HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1970 02 02 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL February 2, 1970 CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order by Mayor Coco at 7:34 PM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Mayor Coco. INVOCATION Given by Councilman L. Miller. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Coco, C. Miller, L. Miller, Oster. Absent: Councilmen: Marsters Others Present: City Administrator Harry Gill City Attorney James Rourke City Clerk Ruth C. Poe APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by L. Miller, seconded by Oster that minutes of January 19, 1970, be approved as corrected. Carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PZ 69-121 OF'WILLIAMS AND CLEGG For prezoning of a parcel totalling approximately 1.89 acres to the R-3-1500 (Multiple Family Resi- dential-1500 sq. ft. of area per dwelling unit) __ District to permit the construction of a 54 unit apartment complex. Si~e fronts approximately 284 ft. on the northwest side of Browning Avenue and is located approximately 290 ft. southwest of the center line of Nisson Road. Councilman'Oster stated that he would abstain from any discussion or action on this matter. Mr. Fleagle explained that this matter had been continued from the last Council meeting awaiting action from the Planning Commission. The staff recommeded that in v~ew of the limited area of the parcel, the highest and best use would be a multi-family s~ructure in preference to detached buildings. ~here is no justification for a density of R-3 (1500) with 29 units per acre nor R-3(1750) with 24 units per acre asI this would be doubling the .recommended density of the General Plan. The Planning Commission thus recommends to the Council the prezoning of subject parcel to R-3 '(190Q) authorizing 22 units per acre, subject to the conditions for develop- ment stipulated by the Fire and Engineering Departments as contained in the Staff Report dated January 12, 1970. Hearing opened at 7:40 PM.~.. Mr. Robert Clegg, 2957 Randolph Avenue, Costa Mesa, Calif., stated that theft initial request had indicated R-3 (1750) as desireable and the minimum they could go. R-3 (1900) recommended the 1900. He stated that he had not brought the revised plot plan to the meeting but that it would show about 2½ parking spaces per unit. ~i. Council Meeting o~.~-O 2/2/70 Page 2 Mayor Coco stated that the Council was able to grant anything more restrictive than that applied for and noticed. .'~There being no objections or further comr~ea~ the hearin~ -.~l~/ Fas declared closed at 7:45 PM. Councilman L. Miller asked Mr. Clegg if he would be agree- able to a postponement until the next Council meeting so .that he could bring the revised plot plans. Mr. Clegg consentedto a postponement. Moved by L. Miller, seconded by C. Miller that decision on PZ 69-121 of Willjams and Clegg be postponed until the next regular meeting~of the City Council on February 16, 1970. Carried unanimously. Marsters absent. Councilman C. Miller stated that he would be absent at the next meeting but that the wanted to-go on record as being opposed to this request and to any density beyond 12 units per acre on the basis that Tustin has density ~problems aIready. ~II. OLD BUSINESS 1. PROPOSED SPACE NEEDS REPORT Mr. Gill explained that this report relates to the space needs of the city and its purpose.was to provide temporary office space in advance of permanent construction in the future. A temporary building has been found on t7th & Main Streets which can be moved to the present site of the City's governmen~t offices. Mr. Blankenship showed a film of the proposed administration building, giving details of the exterior, interior and floor plans. Mr. Gill stated that the Space Needs Report also included a request for the conversion of the City Hall for Police facilities. The financial study has indicated tha~ the City has the ability to pay for the necessary space as proposed without reducing the General Fund reserve as origi- nally budgeted. The $55,000 required will breakdown into $15,000 for the security cells to be constructed on the back of the present City Hall and $40,000 for a 3,000 sq.ft. relocatable modular building to be placed adjacent to the 2nd Street White House. The request is for approval by the City Council to authcrize $55,000 to provide temporary office space. ~ayor Coco asked if this money included costs for internal work. Mr. Blankenship