December 15, 1969
CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to Order at 7:35'P.M. by Mayor Coco.
INVOCATION Given by the ReVerend Karl J. Christ, D.D.
ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen Coco, C. Miller, Marstots, L. Miller
Absent: Councilmen: None
· Others Present: =City Administrator Harry Gill
City Attorney James Rourke
City Clerk Ruth C. Poe
Planning Director James Supingot
MINUTES Moved by Marsterse.seconded by L. Miller that minutes of
December l~ 1969 meetins be approved. Carried.
Dr. Karl Christ spoke on his 24-plus years of ministry in the
City of Tustin and his appreciation for the cooperation and
leadership in the City. Dr:. Christ has accepted apost at
the First Presbyterian Church of San Pedro.
Film '~nwanted Noise" presentedby Mr. Killon of the
" Citizens Aviation Committee of Tustin.
Mr. Killon explained that this film showed problems of jet
noise created by planes atKennedy Airport on Long Island,
and what the affected towns have done. He asked for
Council support of the Citizens Committee of Tustin i~
their efforts to prevent this from happening here.
The Mayor's recent activities inthis effort were ~Utlined
by Mr. Coco.
For rezoning of an 11.1 acre parcel from the E-4 (Estate
Residential) DiStrict to the PC (Planned Community) District.
Located at the ~northwest corner of the intersection of
Irvine Boulevard (Fourth Street) and Prospect Avenue.
Councilman Marsters stated that he is a home owner in the
immediate vicinity and will therefore abstain in the matter.
Mr. Supin~er explained the location of the site and that the
property is now zoned E-4 and application is foT PC (Planned
Community). The Planning Commission had recommended denial
of this zone change! by a 7-0 vote.
Mayor Coco announced that 'a letter had been received from
Scholz Homes requesting a postponement or continuation to
an un'determined time pending the outcome of requested workshop.
Hearing opened at-8~10 P.M.
Council Minutes
12-15-69 Page 2
Mr. R. Matthewson, 17712 Westbury Lane, Tustin, referred
to petition of approximately 500 names opposing this ap-
plication, which had been submitted to the Planning~Com-
Mayor Coco explained that all information presented to the
Planning Commission, including the petition, comments and
Commission action is in the Councilmen's folders. He asked
that all comments this evening be a brief summary or new __
Mr. Matthewson stated that this zoning would be a serious
incursion into the E-4 area, would bring an increase in
population of 600 times more than under the present zoning.
No matter how painted this is,still a housing project and
· would create dense population. Mr. Matthewson urged the
Council to uphold the Commission reconunendations and deny
this application.
Mr. Norman Temple, 17572 Westbury Lane, spoke on the need
for screening and did not believe the few dying Eucalyptus
trees and suggested planting of Pers{mmon trees could be
considered adequate screening. He stated the applicant
had stated that a development of this quality could not
go in an apartment neighborhood. The residents in this
area think it is equally bad in an E-4 area. Of the signers
of the petition submitted, only 5% to 10% reside outside of
this area. He felt that the signatures of north Tustin
residents showed that those people are keeping a close
watch on Tustin amd any zoning action could affec~ future
Mr. Henry Cobb, 17732 Westbury Lane, asked that the Council
vote down any continuation and to make a clear cut decision.
He saw no reason to continue this in workshop form. Mr.
Cobb suggested that this application be passed on first and
then if a workshop is wanted they could resubmit to the
Planning Commission.
There being no further co~a~ents or objections the hearing
was declared closed at 8:20 P.M.
Councilman L. Miller stated that although he lives in the
immediate vicinity he is not within the area that is posted
and would preclude him from voting. In fairness to the
applicant, the Council does have over 500 names requesting
that this zoning not be g~anted and have received a report
from the T.N.T. Committee and from DRA, which is our con-
su!~ants hired to assist the City in deveio~ment. The
reports received indicate that they do not recommend apart-
ments for this area.
~oved by L. Miller? seconded by Oster, that ZC 69-198 of
Scholz Homes be denied.
Councilman Oster stated that he had had the opportunity to
be on the Planning Commission when this matter was presented
and had seen nothing tonight which would indicate that
the matter should be continued, In llne with Council Policy,
where there is · new and different plan submitted it would
normally be sent back to the Planning Commission. It would
not be fair to have this matter continued indefinitely. If
the applleant wants to come back with new plans they would
go before'~he Commission and notices ~Oh~d go out.
