HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 4 PUBLIC NUISANCE 01-03-89DATE: JANUARY 3. 1989 TO: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: C~NITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: DECLARATION OF INTENTION TO HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSES OF DECLARING A PUBLIC NUISANCE-15751 CALIFORNIA STREET RECOI~IENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Resolution No. 89-2 stating the intent to hold a public hearing for the purposes of declaring a public nuisance at 15751 California Street. BACKGROUND Over the last 3 years, the Community Development Department has been receiving complaints regarding the condition of the yard, fences and landscaping at 15751 California 'Street. This property contains a single family detached home which is located in the R-1 Single Family Residential Zoning District. The property is also surrounded by single family dwellings to the north, east, south and west. Generally, the complaints received by staff were regarding the condition of the property. In an effort to abate the conditions, numerous letters were .sent to Ms. Virginia Gochenour who is the property owner. Copies of these letters are attached to this report for reference and provide examples as to the history of code enforcement actions taken by the Community Development Department. In response to the most recent complaints regarding the property, letters have been sent requesting the property owner to remove the violations. To date, only minor improvements have been noted, only for the problems to reoccur. According to the Nuisance Abatement Regulations (Section 5500 et. seq.) in the Tustin Municipal Code, a formal resolution must be approved by the Council to initiate abatement proceedings. This resolution is for the purposes of describing the violations on the property, listing the required actions needed to remove the stated violations and to declare the City's intent to hold a public hearing to formally declare the property to be a public nuisance. ANALYSIS In addition to the actions taken by City staff, this matter was also referred to the City Attorney for further action. The City Attorney also sent City Council Report Public Nuisance January 3, 1989 Page two correspondence to Ms. Gochenour to request compliance. 'As of December 23, 1988 the property remains in violation of the City Code and complaints are still being received in for the following reasons: lo Dead and missing landscaping in the front yard and parkways along California Stheet and Medallion (Section 5501(9)e); 2. Broken and dilapidated fencing in the side yards facing California Street and Meda 11 i on (Secti on 5501 ( 9)e ); 3. Storage of weeds and various debris in front yard (Section's 5501(9)a and 4411)); and 4. Fallen fruit from orange trees in front yard scattered in public street and neighboring properties (Section 4411). Since abatement has not been achieved, staff has reviewed the City Code in reference to public nuisance abatement procedures. Once code enforcement action has been unsuccessful at the staff level, for~el action must be taken by the City Council. Under the current provisions, the following actions should be taken in sequence and according to the methods prescribed by the City Code and State law: 1. Approval of a resolution which states the City's intent to hold a public hearing to declare said property as a public nuisance. Certified delivery of notice to property owner within 30 days of approval of the resolution, but at least ten days prior to the date of the public hearing. 3, The approved resolution is posted on said property at least ten days pti'or to the public hearing. 4. The intended public hearing is held for the Council's consideration of all testimony and evidence and the Council declares whether or not the p~operty is a public nuisance. If the property is found to be a public nuisance, the Council then passes a resolution setting forth a 30 day abatement period and listing the required actions by which the property owner must clear said violation(s). Should the Council approve the resolution declaring a public nuisance, this resolution is served on the property owner. If abatement is not completed by the property owner within the 30 day period, the City may .then cause to have such action 'taken and assess all costs for clean-up, repair work and all Corn rnunity DeveloPmenl Depsrlmenl City Council Report Public Nuisance January 3, 1989 Page three administrative costs upon the property owner. The City Council would also review and approve the written report which states all costs prior to assessing the property owner. CONCLUSTON Based upon the history of code enforcement action by staff in the past and the recent failure of the property owner to respond to the recent requests for action, staff recommends that the City Council approve Resolution No..89-2 which lists the above mentioned violations and includes the following list of requested abatement actions: 1. Removal of all weeds, litter, debris and fruit from the public street and front/side yards; 2. Repair