HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1970 01 19 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL January 19, 1970 CALL TO ORDER Meeting called toorder ~y Mayor Coco. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Mayor Co:co. -- III. INVOCATION Given by Councilman Oster. IV. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Coco, R. Miller, Marsters, L.. Miller, Oster. Absent: Councilmen: None Others Present: City Administrator Harry G[tl City Attorney James Rourke City Clerk Ruth C. Poe V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by L. Miller~ seconded by Marsters that minutes of january 5~ 1970, be approved. as written. Carried. VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ZC-69-199 OF ROBERT HALL ON BEHALF OF CHARLES GREENWOOD For rezoning of 1.07 acre portion of a 2.15 acre parcel from ~the 100-C-1-P-15,000 (Retail Commercial & Combined Parking) District to the PC (planned Community-Commercial) District to permit a commercial . condominium development of 10 lots ~us common area. __ Site fronts 250 feet on the south side of Irvine Blvd. (Fourth Street) approximately 165 feet east of Prospect Avenue. Applicant has submitted letter withdrawing application. Mayor Coco stated that a letter had been received from the applicant withdrawing this-appIicatiou. Moved by L. Miller, seconded by Oster that~.ZC-69-199 be taken off, calendar a's r~q~ested by the applicants. Carried. 2. ZC-69-190 - RICHARD & BILLIE KRUPPE--Cont'd from 11-17-69. Application of Richard and Billie Kruppe, for rezoning of an approximate 0.83 acre parcel from R-1 (Single Family Residential) District to the PC (Planned Community Resi- dential) District. Site fronts 109.16 feet on the south side of Main Street, approximately 227 feet east of the centerline of Pacific Avenue. Councilman Oster stated that he would abstain from any dis- cussion or action on this matter. Mayor Coco explained the location of this zoning request and the fact that a hearing had been held by the Council on Novem- ber 17, 1969, and the decision of the Council contlhued to this ~ting p~ding a report from the Tustin NOW & Tomo~re~ the Council. Councilman L. Miller stated that he understood tha~ Mr. Kruppe had come in with some added material and he would be interested in havina him present any fac~s he might have. Council Minutes 1-19-70 Page 2 Mr. Richard Kruppe, of 12312 Newport Avenue, showed drawings and pictures of a similar development. Mr. Krup~e Ispated that tri-level gives a great amount of space us~t~!'~ extra parking. They would endeavor to keep existing trees. He is asking forl8 units of 1,750 sq. ft. each, which would .probably be more like 1,850 sq. f~-. per unit as planned. Mr. Kruppe said he is under a hardship and is stalling foreclosure on the property. The development will be in keeping with the --- area and he feels this robe the bes't usage of the property. Mr~ Kruppe' also spol~ of the one petition submitted at the last meeting which he would not sa7 was fraudulent but was not in the best taste. Mayor Coco stated that the staff had originally recommended that this be takeni~off calendar at the request of Mr. Kruppe rather than denial; this ma~terwas continued tothe meet- ing for further input from the T.N.T. Cormnittee. Mayor Coco said that Mr. Kruppe's comment regarding the petition filed was well founded as it was discovered that the identical petition was used with the number ZC-69-195 merely changed to ZC-69-190. It had also been made clear at the hearing that the proposed density is six times that of the'General Plan and is located in an R-1 area. The Taylor property was much larger--this is only an 0.83 acre parcel. In answer to questions from members of the Council, Mayor Coco stated that no one feels nor is it the intent of the T~N.T. Committee to pinpoint any parcels. Three subcommittees have been set up but no report has been received that would shed additional zlight on this application. At the November meeting the applicant had agreed to a 30 to 60 day continuance but had · -- not agreed to takin8 ~ff calendar or denial. Mr. Rourke explained that the Council can simply not act, grant or deny or con~inueon a zoning matter. Councilman Marste~' stated he would be hesitant to act with respect to approving this application and that the Council 1~ should consider the a~ea ~s a whole not just one parcel. Councilman C. Miller stated that 18 units on this parcel would make 21.7 units per a~re. The Council should fall back on the goals of the General Plan wanting a high quality community. He thought a pocket of this density is a statement about the future of the area that the Council would no~ like to make at this time. The Council should look to the best interest of the overall City, and he is hoping the T.N.T. Committee will not come upwith highs. density for this older part of town. Mayor Coco stated that he too is concerned with integral use, and th~ development of only 0.83 acre parcels at a time disturbs him. Mr. Rourke statedthereis little difference in taking off calendar and'denial. In either event it could come back if renoticedor there could be a new application. Mayor Coco said he'is hopeful that