M~. C, Mille~Is~ated that i~ this ts ~ ~o~ed ~e ~ould
be one of the few times the COuncil has not continued a
matter when requestedby the applicant. In this case, what
· the applicant has proposed is far enough away from what is
felt should be done on the property that the usual l~ind of
thing that comes out ef workshop would be fruitless.
Council Minutes
12-15-69 Page 3
Mayor Coco stated that evidently since the app~ation has generated
almost unanimous oppositionon the Planning C6~r~n and with
area residents and since it is so far out it probably would
be a better idea for~the applicant to reapply. Itlis an ob-
vious matter that.this land will be developed someday. It
is healthy for the City and the residents in the area that
it be developed in a high quality manner. The applicant has
requested defertel because of a workshop. Should this be
deniedhe submitted that a workshop may still'be helpful to
indicate/to the applicant what the feelings are of. the Clty
and the citizens of the area. The applicant can base his
opinions and ~is decisions relative to reapplylng on &n in-
formal feeling. Mayor Coco said he would be in concurrence
with denial at this time.
'Motion to deny ZC 69-198 carried. Councilman Marsters ab~
- Continued from 10-20-69
Application of Hester Trust on behalf of Harriet O.
Enderle for prezoning and rezoning of a parcel of
approximately 22 acres.
e. PC-C~2 (Planned Corrmunity - Central Cor~nercial)
on the northerly approximately 11 acres ironring
564 feet on the south side of 17th Street and 880
feet on =the e~st side of Yorba Street (existing
commercialldevelopment is not a part of the ap-
--- b. PC-R-3 (1750) (Planned Comnunity - Multiple
Family Residential - 1750 sq. ft. of lot area
per dwelling unit) District on the southerly
approximately 1t acres ironring 620 ft. on the
east side of Yorba Street.
Site is located at the southeast corner of the
intersection of 17th Street and Yorba Street.
Mayor Coco stated that a letter has been received from
Mr. Gianulias of Hester Trust requesting that this matter
be taken off calendar.
Moved by'C. MillerL seconded by Marsters that PZ 69-119
of Hester Truston behalf of Harriet O. Enderle be taken
off calendar. Carried.
Appeal of the decision of the Planning Conunission
denying application of Red Hill Texaco for a use per-
mit (UP 69-320)~to permit the outside storage and
rental of trailers, camper trailers, medium sized
moving vans(or trucks)'and/or motor coaches in con-
- junction with ah existing service station located at
the southwes~ corner of the intersectionOf Red Hill
Avenue and Laguna!Road.
Site is the location of existing service station at
13931 Red Hill Avenue.
Mr. Supin~er explained the.location and stated that this
station was developed prior to the adoption of the ordi-
nance in 1966 which~re~uires the issuance of a Use Permit
for service stations and prior to the adoption of the
Service Station Site Development Guide. Mr. Supinger
stated that this application had been denied by the
Planning Commission~at their November 24 meeting.
Council Minutes
12-15-69 Page
Hearing opened at 8:30 P.M.
Mr. Ray Trizlnsky, partner in Red Hill Texaco Service
referred to their letter of appeal and reviewed the
The appeal is based on the following modifications to
the originalapplicatlon on file: --
1. To llmit the number of units on the property to four
(4), which will include one (1) motor coach and khree
(3). tent trailers.
2.To store the four (4) units at the rear of the prop-
erty behind the service station building.
3.To be granted s temporary "Use Permit" for the period
of only one (1) year.
The justifications for the appeal are as follows:
1. This operation is conducive to the health, safetys
morals, comfort, convenience and welfare of persons
living or working in our comu~unity.
2. This operation will be an asset to the co~uLunity be-
cause it provides the answer to a needs a need for
attractive and safe vehicles which will enable every-
one to better enjoy their leisure time.
3. The four (4) vehicles will require no more than four
(4) parking stalls. With so few vehicles on the
property ample parking stalls remain for the con-
venience of employees and customers.
4. The small number of vehicles on the property will in
no way cause a problem of congestion as they will not
be near driveways.
5. These vehicles will be s great distance away from
sidewalks, and therefore will not interfere with the
safety of pedestrians.
All four (4) vehicles will be obscured because of
their location behind buildings, trees or shrubs,
except for one point along Laguna Road. They will
not obstruct the vision olf passing motorists in any
7. We are concerned and interested in beautification ef-
fort~ by the City of Tustin, If, in the opinion of
the Planning Department, the present on-site land-
scaping is below current minumum standards set by
the Ordinance covering service statfon site develop-
ment, we would be glad to consider any recommendations
in this regard.