of all broken and missing fencing (grape stake) in side yards; and 3: Replace all dead/missing landscaping in front yard and adjacent parkways. This resolution sets a date of February 6, 1989 for the purposes of conducting the required public hearing pursuant to the Nuisance Abatement Regulations. Lau~' C. Kuhn Sent or P1 anner LCK: CAS' ts Attachments' Resolution No. 89-2 Letters to property owner Christine A. Shingletor~ Director of Community~Development Corn rnunity DeveloPment Depar~rnem 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1.4 15 16 17 lS 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 89-2 A .RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THE INTENTION TO CONDUCT A' PUBLIC HEARING TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 15751 CALIFORNIA STREET (AP# 402-382-10) CONSTITUTES A PUBLIC NUISANCE. The City Council of the City of Tustln hereby resolves as follows: I. The City Counctl hereby finds and determines as fo11°Ws: A. Pursuant to section 5500 et. seq. of the Tustln City Code, and based upon the recommendation of the Department of Community Development, a public heartng should be conducted to deterntine whether or not the condltton of the property located at 15751 California Street (AP# 402-382-10) constitutes a publtc nuisance. B. The following conditions of the property are as follows: . Dead and missing landscaping in the front yard and parkways along California Street and Medallion (Section 5501(9)e); . Broken and delapttated fencing in the site yards facing California Street and Medallion (Section 5501(9)e); 3. Storage of weeds and various debris in front yard (Sections 5501(9)a and 4411)); and' Fallen fruit from orange trees in front yard scattered in public street and neighboring properties' (Section 4411). C. The recommended methods of abatement are as follows: . Removal of all weeds, litter, debris and fruit from the public street and front/side yards; . Repair of all broken and missing fencing (grape stake) in side yards; and 3. Replace all dead/missing landscaping in front yard and, adjacent parkways. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 .13 1.4 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 89-2 Page two . II. The City Council hereby authorizes a public hearing concerning the property at 15751 California Street (AP# 402-382-10) to be conducted on February 6, 1989. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the day of , 1989. Ursula E. Kennedy Mayor Mary wynn, city Clerk December 8, 1988 Ms. Virginia Gochenour 15751 California Street Tustin, CA 92680 RE: Your Property at 15751 California Street, Tustin, CA Vi'olation of Tustin City Code Section 5501(9) & (10) Dear Ms. Gochenour: On September 2, November 16, and December 2, 1988, the City of Tustin notified you of certain conditions of the above referenced property which, constitute violations of the Tustin Municipal Code, Sections 5500 et seq. In the City's last letter to you, dated December 2, 1988, you were alerted to the f oll owing: 1. Unmaintained and dead grass/ground cover on front yard and parkways, facing California Street and Medallion. 2. Fencing facing street between side yard and adjoining property at 15741 California Street in need of replacement or repair. As City Attorney for the City of Tustin, our office has been requested to commence abatement proceedings against the aforementioned conditions of your" property. We have recommended that this matter be scheduled for a public hearing before the City Council to have your property declared a public nuisance. In the event the property is declared a public nuisance, the cost of making the necessary repairs and all administrative co. sts incurred by the City in order to insure compliance with the City's code will be assessed as a lien against the property. .. It is in' your best interest, as the property owner, to resolve this problem immediately by commencing the necessary work to the proper~y and providing notice to this office or te the staff of the Community Development Department of the commencement of such work. The City's staff can be reached at 544-8890. Ask for Laura Kuhn or Ron Reese. 300 Centennial Way · TuStin; California 92680 · (714) 544-8890 Mrs. Virginia Gochenour Page Two December 8, 1988 If you have any questions in regard to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Deputy City Attorney LEJ: rr :D: 12/6/88 (365m) cc: Laura Kuhn/ Ron Reese Christine Shingleton City of Tustin December Z, ].988 Community Development Department CERTIFIED MAIL P 136 061 750 Ms. Virginia Gochenour 15751 California Street Tustin, CA 92680 SUBJECT.