in time individual parcels ~i~l interesta lar~e~developer who might be able to make Main Street what everyone wants it to be and the City should take pride in what Main Street is. A developer could retain this charm. He Stated he is also hopeful that a Zoning Commissioner c'an come up with an overlay zone so that small owners could work together. He wa~ less opposed to the TaylOr development because it was close to"the high density Tustin Acres. ~oved by C,' Mille~ seconded by Marster~ tha~ ZC-69-190 of Richard and Billie Kruppe be ~enied. Carried unanimously. Gou .cil Minutcs 1-19-~0 Fage 3 3. PZ-69-121 OF WILLIAMS & CLEGG ON BEHALF OF ASSEMBLIES OF GOD For prezoning of a 1.89 acre parcel to the R-3 (1500) (Multiple Family Residential - 1500 sq. ft. of Iot area per dwelling unit) District. Site fronts 284 feet on the northwest side of Browning Avenue approximately 290 feet southwesu of the center- __ line of Nisson Road. Mr. Ken Flea~le, Assistant City Administrator-Community. Development, explained location and stated that the Planning Commission had continued this hearing to their January 26 meeting to.considera study of density in the area and to meet with the applicants to consider a more reasonable approach. A meeting has been set for the morning of January 20. Mayor Coco explained that this leaves the Counc~t without recommendations from the Commission at this time. Moved by C. Miller~ seconded by Oster that hearing on PZ-69-121 of Williams and Clegg on behalf of Assemblies of God be continued to the Council meeting of February 2~ 1970. Carried. 4. APPOINTMENT OF A MEMBER TO THE TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION - Term to expire May 11, 1972o (Cont'd from L-5~70) Mayor Coco stated that at the meeting of January 5, a-committee consisting of Councilmen Marsters and Oster had been appointed to interview all applicants. Interviews were held Saturday, JaNuary 17, and the May~rcalled for their report and/or __ recommendations° Councilman Marsters stated that they had interviewed all five applicants: Sheldon Edelstein, Herbert Chubbuck, Gordon Hill, George Shambeck, and Lowell Dukleth, and were very pleased with the quality and dedication of all the applicants. There is one individual who is ~ local businessman, and who they felt would fill the City's needs the best. This gentleman has worked in the past with contractors, builders, and architects and is an interior designer by profession. Therefore, the com- mittee recommends that Mr. Sheldon Edelstein be appointed to the Planning Commission. Mr. gdelstein resides in Tustin Meadows, giving representation to a new area. Councilman Oster stated that Mr. Marsters had set forth their recommendations. They had interviewed a very qualified group and had taken two items into consideration; geographical representation, and occupation, which resulted in the recom- mendation of Fir. Edelstein. Moved by L. Miller~ seconded by Oster that recommendation of the Committee be accepted and Resolution No. 1040~ appointin~ Sheldon Edelstein to the Tustin Planning Commission effective immediatel5 be read by title only.- Carried unanimously. Moved by Marsters~ seconded by L. Miller that Resolution No.. 1040 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Coco, C. Miller, Maraters~ L,' Miller~ Oster. Ma~o~Coco thanked all applicants and asked that they keep thel~ appticahiOns open, Council Minu~es ~ ~ ' 1'19-70 Page 4 VII. OLD BUSINESS 1. RESOLUTION NO. 1041 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin California, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON APPLI-- CATION N0. UP-69-321 OF BRANCUSI ON BEIBLF OF TOM PELFREY. Moved by C. Millers seconded by Oster that Resolution No. 1041 have first reading bytitle 0nly, with deletion of words ~'~he Conmi~'sion findS" f~om section 1-d. Carried unanimously. ~oved by Marsters~ seconded by Oster that Resolution No. 1041, granting a Conditional Use Permit on ApplicatiOn No. UP~69-321 of Brancusi on behalf of.TomPelfrey, be passed and adopted. Oarriedunanimous!y. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 1042 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON APPLI- CATION NO. UP-69-303 OF GERTRUDE HARRIS ON BEHALF OF BLANCHE WOLF. ~oved by C~ Miller~ seconded by L. Mille~ that Resolution ~o-. 1042havez.first readin~ by title only, with the deletion of the words "The CommiSsion finds" from section 1-d. Carried unanimously. Moved by L. Miller~ seconded by Oster that Resolution No. 1042, granting a conditional use permit on Application No. UP-69-303 of Gertrude Harris on behalf ~of Blanche Wolf, be passed and --- ~dopted. Carried. Mr. Marsters voting no. VIII. NEW BUSINESS 1..RESOLUTION NO. 1043 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO PERMIT THE COUNTY CLERK OF SAID COUNTY TO RENDER SPECIFIED SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, RELATING TO THE CONDUCT OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON APRIL 14, 1970. Moved by C. Miller~ seconded by L. Miller that Resolution No. 1043 be read hy title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Oster, secondedby Marsters that Resolution No. 1043, requesting County service for the General Municipal Election to be held April 14, 1970, be passed and adopted. Carried unanimously. .