8. There will be no blatant advertising of these vehicles
through the use of flags~ banners, signs, etc. on the
9. It is our opinion that these vehicles are much more
at~re~i~e than t~ or three tow ~rucks o~ servie~
10. It is our feeling that it is ,just as compatible, if
not more so, for a service staeion to conduct this
type of business or operation, as it is for a service
station to have a restaurant on its roof; for a drive-
in dairy to sell gasoline; for a car wash ~o sell
gssoline; arid for drug stores, markezs and de~artmen~
~ .'~ Council Minutes
12-15-69 Pegs 5
stores to sell oil or any other product that is more
appropriately sold in a service station.
11. Rolls-Homes, Inc., owners of the vehicle~:~ed on
th~ property, have agreed that they will ~t ~lace
any of these vehicles on any other property in the
Based upon the'above modifications end justifications, Mr.
Trizinsky res.peetfully requested the Council's favorable
consideration for this appeal.
Mr, Trizinsky 'pointed out that they ere aware of only one
property owner who has expressed disapproval of our original
epplication', butarealso aware of the fact that said
property.owner has a tenant on his property who conducts a
rental business. He elso pointed out that as some members
of the Planning Commission did vote fevorably on a Use Per-
mit, their applicetion did have merit.
Mr. F. Oaks, representing Texaco, Inc., stated that they
-lease this site to the applicants end feel that if they
would put the trailers as they have suggested, in the back
of the building, they, are almost completely invisible from
the street, These are not unsightly hauling trailers--these
tent trailers when folded and stored are not more than three
feet highl Mr. Oaks requested Council consideration in
granting this Use Permit as stated.
There being no further comments or objections the hearing
was declared closed at 8:40 P.M.
Councilman L. Miller stated that he had gone down and looked
at the applicant's property abd complimented them on the
quality, clean and uncluttered gas station they have. On
the two opposite corners, stations have tow trucks, unsightly
tire displays and other items that did not add-to the char-
aeter of the community. Mr. Miller said he would like to
see the present applicant remain in the conmunity. In
reading the original recommendetion of limiting the Use
Permit to one year, if the use does not follow the rdesires
~anted this evening, the Use Permit can be revoked.
Councilman Oster stated that he had voted fo~ this applica=
tion at the Planning Commission and that he would do so
agai~ as what is preseuted tonight is better.
Moved byOster~ sec~nded'b~ L. Miller, that UP 69-320 of
R~d Hill Texaco be ~ranted so as to provide a maximum
number of four units on the property with the storage of
eachto be at the rear Of the property, behind the=service
station building as shown on the plot plan before this meet=
ing, that the use be granted for a period of one (1) year
and that no signs be ueilized in connection with the Offer-
ing of these vehicles to the public.
Councilmen Marsters stated that he did not feel that this
aetiyity does a lotto enhance the beauty of the City
and does' add to elutte~ and if the people in this business
particularly want to be in the gas station business they
should confine their activities. The Service station
Development Guides arealong this line, therefore he would
vote against fhis motion,
In answer to questipning, Mr. Supin~er stated he was not
sure whether there are street trees there or not.
~ouncilmsn C. Miller agreed thet this is the best looking
.station at .that.intersection, by far, but agreed with Mr.
Marsters that this kind of thing can be e problem. The
Council Minutes
12-15-69 Page 6
.application is for a year, however, and if it turns out to be
a poor use and a detriment, it will com up again and continued
use can be determined at that time. Mr. Miller suggested an
amendment to the minute order to require the compliance to the
extent possible with the requirements of the Service Station
Site Development Guide. Particularly interested that there are
street trees.
Councilman Oster and L. Miller, maker and seconder of the above
motion, were agreeable to the addition of requirements suggested
by Councilman C. Miller to' their motion.
In answer to questioning, Mr. Trizinskl said that the parking
stalls for the 4 vehicles would be plainly marked. All adver-
tising would be outside advertising in newspapers, etc.
Above motion carried. Councilman Marstots voting no.
BUSINESS 1. Appointment of Council Representative to Joint Powers
Computer Planning Authority
~oved by Marstots7 seconded by L. Miller that Councilman Robert
Oster be appointed as the City's official representative to the
Joint Power Computer Planning Authority effective immediately.
2. Appointment of Council Representative to OranSe County Division,
League of California Cities Executive Committee.
