HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 PC Minutes July 12, 2016 MINUTES
JULY 12, 2016
7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER
ROLL CALL: Chair Lumbard
Chair Pro Tem Smith
Commissioners Kozak, Mason, Thompson
Approved the 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — JUNE 14, 2016
June 14, 2016
That the Planning Commission approve the Minutes of the June 14, 2016
Planning Commission meeting as provided.
Motion: It was moved by Kozak, seconded by Smith, to approve the Minutes of the
June 14, 2016 Planning Commission meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
PROPERTY OWNER: City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
LOCATION: 1) 14542 Newport Avenue#3
2) 27 Look Out Lane
3) 140 South A Street
EQUESTS:1. General Plan Conformity finding for conveyance of two (2)
residential units located at 14542 Newport Avenue #3 and 27
Look Out Lane.
2. General Plan Conformity finding for conveyance of one (1)
vacant parcel located at 140 South A Street.
Minutes—Planning Commission July 12, 2016—Page 1 of 8
That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4316, determining
that the conveyance of two (2) affordable residential units located at 14542
Newport Avenue #3 and 27 Look Out Lane at market rate and one (1)
vacant parcel located at 140 South A Street owned by the City of Tustin to
the Habitat for Humanity of Orange County, Inc. is in conformance with the
Tustin General Plan.
Thompson Thompson commented on the equity that is being preserved with two (2) units
being sold as market rate units which once were affordable and the two (2)
units being added to the inventory of the City as "for rent" housing stocks.
It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Kozak, to adopt Resolution No.
4316, as amended. Motion carried 5-0.
APPLICANT: Vahid Adamkhoshbakht
Ivy Lounge and Grill
14001 Newport Avenue, Unit A
Tustin, CA 92780
PROPERTY OWNER: Louie Properties
5936 Temple City Boulevard
Temple City, CA 91780
LOCATION: 14001 Newport Avenue, Unit A
This item was continued from the June 14, 2016 Planning Commission
This project is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15270(b) (Article
18. Statutory exemptions for projects which are disapproved) of the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA Guidelines for the California
Environmental Quality Act).
That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4313-
1. Finding that the continuance of Conditional Use Permit (CUP)
2015-05 for on-site beer and wine sales (ABC License Type 41)
and Design Review (DR) 2015-005 allowing outdoor seating
Minutes—Planning Commission July 12, 2016—Page 2 of 8
associated with the Ivy Lounge restaurant located at 14001
Newport Avenue, Unit A, would be detrimental to the health,
safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of the persons
residing or working in the neighborhood of such use, or would be
injurious or detrimental to property and improvements in the
neighborhood or to the general welfare of the City; and,
2. Directing staff to transmit a report of the Planning Commission's
findings and recommendation that the City Council set a hearing
to revoke CUP 2015-05 and DR 2015-005.
7:05 p.m. Public Hearing opened.
Binsack Binsack informed the Commission of the applicant's request to continue the
item then referred the Commission to Bobak to hear her comments on the
Bobak Bobak provided an overview of the item that was presented at the previous
June 14, 2016 Commission meeting with regards to the revocation. Her
comments generally included: the status of the owner's efforts to sell the
business; staff's previous recommendation that the Commission continue the
item to give the applicant the opportunity to open escrow and proceed with a
then-contemplated sale of the business; staff's recommended
conditions/stipulations for the applicant; non-payment of the City's
administrative enforcement costs which was included in the original CUP
approval; the applicant agreed to all stipulations, including payment of the
City's administrative enforcement costs; Bobak was recently notified the
proposed sale of the business was not moving forward and was delayed due
to lack of funds from the prospective buyer; a formal invoice was sent to the
applicant's attorney, Mr. Mafi, June 28, 2016 with a payment date of July 5,
2016; Bobak received a call from Mr. Mafi's office on June 30, 2016 stating
they would be working with the applicant on payment date; Bobak received
word from Mr. Mafi on July 11, 2016 that the invoice had not been paid since
he did not have the opportunity to review the invoice with his client since he
was hospitalized; staff's recommendation to the Commission was to proceed
with the revocation hearing; any final action would be made by the City Council
and would likely not be heard until the September 20, 2016 Council meeting; if
the applicant still wants to pursue the sale of the business, it can be done
within the 60 days between this meeting and the Council meeting; if the
applicant opens escrow, staff could recommend to the Council that they either
continue the item to allow the sale be completed or return the matter to the
Commission so that the Commission could monitor the new business owner;
and since the original continuance allowed the sale to move forward, and the
sale is likely not going to occur, staff sees no reason to continue the hearing on
the revocation any further, but it would be up to the Commission.