replied that the internal work would be a further responsibility of the City. Councilman C. Miller asked if there was a total project budget. Mr. Blankenship exp!lained that the building cost $36,000 and $1350 to move it.' There would be some expense for the interior partitions. Including the security facilities makes the total project budget. Part of the cost will come from the City's repair and maintenance account. ~r. Gilt explained further that there was approximately $2000 budgeted for modifications of buildings and there is approximately $1D00 left. The work will consist of ~O§~ly ligh~ du~yp~rtitioning which is relatively ~sy. Th~ ~DD6 ~ill ~o~er cos~S~ ~1~ p~Ssibly t]~e ~edifi~ Council Meeting 2/2/70 Page 3 Mayor Coco in referring to the financial study asked why the revised budget for Government buildings was minus $1696. Mr. Btankenship replied that the City had $15,000 for architectural services for the Civic Center, Fire and Corporation yard. This assumes that we will not spend __ $10,000 of the $15,000 which will be offset by the incrc, in the governmental buildings account due to the additio~ custodian. The net effect is down $1696. Councilman L. Miller stated that he was sympathetic to the needs of City goverhment, but that he felt that the new administration building should be located on the site of the permanent Civic Center. He has received many calls from businessmen in the downtown area questioning the Council's intent. Councilman Oster agreed with Councilman L. Miller's suggestion that the building be on the permanent site, as he too has received many calls from businessmen. In reference to the $36,000 to be spent on this temporary building, he asked about the 40% depreciation as the building under consideration has.been in use. Mr. Blankenship explained that th~ original price of the building was $55,0.00. $40~000 had been the original quote which was rejected. It was possibleto purchase a new unit for approximately $36,000, but it would have tile floors and a wooden exterior, whereas this building has air- conditioning, drapes, carpeting, sprinkler system, better-- window arrangement, etc. The subject building is also re-locatable and has a life expectancy of 15 to 20 years, A new building would have to have the partitions re-located and would be a very stark structure. The advantages of the subject unit is that it will be available conveniently in 10 days as opposed to 60 to 75 days. Either alternative would be acceptable. Councilman L. Miller asked if there was any necessity in having the Administration building directly next to the Police and Fire Departments and suggested the Civic Center site. Mr. Gill replied that it was not necessary to be next to the Police and Fire Departments, but that being with the other administrative offices now on 2nd Street would make the operation more efficient. The proposal would add 3000 sq. ft. to the existing 2000 sq. ft. The problem Would be where to get a 5000 sq. ft. building, if moved to Main and Cehtennial, whereas this way a 5000 sq. ft. building is being created on 2nd Street within the complex. Councilman C. Miller stated that having part of the building one place and part in another would be inefficient for the_ staff as well as for the public. Councilman L. Miller said it would be false economy to spend money now and then determine where the Civic Center site would be. Mr. Gill responded that this was a case of adding needed office space and was not intended to pre-empt t'he City.in determining where the permanent structure Will be housed. This iS a temporary building and could be used in the future Maim M.~Eeet site weu~d ees'~ more and would still be temporary. The basic question now under consideration is the needs of the City. Council Meeting 2/2/70 Page 4 Councilman L.'Miller said the City needed a crash program now to decide its needs. ~,Councilman C. Miller'stated that this was separate from the need for temporary office space. Councilman O~ster asked what would happen if more than $55,000 were spent and suggested 1500 sq. ft. instead of th~ proposed 3000sq. ft. so that the City would not ignore 'the real problem, which is the Civic Center. Mr. Gill saidthat~3000 sq. ft. was proposed for the next 3 years. 