Moved by Marsters~ seconded b70ster that Councilman L. Marstots
be appointed to represent the City at the Orange County Division
LeaRue of California Cities executive sessions. Carried.
3. Election of Mayor Pro Tempore
Moved by L. Millerr seconded by Oster that Councilman Clifton
Miller be appointed Mayor pro tempore. Carried unanimously.
An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, amending the
Moved by L. Millerr seconded by Oster that Ordinance No. 450
have .~ICondreadin~. by title only. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Marsters7 seconded by L. Miller that Ordinance No. 450
amending the Tustin City Code relative to construction and repair
of buildings, and noise, be passed and adopted. Carried by roll
call. Ayes: Coco, C. Miller, Marstots, L. Miller, Oster.
Noes: None Absent: None
An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, REZONING PROPERT~
on Application No. ZC 69-195 of WILFRED TAYLOR.
Location: Site fronts 220' on the south side of Third St., 300' on
the west side of Pacific and 220' on the north side of Main
Approved zoning is for PC-R-3-28e0 (MultlpleFamily Residentlal
-2800 Sq. ft. per dwelling ~hit~ District..
reA'd'{~'~~ pending reports from the T.N.T. Committee
and DRA. These reports indicated that this area would be re-
commended for quality multiple developmenzo
CoUncil Minutes
12-15-69 Page 7
Councilman Oster stated hehad opposed this zone change at
the Planhing Co~ission hearing and chat he had artended the
T.N.T. meeting and his vote will remain the same. A larger
-,, plan for the area is called for.
Mr. Rourke explained thatif the Ordinance does n~t have a
.second reading the procedure comesto an end unless read
at s later time.
Moved by L. Miller~ seconded by Coop that Ordinance No. 452..
be read by.~itle"only,. Carried unanimously.
Moved By L. Miller~ seconded by Coco. that Ordinance No. 452
rezoning property on application ZC 69-195 of Wilfred~Taylor,
be passed and adopted.
Mr. Bob Hall of 17452=Irvi~e Blvd. stated that it was his
understanding that if the PC zoning is denied then a use
permit would.not be available for one year and if so would
ask fore 30 day. cOntinuance on this. He stated thathe
had talked with some of the people in the area and some
felt that a multiple development might be acceptable with
conditions. He would like to find someone in that group
willing to workwith"him on plans. Mr. Hall presented a
petition of 17 property owners which stated they had no
objections to this development.
Mr. Rourke stated that there is no time restriction on
zone changes and the applicant could refile any time.
Mr. Natl,s'aid that under those conditions he would prefer
a yes or no answer on the Ordinance tonight.
Mayor Coco stated he was pleased that Mr. Hall showed
willingness to meet with home owners.
Above motion for ~adoption failed by roll call vote.
Ayes: L. Miller
Noes: Oster, C. Miller, Coco
Abstained: Marsters
An Ordinance amending the Tustin City Code RELATIVE
Moved by Marsters~ seconded by L. Miller that Ordinance No.
454 have second readin~ by title only. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Marsters~ ~eeonded by L. Miller that Ordinance No.
454, amending the TustinCity Code relative to curfews,
be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call.
Ayes: Coco, C. Miller, Marsters, L. Miller, 0ster
Noes: None
Absent': None
An Ordinance ofI the City of Tustin, California,
amending the Tustin City Code RELATIVE TO UNDERGROUND
Moved by C. Miller,~seconded by Oster that Ordinance No. 455
have second read~nM by title only. Carried. unanimously. ~ '
Moved by C. Miller~ seconded by L. Miller that Ordinance No.
45~, amending the TuStin City Code relative to Underground
Utilities, be passed~and adopted. Carried by roll call.
Ayes: Coe~, ~, Mille~, Mareters, ~. Miller, Oster,
Noe~ NO~e
Ab~e~~. NO~e
Council Minutes
12-15-69 Page 8
Consideration of appointment and/or reappotntment
of three terms on the Parks and Recreation Commission.
Term to run from January 1, 1970, through December 31,
Mayor Coco announced that the terms of Mrs. M. Hernandez,
Richard Edgar, and George Ritsi expire December 31st and
that all three' had submitted letters requesting reappoknt-
mont. Four previous applicants had also expressed interest
in appointment to the Commission.
Mrs. M. Harris, of 14621 Yorba Street, applicant present,
stated that she would be interested in becoming a member of
the Commission. She had worked 'with Park and Recreatioh in
Detroit, is a high school teacher and has children and
grandchildren living in Tustin.
