP\Sue D\Agencies\SMP-Attachment B.docx EXHIBIT B Example: Total Program Expenditures $100,000 Total M2 Funding Allocation $ 80,000 20% Required Match $ 20,000 Actual Reported Match $ 15,000 Withholding Calculation: Total M2 Funds Spent $ 80,000 M2 Funding Eligibility Based on Actual Reported Match - 60,000 Withholding from Future Allocation(s) $ 20,000 6.0 Service Guidelines Services provided under the SMP are available to individuals 60 years of age and older. Jurisdictions have discretion in the types of trips provided within Orange County, such as trips to/from senior centers, medical appointments, shopping, personal care, and social/recreational activities. Jurisdictions should use discretion when providing trips for social/recreational activities when developing their Service Plan to ensure prudent and appropriate use of taxpayer funds. SMP trips outside Orange County are restricted to medical trips only within approximately 10 miles of the Orange County border. Jurisdictions also have discretion in how the service is operated. Senior transportation services may be operated using employees, volunteers, or the jurisdiction may contract with a third -party service contractor. Contractors must be selected using a competitive procurement process and the jurisdiction must ensure the contractor is in compliance with program guidelines and provisions included in the cooperative funding agreement. Jurisdictions whose program offers subsidized taxi service for seniors must ensure trips provided with SMP funding are consistent with the trip types as specified in these guidelines. Wheelchair accessible vehicles must be available for SMP service. Jurisdictions will perform, or ensure that a contractor performs, maintenance of all vehicles used in the Senior Mobility Program. Jurisdictions will ensure that its operators, or its contracted operators, are properly licensed and trained to proficiency to perform duties safely, and in a manner which treats its riders with respect and dignity. Jurisdictions may receive retired OCTA ACCESS paratransit vehicle(s) to support their senior transportation program. Additional retired ACCESS vehicles may be 3 1 P a g e S:\TEMP\Sue D\Agencies\SMP-Attachment B.docx EXHIBIT B purchased, based on availability, for a cost equivalent to the refurbishment costs incurred by OCTA. 7.0 Service Plan Adoption Participating jurisdictions shall submit to OCTA a SMP Service Plan which defines program services (Exhibit A). The Service Plan must be submitted using a template provided by OCTA and must be adopted by the jurisdiction's governing body and approved by the OCTA Board of Directors. Any deviation from the adopted SMP Service Plan must be submitted to OCTA in advance for review and approval and will require an amendment to the cooperative funding agreement prior to implementing a change in program services. 8.0 Eligible Expenses Participating jurisdictions shall ensure M2 funds are used for eligible direct program -related expenses which may include contract service providers, staff time, vehicle maintenance, fuel, insurance, vehicle acquisition, program supplies and materials, marketing materials, and community outreach. Jurisdictions shall ensure all costs are program -related and are fair and reasonable. Administrative costs up to 10 percent are allowed and considered eligible program expenses. All program expenses are subject to audit. No M2 funding shall be used by a jurisdiction for other than transportation purposes authorized in the M2 Ordinance. 9.0 Program Revenue Participating jurisdictions must maintain adequate controls for collecting and reporting program revenue, including donations, fees, and cash fares. Program revenue must be used to support the transportation service and may be used as part of the jurisdiction's 20 percent local match requirement. 10.0 Reporting Participating jurisdictions are required to submit monthly reports using a reporting template provided by OCTA (Exhibit B). Required monthly reporting data may include, but is not limited to, the following: o Number of Trips by Category o Vehicle Service Hours o Vehicle Service Miles 41 Page 5:\TEMP\Sue D\Agencies\SMP-Attachment B.docx EXHIBIT B o Program Cost Detail by Expense Category and % of Total Operating Cost o Fares, Fees and Other Operating Revenue o Jurisdiction Total Contribution & Source o Jurisdiction Share as % of Total Operating Cost o Cumulative Jurisdiction Share to Date o OCTA Contribution o OCTA Contribution as % of Total Operating Cost o Cumulative Contribution Received from OCTA o Total Monthly Program Operating Cost o Cumulative Total Program Operating Cost Jurisdictions shall also be required to maintain supporting documentation to substantiate reporting data. Supporting documentation may include, but is not limited to, actual receipts, contractor invoices, trip sheets, payroll, timesheets, fuel logs, and maintenance records/receipts. Reports are due by the last day of the following month. A preliminary report may be submitted; however, submission of a final report is required within 15 days of the last day of the following month. Failure to meet the established reporting deadline for two months at any time during the fiscal year may result in future withholding of funding and/or other sanctions to be determined. 11.0 Audits & Inspection of Records M2 funding is subject to audit. Jurisdictions shall maintain program documentation and records for a period of no less than five years. Program documents and records, including but not limited to payroll, trip sheets, invoices, vehicle maintenance, fuel, and other program -related expenses, shall be available for review by OCTA SMP administrators, auditors, and authorized agents upon request. Jurisdictions must follow established accounting requirements and applicable laws regarding the use of public funds. Failure to submit to an audit in a timely manner may result in withholding or loss of future funding. Failure to comply with the approved Service Plan will require remediation which may include repayment, reduction in overall allocation, and/or other sanctions to be determined by the OCTA Board of Directors. Audits shall be conducted by the OCTA Internal Audit Department, or other authorized agent, as determined by OCTA. OCTA's failure to insist in any one or more instances of a jurisdiction's performance of the provisions set forth in these guidelines shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of the jurisdiction's obligation to comply with these guidelines. Moreover, only the OCTA Board of Directors shall have the authority to alter and/or waive any requirements/obligations set forth in these guidelines. 5 1 P a g e S:\TEMP\Sue D\Agendes\SMP-Attachment B.docx Program Name: Participating Agency: Agency Contact: Contact Number: Source(s) of Agency Contributions: Agency hereby certifies that this report is a true, complete and correct statement of program revenue, costs and operating data. Please send this report by email to CTSPROGRAMS@OCTA.NET or by fax to 714-560-5927. if there are any questions, please contact JOANNE JACOBSEN by email at JJACOBSEN@OCTA.NET or JP GONZALEZ by email at JGONZALEZI@OCTA.NET.