15'00 sq. ft~ would prohibit the Polic~ Department expansion, which is critical. Mayor Coco said "that while he was worried that the 3000 Sq'- f~. might become a pacifier, he was also concerned with the morale oflthe city employees as this relates to the way in which the public is served. Now the empIoyees are living in.sardine~conditions and morale wlll suffer if nothing is done. He would like to see the Council approve ~the recommendations on page 2 and to double efforts to establish a Civic Center. Emergency conditions exist now and this will solve the problem for a short period of time. He recommended approval and further recommended the staff to present a plan of action,,for the ultimate Civic Center. Councilman Oster agreed, but wanted the staff to continue with the Civic Center plans as soon as possible. Councilman L. Miller said the obligation was also to the morale of the businessman and asked what the time table was. Mayor Coco recommended that'whatever steps were necessary betaken te answer Councilman L. Miller's question regarding the time table.-, Councilman Oster expressed concern over the building's pending approval=by the Planning Commission and the Develop- ment Preview Committee., Mr. Gill thought the structure was compatible with the surrounding area andthiswas the main aim of the Development Preview Committee. Councilman C. Miller suggested the staff be allowed to proceed with whatever other applicants do. Moved by C. Miller that the City Council authorize the expenditure of $55,000,'from the reserve funds to secure 3000 sq. ft. of additional space and add to the City Hall the Police Department cells, approving the preparation of these plans. Motion died for lack of a second. Move~ by Oster, secdnded by L. Miller that the Council authorize the appropriation of $55,000 as set forth in the staff report, approve plans for the security additions, and approve the final addition of 3000 sq. ft. for the administration building. The foregoing authorization subject to two conditions: (t) that such contract for acquisition of a moveable struct'ure comply With other City ordinances & meet Departmental approval; & (2) that the Staff give an account on the status of the future Civic Center site at the next Council meeting and to continue to update and report on this ~tudy at every City Council meeting. Carried. Councilman C. Mille~ suggested that it would be useful to have the number Ofpositions and space based on various population sizes he~een 25,000 and 85,000. Also other land uses for other agencies that might be on the site, s~h as a public library. counci Meeting 2/2/70 Page 5 Mayor Coco suggested the possibility of cooperation with the County Library office and the School Board. Mr. Gill gave a brief report as to what action had been taken on the Civic Center to date. A site was purchased on Centennial Way and Main Streets. The TNT Committee was formed to evaluate the Development Research Associates Study and to consider other possible sites such as the present location. of the City Hall which is adjacent to a school which is on approximately S200,000 worth of land~ __ There are three years left on the Library lease on Newpot and the Library feels that the Main and Newport area is the best suited for Tustin Library needs. The~,are interested in joint use of the Main and Centennial site. The Civic Center development ~s actually on time; the economic study was necessary first. The main question is how to finance what we~build in advance of determining architectural activitY. VIII. NEW BUSINESS 1. RESOLUTION NO. 1046. A Resolution Of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE HOLDING OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION to be held in said City on TUESDAY THE 14TH DAY OF APRIL, 1970, for the Election Of Certain Officers of Said City as Required by the Provisions of the Laws of the State of California Re- lating to General Law Cities.' Moved by C. Miller, seconded by Oster that Resolution No. 1046 have first reading by title only. Carried unani- mously. Marsters absent. -- Moved by Oster, seconded by L. Miller that Resolution No. 1046 calling and giving notice of the holding of a General Municipal. Election to be held on Tuesday the 14th Day of April, 19'7~, be passed and adopted. Carried unani- mously. Marst~'r~' absent. 