Lumbard Lumbard asked the Commission if they would like to continue the item. He
was in favor of recommending to the City Council that they move forward with
the revocation. Lumbard asked for any comments from the Commission.
Kozak Kozak agreed with Lumbard's recommendation.
Minutes—Planning Commission July 12, 2016—Page 3 of 8
Mason Mason also agreed with Lumbard and Kozak.
Thompson Thompson wanted to continue to hear the item on the basis that the item has
already been continued from the June 14, 2016 Planning Commission
Smith Smith was not in favor of continuing the item.
The applicant's attorney, Mazir Mafi, stepped up to the podium and asked
when he would be able to respond to the Commission.
Lumbard Lumbard informed the attorney once the public comment portion was opened,
the attorney could respond.
Binsack Binsack provided highlights of the Power Point presentation, staff report,
resolution, and supporting documents and noted that all are inclusive of the
public record, for the Commission's consideration. She also mentioned that
Tustin police officers and Code Enforcement staff were in the audience and
that they had conducted investigations of the business, in the event the
Commission had questions for them.
Lumbard Lumbard reminded the Commission to ask staff questions and comments and
to not get into commentary about what the Commission thinks about the
revocation. He also stated that the attorney and applicant were in the
audience to address the Commission.
Thompson Thompson asked staff about the initial CUP being approved. He asked for
clarification on the type of ABC license associated with the restaurant, as
opposed to a bar with regards to a revenue business standpoint. Thompson
also asked if there was any confirmation that the applicant has been adhering
to the ABC license requirements.
Binsack In response to Thompson's questions, Binsack clarified that the business was
approved as a bona fide eating establishment versus a bar which generally
means the majority of sales is food versus alcohol. She said that there has not
been any confirmation but staff or the Commission could request an audit of
the alcohol versus food sales, although she was not sure if there would be any
success in receiving that information.
Smith Smith questioned the initial investigation from one (1) year ago and asked,
from a resident's perspective, if the complaints stemmed from noise issues.
Binsack In response to Smith's question, Binsack stated that the multiple afterhours
noise complaints is what triggered the Tustin Police Department and Code
Enforcement staff to investigate the business.
7:31 p.m. Public Comments opened.
The applicant's attorney, Mazir Mafi, addressed the Commission on behalf of
the applicant. His comments/complaints generally included: procedural issues
(June 28, 2016 email correspondence and the violation of the applicant's
Minutes—Planning Commission July 12, 2016—Page 4 of 8
stipulation — payment of the administrative costs that Mr. Mafi and the
applicant agreed to pay); he stated that they have not backed out of paying the
invoice and "promised to make the payment tonight..." but due to the 4t" of
July holiday, they found it was "unreasonable" to pay the invoice four (4) days
later since Bobak and the applicant were on vacation and Mr. Mafi was in and
out of the hospital; the Planning Commission packet being emailed to his office
on July 7, 2016 and that it was "insufficient time" to review and prepare a
response; he referred to the U.S. Constitution; claimed the contents of the staff
report were "allegations", "far-fetched" and "ridiculous"; that he and the
applicant have complied with the agreement; their capability of complying with
the business hours and conditions set forward; they claim they have not
violated any of the conditions and that whatever happened in the past, will not
be repeated; and he requested the item be continued in order to find an
alternative with regards to submitting an application for extended hours for the
Thompson Thompson reminded Mr. Mafi of the outcome of the June 14, 2016 Planning
Commission meeting which was to continue the item to the July 12, 2016
Planning Commission meeting and to continue with the proceedings unless the
applicant was in compliance with all of the conditions, which he is not. He also
asked if Mr. Mafi was aware that the June 14, 2016 meeting was an actual
hearing. Although there appears to be no new issues from the applicant;
however, the applicant still was not in compliance with the conditions (no fees
have been paid).
