HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 4 COMM TERMS 01-07-91,AGENDA - - DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DECEMBER 31, 1990 WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT COMMISSION TERMS EXPIRATION DATES I. RECOMMENDATION Pleasure of the City Council. II. ALTERNATIVES NEW BUSINESS N0. 4 1-7-91 Inter - Com A. Do nothing; this would maintain existing term expiration dates in February. B. Direct the City Attorney to draft appropriate Ordinances which would change the month of term expiration to July or some other time. III. SUMMARY The major Commissions and Committees which were created by City Council Ordinances have the month of February as the term expiration dates; perhaps this was in coordination with the previous Council election dates in November. Now that the City Council elections have reverted back to April, the City Council may wish to change the term expiration dates to another month. IV. BACKGROUND At its meeting December 17, Council requested staff to research the expiration dates of terms of Commissioners. Staff has drafted detail pertaining to Planning Commission, the Parks and Recreation Commission, and the Audit Committee, which were all created by City Council Ordinance. Terms of other committees and Boards are summarized in an attachment. A. Parks and Recreation Commission When the Parks and Recreation Commission was established in June 1988, terms expired in July; at that time elections for City Council members were held in April, and so July gave new Council 2 members time to observe the Commission and an opportunity to decide to continue with the same Commissioners or not. Some time later, the City Council changed its election to November; subsequently, Ordinance 1016 was adopted, which provided that "the terms of office of the three of the first appointed members shall be from the time of their appointment until the third Monday in February, 1990, and the terms of office of four of the first appointed members shall be from the time of their appointment until the third Monday in February, 1991. The term of each of these offices shall thereafter be for two years commencing on the expiration date of each office as herein provided." In May 1990, Council reappointed Commissioners Biery, Randall, and Welch for another two-year term each. The terms of the remaining four members will expire on the third Monday in February of this year. Now that the Council has changed the local elections back to April, perhaps the Council wishes to modify this Ordinance to change the expiration of terms to July once again. B. Planning Commission The situation for the Planning Commission is basically the same as described above for the Parks and Recreation Commission. When initially created, terms of Commissioners expired in July. When the election was changed from April to November, an Ordinance was adopted which changed the Planning Commission terms to expire on the third Monday in February. Now that the City Council elections take place in April, perhaps the Council wishes the expiration of Planning Commission terms to be in July, or some date other than February. C. Audit Committee Audit Committee details are as follows: Two of the first appointed members shall serve from the time of their appointment until the second regular meeting of the City Council in February 1992, and three of the first appointed members shall serve from the time of their appointment until the second regular meeting of the City Council in February 1993. The term of each of these offices shall thereafter be for four years, commencing on the expiration date of each office as provided here and above." As with other Commissions, all members of the Audit Committee shall serve until their respective successors are appointed and qualified. Therefore, the Audit Committee appointments also expire in February as do the Planning and Parks and Recreation Commissions. Should the City Council wish to make a change, it would be appropriate to give direction to the City Attorney. D. Cultural Resources Committee and other Boards and Committees The City Code provides some detail regarding the Cultural Resources Committee; however, there is no specific date given regarding expiration of terms: "The original appointment of the members of the Committee shall be as follows: Two for three years and three for four years. Subsequent appointments for all other committee members shall be for a four year term." Regarding other boards and committees, Council can refer to the attachments; other changes Council may wish to make would only require City Council action, not an Ordinance change. Royl en White, Director Community and Administrative Services RAW/md RAW3:pincomltr Attachment A: Expiration Dates B: Summary Matrix ATI i.ENT "A" CITY OF TUSTIN COMMISSION AND COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Park and Recreation Commission Appointed Term/Expiration Date Donald Biery 5-21-90 2 years; 3rd Monday in February 1992 Lois Carr 8-15-88 2 years; 3rd Monday in February 1991 James Kane 8-15-88 2 years; 3rd Monday in February 1991 James Niemiec 8-15-88 2 years; 3rd Monday in February 1991 Sam Randall 5-21-90 2 years; 3rd Monday in February 1992 Sandra Van Dorn 8-15-88 2 years; 3rd Monday in February 1991 Susan Welsh 5-21-90 2 year; 3rd Monday in February 1992 Planning Commission Appointed Term/Expiration Date Alden Baker 5-1-89 2 years; 3rd Monday in February 1991 Marjorie Kasalek 6-25-90 2 years; 3rd Monday in February 1991 Casper Kasparian 5-1-89 2 years; 3rd Monday in February 1991 Donald Le Jeune 5-1-89 2 years; 3rd Monday in February 1991 Edmund Shaheen 5-1-89 2 years; 3rd Monday in February 1991 Audit Committee Appointed Term/Expiration Date Cheryl Gunderson 3-20-89 3 years; 3rd Monday in February 1992 George Jeffries 3-20-89 3 years; 3rd Monday in February 1992 Walt Sullins 3-20-89 4 years; 3rd Monday in February 1993 Frank Greinke 3-20-89 4 years; 3rd Monday in February 1993 Jerry Weil 3-20-89 4 years; 3rd Monday in February 1993 Cultural Resources Committee Street Naming Committee Appointed Term Robert Edgell 9-19-88 Length of term has not Jeff Thompson 9-19-88 been determined for Richard Vining 9-19-88 four members. 3 are John Sauers 9-19-88 to serve 4 year terms Ed Pankey 7-18-88 and 2 are to serve 3 Hoc Gwen Ferguson year terms. Brent Ferdig 12-4-89 4 years Senior Advisory Board Appointed Term Lloyd Ebel 8-24-89 3 years Ken Hoesterey 8-24-89 2 years Ruby May 8-24-89 3 years Janet Schwartz 8-24-89 2 years Margarete Thompson 8-24-89 2 years Street Naming Committee Water Works Board Appointed Term Rex Combs 9-19-89 Until Member Resigns Thomas Mulcahy 9-19-90 of Lloyd Robbins 3-31-80 of Walter Kowalek 3-31-80 if Open position a:corm,. tst Appointed Term Frances Logan 7-18-88 Ad Hoc Jerry Feldman 7-18-88 Ad Hoc Shirley Doig 7-18-88 Ad Hoc Ed Pankey 7-18-88 Ad Hoc Gwen Ferguson 7-18-88 Ad Hoc Water Works Board Appointed Term Rex Combs 9-19-89 Until Member Resigns Thomas Mulcahy 9-19-90 of Lloyd Robbins 3-31-80 of Walter Kowalek 3-31-80 if Open position a:corm,. tst z H H M E4 �L1 O H H U I FtL f 'HMENT "B" y G c V c w Q Y i QN O (1 C m 4 Y • u � 1y� y cc7 E O E °o u N U L �v r m c m L ouTo V) O o L y J ct,.c 0 �• 2 z u •N cu Y y Qi N E y L •- `•- L y m O v K ac N ul U) WfA l< O O 0 N ra H H zQ z z z z z � a wz >>> W H z W 0 to r cl Lf) �r V.0 to O 0 O O W H to •.-1 •r.l •rl •ri (0 fdtdm C7 a z W O U O QY O O a (1) a) U U a) x c 0 H H O O to O O O O O O O O O O EO z z cn z z z z z z z z z z W Ww z x al 0 cn z s~ >~ c s~ c O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 wa O O z z z z z z z z z z z z z z O H a al a) a) a) a) al 0 a) 0al a) al a In 1~ r.zc H H 0 N O 0 O O 0 0 O O O O O z sn z z z z z z z z z z z w P4 .^^ '^ . 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