-. VIOLATION OF TUSTIN CITY CODE SECTION 5500 (ET. SEQ) AT 15751 CALIFORNIA STP, I[ET, llJSTIN Dear Ms. Gochenour: Please refer to the previous correspondence from the Community Development Department dated September 2 and November 16, 1988 regarding the condition of the subject property (copies enclosed). On November 30, 1988 an inspection was made and photographs were taken of the property recording the status of the violations. To date, the property remains in violation of Section 5500 of the Tustin Municipal Code. The following items are considered a violation of this code and constitute a publ i c nuisance: ® unmatntatned and dead grass/ground cover on front yard and parkways facing California Street and Medall ion. · Fencing facing street between side yard and adjoining property at 15741 California Street in need of replacement or repair. Failure to respond tO our previous requests for compliance with these i tmes has resulted in forwarding this matter to the City Attorney for initiation of legal proceedings. Such proceedings may result in issuance of a misdemeanor citation which is punishable by up to six (6) months in jail and/or a $500.00 fine. Sincerely, Laura C. K uhn Senior Planner LCK:jk Enclosures '~c: Christine Shingleton Ron Reese City Attorney 300 Centennial Way · Tustin, California 92680 · (7.14) 5d~.-8890 City of Tustin November 16, 1988 Community Development Department ¢£RTIFI£D MAIL P 110 344 088 Ms. Virginia Gochenour 15751 California Street Tusttn, CA 92680. $U~ECT: PUBLIC #UISANCE- UNKEPT CONDITION OF PREMISES Dear Ms. Gochenour: TUSTIN CODE ¥IOLATION WA~ING NOTIC[ Loca ti on: 15751 California Stmeet Tustin, CA 92680 ou recen:ly received a Public Nuisance Notice da.ted September. 2, 1988 concerning the malntenapce of your property at 15751 California Streel:. I1: appeared from a retnspectlon of your property on September 10, 1988 that some attempt was in progress to address'the concerns of the City (i.e. pick up fruit, trim bushes, repair fence'etc.).. As of this date any progress which had been made is no longer evident. The City realizes that not everyone has the same idea on what constitutes proper property maintenance. It is, however, easily discernible that your property in no way reflects the upkeep of your surrounding neighbors property and is therefore detrimental to the property value of others and constitutes a Public Nuisance. .In order to bring your property into conformance, the following actions shall be ta ken: 1. All bushes trimmed. 2. All weeds removed. 3. Front lawn and parkway, in front and side of property, should be sod,d, seeded or planted with groundcover and a watering program inital~ed. . . Driveway and sidewalk should be swept and kePt clean. Repair sideyard fence between your property and 15741 California Street. Area under orange tree in front yard should be maintained and kept free of fruit and leaf buildup. 300 Centennial Way · Tustin, California 92680 · (1714) 5~.d-8890 lovember .16, 1988 ~arnlng' No~,i ce 15751 California S~ree~. Page ~wo This Warning Notice is to inform you that a City Inspector will make a reinspec=ion of the above mentioned property on November 30, 1988 to determine if the necessary corrections have been made or are in progress. If upon inspec=ion, the necessary corrections have not been made or are not in progress, formal legal ac=ion will be initiated to insure compliance. This Warning No=ice is written as a courtesy to you. Should you have any questions or require additional Information, please conl~c= =his office a= (714) 544-8890, exten=tons 257. Sincerely, Ron Reese · ~ Associate Planner RR:jk City of Tustin September 2, 1988 Community Development Department t' Ms~ Vtrgtnta Gochenour 15751 Ca11 fornla Street Tusttn, CA 92680 SUBJECT: PUBLIC NUISANCE - UNKEPT CONDITION OF PREMISES Dear Ms. Gochenour: As a resident and/or property owner in the City of Tustin, you have an Important role In making our community a ntcer place in which to 11ye, work and play. Certain conditions have been noticed at your property located at 15751 California Street and were confirmed by an inspection by City staff on September 1, 1988. The following conditions appear to be in violation of the Tustin Municfpal Code: 1. Front lawn dead, overgrown bushes. Rotting fruit scattered on front lawn. 'Side fence facing Medallion Street in need of repair. We kindly request that you undertake the following actions to correct these conditions: 1. Water and mow front lawn and trim bushes. 2. Remove. rotten fruit from front lawn. 3. Repair side fence facing Medallion Street. An inspector will reinspect the property on September 10, 1988 to determine if the. corrections have been made. We would greatly appreciate Your cooperation in this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (714) 544-8890, extenti on 257. Si ncere ly, Ron Reese, Acting Associa-te Planner RR: ts 300 Centennial Way · Tustin, California 92680 · (714) 544-8890 City of Tustin. Community Development Departmem September 28, .1987' Ms. Vtrgtnta Gochenovr 15751 California Tusttn, CA 92680 SUBJECT: CONDXTION OF PROPERTY OF 15751 CALXFOR#]A STREET, TUSTIN. Dear Ms. Gochenovr: ~'he Community Development Department has received several complaints regarding the ~;ubject property. On September 21, 1987 a field inspection was conducted and the '~ollowtng violations were found: .!. Vegetation on side yard over the public sidewalk. 2. Unkept landscaping in the front yard setback. 