Councilman C. Miller stated that it has been the usual
policy to reappoint members who have shown interest and
done a good job. Most have applied more than once and
eventually been appointed. He commended all applicants
for their interest and hoped that those who have applied
will continue to put their names before the Council. There
has been quite a turnover on this Commission, about four
members in 4% years.
Moved by M~rsters~ seconded by L. Miller, that Mrs. Mary
Hernandez~ Mr. Richard'Edgar? and. Mr.. George Ritsi be re-
appointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission for a term
to expire December 31, 1971. Carried.
A Resolution of the City Council of the City of
(Sale of surplus property in Tustin Meadows fire
lane area)
Mr. Gill explained that this is a very small section of the
fire lane which is not needed by the C~ty. It will be re-
turned to the Irvine Company and it is the intent that this
property will be deeded to the purchaser of the adjoining
The Council was concerned that this property would be
deeded to the adjoining property.
Mr. Rourke stated that as this Resolution is a notice of
a hearing which will be held January 5th, he wil'l prepare
and present at that time an agreement requiring that this
land be deeded to the adjacent property.
Moved by C. Miller~ seconded by 0star that Resolution No.
1035 be read by title only. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Marsters~ seconded by Oscar that Resolution No.
1935, relative to the sale of excess property, be passed
and adopted. Carried. Mr. L. Miller abstained.
Recess called by Mayor Coco.
Meeting reconvened at 9:35 PaM.
Council Minutes
12-15-69 Page 9
A Resolution of the City Council of the City of
A Resolution of the City Council of the City of
Mr. C. Miller questioned use of old street sweeper as
Mr. Gill explained that there had been a cutback in service,
primarily of the Commercial area. When second operator is
employed St will enable s~eeping on more than one shift.
It appears it will be more economical to run the new
sweeper more than one shift and retain the old sweeper
which was purchasedsecondhand prior to 1965 as a back-
UP unit.
Mn Gill also explained that the fifth Police unit listed
in the Resolution will be in next year's budget but ordering
at this time will enable the City to get earlier delivery of
a 1970 model, rather than wait for a 1971 model. Three
Police vehicles are now leased and will be replaced under
these purchases,. There have been some problems with leasing
such as travel for service and tying up of an officer's
Now through the State the City will be getting a better
price and the prices include air conditioning.
CouncilmanMarsters stated that he would llke to see a
Council policy where all passenger-type vehicles are
equipped with air conditioning in the future--especlally
Police units.
Moved b.y Oster~ seconded by L. Miller that Resolution No.
1036 be read b,y title onl.y. Carried unanimously.
Moved b.y C. Miller~ seconded b.y L. Miller that Resolution
No. I~036, amending and revisin~ provisions of the 1969-70
Budget, be passed and adopted. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Oster~ seconded b7 L. Miller that R~solution No.
1037 be read b.y title only. Carried unanimously.
Moved b.y L. Miller? seconded b~ Oster that Resolution No.
1037, authorizing the Department of Gener~l Services of
the State 0f CaIifornia to purchase certain items, be passed
and(adopted. Carried unanimously.
4. Approval of Demands
Moved b.y L. Miller~ seuonded b.y Marsters that subject
to the checking of Warrant No. 09049, the demands in the
amount of $51,116.04 beapprovedand paid. Carried.
BUSINESS 1. Resolution No. 1038
A Resolution Of the City Council of the City of Tustin,
Council Minutes
12-15-69 Page 10
My. Gill explained that the determination by the State
H~ghway Commission relative to the Freeway off-ramp at
Newport Avenue is expected tomorrow. This Resolution
would permit the staff to not issue permits on this
~oved by C. Miller, seconded by L. Miller that Resolution.
No.. 1038 be read by title onlZ, Carried unanimously,
Mayor Coco read body of Resolution.
Moved by Oster'? seconded by L. Miller that Resolution
No. 1038, relative to acquisition by condemnation of certain
property for public purposes, be passed and adopted. Carried
2. Council Position Relative to the Harbor District
Mr. Gill explained that the Orange County League of Cities
has requested that each City ~ouncll make known their posi-
tion relative to the Orange County Harbor District. The
City has adopted three resolutions in the past and President
Green would like a confirmation as to what the City's cur-
rent desires are. This is to determine whether or not the
League is going to proceed with Senator Briggs' proposal.
The Council could reaffirm one of the previous resolutions
or take a new position at this time.
Mr. Gill referred to two other alternatives mentioned in
the letter from President Green.