2. ESTABLISHING COST OF CANDIDATES STATEMENT OF QUALI- FICATION, PURSUANT TO SECTION 10012.5 of the Election Code. Moved Oster, secondedby L. Miller that the City Clerk be instructed to notify each candidate'-for the April 14th Municipal Election that if he submits a Statement of Quali- fication, pursuant to Section 10012.5 of the Election Code, he shall pay his pro rata share of the expense of printing and handling and further that each candidate shall post a deposit of $'80.00 to be~applied toward such costs. Carried 3. RESOLUTION NO. 1047. A Resolution of the City Council of the Cityof Tustin, California, SETTING DATE OF HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE OF NAMES OF CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, AND GIVING NOTICE THEREOF. Edinger Street to Moulton Parkway Navy Way to Moulton Parkway Moved by C. Miller, seconded by L. Miller that Resolution No. 1047 have first reading by title only. Carried ~ unanimously..Marsters absent. Councilman C. Miller sta~ed for the record that this Res'~Utien calls fe~ ~he ~han~ing of the names of Eaing~r Council Meeting 2/2/70 Page 6 Moved L. Miller, seconded Oster that Resolution No. 1047 setting the date of hearing for consi~eraEion of change of names of certain streets in~the City of Tustin, and giving notice thereof, be passed and adopted. Carried ~unanimously. Marsters absent. 4. AWARD OF BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE PARKWAYS ON FIRST ST., BRYAN AVE., AND RED HILL AVE., TUSTIN. Moved C. Miller~ seLconded L. Miller that contract for construction of concrete parkways on First Street, Bryan Avenue and Red Hill Avenue be awarded 'to Markel Cement Construction in the amount of $5,343.20,, being the low bid. Carried. 5. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS. Moved L. Miller, seconded by C. Miller that the demands in the amount of $52,648.18'as submitted be paid. Carried. IX. OTHER BUSINESS 1. REQUEST FOR ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE - PSA Mr. Gill recommended that the SuperVisor of this District be contacted by the Mayor urging him to support the City's stand relative to PSA~ Councilman C. Miller suggested instead that the City Administrator contact the Supervisor's Executive Assistant to relay this message by telephone. The other Council members concurred. 2. MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT. Moved L. Miller, seconded by Oster that the recommendation of the City Administrator be approved granting mileage reimbursement in the amount of $80.00 per month, beginning February 1, 1970, for the Assistant City Administrator for Community Development, Kenneth Fleagle. Carried. 3. TRAFFIC SIGNALS ON RED HILL AVENUE. Mr.. Gill stated that the final plans and specifications are in the final process of being completed. 4. RESIGNATION OF DONALD TRENT. Mr. Gill reported that Donald Trent has resigned from the Development Preview Committee due to increased responsi- bilities and a new position with San Jose City College District. 5. APPOINTMENT OF LAURENCE WEBSTER AS CHAIRMAN OF PLANNING COMMISSION AS IT AFFECTS DEVELOPMENT PREVIEW COMMITTEE. Mayor coco stated that it was the general agreement of the Council that Mr. Webster, as Chairman of the Planning Commission, should no~ also serve on the Development Pre- view Committee. Councilman C. Miller suggested eliminating the Planning Commission representatives on the Development Preview Committee. A Commissioner had been appointed originally to assume continuity on a new committee. This is no long~r necessary. Mr. Gill read the drdinance stating the quaiifications for the appointee to the Development Preview Committee. Mayor Coco concurred with Councilman C. Miller's idea of ~e~ainin'g the services of a'n architect on the'Committee ~8 ~8§~ed takih the ]~e~t two Week~ te contact interested Council Meeting 2/2/7o Page 7 successors for Mr. Trent and Mr. Webster and to report their recommendations at the next meeting. 6. SPONSORSIIIP OF DRAMA PROGRAMS. Mr. Gill presented Mr. Harrison's report from the Parks and Recreation Commission relative to the City Sponsorship of adult and your~h drama programs. The City would work with the group, provide a part-time drama coordinator, some clerical backup, etc. Basically this group would be sponsored by the City Parks and Recreation Department. Councilman C. Miller questioned the justification for th City doing this type of program. He asked about the com- position of the group, the long range costs, and why the City should be involved in providing recreation for adults. Mr. Gill responded that one of the roles of the drama coordinator would be to create a youth drama workshop.' He suggested giving this program a six months trial period. Councilman L. Miller stated that he had been on the Parks ,and Recreation Commission at the time