Mr. Mafi understood the June 14, 2016 Planning Commission meeting was a
hearing and as long as the applicant was in compliance with the conditions,
the hearing would be continued. He did not understand that at each hearing
there would be the prospect of a revocation hearing going forward. Mr. Mafi
repeated some of the statements he previously made with regards to non-
sufficient time to respond to the July 7, 2016 email. He also stated that
everything, with the exception of the invoice being paid, has been complied
with and if the invoice could be paid in three (3) payments.
Lumbard Lumbard mentioned the agreement made between staff and the applicant at
the June 14, 2016 Planning Commission meeting. His understanding of the
revocation was being based on the non-adherence of the conditions to the
CUP up until June 14, 2016. Lumbard asked Mr. Mafi if the applicant did in
fact adhere to those conditions up until the June 14, 2016 Planning
Commission meeting.
Mr. Mafi stated it is "constitutionally impermissible to respond to staff on a two
(2) day court notice being that they are not prepared".
Kozak Kozak asked the City Attorney, Michael Daudt, to put Mr. Mafi's comments in
perspective for the Commission.
Daudt In response to Mr. Mafi's comments/concerns, Daudt did not see any
procedural bar to moving forward with the revocation hearing and that the
matter was slated for the June 14, 2016 Planning Commission meeting, which
the Commission, at that time, made a determination to continue the hearing in
Minutes—Planning Commission July 12, 2016—Page 5 of 8
an effort to allow the business owner to bring forward a prospective buyer for
the business, which did not happen. Therefore, staffs advice to the
Commission was to recommend to the City Council that they move forward
with the revocation, which would still allow a period of 60 days for the owner to
prepare for the City Council's final determination. The City Council will act as
the final decision maker on this matter.
7:45 p.m. Public Comments Closed.
Lumbard Lumbard clarified to the Commission that the decision the Commission is
being asked to make is whether to recommend that the City Council proceed
with revocation in September or continue the item to a future Planning
Commission meeting based on the applicant's request.
Kozak Kozak concurred with Lumbard's comments and added that the information
presented to the Commission on June 14, 2016 is valid information for the
Commission's decision.
Thompson Thompson commended staff with the staff report presented. His comments
generally included: he was not in favor of the applicant's request for additional
time since the first violation occurred one (1) year ago. If his colleagues
agreed, Thompson suggested a two (2) week continuance with the request
that the Commission obtain additional information on compliance with the
California Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC).
Mason Mason had favorable comments for staff and the applicant for their information
brought to the Commission. Her understanding, from the June 14, 2016
Planning Commission meeting, was that this meeting would be a revocation
hearing and that an extension was already given with regards to the
prospective buyer and ultimately, the stipulations were not met. Mason was in
favor of recommending that the City Council proceed with the revocation.
Kozak Kozak was also in favor of recommending that the City Council proceed with
the revocation being that the evidence provided shows non-compliance with
the CUP based on the information provided at the June 14, 2016 Planning
Commission meeting.
Smith Smith asked Lumbard for clarification with regards to the options he mentioned
Lumbard In response to Smith's question Lumbard stated that the Commission did not
have to recommend that the City Council move forward with the revocation
hearing. That the Commission can 1) say no 2) continue 3) recommend to the
City Council revocation or however the Commission wishes to proceed.