The Council discussed the following facts:
1o That it seems inequitable for people in the inland
Cities to pay the same tax as those directly on the
beach and there is the question of equal distrubution.
2. A change in the make-up of the present conm~ission,
which consists of one member appointed-by each
Supervisor, and promotin~ a district for Harbors,
Beaches and Parks.
3.Dissolving the DiStrict and making it a part of the
County organization.
Moved by C. Miller~ secon~ded by Oster that the Council in-
struct the City's representative to advise the League that
the City maintains original position as expressed in Resolu-
tion 980. Motion carried. Councilman L. Miller voting no.
3. TOPICS.- Traffic Operations Program to increase Capacity and Safety.
TOPICS is a Federal program designed to improve ~raffic capa-
city and safety on a particular system of streets in urban
Mayor Coco directed that a letter be sent to the County
Board of Supervisors stating that the City recommends that
the coordinating agent for the Orange County portion of
the Los Angeles Metropolitan Urban Area be the County of
4~ t~t~e BouleVard Cente~ Island - Plaeihg ef ~ishing Welt
Staff recommendations and plot plan presented.
After a discussion of visibiliZy and divider widths it was
moved by Marsters. seconded by L. Miller that the Wishing
Council Minutes
12-15-69 Page 11
Well sign on irvtne BoUlevard beleft where iris, three
trees be planted in dividers between Yorba St~d the
..... Newport-Freeway, and these Center Islands be equivalent in
width tO others On Irvine Boulevard. Carried.
5. Center Island Policy from R, Edgar, Chairman of Parks
and Recreation Commission.
~ayor Coco explained that this.is a recommendation that
the Council adoptas a matter of policy the commitment to
install center dividers along certain main streets and
establish a priority within this plan.
Mr. Edgar stated that the purpose of this policy would be to
reduce into words the goals and plans for center islands
developments and spelling out the streets such as First
Street, E1 Camino Real, and Newport Boulevard. This would
not be conclusive as to additions or deletions.
It was brought out that although the City feels committed to
center island dividers, priorities would depend on annexa-
tions, wheh streets'are developed'to ultimate widths, ac-
quisition of right-el-way; etc., and recommendations from
the DRAand the T.N,T. Committee.
It was the decision of:the Council that this matter is in-
appropriate at this time and it be deferred to a later date.
6.- California Council o~ Interbovernmental Relations
Mrz. Gill referred to letter from 'CCIR with map showing
· .. present regional boundaries. This orgainization is primar-
ily to cope with regional problems suchas air and water
quality, solid waste disposal, etc. CCIR requested the
Council's reactions to the current boundaries and any
need for modification and change by January 12, 1970.
Reques~c deferred to January:bth meeting for further study.
7. Air ConditioninM in City Cars
Councilman Marste~s stated that he would like to see a
study to determine what~vehi~les should have air condition-
ing and~sald he would like to see conditi~nlng in all
vehicles as replaced.
· Mr. Gill to report back with staff recommendations.
8. Investments
Councilman C. Miller suggested that the City have an in-
vestment counsel0r"s recommendation as to the best way to
invest City funds tO perhaps obtain a better return than
that earned fr0mtime deposits.
... Mr. Gill said he would discuss this with Mr. Wells, Financial
9. ~olice School ProMram
Councilman Marsters 'commented on the article in'the
Register "Police Like.Program", a program to familiarize
children with Police officers, and commended OfficerDeiro
for his work on this p~ogram now beinS conducted a=
ln~e~media~ ~ehool.
Mr. Gill noted that a similar program will be instigated
in the elementary sChOols in the near future,
- y, m3
Council Minutes
12-15-69 Page 12
10. Mission Bells
The Council requested that publfcity and notices be given
to the public and service clubs that Mission Bells 5ave
been purchased for installation on E1 Camino Real an~ that
interested parties may place plaques on standards by paying
the cost of the bell. Bells to be installed by the City.
The following correspondence and reports received:
1. Information Report - Traffic signsis at Tustin Village
' Way and McFadden--City Engineer
2. Notice Of Application for Increase in TUstin Water
Works Rates--Public Utilities Cormuission
3. Building Department Report for November, 1969--Rex
4. Letter Commending Fire Department--R~ K. Mansur
5.Minutes -' League of California Cities Committee
on Annexation
6.Correspondence urging support of AB 1618--City of
San Fernando
7.Appreciation of Tree Planting--Orange County Bi-
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Coco declared the meeting adjourned to a personnel