3. Gutter in front of the house is full of debris. The street sweeper is unable to get to the area because cars are continually parked on the street during the hour of street sweepting. Please be advised that the tree in the side yard need to be cut back so it i's not hanging over the fence. The front yard needs to be clea~-ed of any dead or dried ~eeds. If the cars are owned by you please make sure that they are not on the '.street during the designated street sweeping hour. The subject project must be brought into compliance within ten (10) days of receipt of this notice. Further · Inspections will be made to ensure compliance. F. nclosed for your information is a copy of the Tustin City Code regarding public nuisances. If you should have any questions, please contact the Community Development Department. Sincerely, Cheryl P'engue, Code Enforcement Officer CP.: ts 300 Centennial Way · Tustin, California 92680 · (714) 544-8890. October 24, 1986 t ~ 7 ! ; Department of Community Development Ms. Virginia Gochenour 15751 Cal i fornt a Street Tustin, CA 92680 SUIMECT: CONDI'r/oI OF PROPERTY AT 157S1 CALIFORNZA STREET, TUSTIN. Dear Ms. Gochenour: ** As a result of complaints received by this department, an inspection has been made at 15751 California Street. In the past there has been temporary complta.nce, .to keep the property in good order, but it has returend to an unsightly condition. The violation that has been found at the subject property is as follows: 1. Overgrown vegetation, including weeds and trees covering the front of the house as well as growing over the rear fence into the public ri ght-of-way. Please be advised that all overgrown weeds and trees must be trimmed within seven (7) days of this notice. In attempt to maintain the appearance of the property, further inspections will be conducted. Sincerely, Cheryl Pengue Code Enforcement Officer CP: jd ,lune~ ¢, 1986 Department of Communi.ty Development CERTIFIED MAIE ~P 136 061 932 Ms. Yt tgi nta Gochenour 15751 California Street Tusttn, CA 92:680 SUBdECT: CONDITION OF PROPERTY AT 15751 CALIFORNIA STREET, 'rusTIN Dear Ns. Gochenour: Over the past' few years, numerous letters have been sent to you regarding the condition of the subject property. Many complaints have been received from Tusttn residents regarding the' prope*rty and only temporary compliance has been obtained, only to see the property to return to an unsightly condition. OnCe again, the subject property has been found to be in violation of Tusttn's Public Nuisance Code. These violations are as follows: 1. Overgrowth of vegetation, includes weeds and trees growing over the rear yard fence and into the public right-of-way; 2. Parking of vehicles in the public right'of-way for over 72 hours. Please be advised that all overgrown trees, weeds and grass must be trimmed and the VW van moved within ten (10) days of this notice. Failure to comply with this request will result in initiation of publ i c nuisance abatement proceedings. In an attempt to maintain the appearance of the property, routine inspections will be conducted. Further violations will be considered immediately for public nuisance abatement due to the numerous violations that have only been temporarily abated. Sincerely, LAURA CAY PICKUP Assistant Planner LCP:em .Enclosure: TCC 5500 300 Centennial Way · Tustin,- California 92680 · (714) 544-8890 April 10, 1986 Department of Community Developme~it Vtrgtnta Gochenour 15751 California Street Tusttn, CA 92680 SUBJECT: VIOLATION OF TUSTIN CITY CODE: UNSIGHTLY CONDITION OF OVERGROI4N VEGITATIOII AT. ' . , TUSTIN Dear Ms. Gochenour: As a property owner in the City of Tustin, you have an important ro]e in making our community a ni~er place in which to live, work and play. The subject condition was noticed at your property at 15751 Ca 1 i lorn i a Street. We would appreciate your investigation of this situation and any efforts possible to improve the property's ,~ppearance. Thank you for your interest in a better community. St ncerely, LAURA PICKUP Assistant Planner LP'pf CDD- WTI- 10/85 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92680 · (714) 544-8890 *september 9, 1985 · . Department of Community Development [US 1;1 n 92680 SUBJECT: STORA&E OF EQUIPMENT TRAILER, TREE TRINMIHGS ANO PARKING OF 6NREGISTEREO VEHICLES (LIC. PLATES #0: 1JC17g! AND 73887) Ill THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY Dear Ms. Gochenour: As a property owner in the City of Tusttn, you have an important role in making our community a nicer place in which to live, work and play. Zn this regard, we have noticed the condition of your property at the. subject location. As evidenced in the enclosed copy of the Tus'ttn City Code, this condition constitutes a public nuisance and could be subject to formal abatement proceedings. We would appreciate your investigation of this situation and any efforts possible.to improve the property's appearance. Further inspections will be made to ensure compliance. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call this department.. Sincerely, LAURA PICKUP Community Development De LP-ts CP-1'1/85 Enclosures 300 Centennial Way · Tustin, California 92680 · (714) 544-8890