- 2. .RESOLUTION NO. 1044 --- A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, URGING PASSAGE OF ASSEMBY BILL NO. 9 TO CHANGE FORMULA FOR DISTRIBUTION OF GAS TAX HIGHWAY CON- STRUCTION FUNDS. Moved by Marsters, seconded by Oster that Resolution No. 1044 be ~pad by title only~ Carried unanimously. ~oved by Oster, seconded by C. Miller that Resolution No. 1044, urging passage of Assembly Bill No. 9 to change formula for distribution of Ga~ T~X'Highway Construction Funds, be passed and adopted. In answer to questioning, Mr. Gill stated that he does not think that this 60-40 split in gas tax distribution does closely match the distribution of population. Assemblyman Barnes' Committee had done a lot of study on this. It also relates to road needs. It may be that this is what they thought they could get rather than some optimum form of Funds are of State purpose, would be like interstate funds. Quite often you have construction of interstate activity where there isn't mUch population but serves the whole needs __ of the State. Above motion carried. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 1045 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE PARKWAYS ON FIRST STREET, BRYAN AVENUE AND RED HILL AVENUE, AND AUTHORIZING, AND DIRECT- ING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. Councilman Miller asked if the staff had contacted individual residents where this work is to be done to see if there are any objections. Mr. O. Myers, City Engineer, said they had not contacted any- one as yet, but planned to prepare a letter to hand out to each owner. All parkways to be paved are unmaintained. In answer to further questioning, Mr. Myers stated that all trees would be retained in tree wells as well as replacement of tree stumps and that this is a budgeted item. Moved by C. Miller~ seconded by Marsters that Resolution No. 1045 be read by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Oster~ seconded by C. Miller that Resolution No. 1045; approving plans and specifications for the construction of concrete parkways on First Street, Bryan Avenue and Red Hill Avenue, and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids, be passed and adopted. Carried unanimously. 4.AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR 1970 POPULA- TION ESTIMATE Moved by Oster~ seconded by C. Miller that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute a~reement with the State Depart- ment of Finance for the 1970 population estimate. Carried. 5. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS Moved by L. Millerr seconded by Marsters that demands be approved as submitted in the amount of $59,954.62. Carried. Mayor Coco called a five minute recess. Meeting reconvened at 8:33 P.M. OTHER BUSINESS 1. T.N.T. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CHAIRMAN C. GREENWOOD Mr. Gill presented following recommendations from T.N.T. Com- mi~ee ~ha~man: 1. Recommended new member'- George Argyros. 2. Letters of appreciatio~ to'be sent to Robert Dreibelbis~ M.D., Hal Balmer, B. F. Tiernan, and Forrest Dickason. 3. T.N.T. Subcommittees, Council Minutes 1-19-70 Page 6 In answer to questioning by Councihnan C. Miller~ Mr. Gill stated-that approximately 12 out of the 25 members of the Committee are ~it~residents~ The Chairman of ~S~Scom- mittees have met, and the first subcommittee meeting will be, Wednesday morninS, J~nuary 21st~ It was the cOnsensus of the Council that the subcommittee titles should read Subcommittee rather than Committee and " that the names of the applicants for ~he Planning Commission should be submitted for consideration as members of the _ T.N.T. Committee. Mayor Cocoto contact Mr. Greenwood regarding Commission applicants. Moved byL. Miller~seconded by Oster that the three items as presented,by the T.N.T. Committee be approved. Carried. 2. CURB HOUSE NLMBER, PAINTING REPORTS No action taken. 3. REPORTS REQUESTED BY COUNCILMAN C. MILLER 1. Status of Triangle at Newport and Bryan. 2. Legislative bill calling for school districts to confer with cities having recreation programs. 3. Flooding at entrance to Cox Tract at Yorba and Lane. 4. REPORT ON COMPUTER PLANNING MEETING ~ouncilman Oste~ stated tha~ he had artended this meeting and had been very impressed with a report given at the meeting by Mr. Blankenship. One of the items discussed was a proposed system of voting for Cities on a sliding scale so that each City'would be give~ votes on the dollar spent basis. THE FOLLOWING CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED: 1~ Letter commending H. Gill re reports on Urban Fol'icy Seminar from F. Fisher, Director, Professional Develop- ment Center, International City Management Association. '2. December29 Newsletter and Special Bulletin--League of California Cities. 3. Notice of RegUlar Meeting--League of California Cities, Orange County Division. 4. Monthly and Yearly Reports--Tustin Building Department. 5. News item re Municipal Bond Sales--The Register. --- ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Coco declared the meeting closed to an execut!ive. session. CITY CLERK~