Smith Smith agreed with Mason's comments previously stated and recommended
revocation to the City Council.
Lumbard Lumbard compared the CUP to a contract. He was reluctant to continue the
item since the violations occurred throughout the year.
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Motion: Lumbard moved to approve Resolution No. 4313, seconded by Smith. Motion
carried 5-0.
7:56 p.m. Public Hearing item closed.
Binsack Binsack noted to the Commission that all decisions made by the Commission
are appealable to the City Council; however, this item will be recommended for
revocation to the City Council; therefore, no appeal is necessary. A report will
be transmitted, within five (5) days, of the Commission's actions and set for
hearing at the first available City Council meeting, which will be the second
meeting in September. Staff will comply with the process set forth in the Tustin
City Code.
Lumbard Lumbard asked that staff and counsel keep the lines of communication open
with the City Council and keep them apprised of all deadlines.
Thompson Thompson added that the open items discussed (i.e. fees, escrow documents)
be encouraged to the applicant for the next 60 days until City Council takes
The following report provides a summary of projects and activities since the
Year in Review report was presented at the January 26, 2016, Planning
Commission meeting. The report focuses on the status of projects that the
Planning Commission, Zoning Administrator, or staff approved; major
improvement projects; Certificates of Appropriateness; Code Enforcement
activities; and, other items which may be of interest to the Commission.
DiLeva-Johnson Presentation given.
Smith Smith had a clarifying question on Area 15 at Tustin Legacy, which
encompasses one of the hangars and if the City has entered into negotiations
with a group to take on development or design of the entire area. Also, if it
would be for the entire Area 15 or a portion of Area 15. Smith asked if it would
include the City-owned Blimp Hangar. He also asked if the developer's plans
are contingent upon potential ongoing engineering studies at the Hangar being
incorporated into the development plans. Smith asked for the timeline of the
Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan (DCCSP).
Binsack Binsack showed the Commission an area map showing Area 15 and stated
that the City entered into an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement to develop part
of the area. The developer is Oliver McMillan and they will design and that
they may be the builder as well. Binsack stated it does include the Blimp
Hangar. The development plans will incorporate the Hangar but it is uncertain
what type of form it will provide. The structural engineering analysis has not
been completed. Once completed, then staff will know what the Hangar's
future possible uses will be. For the DCCSP, staff continues working through
the regulatory document and then the environmental document will follow,
Minutes—Planning Commission July 12, 2016—Page 7 of 8
which could be approximately six (6) months.
Kozak Kozak commended DiLeva-Johnson on the presentation, staff report and
asked about the timeline for the Red Hill Specific Plan.
Binsack Binsack informed the Commission of the July 21, 2016 public workshop — Red
Hill Corridor Specific Plan, along with the Brown Act should all of the
Commission attend. The Red Hill Specific Plan is estimated to take 15 to 18
months to develop.
Mason Favorable comments for staff, DiLeva-Johnson's presentation, as well as the
many City activities.
Kozak Thanked staff for the items presented. Continue to attend the Concerts in the
Park (thanked P&R for the line-up for the music groupos), appointed to the
OCTA Citizens Advisory Committee by Supervisor Spitzer (thanks to Chuck
Puckett for his sponsorship of his application).
Thompson Great project overview of things happening in Tustin; the many improvments of
things happening in the Downtown Tustin; OCTA re-appointment. He
attended the following:
• 7/4: Tustin's Firework Display
• 7/5 Completed training for his commission position at OCTA's
Environmental Cleanup Allocation
• 7/9: Grand Opening of Sycamore Grove
Smith Smith had no concerns and nothing to report.
Lumbard Lumbard thanked staff for presentations and all that is happening in Tustin.
8:17 p.m. ADJOURNMENT:
The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for
Tuesday, July 26, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at 300
Centennial Way.
Closed the meeting in solidarity with all Law Enforcement and their
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