this idea,was formu- ;lated. He stated that Mr. Bruce Beers, past coordinator, had proved that the community wants and needs this type of program. Mr. Beers, 14522 Westfall Road, Tustin, in responding from the audience, reported on the City's needs in this area. He stated that adult recreational programs were far behind the youth recreational programs a~d that Tustin is far behind in Community Theatre. There is a need for a co- ordinator to coordinate resources and manpower. Councilman C. Miller asked what proportion of this group-- is Tustin citizens. Mr. Beers stated that approximately 80% of those active in the Modjeska Players are citizens within the city limits. Councilman L. Miller stated that the key to the program was the benefit to the City'of having a chiidren's theatre. Mayor Coco recommended that the City take sponsorship of -this program for a trial period of six months. Councilman C. Miller asked what control the Parks and Recreation Department would have over the subjects of the programs produced and recommended some type of control. Mayor Coco said he hoped there would be no censorship. Moved L. Miller, seconded by Oster that the City sponsor the adult and youth drama programs for a trial period of six months and appropriate the funds for this purpose. Carried. Councilman C. Miller voting No. 7. TUSTIN POLICE EXPLORER TROOP AWARDS. Mr. Gill reported that three of the five awards given at the police explorer scout academy were captured by th~ Tustin Police Explorers. Mayor Coco suggested that the Council commend the Tustin PoliCe EMplorer ScOuts for their outstanding aChievementsl 8. ORANGE COUN~ ~AR~O~ Mr. Gill presented a letter from Supervisor Hirstein reporting a ]oint meeting between the Board of Supervisors and the League of Cities on February 12, 1970., A message from Mr. Updcgraff, League of Cities, was also presented re-affirming the League's position on dissolution of the Harbor District. Council Meeting ~F~ 2/2/70 Page 8 9. NEWPORT AVENUE OFF-RAMP Mr. Gill presented the latest information concerning the proposed temporary off-ramp from the Santa Ana Freeway on to Newport Avenue. Councilman C. Miller suggested that the Council do nothing until they know more clearly what the options are and that the matter be left in staff hands for the present. 10. "LLOYDS" BILLBOARD - IRVINE BLVD. Mr. Gill recommended that the Council concur with Mr. Waldo' recommendation that Mr. Lloyd be given 90 days Go remove the billboard. CoUn&il agreed. ll. FIRST STREET R/W ACQUISITION. Mr. Gill will present a report on the costs, estimates, and alternate plans on the First Stree~ right-of-way acquisition and TNT recommendations at th~ next regular meeting of the City COuncil. Following correspondence received: Request from Mr. Rinaldi and a report by the City Engineer relative to the intersection az Tustin Village Way and McFadden. 2. Letter from Jack Harrison sta~ing there is no known legislation requiring school districZs to confer with cities having recreation programs 1/29/70. 3. Letter from OrVille Myers regarding drainage problem - at Yorba Street and Laurie Lane 1/30/70. 4. Quarterly report to the City of Tustin from the Tustin Chamber of Commerce, January 1970. 5. Letter.to ~e~ers League Committee on Annexation from William Holliman, Jr~, Assistant Legal Counsel of the ..League of California Cities, 1/28/70. 6. Memorandum from Ruth Poe, City Clerk, regarding the City Blood Bank 1/29/70. 7. Letter from Mayor Coco to Mr. James Gianulias concerning pre-zoning of l~7th and Yorba 1/19/70. 8. Complaint against Holthe Disposal Service by Leona Hanley, Tustin Village Community Association. 1/15/70. 9. Activity Summary of Tustin Police Department for the Month of December 1969. 10. Commendation of' Officer Leybe from John H. Good, Dept. of Criminology, Cal-State Long Beach, 1/26/70. 11. Letter of appreciation to the Tustin Police Department from June Thacker, Tustin. 12. Commendation of John Baxter, Fire Department, from Sue Lirette and Carol Poe, Cal'State FUllerton. 13. Certificate of ~PPreciationfrom National Safety Coun6il DefensiVe .Driving Campaign to Lawrence Murphy and Edward Staal~ 1/27/70. 14. Resolution of t~e Planning CommisSion commending James L. Supingot. council Moeting 2/2/70 Page 9 15. Announcement from League of Cities on Institute on Labor Relations for City Officials. 16. League of Cities New~letter, 12/29/69. Moved C. Miller, seconded by Oster that meeting be adjourned. Carried. · MAYOR